Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 06, 1931, Image 1
— Don't dispair! If you can’t find a tea room or gas station to operate it's not too late to run for a county office. — Probably President Hoover would be perfectly willing to reveal his attitude on the prohibition ques- tion if he knew it himself. ——— The suffering in the drought regions is increasing but the vic- tims have assurance that the heart of the administration is bleeding for them. ~The Butler incident having developed the fact that Connie Vanderbilt did meet Mussolini what's the use of pursuing the subject fur- ther? Let us hope that the investi- gation of the Public Service Com- mission will be searching and com- plete. There are plenty of reasons for it. — Wouldn't it be funny if Gen. Butler should prove that he told the truth about Mussolini. What would Washington do then? Recall the apology ? —— President Hoover is determin- ed to have his own way in every- thing. Probably a sharp rebuke might be a good remedy for such obstinence. — A bill to establish the whip- ping post in Pennsylvania has been introduced in the General Assembly, and that expresses the refinement of futility. We are beginning to wonder whether the Weather Man might have listened in on the prayers that went up to Heaven to make this country dry. ——Maybe if Mrs. Sabin will promise to pay all the expenses Professor Irving Fisher will accept her invitation to spend five days in a speak easy. —The period of Nick Longworih’s control of the government of the United States is drawing to a close. The 4th of March is only a trifie more than a month off. We'd like to laugh at the way the State College Times kicked hog day around in its last issue, but we can't because we did the same thing last year. Snow Shoe Intersection are appre- hended we hope the law will show no mercy. Such wanton devilish- ness we have seldom heard of. — President Hoover's statement of his case against Congress, that was released on Tuesday, got him just about as far as the report of the wi m co : the enforcement problem tion. ; “Alfalfa Bill” Murray, Governor of Oklahoma, has made Will Rogers a colonel on his staff. Will is to pe “in charge of the nut brigade.” «Alfalfa Bill" picked just the right leader if he expects to do any paradin’ himself. —By way of adding a little opti- mism to the outlook we wish to an- nounce that our January business was just $1.81 more than that of January, 1930. Gosh, if that keeps up we see a six-year old winter over- coat on the way to mage sale. —If you need any lions, tigers or elephants now would be a good time to buy. They are lower in the London market than they have been for years. The prices on rhinoceroses and giraffes have not fallen much, but you can probably get along without them. Yes, there are dogs with neuter gender. Johnny Doblebower, of Cur- tin street, Bellefonte, went up to the County Treasurer's office some days ago to get a license for his pet. When asked: “Is it a male or fe- male?” He replied: “It ain't neither. Its an a-i-r-d-a-l-e!” — Unless Governor Pinchot hurries up and does something for the faithful in Centre county there is ing to be a lot of eye trouble to be looked after here. His lieutenants have been stretching their optic nerves in order to see johs in Har- risburg entirely too long. —Last year Pennsylvania autoists paid sixty-six million dollars in va- rious forms of taxes for the privi- lege of driving cars. It is likely that last year Pennsylvania land- lords, tradesmen and gas dealers lost pretty nearly a like sum in bad debts because they had privilege. —Dr. Einstein has expressed the belief that the Earth is now in a state of explosion. With the political eruptions in Washington, the siesmic | his own advantage. tremors all over the country and the volcanoes of the Pacific coast spitting lava Dr. Einstein might have impressed us as being more pro- found if he had told us something new, New Zealand has been shaken nearly to pieces by an earthquake and a new island has appeared In the Pacific, off the coast of Mexico. Almost, if our name was Noah and we had the money to do it with, we think we would start building an ark. So many weird things are happening that we are at a loss to know why some fanatical evangelist is not capitalizing a revival on the “world's coming to an end." tained by the Democrats was in the | Muscle Shoals matter and even that | wil be irretrievably lost unles toward solu-| ! sion next fall's rum- BE reer VOL. 76. Democratic Senators Too Easy. In opposing an appropriation of funds for building transmission lines at the Muscle Shoals plant Senator Robinson is not only serving the interests of the Hoover administra- tion but he is promoting the pur- pose of the Power Trust to seize that valuable property of the people, Af- ter ten years