Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 13, 1931, Image 6

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Most any American who has an
automobile, a bicycle or even a good
egs venture far
within the Article Circle.
A road located in Northern Fin-
land and believed to be the north-
ernmost thoro in existence,
starts about 300 kilometers within
the circle and extends about 250
kilometers farther north to the
Fjord of Petsamo in the Artic
Ocean. Incidentally this harbor is
free from ice the around.
American automobile tourists are
going to hear much about this road
pext month when delegates to the
Sixth International Road Congress
convene. E. W. Skogstrom, di-
rector general of roads, Helsingford,
Finland, will submit a detailed re-
rt on its construction and capabil-
Ry in handling traffic.
The Imperial Russian Government
started construction of the highway
in 1916 as a military measure: It
would establish communication with
the Allies and bank the German
blockade of the Baltic Sea. Then
came the revolution in that country
in March the following year and
Finland resumed the construction
work. Total cost of the road aggre-
gates $1,500,000.
The road has been open for quite
some time and already venturesome
motor tourists have traveled to its
northern end. Automobile service
stations and roadside hotels have
sprung up but most of them are
open only during the summer months.
Among the delegates who will
open their sessions October 6 and
continue until October 11th are
Wilhelm Richard Boeckl and Ed-
mund Stinnes. Boeckl won the
world championship for figure skat-
ing at the Madison Square rink,
New York city, last year and will
be there as one of the delegates from
Austria. Stinnes is a son of the late
Hugo Stinnes, Berlin, Germany, mo-
tor magnate and capitalist. He
comes as a representative of the
society for the promotion of auto-
mobile highways. Another represen-
tative of the society will be Joseph
Brix, of Berlin-Charlottenburg, gov-
ernment consulting engineer.
The highway education board has
sent 300 invitations to the delegates
of the congress to participate in a
number of highway inspection tours. !
The tours are being arranged to af- |
ford the foreign delegates first hand
information on the construction,
maintenance and use of all types of
modern roads in the University.
ee —
prs ———————————————
Dr. R. L. Capers |
Hours 9-12 a. m.
Monday and Wednesday 1-5 p. m.
Friday 7-9 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7-9 p. m.
Phone 128-J
The Variety Shop
Over a Third of a Century
at Same Location
Merchandise and Prices
C.Y. Wagner & Co., Inc.
Manufacturers of
Flour, Corn Meal aa Feed
And Dealers in
All Kinds of Grain
Bell Phone 22
State College
Cottage Cheese
and Cream Cheese, Butter, Whip-
ping Cream and Certified Milk—
Harry E. Clevenstine
Esperanto was creaied by Dr, L.
L. Zamenho!f (1858-1917), who was
born at Bielostock, Russia. He be-
lieved that much international mis-
understanding might be removed if
a common language were available,
and he conceived the idea of Esper-
anto. By the age of nineteen, he
had completed the construction of
his new language, but it was then
subjected to scrutiny and practical
tests till 1887, when he published his
“Lingvo Internacia” under the pseu-
donym of ‘Doctor Esperanto.” Since
that time the use of Esperanto has
spread rapidly, and Esperanto as-
sociations have been formed in
every country. Even in the British
Isles, where the importance of the
movement does not appear to have
been fully understood, there are sup-
d to be 100,000 persons with al
owledge of the language, The |
third universal Esperanto congress
was held at Cambridge in 1907, and |
since ‘hen more than 1,250,000 text- |
books have been sotd in these is-|
lands. More than 1,260 delegates, |
representing every country in the
world, attended the twenty-second
universal Esperanto congress at Ox- |
ford. Among them were a number !
of Icelanders. !
lp rn
Fishermen, here's something pleas-
ant to think over while chill winds
blow and skaters glide over your
favorite haunts, the fisheries of!
Pennsylvania promise many happy
days with rod and reel. i
Pike, perch, suckers, black bass,
brook trout, catfish, lake trout, min-
nows, pickerel, sunfish--a variety of
fish to suit the sport of every type
of fisherman has been distributed
for your benefit.
A statement issued says that a
total of 69,344,028 fish and 92,236
frogs were distributed to the
streams from the Pleasant Mount
Fish Hatchery between January 1,
WW, and November 30, 1930, in-|
sm m— A ———
School Inspector to Pretty Teach-
er-—"Do you teach observation?”
“Then Iwill take the class. Now,
Shildren, shut your eyes and sit
Following this the inspector made
a slow whistling sort of noise and
followed with, “Now, children, what
did I do?”
