INK SLINGS. —The days are noticeably longer. The Pinchot cabinet jobs are near- ly all gone and former Judge Dale hasn't ianded one yet, —The girls get all the breaks. Natural laws arrange things so that more boy babies than girls are born. —Well, those who expected to see Cadillac license No. 15 move from west to east Linn street will have to guess again. —JIf we do come to the manufac- ture of pants out of glass, as scientists predict, for my eye's sake, let it be stained glass. —It looks to us as though Gov- ernor-elect Pinchot is doing more for what he didn't get in Philadel- phia than for what he did get in Allegheny, When they once get their hooks in at the public crib its hard to keep them away from it. Witness, the number of former county officials who are reported as heading back for more. —On the highways, when we see a boy in a coonskin coat and a high powered sports model coming at us we pull to the curb and feel like singing “The Brewer's Big Horses Can't Run Over Me.” -~The Swiss army has grown un- til its maintenance costs each man, woman and child in the nation five dollars a year. What a plight they'd be in over there if they had enough water to launch a navy on, ~We understand that the County Commissioners reduced the county tax two mills because of the hard luck the farmers and everybody else have been in. That was nice of them, wasn't it? We'll bet they never even thought about next Novemebr 3rd when they'll be up for re-elec- tion. —To those who are so zealous to having Spring creek cleaned out through town we pass the word that trout won't stay where there are no stones. We know a gentle- man who killed fine fishing right in his own side yard by removing all the stones in the stream that flows through it, just so it would look better. —OQOliver M. Deibler, of Greens- burg, has been appointed Commis- sioner of Fisheries during the Pin- chot administration. He will suc- ceed Nathan R. Buller who has given his life in very intelligent and courteous service to the culture of fish in Pennsylvania. Mr. Deibler was born at Lamar, Clinton county. Since Fishing Creek runs right through Lamar we are beginning to! see things already. —On Monday a wise dopester partially satisfied our con- suming curiosity to find out why Senator Scott reneged on his Pin- chot program pledge and voted for Daix for speaker pro tem of the Senate. He said: “Pinchot will be cut of the Pennsylvania political picture four years from now and Harry has probably been promised an important place on the State ticket.” And just that might hap- pen. —Down in Washington they are planning to parcel out millions to drought stricken middle west and southern farmers. Why only mid- dle-west and southern victims of seasonal abortions? the 23rd congressional district there is as much misery because of the drought as there could be any- where and “we hear nothing from the Hon. “Mitch” Chase that would indicate that he intends grabbing off some relief for his constituents. “Mitch” would be a great man in the eyes of Centre and Clearfield county farmers if he could make Uncle Sam either haul water to them or drive their cows the miles they have to go in many cases to get something to drink. The paragraph above has suggest- ed another thought. Those who don't have to do it have no idea what trouble and concern a farmer goes through if he has to drive his cattle to water along or across a public highway. Few motorists have the slighest consideration for him. Many devilishly scatter his herd and some plow through them, often side-swiping and injuring the ani- mals. Highway patrolmen should he STATE RIGHTS AN D FEDERAL UNION. ' climbing | of the court house, in Lock Haven, last | stepped ny 'SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE, —Stricken with a heart attack while the stairs to the clock tower Friday, William Weidhahn, 60, fell to the foot of the stairs. Weidhahn, a | Jeweler, was in charge of the clock. —Rev. John M. Vrudny, pastor of St | John the Baptist Slovak Lutheran church, ‘at Bethlehem, may lose the sight of an eye, the result of a boyish prank. He was walking on the street when he into the path of a snowball hurled by one of a party of youths in a friendly battle. VOI... 76. BELLEFONTE, An Absurd Technicality. An interesting technicality has been raised in the Senate at Wash- ington in relation to the recently ap- pointed members of the Federal Power Commission. Just before the holiday recess of the Senate the nomination of George Otis Smith, Claude L. Draper and Marcel Garsaud as members of that recently creat- ed board, was confirmed by a nar- row margin. The first act of the commissioners was to dismiss from the service of the commission solici- tor Russell and accountant