Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 02, 1931, Image 1

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    - . ee - - —
— Happy New Year to everybody.
And this goes for enemies as well as
— Bellefonte enters the New Year
with the assurance that she can get
a new industry if she wants it bad
Next fall all the county offices
are to be filled so it may be expect-
ed that all who have an eye on
them have turned over a new leat
and resolved to be politer than they
have ever been before.
—In nineteen days Pennsylvania
will have a new Governor. Here's
hoping that he will succeed in mak-
ing good at least half of his cam-
promises. If he does only that
well he will go down in history as
a Chief Executive the like of whom
Pennsylvania never has had before.
__If one is to judge Prof. John
Dewey by the photographs metropol-
itan papers published of him in
their Sunday editions his t' .. party
program is doomed to failure. Ted-
dy’s big teeth had something militant
about them, but Prof, Dewey's big
moustache is too walrusy to electrify
pumping station is running
along now. It won't get into its
full efficiency for three or four
months as it will take that long for
its gears to get smoothed up and
then it can be put full speed ahead.
As it is, it is pumping four barrels
of water for every man, woman and
child in Bellefonte every twenty-four
new hydrostatic
hours. When we look at the neck
and ears of some and smell the
breaths of others we are convinced
that a goodly portion of our five
thousand population is not consum-
ing any thing like four barrels
Because of our inability to get
all of the copy prepared [for this
week's issue in type we will not
publish our accounting to those who
made Wesley's Christmas an unus-
ually happy one until next week.
His good friends have unwittingly
brought him trouble, however, It
appears that a lot of mendicants
anticipated what they would do and
seeing a feast in sight sat them-
selves down in his palace the day
before Christmas to wait. Wesley
was ‘“regusted,” but as there was a
“Madam Queen’ among them he was
afraid he'd geta ‘knob on his head”
if he invited them to go. We had
to play “Amos’ for him and chase
the parasites off.
Bellefonte is far better off with
her many and varied little industries
than ar: those towns that depend
on one great big one. When one of
our enterprises has to cease operation
temporarily so few are thown out of
employment that it is not so diffi-
cult to take care of the loss. But
take a place like Lewistown. When
the great Viscose plant over there
closes five thousand people are out
of employment and that means that
a third of its entire population is
idle and unproductive, When all is
well in industry it's fine to have all
your eggs in one basket, but in
times like the present it is not so
good. If the Carlisle Mould Works
locates in Bellefonte and employs
fifty persons constantly it will be
better for the town than if it were
to employ five hundred irregularly.
—If naval disarmament will con-
tribute to permanent peace why
wouldn't industrial dismemberment
contribute to stablization of em-
ployment? Shoe factories in the
United States have a capacity for
making three times as many shoes
in one year as the entire country
has ever used. Around these great
centres of the industry have gather-
ed enough operatives to run them
to their capacity. The result is that
two thirds of all such places are
founded on nothing n.ore substantial
than hope. It is uot likely that
foreign markets v/ill ever absorb
such over capacity for production.
As it is in the shoe industry so it
is with many others in this country
and if the illusion of employment
around them were dispelled would
not the workers seek other and more
certain fields of endeavor.
—When it comes to reading Sena-
tors Brookhart, Norris, Borah and
LaFollette out
party we feel justified in asking who
owns the Republican party? Do the
voters own it or the machine?
From our view point the so called
“Insurgent Senators” more nearly
typify what the Republicans really
want than do those who are trying
to kick them outside the breast-
works. The individual Republicans
of the States these Senators rep-
resent nominate and elect them in
the face of the open opposition of
the national organization of the Re-
publican parcy. Here in Pennsyl-
vania the machine spends a million
or more dollars to elect a Senator
it wants, Out where Brookhart, Nor-
ris, Borah and LaFollette come from
they don't spend as much in a
senatorial campaign as we do In
some of our congressional contests.
In other words, these gentlemen are
in Washington because unbought Re-
publican voters want them there.
And, their title to their seats is far
less tainted by corruption than are
those who would read them out of
the party solely hecause they won't
take orders. .
of the Republican
‘dairy herd at The Pennsylvania State
College average 9425 pounds of milk
VOI. 76.
Not the Hest Remedy.
