Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 13, 1931, Image 8
Bellefonte, — NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ——Doun't. forget the big stock and implement sale that Roland Spicer is going to have next Wed- pesday. It is to be a “clean-up.” —e-A considerable amount of in- teresting local news will be found on pages 3 and T of this issue of the Watchman. i ——The Ladies Aid Society of the Bellefonte Lutheran church will hold a food sale at Olewine's hardware store tomorrow, Saturday, It will apen at 9 o'clock. - ! ———The members of the old Miles- burg band will have their third re- union and banquet at the Penn-Belle hotel, in this piace, on the evening of St. Patrick's day. ——The Central Pennsylvania con- ference of the Methodist Episcopal church will not be held in March, this year, as it has in former years, but in June. It will then be held at Carlisle. ——Mr. William Bolton died at ais home in Atlantic City, N. J. last Monday morning. His widow, who is a niece of Miss Helen E. Canfield Overton, of this place, and four children survive him. —The American Legion auxiliary of Bellefonte, will hold a bake sale in the Variety shop, Saturday, March 28, at ten o'clock. Everything in the way of good bread stuffs and good pastry will be on sale. | ———At the public sale of the real and personal property of the late Miss Bessie McCafferty, last Satur- | day, the house and lot was purchas- ed by A. C. Derr for $750, while the personal property brought $43.70. | ———HKugene J. Robb, of this place, and’ a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, has elected to membership in Lambda Chi Alpha, one of the Campus fra-| ternities. i -—R. B. Montgomery has star.ed work on doing over aii the doors in the court house, and it might here be | Pa., March 18, 1981. added that a coat or two of fresh | paint all over the interior would tly improve the appearance of | e temple of justice, ~The Woman's Foreign Mission- ary society of the Bellefonte Meth- odist church will serve a baked ham | supper in the social room of the ghurch this evening at 6:30. It will be under the auspices of the Men's Brotherhood and 65cts will be the charge. ——' The Criminal Code,” which has been running all week at the State theatre has been giving unus- 1al satisfaction. It is an interesting | screen. play and if you haven't seen it we believe you will be repaid to have ' # look, as it will be run both tos night and tomorrow night. ~—— Considerable rain and some snow fell in Centre county, Saturday might and Sunday, and we had vis- fons at the time of well fileld cis-! terns and wells, flowing springs and swollen streams, but it passed over without giving even a tinge of color tp the waters of Spring creek. ~The Undine Fire Co., will cele- brate St. Patrick's day with a ban- | quet in their engine house on Bishop street. This is an annual affair with the organization and, needless to.say, it is always anticipated with great pleasure by members of the company, as well as those fortunate enough Lo be their guests during the | —-——Mr. and Mrs, Victor Potter, of Johnsonburg, are receiving congratu- lations on the birth of their first daughter and second child, the little Miss being named Katherine Jackson, for her maternal grand mother. Mrs. Potter, who is now in | Ridg- | way hospital, was formerly Miss Janet Jackson Brew, only child of Mrs. George T. Brew, of Punxsutaw- ney: 4 so. . ——Sid Bernstein, proprietor of the Ritz store here, bought a large store in Eirdsboro, Pa. recently with the intention of closing it out. Last Saturday was set as the open- ing day of the sale. Early that morning burglars raided the place and were in the act of carrying away a lot of goods when a police- | man discovered them, made : and recovered much of the stolen’ goods. ——The Macmanus sale, on March | 27th, will give to the public the op- portunity of buying some of the rarest antiques ever sold in this section of the State. Among them will be a pair of Heppelwhite inlaid mahogany tables, solid brass and- irons, mahogany sideboard, mahogany square piano, two mahogany bureaus, ane pair Sheffield plate candlesticks and numberless other pieces which will appeal to the collector of an- tiques. ——John Kelley Knapper, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Knapper, of Philipshurg, was last week appointed a