Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 09, 1931, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa,, January 9, 1981.
For the building program for the
State mental hospitals and welfare
institutions is being speeded up in
res to the request made to all
state officials by President Hoover.
In this way the state departments
are dong their part to restore pros-
perity in Pennsylvania and provide
employment for hundreds of men
during the winter months.
Eighty per cent of the $10,000,000
appropriated by the 1929 Legis-
lature for the construction of state
welfare building institutions has
been spent and the balance con-
tracted for with work on the build-
ings well under way.
Plans are now being formed by
the Public Charities Association of
Dr. R. L. Capers
Osteopathic Physician
Special Non-Surgical Method
of Treating Rectal Diseases
Bloodless and Painless
Hours 9-12 a. m.
Monday and Wednesday 1-5 p. m.
Friday 7-7 p. m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7-9 p. m.
Phone 128-J
Pennsylvania to have the 1931 Legis-
lature appropriate another $10,000, |
000 for the continuance of the Wel- |
fare building program, Influential |
groups throughout the state, in co- |
operation with the P. A.C, are
mobilizing their forces to bring this
project to the attention of the leg- |
{slators as early as possible in the
coming session so that there may be |
no lapse in the construction work |
Leaders in welfare work feel that
a double purpose will be achieved |
for not only will Pnnsylvania Dbene- |
fit by the erection of the many |
buildings sorely needed for years past
but also the threat of poverty and
unemployment will be lifted from
the homes of hundreds of Pennsyl-
vania workmen.
At a recent meeting of the Citi-|
zens Committee for the State Wel-
fare Building Program of the P. C.
A., of Which Dr. Wilmer Krusen is |
chairman various items of construc-
tion were discussed and reported
upon the institutional building pro-
gram. Among the most significant
items are a farm colony building,
female nurses’ home and tubercu-
losis cottage at Danville State hos- |
pital which are almost completed,
Additional wards and the adminis- |
tration at Farview State hospital |
for the Criminal Insane are three |
quarters under way. Additional |
stories are being erected on two |
buildings at the Harrisburg State
hospital and two cottages for as- |
sistant physicians, two dormitories
and dining room are half way com.
pleted. An employees’ building at
Pennhurst State school for the
Feeble-Minded are well under
Almost all of the money appropri-
ated to the Eastern State Peniten-
tiary at Grateford nas been spent
for work completed and under con-
struction. At the Warren State
hospital the new admission building
is eighty percent completed. In,
all the other institutions the work
is well under way and in some in-
stances the money which is not yet
under contract will he applied to
the furnishing and equipment of |
buildings now being erected. i
Jhen snow covers the grounds, |
and in some sections it is already |
present, wild life is always in need |
of focd. This year the Game Com-
mission will again solicit the serv-
ices of all agencies from airplanes |
to rural mail carriers to feed the|
game birds and animals.
Game protectors have been in-
structed to co-operate and will sup-!
ply food for any “cafeterias” which
are established. Feeding programs
should not be conducted haphazard-
ly. Game protectors should be in-
terviewed and the sections ascer-
tained where food is mostly needed.
Scouts have been ever active in
this sert of work. School children
also have aided in the past, and the
rural mail carriers, gathering food!
from farmers, have heen of great |
aid in carrying it to various stations |
along the road. |
There are many who can help in|
a winter feeding program. Bak- |
eries can furnish thousands of loaves |
of stale bread. State grain inspec-
tors can contribute many sacks of |
sample grain, Flour mills, grilling |
mills, and grain elevators can save |
There are other |
places where food can be secured. |
all “sweepings.”
The Game Commission has a feed-
ing bulletin available for distribution
which shows all kinds of practical
feeding stations and
specifications for their erection.
re pl is
The best reading for the New
Year is the Watchman,
With Tablets Containing Buchu
Wm. H. Kimble, 209 W, 3rd St., No.
Wildwood, N. J., says, “TI will tell
or write anyone about the resultsI |
had fromm Lithiated Buchu (Keller
Formula.) How I was relieved of
getting up nights every two hours,
and the riinand burning sensation.” |
It acts on the bladder as epsom
salts do on the howels. Drives out
foreign deposits and lessens exces-
sive acidity. This relieves the irri-
The Variety Shop ||
Over a Third of a Century
at Same Location
Merchandise and Prices
C.Y. Wagner & Co., Inc.
Manufacturers of i
Flour, Corn Meal ana Feed
And Dealers in
All Kinds of Grain
Bell Phone 22
way, | i!