of strenuous work Senator Norris has finally forced Congress to sanction government operation of the Muscle Shoals plant. But the achievement is of no value without transmission lines, and in the absence of an appropria- tion to build them there can be no lines, In fighting the appropria- tion, therefore, the Democratic floor leader is playing into the hands of the Power Trust. Are the Democratic leaders of the Senate basking in the sunshine of a fool's paradise? Are they un- able to see that the paramount political issue of the future is pow- er control? It is coming from all directions ‘and increasing in force as it comes. For years the Republi- can party has been giving it aid and comfort and unless it is check- ed in the near future it will have acquired a strength that is invul- nerable. Calvin Coolidge invested it with new life and strength by his “pocket” veto twe years ago, and by the profligate use of money ‘it controlied the election of 1928. If the pending appropriation for lay- ing transmission lines at Muscle Shoals is defeated it will control in 1932. Senator Robinson is wise and fully justified in insisting on an appropriation, in the form of a “rider” for the relief of the drought victims in Arkansas. But he is neither wise nor consistent in o0p- If the vandals who wrecked the interior of that summer home up at | ‘building transmission lines at Muscle | Shoals. The President and the Re- posing an appropriation, because it is a “rider” for the purpose of publican leaders of the Senate have ‘been making monkeys of the Demo- | crats ever since the present session began. The only advantage ob-' tion for building 8- lines is made, This can be ac-. | complished by united and determined | | effort. | The Hoover administration can't compensation | afford an extra session of Congress. | The Republican party will make any | concession to avert an early assem- bling of the new Congress. That being true the minority in the pres- ‘ent Congress has a right to demand fair play in legislation. They have | not received ic thus far and are not likely to if they yield everything. Pinchot Police Plan Fallacious. In a recent letter to Governor Pinchot Assemblyman Musmanno, of Pittsburgh, urges the Governor to abandon his plan to substitute an- other system for the coal and iron police and gives substantial as well as persuasive reason for his action. “I deem the plan announced by your excellency fallacious,” he writes, for the reason “that it would mean the sale of the police power by the | State thereby cheapening the sover- eignty of the Commonwealth. With the corporations paying these police ‘they would scarcely be considered ‘neutral and in time of strife their 'allegiance would naturally be to | their paymasters.” Mr. Musmanno advances other | forceful reasons for objecting to the | Governor's plan. It would obligate the State to pay the expense of | training and maintaining a force “created solely for the benefit of | private interests,” and ‘“perple in- | jured or families of people killed | would have no redress” for the rea- 'son that the “Supreme court has ‘held that police upon whom general | police powers have been conferred | |are State officers, even though work- | ‘ing for corporations.” His statement | that all these dangers would come | after the Pinchot term expires is | merely a tub to the Governor's vanity whale. He probably knows | that the Governor is not averse to ‘using any instrument available for | But no argument, however force- ful, is likely to disturb the Pinchot | egoism. The Governor has con- | ceived the notion that a police force | | selected by himself will check the |abuses and cure the evils of the |coal and iron police and he will | stick to it. Of course the General | Assembly has power to frame legis- | lation and enact laws and if a sen- ‘sible measure, authorizing corpora- | | tions to employ men to protect their | property without investing them | with police power, is passed he may | |sign it. But it will be a reluctant | | service for the Governor covets | | power and cherishes what seems an | | excellent opportunity to acquire it. 3 BELLEFONTE, PA. | satisfied. | Service Commission had asked | privilege of naming three members Guate, ‘of the committee it would have been ‘John Barton Payne, executive head |urge the General Assembly to cut | of the President, that the $10,000,- | ‘will die. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. Everybody Ought to be Satisfied. There ought to be no serious op- position to the joint resolution in- troduced by Senator Ernest, of Har- risburg, recently. It proposes & joint legislative investigation of the Public Service Commission. That body has been under criticism for’ many years. It has been charged with favoring the utility corpora- tions in practically every case brought before it in which such corporations were concerned. The resolution is absolutely fair in its | provisions. It proposes a joint com- mittee composed of an equal num- ber from each branch, It is assum- ed that the Senate is against the Governor and the House in his fa- | vor. If that be true neither hasan advantage. It's a 50-50 proposition. In the recent campaign Governor Pinchot made aspersions against the Public Service Commission the paramount issue. That being the case his friends have no reason to complain of an inquiry by a joint committee on which he is quite as strong as his enemies. The mem- bers of the Public Service Commis- sion are entitled to a full and fair hearing of the charges that have | been made against them. With equal representation on the board of | inquisition they ought to be satis-! fied. The public wants neither persecution nor favoritism as the result of the investigation and isen- titled to a just verdict. Taking all | these conditions into consideration everybody interested ought to be But according to current gossipat| Harrisburg and newspaper state- ments there is no such harmony.’ The friends of the Governor in the | Senate have demanded that he be, allowed to name three members of | the joint committee. That would give his friends an assured control | of the report, if one is ever made, If the purpose of the inquiry is to disclose the facts there is no need for assured control on either side. With a committee equally divideda false report would be impossible even though it were the purpose of one side or the other. If the Public laughed out of court. certificates now impair the bond is compensation would save the lives of some improve the health of many men. might | market, but there and i { i Shameful Spectacle to Contemplate. The administration at Washington continues “to play politics at the expense of human misery.” Under | the direct tutelage of the President the House Committee on Appropria- tions has refused to concur in the Senate rider on the Interior Depart- ment supply bill appropriating $25,- 000,000 for relief of the practically | starving drought sufferers. The pur- pose of this cruelty was to support the President in a controversy with the Senate. It is felt by the friends of the administration that victory of the Senate would be interpreted as a rebuke to the President which would seriously impair Mr. Hoover's chances of re-election. They are! willing to imperil the lives of mil- lions to promote his ambition. | The worst feature of this astound- | October, ] The Wall Street panic occurred in 1929, and the ployment set in soon after. the year that elapsed between that FEBRUARY 6, 1931 Hoover, Selfish, Smug and Partisan. industrial depression and paralyzing unem- During disaster and the Congressional elec- | tion of last year President Hoover | did nothing of value or merit to remedy the distress which was ap- parent to every healthy mind. The Democratic Senators and Represen- tatives in Congress urged paliative and remedial legislation, some of which was adopted by the Senate. But the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, it is said, under the mandate of the President, stifled it in committees or mutilated it on the floor of that chamber. When the result of the vote of last November revealed to his conscious- ness the temper of the popular mind Mr. Hoover got busy. During the long regular session of the Seventy- first Congress and the equally pro- longed special session he smugly sat in the White House like a Sphinx while Jim Watson, Joe Grun- dy and Nick Longworth played politics and the unemployment in- creased and the physical suffering of the people multiplied. He even imagined that the people were enam- ored of him and his methods. But when he discovered that his party's control was in danger and his chances of re-election menaced he promptly set ahout devising remedial meas- ures and proposed corrective legis- lation. These facts show that Herbert Hoover is not concerned in the in- terests or prosperity of the people. The legislation urged by Senator Wagner, Democrat, of New York, might not have produced an im- mediate restoration of prosperity. But it would have mitigated the dis- | tress, palliated the evil and hasten- ed the remedy. But because Sena- tor Wagner is a Democrat, and for the reason that some of the credit | for improvement might have gone to the Hoover deliberately compassed its defeat. When Senator Democrat of Arkansas, proposed a sure. of relief which was ade- absurd reason called a “dole.” that it might be | Since the World war this country the State may calculate Possibly paying the soldiers has had the most corrupt adminis- correctly and make tration in its history under Harding, the most stupid under Coolidge and der Hoover. Thank heaven the | sources. ter rations, from the drought. NO. 6. Drought Hits the Cities, From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. The agricultural lands of the South are not the only sufferers Pennsylvania has been hard hit. Parts of Ohio, of New Jersey, large sections of New land and now New York are feeling it. And the effects now be- ing felt most are not agricultural; they are distinctly urban. There is a general water shortage. New York's predicament has been revealed by a survey of the supply available in the city's normal This shows that there is now sufficient water for only a little more than four months. Unless heavy snows or rains come mean- while, this means that late spring or early summer will find America's biggest city on decidedly short wa- The supply now in storage in the four principal systems is approximately half that in a nor- mal year. This situation is duplicated in a score of Pennsylvania cities and towns, in Ohio, in New England, in a dozen other States. Normal sup- plies shrunken by last summer's lack of rainfall and given but little help by the winter's extremely light snowfalls, have dwindled or disap- peared. Emergency supplies have been tapped, and even they have dwindled. The rural districts felt this pinch months ago. Wells and springs never before dry have failed. Even in the far north the lack of water | was felt, lakes and streams being at low levels, game birds and fishes suffering. Now the effect has crept all the way down to the Gulf, and Louisiana's pelicans are dying from water shortage and disease. The aftermath of the drought has struck, and its worst blow falls on those cities which depend on the streams for their water. The win- ter, more than half gone, has brought little relief. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, St, Louis, Omaha, even Seattle and Los Angeles, are ask- ing, “Will the snows come, and will they be sufficient?” Bruening Prescribes for Germany. | From the Philadelphia Record. Democratic party, President | Bruening, prepared Robinson, | new session { | in the hope that it! the most fanatical and partisan un- The German Chancellor, Herr the way for the of the national Legisla ture by giving the people some straight, hard talk. He bored right welrock. » 3 - Hoover objécted to it for the down to Forget reparations for a while, Rearrange public and private fi- nances; live economically, so that its income its appropria- tions effectively. That was the sum and substance of the speech. Chancellor Bruening reminded the oe — SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE, | —John Pastal, Lebanon barber, has done his share toward aiding the unem- ployed. In one day recently he cut the hair of more than seventy needy pers sons free of charge. —In commemoration of the services of the late Dr. Charles Thomas Aikens dur- ing his 22 years as president of Susque- hanna University, his portrait was un- veiled in Seibert Hall at the University, on Monday night, as the gift of the Ladies Auxiliary of the institution. i —'1 didn’t care whether I profited by it or not,” said Louis Pieri, cigar store owner at Mahoney City, on Monday, when asked why he acted so rashly during a poker game. Pieri had drawn ‘a royal flush, the first one in his life- !time, and in his excitement threw the cards on the table and failed to profit by the hand. —After a silence of nearly 100 years, the Liberty Bell in Independence hall, | Philadelphia, is to be rung again. Plans to have the bell tapped 13 times, once for each of the original States, on Feb- ruary 22, were announced by the George Washington bicentennial commission last week. It will be heard ona nation- wide radio hook-up. —Thieves usually break into places, but Hazleton offers a thief who broke out. He hid in the Feeley theatre and after it closed for the night found that everything valuable was in the safe in the office. So he took a block of wood, smashed a plate glass door and escaped. He got away before the police, attracted by the crash, could reach the main en- trance. —Fly-by night merchants are classified in Hazleton as those who do not stay in business for at least one year and those who go there as transients will find that the rules have been changed. Instead of $100 flat fee for less than a year, a license of $250 a month must be taken out. The change was made by City Council at the request of local business men. — Frank W. Mountz, 32, shot and kill- ed himself at his home in North Middle- ton township, Monday morning, in view of his wife and children, after wrangling with his wife because she trumped a trick of his ata card party at a neighbor's home Sunday night. Returning from the party, the family quarrel last- ed a couple of hours, and the children were aroused from sleep to see their father kill himself on a side porch. Identification