Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 13, 1931, Image 5
in Bellefonte, Tuesday. A son was born, Friday, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Hewitt Confer. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mokle and| son spent Saturday in Sunbury. Miss Grace Schenck, of Milesburg, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Joseph R. Dunkle was ad- mitted to the hospital, Monday morn- ing. Rev. M. C. Piper, of Milesburg, preached in the Evangelical church, Sunday. Mrs. Sancta Dorman, entertained her sister and nieces, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Girard Altenderfer entertain- ed the members of the social club, last Thursday evening. Junior Mokle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mokle, has been suffering from an abscess in his ear. Samuel Kling, of Altoona, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Yearick. John Weber, a student at Perkio- men College, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. John Weber. Mr. and Mrs. George Burkley, of Tyrone, spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Kline R. Wolfe. Miss Rachel Cheesman, of Wil- liamsport, spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs, Rachel Weber. The cooking class met at the home of Mrs. Girard Altenderfer, on Tuesday afternoon, March 17th, at 1:45, Balser Weber, one of our local insurance representatives, has pur- chased a new Chevrolet convertible coupe. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Weber and family, of Monessen, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. John Weber. Mrs. Stella V. Williams, accom- jed by Mrs. J. J. Kilpatrick, of Bellefonte, visited in Johnstown and “Ebensburg. A daughter weighing 121% Ibs, was porn, Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gardner, at their home on Walnut street. Mrs. Rachel Weber, Balser Weber and Mrs. Mary Long spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Cheesman and family, at Williamsport. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Vonada and children, of Detroit, Michigan, are visiting with Mrs. Vonada’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Butler. Mrs. Bessie Bryan was called to Bellefonte, last Thursday, on account | of the illness of her little nieces, Betty Lou and Blanche Corman. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and family and Mrs. A. M. Butler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bennett and family, at Mill Hall. The Woman's Home Missionary society of the M. E, church met at the home of Mrs. John Mokle, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph R. Dunkle are the proud parents of a son born, Friday, at the home of Mrs. Dunkle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thomp- son. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Kingsley, Prof. R. I. Hoch and M. E. Pletcher at- tended the wrestling and boxing meets, held at State College on Sat- urday. G. Reed Worrick, of Mackeyville, called on friends in town, Tuesday. Mrs. Clara Hicks, of Altoona, visited her sister, Mrs. H. T. Me- Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Neff and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holter, of Rochester, N. Y. returned, Friday, from a six week's tour of Floride and other southern States. Rev. George Johnson, a student at Franklin and Marshall college, spent the week-end at his home and preached in the different churches on the Reformed charge. The County Commissioners were at the tea room of Mrs. Stella Vv, Williams, Monday, to hear tax ap- peals from the people of Howard and surrounding districts. Misses Alberta and Eleanor Wil- liams entertained at a birthday surprise party for their mother, Mrs. G. Frank Williams, at their home on Main street, Wednesday Rev. W. E. Yingling returned, Monday, from Carlisle, where he at- tended the conference of the Evan- gelical church, It is gratifying to his many friends to know that he has been assigned here for another year. evening, March 4th. guests were Misses Lula Schenck, Jane Kane, Anna Holter, Mrs, Ruth Mil- ler, Mrs. Eliza Lucas, Mrs. Henry Williams, Mrs. L. L. Williams, Mrs. william Weber and Mrs. Henry Butler. Mr. ad Mrs. James Kane left, Thursday, to attend the Evangelical conference held at Carlisle. They ted to go from Carlisle to York, where they will spend several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Jason Snyder and family. Messrs. C. C. Dreese, Cal McKin- ley, Earl M. Cartwirght and Girard | Altenderfer attended the banquet tendered D. E. W by the P. R. R. employees, held in the so- cial rooms of the Presbyterian church at Milesburg on Saturday evening, Mr. Woodring retired from service on March 1st. He wassta- 15 tion agent at Milesburg for 35 years. Mrs. Mary Mayes Hoffman enter- tained several friends of her little daughter, Susanna, on Monday af- ternoon the occasion being Susanna's 0 third annivevsary. The guests were Beulah DeArmitz, Sonny Shane, Jim- my Shane, Frederick Wensel, Sarah Wensel, Donald Schenck, Joanne Wagner, Harry Ekdahl, Caroline Ekdahl, Jean Yearick, Susanna Hoft- man. Sixteen friends of Richard Wolfe th were entertained, Monday evening, from 7:30 ‘til 9 o'clock, at the home of his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Kline R. Wolfe, on the occasion of his tenth birthday anniversary. The evening | was spent in playing games and a| luncheon was served, including a| birthday cake. St. Patrick's Day dec-' orations were used. The guests were HOWARD. i — | Donald Frank Butler transacted business Donald ito be h er ——————————— Donald Pletcher, Sheldon Gardner, Carroll Holter, John Edward Hever- Shope, Teddy Leathers, Ed- | Schenck, | Ekdahl, ! {ward henbaugh, Donald Lucas, James olfe, Buddy Wolfe and) Richard Wolfe. i The Ladies Aid of the M. E.