Sams ee Fehfuscy 15, 1991, | — pl NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. : — Charles F. Harrison, of Belle-. mercantile | i fonte, has meen named appraiser for Centre county. —— No man has a right to crab’ q ioe and as it is the i about the cost of his wife's clothes ‘the kind ever Drought while Sid Bernstein is offering Silk Gonire county court unusual interest J. W. i dresses at $2.99, — The Ebensburg Trust company 'pected to define the duties and ob- i makes the fourth bank in Cambria well as the righ thin several and property owner. closed its doors on Wednesday, which county to close wi months. ——The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. the R. Cliffe was quarantined for scarlet eas on Monday, their daughter ill with the disease, fever, Virginia being though the case ——An ofinion handed down by Judge Fleming, this week, directs the heirs of the late John D. er to turn over the Decker property ‘to the Latrobe Hunting and Fishing «lub. —Miss Virginia Healy entertained! © "04 i girerent. ‘at cards, on Tuesday evening, honor of her friend, Mrs, T. G. Per- rine, of Sandy Lake, who was her guest for several days the early part of the week. a m———————————————— i is of a mild nature, respond and was on the ground just | i i i { i INTERFERES WITH FIREMEN, | NOW FACES COURT TRIAL. First Case of Kind Ever Brought in Centre County Court. George L Purnell, an official of the American Li-.e and Stone com- pany, is under $600 bail for trial at | the May term of court for assault and battery and interfering with firemen in the discharge of their first case of before the i i attaches tv the outcome, as it is ex- ligations of volunteer firemen as ts of the individual The case grows out of a fire in| Purnell garage at his home on t Curtin street last Friday after- noon. When the alarm sounded the Logan Fire company was quick to as the fire alarm stopped blowing. As the garage is located on the Deck- rear of the Purnell lot the firemen had to lay hose from tne fireplug on Curtin street, which naturally took a few minutes of time, and it is said that Purnell berated them for being Later he got into an altercation with O. B. Malin, chief of the Logans, and gave him a push, throw- ing him down, Jumping up Malin called Purnell a suggestive name — Nineteen tables were in play 'and the latter hit him with his at the D. A. R. card party, at The gst knocking him down. Fire Talleyrand, last Saturday afternof, pmarshall John J. Bower went to, the organization netted fifty Malin's rescue and told Purnell he dollars to go to the support of the was under arrest, and D. A. R. room in the Centre Coun- ty hospital, —Centre county has an average of 42 High one thousand of population. Centre « ranks tenth in the State. Bedford is highest with an average of 49 and Philadelphia is lowest with an average of 20. ~The Bellefonte Academy box- ing team defeated the University of New York freshmen, at New York on Saturday afternoon, by the score of 4% to 3%. The Academy won four bouts, University boxers three and cne was a tie. Some twelve or fifteen of- ficials and employees of the West | ed by a group of five or six boys Penn Power company in Bellefonte and at State College motored to Ridgway, Wednesday, to attend the annual Keystone division banquet and dance held there that evening. —The Charles Walters home, on the Jacksonville road, was saved from destruction by fire, last Sat- urday morning, by a bucket bri- ‘gade. way leading to the attic. The dam- age was several hundred dollars, and is covered by insurance. ——C. F. Tate, head of the Tate plumbing establishment in this place, was brought home from the Geisinger hospital, Saturday night, and there is such a de- cided improvement in his condition that his friends are hopeful of an warly and permanent recovery. —Mr. and Mrs. John Wetzel Har- per, of Schenectady, N. Y., are receiv- ing congratulations on the birth of their third child and second daugh- ter, who vas born in Schenectady, Monday. Murs. Harper was formerly Martha Barnhart, the oldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Barm- hart, of Bellefonte. ———f{t has been many years since home grown apples have been as cheap as they ae this winter. Baldwins, Staymen winesaps, Rhode Island green, pound apples and oth- «er good winter varities have been peddled from door to decor at a dol- lar a bushel. While they are not of the largest variety they are all in .splendid condition. Potatoes, tco, .are lower in price than usual this time of year, ———Charles Saxion has resigned his position with the Johnston Motor Bus company and with his brother-in-law, William Yates, will open up a motor machine shop in property, on Pike alley, in the rear of Parrish's drug store. Bus Motor Bus company for sixteen years and was one of its most faith- ful and efficient