Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 30, 1931, Image 1

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    vow otiat only through
could the country hope to remain
In film parlance the Bellefonte
Republican is fading out this week.
Even if Governor Pinchot’s idea
of building twenty-thousand miles of
by-roads were not practical think of
the filling station sites it would pro-
Sunday's meiting Snow raised
the water in Spring creek high
enough at least to wash the accum-
ulation of dust off the backs of the
big trout.
— Since Governor Pinchot has
elected to worship in the Methodist
church in Harrisburg we suggest
that the congregation at once send
a call to Bishop Cannon to occupy
its pulpit.
We apologize to the Associated
Charities of Bellefonte. Over an
article in this issue referring to the
activities of the organization we
have put a heading that is more or
less suggestive. It ought to be clari-
fied but it is too near press time to
do it, so we leave it to you to deter-
mine who needs the underwear.
Charles C. Shuey is to take a
fling at politics. He told us yester-
day that he will be a candidate for
County Treasurer and that means
that Mr. Jones and Mr. Frantz
who are other aspirants for the Re-
publican nomination will have to
step on the gas. “Brother” Shuey
is a “go getter.” He has no end of
energy and a wide acquaintanceship
in the county.
__Mr. Wilhelm Hohenzollern, retir-
ed resident of Doorn, must be think-
ing that he was a piker when he
reads of what those ‘brown shirts”
plan to do if they can seize the
reins of government in Germany.
Bill was no gentle tyrant, but we
don't think his program ever con-
templated chopping off the heads
of leading citizens in three dozen
__Mahatma Gandhi, “toe little
prown man” of India, who has given
the British Empire an almost un-
solvable problem, is out of jail. He
was released by an imperial order
of clemency, but he says he ex-
pects to “be back within two
months,” And what he is going to
do that will put him back is
pyramiding the Gandhi trouble for
—In Monday's Philadelphia Public
solid |
It's an
ill wind that blows no one good.
That was profitable business for the
damning commentary
when it said
Ledger there were sixty-four
columns of sheriff's sales.
Ledger, but a
on the times
world two years ago,
that it promised
—Surely this is a cockeyed world.
the crime
the murders,
the weather vagaries, the good men
the abnormal condi-
by laying it to the
Jack of old fashioned home training
but what is there to ex-
What is to account for
waves, the suicides,
and women going wrong.
some new planetary influence
throwing everything awry.
might explain
tion of society
of youth,
plain the freaky seasonal changes.
___Next Monday will be ground
The lady who wrote us
ago, calling
attention to our then obfuscation over
the event, is hereby notified that we
have a long memory for trivialities
and waited for the appropriate mo-
ment to reply to the facetious com-
ment she made on our blunder. By
grace of more perspicacity on the
part of the writer of the column we
hog day in Centre county will fall
on the same day as it does in York
year of our Lord,
hog day,
from York, just a year
have arranged it so that
county in this
effect that Centre county will
spring as usual.
ably two reasons for th is. |
One of them is that those who
might have contemplated sell-
ing out saw nothing but slow
notes, that bankers are not as
eager to discount as they once were,
in return for their offerings. The
other is a sane conclusion to hold
on to a job that at least insures a
roof over the head, beef, pork,
chickens, milk, eggs, vegetables and
a lot of other necessities that the
rest of mankind isn't so sure of.
—Governor Pinchot is an Episco-
polian. During his former admin-
istration he worshiped in the church
of that denomination in Harrisburg.
He has announced that during his
present regime he will worship in a
Methodist church in the capital city.
The change has been made because
the rector of the Episcopal church
did not support Mr. Pinchot in his
campaign for Governor while the
pastor of the Methodist church did.
The Governor ought to be happy in
the Methodist church, for there is
none other that so loves to visualize
the old Republican elephant, with
wings on, sitting up in the amen
corner fumbling at a harp with his
trunk. Since Gifford evidently
doesn’t go to church to worship
God so much as he does to placate
his exaggerated ego we hope the
good brothers of Grace church, Har-
risburg, will see to it that he has
prominent seating. It would be aw-
ful if he were to find himself in the
right church, but the wrong pew.
information is to the
have as many farm sales in the
There are prob-
| to create confusion
| mind and rely upon popular creduli-
VOI. 76.
