vangtze soatmen Near Hankow, China. (Prepared by the National Geographie Society, Washington, D. Co ECENT revolutionary activities fn China have been largely in the province of Hunan, just south of the Yangtze, and in Changsha, its capital; and have threat ened besides the busy life of Hankow, metropolis of Hupalh province, on the north bank of the great river. Chang- sha was captured by the Communist forces and was systematically looted. The resident of Changsha is noted for his self-esteem, He considers himself China's “top-side-man.” Cap- ital of a hilly province, one part of which is occupied by a large lake which acts as a reservoir for the Yangtze floods, Changsha maintained its exclusion of the “foreign devil” until the beginning of this century. Recently it has been closely linked with New Haven, Conn, for there is, Just outside the rapidly disappearing wall, in which the inhabitants once took great pride, one of the best Christian mission schools in China, which is Yale's contribution to the education of the Chinese who cannot come to America. In Hunan the necromancer has ex- erted much power and Changsha was so well protected by the lucky con- stellation under which it was founded and by the Holy Hill which guards it, that it was thought a profanation for the “foreign devil” to enter. In 1010 there were serious riots, mainly directed against the growing commer- cial power of foreign firms, but it had, too. its astronomieal accompaniments, for it was the approach of Halley's comet which touched off the explo- sion, Long before Yale established the “yale in China” college and hospital in Changsha, the city was closely re- lated to America for it was in the capital of Hunan that many of the firecrackers which formerly announced the Independence day celebration were made. While maintaining its own in- dependence, Changsha furnished the explosives which enabled the Ameri- ean boy to proclaim his “Glorious Fourth.” Much Coal in Hunan. A large part of Hunan is an un worked Jjeld of anthracite and bitu- minous coal and at Pinghsiang, which 1s connected with Changsha by rail- road, there is one of the mines which furnishes fuel for the great iron works at Hanyang. Among the great men who have been among Changsha's chief prod- ucts the most famous was General Treng Kuo Fan, whose co-operation with “Chinese” Gordon was largely instrumental in putting down the Taiping rebellion. General Tseng was not only a soldier and a statesman, but a literary man as well, and his collected works of 156 books were ed- tted by Li Hung Chang. Changsha lies on the north-south China railway. Trains compete with the light draft steamers which make the 220-mile trip from Hankow. With about 500,060 inhabitants, it rules in peace time a province of 22,000,000, and 18 one of the cleanest cities in China, Many of the streets are long and straight and at one time the city it- self was divided between two magis- tracies. The bazaars are full of life and interest, some of the candies be- tng famous for miles around. One of the interesting sights of the city 1s the wheelbarrows that climb stairs. Some distance ahead of the regulation wheel there Is another smaller one. In climbing over flagstone steps or bridges, the handles of the wheelbarrow ure lowered until the auxiliary wheel rises above the next higher step. Then the wheelbarrow, which often carries three or four hun- dred pounds, see-saws from wheel to wheel until the next level strétch of fdagstones is reached. The Episcopal mission has a live Boy Scout troop and the visitor who watched tent-pegging, fire rescue, streteher making and other Boy Scout activities would marvel at China's guick changes. For until after the joxer trouble, Hunan's capital ex- clined the dreaded foreigner from its wills whose brick battlements, rising above the site of a former wall con- girueted in 202 B. C,, were themselves built while Shakespeare was alive, Hankow a Great River Port. Hankow, about 160 miles north of Changsha, Is one of the world's greats | est inland ports. Lying 600 miles ul the Yangtze, the city is as important geographically to either of the war. ring factions as Chicago would be if a civil war were raging in the United States. Hankow has only one railroad, but the rivers and streams of China form commercial arteries from which produce from nine provinces flows into the Hankow markets, while the port is equally Important as a distrib- uting point for foreign commerce des- {ined to the Chinese interior. Hankow occupies the north bank ox the Yangtze where the Han pours in its muddy torrent. On the opposite side of the Han lies Hanyang, and across the nearly two-mile-wide Yang: tze is Wuchang, a venerable town which was flourishing when Hankow was a fishing hamlet. Both Hanyang and Wuchang now are a part of “Greater Hankow” with more than a million and a half inhabitants. The Hankow river front Is an amaa ing conglomeration of shipping. There are ungainly junks, but they move about the water in the hands of exper! river men as easily as modern ves- sels In our busy eastern harbors. Some of them, displaying rotten hulks with gaping holes above the water line, cause the traveler to wonder how they stay afloat, while now and then = huge high-pooped craft, adorned with brightly painted carvings and plates that make it look like a floating clr cus wagon, edges its way slowly shore- ward. Small sampans dart here and thers by the muscle-power of two perspir- ing coolies whose families, under mat- ting-covered awnings, fill the air along the shere with the singsong chatter of the Orient. It Is estimated that 25. 