employees. ——The grand jury for the Feb- hurt. ruary term of court will meet next Monday to consider the bills of in- BELL TELEPHONE CO. presented by the district attorney. The list will likely be large as 177 cases are listed | ‘dictment quite | school pupils for each ‘with firemen, while Bower then the latter threw him down. Other firemen grabbed Purnell but others came to the front and put an end to the trouble. After tne fire Malin made in- formation against Purnell for as- sault and battery and interfering prefer- red charges of assault and battery and resisting arrest. Hearings were scheduled for 2.30 o'clock Saturday afternoon before ’'Squire 8S. Kline Woodring, but before the hour named Purnell appeared at the jus- tice's office with his attorney, Ivan Walker, and gave bail for his ap- pearance at court, $300 in each case. The fire in the garage was start- who are said to have de- liberately set fire to a pile of hay and straw in the garage “just to have a bonfire.” As the boys are only six to eight years old was gotten out without injury, ‘a colony of pigeons The fire started on the stair- they will not be held accountable. In the garage was a pony and it but | in the garage were burned to death. The storing of hay and straw in a garage, or any such combustible ‘material is a violation of a borough the garage on the T. H. Harter | Mr. Saxion jBumber of checks. had been with the Emerick Mctor! company and the Johnston! ordinance, While the fire was still burning firemen threw the hay and straw out of the building in order to extinguish the flames and while doing so the men with the hose turned the water aside and Purnell again berated them for letting it squirt on his garden. i A ————————, FORMER BELLEFONTE BOY BEATEN AND ROBBED. Walter Crissman, son of Mr. and M>s, Harry Crissman, of Pittsburgh, and a nephew of W. Homer Criss- man, of Bellefonte, and a brother of Mrs. Harry E. Garbrick, of Cole- ville, was beaten up and robbed by two thugs in Pittsburgh Saturday night. Harry has charge of a fleet of moving trucks and Saturday eve- ning he received a telephone call to come to a certain. house to ar- range for a moving. He demurred about going at that hour but the man was persistent and he finally went. On entering the house he was hit over the head by a piece of iron pipe, but not knocked out. He grappled with his assailant but an- other thug then took a hand and Crissman was finally overcome, but not before he had bitten one of the men on the hand. The thugs wet through his pockets and took $90 in cash, discarding a The thugs also overlooked Crissman’s watch, a dia- mond ring and diamond pin he was | wearing. Crissman was found a short time later and taken to a| hospital but aside from a bruised head and hand he was not seriously | i TO START WORK ON LINES. Reconstruction of telephone pole on the quarter sessions docket. All lines in Snow Shoe and the area of them, however, will not be up for trial. Quite a number have already been disposed of and others will be heard before the court the latter part of next week, At that it is the largest list of entries for a Febru- ary term of court in the history of completion next fall. the county. served by that central office is scheduled to be started in a few, days by the Bell Telephone Com- pany of Pennsylvania, it was an- ‘nounced today by J. H. Caum, man- ager. The work is scheduled for It will neces- sitate an estimated expenditure of ——On January 31st the Hunting- More than $12,000. ‘don Daily News anniversary with a sixteen page edition devoted largely to a descrip- tion of it's present up-to-date plant! years. and personnel. For many the News was published as a semi- | weekly. owner Joseph F. Biddie became to of the plant twenty years | ago and nine years ago decided | make the paper a daily. | reset. Since then prosperity has come his way by leaps and bounds and now celebrated its ninth _ The rebuilding project is planned in accordance with the finding of telephone engineers, who constantly are surveying existing plant facilities to prevent them from deteriorating to a point below specifications set by the Bell System. A mt gp Apo ving become very despond- he has a plant worth well onto ent and fearful that she might do $100,000, publishes over five thousand herself bodily harm, copies daily and has a job depart- ment equipped to turn out any kind of work. Miss Elizabeth | Brown, of Bellefonte, was taken to the Danville hospital on Tuesday j morning, ‘ber of taxpayers, with the resul PATTON TOWNSHIP ROAD HEARING HELD MONDAY. Patton township was very much in the limelight in Bellefonte, on Monday, it being the day set for a hearing on to vacate six stretches of township road. The hearings were held before EJ. Thompson Esq, H. H. Hewitt and Phil EB. Womelsdorf, of Philipsburg, all members of the board of road and bridge