King, for no other apparent reason than that they had been zealous in con- serving the interests of the public against the cupidity of the Power trust. The vote of the Senate in favor of confirmation was influenced to some extent by the favorable re- port, as to Smith, of solicitor Rus- sel and the summary dismissal of Russell aroused resentment in the Senate, In pursuance of the Senate rules 3enator Walsh, who had been deceived, introduced a resolution to reconsider the vote by which the commissioners were confirmed. Thereupon Senator Goff raised the point that confirmation having heen regularly made the motion to re- consider is an infrigement upon the prerogative of the President, who alone has the legal right of removal from office for any cause. The Senate rule provides that “when a nomination is confirmed or rejected any Senator voting in the majority may move for a reconsideration on the same day on which the vote was taken or on either of the next two days of actual executive session of the Senate; but if the notification of the confirmation or rejection of a nomination shall have been sent to the President before the expiration of the time within which a motion to reconsider may be made, the mo- tion to reconsider shall be accom- panied by a motion to request the President to return such notification to the Senate,” All these conditions were complied with. There is no substantial reason, therefore, why the motion of Senator | i Walsh is not “in order.” He voted for the confirmation of the offend- ing commissioners at the request of solicitor Russell, who had been as- political | ‘selves, or their friends, that they sured by the commissioners them- ‘would be just and fair as between Right here in on the alert for drivers who need- lessly make the burden that drouth has put onthe farmer heavier. They should be taught a lesson. —We are not of one mind with those who would drive John J. Ras- kob out of the Democratic party and it's all right with us if he wants to crats to office. There's nobody else in sight who shows symptoms of doing that. Mr. Raskob is a Jew. So was Nathan Strouse, who died last week, and we recall mighty the trusts and the public. He was qualified to make the motion to re- consider and he made it at the first “actual executive session of the Senate.” There was no infringement on the prerogatives of the Presi- dent because until the five day limit is passed there was no real confirmation. Mr. Goff's contention is pure bologna. Since the above was written the Senate, by a vote of 44 to 37, has adopted the Walsh resolution and what the President will do about it remains to be seen. It is predicted that he will refuse to comply. Nye’s Slush Fund Committee Active, It cost approximately $1,200,000 to elect James J, Davis to the Senate according to the latest report of Senator Nye's Slush Fund commit- tee, That marks ‘“‘Puddler Jim" as an expensive as well as an ornate luxury. His friends protest that most of the money was spent in the interest of his running mate, Francis Shunk Brown. But Senator Nye calls attention to the fact that Mr. Grundy spent $400,000 to defeat Davis and in the nature of things a good deal of the Davis-Brown loot must have been used to counteract the Grundy munificence. And this is not the worst feature of the case. A movement is being organized in the Senate to oust Mr. Davis from the seat. It is recalled that the Vare slush fund was onlya trifle more than half and that of Colonel Smith, of Illinois, less than a third of that amount, and both of them were refused seats in the Sen- ate because of excessive expenditures in their campaigns. It is true some ‘of the Smith fund came from a du- bious source and the source of Mr. Vare's fund was never revealed, But | according to the evidence a mysteri- | ‘ous friend of Davis, in the contract- spend his millions in electing Demo- | iments the Nye inquiry may become ing business in Pittsburgh, contrib- uted to the Davis-Brown fund. In view of these recent develop- | more important than was first ex- | pected, few Gentiles of whom the press of | the world has spoken as it has of can leader of National prominence” the man who never knew how many millions he had given away because he said: “I have never figured it up, because I have had more bene- For example, it has just uncovered the fact that a ‘“Republi- took to Montana, during the recent campaign, a slush fund of $100,000 | ‘declaring the seat vacant.” Governor Fisher's Final Message. Governor Fisher's final message to the General Assembly is an interest- ing and fairly complete review of the activities of the State govern- ment during the four years of his administration. He expresses justi- fied satisfaction with the