cadet to the Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Congressman J. Mitchell Chase. He is a Mis graduation has been studying in the hope of securing the appoint- ment. He left, on Monday, for the VU. 8. naval preparatory school to prepare for the entrance examina- nation which will be held on April 15th. ad | their invention jand feel confident that they have music, as part of the program, ' showing, graduate of the Philipsburg High school, class of 1930, and since | GRANGE ENCAMPMENT DATES ARE CHANGED. “BULL DOG” TAPE MA NOW BEING MADE HERE, Bellefonte Men Who Will 28 from that announced last fall Manufacture Them jodi lB was decided on at a recent confer- Bellefonte has an infant industry ence with representatives from the which we would not be surprised to Lewistown fair association. A con- see grow into a manufacturing plant flict in dates had been discovered of considerable magnitude within the which in neighboring counties would next few years. It is the making of be unfortunate. Lewistown, Dog" tape machines, the com- member of the large fair circuit, invention and patent of John was unable to make a change. bbs and Frank W. West, who Grange Encampment has no connec- started to manufacture same tion with fair organizations and have reached that point where could take action. 1 are now readyto put them On March 6th the Grange En- the market. campment committee reo Most every merchant nowadays with officers elected for 1931 paper tape in doing up parcels follows: packages, as it is much simpler Chairman, Jacob Sharer; vice and more reliable than tying with chairman, John S. Dale; treasurer, twine. A number of tape machines are John B. Wert; secretary, Mrs. Edith now on the market but none of them Sankey Dale; Supt. grounds, A. H. combine the simplicity of operation Spayd; Supt. gates, Clyde Dutrow; and improved qualities of the “Bull Supt, education, Prof.T.I. Mairs; Dog.” One movement of a small lever Supt. livestock, R. C. Blaney; F. P. shoves out the tape, prints the mer- Keller; Joseph K. Alexander; Supt. chant’s name and business thereon, horticulture, N. I. Wilson; Supt. wets it ready to stick on the package poultry, C. H. Eungard; Supt. auto- and cuts it off at the proper length, all mobile Dept, Morris BurkhoMer; done in the twinkling of an eye. And Supt. farm machinery, J. V. Brun- the machine is so simple in construc- gart; Supt. amusements, William tion that there is nothing to clog or Houtz; Supt. concessions, John S. get out of order while in operation. Dale. It's working parts are rolls and springs, and a new roll of tape canbe ppaATTY MOTOR COMPANY put in in less than a minute. The machine is being manufactur- TO DISPLAY NEW FORDS. ed tosell for $22.50, which is cheap- On March 20th and 21st the er than any other machine on the Beatty Motor market. It is also the only machine dealer, in ME §E g 3 co-operation with the made that will automatically print pord Motor company, will hold what | the name and business of the owner promises to be a very interesting on every five inch length of tape. In | display of Ford products. The ex- this alone the owner issaved enough hibit will be held in the old Armory on the cost of the tape to pay for a pyjlding, on north Spring street, and machine in a few months, Messrs. Dubbs and West are at dition to the various body types of present located in a small room IB cars and trucks they will have a ‘the rear of the garage on the E. E. car cut completely m half, including | Widdowson property, on Spring motor and body. street, where they haveseveral com-| They will have one of the new pleted machines on display and sev- town sedans which will be the first ‘eral dozen in course of construction. ' showing of this car in Centre coun- | So far they have done all the work ty, There will be talking pictures themselves and will continue to do of the River Rouge factory which it until sales outgrow their present should prove unusually interesting to capacity to manufacture. ‘those who never have had the privi- They could probably have sold lege of going through the Ford and patents for a plant. It will be well worth any nice sum, but have no intention of do- | person's time to attend just to see ing so. They are going to make them the pictures of the Ford factory in themselves right here in Bellefonte operation. There will also in