viewers of Centre county. The supervisors of the township are Johnstonbaugh, H. P. Carson and E. G, Meyers, the two first named being the only ones present at the hearing. The pieces of road- way which the supervisors wished to vacate are as follows: Two-tenths of a mile on the new State highway route No. 404, | against which there was no protest. Six-tenths of a mile from the west end of Matternville in a north- ‘westerly direction toward the top of Bald Eagle mountain. against this. From Station 240 on highway route No. 404 to the Ferguson town- No protest ship line. This road runs from near Scotia through the Barrens, and the closing of it was opposed by a num- t that the application was refused. Another road runs from a point near the Stevenson corner east and southeast 3.2 miles, and it was ‘vacated, Another section runs from the ‘Roan farm northwest a distance of 1.8 miles to a connection with the road across the mountain to Julian. This, also, was vacated. The sixth section was the piece cf ‘road running from Gray's church southwest a distance of one mile to Rivals the Fabled “Wonderful to help out with the water supply. put down a and struck a fair flow of water bu not sufficient for the needs of the This well was drilled al- a limestone now being below the evening it was filled feet of the ed entirely a sign of As i 4 : 2 i i 5 4 2 ii: g 2g zg" wa o° g gia gi 2 E : is E Pp. Hi : sid there ‘of the water | continued to a before a test of the As this item is (Monday afternoon) we are in the ‘midst of the biggest snow fall of ‘the winter. It is five inches deep ‘and still snowing, and naturally everybody is wondering if it will | melt soon and relieve the drought ‘which has for months been so seri- agg w g certai:t su the drilling will be of 150 feet « £2 & i ‘ous in Centre county as well as] | throughout the State. | Many farmers through the county have had wells drilled and some have found sufficient water for their needs, while others have not. Up at State College a well is being put down in the hope of finding i sufficient water to augment the | borough's supply. Out at Pleasant | 1 | Some time ago the town had a well indefinite time with her daughter, short distance below Winters. the reservoir to a depth of 128 feet, | t Glenn for the past NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. —Mrs. Daniel Clemson is up from Wil- this week, a guest at the home ——— liamsport Frank Fisher Has a Cistern that , = ne P. H. Gherrity. —Mr. and Mrs. William F. Holt, of Philipsburg, are the winter at the Altamonte hotel, Altamonte Springs, mington, Del., last week to visit for an Mrs. —Mprs. Pedrick has been in from Pine two weeks, a guest | Gherrity—Miller—Robert J. Gher- rity and Miss Virginia M. Miller, both of Tyrone, were married at St. | Matthew's Catholic church in that ‘place, at 7 o'clock on Wednesday | morning of last week, by Rev, | James A. Tolan. They were attend- ‘ed by Mr. and Mrs. James C. Davis, | brother-in-law and sister of the bride- |groom. In ediately following the | ceremony a breakfast was served at the home of the bride af- ter which the young couple left on ‘a motor wedding trip to Washington, lof her sister, Mrs C. Y. Wagner, at the D. C. } i i Wagner home on Willowbank street. —Miss Mary Forbes, instructor in Eng- The bride is a daughter of Mr. land Mrs. is a Angus R. Miller, | lish in the Bellefonte High school, spent | graduate of the Tyrone Hi school, the week-end with friends in Johnstown, c1a.¢ of 1926, and for S High hos. Bong taught before coming 10|,.e, jn the employ of the J. A. Legler Musser hus been @ | Gardner Importing company. The i scharged bridegroom is a son of P. H. Gher- from the Centre county hospital withthe |, ".¢ pejeonte, but has been assurance of a complete recovery from T'“Yr » a his recent serious accident, in which his resident of Tyrone for twelve years. | arm was so badly injured by an electric He is employed by the Acme Tire ! saw. | company and is prominently identi- | —While in Clearfield for two weeks, fied with the Tyrone fire department, ‘Mrs. Carrie Eckenroth was a guest of being secretary of the Citizens’ Fire Mrs. Carroll, Mrs. Hogentogler and Mrs. company and secretary of the Fire- Conrad, all one time residents of Belle- men's Relief Association. fonte. Mrs. Eckenroth returned Ho Tuesday. pi D. H. Hastings has been back | The recent act of vandalism home during the week, for one of her Perpetrated at the Mrs. Joseph Bak- frequent short visits In Bellefonte, being er Summer home, at Snow Shoe In- a guest while here, of Col. and Mrs. tersection, has brought to light a J. L. Spangler, at therr home on Al | story of attempted robbery of the iegheny street. | Sycamore club just shortly before —Miss Nannie Delaney was up from Christmas. On a Sunday afternoon Milesburg Tuesday to spend a part of two