Governor Pinchot’s Second Inaugural
With the advantage of eight years
of intensive training in the expen-
sive school of experience, Governor
Pinchot starts his new administra-
tion in a different atmosphere than
that of his first venture. Eight
years ago he met that element of
his party which opposed his nomi-
nation in a conciliatory spirit. He
welcomed Mr. Vare to his councils
and practically made him spokes-
man of the administration on the
floor of the Senate. In his inaugural
address this year he hurls defiance
at all enemies within his party and
by proclamation and promise
threatens them with a war of ex-
tinction. Disappointment with the
result of his first experiment prob-
ably accounts for the changed at-
titude in the second.
In his first inaugural address he
featured prohibition enforcement. In
the second he emphasizes control of
utility corporations. In both in-
stances he pays tribute to the force
of popular opinion rather than def-
erence to principle. Eight years
ago prohibition enforcement was
the paramount subject in the public
mind and with the avidity of a skill-
ful opportunist he plunged into it
with enthusiasm, Now it is a com-
paratively negligible question and
he dismisses it with a cryptic state-
ment that “this administration will
be dry.” With the rapidly increas-
ing opposition to the degradation of
the federal constitution to the level
of a police code probably that was
enough to say about it.
With a surprising confidence in
his own omnipotence Mr. Pinchot, in
‘his new inaugural address, before a
friendly but eager audience, repeat-
| ed, seriatum, the more or less ab-
‘surd pledges with which he beguil-
ed a credulous public during the
campaign. Some of these promises
will be fulfilled because there isand
will be no opposition to them. But
others will fail because they are
of doubtful value and still others
for the reason that they are with-
out merit altogether. Men quite
+his equal. in integrity
and patriotism hold different opin-
jons on certain subjects and are
likely to assert them. Besides, it is
unreasonable to expect the Republi-
can organization to take punishment
and look pleasant.
—— Even if the $25,000,000 ap-
propriation for the drought sufferers
is supplemented by a $10,000,000 in-
crease of the Red Cross fund there
will be plenty of prudent use for the
Congressman Beck's Heart is Broken
Mr. Vare's representative in Con-
gress, James M. Beck, is heart-
broken because President Hoover has
wrecked his hopes for a second
term in the White House by an
ambiguous declaration of fidelity to
the Anti-Saloon League and the
Eighteenth amendment. If the de-
feat of Mr. Hoover could be admin-
istered at the nominating convention,
next year, Mr. Beck might survive
the shock. But Mr. Vare's Con-
gressman is persuaded that the dis-
aster will come at the general elec-
tion, and to quote from a statement
issued by Mr. Beck the other day,
“the success of the Democratic party
in the next Presidential election
would probably be an irreparable
calamity to the nation.”
The report of Mr. Wickersham's
law enforcement commission, which
provided Mr, Beck with an opportu-
| nity to get into the lime-light, is
‘not satisfactory to him. He de-
'nounces it as “a travesty” and de-
| clared that instead of the Wicker-
sham commission the body ought to
be called the “Wicked-sham com-
mission.” Yet he says that it is
‘not only a very valuable contribu-
‘tion to the literature of a great sub-
| ject, but it is the most damning in- |
| dictment of the Eighteenth amend-
'ment.” How he reconciles these
| conflicting appraisals is difficult to
imagine. Probably his purpose is
in the public
ty to get away with it.
| Mr. Beck's complaint against the
| President, however, is that though
| the report is a travesty, contradic-
tory and generally preposterous Mr.
Hoover failed to give it complete
|approval. In other words, if the
| President had adopted Mr. Beck's
idea that it is “not only a very val-
'uable contribution to the literature
of a great subject but it is the
most damning contribution of the
Eighteenth amendment” he would
have performed a valuable public
service and secured the cordial ap-
proval of Mr. Beck and a guarantee
| of re-election. It makes a vast dif-
| ference when the wrong bull is
| gored and the country will probably
| survive the election of a Democratic
President in 1932.
Red Cross is impaired
Real Enemies of the Red Cross.
Urging delay in the appropriation
of public funds for the relief of
drought sufferers Senator Reed, of
Pennsylvania, said he was asking
postponement because he believed
that “the very integrity of the Red
Cross is at stake” and in his opin-
jon “we ought to postpone a gov-
ernment contribution to give the
Red Cross a chance to put through
the drive which they themselves
have started and to fill up their
funds by voluntary contributions.”
