Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 09, 1931, Image 8

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-—Monday's rain put a supply of
water in the cisterns if it didn't do
much toward replenishing the
~The illness of Mrs. Charles Mc-
Clellan has become so extremely
critical that there is now mo hope
felt for any improvement in her
~The Bellefonte Y senior bas-
ket ball team defeated the ‘“Vaga-
bonds,” of Philipsburg, in a good
game here, Wednesday night, by the
score of 30 to 19.
So many youngsters have en-
rolled as pupils in the primary
schools in the North ward since the
holiday vacation that there is some
perplexity as to how to handle them,
—C. F. Tate, who suffered a
serious head injury in a scuffle at a
road house, near Bellefonte, last Sat-
urday afternoon, was taken to the
Geisinger hospital, Danville, yester-
day, for treatment.
——The S, A. Keefer property, on
east Bishop street, which is unoc-
cupied at present, was recently va-
cated by Earl McCloskey, who mov-
ed to an apartment on west High
street, adjoining his sewing ma-
chine shop.
Mr, and Mrs. Michael Shields
quietly celebrated their fiftieth wed-
ding anniversary, at their home on
Logan street, Sunday, December 28,
by receiving members of their fami-
ly and friends who called to offer
their congratulations and good
—Charles R. Beatty's car got out
of control on Allegheny street, Wed-
nesday evening, and smashed into the
car of Dr, Leroy Locke, which was
parked in front of his office in the
Masonic building. Both cars were
badly damaged. Mr. Beatty was not
hurt, however.
—Harold Custer, of Wingate, was
arrested va Tuesday as the hit and
run driver who ran over Edward
Beck, on north Water street, the
night before Christmas. He admit-
ted the charge and was held for
trial at court. Mr. Beck, by the
way, is recovering from his injuries.
——The A. M. E, church auxil-
liary ccmmittee will put on a special
“Bake Sale” at the Variety Shop,
Allegheny sireet, tomorrow (Satur-
day) at 9:30 a. m. Baked ham,
home-made rolis, cakes, pies, potato
chips, salad etc. Your patronage is
kindly solicited. First come, first
——Up to this time the county
commissioners have not decided up-
on the millage for 1931, and prob-
ably will not do so until Mr. Spear-
ly returns home from the Geisinger
hospital. Word this week is in effect
that he is getting along fairly well but
it may be several weeks before he
will be able to return home.
~The board of county auditors
composed of Robert D. Musser,
David A, Holter, appointed in place
of Samuel B. Holter, resigned, and
Aaron B Williams, or Port Matilda,
appointed to fill the vacancy caused
by the death of the late O. J. Stover,
met on Monday, ociganized and be-
gan work on auditing the county
accounts for the past year,
-——The Pennsylvania Railroad
company, last week, closed the oper-
ating tower in Bellefonte and trains
coming into Bellefonte from the
Bald Eagle valley are operated from
the Milesburg tower while in Belle-
fonte the train service is in direct
charge of trainmaster Joseph Kel-
leher, During the pest year the
freight and passenger service at
the Bellefonte stauon yielded the
railroad company a revenue of well
onto four million dollars and with
that amount of business it would
seem as if an operating tower here
would be one of the things the com-
pany could not afford to dispense
means that operator H. L. Pierson
will have to bump into a job else-
where. He has been in the em-
ploy of the company for 43 years
and has been stationed in Bellefonte
23 years, He has ten days in
which to reach a decision as to
where he wants to go and while he
has not yet made public his con-
clusion it will likely be at a tower
up Bald Eagle valley.
-———Members of the borough coun-
“cil are becoming agitated over the
welfare of the big trout in Spring
creek, and rightly so. Years ago
Bellefonte was known as the “Home
of Governors,” but in these days of
fast travel by automobile more
people know it as the town where
one can
watch hundreds of big trout disport
in the sparkling waters of Spring
creek. So we say, by al’ means take
care of the fish. Feed them if need be,
and if boys take pot shots at them
with air guns, see chat the illegal
practice is stopped. But all the
marks on the trout are not from
lack of food or shows from air guns.