members of the club took a the day in th shops of Bellefonte. Miss | motor trip up Bald Eagle valley. Delaney's sister, Miss Mary, who has' on, the way they decided to go over been ill for much of the winter, is! 40 the club house just for a look gradually recovering. | A —Returning from a trip to Zelienople, | rou" k ving there tie y discov- Wednesday of last week, F. W. West| Sid 2 rok - th w Soing i». bedding, fed by Mrs. H. C. Eich- waa accompatied by ‘ware and most of the china piled up ‘holtz and son Frank and Mrs. G. A. Pearce, who were guests of Mr. and ‘an oak tree on the back road, and Gap the stream which supplies the ‘better known as Meek's lane. This reservoir is very low and the people application was refused. there are also considering the ques- re tion of putting down a well. All of which brings up the vaga- Quite a number of witnesses we on hand to testify as to the public Mrs. Widdowson, until Sunday. —-Mrs. Hibler, who was thought to be seriously ill for several months is now able to be up in her chair for the great- er part of the day. During her sickness. | near the door, in shape to be moved ‘quickly when an opportunity pre- sented itself. The men put every- thing back in place and fixed the window against further intrusion. | /ileged to see in ma necessity of the two stretches of road on which the applications were refused, and the evidence in their favor far overbalanced the testimony of the supervisors in favor of their | closing. With the vacating of the four stretches of road above named against which there was practically no protest the township will have ‘less thah twenty miles of township road to take care of. The road | tax last year was in the neighbor- hood of $2400, and if the same mil- lage is continued this year the su- pervisors will have an average of over $100 a mile for the upkeep of the roads under their care. i THE ROYAL FAMILY ON PARADE NEXT WEEK What is most certainly one of the cleverest displays of brilliant acting that film audiences have been priv- months will be on parade at the Richelieu he Tuesday and Wednesday of next! week. ' ! “The ‘Royal Family of Broadway" | is based on the famous play, “The Royal Family,” by George 8S. Kauf- man and Edna Ferber. It depicts the home life of a leading family of American stage performers. But it is not the impressive quali- | ty of the original playwrighting | alone which makes this play awon- derful movie, Most of the splendid attributes of this production are found in the stirring craftsmanship | of Fredric March, Ina Claire, Hen- rietta Crosman and Mary Brian, as’ presentable a quartet of sterling ac- tors as one could wish for. | The “Royal Family of Broadway" | is rich in comedy, romance, pathos and drama, it is invested with spark- | ling glamor—it moves with the daz- zling speed of a meteor. MORE FISH PUT INTO STREAMS THAN WILL BE CAUGHT. i 1 Here's good news for the ardent fishermen. During 1930 391,998,893 fish were placed in the various stream of the State. This included | 817,002 trout, 336,427 black bass, 17,- | 141,685 pike perch, 323,182,864 yel- | low perch, 1,439,600 sunfish, 899,340 catfish, 32,847,000 blue pike, 4,000,- 000 cisco, 738,035 minnows, 366,900 frogs, 20,010 pickerel, species. After reading the above, figure out just what your percentage of the above should be then keep it for 15th. rr ————y NEW POSTOFFICE BUILDING MIGHT BE STARTED IN 1932. Assurances have been received from Congressman J, M. Chase that construction of a new government postoffice building for Bellefonte is expected to be started not later than the spring of 1932. In the public buildings appropriations an- nounced by the Secretary of the Treasury, last week, $125,000 was allocated for the proposed Bellefonte ries of water courses beneath the earth's surface, Up on Bald Eagle mountain, or to be more exact in a slight dip between the mountain chains, about north of the Clemson home, is the home of Oscar Shivery. Some years ago he had a well driil- ed for water and struck an under- ground stream with head enough that it flowed out of the casing in the well. Several years ago, how- ever, a pump was installed in the well to insure a regular supply. At the Frank Fisher farm down Pennsvalley, known by the older residents as the General Buchanan farm, are a well and a cistern less than twenty feet apart. The well mented on the inside. At the pres- ent time it is practically full water notwithstanding the fact that for two months last summer the! rain spout was turned out of the: Mrs. Hibler has been at the home of her of mother, brother, Charles Osmer, on east Bishop street. —Miss Betty Casebeer, who was re- cently operated for appendicitis while at school at Fairfax Hall, Waynesboro, Virginia, is to be brought home as soon as she has recovered sufficiently to stand the trip, but will probably not