The political minded element of
the country waited with interest for
Senator Norris' reaction to Profes-
sor Dewey's invitation to organize a
new party. Dr. Dewey is a dis-
tinguished economist and chairman
of the league for independent polit-
ical action which has been function-
ing for some time without accom-
plishing much. But he is sincere
and capable as well as optimistic
and promises that the new party
will carry the country within ten
years. That is an enticing proposi-
tion but it failed to appeal to the
Nebraska statesman. He is too old
a bird to be caught with a pinch of
salt on the tail
We agree with Dr. Dewey that
Senator Norris is no longer a Re-
publican. The corruption of the
Harding administration, the stupidi-
ty of the Coolidge administration
and the inefficiency of the Hoover
administration have alienated from
the party all men of the type of
Norris, But Senator Norris is some-
what advanced in years and though
intellectually and physically strong
would hardly be able to undertake
so vast an enterprise, however much
he might favor the purpose. If
Dr, Dewey would extend his invita-
tion to a younger man, say Senator
LaFollette, of Wisconsin, he might
get a response.
Senator Norris has been a Republi-
can of the Lincoln type and has been
an honor to his party and of serv-
ive to his country, but he has no
sympathy with the fanticism and
corruption which have become the
controlling force in the Republican
organization. He has nothing in
common with the policies of monop-
olists who now direct the destinies
of the arty. But the remedy for
the evils against whi~h he revolts is
not in a new party. Even if the
expectations of Dr. Dewey were ul-
{imately possible, the process is too
tardy. The better plan would be for
both Norris and Dewey to join the
Democratic party.
Senator Norris is accurate
statement that ‘President Hoover
was turning the natural resources
of the country over to the power
trusts.” But he is inaccurate in his
opinion that there can be no ma-
terial improvement ‘‘until there is a
change from the electoral college
system” of electing the President.
If Governor Smith had heen elected
two years ago instead of Herbert
Hoover the causes of which he com-
plains would have been removed and
the conditions changed. Senator
Norris contributed his share toward
that result and it is practically cer-
tain that it will be achieved in
1932. Present conditions are bad
but there is no reason to dispair,
in his
Ap —— ——— >
Lock Haven's business section
was most effectively lighted for the
Christmas season. Driving through it
during the snow storm on Friday
evening, Dec. 19, it gave us the
sensation of being in fairyland. The
effect was one that is seldom seen
outside of the setting for some gor-
geous stage spectacle. Incidentally,
Jersey Shore is a different town
since that jolty old, brick paving on
Allegheny street has heen replaced
with concrete.
~The reaction of the State Sen-
ate to Governor Pinchot's interfer-
ence with its organization is an In-
teresting subject for future mental
speculation. But it is safe to pre-
dict the Governor will win.
———Lackawanna county justice
has scored a record. Three bandits
were sent to the penitentiary by
Judge Newcomb within eight hours
from committing the crime.
——Seventy-one of the one hun-
dred and eighty-five cows in the
during last year.
—Young Bob LaFollette, of Wis-
consin, is sure a “chip off the old
block,” and no sophistry serves to
divert him from his purposes.
——If any of you have any let-
ters written by Thomas Jefferson it's
time to “cash in,’ One of them sold
for $23,000 the other day,
——The Spanish crown sits un-
easily on Alfonso's head just now
and his shoes are beginning to
pinch his toes.
“The State police organization is
twenty-five years old and has ren-
dered a quarter of a century of good
Nevada is enjoying another
rush and this time the divorce
courts are not the principal attrac-
Mr, Pinchot is Against Daix.
Governor-elect Pinchot has ex-
pressed his opposition to the elec-
tion of Senator Daix, of Philadel-
phia, to the office of president pro
tem. of the Senate in language
that is both emphatic and caustic.
His reasons are that Senator Daix
voted against him in November and
that election to the office of presi-
dent pro tem. of the Senate would
contribute to “putting the Philadel-
phia machine in control of the Com-
monwealth.” The second reason is
of doubtful validity. The office is
one of some importance and if the
Governor and Lieutenant Governor
should die, simultaneously, or nearly
so, it would become influential in
directing the affairs of the State.
But the chances of that are remote.
