Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 23, 1931, Image 1
Well, Governor Pinchot is in the saddle again and we shall see what we see. —Nature certainly was co-ordi- nating anatomy when she made our nostrils so adaptable to either the thumb’ or fore finger. —The wise lady pedestrian keeps far enough away from the passing automobile when the streets are running with slop and slush. —The Wickersham Commission has reported at last, Its report is fully covered by the statement that it spent half a million dollars to get nowhere. ——If bank presidents and so- called “Captains of Industry” would stop predicting near-prosperity the public might adopt a more hopeful view of the future. —Down in Columbia thieves are stealing the jars that are placed on the streets to collect contributions for the relief of the needy. That's like taking pennies from a blind beggar's hat. —Linn street is saved! Cadillac 15 is gone, but what's license num- bers among gossipers. There'll be a State car up on east Linn to take the place of the one that bade fare- well to west Linn on Monday. —The Philadeiphia Ledger says in the old days when a vehicle zipped by you it meant some horse was feeling his oats—whereas, to- day, when the same thing happens it means that some ass is feeling his rye. Answer: Is the Ledger wet or dry? —Jt is rumored that the Belle- fonte Republican will cease publica- tion soon. We are sorry that its publication is to be discontinued. It is Bellefonte's oldest Republican newspaper enterprise and is there- fore a journalistic landmark that we would regret to see effaced. —If anybody should ask you, tell them that this edition of the Watchman is an exceptionally inter- esting one. Because that is exactly what it is—a darn good publication, and let us hope it will get like the boy who came home from school the other day with an “A” in Eng- lish and said he was getting “Good- er an’ gooder.” —Senator Scott fared well in the organization of the State Senate on Tuesday. In addition to being chair- man of the Appropriations commit- tee heis a member of the committee on Executive Nominations. The lat- ter is a very powerful weapon be- cause all of Governor Finchot's nominations must go to it before they reach the floor of the Senate. —Arthur has landed, And, as usual, landed not only on his feet but sittin’ also. We'd say it's sittin’ darn pretty when one can see nine thousand dollars a year staring him in the face in these times when we couldn't see nine thousand cents if we hooked three pair of glasses on our proboscis. More power to him and congratulations. He didn't know much about how Linn street was going to vote, but he got what them that did didn't. ~The inaugural ceremonies at Harrisburg went off without a hitch on Tuesday. Governor Pinchot re- pewed his campaign pledges to fight for twenty-thousand miles of im- proved township roads, to keep the administration, if not the State, dry and to wage war on utilities. Since Governor Fisher has left a surplus of nearly fifty-two million dollars in the treasury Gifford will have plenty of money with which to buy oats for his hobbies. The Watchman announces that John M. Fleming has joined its re- portorial staff—temporarily at least. Johr is going in for journalism and his college work requires that he pratice on someone and in his case that someone is going to be you. His first news story under a “By” line, which we think you will agree with us that it deserves, appears in this issue under the caption “Youth- ful Hokoes, a Refrigerator Car and Kindly People.” If we were to say what we think of it a promising prospect might get puffed up in the making and spoil what looks like a coming good writing man. —Recently a friend who had evidently forgotten that years ago he told us he intended retiring from business when he reached the age of sixty, handed us a story of a suc- cessful newspaper man who had re- tired. Members of the ‘“profesh” are more than ordinarily interested in any one of their brethren who has jocked himself intosucha posi- tion that he can let go of the bear's tail without fear of landing in the county home. So we were intrigued by the story of how this country newspaper man could retire with $100,000 in cash. He did it, after thirty years of close application to duty by pursuing a policy of strict honesty, taking good times with the bad, always practicing rigorous rules of economy and inheriting $99,999.95 from an uncle the day before he retired. We're clinging onto the bear's tail for probably the same reason that the friend who told he was going to retire at sixty, and hasn't. Neither one of us hasa rich uncle left. VOL. 76. Contre : Might rand " New Con- gressional District. In all probability Pennsylvania will have to remake her Congressional Districts, Tne census of 1930 cuts our representation in Congress from thirty-six to thirty-four members so that the State will have to be re- districted to provide for the loss. There is a Federal law that would require such action before Congress- men are again elected in 1932. Already experts have been at work on the difficult task of mapping the State so that contiguous coun- ties can be grouped in such a way as give such groups population enough to entitle them to a Mem- ber. Since it is desirable that counties be not divided it will be apparent that securing a population of or near 283,273, which is the aver- age in the State for each Member of Congress, will take considerable fig- uring. One plan that has been worked out will completely change the com- plexion of the 23rd District, which is the one to which Centre