introduced, store for those who attend this in a machine which, once will practically sell itself, and asthe teresting as well as eduactional demand increases they will enlarge automotive exhibit. their plant without asking assistance the car display, of anyone. In addition to the new Fordson cultivator tractor. EVANGELICAL CHURCH i CONFERENCE CLOSES. ACADEMY WILL PLAY The annual conference of Central TWO BASKET BALL GAMES. Pennsylvania Evangelical churches baske E closed, at Carlisle, on Monday, with Wire rub we of the reading of the assignments fonte Academy five, on the armory the presiding Bishop. Only about gn... nove Tuesday evening, at 8:80 thirty changes were made in the , dmissio three conference districts. Affecting od ON A not Oe oil Centre county Rev. M. C. Kleffel was transferred from Millheim to! the First church, Altoona, and Rev. A. C. Paulhamus was sent to Mill- “ii undoubtedly be a B04 bi ith. heim. Rev. L. A. Fuhrman Was 4. Academy pr ro will play the assigned to Sugar valley and M.A. Goalies of DuBois, the of Herman was transferred from West AN: e to to the eg th Milton to the Lock Haven mission, 8 £0 9 which includes Nittany. T. R. Hus- ler, who had heretofore filled the Lock Haven mission, was assigned to West Milton. Rev. A. Ward Campbell was re- turned to the Bellefonte church and Rev. Reed O. Steely goes back to the First church, Milton, where the for children. Mr. Evans, of Du- Bois, an officer in the State society for crippled children and also an Y officer of the Centre-Clearfield so- Stal HP rence will meet ciety, is sponsoring the game in be- Rev. W. J. Dice was chosen pre- | SOI oF ae DuBois a While siding elder the Williamsport dis- | mue Toss, te, a trict, in which the Bellefonte church Centre county representative of the : ‘society, is interested in the Bellefonte is a (end of the game. This game will lalso be played on the armory floor at 8:30 o'clock. ; COUNTY LAMB GROWERS ' HAVE GOOD RETURNS. ha —— i Centre county 4-H lamb club PREPARING TO ADVERTISE members have a total income of FOR NEW POSTOFFICE SITE. $3702.34 for five years’ operations, pee / according to county agent R, C. Congressman J. Mitchell Chase is Blaney, of Bellefonte. Of this! expected to visit «Bellefonte in the amount, $3069.34 was received in near future in regard to the new sales and $633 was prize money. 1926 when it was organized. There thority, that the Post Office De- were 15 members the second year, partment anticipates placing adver- 13 the next year, 14 in 1929, and 11 tisements for a location for the last year. They fed 197 lambs in building, and the Congressman will the five years. The average return be able to explain just how much per lamb has been $16.96, whichin- land will be needed and what kind cludes sale price and prize money. of a site will be most available. Members have learned fitting and While it will be only natural for proper types of feed to property owners to try and get all use and methods of handling lambs, they can for their land, it might be value of proper method of control- said right here that the government ing stomach worms, and the value will not pay an unreasoable price of good blood in lambs for feeding for any property. purposes, says Blaney. Directions for the advertisements rr ot for bids were received at the post- A BUSINESS SCHOOL office here yesterday morning and OPENS IN BELLEFONTE. Will be published next week. A branch of the Perry business schools will start in Bellefonte Mon- STORMSTOWN NOW HAS day, March 16th, in the Bush Ar- gp ECTRIC LIGHT IN HOMES. cade. The president of the old insti- tution, Mr. Alton H, Perry, will be here to attend the opening. | Quite a number of the young peo- light,” and now they have it. ple of Bellefonte have already en- West Penn Power company ‘rolled and others are making their completed their circuit through some time past said, “Let us have The on recoromendation of reservations in this term which will Stormstown and Halfmoon town- | 'be conducted both day and night ship and, on Monday, cut in the ‘and will continue long enough for current. ‘all to graduate ad receive their meter connections had been made | diplomas. | for eighteen consumers and all told Mr. and Mrs. Prater, the represent- in the neighborhood of forty cus- atives who have been in Bellefonte tomers will be on the line. The 'for the past