Mr. John Barton Payne, head of the
Red Cross organization has entered
a similar complaint, He says an
appropriation by Congress, even
though it be disbursed by the Red
Cross, would discourage subscrip-
tions and defeat the drive.
If the integrity of the Red Cross
is menaced it is not because of ap-
propriations to its funds by Con-
gress. It is because that great or-
ganization is being prostituted to
the uses of politics. When Senator
Robinson took issue with President
Hoover on the question of an ade-
quate relief fund John Barton Payne
appeared before a Congressional
committee and testified that the
Red Cross had ample resources to
meet the demand for relief. Unless
he is an incompetent he knew that
his statement was false and made,
not for the purpose of relieving dis-
tress but to help the President in
an absurd contention with the Sen-
ate, That was the blow that
gravely injured the Red Cross.
Senator Caraway correctly labeled
the activity of President Hoover,
Senator Reed and Mr. Payne in the
matter in controversy. Speaking of
calling Governor Smith and John
W. Davis to the service of the Red
Cross drive Mr. Caraway said “it
was not done to add a dollar to the
Red Cross but to install courage in-
to the weak to stand up against
the cry of the hungry,” and he de-
nounced the Reed motion for post-
ponement “as an attempt of the ad-
ministration to save its face and an
alibi for the Red Cross for its fail-
ure to realize the gravity of the,
situation.” If the reputation of
the blame
rests on those who would pervert
it to political service, as they have
done with every sacred agency,
Soviet Russia wants techni-
cians, and they are welcome to a good
many of those who have been work-
ing confusion in this country.
An Insulting Offer.
Robert H. Lucas, executive direct-
or of the Republican National com-
mittee, offers to apologize to Al
Smith for employing dishonorable
methods against Senator Norris in
the recent campaign in Nebraska on
condition that Mr. Smith will public-
ly state that he is now for prohibi-
tion. This proposition is entirely
consistent with the political record
of Mr. Lucas. A political advent-
urer without character or principle
he is willing to stultify himself and
make any bargain that promises ad-
vantage to himself or the party that
employs him. What he or his party
would gain by such a statement is
not apparent but evidently he im-
agines it would help some.
During the Senatorial campaign in
Nebraska Mr. Lucas procured and
circulated a cartoon falsely repre-
Raskob as in sympathy with the
most odious form of the saloons un- |
| der the inscription “Al Smith-Raskob
Governor Smith
Idea of Happiness.”
demanded that the Republican Na-
tional committee apologize for this
slander and Mr. Lucas, with or with-
out the approval of the committee,
made the insulting reply substantial-
ly quoted above. If Mr, Lucas is
the Republican National committee
he is within his rights to speak for
the committee and the party may
justly be held responsible for what |
he says. But there is no record
that the committee has abdicated
Senator Norris was the regularly
and fairly nominated candidate of
the Republican party of Nebraska
and the Republican National com-
mittee was normally bound to sup-
port him The
is positive evidence that instead of
fulfilling that obligation, Lucas, as
the executive director of the com-
mittee, perfidiously opposed his elec-
tion. If the treachery was perpetrat-
ed without the approval of the com-
mittee Lucas ought to have been
kicked out of the office he holds by
the favor of the President, as a|
traitor. That he has not been 80
dispensed with indicates that not
only his sponsor but the entire com-
mittee is equally guilty with him.
——1In other words the Republi- |
Gov- |
can State Senators have notified
ernor Pinchot to “keep off
Mr. Smith and Chairman
scurrilous cartoon |
The Coal and Iron Police.
Governor Pinchot has promptly
taken the first step toward the ful-
fillment of his platform pledge to
abolish the coal and iron police. On
Monday he issued an order “that
every commission of a coal and iron
policeman now in force or hereafter
issued shall be terminated on June
30, 1931.” There are 1100 men em-
ployed in this service and their ac-
tivities have been the subject of
criticism for some years. Two reme-
dial measures were enacted dur-
ing the last session of the General
Assembly and the one least effective
was approved. But it neither
guaranteed a remedy nor abated the
opposition to the system.