of the man who shot himself and then plunged into the upper rapids of the Niagara river near the brink of the American falls, last week, was established as Harry L. MacLay, 60 years old, of Huntingdon, Pa. Iden- tification was made by Irving I. Cannon. | of Niagara Falls. Cannon sald that MacLay was an uncle of his first wife | and that before he left Huntingdon on | Wednesday told a friend that he in- | tended to commit suicide. When the | friend read in the newspapers of the | Falls suicide he immediately telephoned | Cannon and asked him to view the | body. —According to reports announced Mon- 'day by Secretary of Health Dr. Theo- dore B. Appel, from the bureau of com- municable diseases, the diphtheria inel- dent for the past twelve months in Pennsylvania has been the lowest in the | of the Commonwealth. Natural i on, and toxin antl-toxin cam- paigns, particularly the latter, have been given credit by Dr. Campbell, chief of the bureau of communicable dis- eases, for this unusual record. The re- port further advises there is every indi- cation that the present si lar de- crease in diphtheria will continue ita course. people that debt collection by the: Allies is not an isolated cause of good ! present indications point to an end Garmany's troubles. The young re- of such humiliations as well as of | public, like all other nations, should the corrupt political machine which realize that four years of world war has been responsible for all of them. must inevitably be followed by a In his frantic appeal for funds for long period of constricted living— the Red Cross Mr. Hoover confesses the inadequacy of the appropriation he insists on. Governor Pinchot’'s Budget Message. Governor Pinchot's message and bly in joint i and Germany has been mon- ey for “things that turned out to be unproductive.” Enlighted opinion everywhere rec- that there must be still further readjustments of the war debt problem. Germany is not be- ing hounded; no loser in a great budget read to the General Assem- war ever was let off so easily. Most ag jon ob Tuesd wih the plain people of Germany perceive that fact. Their afternoon, presented an interesting task is to get the better of the and comprehensive survey of fiscal affairs of the State as they appear to his optimistic mind. He expects to have available during the biennium $347,425,251.64 and recom- that sum. complish that right away, but the funds are zvailable,” | ing situation is that the Red Cross clares “it is the largest undertaking | organization, with all its glorious | traditions of beneficence, is being | prostituted to this base service. of the organization, appeared before the committee and declared that the Red Cross would refuse to dis-| burse the fund even if Congress | voted the appropriation, This abdica- | tion of a function which the Red Cross has cheerfully end faithfully | performed for nearly a hundred | years is the most dastardly event of | are other agencies of benevolence | less amendable to sinister influences. The Salvation Army is ready and willing to perform this service. It is admitted, even by the friends 000 which the Red Cross is collect- ing will be inadequate and the Sen- ate resolution provides for covering into the treasury any surplus of the appropriation. Therefore there | is no possibility of waste of funds. It is not the purpose of the Senate to embarrass the President. The intention is, and was, to supply im- | mediate relief for present suffering. The people in the drought are starving now. Unless relief is provided soon thousands of them | To avert such a calamity | the appropriation was offered. To | promote the ambition of an cient public official it is resisted. It is a shameful spectacle to contem-| plate, : ever contemplated by any highway department on earth | i the yammering minority that doesn’t want a settlement—wants nothing but continued trouble and unrest. And if the plain people of Ger- many are as wise as we think they they will see that the Chan- | | are, { 'mends the appropriation of exactly | oo’ ve advice, to “lay off” repara- | He proposes to take .;,,, for a while and set their own over and maintain 20,000 miles Of pouse in order, will have precisely ‘rural roads, doesn’t promise to &c- the effect of facilitating a final read- “when justment of war and he de- ors’ debts, on the credit- own initiative. Bruening packed volumes of mean- ing into one sentence: “There nothing more dangerous than public belief that the State can and must Governor Pinchot asks but doesn't pear all the burden.” the auto license fees and the for driver's licenses and shaving the allowance for various activities. But the Executive De- partment is not among those to be so treated. During the last bien- nium of the Fisher administration the appropriation for that service recent