few weeks, organizing line runs across Bald Eagle moun- |the work here, will continue thelr tain, from Port Matilda to Storms- ‘work in other Pennsylvania towns town then west along the main high- |as soon as the school is started. | way to the Huntingdon county line. for the next Grange Encampment ‘will be free to the public. In ad- | there will be an ex- hibit of farm equipment, including crippled children's society of Cen- tre and Clearfield counties which everybody knows is doing a splendid work. The price of admission will be 50 cents for adults and 25 cents in Ithaca, N. Y., on Saturday night, federal building to be erected here. Ten members joined the club in It is understood, from reliable au- Stormstown residents have for | ' ROWE.—John C. Rowe, a former Recorder of Centre county died at ‘his home in New York, on February weeks with complications. | He was T1 years old and a native ‘of Pittsburgh. As a young man he located in Philipsburg where he en- ‘gaged in the tailoring business, in ‘which he was quite successful. In. '1903 he was elected Recorder of a Centre county on the Democratic ticket and re-elected in 1906. Short- ly after the close of his second term in office he moved to Baltimore and later to New York. He was twice married and is sur- vived by his second wife, whose maiden name was Mayme Arm- strong, and the following children: William C, Rowe, of Bellefonte; Mrs. Percival C. Smith, of New York; ‘Mrs. Edwin Stout, of White Plains, N. Y.; Frank Rowe, of Baltimore; Eugene, in Philadelphia, and Mrs. Jesse G. Coward, in China. Funeral services were held at White Plains, N. Y, on Tuesday morning of last week, burial being made at that place. | HOSTERMAN.—Mrs. Rachel Hos- | | terman, widow of the late Thomas | | Millheim on February 26th following a year’s illness with dropsy. She was a daughter of Philip and | Mary Harbach Vonada and was "born in Nittany valley on March | 15th, 1844, making her age 86 years, {11 months and 11 days. On Sep- | tember 17th, 1863 she married Mr. teen children were born, only six of {whom survive, namely: Warren E. | Hosterman, of Lewisburg; William | G., of Aaronsburg; Thomas A. of Coburn; Mrs. Ida Motz, of Wood- Harry 8S. Snyder, of Tower City. ‘She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. David Mingle, of Aaronsburg, and ‘Mrs. Thomas Vonada, of Woodward. | Her husband died ten years ago. | Mrs. Hosterman had been a mem- ber of the Evangelical church for [seventy years. Funeral services | were held in the Evangelical church, &t Coburn, on March 1st, by Rev. H. 1 C. Kleffel, burial being made at | Woodward. | il i | CORMAN.—Ernest W. Corman | died at the Mary Packer hospital, in Sunbury, on February 26th, fol- { lowing an operation for gall stones. hy ‘Previous to his removal to the hos- pital he had been a patient at the | Sta | Selinsgrove, He was a son of Elias and Sarah , Corman and was born in Bellefonte '45 years ago. He married Miss | Bertha Eckley, of Benner township, | who survives with two children, | Grover, of Bellefonte, and Bruce, at | home. He also leaves his father ‘and the following brothers and sis- |ters: H. E. and Albert Corman, of ! Bellefonte R. D.; Mrs. Harvey Rock- ey, of State College; Mrs. Charles | Pennington, of Bellefonte; Mrs, | Ralph Hazel and Mrs. Anna Bolling- | fonte. | Rev. G, E. Householder had charge ‘of the funeral services which were ‘held in the United Brethren church, at Valley View, on February 28th, burial being made in the Meyers cemetery. I GRAUER.—Arthur Grauer, a na- tive of Bellefonte, died at his home il ‘as the result of a heart attack. | He was a son of Mr. ! Bellefonte on December 5th, hence was in his 46th year. 1885, When he was a boy his parents moved to. Altoona and he was educated in the public schools of that city. When he grew to manhood he accepted a position as clerk in the Simon shoe store, Altoona, where he remained until moving to Ithaca a few years ago. one brother and two sisters, Norman A. Grauer, of Philipsburg; Mrs. Jacob Sitnek, of Altoona, and Mrs. | Louis Feinberg, of Ingram, Pittsburgh, The remains were taken to Al- toona where funeral services were held at 10:30 o'clock on W morning, burial being made in | Sinai cemetery. i : near Mt. il I LONG,—Samuel M. Long died at his home in Penn township on Feb- 'ruary 27th, following an illness of some months with : He was a son of John and Mary McClintic Long and was born at ! Potters Mills 77 years ago. He ‘married Elvina Corman who died | fourteen: years ago but surviving him are three sons and one daugh- ter, M. J. Long, of Milroy; George 'K., of 7 J. G, of Cen- tre Hall, and Mrs. A. J. Burrell, of Penn township with whom he made | his home. | brother, ship. Funeral services were held on Tuesday of last week at the Union church, at Farmer's Mills, by Rev. He also leaves one John Long, of Potter town- bas |W. E. Smith, burial being made at ' Farmer's Mills. il . COWHER.