Governor Pinchot proposes to sub-
stitute a police force to be appoint-
ed by the Governor, at the request
of the corporations, and to be paid
by the corporations. Representative
Musmanno, of Allegheny county,
author of the bill, vetoed by Gover-
nor Fisher, has already expressed
doubt of the wisdom of the Pinchot
plan. It might work all right, he
thinks, so long as the Governor is
in sympathy with its purpose. But
in the event that a Governor should
be chosen ‘friendly to the corpora-
tions,” it would work mischief rath-
er than benefit. Mr. Musmanno has
already introduced a bill which he
believes will serve the purpose bet-
Governor Pinchot says “I recog-
nize the necessity for police protec-
tion in those regions,” and Mr.
Musmanno declares that “industries
with vast properties should be per-
mitted to employ guards to protect
their property.” But if the Pinchot
order goes into effect on the 30th of
June and the Legislature should fail,
meantime, to agree on a measure
providing a new force, the corpora-
tions would be without the protec-
‘tion which it is conceded is just
and necessary. But we all agree
that the coal and iron police ought
te be abolished, and welcome the
evidence that the Governor intends to |
promote that result.
islature as long as he doesn’t inter-
fere with the present control of the
| State organization.
Perfidy to Save Monopoly.
Following the last Congressional
election a number of leading Dem-
ocrats somewhat elated over the
result of the vote, magnanimously
offered to aid the administration to
carry out any fair programme for
the relief of unemployment and the
restoration of prosperity to the
country. They realized that credit
for improvement resulting from leg-
islation enacted during the short
session of Congress would redound
to the advantage of the President
and his party. But national pros-
perity was of greater importance, in
their estimation, than party advan-
tage, and they were willing to ac-
cept the leadership of the President
during the brief period in which his
party had control in Congress.
But from the beginning the Presi-
dent and his party betrayed the con-
fidence which had been reposed in
‘him. His first act was to make
public the opposite side of a corres-
'pondence between Senator Robinson
‘and himself and conceal his own
His obvious purpose was to
mislead public sentiment and, to say
the least, it was a form of treachery,
| Then the leaders of his party in the
House of Representatives repudiated
promises they had made respecting
pending legislation and set up a line
of procedure which could not be ac-
cepted by the Democrats for the
reason that it favored
~ monopoly and was inimical to the
interests of the people, a policy
which had been repudiated by the
| was to prevent an extra session of
Congress before the expiration of the |
fiscal year. What reason Mr. Hoover
has for this has never been revealed,
‘but there are strong suspicions that
lit is sinister, The false pretense
|is that Congress in session impairs
ness activity. If that were true the
remedy would be to abolish Congress
‘and invest the President with the
powers of a dictator. But it is not
the reason which mfluences the
President. His purpose is to post-
pone for another year legislation
which will rescue the business of
| the country from the strangle hold
of monopoly.
——Thus far the administration
has done nothing toward carrying out
the amity agreement entered into
after the election.
Both the wets and the drys
| seam determined to make
| burden to President Hoover,
The indications are that Pin-
'chot may have his way in the Leg-
The object of the administration
public confidence and disturbs busi-
NO. 5.
Pinchot and the Legislature.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Governor Fisher is preparing to
move out of the Executive Mansion.
And, by the way, it is his opinion
that a new and modern structure
should take the place of the present
one. Governor-elect Pinchot is pack-
ing his trunks and ticketing them
for Harrisburg. Speaker Goodnough
of the House and President pro tem
of the Senate Daix are busily en-
gaged in perfecting their lists of
committees. On the 20th all will be
ready for action. Just what the in-
coming Governor has in mind, at
least in a general way, will be made
known on that date, He will go
through the ceremonies incident to
inauguration and afterwards send in
his message.
The flurry of the Harrisburg week,
of course, was the triumph of
Augustus F, Daix, Jr, of Philadel-
phia, over William D. Mansfield, of
Allegheny county. The latter had
heen backed strenuously by Mr. Pin-
chot for president pro tem, He lost
in caucus by two votes. There was
no Republican opposition to Daix
when the Senate ratified the caucus
choice. While the contest had been
lively, even bitter, there were ex-
pressions of good feeling after-
wards. The Senate had stood for
its independent rights; refused to
submit to what some of the Senators
called dictation on the part of Mr.
