. We will have no more messages for you until after Christmas. The great event is only six days off. We are not nearly ready for it, nor are you, Wwe surmise. are: either with the material gifts or the spiritual awakenings that make Christmas It's a wonderful festival, yet it | ‘has always been fraught with mys- | What can it be that seems to soften the hardest heart | tery for us. on that day? What is the occult power that flits the trace of a smile across the faces even of enemies when they meet on Christmas? ‘Why is it that every one who hasa home wants to be there then more than at any other time of the year? All of these questions have prob- ably haunted your mind as they have ours. Have you ever tried to an- swer them for yourself? It isn’t a difficult matter. ; There is a soul in every human peing., The soul was God's gift to man when He created him. It is the Few ever | William A. Schnader, ee Mr. Pinchot’s New Cabinet. The Governor-elect has removed the veil of secrecy concerning his cabinet in part, at least. In anan- nouncement, issued the other day, he names Clyde L. King, of Chester county, for Secretary of Revenue, of Philadel- phi, as Attorney General; George W. Woodruff as a special counsel to hold utility corporations in line, and P. Stephen Stahlnecker, as secretary to the Governor. These are all old associates of the Governor-elect. Mr. Woodruff was Attorney General little something” within us that is|during his first term, Mr. King was eternally trying to tongue, to think with our mind, to | work with our hands. Some under- stand what it is; others don’t and some deny its presence. It is there, however, in every human, whether he be Jew or Gentile, heathen or agnostic. It is the God in man that inspires every noble thing he does and creates the conscience that lashes him for every ignoble act. That was God's greatest gift to man. - Without it there might have been science, but there couldn’t have been art or love and life would have been as cold as the poles. Strangely, it was the gift that started man to seeking for some explanation as to when, why, how he had been made. It was the gift that started Melchior, Caspar and Balthasar following the star that flooded the Judean hills with light on the Christmas eve twenty centuries ago and led them to the cradle of God's second great gift to man. Before the "event we celebrate next Thursday, all was veiled in mystery. Then came Christ, the veil was torn asunder and the cause of the soul in man was revealed and the proof of all that had been won- derment before was presented. Marvel and argue as we will about Christmas, the very word is radiant with holiness. No matter how low and mean we might have been at other times during the year then we are at our best. It is the miracle ~ geason for love reborn. And why? Raunt oft at yo other way than that the God-given soul ~ within us, © subconsciously or floods our hearts and spirit of otherwise, minds with the Christ «peace on Earth and Good Will to- ward Men.” Laugh clown, laugh at our preach- mefit. But listen to this: No mat- ter who you are: how vile, how scoffing, how humble, how rich, next Thursday you will do something—just a little something—that you rarely do at any other season. It might he only a pleasant word. It might be a smile that flicks a sullen face. Youll do it and it will be God's hand that makes you do it. You might not admit it. If you don’t, hunt for another explanation as to why you do things on Christmas day that you rarely do at other times. Christmas is the season of giving. Why? What could have suggested such reaction to it other than the gold, and frankincense and myrrh that were carried to the manger in the Little Town of Bethlehem many, many years ago. And what were they carried there for? The soul, God's first gift to man, filled the world with hope and it went in thanksgiving and praise for the gift of His Son. The ologias might smile indul- gently, others might tap their heads, but our concept of the universality of the Christmas spirit is really the exemplification of experimental relig- ion. In other words creeping years and dispelled the Santa Claus myth that made us hap- increasing wisdom y as children when Christmas came, but that “little something” that the only a fantasy. into its own with reason, what next Thursday. Oh, no! «peace on Earth and toward Men.” . Account for this way you like, in any other ing revealed it to you. It’s only a little journey From the dawn to the sunset of life Let's try to make it a pleasant one And ban all the discord and strife. It’s only a little chasm, That separates friend from foe Let's bridge it and be happy As on the same journey we go. Tvs only a little distance To the home of some