When Winter Comes you will Need Your
Let Us Repair or Remodel It—
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Harry Greenberg
Spring and High Streets
Bellefonte, Pa.
Phone 558-J
You Need No Longer be Told
You Have an Expensive Foot
Burden Is Lightest in Communl-
ties Boasting Live and Thrive
ing Towns.
Is Inclined to Forget, at Times, Thal
He Is Most Vitally Interested in
Prosperity of Near-by
i Cities.
| (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.)
! Taxes are always heavy-—to the man
| who has to pay them—but taxes In
| some communities are much higher
than In others. If you have ever
stopped to investigate the matter you
have discovered that the lowest taxes
are found In the most prosperous com-
munities. And there's a reason.
i The prosperous community has the
| lowest toxes because there Is a large
| amount of wealth in the community
against which the taxes may be as-
sessed, There are prosperous mer-
' chants with large stocks of goods up-
, on which taxes are levied. Property
| values are high and there are thriving
. industries which pay a large propor
. tion of the taxes.
i The higher the property values ana
the greater the wealth of the commu-
| nity the lower are the tax levies, for a
. lower tax on each hundred dollars of
i valuation Is required to produce the
necessary revenue for the administra-
tion of the city and county govern-
Other Taxes Are Ralsed.
On the other hand, take a dead town
Property values are low. Merchants’
stocks are small and they have little
money in the bank. Industries which
ordinarily pay a large part of the taxes
of a community have closed «Io
There are vacant store buildings ch
were formerly filled with stocks of
merchandise upon which the owners
paid heavy taxes. Who pays the taxes
that were once pald by the mechants,
the manufacturers, the bankers and
the men who had large holdings of
high-priced property!
conduct the city and county govern-
ments, to maintain the schools, to build
and repair the roads must be collect-
ed from someone. Who pays them?
has been planning to bulld his home
must pay ¢ouble or triple the amount
which he paid in the times when the
town was prosperous, to make up for
The taxes to
The man who owns his little home or
the vacant lot or two upon which he
The Key to Better Busiess
the merchants, the bankers, the manu-
facturers and the big property owners
who bore the heaviest burdens of tax-
ation when times were good.
The farmers in the country sur
counding the town are also among the
heaviest sufferers from the ebbing of |
the town's prosperity. A certain
amount of money must be ralsed by
taxation to provide for the expenses
of the county. Roads must be built
and kept in repair. Bridges must be
built and maintained. Salaries of
county officers must be pald. County
institutions for the care of the sick
and the poor must be maintained. In
counties which contain one or more
thriving towns, a large proportion of
the taxes for the county are pald by
the towns. The greater the wealth
of the towns and the higher the prop-
erty valuations, the lower the tax levy
for the entire county. When the tax
levy is low the burden placed upon the |
farmer is light.
Burden Falls on Farmer.
When the county contains no pros
perous and wealthy towns, the greater |
part of the burden of taxation for the |
county falls upon the farmer. The
value of the farmer's property does not |
fall in proportion to the value of the
property in the town and the higher
tax levy that results from the lower
property values In the towns makes
his taxes higher.
The farmer forgets at times that hu
is vitally interested in the prosperity
of “his town,” He thinks that it is up
to the town to take care of itself and
that it is up to him to take care of
himself and he overlooks that fact that
the prosperity of the town means as
much to him as it does to those who
live in it. The farmer who is inclined
to overlook this fact has only to think
of the matter of taxes and he is likely
to change his point of view for taxes
are one thing that neither he nor any-
one else can escape, and they are one
thing in which the farmer ordinarily
takes a very lively interest,
How Farmer Can Help.
There is just one way in which the
tarmer can best promote prosperity in
the town near which he lives and that
is by spending his money In that town
Instead of sending it away to the far-
distant city. Every time the farmer
sends an order to & mall order house
he helps to destroy the prosperity of
his own community and to boost hie
own taxes. When he sends a dollar
away from home he gets none of it
back. When he spends a dollar at
home, a part of that dollar comes back
to him in some way. It helps the town
where it is spent to provide a profit-
able market for his products and It
helps the town pay a large part of his
The farmer is the one man in the
community, above all others, who
should have no love for the mail order
houses for they are doing more to add
to his troubles than any other one
The Kind of Coal You Want
Best grades obtainable, prices right.