prosperous condition of the State Treasury, The drain on the resources have been unusually heavy during the entire period but with an assurance of a balance of approximately $29,000,000 at the end of the fiscal year there is no reason for worry, as the State is practically free of debt and the appropriations have been discharged. It indicates that the taxpayers have been prompt and willing. From start to finish the message reveals both pride and optimism, The legislation suited him exactly. Whether revenue legislation increas- ed or decreased the levy it was all right with him according to the message. The creation of a new department of government was es- pecially commendable because “it has brought into the treasury every dollar belonging to the State and subjects its receipts and expenditures to the close scrutiny of the fiscal officers.” The old system was sup- posed to do that but maybe it didn't. The expenditure of $633,- 295,457.12 within the period of four years is appraised as a notable achievement, and if none of it was wasted the estimate is accurate. The budget bureau, the building programme, the adornment of Capi- tol Park, in Harrisburg, the cen- tralization of purchasing and the construction and improvement of highways command his admiration.’ Education has developed, wild life improved and crime is less than in some other communities while “the importance of agriculture has been emphasized.” Most of these things are com- mendable and the Governor re- cites the achievements in such pleas- ing figures of speech as to challenge popular approval even if they fail to convince the public mind that nature and industry and ance had nothing to do matter, But it is a gro ' of executives to think in those terms. ——Frank Kent will never forgive chairman Raskob because the Na- tional Democratic committee failed to give him a lucrative appointment. Senator Davis’ Title Questioned. It is practically settled that the title of ‘“Puddler Jim" Davis to a seat in the Senate will be chal- lenged. Senator Nye, chairman of the committee which has been in- vestigating campaign expenditures, said the other day that such action is inevitable. “With the record re- maining as it is now,” he declared, “I will have to offer a resolution What the result will be is a matter of conjecture. If the precedents set in the Smith and Vare cases are re- spected Mr, Davis will have to re- linquish the title bestowed upon him. If the precedent is not followed the Senate will be in an anomalous posi- sition. When Congress assembled for the short session the Democratic mem- bers of the body were in anamiable Iowa, Pennsylvania, California and frame of mind. previous election had been very satisfactory and they paraded around the capitol with olive branches all over them. Some party leaders had made a tender of “friendly offices” to the administration, which were accepted in a way that promised “an adjournment of politics” for a time. In that atmosphere of con- tentment Mr. Daivs appeared to qualify and he was admitted. But conditions have changed materially since then. The Republicans have especially PA.. JANUARY 16, 1931. Slandering Secretary Mellon. Somebody in the far Southwest ‘has been villifying that dear old soul, Andy Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury. A few days ago a mem- ‘orial or something of that sort ap- peared in Washington complaining thet Uncle Andy has been exercis- ing his vast power as Secretary of the Treasury to prevent the levy of ‘a tariff tax on oil. As head of the Gulf Refining company, the com- plaint alleged, and the most exten- sive importer of oil in the country, he is uncompromisingly and ever- lastingly opposed to a tariff tax that would extract millions of dol- lars from the treasury of his cor- | poration. Now as a matter of fact Uncle Andy is not president of the Gulf Refining corporation, He resigned that office nine years ago when he became Secretary of the Treasury and turned all his interests in the company over to other members of his family. Mr. Mellon understands that the law forbids any man di- rectly or indirectly concerned in any business that involves importation of commodities of any kind to serve in that office, and he is a law-abid- ing citizen. It is true that he always has an anchor to windward and when opportunity to gather in the golden sheaves presents itself he is ready to act. But under no circumstances would he lay violent hands on the sacred tariff. Preservation of the tariff is the purpose of his life and whether it be on oil or peanuts or steel bil-. lets he is for Tariff taxation has been the it heart and soul. main source of his vast wealth and though the family-owned Gulf Refining cor- poration might suffer