history. Fortunately there 1d that it be increased to $943,900. It|$0,0 , is true that he adds some expensive | additions to its activities and iin hc think of this State in terms of he was in $467,400. Mr. Pinchot asks sonnel grasp the full power of disburse- ment and complete control of its operations. The Governor is generous enough in some directions and there might ., be at least a suspicion that in this 000,000 influenced to | suppose the lat Cornwall, near Lebanon, as by- election, For example, he recommends | products of the iron ore taken matter he has been some extent by the returns of very considerable increase of the appropriation to the University of sylvania in Philadelphia. | | | but he retains within his like, | | i i | | i i The State is not a theoretical ab- charge | straction representing the people; it’ recommends is the people. Pennsylvania Gold. From the Harrisburg Telegraph. The annual report of mineral out- put in America credits Pennsylva- nia with more than 200 ounces of Gold mined in Pennsylvania! The question is natural coal, iron, limestone, cement and the but seldom as a producer of the precious metals. And yet not only was gold taken out of our hills last year in considerable amounts, but silver to the quantity of more than 2000 ounces, while the per vield was something like 2,- pounds. And where do you all this was found? from the great deposits there. Gold silver, copper—and right here at our front doors! Who shall say what | Pittsburgh and an increase of only region | $160,000 to the University of Penn- Foal ign Boy y he Muldesome may It pe found to yield most valuable pro- will be recalled that the “strip” | ducts, after the manner of the once was generous to him while despised ganister, for example, e “neck” was unkind. But not- | budget and the message which ac- companied it make interesting read- ing, especially to the credulous. ineffi- | Withstanding these peculiarities the | | While in full sympathy with General Smedly Darlington Butler it must be admitted that he talks too m. is | —A blow torch being used to thaw a frozen water pipe exploded a keg of powder in the basement of a home at Harrison, Somerset county, last Thurs- day, causing the death of two small children. Paul Friedline, two, who was killed instantly, and Violet Friedline, four, who died of burns, were playing in the kitchen above the point where their father, Fred Friedline, was work- ing on the water pipe. The powder was for use in connection with Fried- line's work as an employee of the Sax- man Coal company. Friedline was in- jured seriously and was taken to the Somerset hospital. —Refuting the general idea that there is a scarcity of fresh vegetablee at this season of the year, State institutions under the jurisdiction of the State De- partment of Welfare recently exhibited twenty-two different kinds of fresh vegetables. Included in the list of vege- tables raised on the farms for institu- | tional use were: Rhubarb, radishes, parsley, horse-radish, mushrooms, dan- delion and oyster plant. Of the three institutions showing the highest number of variety, Danville State hospital led with twenty different kinds, followed closely by the Harrisburg and Allentown State hospitals. —Luzerne county will have to pay Joseph Linski, $6 a day for part of the time he spent in jail as a material wit- ness for the Commonwealth in the case | of Andrew Vetrick and Victor Lomitch, charged with murder. Linski could not | find $1000 bail so was committed asa material witness on March 8, 1929, at | $1.50 per day. On March 21, 1929, the Legislature fixed a daily rate of $5 for | compensation for imprisoned witnesses. |The county officials took the stand that (as Linski was committed prior to pas- | sage of the act he was entitled to only |$1.50 a day. The lower court decreed jail after passage of the act |and gave judgment to Linski for $280.- | 50. The unsuccessful appeal of the coun- | ty to the higher court followed. {| ~The contract for complete construc | tion of the new Federal penitentiary at | Lewisburg, has been awarded to the Great Lakes Construction company, of | Chicago. Start of work on the project | within 60 days of the date of the award, | January 81, and completion within a | year from that date are specified in the | contract. The contractor, the Depart- | ment of Justice sald, has agreed to | give ‘preference’ to local labor at Lewis- burg at wages prevailing there. Attorney | General Mitchell signed the contract af- | ter it had been transmitted to him by | the Treasury Department which supervis- | ed letting of bids and other incidental | work. The Chicago firm offered the | lowest bid submitted by more thana score of contractors. Its figure was $2,781,000, more than $1,000,000 below the |sum made available by Congress for the | penitentiary.