return to school again until fall. —Mrs. Barl Hoffer was hostess on a | drive to Northumberland last week, her guests being Mrs. Harvey Wetzel, Mrs. Oscar Wetzel, her daughter, Mrs, Mec- Coy and Mrs. McCoy's daughter, Amy Jane and Mrs, J. M. Hartswick. The party spent the day there with Mrs. Melissa Hillibish and her family. —Mrs. W. F. McCoy, who had been in Bellefonte for several months helping ‘is a dug well about 30 feet deep out with the clerical work in the First | ‘and has only a few feet of water in National bank, returned to her home in it. ‘The cistern is twelve feet deep, Ambridge, Pa, on Sunday. built with a concrte wall and ce { drove 18 for her on Sat here rs. Mr. McCoy urday. While McCoy was a guest of her Mrs. Oscar Wetzel, of Willow- bank street. —Mrs. Frost, of Philadelphia, formerly Miss Charlotte Crittenden and her broth- er-in-law, Clayton C. Johnson, who ac- cistern and that it has been used ,...nled Mrs. Jobnson's body here Mon- for all purposes at the farm home ay from Waterbury, Conn. spent Mon- without showing any appreciably day night at Curtin, guests of Mrs. lowering of the water. How the Frost's and Mrs. Johnson's niece, Mrs water gets into the cistern Is a Harry H. Curtin, Both left, Tuesday, to puzzling question. in from the well because the water level in the well is below the bottom of the cistern. And if there is an It does not seep return east. —While in town shopping, on Wed- nesday afternoon, Mrs. Arthur Eckley and her interesting little daughter, Hazel, honored the Watchman office with a underground source of supply for! , y short call. The Eckleys live at Coleville the cistern, why doesn’t it affect the : and being a daughter of Jacob Cole, well which is so close to it. While 3 Eckley is a descendant of the fam- the water supply of the cistern isa ily for which that pleasant suburb of 10,182,920 | suckers and 27,000 miscellaneous the World war, mystifying one neither Mr. Fisher nor the man who occupies his farm are going to do any digging to fina out the inexplicable source for fear of destroying the supply, ONE-ARMED VETERAN IN BLAIR COUNTY COURT. James Eagen, a one-armed vet- eran of the World war, who gave his residence as Centre county, ap- peared in the Blair county court, last Friday, on the charge of op- erating a motor vehicle while in- toxicated. The man was arrested by motor patrolman Walsh, when pass- ing through Altoona, It was rep- resented that he was on his way to a United States hospital for treatment, He possessed a doctor's certificate showing that he had ‘chronic appendicitis and that an operation is necessary to save his ‘life. He had lost his right arm in and he has seen much service in the United States army in the Philippines and other places. He said that he took a ' comparison with your catchon April drink as he was seized with a se- vere pain, shortly before being ar-' ‘rested. He was released on hisown recognizance to proceed to the hos- pital. a ——— al YP ———_———————. ‘BABY CLINICS TO BE HELD BEGINNING 8 P. M, TODAY. | The first of a series of baby clinics will room, in Petrikin hall, this ‘day) afternoon, at 3 o'cleck, and will be continued every Friday afternoon hereafter at the same hour until further notice. The Bellefonte was named. —Miss Marie Royer, home off duty for three weeks, suffer- ing with an infected hand, is now thought to be rapidly recovering. Miss , Royer is the nurse in charge of Frank | Hess, of Altoona, the hunting accident 'case, in the Centre county hospital since ‘last fall. During Miss Royer's illness who has been Miss Leitzel has had charge of Mr. Hess. Mrs. John A. Woodcock’s sister, Miss Rebecca Forbes, drove here Sat- urday from Chambersburg with Miss Kathleen Seibert for an overnight visit, while Dr. Woodcock came Sunday from Scranton, remaining in Bellefonte until Monday. During their visit definite plans were made for Mrs. Woodcock's moving from the McManus property into Petriken Hall. —The William Calverts and the Nor- man Calverts, of Williamsport, the Mal- colm Wetzlers, of Milesburg, with the Guy Lyon and Edward Miller families of Bellefonte, were the guests at Mrs. Della Miller home on east Bishop street Sunday. er party was given in celebration of Mrs. Matilda Spotts’ eighty-seventh birth- day, Mrs. Spotts being the mother of Mrs. Miller, with whom she makes her The family get-togeth- —-—We call atttention to the bit ‘of verse “Trees in the Forest” that | will be found on page 4, column 1, (of this issue because of the fact that it was written by a little girl, Helen Olsen, only nine years old. | The singular part of her gift is that she does not write her thoughts, ' She thinks them out, commits thera to memory and keeps no other record | of them than what is stored in her brain. The one we publish was gotten only by persuading her to re- | cite it often enough