Most of the scars come from the
bucks fighting over a fair lady trout
during the spawning season. We
have watched their combat many a |
time; have seen a big buck grab
another and shake him like a bull
dog, slashing off ribbons of flesh
from his sides and back. But the
spawning season is about over and
in due course of time the scars of
scars of the fight will disappear,
The closing of the tower
stand on a sidewalk and
Just six members were present at
the regular meeting of borough
council, on Monday evening, the first
for the new year.
W, T. McCormick, of the West
Penn Power company, was present
in the interest of securing the pass-
ing of an ordinance granting the
company the right to erect a pole
on “The Island” below the Gamble
mill. As the ordinance had been
revised to meet the requirements of
council it was passed, every mem-
ber present voting aye.
At the request of burgess Hard
P. Harris, Harold M. Young appear-
ed before council and admitted that
it was his wife who drove against
an electric light standard in front of
the Katz store, last August and
broke it off. He agreed to pay the
bill for repairs, about $36.00, in in-
Burgess Harris called the atten-
tion of council to the fact that a
number of cars with old licenses are
standing on the streets and he is
going to have them hauled cui vaio
the lot beyond the spring. If the
owners fail to claim them within a
reasonable time they will be turned
over to a junk dealer.
G. Oscar Gray appeared before
council and asked for the compen-
sation insurance, stating that he
now has a company that pays divi-
dends on about the same basis as
the State Insurance Fund. He was
informed that council will give his
request due consideration.
Johnston & Johnston, attorneys,
submitted a claim of John H. And-
erson compensation for injuries sus-
tained last July when he was act-
ing as a deputy policeman in an at-
tempt to arrest John Steele. He
claims that because of his injuries
he is not able to do a good day's
A notice was received from the
secretary of the association of bor-
oughs notifying council that the an-
nual convention will be held at the
Penn Harris hotel, Harrisburg, on
February 17th and 18th.
A written application was receiv-
ed from John J. Bower for re-elec-
tion as chief fire marshal. Refer-
red to the Fire and Police commit-
Mr, Bower's annual report for
1930 was read, and president Walk-
er commented on the good work of
the fire department as well as the
concise and excellent report of the
fire marshal. The report is pub-
lished in full in another column.
The Street committee reported
various minor repairs, cleaning
streets and continued work on the
cesspool on east Howard street,
which is now down to a depth of 45
feet. The committee also presented
a check for $64.00 from Patton
township for the use of the road
The Water committee reported
that the new hydraulic pump at the
Gamble mill has been in operation
since December 16th, and up to Jan-
uary 5th had pumped 17,860,000 gal-
lons of water, and 1s being operated
to only a little over half it's capac-
ity. The committee also reported
collections on water rents of $1150
and $6.70 on garage rents.
The Finance committee reported
a balance of $1346.78 in the bor.
ough fund and $3805.04 in the wa-
ter fund. Renewal was authorized
for all notes totaling $13,600 while
a new borough note for $1500 was
The Fire and Police committee
recommended the customary annual
appropriation of $250 to each fire
The Sanitary committee presented
the monthly report uz health officer
S. H. Nissley.
The Special committee presented
a communjcation from the American
Lime and Stone company in which
they said that they have ordered s
| dust collector to place on their big hy-
drating plant which they hope wil,
result in geting rid of the lime dust
nuisance which has heen giving so
much trouble in Bellefonte. The
dust collector will cost over $14,000,
and is to be shipped January 26th.
The company hopes to have it in-
stalled by March 15th,
Harry Badger called attention to
the low condition of the water be.
low the falls in Spring creek since
the new pump at the Gamble mill
has been in operation, and he ques-
tioned whether the big trout are
getting enough to eat: suggesting
that they be fed at regular intervals,
He also stated that boys had been
caught shooting the trout with air
guns. President Walker stated that
the Water committee is now work-
ing on plans to keep a larger sup-
ply of water in the stream where
the fish congregate and the commit-
tee was authorized to feed the trout
if it is deemed necessary.
