Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 23, 1931, Image 8
Bellefonte, Pa., January 23, 1931. ——— NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. ~The Woman's Club will hold its regular meeting on January 26th. Miss Anne Keichline will speak on “Home Architecture.” — Jury Commissioners Jjohn F. Condo and J. Cal Gates will draw the list of jurors today for the February term of court. ~The Bellefonte Academy box- ing team defeated Lewistown in a series of seven bouts, in the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, Tuesday night, 5 to 2. ~The Catholic Daughters of America will hold a card party in their rooms in the Lyon building, this Friday evening. Everyone wel- come. William H. Brown, manager, will give his fifth annual Centre County Hospital dinner at the Penn- Belle hotel on Thursday evening, January 29, at 6:30 o'clock. — If every Centre countian who went to Harrisburg, on Tuesday, to see Pinchot inaugurated Governor expects to benefit by the shaking of the Pike countian’s plum tree, it will take a pretty good crop to go around. The light snow-falls and rains we have been having have resulted in no appreciable change in the streams, wells and springs of this section. While cisterns gather a lit- tle water other sources are actually dwindling. —In the winter course in agricul- ture and dairy manufacturing at the Pennsylvania State College eighty- one students have enrolled. Twenty- five iu dairy manufacturing and fif- ty-six in general agriculture. Only one of them is from Centre county and he is Adam K. Garner, of State College. ——Mid-year graduation exercises for those students at the Pennsyl- vania State College who have done their four year's work in three and one-half years, will be held next Tuesday, January 20. Ninety one are inthe class. William G. Walker, of Spring Mills, and Sarah P. Went- zel, of State College, are among, them, ——-A recent change at the American Lime and Stone Co. was the advancement of Linn Fromm from storekeeper to assistant ship- ping foreman; George Porter Lyon, who was formerly car checker, was given Mr. Fromm's place as store- keeper. John Curtin Jr., who had been loading foreman, was made a salesman and will be stationed at Oil City. At a special session of court, on Monday morning, Chester Mec- Cue, Huntingdon county, and Theo- dore Markcal, Clearfield county, the two prisoners who escaped from Rockview penitentiary on Sunday, January 11th, were sentenced by Judge Fleming to an additional term of two to four years, to become effective at the expiration of their present sentence, -—— The Great Lakes Construction company, of Chicago, proved to be the lowest of twenty-four bidders for the erection of the new federal pen- itentiary, at Lewisburg, when the bids were opened in the Treasury De- partment, at Washington, on Mon- day. It's bid was $2,771,800. The highest bid submitted was one for $4,256,512. It is assumed that the contract will be awarded within ten’ days. Roiand Spicer, who has been farming the Swartz farm up Buffalo Run, for ten years or ore, is go- ing to quit farming in the spring, He is not tired of it, nor has he any complaint to make about not being able to make it go at present prices for farm products, “Rollie” has been getting on all right, but he's all knocked out physically and’ just has to quit. Consequently he is going to sell out on March 18th and there's a sale you should keep in mind, for he has a big lot of stock and good implement equip- ment. —Our attention has been called to the fact that some people are throwing on the ash pile or giving to paper gatherers old Bibles and other books that might possibly con- tain memoranda thatis or will be of historic value. Shortly an historic society for Bellefonte and Centre county will be organized, We have reason to believe that it will be well enough endowed to make it a per- manent and very useful organization in both town and county. With that hope in mind we are suggesting that when cleaning out the attic and oth- er places where old things have ac- cumulated in your house, if you find anything that bears on birth records, or other eventsin your family, save them until this Society is formed. They might become very important fifty or one hundred years from now in establishing fucts for your pos- terity. It must be remembered that prior to the institution of the record of vital statistics by the State, which was relatively only a few years ago, no permanent record was kept other than what might have been in your family Bible or on some paper easily lost. For a while at least, hold onts anything of interest or records of the past in Centre county. TWO YOUTHFUL HOBOES A REFRIGERATOR CAR AND KINDLY PEOPLE BY JOHN M. FLEMING Cervantes roamed the sunlit roads of Spain, Goldsmith played a flute for bread, Jim Tully has immortal- ized the open road and “Frankie” Ziem and “Jimmy” Hackett have learned that home »s the best place after all. Just a week ago, last Wednesday, “Frankie” and “Jimmy,” aged four- teen and sixteen respectively, wan- dered to the railroad yards of their native city, Hillside, New Jersey. They watched with envious eyes the long freights pulling away for dis- tant parts and the thrill of adven- ture crept into their young, romantic minds. Previous warnings by par- ents and teachers were swept to the four winds by the glamor and glory of a journey into that great beyond where the railroad trains went, and without further consideration for home and mother they climbed a freight and embarked on a career into an unknown world, This being the initial journey of the would-be hoboes and not being at all familiar with the mode of transportaion they had chosen “Father Fate" deait harshly with them. “Jimmy” and “Frankie” found themselves on a refrigator car and having only an ice compartment or exposure tothe eloments to choose between as a resting place, they de- cided on the lesser of the two evils and crawled into the top of the car where the ice is stored. The ride was undoubtedly very cold but neith- er the rays of a tropical sun nor the freezing temperatures of a refriga- tor car can abate the ardor of ro- mantic youth, and only after the traia had stopped in Altoona did the lads emerge from the polar cli- mate in which they had made their debut in the wide, wide world. It was twelve-thirty the next morn- inp when the slow freight arrived in Altoona. The youthful vagabonds had been almost sixteen hours in their air-cooled state-room. It was dark and they were in a strange city. The hours from the time of their arrival till the break of dawn were spent on the top of the car, and with the dawn came another desire, even stronger than the desire for adventure; a desire to go home. In the pocket of Hackett's well worn sweater reposed a twenty-five cent piece. The entire purchasing power of “Jimmy” and “Frankie” was wrapped up in this one piece of silver. Even the stoutest of hearts would flinch at the thought of being three-hundred miles from home and friends with only a quarter but the firm of Hackett and Ziem, explorers in the fields of fame and fortune, was not dismayed. They calmly purchased two bars of chocolate and a package of cigarettes, the cost ea- tirely consuming the finances of the duo. By the grace hearted motorist Bellefonte about Perhaps the thrill of an auto- mobile ride and the fascination for the wonders of a motor vehicle that only boys of their ages can possess, the “Jersey Kids" decided that they would motor home in a car of their own, Not having the necessary funds with which to pur- chase an automobile the only alter- native was a theft. The car of Miss Beulah Fortney, of Pine Grove Mills, parked near the Court house attracted the eyes of the two boys and they concluded to make away with it. With the realization that neither knew how to operate the machine they were temporarilly stopped, but youth knows no harriers and Frank and James came to the conclusion that it would be the best kind of fun to learn to drive on the way to Hillside; so they boarded the car and attempted to start the motor. Before they succeeded in making a get-away Fire Chief John Bower intercepted them and the motor patrol took them in custody. They were only too ready to tell the whole story and First Sergeant Bear, of Troop C, immediately sent a teletype message to Newark. An answer was received which indicated that the boys were not “wantes” in that State but were merely missing from home and the father of the Ziem boy would come and take them back. In the spirit of mercy tempered with justice, and consid- ering the tender age of the youths the arm of the law in Centre coun- ty did not enter a prosecution against the two sheep who had strayed from the fold. Fven a highway patrolman has a heart, (believe it or not) and most of them are quite large, so the would-be knights of the road be- came guests of the Pennsylvania Motor Patrol at their barracks in the residence of Mrs. W. C. Coxey, on East Bishop street. A bath was in order, administered by Ser- gant Bear, Corporal Moriarity, and Private Holmes, clean clothes were provided by the patrolmen and food in mountainous quantities was serv- ed to the hungry lads without charge by Mrs, Coxey. Nothing was over- looked for the comfort and pleasure of the guests and she and “John Law" enjoyed playing host to the fullest de- gree. Sergant Bear, in repeating the story, remarked, “you should have seen those boys eat.” Saturday morning at two o'clock Mr. Frank Ziem, father of the vounger prodigal, arrived in Belle- fonte and called at Sheriff Dunlap’s hotel on the hill only to be inform- of some kind they arrived in noon Thursday. |ed that the boys were not register- ed there but could be found at the patrol barracks. Mr. Ziem was cordially greeted by Mr. Coxey who rather than allow him to begin the tiresome journey back to New Jer- sey immediately gave him a bed and the next morning he departed for home with the two runaways, “Frankie and “Jimmy.” Quite an experience for youths of such tender years? Yes, but what can we gain from a. knowledge of something of this nature. home is perhaps the best place in the world but its the last place we want to be 'til we're so far away that we can't walk back. I ven- ture to guess it will be a long time before “the Jersey Kids" will take another ride in an ice compartment, but it always takes the stern reality of experience to prove to ourselves just how well off we are, safe in he harbor of home. And again, we see that all the world is not cruel and harsh and even though we step off the beaten path, some- one will give us a bath and a meal and start us off home again. “Frankie” and “Jimmy” have gone back home better citizens, and hap- py; knowing that the uniform of a policeman doesn't always sigrify that there isn't a great big heart beating beneath the coat, JUST A GLAD HELLO Say. pal. did you ever stop to think When you're at your play or working, That often times in the heart of a friend A sorrow may be lurking, And a cherry smile and a glad May help him on his way And then, perhaps, when you are blue, He'll pay you back some day. —————————————————— UPBRAIDED BY MOTHER GIRL COMMITS SUICIDE. Upbraided by her mother for her conduct with a young man Clara S. Wilkins, better known as Bessie Coble, shot and killed her- self, at noon on Monday, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coble, at Oak Hall. According to reports the girl had been a source of worry to her parents for some time. Shortly after eleven o'clock Mon- day morning Mrs. Coble had a heart to heart talk with her daughter. At it's conclusion the girl ran up- stairs, got a bottle of liquor of some kind from her trunk and re- turning down stairs locked herself in a lower floor room, At 12:20 o'clock members of the family, who “Hello” were in the kitchen. heard a shot, and when Mr. Coble forced the locked door he was confronted with his daughter lying on the bed, her clothing on fire and a revolver tight- ly clasped in her right hand. An empty bottle was found on the floor | by the side of the bed. Mr. Coble quickly extinguished the girl's cloth- ing. She was still conscious but soon lapsed into unconsciousness and died at 1:15. The revolver with which she killed herself is alleged to have been one she had taken froma Potters Mills man several weeks previous. When taken from her hand it contained one empty shell and a loaded cartridge. When the young man who Mrs. Coble upbraided her daughter about | heard of the suicide he went to the Coble home and begged for the gun, declaring he would kill himself, but of course the gun was not given him. Coroner W.R. Heaton was notified of the suicide and after holding an inquest the jury returned a verdict of suicide, In addition to her par- ents the girl is survived by two brothers and two sisters. Burial was made at Boalsburg on Wednesday. ELMER BREON FIRST MAN IN FIELD FOR SHERIFF. Elmer Breon, of Bellefonte, is the first Democrat out in the open as a candidate for Sheriff. His an- nouncement will be found in another column of this paper. Mr. Breon, a carpenter by trade, was a candidate for the nomination four years ago but lost out and is going to try it again this year. Last week the Watchman, in giv- ing a possible lineup of contingent candidates, mentioned the name of Sinie H. Hoy, but we did not men- tion the fact that Mr. Hoy is now the efficient deputy under sheriff H. E. Dunlap. Also, in our list, last week, we gave the name of James Huey as a possible candidate for County Com- missioner on the Republican ticket, when as a matter of fact the only Huey out for that office is Thomas M. Huey, our good, old Democratic friend, and he will be on the Demo- cratic ticket and not the Republican. PURSE SNATCHER ROBS BELLEFONTE WOMAN. ee Shortly after eight o'clock, on Tuesday evening, as Mrs. Paul Eber- hart was on her way to the Ameri- can Legion card party, she met a young man on Howard street, along the G. Murray Andrews property, who grabbed her handbag and made a getaway before she had a chance to get a good look at him. The bag cost $9.00 and contained only a small amount of money in change. Philip Benner, a young man who works for Cohen & Co., claims he was held up, last Saturday evening, at the corner of Allegheny and Logan streets, by a masked man who demanded his pocketbook at the point of a gun. Benner asserts that he gave the man his pocket- back who, after money, $10.00 gave the pocketbook back. | i | Well, | ANNUAL MEETING OF NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. BELLEFONTE TRUST CO. _ cprist Hartle, was here from Drift- The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the Bellefonte Trust com- pany was held on Tuesday, at 11 o'clock. More stockholders were present at this meeting than at any previous time. The old board of directors was re-elected, and are as follows: J. L. Spangler, J. T. Hen- ry, N. E. Robb, C. Y, Wagner, D. M Kline, J. L. Seibert, W. J. Emerick, L. HL. McMullen, F. L. Wetzler. The