—Harvey Cowher, {truck farmer of Port Matilda, died ‘at the Philipsburg State hospital, lon Wednesday night of last week, | following a brief illness, He was a 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cowher | and is survived by his wife and sev- leral children. Burial was made at | Port Matilda on Saturday. | W. Hosterman, died at her home at te colony for epileptics, near and Mbps. | | William A. Grauer and was bornin He is survived by his wife, 1 NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. 5 isl Eifes gs Hap | god §55.8 i | ; i —Mrs. F. E. Naginey will go to At- 'lantic City to-morrow with no dofinite plans as to when she will return. It ‘has been Mrs. Naginey's custom for a company. local Ford pr; terman and to this union six. "Umber of years to spend a part of the late winter | Shore. | J. Victor Brungart, of Rebersburg, !was in Bellefonte last Thursday. Mr. Brungart is an aspirant for the office of County Commissioner and while his visit or early spring at the {talk over the situation with a few | friends. | —Ted Griffith, a former Bellefonte | Academy student, was a guest at the | Brockerhoff house from Thursday until | Sunday night, back from New York | visiting with some of his Bellefonte ‘friends. Ted is now a law student in | New York. | —Mrs. C. J. Brenner, who has been a | guest this week of her father, Harry | Eberhart and Mrs. Eberhart, at their | home on Curtin street, came up from | Washington Friday of last week, intend- (ing to spend a week or ten days in ' Bellefonte. | —The Rev. Charles Gallagher, of Exeter, | was In Bellefonte to attend the forty ‘hours devotion in St. John's Catholic | church, Father Gallagher is well {known and has many friends here, hav- ing been an assistant under the Rev. Patrick McArdle. —Mrs. Lenora Sheffer returned to her | visit here with her niece, Mrs. A. Ward Campbell. time was to be with Mrs. Campbell while Mr. Campbell attended conference at Carlisle last week. --The Rev. A. Ward Campbell, pastor of the Evangelical church and E. J. Teaman, representing the church as a delegaie to the conference at Carlisle, returned home Monday. Mrs. Teaman, who had accompanied her husband, spent | the week with relatives in the vicinity of gregation it is composed of a bunch ger, of Akron, Ohio; Miss Eleanor, Hanover. of scrappy amateurs and the game at home, and Clyde W. of Belle-| —Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Thompson, | of Lemont, have been entertaining Mr. Thompson's sister, Dr. Mary Shaffer, who accompanied Mr. Thompson home from a trip to Philadelphia last week | Dr. Shaffer, who returned in December {from a year abroad, is at present living at the Hotel Pennsylvania in Philadel. phia, --Mrs. Harold Kirk spent the after part of last week in Harrisburg consult- ing an eye specialist and visiting with her sister, Mrs. Earl Tuten. Mrs. Kirk returned home Sunday afternoon with her brother, Frank Cole, of Philipsburg, who with his family were also in Har- risburg for a short visit with Mrs. Tuten. ~-Miss Jennie Engles, who expects to make her home with her sister, Mrs. | Martha Fetterolf, in Jersey Shore, after leaving Bellefonte, will remain in the Macmanus house unttl after the Mac- manus sale on the 27th of March. Miss Engles has been in charge of the house and its contents since Miss Margaret Macmanus' death. ~—While in town last Friday C. Frank home at Verona, Monday, after a week's | Mrs, Sheffer's visit at this. FE. 8 foi Ent brook, and the lot and warehouse Lemont if the right price can be had for it. The board of directors of the Association is now in charge of its affairs and will do the best they can to get as much out of the re- sources as possible so as to reduce the liability on each stockholder. H. A. Grubb, who for a number of