Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 20, 1931, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa., February 20, 1931,
The Rev. Charles J.
tor of the First
church, revealed to the
Spiritualist |
Uaited Press |
of world im- |
t events during 1931, obtain-
ed, he said, through consultation with
the spirit world. :
Among the events forecast by
Rev. Morrow for the next 11
months are repeal of prohibition, |
death of Premier Benito Mussolini |
and defeat of Mayor H.
‘Tho by Judge John H. Lyle |
dn Ccago's election.
Also, according to the predictions, |
the Prince of Wales will be serious- |
ly ill during September, an unsuc-
cessful move will be started to unite |
Protestant and Catholic churches |
and a steamship with hundreds of
ers aboard will sink because |
of an intoxicated captain. !
“Both my church and myself are |
fully accredited members of the Na- |
tional Spirtualists’ association with |
headquarters in W " Rev.
Morrow announced, “I stake my
groisasional reputation on the be-
lief that my forecasts will come true.
“Last year I issued a list of 32
predictions. All except two of them
“were fulfilled.”
Messages frcm persons many years
dead were used to make up the list
of predictions, Rev, Morrow said. |
For example, said that Con-
fucius, the famous Chinese philoso-
pher who died centuries ago, warn-
ed him that unprecedented unem-
ployment disturbances will occur in
Here are some of Rev. Morrow's
other forecasts:
There is a man coming out of ob-
scu who will invent wings which
can be attached to a man or woman
‘to lift the individual off the ground.
Business in the United States will
pe exceptionally and unem-
ploymat will to decrease in
During the year, David Belasco,
John D. Rockefeller, Marie Dressler
and Von Hindemburg will die.
The stock market will advance
steadily until November and then
decline, two of the largest steel com-
nies will merge, three t mo-
‘tion picture companies will unite.
A United States Senator will lose
his mental balance, but there will
"be little publicity connected with it.
The United States and Canada
“will have plenty of rain and sun-
shine and an abundance of crops.
A man named Edward Lynn, wi
“the help of God, will discover a poul-
‘tice to cure appedicitis,
There will be Communistic dis-
turbances in the United States, an
of Japan; po!
Mexico; disturbances in Turkey and
religious disturbances throughout
‘the world.
In one of the newer and
largest buil will have a terri-
‘ble accident, due to poor founda-
tions. There will be no loss of
A railroad train going through a
“tunnel in Montana will be stopped
by a landslide. The train will k
out again and not a person will be
In Arizona there will be discover-
‘ed a new kind of fruit which ap-
rsto grow on bushes. Not as
arge as an apple. It is to be eaten
‘raw and is exquisitely delicious,
In Cleveland, Ohio, in a suburb,
known ns Lakehurst, a fire will
“threaten to destroy the whole suburb.
If wour auto is past the age of
‘even, you'd better watch out!
For the scrap iron men will be
“watching for the old buses as they
‘chig-chug along with banging fen-
«ders and sagging tops,
Plans are to wreck old cars at the
rate of 3,000,000 yearly on an or-
:ganized, wholesale system.
So says Benjamin Schwartz, Néw
York, director general of the Insti-
tute of Scrap Iron and Steel.
“Negotiations are being made with
credited scrappers of steel in all
«cities to handle the old cars,” he said.
“Special equipment would be in-
stalled for the work. Arrangements
‘would be made with dealers to turn
over to authorized scrappers their
©ld cars.
“*The yearly total of steel and iron
salvaged would approximate 1,500,-
000 tons.
“This would mean a conservation
of 7.500,000 tons or iron ore and
other materials that go into the
manufacture of iron and steel.
“The scrappers would be selected
‘from members of our on,
which would be for the
entire work, said Mr. Schwartz. One
=» the centers would be in Pitts-
Negotiations for the proposed sys-
tem are expected to be completed
“this summer, according to Schwartz.
At present there is no system of
scrapping old autos, independent
wreckers buying them at random
and salvaging old parts to add to
“their profits.
Dr. R. L. Capers |
Special Non-Surgical Method
of Treating Rectal Diseases
Bloodless and Painless
Hours 9-12 a. m.
