Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 13, 1931, Image 6

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    Be | Wada.
Bellefonte, Pa., March 13, 198
The Watchman has received a
map of the township roads in Cen-
tre county scheduled for improve-
ment under Governor Pinchot’s plan
of “pulling the farmer out of the
mud.” All told there are 35 stretches
The Kind of Coal You Want |
of roadway, figuring up approximate-
1y 190 miles, or just a little more
” 25 per cent of the county's 700
miles of township roads. The roads
scheduled for improvement, as they Special Non-Surgical Method
are numbered on the map, are as fol- of Treating Rectal Diseases
lows: Bloodless and Painless
No. 14001. Osceola Mills south —
about a mile to Route 57. Hours 9-12 a. m.
No, 14002. Begins a mile north Monday and Wednesday 1-5 p. m.
of Moshannon, runs north then Tess ford bap. a opin
northeast to the Clinton county line. uesday, Thursday, Saturday /=9 p. m.
Dr. R. L. Capers
Osteopathic Physician
Best grades obtainable, prices right.
Our anthracite 1s all Premivem Lykens '|
Valley grade. Our bituminous in: |
cludes Genuine Pine Glenn and
Cherry Run, Cambria Smokeless
and Dustless, and others.
J. 0. Brewer (Coal Yard
Successor to Thomas Coal Yard
Cail 162 J—Day or Night
Free Wheeling
‘The Key to Better Business
A transmission which permits the
engine to pull the car, but prevents
the car pulling the engine.
North Water Street
in his business—or any large amount |
of it, at least, in proportion to the voi- |
ume of the business which he does. He ,
No. 14003. From Fountain sta- Phone 138.
tion on the Snow Shoe highway,
northwest and west to a point about
midway between Snow Shoe and
No. 14004. From Livonia north,
does not have to pay Interest to the |
i OTHER MAN'S CASH | banks on money borrowed to help him |
| | ! finance his business. The mail order
. Capital of the Mail Order House
man figures that about one-half of the
amount he receives on any order goes
to the wholesaler or manufacturer in
Special Notice
: payment for the goods ordered. Of
Is Furnished by its the remainder a part goes for postage,
printing, maintenance of office and
Customers. 5 insurance, ete. What is left,
which is by no means an insignificant
WORKS ALWAYS ON ‘VELVET = fiviacnds to stockhaiders in the mail |
| ri. |
west and northwest to the Clinton
county line, near Loganton.
No. 14005. From Fowler north- |
west about two miles, thence north- |
east a mile and southeast two miles
to Hannah Furnace.
No. 14006. Starting about mid-
way between Hannah Furnace,
and Port Matilda, northwest and
north about three miles to join the
Port Matilda — Philipsburg road
about Castle Rock, |
City Coal Yard ;
i We handie U. S. Government in-
0. G. Morgan, Proprietor
spected meats for the heaith and
protection of our patrons.
The Variety Shop
Over a Third of a Century
at Same Location .....
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Bituminous Coal
Exciusive Sale of the
and The Original Cherry Run Coals
Leave your orders early for your Xmas
Turkey, Duck, Geese and Chickens.
Phone 384J
Armstrong Meat Market
order corporation. All this has been
done without any capital other than
that which may be required to pay of
fice expenses.
| Suppose, for a minute, that you did |
Merchandise and Prices
- Buyers Supply Money to Support En.
terprises Competing With Those
No. Holts. Starts at dhe [2ala In-YHISh Tuned Are | business with the local merchants on = =
Eagle Tra a e northeast o este | the same plan. Suppose that they did
Martha Furnace, runs northwest, a— | ey F goods y
thence north of east and southeast, (Copyright) an uny ib stock. St pa
opyrig thing =
joining the Bald Eagle Trail midway CY.W & Co. It is a mighty nice thing to be able a on wanted Jo voy a. Carpeneto’s L
ween Martha a . to do business on the other fellow's
No. 14008. From Julian north- o Le agner + INC. Bory. re Lt vor lr wen Bett nts, took te hia catalogue and P umber Steel
wea 3. hence Soh, bowth ol east Manufacturers of can do it. Probably the only busi- Plok ow § an gt jo a hors Always the Best,
: ho, as a clase, are able 3
west of Unionville. and F' ness men who, hand over the price as shown by the be
No. 14009. Starts at the Plum Flour, Corn Meal eed || "i, this, are the mail order men in | catalogue and tell him to order it for Claster S
‘Grove school house on the Bald And Dealers in the big cities, | you. The merchant would take your Fruits, Vegetables At the Bi i
Eagle Trail, runs northwest, thence All Kind { Grai Did you ever stop to think—you, | money and you would wait for your Cand d Toba ....At the Big Spring....
a little north of east to the Snow indas o rain who have ordered goods from a mall | goods until they arrived from a dis | anay an oDaccos
Shoe State highway at Runville, Bell Phone 22 order house and there are probably | tant city. Phone 28
thence northeast to Yarnell, and on few who have not done that at some | Not So Anxious. - Building Supplies
through to Romola, and from there BELLEFONTE, PA. time or other—that you are supplying + | We Deliver
east to Blanchard, the longest pro- | || the cash upon which the mall order| But the people who meke up any |
posed stretch.