years was secretary of the tion and was in active charge of it's affairs, was in Bellefonte, on Mon- day, and took exception to the ar- ward; Mrs. J, C. Krumrine and Mrs. here was not exactly political he did ticle publishea in the Watchman last | week in regard to the Association, | which was based entirely on infor- ‘mation furnished by members of the | Association, According to his state- | ment the Association is not in as |bad a financial condition as pictured | last week, Mr. Grubb stated that at the or- ganization of the Association mem- bers were required to give their note for only $100 as collateral to the for operating capital instead {of $200 as given in the Watchman, |and that the annual dues were only $1.00 instead of $8.00, as we stated. | At there ‘are 257 members. The Association's present obligation to the bank Mr. Grubb gave as $11,000. Outstand- ing merchandise accounts amount to almost §7,000, but it is probable that not over $5,000 of this amount is collectible. The stock on hand in the warehouse at Lemont has been appraised at $2,300, and at public sale will probably realize $1,- | 000, as it consists of about 390 bales (of binder twine, feeds of various kinds, oyster shells, egg mash, ete. The lot and building at Lemont cost 1 $1500 and ought to bring from $800 to $1000 at public sale. The lots at Millbrook were taken in on a ‘debt and just how much they will bring is problematical. As Mr. | Grubb has it figured out after all | the assets’ have been realized upon | there ought not to be over $3500 to | for the stockholders to make good. JOIN THE CARAVAN. The pupils of the seventh and (eighth grades, both Bishop and Al- legheny street buildings, will give a very spectacular and entertaining ‘cantata, in characteristic costumes, on Thursday evening, March 19th, .at eight o'clock. This will be given in the High | school auditorium, the stage of | which will represent a typical street Scene in Egypt. Mrs. Eleanor Cook | MacDowell and Miss Daise Keichline | will contribute curios, costumes, and | draperies procured by them while | they were abroad. They will, af- 'ter the evening's performance, dis- | play to those interested these won- ‘derful curios, and explain the man- | ner in which they are used in Egypt. i 56 Up to Wednesday evening Years old, well known lumberman and | brought the subject up. Mrs. Osman | Clevenstine, merchant and agriculturist of This display, alone, is well worth the of Zion, came in to visit the Watchman small price of admission, twenty- {for a few minutes. Since buying the five cents for adults, fifteen cents | Decker farm that runs right up to the for grade children. corner of his store property he has made Choruses of ‘a number of very striking changes and | one scarcely realizes what paint will do {unless he can recall what Frank's barn | (and out buildings looked like before and | | what they look like now that they are {all dolled up in red with white trim- ‘mings. It's a fine farm and the build- lings are good, but they had never been | painted, so that now they rival Billy | Corman’s trim country home a mile | further down the road. There is nothing | | that adds more to the appearance of | buildings than fresh paint and a hun- {dred dollars or so spent for it often | adds thousands in apparent value. | —Mr. and Mrs. J. P. O'Bryan, of | State College, took a day off, last Thurs- | day, to make a visit with the former's | sister, Mrs. Homer Decker and Mr. Decker at thelr country home below town. Part of the afternoon they spent in the shops here, ds they were looking for some wall paper and that means | that they are going to have some extra work on their hands when they start | spring housecleaning. While chatting | “Lo | with Mr. O'Bryan we got onto the sub- | of | ject of some of those remarkable old | ladies up in College and Ferguson town- % | ships. It was the two-day quilting | party and the big dinners that Mrs. Hannah Osman gave recently that ier i {is 84. Then Mr. O'Bryan told us of his stepmother who lives in Pine Grove Mills. She's up in 80 too, and lives all alone. She just won't be bothered with a — - any help about and the other day when Corn = he went to see her she had just come | Oats - in from the wood house where, she’ suid Rye - ag if it had been child's play, tha Barley = . had been splitting a litile fire wood.