| church met at the home of Mrs. John Mokle, last Wednesday eve- ning, in a regular business session, and also as a farewell gathering for Mrs. Mokle, who expects to leave for Bellefonte in a few weeks. Thirty-three members and friends | were present. After the business meeting a social time was enjoyec by all. Delicious refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. Sue Tice, Mrs. Wilbur Hall, Mrs. Chester Neff, Mrs, Lydia Pletcher, Mrs. Walter Mann, Mrs. Ruth Long, Mrs. Samuel Kline, Mrs. Rachel Weber, Mrs. William Pletcher, Mrs. Ethel Coder, Mrs. J. F. Winkleblech and little daughter, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lydia Pletcher, Mrs. Alta Pletcher, Miss Alice Pletcher, Mrs. John Fores- man, Mrs, Alice Kunes, Mrs. Esther Pletcher, Miss Mae Johnson, Mrs. Philip Holter, Mrs. W. K. McDowell, Miss Anna Muffly, Mrs. T. A. Pletch- er, Mrs. Edythe Ekdahl, Mrs. Win- field Thompson, Mrs. Mary Long, Samuel Kunes, Mr. and Mrs. John Mokle and sons, Billy and Junior, and Mrs. Sylvia Pletcher, BOALSBURG, Miss Virginia Hess and Fern Bennett, of Altoona, spent the week- end at the E. W. Hess home. Mrs. Anne Patterson and son, J. D.. attended the funeral of a nephew, Frank Wagner, of Altoona, on Mon- day. william Meyer is able to be out for a short time, after being con- fined to the house by illness for almost a month. A number of members of Wash- ington, Penn State and Progress Granges attended a meeting of Victor Grange last Tuesday evening. The young ladies class of the Lutheran Sunday school held their regular meeting at Mrs. Wilbur Houtz, on Tuesday eve- ning. Mrs. Gertrude Lyons, of Philadel- POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. DEMOCRATIC FOR SHERIFF We are authorized to announce that | Elmer Breon, of Bellefonte horou y will be a candidate for the nomination on the Democratic ticket for the office of | Sheriff of Centre county, subject to the Section of he voters o e primaries to e September 15th, 1981. 8 Svemy, 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for Sheriff of Centre | County, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters at the Primary elec- tion on September 15, 1831. SINIE H. HOY We are authorized to announce John M. Boob, of Millheim borough a candidate for nomination for Sheriff Centre County on the Democratic ticke! subject to the decision of the voters of | the party as expressed at the Primaries | d Tuesday, Septémber 15, 1931. COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination of urer of Cen- | tre County, subject to the decision of | the Democratic Voters at the Pri i Election, to be held September 15, 19a, | ROBERT F. HUNTER PROTHONOTARY We are authorized to annonce that 8. Claude Herr, of Bellefonte, Penna., is a candidate for nomination for Pro- thonotary of Centre County, on the Democratic ticket, subject to the deci- sion of the Democrats of Centre county | as expressed by the voters of the party at the Primaries to be held on Tuesday, September 15, 1931. FOR RECORDER We are authorized to announce that D. A. McDowell, of Spring township, a candidate for nomination for Recorder | of Centre county, on the Democratic | ticket, sub, to the decision of the Pe ar to. be held on’ Tuesd a the eld on esday, i tember 15, 1 y COUNTY COMMISSIONER } i i i i We are authorized to announce that | T. M. Huey, of Patton township, isa! candidate for nomination for the office of Commissioner on Centre County, on the Democratic ticket, subject to the decision of the voters of t party as | expressed at the Primaries to be held | Tuesday, September 15, 1931, We are authorized to announce that J. | Victor Brungart, of Miles township, is a | candidate for nomination on the Demo- cratic ticket for the office of Commis- sioner of Centre County, subject to the | decision of the voters of the part 1 expressed at the Primaries to be held on Tuesday, September 15, 1931. COUNTY AUDITOR We are authorized to announce that A. B. Williams, of Port Matilda, Pa. is | a candidate for nomination for the office | of Auditer of Centre County, on the Democratic ticket, subject to the decision | of the voters of the party as expressed at the Primaries to be held Tuesday, September 15, 1981, i REPUBLICAN. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce that L. | Frank Mayes, of College township, is a | candidate for nomination for the office | of Centre County on the Re-| publican ticket, subject to the decision | of the Republican voters of the County | as ex at the primary lection to be held ber , 1981. by announce ‘hat I am a candi- | nomination for Sheriff of Cen- | ty on the Republ ticket, | ot Oh Phe a e - | to be held on Tuesday, September : . N. R. LAMOREAUX Philipsburg, Pa. | - COUNTY TREASURER i We are au i I date tre sub, of ies for Treasurer the decision of the voters as at the primaries to be held on September 15, 1931. I hereby announce my candidacy for | f T of | Tuesday. | nomination for the office o reasurer of | Centre the Republican Heket, | ty on subject to the decision of the voters e party as expressed at the Pri | to be held on Tuesday, September h | 1981 | C. C. SHUEY, Bellefonte Pa. | I hereby announce that I date for nomination on the Republican | ticket for the office of Treasurer of Cen- | tre County, subject to the decision of the voters of the party as expressed at Primaries to be held on Tuesday, September 15, 1931 ERNEST E. DEMI, am a candi- | | Philipsburg. Pa. that |’ is | of | - ‘College, who delivered an illustrated | Clair Miller, Thomas on Thursday evening. ning, greeted Mrs, Haller, of State lecture on the “Passion Play.” The real Prohibitionists are “getting on to" grape juice Mrs. Willebrandt’s | racket. But Mabel has worked it long enough to get! rich. BAR-B-Q Dancing and Good Service Sunflower FILLING STATION at the 76-11-4t ( Bast of Town ) 76- wa: LIMESTONE Spray Lime Our Specialty Also Ail Forms Agricultural Lime and Limestone We Stock Copper Sulphate for Local Distribution. Write or Call us for Prices. | WHITEROCK QUARRIES, Inc. BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Plant at Pleasant Gap, Pa. 11-4t the home of [& as expressed at | | i You are Invited Display New Ford Body Styles By Beatty Motor Co. At Old Bellefonte Armory March 20th and 21st ADMISSION to See this of FREE Fire Insurance Does yours represent the val- ue of your property five years ago or today? We shall be glad to help you make sure that your protection is adequate to your risks, If a check up on your property values indicates that you are only partially insured—let us bring your protection up to date. Hugh M. Quigley Temple Gourt, Bellefonte, Pa. ALL FORMS OF Depends a, a State W.C.T.U. worker, de- ——The lame duck Congress has We do your job work righ | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS t red ap address in the Sunday obtained a reprieve but not a par- ilimm—— al rr ‘school room of the Lutheran church, don. E pat OR il house. lt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS F R REN TN. Penn St. Bellefonte Rev, J. M. Kirkpatrick will con- a - Call 370-R. 76-11-1t {duct communion services in the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR RENT.—April 1st 8 room, DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Let- Presbyterian church, on Sunday, at m= a A a ters of ‘administration, on the Op 11 o'clock. services TEAM BOILERS WANTED all conveniences. House adapted so that | Spring township, Centre County, Peam Friday evening at 7:30. S Steam Boilers, ranine PED —good | renter can eh Woekespine portion of | sylvania, deceased. has Dae” knowing A large and attentive audience in SE 2 BY cash. Address | Write G. F. Musser, Cedar A ee bred to Said estate the Reformed church, Friday eve- a Tok burn, h Ce Philadelphia. 76-6-tf | hereby notified d to make immediate pay i t oN emt J. KENNEDY JOHNSTON, Adu, Eres NOTICE. —Letters tom tamentary u estate Clar- ence a State Coll borough deceased having been granted to undersigned. persons knowing themselves same are requested to make Re ent. and those having claims against d estate must nt them, authenticated, for settlement. Mrs DOLL JEANNETTE ANDERSON, W. Harrison Walker, Executrix, 0 Fai t Ave. Attorney. v rmoun 76-8-6t. State College, Pa. XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters tes E jomentary A the estate a arpster, late of Ferguson to Centre county, ea: | having been granted unde i knowing themselves Indebted to | sald egtate are hereby notified to make immediate payment thereof and those present | having claims against it should them, properly authenticated, for settle IRA C. HARPSTER, ecutor. 76-7-t1 Warriors Mark, Pa., R. D. L . W. Harrison Walker | Atty. Bellefonte, Pa. 76-T-& i RICHELIEU Showing 2-7 and 9 P. M. Continuous Saturday 2 to 11 P. M. Now playing Thurs., Friday, Satur.— America’s joy friend uncorks another laugh panic. Jack Oakie shanghaied aboard a boatload of beautiful girls ! Wotta break! There are gobs of laughs in “Sea Legs” with Lillian Roth, Harry Green and Eugene Pallette. Monday, Tues., Wednes., Next Week—Victor McLaglen, Fay Wray, Lew Cody and Eddie Gribbon in “Not Exactly Gentlemen” Life was one sheriff after an- other—which was exciting but not healthy. Between posses they tried their luck with girls. They should have * stuck to sheriffs. ome to ALTOONA.....Don’t Hesitate DALITY FURNITURE 0 GIGANTIC FIRE SALE | ce— —— Showing 7 and 9p m., Daily Now playing all this week— Walter Huston, Philips Holmes and Constance Cum- mings in the year’s most out- standing production— “The Criminal Code” All next week at the State— Richard Cromwell, Joan Peers, Henry B. Walthall and Noah Beery in “Tol’able David” This picture exceeds by far the sensational success of the silent version. 3 PIECE Jacquard Living Room SUITES SOLD FOR $195 Now At $ 49 9 PIECE All Walnut Dining Room SUITES SOLD FOR $225 Now At $69 5 PIECE All Walnut Bed Room SUITES SOLD FOR $250 Now At $79 Mohair Living $89 3 PIECE High Grade ROOM SUITES SOLD FOR $295 Now At 905-907 Eighth Avenue.....Altoona, Pa. ee ———————————————————————— OPEN EVENINGS