No. 14010. Runs from Milesburg
northeast on the far side of Bald
Eagle creek to a point north of
Curtin, thence south to Curtin.
No, 14011. . From Milesburg north-
west to Yarnell
No. 14012. From Howard to Ro-
No. 14013. From the Centennial
gehog Bouse! on the Halfmoon road,
y way o arengo |
0 hay go to Pennsylvania
No. 14014. From Baileyville o
the White Hall road to Cae with
State College
Cottage Cheese
and Cream Cheese, Butter, Whip-
ping Cream and Certified Milk—
the State highway from State - s They do not have to. When the mail | gefect that may appear in them, The
lege to Pine Grove Mills. > Harry E. Clevenstine order man gets your order, accom-| ingigt that he ehall sell them what thor Furniture Store Bellefonte, Pa.
No. 14015. From Waddle to con- |. panied by the cash, of course, he can | wigh and walt for the money until they
Beet With the new highway from ' | ‘take a part of your money and go t0 | get ready to pay it. They Insist that
tale Salsge to Buffalo Run. — | the manufacturer or the wholesaler | hg ‘shall sell goods at the same prices
distance 50 on a point a short Ti = | and buy the article that is wanted. The | or lower prices than the mall order
southeast oe Patton Filmore | || When Winter Comes you will Need Your [} | rest of the money he can put down In | pouses charge for goods of poorer qual-
ownshlp | ' his pocket after paying his operating | ity And finally, they Insist that the Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
a distance of a mile and a l
No. M017. Stare = mite ToaTSS.
east of Fillmore, runs west, north
ard northeast, past Valley View and
he . Chemical and Centre County
plants, through
Bellefonte. gh Coleville to
Let Us Repair or Remodel It
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Harry Greenberg
man is doing business? You are well
aware of the fact that your cash must
go with your order if you expect to re-
ceive the goods, but have you ever
stopped to think what that means? Do
you realize that you are supplying the
capital for a business which is run-
ning In direct competition with your
home merchants, upon whose prosper-
ity you and your fellow townsmen are
' dependent for a livelihood?
The majority of mail order houses
do not carry large stocks of gooas.
costs, which are light when compared
with those of the merchant who must
carry a large stock of geods to mee’
the demands made upon him.
In Class by Themselves.
There Is absolutely no other class of
community are not nearly as anxious
to furnish capital to the home mer- |
chant—the man who helps “make” the
town-—as they are to the mail order
man in the far distant elty, who does |
nothing and cares nothing for the peo-
ple who furnish him the money on |
which to do business, They insist that |
the home merchant shall earry a large
stock of goods from which they can
select what they wish, when they think
it is to thelr interest to buy from him,
They Insist that he shall stand back of
the goods he sells and make good any
home merchant shall furnish the large
amount of capital that Is required te
conduct a business on this plan.
The mall order buyer may say tha,
ae has the right to spend his money
anywhere he pleases and he has, legal-
For 1931 is Back to
Pre-War Prices at,
W. R. Brachbill’s
You are Invited to See
the New Spring Styles in
Better Values Than Ever
Cohen & Co.
Only One Heatrola
Made by Estate Store Co.
R. S. Brouse Store
In Bush Arcade
On High Street
No. 14018. From a point north. men who do business on the ca WE SELL IT -—3
pital , |y, But he probably has never stopped :
el Pa Xe Mil Eottenst Syeisg sud Bigh Streets furnished by thelr customers. Even to reflect on the fact that he Is supply- .
No. 14019. Covers the Braich Bellefonte, Pa. the retail store which sells for eéash | ing the capital for the operation of a Phone 660 . . . Bellefonte Always Fresh Groceries
road from Lemont to a point about Phone 558-J only do this for he must carry i concern which is in direct competition
two miles northeast of Pine Grove | = a stock and in most cases must with enterprises in which he is directly
Mills. pay cash for It in order to get prices | Interested, for every man, woman and
No. 14020. From Oak Hall to that will enable him to make lower | cnfid in a town Is directly Interested In
Hidden Hall prices to his customers than ean be | the success of the business enterprises
. 1 . erchant ves cred) ; .