county has been attached for years. In it are placed Bedford, Blair, Centre, Huntingdon and Mifflin. In other words we would be separated from Clearfield, Cameron and McKean and put in with a group of counties with which we have never had political district contacts except in the case of Huntingdon when that county and Centre formed a Judicial District. While the average voter in Cen- tre and Clearfield counties will see little in such a divorce politicians will view it with considerable re- gret. The two counties, Centre and Clearfield, have been together in both senatorial and congressional Dis- tricts so long that they know one another. Many groups have formed in them for mutual political ad- vantage and it has been possible to jockey the offices of Congressman and Senator between them. If the senatorial District remains unchanged Senator Scott would not have anything to offer Congress- man Chase by way of support from | Centre. In. consequence the Con- would not be so much interested in seeing to it that Clear- field keeps hands off Centre's am- bition to have a Senator, And since the mew plan would put Clearfield and Cambria together to make a congressional District Mr. Chase would not be sitting so pretty, either, for Cambria has a much larger population than Clearfield and has never shown an inclination to pass up a chance to get a Con- gressman. Of course the proposed plan for redistricting might not be adopted. In any event both Congressman Chase and Senator Scott are prob- ably much concerned about it and well they might be. ~The world's unused wheat, or what is called carry-over, at the end of 1930 was 1,115,000,000 bushels. That was sixty-two million more bushels than were carried over in 1929 and nearly two hundred million more than were carried over in any year between 1822 and 1928. In- creasing production and decreasing consumption are the indisputable causes of this surplus of the cereal. In the face of these facts what fol- ‘ly it is to talk of tariffs or govern- ment buying as means to stabilize the price of wheat. They are noth- ing but impotent, wasteful make- shifts. There are only two agencies by which the price of wheat might be pushed up and maintained on a level that would be profitable crop failures, is purely providential. The other is reducing acreage sown to wheat and keeping it there until increased world population justifies more planting. Years ago we sat on the porch of the “Mountain” House ‘at Snow Shoe in conversation with ‘the late Senator S.R. Peale, of Lock | Haven. He was a brilliant ‘man, handsome in appearance and fond of young men. He un- ‘der took to set us to work on ‘a problem that intrigued us a lot at the time. He suggested that it ‘would be interesting if we were to | figure out, by the ratio of the world's increase in population to its increase in wheat production, how long it would be before getting enough bread ‘to eat would be an acute problem. We know the Senator felt that such a time was not far distant. So did we after listening to his plausible | calculations. But thirty or more | years have elapsed since then and the condition is exactly reversed. ——-Jf President Hoover were half as wise in current affairs as he is emergencies | us | there would be little cause of com- | in calling for help in paint. Al Smith and John W. Davis | will soon boom the Red Cross col- | lections. to growers and one of them, general STATE RIGHTS AN BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 23, Pinchot’'s Administration Organized. Governor Pinchot has entered up- on the duties of his office and the machinery of the administration is practically assembled. Richard J. Beamish, Secretary of the Common- wealth; Clyde L. King, Secretary of Revenue, William A. Schnader, torney General; Samuel S. Lewis, Secretary of Highways; James F. Malone, Secretary of Property and Supplies; John L, Hanna, Secretary of Welfare; Charles F. Armstrong, Insurance Commissioner; Peter G. Cameron, Lewis E. Staley, Commissioner of Forests and Waters; Oliver M. Deibler, Commisssioner of Fisheries; David J. Davis, Adjutant General, and John A. McSparran, Secretary of Agriculture, will compose his official board. There are three vacancies at this time though before this issue of the Watchman reaches its destination two of them will be filled. It may be said that those are experienced politicians and capable of efficient service. The head of the council table, Dick Beamish, comes from good old: Democratic stock and his long service in journalism has given him a liberal education in the arts and intricacies of official life. He is a sincere advocate of honest elec- tions and just government and un- less he is hampered in his work by ulterior purposes of his higher ups, ‘he will give a good account of him- self. All the others in the favored list are well known, though not al- ways as reform crusaders. But the cabinet is essentially a Pinchot aggregation and each mem- ber of it understands that his ten- ure of office depends on absolute, not to say servile, obedience to Pin- chot. measurement used in selecting them. Happily there are good reasons to hope that they will fulfill the high- est expectations of those who elected Mr. Pinchot to the office he cccupies. But “politics make strange bedfel- lows” and ambition leads into strange and sometimes devious paths. It would be entirely too utopian to imagine that the interests of the people will be the only purpose the Governor during the next years. though it may be expected that he will do a ed, ~The Soviet government of Russia will make little progress in| the