Dy eo . Bellefonte, Pa., January 28, 1981. TYRONE WOMAN LEAVES FORTUNE TO CHARITY, Two weeks ago today Mrs. Adda M. Gray, widow of Harvey M. Gray, died at her home in Tyrone. She was a woman active in the church and a number of charitable organi- zations. She left no children, Dur- ing her life she was noted for her philanthropic and charitable impulses and when her will was filed in Blair county last week, it was found that practically her entire fortune of $200,090 had been bequeathed to charitable purposes, $100,000 of which is left to establish a fund to build a hospital in Tyrone. The will provides for 96 specific bequests, among the larger ones be- ing the Tyrone borough school dis- trict, $10,000; Tyrone P. R. R. Y. M, «C. A, $5000; First Presbyterian church, Tyrone, $5,000; Woman's Board of Home Missions, Presby- terian church, New York, $5,000; | ‘Women's Board of Foreign Missions, | Presbyterian church, New York, | $5,000; Beaver Valley Children’s | home, New Brighton, $3,000; Presby- terian Home, Hollidaysburg, $1,000; Berry Schools of Mt. Berry, Georgia, $1,000; Young Ladies’ Aid society | of the First Presbyterian church, $500; Pemberton Sunday school of Dr. R. L. Capers Osteopathic Physician Special Non-Surgical Method of Treating Rectal Diseases Bloodless and Painless Hours 9-12 a. m. Monday and Wednesday 1-5 p. m. Friday 7-9 p. m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7-9 p. m. Phone 128-J The Variety Shop Over a Third of a Century at Same Location Me Merchandise and Prices CORRESPOND the First Presbyterian church, Ty- rone, $500; American Sunday School union, Philadelphia, $500. All bequests are to be paid free of inheritance and estate taxes. The specific bequests in the will total $68,400 and after these bequests and all taxes are paid it is estimated that the residue will be over $10.- 000, which will be held by them “in trust to use and apply the same toward and for the purpose, with other funds that may be raised in the future, of the building of a hos- pital for Tyrone, Pa.” Frank K. Luckenbach and Wil- | lam L. Hicks, Tyrone, were nam- | ed as executors. | Under the will of Harvey M ‘Gray, a fund was left t, his trustee the income of which was to be given to certain relatives for life, | and after their deaths the prin-| «cipal was to be held by the trustee as an endowment for the mainte- nance of a hospital in Tyrone. Mrs. ‘Gray was the last beneficiary of this fund, which now amounts to | Mrs, Gray, through her welfare | work in the community, saw the! necessity of a hospital in the com- | munity and through her generosity has made available such a sum as | now becomes the nucleus for the | future needs of the community. in the way of a hospital. A legacy of $5,000, held in the estate of Samuel Berlin, who died in 1909, was the first amount left for the purpose of establishing a fund for the building of a hospital in Ty- rone. The income from this legacy 1s now going to a life beneficiary. On the same day that Mrs. Gray died in Tyrone Samuel M. Griffith «died in Altoona, and among the be- guests in his will were $6,000 to the Altoona Y, M. C. A, $3,000 to the | Presbyterian home at Hollidaysburg, | $2,000 to the First Presbyterian! church of Altoona, and $1,000 each | to the Altoona and Mercy hospitals | ‘and the Nason hospital, at Roaring Springs. DRIVER'S RENEWAL CARDS NOW BEING MAILED. | The Bureau of Motor Vehicles mailed to nearly two million vehicle operators their applications for re- newal of the driving privilege, The license year begins March 1. “Car owners had ten weeks in which to apply for license plates, and most of them got in under the wire,” said Commissioner Benjamin ‘G. Eynon. “Drivers now have four ‘weeks in which to mail their appli- cations and checks. I am suggest- ing to Capt. Price of the Motor Patrol that his force of men be “diligent March 1 and thereafter to “see that drivers have their cards. There will be no excuse for lack of license. : “Operators should recall that the fee is $2, not $1. In 1930 we were obliged to return thousands of dollars remittances. increased the fee from $1 to $2. but many operators overlooked that fact. And when we are forced to return remittances it means that a large sum of money is being withheld from road work. “During the fall months last year wre were forced to remall approxi- | mately 90,000 applicants for license | tags. It is reasonable to assume that this uncalled for mailing cost approximately $5,000 That sum rep- resents a tenth of a mile of con- crete, or a quarter of a mile of wa- C.Y. Wagner & Co., Inc. Manufacturers of Flour, Corn Meal «na Feed And Dealers in All Kinds of Grain Bell Phone 22 BELLEFONTE, PA. TRY OUR State College Cottage Cheese and Cream Cheese, Butter, Whip- ping Cream and Certified Milk— Harry E. Clevenstine When Winter Comes you