State College
Cottage Cheese
and Cream Cheese, Butter, Whip-
ping Cream and Certified Milk—
Harry E. Clevenstine
When Winter Comes you will Need Your :
Let Us Repair or Remodel It—
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Harry Greenberg
Spring and High Streets
Bellefonte, Pa. go
Phone 558-J i i
————_ ————————
You Need No Longer be Told
You Have an Expensive Foot
Shoes for Women
$5.00 and $6.00
Mingle’s Shee Store
Manufacturer Must Maintain
Quality of Goods Bearing
His Name.
Man Who Buys Standard Brande
From Local Merchants Knows
That He Is Getting Full
Value for His Money,
(Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.)
Time was when advertising did not
occupy the place in the world of trade
The Key to Better Busmess
that it does today. It has not been
80 very many years ago that the peo
ple were suspicious of advertising
They were Inclined te believe that the
reason that most manufacturers who
sell goods to the mail order houses
do not place their names upon the
goods and therefore have no reputs
tion to protect.
The great majority of articles Msted
and illustrated in the mail order cata:
logues are Included in what is known
The Kind of Coal You Want
Best grades obtainable, yrices right.
Our anthracite is all Premium Lykens
Valley grade. Our bituminous in-
cludes Genuine Pine Glenn and
Cherry Run, Cambria Smokeless
ana Dustless, and others.
J. 0. Brewer Coal Yard
Successor to Thomas Coal Yard
Call 162 J—Day or Night
Free Wheeling
A transmission which permits the
engine to pull the car, but prevents
the car pulling the engine,
North Water Street
among manufacturers as “stencil”
stuff. These articles bear the name of |
the mail order house which sells them |
instead of that of the manufacturer |
who makes them, It can readily be
understood that any manufacturing |
concern which turns out goods that |
do not bear its name or trade-mark [2
likely to be a very unreliable institu- |
tion. It is not bullding up any repu |
tation en the quality of its goods for
its products have nothing to distin-|
guish them from the products of any
other concern. With no reputation to
sustain and no chance of creating a
general demand for its goods the only
concern of a manufacturing institu-
tion of this kind is to make stuff as
cheaply as possible in order to obtain
the largest possible profit on its prod
Same Price World Over. |
These facts aro chiefly sonsible |
for the generally pvevailis ien that |
merchant was trying to “fool” them | the home merchants do not sell goods |
with his advertising, that he exag
gerated the value of the merchandise
he advertised and took that method
of trying to get them to buy goods
that he could not sell by the old estab
Ushed methods of merchandising.
Those days are gone. The public
now realizes that it Is the greates*®
beneficiary of advertising.
Advertising has done wore In a de-
cade to establish certain standards in
merchandise than could have been ac-
cewplished In a hundred years by any
other agency. The manufacturer who
a few years ago merely made and sold
clothes now makes and sells the Blank
braud of clothes. The man who for!
merly Just made hats now makes
Blauk's hats. And so it is with every- | Ing of the manufacturers las done:
thing that one buys today. The munu-| for the consumers of the country. It
facturer, by his advertising, has built| has enabled them to go lntu their home
up his business around a trade name | Stores and buy merchandise which they:|
and If he is to continue in business
he must protect that trade name by
walntaining such a high standard’ of |
quality that people, when they buy his |
products will know just what they are and Bepefully when they buy from the:
The consumer, when he goes merchants in their home towns. They
into a store today, does not buy wer:
¢handise blindly, with the HOPE that
it will prove to be worth the money.
He buys standard goods that bear the
trade-mark of the manufacturer and
that are backed by the reputation not
only of the merchant who eells them
but the munufacturer whe makes them.
This hus been brought about by ad
No Reputatiom te Protect.
All this applies to the retall mer
chants as a class but it does not ap
ply to the mail order business. The
man or woman who buys goods frowa
a catalogue house is not protected by
the manufacturer of the goods for the
as cheaply as the mail order Reuse.
They do sell the same quality of goods |
that the mail order house sells as)
cheaply as the mail ovder house sells
it bat they cannot sell the standard,
guaranteed products of responsible
manufacturers at the same price at
which the mall order house sells Its
nameless, unbranded merchandise.
Standard goods bearing a registered
trademark sell for the same price the
world over and the manufacturer's
guarantee stands back. of them when:
they are sold in the smuilest village
in the country just the same as when:
they are sold In the stores: of the larg:
est cities.
This is what the national advertis
know. from past experience or from.|
the reputation and guarantee: of the|
manufacturer will give: tiem: satisfac ||
toni. They are not baying blindly
are buying with the kaowledge that
they are getting their money's: worth.
When they buy advertised brands thes
gre getting double protection, that
whieh 1s afforded by tibe responsibility
of the retail merchant and that which:
is given by the reputation and guer-
antee of the manufacturer. When taey
bay the unknown wrands of goods
that are offered by the mall ander
Bouses they are getting neither: kind
of protection.