extensively by a tariff tax on oil, we refuse to be- lleve that Uncle Andy would stulti- 'fy himself by raising a finger or even uttering a whisper against it. ‘and unjust. Mr. Mellon is true to his ideals. | Chairman Raskob says he isn't | “the whole cheese” or any | persever- e which aspires to control the th inmocratie party. is a g Ha oad Democrat, an cient . {man and a liberal-minded citizen. i i i ! Problems that are Unsolvable. That popular interest in the World Court continues is shown by ‘a petition made public, the other day, “urging prompt and favorable action by the Senate” on the proto- col. For some reason the admin- istration Senators are reluctant to consider this matter, though it has been one of public concern for some years, ‘The petition is signed by 7,586 names, mostly prominent in social and business life. excuse for delay thus far advanced is that present consideration would consume time and possibly make an extra session of Congress early in, |the Spring necessary. That is a prospect too terrible to think of. | Of the 7,586 signers to the peti- tion 161 are bankers, 98 Bishops, | 208 university or college presidents, | 602 clergymen, 285 deans, profes- sors and teachers, and 100 judges and lawyers. They represent all | sections of the country, New York, Nlinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, The result of the Ohio, in the order of the number of | i signers. The petition was distrib- ‘uted by various national organiza- tions and, as the announcement says, | “while it is in no sense a poll of the country, it represents the views of numerous leading citizens. “It |is unquestionably an impressive ges- | ture and ought to command atten- { tion.” Probably the most perplexing prob- lem of the period is why the ad- | ministration is so strongly opposed to an extra session of Congress. to himself, has finally succeeded | part ofa to William The only NO. 3. FIFTY YEARS AGO IN CENTRE COUNTY. Items taken from the Watchman issue of January 21, 1881. ! —Last year the State of Penn- sylvania took for tax on Centre county corporations and from vari- ous fees collected in our court house, the sum of $16,727.61. The State re- turned to the county, by way of appropriations to schools, salary of Judges, Legislators, Etc., $91,104.66. The largest single item was the appropriation of $70,000.00 to State College. Bellefonte Boro. received $708.12 of the State school fund. — The purchase and transfer of the Snow Shoe Railroad by and to the Pennsylvania Company has not been quite completed. We are advis- ed that the deal will be closed final- ly in Febuary, —Prof. Weaver's singing ciass, will give a grand concert at Pine Grove Mills on Saturday night, the 20th. If the sleighing keeps good there will be a great crowd there. | charge of perjury a day later was —Alone in her weather-worn home- stead in Pittsburgh, in which she kept “cash and securities estimated to exceed $50,000, Miss Tilllie Pachter, 80, was found dead on Monday in a room in which a small gas stove was burning. Police believe the woman was the vic tim of carbon monoxide poisoning. —Married Monday and held on a the experience of Mrs. Howard Salsman, of Laceyville, Schuylkill county. Her par- ents claim the girl swore falsely when she obtained a license to marry. Sals- man also was arrested on a perjury charge. The parents say the girl is but 17. —Asserting that their daughter, Elsie C. Edelen, was clawed by a caged bear on view at a gasoline station at Water ford, Erie county, her parents have filed suit for $50,000 against the Union Oil Supply company, operators of the station. Their complaint said injuries suffered by the girl necessitated amputation of (an arm. —Diamonds estimated to be worth 15,- 000 were stolen early Tuesaday afternoon from the jewelry store of Jerome Meyer & Sons, in the heart of Wilkes-Barre. Two neatly dressed strangers entered the store and seized a tray containing forty diamond rings from a showcase. They disappeared into the noon day Geo. W. Rumberger, of Houtz- dale, was'in town Yesterday and, “ToWes on the sidewalk. dropped in to see us. —One of the largest lumps of coal —They had quite an exciting time up in Stormstown last Friday eve- ning. Mr. Bible gave one of his popular entertainments in the M.E. church there and took the Lemont brass band along to furnish the music, Bible is a clever entertain- er and the band is a good one, so it was quite an evening, ~The Watchman has hitherto neglected to announce the appoint- ments made by the County Com- missioners. They are as follows: Mercantile Appraiser, Daniel F. Luse, | 'of Centre Hall; Clerk to Commis- . sioners, Henry Beck; Attorney, M. Bower Esq.; Physician for jail, Dr. James H. Dobbins; Janitor for Court House, Bartram Galbraith. i Judges Mayer and Orvis have | appointed Christian Derr, Morrison and Samuel Foster tip- | staves for the court room. Mr. The complaint is both slanderous takes the position so long held by Steele Parsons, —QGov, Curtin, at considerable loss the Bellefonte Car Works in selling | Lawson, of New York | City. Mr. Lawson ts to re- | sume tions there as soon! las e.