Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 27, 1931, Image 3
BAILY THC THOUGHT For (hal “something” between hem Is too sacred and t to be a is also reported marred by judgment; for is that and lame. MH faith mat holds nem — Cal? width iin, Sv | SNE, the sec 3 Gall fashion feminine?” *¥ell--0De A secret preparation, oid. woah slung aa. iatoexglain itively removes external cancer “Cancer gi pied to ring 1931 said, “is the ‘human cruelty. t that a cure ¥ the time Joe is Ure the charlatan’s treatmen and the sortof details you associate sibility of his recovery by the only with the work of women dressmak- t own Birger) snd radiation of Ireatment paged in every 80,000 cases, a can- handwork on costumes. Fagotting, cer will disappear of itself for Wo reason known to science. although it may col: tion ‘ae om pore ve gi yes, how ery of methods for the prevention fad ai ng. And and cure of cancer, Although about 5,000 ‘cures’ were received by the | American Society for the Control of , only three or four had any td alt Hillel le ‘sound value in furthering study of | the and these came from ex- is one of the perts in the scientific field of can- e hope of the cancer time diagonsis by microscopical examina- | And the lingerie type afternoon tion and prompt and proper treat- and evening d 8 Je being seen more | ment.. by surgery, x-ray and wadium, Benjamin Rice Shore, as- lly wha le It does m ers instead of men tailors. One manifestation of the fashion for femininity is the use of fine | hand-tucking, lace inserts, hand- crocheted trimming, hand-rolled | hems, hand embroi ~ and scallop- | pe dog the fash- Ried” HE a all Jominine, i most Liga mms of all details. Ander you find it—all sorts of soft batistes, organdies s--used on ¢ol- lars and reandics and more—a re of an old time, Tr BE ats cow. these last spring and summer dif artis | 1928. 8 reported Tint that o evidence that femininity rules. More | foe = at > hair is seen under ats, too. Itsno at the time the you'll see more of them this year. The hair under 1981 hats 5 soft- | ly curled. And that, ‘tgo, is another | longer fashionable to hide it or to cut it straight and short like a | cases would | have hi The intricate detgils on sleeves | | ane Dy had they realized what delay meant they would cer- still many plain, sleeves. | have dome so.” But more have Joe one de- | | tally 80. man’s. are feminine. Of ©o there are tails—a ruffle envelope | flap, a dour! sletvas a nine. ee Eo ner ala | to’ Ae @BOTe Po aaa 1 Rapy oYRARS. nthe nice. citravagant fash. jon on the weysswerdl ‘ses dt ; Bal at Dry-cleaners will certainly wel-| come this f on, ev no one else does.. ‘Al > ‘the way, plenty of these wh re sure to wear them—will get spoiled by these {rag oh “Eg ike ies hs you never had excemtoAntt frgchs Why bm fi ruin be- cause we wil spatter our salad dressing? t) to the white suits— : ney GEA da look extreme] tremely Borat, | y with all-over ecru lace, or | Bay wolf (you wwant pilin up some Sotlis. by: addinlg new collar and cuffs, new flowers, or a new helt and buckle, ie on never buy an {1 bfily nite the i ” You apess 100k shabby by using" oy hn cp accessories, and of , even more true Whenl you 3 you do ries on a worn . One She oes’ : rie touches, En Be $a, BARC TY abril EEA needed labor-saving d ory kp y 3 oar HE 8 pes.” » t that the happiness o mily de dn farge. messiuve ; upou her own shade of mind andsbody. 