The other reason, that Senator
Daix bolted the nominee of his party
for Governor in November, borrows
importance from the fact that Mr.
Pinchot was the nominee. But
aside from that it can hardly be
classed as a grave offense, Gover-
nor Pinchot has himself indulged in
the practice more or less frequently.
In 1012 he holted the nominee of
his party, William H. Taft, for
President, and in 1926 he is said to
have voted against Mr. Vare, the
regular nominee of his own party,
Besides he encouraged and even
soileited Democrats to bolt the can-
didate of their party for Governor
last fall and bolting can hardly be
a vice in one party and a virtue in
the other.
Mr. Pinchot admits that Senator
Daix, though personally unobjection-
able, is entirely capable and fit to
administer the office and that in or-
dinary circumstances precedent
would require his election. The
friends of Senator Daix might just
ly say, moreover, that the legisla-
tive department of the State govern-
ment is entirely separate from and
independent of the executive branch
and that in butting in as he has
done in this matter the Governor is
not only violating a precedent, but
is smashing a vital principle ex-
pressed in the fundamental law of
the State which guarantees the in-
dependence of the separate branches
of the government. But it is a
family quarrel and of little interest
to the rest of us.
cn ———— i —— —
Senator Watson insists that
President Hoover is entitled to credit
for all the work of the Red. Cross.
But so long as he doesn't claim that
sunshine comes from the same
source it isn't worth while to com-
A Recreant Public Official.
The summary “dismissal of solici-
tor Charles A. Russell, chief ac.
countant Frank V. King, and exec-
utive secretary Frank E. Bonner,
from the service of the newly creat-
ed Federal Power Commission, clear-
ly reveals the attitude of the Hoover
administration with respect to the
power monopoly. These gentlemen,
long in the service of the Commis-
sion, had expressed a purpose to put
such legal restraints on the monop-
oly as the law allowed. Mr. Rus-
sell had alleged in court that the
Clarion Power company, of Pennsyl-
vania, had doubled its capital by the
hydrant process. His statement was
based on statistics obtained by in-
vestigations made by King and Bon-
ner and supported by records of the
The Federal Power Commission as
originally created was composed of
three members of the President's
Cabinet and Secretary of the Inter-
jor Wilbur was its chairman. Com-
plaints of its inefficiency resulted
in legislation during the last ses-
sion of Congress creating a new
board to give full time to the work,
to be appointed by the President.
The new board entered upon its
duties on Monday of last week and
‘its first official act was an order of
dismissal of the faithful officers, for
no other apparent reason than that
they tried to protect the public from
the rapacity of the power monoply.
The chajrman of the new board,
George Otis Smith, personal choice
of the President, was the execution-
The incident provoked a good deal
of unfavorable comment in Wash-
ington. When the appointment of
Mr. Smith was presented to the
Senate for confirmation, soon after
the opening of the present session
of Congress, assurance was given
that he was not in sympathy with
the aspirations of the Power trust.
But his first official act is now in-
terpreted as an expression of a mo-
nopoly partisan and condemned by
Senators and Representatives of both
parties, A movement was at once
set in motion to reconsider the vote
by which he was confirmed and that
will probably be done immediately
after the holiday recess is ended.
It will be a fitting punishment for
‘recreancy to an implied obligation,
JANUARY 2, 1931.
Embarrassing the Pregidem,
alr. Robert Lucas, executive di-
rector of the Republican National
committee, charges Senator Norris,
of Nebraska, with “attempting to
embarrass the President by fasten-
ing upon him responsibility for my
Lucas’) actions,” The basis for this
charge was an expression made by
Senator Norris that the guerilla cam-
paign in Nebraska was inspired by
“higher-ups” with the knowledge
and sanction of the President. This
was a reasonable inference in the
circumstances. Mr. Lucas was chosen
for the office he holds by the Presi-
dent who had in various ways and
at sundry times expressed opposi-
tion to Norris. For those reasons
it was logical to assume that as
head of the party he knew what was
going on.
But whether it be true or not
that President Hoover had knowledge
of or gave consent to the unethical
methods pursued by Mr. Lucas in
opposing the election of a fairly
nominated candidate of his party, it
is certain that in defending his con-
duct the executive director has caus-
ed the President more embarrass-
ment than the statement of Norris
could possibly have done. Mr. Lucas
has specifically taken the position
that supporting the candidate of the
opposite party for President nulli-
fies his claim to membership in his
party. Unless President Hoover
openly repudiates that proposition he
assents to it.