Borough bills to the amount of
$2578.98 and water bills $1231.14
were approved for payment, after
which council adjourned,
~The Highway Department has
started work on the construction of
1000 feet of water macadam road-
way from the State highway into
and around the new armory build-
ings of Troop L. Stone for the
roadway is being contributed by the
three lime and stone companies in
this section, free of expense. The
Miller Construction company will put
down a concrete base for a 70 foot
| steel flagpole in front of the ad-
| ministration building and the ladies
of the P. (. of A. wiil present the
| thing they owned.
troop with a suitable flag.
For having in her possession five
and a half cases of home brew when
her home was raided by officers on
the night of December 23rd, Mrs.
Bertha McGinley, of Pike alley, was
sentenced to pay the costs of pros-
ecution, pay a fine of $200 and be
on probation for a period of three
years, after she had promised Judge
Fleming, at a special session of
court, on Saturday morning, that
she wouldn't do it again. Just how
she arranged with the probation of-
ficer for the payment of the fine
and costs has not been revealed,
but by the time she does so she
will probably be a sadder but wiser
John E. Halderman, whose home
was raided the same night the of-
ficers made their unwelcome visit to
the McGinley home, was also sen-
tenced to pay the costs, $200 fine
and be on probation for three years.
in the raid on the Halderman home
the officers got five cases of home
John Davis, a State College youth
who several months ago was before
the court on the charge of passing
a worthless check, and was given
until December 31st to make resti-
tution and pay the costs, which he
failed to do, was brought into court
on a bench warrant and sentenced
to pay the costs, a dollar fine and
serve thirty days in jail
Henry Nevel, of State College,
who on Monday of last week waa given
a 210 days jail sentence for passing
worthless checks, was brought be-
fore the court again on Wednesday
on the charge of defrauding a board
bill in Philipsburg, and was given
an additional sentence of three
months in jail, a dollar fine and
——— AP —————-
Bellefonte is to have another chain
store and the already crowded gro-
cery field is to have one more oc-
While it has been impossible to
get absolutely definite information
on the matter the rumors are such
as to justify the assumption that
a store of the Spencer Chain will
be located here shortly.
As to just where it will be open-
ed depends on developments. The
fact that James Heverly is going to
move his automobile accessory and
sporting goods store out of his
corner room and into the one next
to it, now occupied by the Ladies
Shop, leaves that corner open for a
new business. Mr, Heverly con-
templates retiring and turning his
business over to his son Cameron.
Political gossip combined with the
above moves gives color to the be-
lief that the former county treasurer
is to have a nice position under the
Pinchot administration.
Four years in the making, at a
total cost of four million dollars,
“Hell's Angels” comes to the
Cathaum theatre, State College, on
Monday and Tuesday of next week,
as the most spectacular picture of
the year and the greatest air epic
ever to reach the screen. So big
was this production that when it
opened in New York in the fall, two
theatres were run simultaneously at
$2.20 prices to handle the crowd.
“Hell's Angels” will make you
gasp. No film has yet had any-
thing like it, no other picture has
ever equalled the daring and breath-
taking magnitude of this mighty
drama of the skies, To miss it is
to miss the most thrilling picture of
the year, and it is the outstanding
attraction of the Cathaum’s January
Movie Month program. There will
be daily matinees, starting at 1:30,
with the evening show starting at
Bellefonte friends of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Earl Stailey, of Pasadena, Cal,
will sympathize with them in the
death of their eldest son, Richard
Stailey, as the result of an acci-
dent on the Sunday following Christ-
mas. “Dick,” as the boy was famil-
farly called, and who was ten
years old, got a new bicycle as a
Christmas present. On Sunday he
went for a ride and ran into a pole
suffering a serious head injury. He
was unconscious until Monday when
spinal meningitis developed. An op-
eration was performed on Tuesday
but death resulted on Wednesday,
Mrs. Stailey, prior to her marriage,
was Miss Julia Curtin, of Bellefonte,
and she is naturally heartbroken
over the death of her son, who was
a bright and manly boy. In addi-
tion to the parents a six year old
brother survives, Burial was made
at Pasadena on Saturday afternoon.