Monday and Wednesday 1-5 p. m.
Friday 7-9 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7-9 p.m.
Phone 128-J
The Variety Shop
Over a Third of a Century
at Same Location
Merchandise and Prices
C.Y. Wagner & Co., Inc.
Manufacturers of
Flour, Corn Meal ..a Feed
And Dealers in
All Kinds of Grain
Bell Phone 22
State College
Cottage Cheese
and Cream Cheese, Butter, Whip-
ping Cream and Certified Milk—
Harry E. Clevenstine
——————— w—
When Winter Comes you will Need Your
Let Us Repair or Remodel It—
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Harry Greenberg
Spring and High Streets
Bellefonte, Pa.
Phone 558-J
You Need No Longer be Told
You Have an Expensive Foot
Shoes for Women
$5.00 and $6.00
Mingle’s Shoe Store
The Key to Better Busmess
Mail Order Man Need Not Worry
About Keeping His Old
Local Merchant, on Other Hand, Must
Give Good Values and Service
in Order to Hold
His Trade.
It has been said that there is a
sucker born every minute. If this be
true, there are 1,440 potential custom-
ers of the mail-order houses ushered
into the world every 24 hours and the
Of course, as Mark Twain remarked
regarding reports of his death, these
figures may be exaggerated, but they
serve to illustrate the fact that the
mail-order houses of the big cities al-
ways have new flelda to exploit and
are not hampered in thelr dealings by
the necessity of pleasing all their old
customers. If the mall-order buyer
discovers that he has been “stung”
and registers a vigorous kick, it means
nothing in the young life of the mall
order man. Why should he worry as
long as there are some 90,000,000 other
persons in the United States to whom
he may make his alluring appeals.
Ever Get Money Back?
to answer the
are called, exercise all
of cajolery in ns effort
the complaining customers,
is found to be impossible,
has no cause for worry. His
not dependent upon the cus-
whom he has already sold
goods. “here are as good fish In the
have ever been caught” and he
number reaches a total of 525,600 every |
These clerks, or correspond- |
exchange of letters, the mall |
If you want, satisfactory printing at, reasonable prices
the Watchman Office will be glad to do it, for you.
| turns his attention toward the landing
of the new fish.
Local Merchant's Field Limited.
Compare the position of the mall or
. der man with that of the retail mer-
| chant in the small city or town. The
retail merchant has a certain limited |
_ territory from which he must draw his
| trade. All his business must be done
| day after day and year after year
among the same people. The buyers
| to whom he can appeal for business
| number only a few thousand at the
| most and in some cases a few hun-
dred. Unless he can make his cus-
tomers his friends and bring them
back to his store again, he cannot con-
tinge in business. The result is that
he looks beyond the single sale which
he may be making at the time. It is
to his interest to please every one of
his customers. It will profit him noth-
ing to make a big profit off a customer
on one sale If that customer is not
satisfied with his purchase and refuses
to come back to his store again,
From which man can the buyer ex
pect to get the best values, the best
service and the best prices in propor-
tion to the quality of the goods sold?
From the man whe must please him
and give him his money's worth In or-
der to remain in business or from the
man who figures that he may never
hear from the buyer again and that it
will make no great difference whether
he pleases him or not?
Gets It While He Can.
The idea upon which the mail order
man works is to get the money while
the getting Is good. If the customer
is satisfied with the goods which he re-
celves, all well and good. The mall or-
der man knows that the customer is
the kind of a man or woman who
customer is
chance even if the first does not turn
to his king. If the customer has
spirit to ake a kick, the
correspondents In charge of.
to a chance on the offer-
the mall order house. The
has something nt stake
! in every sale that hte makes. The mail
| order man has nothing at stake. The
| home merchant has everything at
stake on the manner in which he ireats
| his customers, for he cannot get others
to take their places. The mall order
Call 162 J—Day or Night
City Coal Yard
0. G. Morgan, Proprietor
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Bituminous
Exclusive Sale of the
and The Original Cherry Run Coals
Special Notice
We handle U. S. Government in-
spected meats for the health and
protection of our patrons.