The law creating the Power Com-
mission unequivocally declares that
two of its members shall be of the
minority party. In appointing mem-
bers of that Commission the Presi-
dent named a Mr. McNinch, of
North Carolina, as one of the
minority members. In the Presi-
dential election of two years ago Mr.
McNinch voted for Mr. Hoover,
worked for his election and manag-
ed his campaign in that State. By
his own confession he supported the
Republican candidate for Governor
of the State and the Republican can-
didate for United States Senator
last fall. Mr. Hoover has sworn to
“support and obey" the law, and if
“#=Nlinch is rot a Democrat, under
the Lucas interpretation, Mr. Hoov-
er has committed perjury.
—— ap
Two New Industries Might Be Lo.
cated Here,
On Monday evening a goodly group
of Bellefonte's business and profes-
sional men met in the court house
to consider the advisablity of mak-
ing a drive to secure two new in-
dustries that might locate in Belle-
fonte if the town can sell itself as
an advantageous location for them.
Robert F. Hunter presided and
told the assemblage in detail just
what the industries are, why they
might be persuaded to change their
present locations, and what Belle-
fonte will have to offer to induce
them to do so.
Both of them are going concerns,
firmly established in their present
locations and have been operating
long enough so that they are beyond
the experimental stage. One would
employ from 100 to 125 men im-
mediately upon location here, Its
possibilities for further increase in
operatives were stated to be very
great. The other would probably
start off with 25 men and add to
its force as growing business neces-
Discussion as to the advantages
the industries in question might hold
for Bellefonte was general. Also the
possibility of the community's being
able to underwrite such financing as
they might require.
Conclusions reached were to the
effect that both projects offered
much by way of possibilities for the
community and that a full investi-
gation should be made. In accord-
ance with this determination it
was moved that the committee:
Robert F. Hunter, Geo. H. Hazel,
John L. Knisely,
and Geo. R, Meek, that had made
the preliminary investigation of the
one industry, be authorized to visit
it and make a complete survey of
its present condition and a prospec-
tus of its possibilities if enlarged
and located here.
As to the other industry nothing
definite was done, for the reason
that its representative, through whom
only mail contact kas thus far been
had, could not get here for the
meeting. He will be here, however,
next Tuesday and at that time the
proposal will be gone into further.
— a——p—
—One girl out of each 14 of the
co-eds at State College is named
Mary. ‘There are 50 Marys, 37
Helens, 31 Margarets, 26 Bettys and
25 Ruths among the 700 on the
are: Adrenna, Areta, Aurelia,
Ethlyne, Inda, Joline, Lavanda,
Lauinia, Luanna, Natholica, Thryza,
Valeria, Viera, Walvia and Zela.
Wm. J. Emerick
Some of the unusual names
NO. 1.
The Art of Advertising.
From the Altoona Tribune.
President Hoover paid advertising
a deserved tribute when, in his ad-
dress before the Association of Na-
tional Advertisers, he credited the
growth of American industries to
the written word, His address also
served to focus public attention upon
the steady strides which advertising
as a profession, has made.
Before the present century ,adver-
tising was a hit-or-miss affair, there
was little or no regard for ethics of
any kind and the space-user was not
bound by any code to tell the truth
about his wares. But in the pres-
ent day picture, advertising has be-
come a science, with some of the
nation’s most talented men engaged
in its preparation. Weeks of work
may be spent on the preparation of
a single piece of copy, technical ad-
vice is obtained on every step so
that every statement may be com-
pletely truthful.
These ~hanges have resulted in a
changed attitude on the part of the
public. With honesty as the out-
standing policy of the advertiser,
the public's good will has been won
through consistent proof that the
advertiser's message whether he
wishes to sell safety pins or $10,000
automobiles, is truthful and that his
product measures up to his claims.
Advertising serves a definite need
in stimulating business for its pri-
mary purpose is to create a desire.