The gentleman from Milford is an
experienced politician, He realized
that could he control the appoint-
ment of committees he would be in
a much better position to command
the situation than loss of such cor-
trol would leave him in. He played
for high stakes and lost. But his
failure should not be construed as
meaning that a spirit of hostility for
the mere sake of hostility is to pre-
vail throughout the legislative ses-
sion, Recommendations considered
to be meritorious will surely be re-
ceived favorably. General Martin,
chairman of the Republican State
Committee, gave voice to the right
idea when, address
of the House, assembled in caucus
to nominate C. Jay Goodnough for
Speaker, he said:
“The Governor will recommend
to you certain matters for your
| consideration. Many of these
and others will come before you
in the form of bills. The Re-
publican Party of Pennsylvania
expects that you will give fair,
prompt, impartial and thorough
consideration to each measure
There will be numerous measures
dealing with tax reform, election
reform, public welfare. Philadelphia
needs and expects legislation giving
her a greater measure of home
rule. City and county offices should
be concentrated under one head,
But Philadelphia can look for little
that would be advantageous should
her representatives at Harrisburg
cross swords upon every occasion
with the Governor. Such antagonism
should be avoided. Unquestionably
Mr, Pinchot will have many Sug-
gestions of value. They should be
accepted. Unfortunately he has
rather radical ideas along certain
lines—ideas unseteing to business
interests. These will develop in
course of time.
«I shall vote for the bills pre-
sented by the @overnor-elect,” says
region devoted to Pinchot—*which
I think are right and proper after I
have given them due consideration.
‘On the other hand, it is my duty
and the duty of all the Senators to
oppose those bills which we think
are not right.”
This is the correct and sensible
attitude for every lawmaker to as-
sume. It is the business of the
Governor to recommend legislation,
It is the business of the Legislature
to create legislation. The Legisla-
| ture is alone responsible for what
‘it does. In the meantime Mr, Pin-
chot is the elected choice of the
voters. He has been elevated to a
high position, and is entitled to all
the respect which such position de-
Few Farm Sales for This Spring. ..
The old-time vendue or public
‘sale of farm stock and implements
will be few and far between this
spring. In fact the number dated
| so far is perhaps the smallest ever
known in the county, and the habit-
uel sale tender will have to travel
far to find his customary diversion
| during the months of February and
Just why sales should show such a
‘slump is an unsolved question. With
two years of bad ciops it would
seem as if farmers would become
discouraged and want to quit. Then
again, they right be like the man
chasing the bear who had him by
the tail and was afraid to let go.
The poor season of last year, due |
entirely to lack of rain, has proven
| a serious setback to a number of)
farmers who bought heavily at sales, |
last spring, and gave the custom-
ary notes for payment. They are
now unable to meet the notes and
| the result is that more such obliga-
| tions are being entered on the dock-
| ets at the court house than ever
life a before. What the outcome will be
|is hard to tell at this time.
the members
Baldwin from up-State—a
—Offers for the sale of forest land
continue to flood the office of the Penn-
sylvania Department of Forests and
Waters, a recent report said. Offers
now on file total’ 938,690 acres.
The stump of a tree near Jersey Shore
is serving as a home for a swarm of
bees and three raccoons. The bees have
‘the ground floor and the raccoons climb
twenty-five feet to the top of the tree
to enter their apartment.
—John Kazmier, former brewery own-
er of Blair county, last Thursday pre-
sented to the Altoona Rescue Mission
the Franklin Hotel property in Altoona.
It is a five story brick building valued
at $100,000. The structure will be used
for religious services.
—Out of the huge number of gray
foxes which were sent to the State
Game Commission for bounty payments,
two, which were received in a recent
shipment, showed traces of albinism.
One had been killed in Westmoreland
county and the other in Centre.
—The Pennsylvania Securities
mission on Monday announced the ap-
proval of eleven applications made by
security dealers. At the same time the
Commission announced that it had re-
fused to approve the application of the
General Finance Service Corporation, of
Willis Whitney, Wellsboro Junction
farmer, is being bothered by the scarcity
of water. The mid-summer drought Is
still continuing, and his only well went
dry. He cut away the ice to investigate
and found no water, but in the bottom
a colony of frogs. He has sold 538 and
the end is not yet.