direction of world approval so long as the conscription of labor is practiced under government sanction. Reason for Tardy Generosity. a It is not altogether surprising that the Red Cross fund lags though it is certainly unusual. For a great many years rich psopie have cheer- fully and generously contributed and those less fortunate have esteemed it a privilege to gre as much as thy could afford in support of this splendid benevolence, But only a few days ago Mr. Payne, head of the organization, for the apparent purpose of supporting the President in a controversy with the Senate, testified before a Senate committee that the Red Cross had ample resourcess to take care of the drought sufferers, Then he asked the public to make good his pledge. The President, depending on hear- say statements, recommended an appropriation of $30,000,000 for the purpose. The Senators representing the sections afflicted demanded an appropriation of $60,000,000, declar- ing that any less amount would be inadequate. While the controversy compromised by an appropriation of $45,000,000, with a proviso that none ‘of the money be used for providing food for the suffering people. In order to avert widespread starvation Senator Robinson procured an amendment to the Interior Depart- sufferers. It is certain that the appropri- ation will be approved by the Sen- ate but itis predicted that under in- fluence of the President it will be atives. In that event the suffer- ing will continue, for even if the $10,000,000 contribution to the Red Cross is subscribed it will fall far short of the amount required to serve the purpose. The Red Cross will do its best but that will not suffice. It is too big a job for that or any other philanthropic agency and the Congress which voted $100,- | 000,000 to provide rood for starving | Russians ought to be willing to give one quarter of the sum to save starving Americans. ——So long asenvy and suspicion | continues in the capitals of Europe | there is little hope for Mr. Briand's | “United States of Europe.” At- Banking Commissioner; ing family and political war That was the standard of John Barton was pending Mr. Payne volunteered his statement and the dispute was defeated in the House of Represent- D FEDERAL UNION. The Trout Are All Right, Should Worry. Concern as to what nature might be doing to the big trout in Spring Creek seems to be spreading. Last week the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette went so far as to undertake to give them absent treatment by editorial as follows: © “Information that the big troutin Spring creek at Bellefonte have scarcely sufficient water in which they may swim about comfortably is disquieting, although not alarm- . As one of the attractions of the State, these fish must remain undisturbed in their serenity. Not only have they received the ad- miration of the late William Jen- nings Bryanand been fed by Gifford Pinchot, but they have been watch- ed by persons from many States as they lazily enjoyed a security never ‘to be disturbed by an angler. It is not that the famous spring from which the town received its name and waters of which were made over to the people by a quit deed in 1800 is failing. Not at all, it is pouring out its 11,000,000 gal- lons daily in the drought as regular- ly as under normal weather con- ditions. But the town is diverting some of the capacity of the creek for power purposes, taking it from ‘the stream above the dam just be- low which the trout have their gn So much water is used for need that the pools of the fish are depleted. Normal rainfall at the headwaters would solve the situation, but in the meantime the fal cannot be neglected ' X way to e pools mus I be found if the dry weather con- tinues. Bellefonte owns the trout, perhaps, but it has a wide respon- sibility, especially to those individ- uals who have watched the big fel- lows and remember them so well ' that they fancy almost that they might call some by name.” A Pittsburgh attorney, Harold Obernaur Esq., evidently read what the Post Gazette had to say and | promptly conceived the idea that | poetry should be added to the prose ‘pleas for the salvation of the fish. | His plea for the supposedly drouth kn urine trout is in the ! LET THERE BE NO DELAY We . Sram ¥ - of In Bellefonte’'s Mighty stream The Trout shall never play, The Power (?) Trust has sealed their doom And damned (dammed) their hopes away. Perhaps, it is the work of fate, And foolish is our cry, For Bryan admired them years ago And now they, too, are dry. But whatever be the mystery, The citizens should not delay The Trout and Spring Creek must go on And children have their day. As a matter of fact the trout are in no danger whatever. It is true that the operation of the borough's netv hydro-electric plant is taking ‘so much water down a tail race to it’s wheel that little is left to flow | through the regular channel in which the trout do their stuff for curious visitors, but that is only because the rainfall since last June has diminished the flow of both Logan's Branch and Spring Creek to the point where the Big Spring alone cannot make up for the depletion in the two other streams thatcombine above the falls to make up the main stream. Just as soon as normal rainfall comes conditions will be changed. Meanwhile there is more water, even now, for the trout than those in many other streams of the State have. And plenty of food, as well. If the trout are dying from any cause we opine it is from high blood pressure brought on by eating too much red meat. If there should be any danger of their becoming blind- ed by dust in