Out Shiuache Bal Bei ium LJheus
tuminous in-
a Genuine Pine Glenn and
Cherry Run, Cambria Smokeless
and Dustless, and others.
J. 0. Brewer Coal Yard
Successor to Thomas Coal Yard
Call 162 J—Day or Night
Free Wheeling
«=. Means....
A transmission which permits the
engine to pull the car, but prevents
the car pulling the engine
North Water Street
City Coal Yard
0. G. Morgan, Proprietor
Bellefonte, Pa.
Anthracite C oO al
and Bituminous
Exciusive Sale of the
and The Original Cherry Run Coals
Special Notice
We handle U. S. Government in-
spected meats for the health and
protection of our patrons.
Leave your orders early for your Xmas
Turkey, Duck, Geese and Chickens.
Phone 384 J
Armstron§ Meat Market
Always the Best,
Fruits, Vegetables
Lumber Steel
....At the Big Spring....
For 1931 is Back to
Pre-War Prices at
W. R. Brachbill’s
Furniture Store
Candy and Tobaccos
Phone 28 Build
We Deliver u ing Supplies
1 You are Invited to See
Furniture the New Spring Styles in
Better Values Than Ever
Cohen & Co.
Bellefonte, Pa.
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
Only One Heatrola
Made by Estate Store Co.
* Phone 660 . . . Bellefonte
R.S. Brouse Store
In Bush Arcade
On High Street
Always Fresh Groceries
Glenwood Stoves
Makes Baking Easy
Peninsular Parlor Circulators
Blaben’s Floor Linoleums
Coat and
Dress Sale
Enna-Jettick the taxes which are not paid now by 88€ncy. Hilo 4-Hour Hard Drying Enamels in
Shoes for Women a oti al All Shades, Rich in Color and NOW ON
$5.00 and $6.00 Dunible = Besfythioe in Hard- ——
id If you want, satisfactory printing at, reasonable prices H. P. egtror Sid Bernstein
Mingle’s Shoe Store | | the Watchman Office will be glad to do it. for you. Ha RD Belefoctn Fu
We Recommend . Runkle’s Drug Store
and Sell “Larro” Flav-O-Lac City C ash Grocery ...And See For Yourself
= (Culture Buttermilk) —For Health rh hig
“More Profit Over A Wholesome and s— Good Taste, its Correctness it can be had
hi Healthful Beverage Allegheny Street er ms ot Remiadt
Mayer Bros. Hoag’ S Dairy Store Bellefonte, Pa. We Propose to Bush Arcade
Phone 334 Cor. High and Spring . . Phone 629 Give It to Them BELLEFONTE, PA.
Ed. L. Keichline
If in Need of a Real
Victrola Type
Parlor Heater
It will certainly pay you to investi-
gate the “Torrid Sunshine’’—sold by
The Bellefonte
We trust you find yourselves amo.g
those who feel that Olewine’s Hard-
ware is a good one to deal with.
If so, we are rvalizing our aspiration
to give real service in all our deal-
ings, aud we thank you for your
response to our efforts.
Olewine’s Hardware
It Pays to Buy the Best
It Pags to Buy al Beezer’s
Foods of Excellence will Help You Win
Fame as a Provider of Splendid Meals—If
It’s Quality You Want, We Have It.
P. L. Beezer Estate
Cash Meat Market
Fruit and Vegetables
Wholesale and Retail
| All Kinds of Produce
We Deliver
For tim . Bellefonte, Pa. ’ -—
over vt timaily” sos i ry Hardware Comp’y plat i jpueern SE
Buy Electrically Herr & Heverl Christmas Shopping is Easy || || Bellefonte Fuel & Supply C0. LISTEN
| They Cost the Least to Use Buy Lumber y RETAIL ny : Drain and Refill
and Save the Most Labor—
Washers, Sweepers, Ironers, Radios,
; Lamps, New Shades—
| at Prices to Suit Your Purse.
Electric Supply Co.
From a Lumberman
W. R. Shope
Ferndale (Croceries
Highest Quality Food Products
Prompt Service
At the Lowest Possible Prices
We Deliver
Phone 62
Hunter's Book Store
there are so many
Nice Things
to give that are inexpensive,
Coal, Feed and Oils
Moshannon } $5.00
Osceola Mills § Per Net Ton
| 5-Ton Lots...$4.50 per Net Ton
For Cold Weather
with TEXACO—
Clean, Clear, Golden
Center Oil and Gas Co.