—Rev. A. 8S. Albright, of Milton,
was transporting 150 dozen of eggs from
Milton to Locust Dale when his car
skidded on a patch of ice and over-
turned. The top of the sedan, loaded to
the roof with eggs, was torn to shreds.
The pastor escaped injury and so did
135 dozen of eggs.
—Dr. T.C. Harter, 79, a practicing
physician of Bloomsburg and a former
member of the Legislature, who last
week was paroled from the county
prison after serving a month on a
charge of possession and sale of liquor,
died on Sunday of a stroke of paralysis,
He was paroled Monday of last week
and on Wednesday was found uncon-
scious in his apartment.
— Intense interest has been aroused by
a 14,000,000 cubic feet gas strike on the
william McClure farm, near Finleyville,
Washington county, by the Plymouth
Oil & Gas company. The pay was
found in the fifth sand, the first strike
on any properties ever made in the
deeper sands in the district which has
long produced in the upper strata. Rock
and dirt were hurled over the derrick
top when the gas was tapped suddenly.
—A pair of cuff links, valued at $150,
was found in some clothing, which was
distributed among the poor of the city
| of York, Pa., by a charity. The links
were found in the pocket of a coat by
a man who disposed of them to a grocer
'for the sum of $8. The cuff links are
studded with fifty-two small diamonds.
The grocer took the jewelry to a local
dealer who said they had a value of ap-
proximately $150. The grocer turned them
over to police. As yet the owner of the
jewelry is not known.
—Fire damaged the principal business
"building of Williamsburg on Tuesday,
causing a loss estimated at $100,000. The
quarters of the First National Bank and
the Williamsburg Hotel were damaged.
The fire broke out in a tea room. An
adjoining storeroom, a grocery store and
the Penn Central Light & Power com-
pany's office were swept. Persons living
in apartments on upper floors were driven
out. The bank was damaged by water
and the hotel scorched. Forty guests
fled from the hotel, but fortunately no
one was hurt.
—Philipsburg has been heartened re-
cently by the reopening of a number of
mines in that section, the most recent
of which is the Baltic Shaft, employing
about one hundred men. Although there
is no boom in the coal business and
prices are not showing any material im-
provement, there appears to be an in
creasing demand for bituminous products
and mines are beginning to feel the
benefits derived therefrom. Orders have
been received by the Baltic concern
which will keep the mines in operation
for at least a year.
Captain T. A. McLaughlin, former
"head of Troop A, of the State police,
, stationed at Greensburg, was sentenced
to serve three months in jail and pay a
fine of $1000 after he pleaded guilty in
federal court at Pittsburgh, on Friday,
to charges of failure to file an income
tax report and attempting to evade pay-
ment of income tax. The former troop
head was alleged to have attempted to
evade payment of a tax on income of
$133,689 during the years 1924 to 1929
inclusive. McLaughlin received $3600 a
year as a State officer.
—Erection of a tubercular hospital for
World war veterans at or near Cresson,
Pa., was proposed on Monday in a bill
introduced in the House by Representa-
tive J. Russell Leech, Ebensburg. The
hospital would be of 500 bed capacity
and Leech’'s bill proposed expenditure of
$2,500,000 for its construction. Such a
hospital has been proposed in the pro-
gram of the Pennsylvania department of
the American Legion, Leech said. Loca-
tion of such an institution at Cresson
would place it near the State tuberculosis
sanitarium there. Representative Leech
said there is sufficient ground available
in that territory for a federal hospital
and added such a site was ideal for the
treatment of tuberculosis because of the
—According to the will of his
mother, Mrs. Sophia Torrey, filed at
Scranton, last Thursday, Thomas F.
| Torrey must marry and become a father
if he wants to get full title to an estate
| valued at $850,000. If he dies without
| marrying, the estate is to be divided by
| the District Nurse Association and the
| Westminster Presbyterian church. When
| he marries and becomes a father, Torrey
will get the entire estate, until then
| he receives the income. Mrs. Torrey's
will provided $10,000 for “my faithful
| nurse,” Miss Bridget Conroy, of Mor-
| ristown, N. J., but Miss Conroy died
before her employer. Another maid, Rose
O'Donnell, receives $2000 and a monthly
| income of $50 for life. Mrs. Torrey in-
herited a fortune from her father,
| Thomas Dickson.