the stream bed we will send out an S. O. 8. for the | whole country to shed tears of la- | ment large enough to make their play ground more liquid, ment supply bill allocating $25,000,- 000 to buy food for the starving | ——A bill will probably be intro- duced at this session of the Legis- lature designed to change the motor code so as to make every holder of ination as to physical fitness at | least once every five years. | | | ——The wisdom of selecting Gen- | | eral Pershing as chief of the Amer- |ican contingent in the world war was vindicated by every step he took arranging the preliminaries for | combat. ——For the ’steenth time within a year the fall of the MacDonald | government in London in predicted. Some of these days Mac may quit | and leave the country inasad lurch, ——While President Hoover is holding up relief measures in Con- gress suffering is multiplying in the drought sections of the country. 1931. | a driver's license undergo an exam- NO. 4. Prohibition Report Many Sided Document. President Hoover's much talked of Law Enforcement Commission re- ported on Wednesday. The Commis- sion was headed by Geo. W. Wick- ersham and included Newton D. Baker, Ada L. Comstock, William 1 Grubb, William S. Kenyon, Monte M. Lemann, Frank J. Loesch, Ken- neth McIntosh, Paul J. McCor- mick, and Roscoe Pound. All are notable persons in the social, ed- ucational, legal and business life of the country. They gave months to their investigations and spent $500,000 in making them, so that their report, covering one hundred document pages, is a very illuminating and comprehensive offering. It is significant, however, that no two of them are in perfect accord as to what should be done with the Eighteenth Amendment, The report is too long for the space the Watch- man has to give it, so we publish the following summary of its con- clusions as made by the Philadel- phia Public Ledger of Wednesday. Washington, Jan. 20.—In their individual conclusions, two members of the Law Enforcement Commis- sion ask outright repeal of prohi- bition four others favor modification, two are for a further trial of Pro- hibition with some fom of referen- dum meanwhile, and the remaining three advocate continued trial with intensified enforcement. The Commission, as a whole, op- poses: Repeal of the Eighteenth Amend- ment. Return of the saloon. Federal or State Governments, as ‘such, going into the liquor business. Manufacture and sale of light wines and beer. Greater latitude in liquor searches and seizures. The Commission, as a whole, wants: Substantial increase in funds for Federal enforcement, to be used in part for more dry agents. Improvements in statutes and in the organization, personnel and equipment of enforcement, including: a. Lifting of the statutory limit on doctors’ prescriptions. b. Uniform provision for a fixed | alcoholic content in ciders and fruit ¢. Statute permitting tracing of denatured alcohol to the ultimate consumer, d. More effective padlock statute. The Commission, as a whole, agrees: State co-operation is essential to enforcement. Support of public opinion is nec- essary. Enforcement effort has improved continuously since 1927. Enforcement and observance are inadequate. Enforcement organization Amend- ment should be revised as follows, if it is revised: “Section 1. The Congress shall have power to regulate or to pro- hibit the manufacture, traffic in or transporation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into and the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes.” The Commission Disagrees on: Whether prohibition under the Eighteenth Amendment is enforce- able. Whether the amendment has been tested sufficiently. The liquor regulation plan rec- ommended for consideration by a | majority of the commission follows: | Creation of a national bipartisan | commission having full control of the liquor trade, Establishment of private profit {imited national corporation to vested with the exclusive right of manufacture, importation, exporta- tion and transportation in inter- state commerce and sale of alcohol- i liquors, to the extent stated be- ow. Restriction of the national cor- poration’s sales in any State to the corporate agency created by such State. Retention by each State of the right to be dry, and Federal ban on liquor shipments into dry States. Freedom for the States to adopt | local option. | Ban on saloons. Limitation of individual sales to | holders of buying licenses. The licenses would be subject to revo- cation for drunkenness or other law violations. Fixing of prices to discourage | drinking of stronger liquors and still avoid creating an opportunity | for bootleggers. Miama Beach will have a hard road to travel as long as the business element of the population insists on an “open town.” ~The Prince of Wales is off on his trade mission to Latin America |and the whole world will watch his ‘work as a salesman with interest. | ——Governor Pinchot has begun the job of Lir'n and firn with aven- | geance. He is starting off on the as- | sumption that everybody who was {not with him will be against him. ——The movement to evangelize | —The one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Juniata county will be observed in an elaborate celebration at Mifflintown next summer, eccording to plans now being formulated by a coun- ty-wide organization representing every township and borough in the county. —Wresting himself from the grasp of his nurses, Angelo Benecci, 46, leaped from a second story window of St Vin- cent’'s hospital at Erie, on Sunday, and was killed. He had been taken to the hospital only a short