Leave your orders early for your Xmas
Turkey, Duck, Geese and Chickens.
Phone 384 J
Armstron§ Meat Market
Always the Best,
Fruits, Vegetables
Candy and Tobaccos
Phone 28
We Deliver
Lumber Steel
....At the Big Spring....
Building Supplies
Pre-War Prices at,
| W. R. Brachbill’s
For 1931 is Back to
You are Invited to See
the New Spring Styles in
Betier Values Than Ever
Cohen & Co.
Only One Heatrola
Made by Estate Store Co.
Phone 660 . . . Bellefonte
Furniture Store Bellefonte, Pa.
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
| iH R. S. Brouse Store
In Bush Arcade
On High Street
Always Fresh Groceries |
. man has nothing at stake for it Is to
| his Interest to get all that he can out
, of each sale, knowing that he may
| pever have another chance at that par
| ticular customer.
: Which 1s the safest man to do busi |
' ness with?
Glenwood Stoves
Makes Baking Easy
Peninsular Parlor Circulators
Blaben’s Floor Linoleums
Hilo 4-Hour Hard Drying Enamels in
All Shades, Rich in Color and
Durable — Everything in Hard-
ware, at the Right Price.
H. P. Schaeffer
We Recommend
and Sell “Larro”
“More Profit Over
Feed Cost”
Mayer Bros.
Phone 334
(Culture Buttermilk) —For Health
A Wholesome and
Healthful Beverage
Hoag’s Dairy Store
Cor. High and Spring . . Phone 629
Ed. L. Keichline
City Cash Grocery
Allegheny Street
Bellefonte, Pa.
«.And See For Yourself
that Price has nothing to do with Good Taste
—Our merchandise is chosen first for its
Good Taste, its Corvectnsss—If it can be bad
for lower prises we're doubly glad—We be-
lisve our customers like to get the most for
their money.
We Propose to
Give It to Them
If in Need of a Real
Victrola Type
Parlor Heater
It will certainly pay you to investi-
gate the ‘‘Torrid Sunshine’ —sold by
The Bellefonte
We trust you find yourselves among
those who feel that Olewine’s Hard-
ware is a good one to deal with.
If so, we are realizing our aspiration
to give real service in all our deal-
ings, aud we thank you for your
response to our efforts.
It Pays to Buy the Best
It Pags fo Buy al Beezer’s
Foods of Excellence will Help You Win
Fame as a Provider of Splendid Meals—If
It’s Quality You Want, We Have It.
P. L. Beezer Estate
Coat and
Dress Sale
Sid Bernstein
jf suet |
Fruit and Vegetables |
Wholesale and Retail
All Kinds of Produce
ee ————————————————————
It is believed the new system Sa Cash Meat Market We Deliver
would stabilize the market, | Bellefonte, Pa. Hardware Comp’y Olewine’s Hardware Beate ovr Pry Tours Pha 240 Ww. High Strent
—Subscribe for the Watchman. | mm —
a | i
| Qusscaca ay | LISTEN!
Buy Electrically | pay Litniber Herr & Heverly Christmas Shopping is Easy || | {| Bellefonte Filel & Supply C0. Data zad Rel
They Cost the Least to Use | . RETAIL
and Save the Most Labor— | From a Lumberman Ferndale (roceries || || Flunter’s Book Store Coal, Feed and Oils For Ould Gates
Washers, Sweepers, Ironers, Radios, | — Highest Suaitty Food Products THE REASON: BELLEFONTE, PA. Clean, Clear, Golden
Lamps, New Shades— | pt Service there are so many Moshannon
at Prices to Suit Your Purse. At the Lowest Possible Prices : : $5.00 MOTOR OIL
Flectri | W. R. Shope We Deliver Nice Things Sacetia Milt | Et Center Oil and Gas Co.
{| Electric Supply Co. || Pio @ to give that are inexpensive. 5-Ton Lots...$4.50 per Net Ton nter Uli an