- He has assured Gov. Curtin that he will provide employ- ment for a large number of men 'and expresed the hope that proper- ty owners here wouldn't start push- ing up rent so that they can't find housing within their means. —It appears that someone played a joke on us last week when they’ told us that Jack Griest, of Union- ville, had become the father of twin girls. Miles Kephart told us and when we called his attention to the misinformation he explained he had been fooled, also. On his way to catch the train for Bellefonte. es said someone had told him “Jack has twin girls.” When he got back home that evening he inquired as to the health of mother and babes on- ly to be met with the astonishing ‘reply that they didn't know to what he was referring. Later he found out that Jack's cow had given birth 'to twin heifer calves that day. ) Speaking of cigars, Charley Ryan, at his booth over the race, has some of the best brands in town, —The next excitement will be the election of a County Superintendent of Schools. Our present excellent ' Superintendent, H. H. Meyer, CL. |Gramley, D. M. Wolfe, Robert | Cambridge, G. W. Rumberge r and Rev. D, G. Kline are all candi- | dates. home from his visit to New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City last Sat- urday and is back in Spring | township school house teaching the young idea how to shoot. —Three of the children of John Sheffler and one of Thomas Harri- son are down with scarlet fever at | their homes at Pleasant Gap. i —A. J. Smith, of Port Matlida, has installed a telephone between | his house and store in that place. —Jesse Fulton, who lived near violated every condition of the truce The pretense thatit would impairor College, dropped dead while and there is trouble. It may be said that there is some difference between the Vare case been defeated both at the primary and the general election if the slush fund had been eliminated, but having been nominated he would have won at the general election in any event, for he had the support of all factions of the party. But the excessive expenditures of Smith and Vare were outrageous in the primary campaign and that is equally true in the case of Davis. One witness testified that if Davis had been Memoirs now being published, pays running alone the $1,200,000 would have been spent. -—The Oklahoma Governor “takes ‘retard the restoration of prosperity is, of course, bunk. Yet that is the only reason advanced for an opposi- ‘and that of Davis. Vare would have tion So strenuous that it has become | hectic. |is equally beyond solution. | fers | peace and while its opponents give | free lip service to world peace they | refuse to take the only path which | directly leads to it. It is inexplic- | able, | | ———General Pershing, in his | just tribute to the services of Secre- |tary of War Newton D, Baker. | | ———Nathan Straus is said to have | nailing some boards on his pig pen | last Thursday. i | | —Mrs. Eliza Mullen, relict Felix Mullen, and mother of Mrs. The reason for opposition prockerhoff, died at her residence |to our adherence tothe World Court ' on Spring street on last Friday af-| It of- ternoon, She had been in her usual the only hope of permanent health when stricken with a sudden | pain in the chest, She was assist- | ed to her bedroom, but had expired | before her son, Dr. John H. Mullen, | got back from the drug store with | the medicine he had hurried there | to get. i ————— —————————— ——The metropolitan press gener- |ously praises President Hoover's | victory over the Senate, but as | Governor Pinchot said of another | victory “it was a fight the power ‘to be used in what proved to be a the cake.” He had to borrow money died a poor man but he left to his trust couldn't afford to win.” fit from what I have given away | than from what I have.” Nathan Strouse's benefactions extended all over the world. 