hoard of directors or- ganized by re-electing the following officers: J. L. Spangler, president; C. Y. Wagner, vice president; N. E. Robb, secretary-treasurer and trust officer; Earl 8. Orr, assistant secre- tary-treasurer; Helen R. Williams, assistant treasurer and assistant trust officer. The report of the auditors, Ivan Walker, Homer P. Barnes and C. Y. Wagner, who were elected by - the board of directors to audit the ac- counts for the year ending Decem- ber 31, 1930, was presented to the stockholders, The report was ex- plained in detail by Ivan Walker and showed a very healthy growth for the year, taking into considera- tion the present business conditions. The capital structure in part now stands: CARA] ocr sree: ce $200,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. $198,577.89 Resources ......... $1,452,894.657 The Trust company has no bills pay- able, no overdrafts and is in the best financial liquid condition that it ever has been, Mr. Robb said. Another asset of very great im- portance is the number of wills, life insurance trust agreements and life insurance partnership trust agree- ments, totaling more than two mil- lions of dollars, in its files for fu- ture settlements. There are, no doubt, many other such trusts that have not been placed in its hands for safekeeping which would be an additional asset to the institution. The trust department shows a very substantial, healthy growth, which is evidence of the confidence placed in it by its customers. After the stockholders meeting a banquet was served at the Brock- erhoff house, and there were 113 stockholders and guests present. The speaker of the day was John W. Chalfant, an attorney and also vice president in charge of the trust de- | partment of the Colonial Trust company, Pittsburgh. His subject was “Trusts,” which is a very voluminous, broad subject. The music was furnished by Mrs. Louis S. Schad, Mrs, Russell Blair and Paul Crust, who gave a very delightful program of instrumental, classical music. Many pleasing com- ments were made and the musicians are to be highly complimented. M. A. Landsy, p tor of the Brock- erhoff house, ed a delicious turkey dinner and all that goes with it. e— —————— LAWRENCE TIBBETT IN “NEW MOON” AT CATHAUM. Music lovers in particular, and theatre-goers in general, have a treat in store for them on Monday and Tuesday of next week when “New Moon,” Lawrence Tibbett's superb new picture, will be the at- traction at the Cathaum theatre, State College. Many still remem- ber with keen delight Mr. Tibbett's marvelous singing in “The Rogue Song" last Spring, and for them “New Moon" promises even more glorious entertainment. “New Moon" is now in its second month at the Astor theatre, New York city, at $2.00 prices but there will be no advance in admission for the Cathaum showing. Supporting Mr, Tibbett is the beautiful Grace Moore, Metropolitan opera star; the debonair Adolphe Menjou who says volumes witha shrug of his shoul- ders; Roland Young, stage celebrity, and others.’ Daily matinee at the Cathaum will start at 1:30, with a complete program being shown from 3:00 o'clock on. Evenings open at 6:00. FORMER JUDGE DALE GETS LUCRATIVE APPOINTMENT. One of the last appointments made by Governor Pinchot on the eve of his induction into office was that of former Judge Arthur C. Dale, of Belle- fonte, as chairman of the workman's compensation board. A belief was prevalent among Mr. Dale's friends that he would be given a cabinet appointment but Mr. Pinchot evi: dently had too many debts to pay with such honors. While the ap- pointment given Mr. Dale has not the dignity nor quite the salary of a cabinet position it is one of the most worth-while of the secondary ap- pointments at the disposal of the Governor. The compensation board is the leading division under the head of the Department of Labor and Industry, and the salary of the chairman is $9,000 a year, or $750 a month. Whether Judge Dale will move his family to Harrisburg or continue to make his home in Belle- fonte if not known at this writing. Mr. Dale will succeed Paul W. Houck, who had been connected with the compensation board for twenty- one years, During the past two years the Highway Department has erected 433 miles of guard fence along pub- lic highways. Erection of this already up cost $1,200,000 in the period of two years. College, taking out the new fence and maintenance of that ing, a week ago, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Garbrick, at Coleville. —Snyder Stover, of Coleville, spent a day, the afterpart of last week, in Dan- ville,, having gone over on business. —Robert S. Walker left, Sunday, for St. Louis, where he has been attending the National Limestone convention in session there this week. —Mrs. G.M. Gamble has had as guests this week, her two daughters, Mrs. W. T. O'Brien and Mrs. W. Bruce Tal- bot, both of Phillipi, W. Va. —Miss Mary Cooney is expected home, this week, from a month's visit with