Desire leads to purchases and the
normal lethargy of the old law of
supply and demand is dispelled un-
til, as the President says, ‘‘you have
transformed cottage industries into
mass production. From enlarged
diffusion of articles and services,
you cheapen costs and thereby you
are a part of the dynamic force
which creates higher standards of
Advertising is the kind of public-
ity that causes increased consump-
tion. No matter how good, or how
low-priced, are the articles or pro-
ducts you have to sell, they are
valueless unless you can tell the
world about them. And that tell-
ing is made possible only by ad-
Perhaps advertising, after all,
through its possibilities of increased
demand and consequently increased
production, is the key which the
door to national prosperity will be
rn tt A ——
Muny Vets Need Money Now.
From the Philadelphia Record.
When the United States Govern-
ment had its first “billion-dollar
Congress,” and citizens were stag-
gered by eontemplation of that Fed-
eral expenditure, it was level-headed
old Speaker Tom Reed who calmly
remarked, “Well, it's a billion-dollar
And that is what the war veterans
think as they calculate what they
could do if their long deferred bonus
hopes were translated into immedi-
ate cash.
Congressman Garner,
from Texas, comes boldly forward
with a proposal that the veterans
who prefer cash be permitted to
present their certificates, receive
their money and close their account
with the Government. It would
prchably cost a billion to do it.
Pensions and bonuses cannot be
paid off hand. Their payment
must be systematized, and funds
provided to meet the outlay. False
promises to pay quickly would be
even less useful to needy Vets than
the present long-term arrangement.
But under Secretary Mellon's ad-
ministration there has been a suf-
focating overlay of financial sys-
tem. There has been a distressing
absence of warm, human considera-
tion. Mr. Mellon thinks exclusive-
ly in figures, not in terms of flesh-
Congressman Garner's
deserves real consideration, with a
view to prompt action, because the
very factor that most strongly
prompts a hearing for it, the need
of many veterans for immediate
cash, to spend, not to hoard, applies
on a nation wide scale.
The release of a billion dollars of
Government money (the people's
money) through an optional bonus
plan would be a major measure of re-
lief in the present stringency.
“Two bites at a cherry”?
have nibbled and nibbled at
‘problem of soldiers bonus, with pain-
ful exaggeration of the necessity of
providing the dollars before promis-
ing them,
Many veterans would still hold
their certificates. And those who
chose to take the cash would de-
crease by just so much the time
needed to close the aggregate ac-
———A new attendance record was
established on December 1 when it
was announced that there were
4181 undergraduate students enrolled
in four year courses at the Pennsyl-
vania State College. The total en-
rollment on the campus was 4631,
but these figures are reached by add-
ing the 236 graduate students, 122
two-year students and 92 specials.
Twenty-one per cent of the students
‘are Presbyterians and nineteen per
cent Methodists, Most every denom-
| nation known is represented among
| them.
| —~When a tree limb, which he had
| just cut, brushed him off an eighteen-
| foot ladder, George Scheibel, a farmer
‘at Great Belt, Butler county, suffered a
| fractured skull and was almost instantly
| —A few hours after she had thanked
'a Sunday school class for her Christmas
gift, Mra. Edna Gladys Miller, wife of
‘the Rev. Charles Miller, pastor of the
Church of Cod, at Congress Hill, a sub-
urb of Oil City, was found shot to death
in her bed. Coroner Lake D. Steffe
said she had ended her life with a pis-
tol. Mrs. Miller had been a cripple for
—Santa Claus made a startling en-
trance into Shamokin a few days before
Christmas when, impersonated by Wil-
liam Hunger, president of the Market
Street National bank, he announced a
regular cash dividend of 15 per cent
and an extra dividend of 200 per cent
on the par of the bank's capital stock—
a total disbursement to the stockholders
of $280,500. Many of the stockholders are
wage earners,
—The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. John
Schrink, Mansfield. Tioga county, were
found smothered to death {ii their home,
damaged by fire on Friday. Firemen
found the bodies after extinguishing the
blaze which was of undetermined origin
The woman's body lay in a bedroom
and the man's in a kitchen. It was
believed the Zre started in an upstairs
room and that the husband was over-
come by smoke when he went to the
kitchen to get water.