000 babies in New York alone. ! State. futile effort to defeat the re-election | of Senator Thomas J. Walsh, of that | Everybody knows that the | | entire Republican machine was anx- | They are credited | lous to defeat Senator Walsh, but the | crooning minstrel, with having saved the lives of 400,- | exposure of the active conspirators | would be interesting. | to get to his own inaugural cere- mony and walked to the capitol. ——Rudy Valee, the famous radio has just found out that he can't settle a board bill with a song. | tamily an inheritance more precious | than millions could buy. | Mrs. Beryl Hart, {seems to be the last vietim of the | female ambition te fly across the Atlantic. aviatrix, | ——Mr, Pinchot still keeps the public guessing concerning his cabi- net but it is universally agreed that no member of the Vare machine will occupy a seat in it. | husband, to whom she was married |and justice of — Teacher Edward Woods, got ofl ever taken from an anthracite mine in the lower anthracite region has been taken out of the Honey Brook mine. It was taken from the Buck Mountain vein and weighs 8800 pounds of the very best quality of anthracite. It is likely it will be put on exhibition either in New York city or Boston, Mass. —According to the terms of the will of his aunt, Miss Anna Victoria Murray, of Germantown, who died December 27, filed for probate at Philadelphia on Sat- urday, Lieutenant Governor-elect General E. C. Shannon, will share in her per- sonal estate of $10,000. Bequests of $1500 are made to a brother and another nephew and the residue is shared by General Shannon and John Murray Shannon. —After reciting alleged ills she sald she had suffered at the hands of her former husband, Mrs. Hulda E. Tingle, of Philadelphia, bequeathed him $1 ‘to buy a rope to hang himself with,” The will, written January 8, 1930, was pro- bated on Monday, disposing of the rest of a $3150 estate among relatives. Mrs. Tingle died December 18. Her first in January, 1917, the will stated, ‘‘never supported me, only gave me trouble.” —A lone bandit early last Friday held up a Millvale ‘Squire's office, robbed a State highway patrol, a chief of police and justice of the peace Eugene guns and money, and escaped. Corporal Larry Moore, of the Pennsylvania high- way patrol; chief of police Phil Mitchell the peace Eugene Mehrich sat chatting in Mehrich's office when the door flew open and the trio found themselves facing a leering ban- dit with two guns poised for action. The intruder then robbed them of their guns and money and fled. —The Pennsylvania Department of Highways is experimenting with a new style of lettering on pavement marking and warning signs painted on road sur- faces. The new letters are nearly eight feet in height but much narrower than before. Motorists have remarked upon better legibility, but have failed to note any difference in the size of the letters. This is explained by engineers as due to the angle at which the driver observes the marking. The larger size is ciear- ly seen when the observer stands on the pavement near the marking. —Deer have been instrumental in wrecking automobiles before. but in the case of the car owned by Harry Hawkeye, of Tidioute, the animal set it afire. The automobile was being driven by Edward Merkle, also of Tidloute, when the deer ran into the path of the car, jumped upon the radiator and | caused the alcohol from the radiator to flow onto the manifold. The flaming alcohol carried the fire to the gasoline tank and the car was destroyed. The deer was killed but Merkle and a pas- genger In the automobile escaped injury. George Smead, 16, killed his lifelong chum, Melvin Starry, 17, with his fist at the suburban town of Goodyear, Cum- berland county. Starry, in a dispute over ability to shoot wild ducks, invited Smead outside Morrison's Restaurant to settle the argument with fists. A dozen witnesses saw Smead knock down and Pummel Starry's face. He died on the way to Carlisle Hospital. District At- torney Fred S. Reese had Smead ar- rested on a charge of involuntary man- slaughter, awaiting the coroner's inquest. postmortem showed death due to hemorrhage following probable concussion. United States Judge Albert L. Wat- son, in an opinion and an order hand- ed down at Scranton on Tuesday after- noon denied a change of venue and re- fused a bill of particulars to six men | charged with conspiring to violate the national prohibition laws by operating | the Mountainside Brewery near Lock | Haven. The decision means the defend- | ants, Franklin J. Graham, Philadelphia | attorney; Joseph Eisenberg, of Wilkes- Barre, and Harry Spiegel, Hyman (Ike) Seidman, Samuel Nagelberg and Isaac Judkovitz, all of Scranton, must stand trial next Monday at Lewisburg. Gov- ernment officials have intimated that af- ter the jury is selected the case will be transferred to Williamsport. Judge Watson dismissed the motion for a bill of particulars on the ground that the indictment furnished sufficient informa- tion to the defendants. The change of venue was asked by Seidman, one of the deefndants, who pleaded he had no funds to hire a lawyer to go to Lewis. burg or to pay the expenses of witnesses going there for the trial.