her sister, Miss Margaret Cooney, at Hew- lette, L. I., and with friends in eastern Pennsylvania. —Mrs. Ebon Bower went down to Har- risburg, Wednesday, to join Mr. Bower, who has been spending a part of the week there attending the State Farm Products show. —A. L. Mayer of the Mayer Bros. Milling Co., was among the many from Centre Co., who spent a part of the week in Harrisburg, attending the State Farm Products show. —W. I. Fleming has been in Williams- port for the week, having gone down Monday for a meeting of the Consis- tory, Mr. Fleming remained for a visit with his brother, Eugene. ~—Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Waite were up from Jersey Shore, Sunday, having driven to Bellefonte for a day's visit with Mr. Waite's mother, Waite, of Phoenix avenue. —Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Duncan, Philadelphia, have gone to Orlando, Florida, for the winter. Mrs. Duncan, before her marriage, was Miss Ruth Al- tenderfer and a resident of Bellefonte. —Dr., and Mrs. 8S. M. Nissley drove to Harrisburg, Tuesday, that Dr. Nissley might attend a veterinary meeting in connection with the State Farm Pro- ducts Show, being held there this week. —Miss Caroline M. Valentine sailed from New York, last Saturday, for Ber- muda, where she expects to spend the winter. Miss Valentine had been in Philadelphia since closing her home here in the fall. Judge and Mrs. Arthur Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dorworth and their daughter, Miss Rebecca, and Hardman P. Harris, were among a number of per- sons from Bellefonte who drove to Har- risburg for the inauguration Tuesday. —-Miss Elizabeth D. Green, of Briarly, who has been in Lock Haven with her brother, Dr. George Green, for three weeks, owing to ill health, has been taken to the Lock Haven hospital, where she will be under treatment until able to return home, —Mrs. Cromer and Mrs. Broderick drove to Altoona, yesterday, to attend the funeral of their brother, Luther Crissman, returning in the evening ac- companied by their father, W. H. Criss- man, who had been with his son at the time of his death, —Mr. and Mrs, H. D. Meek, have gone to Lake Worth, Florida, where they have taken a small apartment and expect to spend the win- ter. A note from “Bert” is to the effect that they are very comfortably located and that on the 13th temperature there was 78 degrees, with a gentle rain fall- ing. Miss Anna Muffly, of Howard, was in Bellefonte shopping, on Wednesday, and it was with regret that we learned from her that her mother, Mrs. C. M. Mufly had a very serious accident on Friday of last week. She slipped on some ice on a back step of their home and fell with such force as to suffer distressing shock and bruises. No bones were broken, however. —Miss Kathleen Seibert R. N., of Chambersburg, who has frequently visit- ed in Bellefonte, as a guest of Mrs, John A. Woodcock, has been made community nurse of her home town. Miss Seibert was formerly a supervisor of Columbia hospital, at Wilkinsburg, superintendent of the Homestead hospital and a super- visor of the West Penn hospital, at Pittsburgh, but tiring of institutional work, resigned and returned to Cham- hershurg two years ago. —Dr, George L. Hays, prominently known surgeon of the staff of the Mercy hospital, Pittsburgh, made one of his very rare visits to Bellefonte Monday afternoon, but only on the rail- road platform on his way back home from a business trip east. Bellefonte has had reason to be proud of its claim on Dr. Hays, who left here to locate in Pittsburgh after his graduation from medical school; his work since then hav- ing given him a place among the lead- ing men of both medicine and surgery of that city. —Mrs. Charles Cuneo of Genova, Italy, was a recent visitor of Mrs. Louis Car- peneto and her family, stopping here enroute to New York, from where she sailed January 14, on the steamer Conte Grande, to return to Italy. Mrs. Cuneo had been in the States since October looking after her husband's business in- terests in the vicinity of Pittsburgh, and had intended going home for Christmas, but was compelled to prolong her stay. It will be remembered that Mr. Cuneo and the late Louis Carpeneto were in business together, about thirty years Mrs. George of TEST CASE TO BE MADE ON FIREMEN’S COMPENSATION. A test case will probably be made in the Centre county courts on the question of compensation insurance for volunteer firemen, based on the claim of Mrs. Bertha Foster, widow of the late Philip D. Foster, for the death of her husband on March 21st, 1930, while on his way to a fire at State College. It will be recalled that Mr. Foster, apparently in good health when he left his home, suf- fered a heart attack while at his work at the fire and died withina few minutes. Mr, Foster at the time was chief marshal of the State College fire department and his duties required his attendance at the fire. State College borough carries compensation for its firemen, as required by