There are ahomt 22,000 dead and
dumb persons im the United Kingdom,
between 8,000; sad 4,000. residing 'n
If you want, satisfactory printing at. reasonable prices
the Watchman Office will be glad to do it, for you.
We Recommend
and Sell “Larro”
“More Profit Over
Feed Cost”
Mayer Bros.
Phone 334
Bellefonte. Pa.
Hoag’s Dairy Store
Corner High and Spring Streets
Pasteurized Milk and Cream
and All Dairy Products
Quality Guaranteed
We Deliver . Phone 629
(ity Cash Grocery
Allegheny Street
Bellefonte, Pa.
City Coal Yard
0. G. Morgan, Proprietor
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Bituminous Coal
Exclusive Sale of the
and The Original Cherry Run Coals
Special Notice
We handle U. S. Government in-
spected meats for the health and
protection of our patrons.
Turhey, Duck, Geese and Chickens.
Phone 384J
Armstrong Meat Market
Leave yowr orders early for your Xmas
Always the Best,
Fruits, Vegetables
Candy and Tobacces
Phone 28
We Deliver
Lumber Steel
At the Big Spring....
Building Supplies
Quality is Essential in
For Christmas Giving
W. R. Brachbill
Part Wool Double Blankets
66x 80—Plaid Designs
A Useful Xmas Gift
Cohen & Co.
Department Store
Ballefonte, Pa.
Potter-Hoy Hardivare Co.
Only One Heantrola
Made by Estate Store-Co.
. Bellefonte
Phone 660 . .
R.S. Brouse Store
In. Bush Arcade
On High Street
Always Hees Groceries
Glenwood Stoves
Makes Baking Easy
| Peninsular Parlor Circulators
Blaben’s Floor Linolsums
Hilo 4-Hour Hard Duying Enamels in
All Shades, Rich in Color and
Durable — Ewerythiog in Hard-
ware, at the Right Price.
H. P. Schaeffer
Sid Bernstein
Sells For Less
Come mm, look around
and de coavinced.
The Family Outfitter
Next: Door to Richelieu Theatre.
Bellefonte, Pa.
«.And See For Yourself
that Price bas nothing to do with Good Taste
—OQur merchandise is chosen first for ity
Good Taste, its Correctness —If it can be had
for fewer prices we're doubly glid—We be-
liews our customers like to get the most for
their money.
We Propose to
Give It to Them
~ Rankle’s Drug Stere
i WITH Sr a
Vv oD ,
qr , xall stir
Bush Arcade
Ed. L. Keichline
If in Need of a Real
Victrola Type
Parlor Heater
It will certainly pay you to investi-
gate the “Torrid Sunshine’ —sold by
The Bellefonte
We trust you find yourselves among
those who feel that Olewine’s Hard-
ware is a good one to deal with.
If so, we are realizing our aspiration
to glve real service in all our deal-
ings, aud we thank you for your
response to our efforts.
It Pays to Buy the Best |
It Pags (0 Buy ai Beezer’s |
Foods of Excellence will Help You Win
Fame 2s a Provider of Splendid Meuls—If
It’s Quality You Want, We Have It.
P. L. Beezer Estate
Fruit and Vegetables
Wholesale and Retail
All Kinds of Produce
We Deliver
Phone 240 W. High Street
i —
Drain and Refill
For Cold Weather
with TEXACO—
Clean, Clear, Golden
TE ©
' Center Oil and Gas Co.
tation that causes getting up nights, AAT Cash Meat Market
Te a ES Se Bellefonte, Pa. Hardware Comp’y Olewine’s Hardware tome rs tn
fcsburg, Ohio or locally at Parrish’s 4 i
Drug Store.
por - p— "
- | Christmas Shopping is Eas |
Buy Electrically Bas Lumber Herr & Heverly Sum y |t || Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co.
uy Lu » RETAIL
Cost the Least to U ] |
we He Ati From a Lumberman || ||| orancy Groceries || || Funter’s Book Store || || coal, Feed and Oils
A Highest ity Food Products THE KEASON : NBELLEFONTE, PA.
Washers, Sweepers, Ironers, Radios, — ghest Quality : are pi daaR I
Lamps, New Shades— Prompt Service there Moshannon $5.00 i
at Prices to Suit Your Purse. WwW R Sh At the Lowest Possible Prices Nice Thi ngs la Mills { Per Net Toi
ic S : : 9 We. Deliver si 5-Ton Lots...$4.50 per Net Ton
Electr IC Supply Co. Phone 62 to give that are inexpensive. i