will Need Your FUR COAT Let Us Repair or Remodel It— Guaranteed Satisfaction Harry Greenberg Spring and High Streets Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 5568-3 RE You Need No Longer be Told You Have an Expensive Foot Enna-Jettick Shoes for Women $5.00 and $6.00 Mingle’s Shoe Store The Key to Better Business LIFE IS A GIVE AND MERCHANTS MUST BUILD “BACKFIRE” Can Beat Mail Order Houses at | Their Own Game If They Will Do It. ADVERTISING ONLY WEAPON Catalogue Concerns Spend Hundreds | of Thousands of Dollars Annually to Create Demand for Their Merchandise. | ee | (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Unlon.) The forest ranger and the prairie faricer have learned that they must fight with fire. They know that whes | | | the all-consuming forest or prairie fires ure sweeping toward them their only | "hope of safcty lies in the “back-fire.” | | which threaten to wipe out the retail | ly on the preparation and publicatior of its bulky catalogues. By kindling and carefully controlling a fire of thelr own they force the big- ger fire to burn itself out, finding no further fuel on which to feed. The merchants of the small cities and towns are learning that in waging thelr fight for existence they must adopt the tactics of the men of the West. The great mall order houses of the cities are the consuming flames merchants of the small towns unless the latter, realizing thelr danger, take steps to remove the menace. The re- tall merchants, as a whole, are begin- ning to realize that they must fight fire with fire and that to save thew selves they must build a “back fire.” Advertising 1s the weapon with which the mail order houses conduct their warfare on the retail merchants of the small citles and towus. The mall order houses do their advertising through their own catalogues and through certain publications which are known as mail order advertising me- dfums. A big mall order house spends hundreds of thousands of dollars mere: Business Bullt Upon Advertising. The catalogue houses also spend | thousands upon thousands of dollars | in advertising in the mall order publl- cations which look for their circula- tion to the people of the small towns and the rural districts. Advertising In some of these mediums costs as much | as from $40 to $85 for a single inch, | yet the mall order houses find it profit able to pay these high rates. Thelr | business is built upon advertising and | if they were denied the use of the | mails for thelr advertising for a single | month their business would be de if you want, satisfactory printing at. reasonable prices ‘the Watchman Office will be glad to do it, for you. stroyed. | any retail store. | pose but this purpose Is only to attract | | can do it much more effectively than TAKE PROPOSITION In advertising, the local merchants find the only weapon with which they can beat the mail order houses at thelr | own game. This does not mean neces- sarily, only newspaper advertising, al- though that is the big gun in the bat- tery employed by the successful wer- | chant in his battle for trade. tising is a big word and it covers a big | field. There is no longer to be found | the man who does not belleve in ad- | vertising. Every merchant believes in | advertising of some sort. The placing | of a display in a show window Is ad- vertising. The only difference between that kind of advertising and advertis- | ing in a newspaper is that where the ! one reaches dozens the other reaches | hundreds. Attractive window displays | are, of course, an important adjunct of They serve thelr pur- | the attention of those who may be | passing by the store. There are other foims of advertising, such as personal solicitation, but printed matter must always continue to be the chief reli- ance of merchants in attracting cus tomers to their stores. Advertising Begets Confidence. The buying public has learned that che store which takes the people Into its confidence through its advertising {s the one in which it may expect to get the best bargains and the most sat- isfactory treatment. It knows that the store which advertises consistently and regularly has the best and most up-to- date stocks because this store sells its goods more rapidly than the one which does not advertise and, therefore, Is not forced to carry over old stock from one season to another. The public knows that the store which advertises can place lower prices on Its goods be- cause it turns over its stock oftener than the store which does not adver- tise and therefore does. not have Its capital tiled up in slow-moving mer- chandise. The mall order house does not get {ts business by merely letting the pub- lic know that it has dry goods or hard- ware or groceries or some other com- modity to sell. It creates a demand for its goods by placing in its catalogue attractive