~The property of the Sharpsville Rail-
road company, ordered abandoned last
October 18, by the Interstate Commerce
Commission, will be offered for sale at
the Mercer county court house January
10, by G. M. McIlvane and C. A. Miller,
receivers The property will be cffered
in three parcels One will be the line
and buildings. at Sharpsville, another the
line between New Wimengton and Wil-
mington Junction, and the third the line
between Sharpsville and New Wilmington.
~C. R. Swanson, New York Central
track foreman, has for the second con-
secutive year attained the highest aver-
age for maintenance of a track section
on the Bearh Creek division. his section
covering about six miles of track, from
a mile snd a half west of Youngdale to
a mile and a half east of Mill Hall. The
award carries a premium of $100 with
the honor Mr. Swanson has been in
the employ of the New York Central
Railroad company for fifteen years and
went to Castanea from Grass Flat two
years ago.
—The date for opening of bids for con-
struction work on the new federal peni-
tentiary at Lewisburg, Pa.. has been
postponed from December 30 to January
19, at 3 p. m., it was announced at the
Treasury Department last week. No
reason for the postponement was given,
although it is supposed contractors asked
for more time to study plans and speci-
fications preparatory to preparing bids.
The new institution will house 1200 in-
mates and employ between 175 and 200
men the year around. The project will
cost $4,000,000,
~The outbreak of banditry in differ-
ent sections of the country, as well as
nuinerou: cases of lateeny In Lock
Haven and vicinity, have prompted the
officials of the three Lock Haven bank-
ing institutions to seek extra police pro-
tection, and each of the theres banks has
agreed to pay 325 a month toward the
salary of a special policeman, if the city
of Lock Haven will pay the remainder
of the salary. Until the matter can be
taken before council and acted upon.
chief O. D. Beck and a motorcycle offi-
cer are taking turns patrolling the main
street near the three banks.
—~An exploding water tank in the
basement of the Trinity Evangelical
Congregational church at Pottstown, on
Sunday. hurled pieces of metal through
a floor into a room wnere 125 persons
were assembled for services. but none
of the members of the congregation were
injured. The tank was part of the
heating system of the church. It ex-
ploded shortly after a sexton had tend-
ad the fire and left the basement. Most
of the persons inthe room were children
assembled for Sunday school exercises.
The explosion filled the auditorium with
smoke and steam and the worshippers
fled to the street. There was no fire,
After the smoke cleared from the audi-
torium, the members of the congrezation
returned for their coats and hats, but
services were abandoned for the day.
serious accidents occurred on
Friday at the home of BEdward M.
Dunkle., at Gardner Station in upper
Bald Eagle valley, both Mr. Dunk'e
and his son John having narrow escapes
from death. John Dunkle, 17, went out
to shoot mark with a revolver in the
morning. Somehow the weapon slipped
and he was shot in the right leg, above
the knee. His father took him at once
to the Philipsburg hospital for an X-ray.
The bullet was found embedded in the
bone and it was decided to leave it
there. The boy was taken home. A
little later the father went to the barn
to care for the stock and was caught in
the barnyard by an angry bull, which
gored him in three places, in the left
thigh, along the neck and near the heart.
He is in a serious condition at his home.
—When $600 was found on Misses
Helen and Lena Ginther, spinster sisters
‘of Reilly township, Schuylkill county,
| when they were admitted to the district
almshouse and they hinted there was
more to be found at home, a committee
headed by Legislator Rey Leidich search-
ed and found $1450.88, most of which
was in a trunk in the sisters’ bedroom.
The cash was placed to the credit of the
pair in the Tremont bank and it is prob-
able that a guardian will be appointed
to look after them. The same com-
mittee that found the money had previ-
ously reported the sisters poverty strick-
en and in {ll health. For years they oc-
cupied a shack just outside of Tremont.
Two years ago a brother, George, their
only means of support, died. They fail-
'ed to cash poor orders and investigation
found them living in the kitchen of their
dilapidated home. The roof leaked and
not wishing to spend enough money to
fix it they slept on boards resting be-
tween two chairs. Leidich, Burgess
| Wolfe, Doctor Shultz and other residents
decided they should be taken to the
almshouse. The women, 50 to 60 years
| old, must have been saving the money
| for years for some showed signs of great
| Be.