for another to write it down while she was un- !aware of the purpose. -——QGoveriior Pinchot's declara- tion in Harrisburg, last week, that he will give no consideration to of- fice seekers until after the adjourn- ment of the 1931 session of the | Legislature, and that he will not j See applicants personally, is not | very to the horde of his supporters in Centre county who ‘have been hugging the delusion that they would be placed in the front ranks at the public crib just as soon as the Governor got his seat in the | executive mansion thoroughly warm- (ed up. | i | Members of St, John's Catho- lic church are in the midst of their annual fair, which is being held in the rooms over the Bellefonte Trust company. It opened with a bang, last evening, and will be continued this evening and tomorrow night. Beautiful articles are on display and plenty of diversified amusement is offered for the entertainment of the ‘crowd. The publc is invited and as everybody knows that these Catho- lic fairs are always worth attending there shoula be no lack of patron- age. i ——Because of the fact that she has frequently stopped in Bellefonte (in her airplane flights it will be in- teresting to note that Miss Amelia Earhart was married to George P. Putnam, of New York, on Saturday last. She and her husband spent ‘Sunday in their apartment in a New York hotel and on Monday morning ‘both of them went to work as usual, ‘Miss Earhart as manager of an air- e traffic line and Mr. Putnam 'at his desk in a New York publish- ing house. —Miss Louise Meyer, younger ‘daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry N. Meyer, who is a junior at Hood ‘college, has been chosen by the i home. student body to represent the college Miss Mary H. Linn, of Bellefonte, at the athletic conference of Ameri- Miss Anne McCormick, of Harrisburg, can college women, to be held at Syra- and Miss Helen Gross, of Wilmington. cuse, March 13 and 14. Miss Claire ‘8. C., will sail from New York, on the building. Up to the present time clinics are being sponsored by the be held in the W.C.T. U. (Fri- Nearly 240 poles are to be re-| placed, while more than 200 will be no available site has been selected or suggested. YOUR ARE INVITED TO A CARD PARTY. Jext Tuesday evening, February | 17th, at eight o'clock, Hugh Quigley’s | class of the Episcopal church school will hold a card party in the Episco- pal parish house, to which the pub- |lic is cordially invited. Both bridge ‘and five hundred will be played. | Refreshments will be served by the | boys. Admission—50¢. | Mother's Club of Bellefonte." The ‘examining physician will be Dr. ‘Richard H. Hoffman, who will be assisted by Miss Keichline and Miss ‘cars fitted up on a railroad siding | Noll, school and State nurses. | The clinic will offer free time (opportunity to have their ‘up to three years of ag, | service to mothers of small children and it children | is now weighed, at | measured and given physical exami- | spring, however, nation. | Aquitania, Friday, February 27, Miss Gross to join friends in England for the summer and Miss Linn and Miss McCormick for two months in southern Europe. Miss Linn and Miss McCor- mick, whose guest Miss Linn will be on the trip, intend going directly to Paris, where they will make definite plans for | their stay abroad, the greater part of which time is to be spent in Sicily and Italy. Present arrangements are for their return to America about the first of May. Up to this time the Nittany valley branch of League has not utilized the two box here as a temporary milk shipping station. The reason given is that is hoped that a large number of wo- milk production is now at a low | men who have been looking for-| ebb owing to the ward to a baby clinic for a long and scarcity of feed, and that will avail themselves of this | the milk the members are produ continued drought all cing being hauled to the station Mill Hall. they anticipate making Bellefonte a shipping point. the Dairyman's i With the coming of Rye | Williams, of Philadelphia, also of the (class of '32, was elected as a sec- ond delegate. ———The Elizabeth M. Kerlin prop- erty, on east Howard street, sold at sheriff’s sale on January 31st, was | purchased by Frank Houser, who is | already occupying it with his family. | SALE REGISTER. MARCH 18.—At residence of Ro- land on the Swartz farm on the | middle Buffalo Run road, 4 miles west | of..Bellefonte, a clean up sale. 8 horses, cows, 13 head of other cattle, | 25 hogs, 9 chickens, 2 {recor ne | gene farm implemen Food | condition. Some articles will ‘also be offered. Sale will start at 9:30. {1 Mayes, auctioneer. ————— A ———————— Bellefonte Grain Markets. | Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. | Wheat J 80 | Corn 7 | Oats 40 0 BEFIGY -cemmsermsemsssssseasssssssssesseesssmnins + ummesssmestenne + 8) Buckwheat es Tn