law, and Mrs. Foster, in due time put in a claim for com- pensation. As per schedule of al- lowances her claim was for $300 funeral expenses and a $3000 death compensation. The referee of this district allowed the claim: but the insurance company carrying the com- pensation appealed from the decision of the referee and in due course of time the case was argued before the compensation board. Last week Paul W. Houck, chairman of the board, handed down a decision af- firming the award of the referee. Now, it is understood, the com- pany carrying the insurance has decided to appeal from the board's decision and ask for a court trial. As the case is from Centre county it will naturally come up for in court here. Interest attaches to the case because it is the first of the kind to occur in Pennsylvania and this will be a test case. The result of the case will be of interest to all volunteer firemen in the State. ee——— dl ——— CENTRAL PENNA. MILK GOING TO NEW YORK CITY. That Central Pennsylvania even- tually will provide a large percent- age of the milk consumed by New trial York city, was the opinion express- of State’ ago, in the room now occupied by the Western Union, in the Brockerhoff house |; a week or ten days. block. —John B. Griffin, of Tyrone, was a Watchman office caller, Saturday after- noon, while on a business trip to Belle- fonte. seemed very well and the world in general, a condition ascribed to the fact that he has just re- We might add that Mr. Griffin pleased with himself Emma Jane Brigstock, both of Bal- tired from the clothing business after being a member of the firm of Griffin and Bessie E. A, Decker, of Coburn. Bros. since 1901, and now he won't have anything to do but have a good time among his friends and talk Democratic politics: that is if he has not strayed from the doctrine of his revered father, the late J. Hile Griffin, of Stormstown, who half a century ago was one of the party's war horses in Centre county. SALE REGISTER. MARCH 18.—At the residence of land Spicer on the Swartz farm on the middle Buffalo Run road, 4 miles west of. Bellefonte, a clean up sale. 6 horses, 14 milk cows, 13 head of other cattle, 25 hogs. 50 chickens, 2 tractors, and a general line of farm implements in good condition. Some household articles will Ro- also be offered. Sale will start at 9:30. L. F. Mayes, auctioneer. | Wheat Buckwheat .... ed by Professor W. D. Swope, of the Pennsylvania State College, ad- dressing several hundred Sheffield Farms milk producers at a meeting held Monday night in the court house at Bellefonte. Milk from this part of Pennsylva- nia has been shipped to New York city only within the past five years, according to Professor Swope, but in that time milk shipments have grown until now more than 300,000 quarts daily are being sent to the metropolitan area. This milk comes from over 5000 farms, and requires the operation of 47 plants. The necessity of extreme care in the handling of milk for New York !city was emphasized by Professor | Swope in his talk. ‘No other city,” he said, “has more stringent regula- tions governing the quality of milk. For this reason it is necessary that the farmer should take every pre- caution in milk production, Milk must be given every bit as much care by the farmer as it receives when it passes to the New York milk companies. “Cows,” he pointed out, “must be kept clean in clean surroundings. All utensils must be sterilized fre- quently, and be designed so they protect the milk that comes in con- tact with them. Milk at all times should be kept below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.” Harrin rstine.—A wedding of interest to Bellefonte people was that of Maynard G. Harrington and Miss Mary Elizabeth Derstine, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Derstine, both of Ambridge. Pa., the wedding having taken place at Sharon, on Thursday, January 15th. The officiating minister was Rev. H, E. Phipps. “Betty,” as she is better known in Bellefonte, has been a frequent visitor here with her grandmother, Mrs. William Der- stine, and has always been quite popular among the younger set of the town. Mr. Harrington isa U. of P. graduate and a member of the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. Heis now associated with his father in the management of the largest book store in Ambridge. The young couple will live with the bride- groom's parents until spring when they will go to housekeeping. ——Miss' Josie Decker expects to have her Ladies Shop, on Spring street, open and ready for business MARRIAGE LICENSES. John Albert Geesey Smith and timere, Md. David Blowers and Mary Bell Rothrock, both of Morrisdale. Clarence C. Breon, of Spring Mills, John Bramish Jr., of Hawk Run, and Elizabeth Barbara Tekeley, of Rush township. Josephine Acton and Catherine M. Williams, both of Philipsburg. Steve Frank Marimjak and Anna Bucca, both of Clarence. nn ————— A Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Corn .. Oats Rye Barley c..cwnnnn.