Appeals for assistance have
been made to the American Legion
Auxiliary, of Bellefonte, by Mrs.
Donald L. Bowes, of Jersey Shore,
whose eight year old daughter and
eleven months old son were burned
to death in a fire which completely
destroyed the Bowes home, with all
its contents, at an early hour last
Friday morning, Mr. and Mrs.
| Bowes and one daughter escaped
over a porch roof at the rear of the
house, The Bowes family lost every-
Notwithstanding the fact that the
Bellefonte fire department responded
‘to 43 alarms during 1930 the fire
loss for the year in Bellefonte bor-
ough was only $4255, according
the annual report of John J. Bower,
chief fire marshall, submitted to bor-
ough council on Monday evening,
This compares very favorably with
1929 when the loss was only $3150,
and is a practical exemplification of
the efficiency of the personnel of the
department as well as it's equip-
‘ment, Mr. Bower's report in full is
‘as follows:
Bellefonte, Pa. January 5, 1931.
To the President and Members of
the Town Council of Bellefonte.
Gentlemen: —
In accordance with the ordinance
governing the Fire Department of
the Borough, I beg to submit the
following report for the year ending
December 31, 1930.
The Department responded to 63
calls, divided as follows: Seventeen
general alarms, twenty-six still
alarms and twenty out of town
calls. In so doing they traveled 165
miles, laid 8450 feet of 2% inch
hose, used 703 gallons of chemicals,
raised 276 feet of ladders and were
in service 28 hours.
The total value of the buildings
involved was $332,150.00; contents,
$254,925.00; Insurance on buildings,
$195,650.00; insurance on contents,
$132,900.00. Loss on buildings, $1540.-
00; contents, $2715, or a total loss
in theh Borough of $4255.00, or a
per capita loss of .88% cents. This
is slightly in excess of last year but
the percentage of loss on the build-
ings and contents involved is only
The cause of the various
were as follows: Burning flues,
defective flues, 3; short circuit in
autos, 3; short circuit in motor, 1;
hot lime in car, 2; children playing
with matches, 1; spark from ciga-
rette or pipe, 1; oil heater, 2; boil-
ing tar, 1; burning dump, 1; gasoline
explosion, 1; hot ashes, 1; gas re-
frigerator, 1; called out by the sheriff
to assist in search for missing man,
1; sparks from incinerator, 1; grass
and rubbish, 8.
The cost of repairs and supplies
for the year was $114.13; care of
apparatus and washing hose, $158.
75; gas and oil, $137.39. The Bor-
ough received for out of town calls
the net sum of $116.66,
The Department has in service
4350 feet of 2% inch hose in good
condition and 750 feet of % inch
chemical hose, 150 feet of 2%; inch
has been taken out of service in the
past year, all of it from the hose
purchased in April, 1921, The
pumpers and minor equipment are
in good condition.
During the year Council has pass-
ed a Building Code and improved
the water system and I would urge
that the minor improvements, as
suggested by the Underwriters, be
made promptly, so that we may suc-
| cessfully ask for a re-rating of in-
surance rates.
On behalf of the Department and
personally I wish to thank Council
for its cooperation and aid.
Respectfully submitted,
Chief Fire Marshal.
rt —— A ————
The laughter and heartbreaks, the
romance and religion, of the people
of her own native hills, have been
written by Miss Bewley in “Tales of
Tennessee Hills,’ and will be pre-
sented to a Bellefonte audience on
January 29, in the Presbyterian
Miss Bewley's gift as a character
artist has never had greater scope
than in these original sketches, with
which, in one evening, she presents
fifteen characters. Many writers
attend her performance for the pur-
pose of intimate character study.