000 native boats ply in and out of Hankow and its sister cities. Mean- while modern steamboats from lower Yangtze points come and go on sched- ule. The walled city in the backgrouna also seethes with commercial activity to the tune of noises that strain the visitor's eardrums, Some of the nar- row lunes are paved with flagstones while others are mere ruts. Never theless, they are the playgrounds of thousands of children and the busy streets of a city which has been called the “Hub of the Universe.” Business and Noise. The children vell at play; the vend ors cry out their wares; coolies, bear- ing heavy burdens, warn passersby to dodge their bulky loads; heggars groan and moan; and rickshaw boys, without regard to pedestrians, shout as they hurry their fares through a jumbled mass of humanity. The yells of carriers of wealthy Chinese, as they bear their dignified masters, can he heard above the din, and ihe traveler wonders if these men are not em- ployed for the strength of their vocal chords. But this is not all. Along the side lines, the merchants bicker in loud volees with prospective purchasers in front of their shops. The frenzied spirit of bargaining somewhat resem- bles miniature civil wars. To the foreigner, the pedestrians fn their loose-fitting clothing resem- ble pajama-clad citizens on parade, put the wearers are by no means ready to retire. Business In Hankow is almost a religion, and nearly every man seen on the street has to do with the enormous amount of commerce that flows through and past the busy. port, If a traveler knows the advertising code in Hankow, he can locate any type of business by reading the shapes and colors of the shop signs which project over the narrow thoroughfares. For instance, gold platers use salmon- colored boards with green characters. Druggisis’ boards ure gilded. Black, gold, red and greep are the predomi- nating colors. Approach the river front, along the Bund, and the scene changes. Here are buildings in Russian, Engiish, Ger- man, and French architecture. But Hankow's most amazing spectacle is the panorama of junks of many types, ungainly, but performing like trained souls in the hands of their expert riv. ermen and thousands of these craft line up for miles on both sides of both rivers. It is estimated that 25. 000 of them ply in and out of the threo cities, cLuB TO DO A BIT OF SKIING. MILE-A-MINUTE MARTY YEP, WE'RE DRIVING OUT TO THE COUNTRY] TO G0 QUT THERE - — 3 Decker Chevrolet Co., Bellefonte, Pa F'vou DON'T HAVE AT DECKE CHEVROLET MEANS A to ski./- JusT I DRIVE THAT CAR — | oF YOURS OVER THESE ICY rRoOADS/ Ao Sn sey ~d THAT WOULD MAKE = AZ 1924 3 15.00 1926 Chevrolet Truck open 1927 Buick Sedan Standard 1925 Ford coupe ...$ 40.00 @XPIeSS ........coooseseeees 150.00 Six cerned 45000 1926 Ford coupe ..........3 50.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach .. $ 325.00 1929 Whippet Coupe ....... $ 290.00 1920 Ford coupe Run less . 1928 Chevrolet Sedan ........... 350.00 1927 Whippet Sport Road- than 6060 mile ....... $ 350.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan ......... $ 450.00 SLOP ....ccnnrnrrrirene ...$ 150.00 1929 Ford Roadster 1st 2 19290 Chevrolet Coaches 1924 Oldsmobile Coupe ... .§ 125.00 THICE ...cocvccveerssnsrcsones $ 325.00 ROH .......cocrninrirreseres $ 390.00 1924 Oldsmobile Touring ...§ 50.00 1926 Chevrolet Touring ....3 60.00 1927 Chevrolet Sedan ......... $ 150.00 1926 Overland % Ton Panel 1929 Model “A” Ford Ton 1925 Chevrolet Coupe .........$ 125.00 body Truck only...3 40.00 Truck large steel 1927 Chevrolet Roadster ..§ 140,08 1929 Stewart Cattle rack . BUX ..seerrmniiisremserioen 325.00 1924 Chevrolet Roadster -3 28.00 vi Truck ever i $ 150.00 1926 : m on mp I in pete § 2000 1928 $ 200.00 (automatic) Truck..$ 150.00 ORE. rerun 35000 1927 $ 200.00 1927 Pontiac Sport Road “hevrolet Coach 5 wire 1925 BUOY. oie erannssrriovies 225.00 19% Ce ts : vas esasas stern $ 500.00 $ 250.00 1926 Oakland Sport Road- 1927 Chevrolet Touring .....$ 140.00 1924 Buick Roadster ......... .