1Exery bit of energy that she can consemie he ‘Bagpiacts And. Upprovemept of d t of ney AP a a émen have’ found that the mechani g or elec- tric sto : meters have ade e p on of od a pleasure and not a burden. ~-and-the- mechanical +teebox thermometer. food to the ry fine, or rips, somenibottled with - drain as dry as possible. Mix the horseradish to a paste with butter, and spread, not too generously, on squares of white bread, and lay a thin slice of smoked salmon on top. ~ FARM NOTES. CH ERTEE To scrubs fom the next These Nw York Cit) good State College y bulls on PSG 0h cialis | vege oe EE OBIE large assortment of the garden is 100 feet wn much iahot San. bs.aaved 47 picwitg: With ue” trienas Ar ever judged by one | or 8 ttery. Tah tito softness, daintiness Apap it ona whatsoover. Fp Tie enough to give | prizes were offe —Plant a less expensive crop than fatoss on the wireworm-infested —Liquid portion of the manure should be saved and returned to the field. Fifty per cent of the nitrogen is in liquig, Use plenty of bedding to save this. ug Te ew York, in in the Journal of Association on May 26, a Bt only 30 per nt pea the Sondebi unit farmer is so 3% he he must A ake mo chairman of tie department of cultural emgineering of t College of Agriculture. afford to take all his little repair jobs to town and wait his turn to get them dome, but must comfortable place to Werk and do them at home. a g FE it t, puffing | at the elbow, his close cuffs and puff- Lk me ep Ai ol a doz- ri mo y machine, wh hi dround. Sopopto 2 sure ie 10 Desi 4 wo adjustmen re Jf 1o be madein ¢ busy. Gi, trouble and delay. an | comfortable building that cause Pond puts . Controls the ocks, ks. eli mitted: at all and ‘power waste, ‘A of the motor ‘and’ chk end point of No-Nox Ethyl giv opoeds ua Juable saving in time dar, [oa rush periods’ of sumiver work. ' AL {onbds’ “where ture % Kept ind i ml _ od aot ood oof pene, ‘says J." college. Ho; sooner or later ‘all soils: will need applications of phos- phate fertilizers. —*“There is little question but that stable manure on the darly farms Fg ig Eg source. 0 in Ihe fortify mai maintenance Go [J i va and,” sa p tar University of of Wisconsin. and rupeff, apd on the other hand, buy large amounts of commercial Re is in my Li headed | 4 r “In te days there 80 excuse for & neg) BE Vali |b able plant f6od but I ott mers now are universally aware far. | priors ot the value of manure. Both the Sarussiand ie back 4) recognize its | Do roid the .felds and Mrincah from the 2 are |- ow pia ec The Lest argu- Tent i for | Be use Ai oiiizers is y of ma- and the t food both of the soil and crop ing the manure in the hr directly deep snow, then it. ‘be piled’ small heaps in the field until spring. Plowing, under. or. inatiali Fo EF wo 43 ay ot 3 i + 0 " of. » your 1 uation shiéh i, 5nd | pig Sellahat per- r ‘ ve Me 0 ver-heati: ance r the vil fio o 35% a ves amor instant and COIMe= for QUICK EASY STARTING. 4 oA 3.403 Ar = wo OF THE GRANGE PisC 5 13 30 sind v fi3lee SW ROM {iad buns J ad - asfote Jo¥ figV meitiW tolussaos* : Gulf: Refining Cor mpany te ) oL BR D. 1. Carn : ~ Ex. son1 Homes Bil conflict & Doktonor In 1 Doukhobors burned all of the arms incensed Czar Nicholas II, that he| Cossacks against them driving pm Tiflis to ble unt Leo Tostoy aaa Ea Bamps to emigrate e. ore. is atyer HioUgH 15 on Re pri, fry Wg do your job work right. EST Purina Feeds We also carry the line of a Debus glossy, 1g not sticky of gressy and Wagner's ‘Scratch “Féed Wega Horge Feed | Checks SP at once with 666 Take it as a preventative Use 646 Salve for Hales 76-T3t- a FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate, 20% B36 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent BEEF : s Egg Mash 18% on: eI ro BEEEUE By Hot’ Water Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings. and Mill Supplies il Sizes of Terra Cotta PARE. and J Fittings BSTIMATES.