A few of her appearances, in
many of them “returns” from one
to five times, are found the follow-
ing: Paris, France, Boston Univer-
sity, Coblenz, Germany, Bar Har-
bor, Maine, St. John's, New Found-
land, Nashville and Memphis, Ten-
nessee, New Bedford and Brockton,
Massachusetts. Institutes of Arts
‘and Sciences, Brooklyn, New York,
Washington, D. C,
An invitation to enjoy this rare
treat is extended by the Woman's
Club of Bellefonte, not only to the
Bellefonte public, but to the public
in general elsewhere,
Because of awakened interest
the southern mountain people
would seem that very few will
willing to stay away from this
unique and inimitable entertainment.
Note the date, January 29, 1931,
in the Presbyterian chapel.
Because of his inability to meet
‘all the requirements of an athletic
coach and an instructor in
second year algebra at the Belle-
fonte Academy Sylvester V, Pauxtis
was released from that institution
at the beginning of the holiday
vacation and headmaster James R,
‘Hughes has secured William Gut-
teron, of Quanter, Cal, as his suc-
cessor. Mr. Gutteron arrived at
the Academy, on Monday, and will
(fill the position of physical director
(as well as coach for football, box-
ing and basketball.
He is a graduate of the Univer-
sity of Nevada and was picked by
| “Buck” Shaw in 1921 as an All-
| American tackle. He has coached
| service teams at Santiago and else-
where and has taken hold of his
| work at the Academy with a vim
| and zeal that presages success.
—Dr. David Dale went down to Phila-
delphia on Wednesday and will return
—Mrs. Gregg Curtin and her small
son “Connie,” are visiting with relatives
of Mrs. Curtin, at Lansdowne, Pa.
—Milan P. Walker anticipates
ing Bellefonte on or about January i5th
for a six week's sojourn in Florida.
| —Mrs. Ruth Loudsiaver and her daugh-
ter, Jean, were over from Lewistown
for the week-end, guests of Mr. and Mrs.
| Lloyd Stover, at their home at Coleville.
| ~—Miss Hattie Mann, a surgical pa-
‘tient in the Lewistown hospital, is now
| convalescing from an operation for gall
Wesley has asked us to express
‘his gratitude to those who remember-
ed him so generously at Christmas.
Nothing we can say would convey
to them what really was in the
heart of this humble, deserving fel-
low when we took your gifts to him
the evening before Christmas. We
‘know what was there because we
know Wesley. His reactions to kind-
ness he can't clothe in words, but
his quivvering lips and trickling
tears tell one inexpressibly more
than any spoken expression could
| stones which was performed there about do
Christmas time.
. —D. W. Keller who had been back to
Centre county for a Holiday visit with
his sisters and brother in Bellefonte and
| Pleasant Gap, left Sunday to return to
his home in Philadelphia.
—Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Overholt,
Ambridge, arrived in Bellefonte, on Wed-
nesday of last week, for a fortnight's
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Hartswick. Mrs. Overholt is a niece of
Mrs. Hartswick.
—Robert F. Hunter, Horatio S. Moore
and George H. Hazel, representing Belle-
fonte’s business expansion movement,
went down to Millville, N. J., yesterday,
to look over an enterprise that might
eventually locate here.
—Sister Oliva, a daughter of ars.
William McGowan, and Sister Clarice,
who accompanied her to Bellefonte from
Lancaster, last week, were here for a
New Year's day visit at the McGowan
home on Spring creek.
~=Mrs. John Blanchard went to Geneva,
N. Y., the early pit ‘vi ihe week, call-
ed there by the sudden death of a close
friend. Geneva being her childhood
home, Mrs. Blanchard expected to re-
main there for a short visit,
~Mrs. Charles Gilmour went to Milton,
yesterday, to attend the funeral of Mr.
Gilmour's sister, Miss Sarah Gilmour,
who died at her home there on Tuesday.
Mr. Gilmour is now the only surviving
member of the Gilmour family.
—Mrs. C. 8. Cordie, who has been a
guest in the family of Nelson A. Robb,
where she is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Fisher, came in from Marianna, a week
ago, to spend a part of January with
relatives in this section of the State.