$ 60.00 BOE oer retrarcnen 3300.00 DECKER CHEVROLET CO, Phone 405 ...... BELLEFONTE, PA. AY, BIG BOY- | BOUGHT THIS CAR IT HAS RUBBER THAT GRIPS THE GROUND AND BRAKE STAR OUT OF A COMET mv A FIXED REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. S. R. Morningstar, et ux, to Mar- garet S. Morningstar, tract in Philips- burg; $1. S. R. Morningstar, to Moringstar, et al, tract in burg; $1. Thomas G. Crownover, et ux, to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $3087.94. William A. Lukens, et ux, to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $3087.94. William A. Lukens, et ux, to Agnes L. Lukens, tract in Philips- burg; $6400, H. L. Piatt, Deitrick, tract $100. Adam N. Brungart, Palmer C. Bierly, tract Twp.; $1,255. Alfred R. Lee, et ux, to James C Gilliland, et ux, tract in Harris Twp.; $1 Alfred Beezer, et ux, to 3arbara Anne Fike, tract in Spring Twp.; $1, John S. Spearly, et ux, to Paul R. Spearly, et ux, tract in Benner Twp.; $5,000. Sophia L. Ayres to Simon Ziff, tract in Philipsburg; $1. Lina Brown, et al, to Edward M. Porter, et ux, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $500." Barbara Anne Fike, et bar, to Altre Beezer, tractin Spring Twp.: 1. Mary Jane Gates, et al, to Sam- uel B.” Beyer, et al, tract in Huston Twp.; $1,600. J. D. Keller, et ux, to Milo M, Markle, et al, tract in State Col- lege; $1,200. John P. Smith, et ux, to Henry Kahlmus, et ux, tract in Bellefonte; $1, Margaret S. Philips- et ux, to H, M. in Walker Twp.; et ux, to in Miles John D. Homan, et ux, to Wil- liam H. Homan, tract in Potter Twp.; | AUTO DEATHS ARE $5,500. GREATEST IN 19830. Oscar O. Weaver, et al, to Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, tract in Motor Vehicle fatalities in Penn. Curtin and Liberty Twps.; $1887.50.|sylvania for 1930 will be slightly Edward B. Houser, et ux, to John B. Lambert, tract in Bellefonte; $1. Harry A. Rossman, C. 0.C, to Robert L. Koch, tract in Fergu- son Twp.; $1,650. Beyers S. Ripka, greater in number over the 1929 total, a survey by the Travelers’ Insurance Company indicated. The survey showed 1530 deaths from motor accidents reported for et ux. to Emory the first ten months of this year, a gain of .86 per cent over the 1929 total for the same period, when the deaths numbered 1517. The country-wide total will be four per cent greater this year than that of last year, the survey show- ed. It was estimated that there will be approximately 32,000 deaths from motor accidents in the United States this year, an increase of 1,000 | over 1929. S. Ripka, et ux, tract in Millheim; $3,400. Samuel B. Beyer, et al, to Frank Smith, tract in Huston Twp. $500. Edward McKinney, et al, to Emro Pachipke, et ux, tract in Burnside Twp.; $1,200, Kyle B. Stover, Adm, to Joseph Burd, tract in Haines Twp.; $425. Harold B. Pierce, et ux, to Beryl B. Womer, tract in State College; $200. 1. G. Gordon Foster, et al, to Or- lando W. Houts, tract in State Col-! lege; $2,000. —————— i —————————— 26,000 LEGALLY KILLED DEER SHOT. More than 26,000 deer were killed legally open season which closed December 15, the state game commission an- SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY in Pennsylvania during the ELC L USRISEEIUCIUC IU CU Baney’s Shoe Store WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor 30 years in the Business BUSH ARCADE BLOCK BELLEFONTE, PA. Preliminary reports showed a kill of 20,038 bucks, the second largest in the history of the state, while approximately 6,000 does were killed during a special three day season on anterless deer in 23 counties. A kill of 696 bears, also the sec- ond largest in the history of the State, was recorded. The wild tur- key kill numbered about 3500 falling below the bag of 3,834 last year. License records were broken by the issuance of 529,571 residents hunters licenses and 6,014 non resi- dent licenses. Assels I'ime Loans and Investments Time Loans on Collateral - U. S. Bonds Circulation - Quick Assels Deposits - - - - Condensed Statement First National Bank, Bellefonte, Pa. December 31, 1930 Real Estate, Banking House, etc., - - - U. S. and other marketable bonds $ 834,319.50 Demand loans - . - 86.552.00 : Cash and Reserve - - - - 246,460.01 1,167,331.51 $2,672,148.30 Liabilities Capital - - - - - $ 200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - - 344,288.65 Circulation - - . - 98,200.0C Dividends Unpaid . - - 10,018.00 Reserve for taxes and depreciation 13,000.00 Due Federal Reserve Bank - - 50,000.00 $1,002,044.84 220,736.95 100,000.00 91,135.00 | $1.504,816.79 | 1,956,641.65 $2.672,148.30 P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market MEATS YOU'LL LIKE Good meat requires careful se- lection, We save you this trouble by selecting the meats we offer care. will be sure to meet your approval when it’s bought here. Our stock is replenished fresh daily. tremely low prices that we ing will find them all gone. Market on the Diamond Telephone 666 Bellefonte, Penna. After the Most. Successful of All Our Anniversary Sales we find we have exactly 29 Men’s Winter Overcoats left. To make our clean-up of Men's Overcoats complete we are pricing these 29 Coats at such ex- know a couple days sell- See Our Windows for the Coats and Prices A. FAUBLE
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