‘Centre Hall. ip Linden: Han fig Vou Need No Longer be Told pc an ne In hat a. (nets Busines po Gleriwood. Stoves Coat and
| The mall order man doesn’t need to | eannot be prosperous. To supply eapl-
| have any of his own capital invested | tg] to your competitor is not very good
No. 14022. From Tusseyville to
eommect with the road running from | Peninsular Parlor Circulators
Blaben’s Floor Linoleums
You Have an Expensive Foot
Dress Sale
Boalshurg to Old Fort. i i usin Hard Enam
No. 14023. From asceyville past Enna-Jettick ! | a Blip +Bout Drying igi
le” ’ Sonest With the Shoes for Women - . = All Shades, Rich in Color and NOW ON
: om ort to! Durable — Everything in Hard-
Spring Mills. $5.00 and $6.00 ble ar : Bern
IE Sys: Over what 3 ware, at the Right Price. - .
‘called the Horan . at Pas. | . 5 if you want, satisf ting at, Je H. P. Schaeffer Sid I nstein
ash San, Mingle’s Shoe Store the Watchman Office will be glad to do it. for you. HARDWARE Bulletomo, , Py.
No. 14025. From Pleasant Gap |
‘over the back road to Zion.
No, 14026. From a point east of
Bellefonte (the Triangle filling sta-
tion) past the aviation field to the
back rcad above mentioned.
i Ao HP ameraoma. | | Runkle's Drug Store
No. 14028. From Bellefonte | and Sell “Larro” City Cash Grocery that Price has nothing todo To Good Taste
through Little Nittany valley to the |
Clinton county line. i
No. 14029. From Zion
Little Nittany valley.
No. 14030. From Potters Mills
down through Georges valley to |
Sofinect with the road from Spring |
No. 14031. From the Brush valley |
road past Penn's Cave, Farmers |
(Culture Buttermilk)—For Health
A Wholesome and
Healthful Beverage
Hoag’s Dairy Store
Cor. High and Spring . . Phone 629
~-Our merchandise is chosen first for its
Good Taste, its Correctness—If it can be had
for lower prices we're doubly glad—We be-
lieve our customers like to get the most for
their money.
We Propose to
Give It to Them
Allegheny Street
Bellefonte, Pa.
““More Profit Over
Feed Cost”
Mayer Bis.
Phone 334
over to
Bush Arcade
Mills, Spring Mills and northeast to
No. 14032. From Coburn to Wood- |
No. 14033. From Penn Hall north,
northwest to the Brush valley road.
No. 14034. From a point between
Penn Hall and Millheim to join the :
road from Spring Mills to Coburn. |
No. 14035. From a point on the
road running from Millheim to Brush
valley, northeast through Brush val-
ley, thence northwest through Re-
bersburg, and a little east of north
Bellefonte. Pa.
If in Need of a Real
Victrola Type
Parlor Heater
It will certainly pay you to investi-
gate the ‘“Torrid Sunshine’’—sold by
The Bellefonte
It Pays to Buy the Best
It Pays fo Buy ai Beezer’s
Foods of Bxcellence will Help You Win
Fame as a Provider of Splendid Meals—If
It’s Quality You Want, We Have It.
P. L. Beezer Estate
We trust you find yourselves among
those who feel that Olewine’s Hard-
ware is a good one to deal with.
If so, we are realizing our aspiration
to glve real service in all our deal-
ings, aud we thank you for your
response to our efforts.
Fruit and Vegetables
Wholesale and Retail
All Kinds of Produce
Insurance |
Ed. L. Keichline
to the Clinton county line on the | . We Deliver
d leading to Tylersville. J Cash Meat Market
road leading to Tyler | Bellefonte, Pa. Hardeware Comp’y|| || Olewine’s Hardware aces oe rr Tes ge an 1 ad
~——Subscribe for the Watchman
hristmas Shopping is Eas LISTEN!
| Herr & Heverl 6 pping is Easy || {| Bollpfonte Fuel & Supply Co. ;
They Cost the Least to Use Buy Lumber y RETANL, ; T Drain and Refill
Ferndale (froceries || || Hunter's Book Store
and Save the Most Labor— From a Lumberman Coal, Feed and Oils Fp CAS Weather
Washers, Sweepers, Ironers, Radios, Highest Quality Food Products THE REASON : BELLEFONTE, PA. Clean, Clear, Golden I
Lamps, New Shades— | Prompt Service there are so many 2 >
at Prices to Suit Your Purse. At the Lowest Possible Prices - . || Moshannon f $5.00 MOTOR OIL
. | W. R. Shope We Deliver Nice Things | Osceola Mills Per Net Ton nr
Electric Supply Co. Phone 62 to give that are inexpensive, "|| 5-Ton Lots...$4.50 per Net Ton Center Oil and Gas Co.
Buy Electrically