—Miss Isabella S. Hill of the Belle-
fonte Academy board of instructors,
spent a part of her vacation in Geneva,
N. Y., as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Bohren, returning to Bellefonte Monday
of this week. Mr. Bohren was a former
coach at the Academy.
~—A. E. Baitges and his brother, Hoy
E.., two of Millheim's leading business
men, motored to Bellefonte, Tuesday,
spent several hours here looking after
some businss matters of importance, then
continued the drive on to State College,
returning from there to Millheim.
—Mrs. E. E. Sager and her brother,
Arthur Thomas, came up from Philadel-
phia the afterpart of last week to look
after some business interests in Belle-
Arthur has been with his sister
of his
in Philadelphia since disposing
coal yard and will probably be
~—Miss Isabelle Mattern, a teacher in
the Cheltenham High school at Devon,
Pa., and Harold Mattern, who is a leath-
er dresser with headquarters in Phila-
delphia and New York, spent the Holi-
day season with their mother and broth-
er, Mrs. Belle Mattern and Eugene Mat-
tern, at the family home at Stormstown.
—Mrs. Vorhees Thompson has been
here from Evanston, Ill., this week, hav-
ing come in to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Harvey Gray, which was held from the
First Presbyterian church, in Tyrone,
Monday afternoon. Mrs. Thompson is
now making a visit with her sister, Miss
Annie Gray at the Gray home at Benore.
—Friend William King, of Valley View,
dropped in for a few moments Saturday,
looking as though time had dealt very
kindly with him since last we chatted
together. It seems only yesterday, but
it was a year ago because Mr. King
makes an annual visit to the Watchman
office with a regularity that almost rivals
the calendar.
—Mrs. S. A. Keefer and her daughter,
Lucille, came down from State College,
Friday of last week, to spend a part of
the day looking after some business in-
terests of Mrs. Keefer in Bellefonte.
‘Lucille is now a student at the Dickin-
son Junior college at Williamsport and,
upon her graduation there, will enter
Penn State as a junior. She was home
at the time for her Holiday vacation.
~—Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Lee drove down
from State College, a week ago, to spend
the day in Bellefonre looking after
some business interests and with friends.
Mrs. Lee was a former resident of Belle-
fonte, before her marriage being Miss
Furey, a daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Morris Furey. The Lees have
gone to Palm Beach, Florida, where
they expect to spend most of the win-
~Mr. I. A. Meyer, of Coburn, was in
| Bellefonte looking alter some business
last week. Mr. Meyer has not been do-
ing much since he retired from the
creamery plant down there and was
! thinking of being an applicant for the
vacancy in the office of County Auditor,
| caused by the death of
| Stover.
though no one with whom Mr. Meyer
talked knew of it at the time.
. =—D. J. Beck, of Centre Line, with J,
| H. Heberling as a motor guest, drove to
| Bellefonte, Tuesday. Mr. Beck came
down to attend the regular meeting of
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance com-
! the
| pany,
{one of his
| town. Mr. Heberling had been at War-
'riors Mark visiting with a daughter and
stopped at Matternville on the way back,
expecting to spend some time with anoth-
er daughter, Mrs, Harry Ebbs.
| —Mr. Charles Strouse and his daugh-
| ter, Miss Anne, were down from State
| College last Saturday, doing some shop-
| ping and attending to some other busi-
| ness matters here. Among the latter
| was an effort to gather some data for a
| son of the family wno 1s a senior at
State. That young gentleman has an
| assignment to write a thesis on last
| fall's political campaign in Pennsylvania.
And we should say he is going to have
some job unraveling the tangled whys
| and wherefors of that nectic contest.
while Mr. Heberling was making
of Mm
the late O. J.