pictures and detailed de- geriptions of the articles which it has to sell. The lure of the mall order catalogue lies In the fact that the merits, or alleged merits, of the mer- chandise offered are placed before the prospective purchaser In the most graphic manner. The local retail mer- chant has the same opportunity to do this that the mail order house has and the mail order house can. The retatl merchant can talk to the people of his community through his home newspa- per and that Is something which the mall order houses as a rule cannot do, for the local newspapers through a sense of loyalty to thelr communities i and their home merchants will not ac- cept the advertising with which the mail order houses would flood them it they had the opportunity. I T———— | | The Kind of Coal You Want Best yrades obtainable, prices right. Our anthracite is all Premium Lykens Valley grade. Our bituminous in- cludes Genuine Pine Glenn and Cherry Run, Cambria Smokeless and Dustless, and others. J. 0. Brewer Coal Yard Successor to Thomas Coal Yard Call 162 J—Day or Night Studebaker Free Wheeling ....Means.... A transmission which permits the engine to pull the car, but prevents the car pulling the engine. BEEZER’S GARAGE North Water Street Adver- | - City Coal Yard 0. G. Morgan, Proprietor Bellefonte, Pa. Anthracite C oal and Bituminous Exciusive Sale of the PINE GLENN and The Original Cherry Run Coals Special Notice We handle U. S. Government in- spected meats for the health and protection of our patrons. Leave your orders early for your Xmas Turkey, Duck, Geese and Chickens. Phone 384 J Armstrong Meat Market Carpeneto’s Always the Best Fruits, Vegetables Candy and Tobaccos Phone 28 We Deliver Lumber Steel Claster’s ....At the Big Spring.... Building Supplies Furniture For 1931 is Back to Pre-War Prices at. W. R. Brachbill’s Furniture Store You are Invited to See the New Spring Styles in Ladies’ Dresses Better Values Than Ever Cohen @& Co. | i Bellefonte, Pa. Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. A — Only One Heatrola Made by Estate Store Co. WE SELL IT Phone 660 . . . Bellefonte THE | R.S. Brouse Store In Bush Arcade On High Street r— Always Fresh Groceries Glenwood Stoves Makes Baking Easy Peninsular Parlor Circulators Blaben’s Floor Linoleums Hilo 4-Hour Hard Drying Enamels in All Shades, Rich in Color and Durable — Everything in Hard- ware, at the Right Price. H. P. Schaeffer HARDWARE Sid Bernstein Sells For Less Come in, look around and be convinced. The Famly Outfitter Next Door to Richelieu Theatre Bellefonte, Pa. The 1929 Legislature | We Recommend and Sell “Larro” n—— “More Profit Over Feed Cost” Mayer Bits. Phone 334 DRINK Flav-O-Lac (Culture Buttermilk ) —For Health A Wholesome and Healthful Beverage Hoag’s Dairy Store Cor. High and Spring . . Phone 629 City Cash Grocery a — Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Pa. Shop at THE KATZ STORE ..And See For Yourself that Price has nothing to do with Good Taste —Our merchandise is chosen first for ity Good Taste, its Correctness—If it can be had for lower prices we're doubly glad—We be- tieve our customers like to get the most for their money. We Propose to Give It to Them Runkle’s Drug Store Remedies Bush Arcade BELLEFONTE, PA. Insurance mm——— Ed. L. Keichline If in Need of a Real Victrola Type Parlor Heater It will certainly pay you to investi- gate the ‘““Torrid Sunshine’ —sold by The Bellefonte We trust you find yourselves among those who feel that Olewine’s Hard- ware is a good one to deal with. If so, we are realizing our aspiration to give real service in all our deal- ings, aud we thank you for your response to our efforts. It Pays to Buy the Best It Pays fo Bug ai Beezer’s Foods of Excellence will Help You Win Fame as a Provider of Splendid Meals—If It’s Quality You Want, We Have It, P. L. Beezer Estate Fruit and Vegetables Bonfatto’s Wholesale and Retail All Kinds of Produce terbound macadam. As I say it a! Cash Meat Market We Deliver ye vidiculous and, umsailed for oss Bellefonte, Pa. Hardware Com p’ y Olewine’s Hardware Baten Over Fry Tors Phone 200 w. igh Stent Christmas Shopping is Easy LISTEN! Buy Electrically They Cost the Least to Use and Save the Most Labor— Washers, Sweepers, Ironers, Radios, Lamps, New Shades— at Prices to Suit Your Purse. Buy Lumber From a Lumberman W. R. Shope Electric Supply Co. Herr & Heverly Ferndale Groceries esses FANCY Highest Quality Food Froducts Prompt Service At the Lowest Possible Prices We Deliver Phone 62 Hunter's Book Store THE REASON: there are so many Nice Things to give that are inexpensive. Bellefonte Fuel & Supply C0. Coal, Feed and Oils BELLEFONTE, PA. Moshannon } $5.00 Osceola Mills Per Net Ton 5-Ton Lots...$4.50 per Net Ton Drain and Refill For Cold Weather with TEXACO— Clean, Clear, Golden MOTOR OIL (Center 0il and Gas Co.