time before he leaped for observation because of actions believed induced by worry over illness. —Williamsport's new market house will open its doors to the marketing public on February 7, according to an announce- ment of an official of the company. When the doors are thrown open to the public it will mean the end of the old curbstone market that has been in vogue there for more than sixty-nine years. —Carl L. Hart, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hart of Bast Fairfleld township, Craw- ford county, suffered a broken neck from which he died when struck by a falling limb on Saturday. The youth was engaged in cutting timber on a neighboring farm at the time. Nine brothers and sisters in addition to his parents survive. —Fourteen years after the Japanese beetle was discovered in the United States near Riverton, N. J., the most remote point at which the pest has been found is at New Castle, Pa., 285 miles away. The beetle thus has trav- eled at the rate of 20 miles a year. Beetle scouts have searched through 16 States for traces of the destructive in- sect. —Bdward Seleskie, of Trevorton, was awarded $5000 and his mother $8000 by a jury who brought in a verdict against the Harrisburg Auto company for the loss of the boy's left leg, due to his having been run over by one of the defendant's cars. Application for a new trial has been made by the defendant on the grounds that the verdict for the woman was excessive. —An army combat plane landed on Monday on the ice of the Susquehanna river near Clearfield. The pilot was en route from the West to Bellefonte. Not being familiar with this air route, he lost his way, and, seeing the ice as a perfect landing place, he took a chance. After getting his bearings he took oft for Bellefonte, his landing and take-off being perfectly executed. —Butcher Hyman Roth, of Pittsburgh, had fust cut off a big slice of steak when a man walked into his shop and demanded: “‘Stick ‘em up, I want your money.” Hyman grabbed the steak and |let it fly. It hit the intruder on the chin and he hit the fcor—out cold. | Then Hyman telephoned the police, and was sitting on the would-be robber | when the officers arrived. Police sald | the man was unarmed. —A $600,000 deficiency bill will |to be introduced in the Legislature to | cover the $500,000 expenses incurred in fighting forest fires during the drought | period and $100,000 for the imminent spring fire season, it was announced by Charles E. Dorworth, retiring Secretary of Forests and Waters. Dorworth said | that since the early part of December $280,740 had been paid, with bills total- ing $224,485 remaining to be paid. —When the midnight Greyhound bus arrived at Gettysburg, it was discovered that one of the passengers was dead, the stricken man being Samuel O. Mc- Laughlin, 59, of Fort Loudon, Franklin county. Soon after the bus left Phila- delphia McLaughlin fell asleep. When the bus stopped at Lancaster he did not awaken. Passengers noticed an unusual pallor on the man's face, but said noth- ing about it. Death was due to a heart attack. The remains were sent to his home. have —Four of the men's service organiza- tions of Lock Haven, representing sev- eral hundred business men, have en- dorsed the proposition presented by William Caprio, president of the Cham- ber of Commerce, to construct a dam in the river there, as a flood preven- tion measure. Mr. Caprio is urging in- dividuals to write to Congressman Rob- ert F. Rich urging that the federal government aid in the construction of the dam for that purpose, as Congress- man Rich promised to suppor: the mea- sure should the public sentiment be for the dam. —The big steam shovel being used in the excavation for the new high school at Legonier stood idle almost an hour on Friday, while workmen tried to chase a | shepherd dog who refused to budge. They coaxed him. He bared his teeth. They ‘‘shooed’” him; he growled. They made gestures at him and he barked. But he wouldn't move. Then Mrs. Fran- cis Bererson came along looking for her little daughter Jane, aged one and a half years. And the dog wagged his tail ‘and barked gleefully. His vigil was done. And there underneath the shovel they found Jane, sound asleep, her head lon a rock. —A four-year-old boy was tossed from | a second story window curing a fire in the Twin Rocks business district, on | Monday, and was caught by a young | woman whose arms were fractured fia making the catch. The interiors of six | buildings were damaged by the fire which did damage estimated by fire of- ficials at between $50,000 and $75,000. The boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius | Levinson, was uninjured as he was ! dropped from the second floor of Levinson's clothing store to Miss Mar- | garet Epoch, 17. Miss Epoch and Mr. land Mrs. Levinson, who suffered fractur- ed legs in leaping to safety, were taken | to hospitals. —Sally Lou, 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Bower, of Blain, | Dauphin county, fell into a small dam | near the family home. There were eight inches of ice on the dam, but a hole | had been cut in it for the purpose of | dipping water for household use. The | mother missed the child and rushing to | the dam, she could see nothing except | that the water was muddy. She plung- led her arm into the hole, which was | about fourteen inches square, and pull- | ed the little one out. The child was | unconscious. Help had arrived by this | time and they immediately ran to the house and used first aid and by the time a doctor arrived respiration had resum- ed. The child seems none the worse for her misfortune.