one, forlorn, Let's all find time to go there * With gifts on Christmas morn. speak with our | Secretary of the oan. in any down in our hearts didn’t die when we dis- jolly old elf was It came the matgrity of to ask you and me just we are looking forward to We are all eager for the day. Eager, because we want to then exemplify the spirit of will gpirit in any but you can’t explain it way than that God gave you a soul and his Son’s com- Commonwealth and Mr, Schnader assistant Attorney General. It is said that Ellen G. Potter was invited to assume her old place as Secretary of Welfare, | but because her public berth in New Jersey is very congenial and carries a higher salary than the one offered her by Governor-elect Pinchot, she has declined. These selections indicate a renew- al or continuance of the policies of Mr. Pinchot’s previous administra- tion on all controversial subjects with the variation that restraining utility corporations will have first consideration in the future instead of prohibition enforcement as in the past. The office to which Mr. Woodruff will be named is new and without constitutional sanction. But it is within the law and no doubt will provide for the incumbent a lib- trouble eral salary and plenty of for such utility corporations as the Scranton Spring Water company and the Clarion Power corporation. M. Woodruff is a capable lawyer | and keen investigator and he will be a busy man if he fulfills Pinchot’s promises. The only surprise in the recent an- nouncement lies in the fact that Mr. Stahlnecker will be assigned to a subordinate position. That he is a capable secretary is beyond question and his fidelity to the person and political estate of the Governor- elect is equally certain. But nobody imagined him in any office of less importance in the new administra- tion than that of Secretary of the Commonwealth, traditionly the prem- fer post in | the “guide, philosopher and friend” of the Pinchot family for many years, But if “Steve” is satisfied no one else has just right to com- plain. In any event it may be set down as certain that he will be de- voted to his chief and efficient. eee eee. __It has been announced that the Philadelphia machine will offer no opposition to Mr, Pinchot’s plan for organizing the Legislature. Thatis ominous, to say the least. fpr re Senators Resent Hoover’s Aspersions Senator Blaine, Republican of Wis- consin, has obtained a correct meas- ure of President Hoover. In a de- bate in the Senate, the other day, Mr. Blaine declared that Hoover isa «mediocre politician” who has been overpraised. His record in the White House clearly proves this. He has been a weak and wavering in- strument in the hands of such polit- ical sharks as Jim Watson, of In- diana, and others of that inferior type and they have made a donkey of him, probably with malicious in- tent to get him out of their way. Senator Blaine added that “his en- gineering ability has been limited to a gas engineer.” With this meager equipment for leadership President Hoover under- took to “crash the gate” of the Senate the other day. In a state- ment made to the press correspond- ents he accused Senators of ‘“raid- ing the treasury” and ‘playing poli-- tics at the expense of human misery.” Yet he has done nothing but play politics since he began his public career ten years ago. He worked himself into the White House and since his inauguration has been playing for a re-election, Near the close of the last regular session he bluffed the Senate and got away with it. But it looks as if he has overplayed his hand this time. As Senator McKellar has shown the charge of raiding the treasury comes with poor grace from him. He began raiding the treasury even before his installation and has been practicing it ever since. But he wants entire control of the loot ob- tained by the raids. By manipula- tion of the flood relief fund in 1927 he was able to obtain for his own benefit the electoral votes of Tennes- gee and Kentucky in 1928, Now he demands absolute control of all: re- lief funds for the present emergency for use in the campaign for re- election in 1932. Naturally and properly the Senate resents his as- persions. ____Send the Watchman to some friend for a Christmas present. LLEFONTE. PA. on. ee pe rr | = 7 | seen. . "STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. President Hoover and the Senate. A break of some kind between the President and the leaders of his party in the Senate was inevitable, For months their lines of action have been diverging. The Senators have been patient, even indulgent from the beginning. Hoover's in- experience in public affairs, his pre- dilection to pass the buck and his evasion of responsibility have creat. ed sympathy rather than