The position, however, was filled
by appointment of Court that very day,
occasional business visits to |
Following is the list of those who
sent their gifts to this office for
The unknown friend in Washington,
D. C. who sent $5.00 last year
mill pieiding, New Dorp, N.¥. 500
rs. Kate Jackson Brew, Punxsu-
M. I. Gardner, Clearfield ...... 1.00
Harold B. Gardner, Wash.,, D 1.00
Mrs. Barry Case, Wash, D C, 1.00
Chas. McC. Scott, Bellefonte .... 1.00
Miss Carrie H r. Bellefonte. 1.00
Henry S. Linn, llefonte .......... . 100
Mrs. H. E. Fenlon, Bellefonte 1%
E. E. Straub, Bellefonte
Mrs. De Hollobaugh, Bellefonte,
of groceries.
Ww. Be Coxey and George R. Meek,
SOAP and as many gaoceries a
we would use in ing camp
the month of Jude
ing Morris Jr, t gift
his mother had planned to give
Wesley herself had she not gone
to be with Him who gave us
Christmas ........conrso. ce S508
TOE], ccm. $33.50
The gift of Winifred B. Meek-
Morris was to pay off the balance
due on his lot. She did not know
what the amount was at the time
she told her son what she intended
doing had she been spared. Her
wish has been carried out to the
letter. The deed is in our hands and
we are going to use part of your
money to pay for its recording, put
a little insurance on the “palace,”
and get us all into a jam.
Yes, a jam just like Andy is in.
He went out before’ Christmas and
made ‘‘repcsits” on that apartment,
the fur coat, the diamond rug and
the ice box for Madam Queen and
where are they now?
Wesley is owner of real property
now in fee simple. He can go on
our notes ana bail us if we get
caught boot-leggin’, but if he gets
in debt his creditors can slap a
judgment against his property and
away goes all our philanthropy,
Miss Mary Catherine Waite, a
native of Centre county and as-
sistant superintendent of St. Francis
hospital, in San Francisco, Cal.,, was
shot to death on December 29th, by
Calso Quinto, a Filipino employed in
the hospital who became infatuated
with her, She spurned his advances
and he then killed her and himself.
Miss Waite was a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ellsworth Waite and was
born near Jacksonville 28 years ago.
She was a graduate of the Walker
township High school and the Lock
Haven nurses’ training school. In
Jauary, 1930, she went to San
Francisco and became a nurse in
the St. Francis hospital, and because
of her good work had been promot-
ed to assistant superintendent.
In addition to her parents she is
survived by the following brothers
and sisters: Clarence and Floyd
Waite, both of Wibaux, Mont.;
George, Mrs. Edna Rogers and Mrs.
Grace Dunkle, of Nittany, and Miss
Nora, at home,
The remains were brought east,
arriving at the Waite home, in Nit-
tany valley, on Sunday night. Fu-
neral services were held in the Re-
formed church, at Jacksonville, on
Wednesday afternoon, by Rev.
Johnson, burial being made in the
Cedar Hill cemetery.
——— tre es
Bellefonte friends of Mrs. Mar-
garet Hutchison will regret to
learn that she is in a very serious
condition, It will be recalled that
she went to Warren in the fall to
spend the winter with her daughter-
in-law, Mrs. Thomas Hutchison,
While there she suffered a slight
stroke, but heart trouble has develop-
ed and yesterday word was sent
here that she is at the point of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cunningham
have both been laid up with the flu
this week.
Mrs. W. Fred Reynolds, who has
been under treatment for a year for
a baffling disease of the hone of her
right leg, underwent an amputation
operation in a Philadelphia hospital
yesterday morning, It was success-
Dr. William S. Glenn Sr. of State
College, who has been confined to
his home for six weeks, was taken
‘to Philadelphia, on Wednesday, to
be under the care of specialists
John Hess, well known Altoona
railroader and sportsman, is report-
ed as recovering at the Centre coun-
ty hospital. It will be recalled that
he was accidentally shot through
the hip during the last hunting sea-
son and for a while his condition
was regarded as serious.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected Weekly “by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
| Wheat cesses 80
| Corn 5
Oats 40
| 80
BATIBY .cmuninmmiiiadmies ssn + 80