censure of practical and experienced men. So long as he referred all important matters to commissions and finally yielded completely, as he did in signing a tariff bill he detested, the party leaders in the Senate, though disappointed, were no t publicly critical. They have had plenty of cause of complaint. tions for office were unwise and sub- versive of party harmony, and though some of them were rejected there was no expressions of resent- ment. But a few months ago some influence persuaded Mr. Hoover that he is the real master of the coun- try and that if he would assert his authority with sufficient emphasis to impress the people that he is a man of force, the Senators and everybody else would yield. He adopted this idea in the matter of the flexible provision of the Grundy tariff law and got away with it. But he seems to have misconstrued the popular reaction to that achieve- ment. | The big stick was a potent force in the hands of Roosevelt. He had | the popularity and the audacity to ‘use it with effect. But it will be | remembered that he associated the big stick with “soft speech.” In | other words, intelligence as well as : strong arms is essential in the em- | ployment of that form of persuasion, | Hogve: appears to be lacking in | one or the other of these essentials and in his attempt to swing the | pig stick, i placating the Senators he provoked em. What the ultimate result of the quarrel will be remains to be DECEMBE ‘last Saturday, ‘Stark was ‘his party. James C. Furst, Many of his nomina-’ the other day, instead of |i | George 1 R 19. 1930. A Few Final Stories of the Hunting Season. committed to the Centre county jail, by justice of the peace E. T. Haynes, of Snow Shoe, for a period of 132 days for two violations of the game laws. Mr. captain of a hunting party in Shoe and did not have a roster of For this he was fined $25 and costs of $3.00. He was also caught standing on watch after he had killed his deer for which he was fined $100 and costs of $4.00. As he did not have the money to pay his fines he was committed to jail for a period of 132 days. Austin Furst, son of Mr. and Mrs. who was sixteen years old in November, shot his first deer, a 4-point buck, on Sat- urday afternoon. He and his young- er brother, “Woodie,” little Bob Cur- tin and Hayes Darby, piloted by John Curtin Sr, had gone down to the old Masonic camp, this side of Curtin, to see if there were any wild ducks on the dam. The buck came down off of Bald Eagle mountain and was first seen by Bob Curtin who called to his father that ‘there is a deer, and it’s got horns.” The elder Cur- tin was not able to get a good sight of it and while he was shifting around to do so Austin got an open view of the deer and shot. One ' shot brought it to the ground. The party lost no time in bringing the deer to Bellefonte. Motoring down from Tyrone, late’ ‘Saturday evening, A. Miles Barr killed a buck which jumped onto the State highway right in front of his car. He brought the carcass along ‘home with him and turned it over {o ‘game protector Thomas G. Mosier. Missing Youth Indicted For Murder in Pittsburgh. A Pittsburgh grand jury, last week, returned an indictment aga inst Clark Skidmore charging him with the murder of Charles Ba abi LA _a crippled gas station at- we tink you witk beat #8 LIER Yio City, on the evening | the Editor” this week. | pear on page |and covers a wide range of thought. Look them up. ———————— Ye ————— | Borough Councilmen Held Brief Session. The regular session of borough | council, on Monday evening, Was | short and devoid written communications. The Street committee that the cesspool being dug on east depth of 36 feet through solid rock and as yet no sign of an opening. President Walker stated that proper thing to do is to drill rock. ; The Water committee reported record of same, laying of the pipe from the spring to the Gamble mill and also that a on Monday afternoon. fore a thorough test is completed and the pump ready to put in ope- ration. Until this is done no definite figures on what the pump will be able te do can be given. The com mittee reported a balance in the borough fund of $2355.82 and $5249.47 in the water fund. The re- newal of notes totaling $26,906.40 was also asked and authorized. The Special. committee recom- mended that the request of the sec- retary of the Association of Boroughs for a contribution toward the ex- penses of the Legislative committee be honored and that council contrib- ute $10, which was authorized. Mr. Cobb, of the Water comuraittee, reported that borough engineer H. B. Shattuck had been in Bellefonte or Saturday and made an inspection of the reservoir, and will prepare several sets of tentative plans for repairing or enlarging the same. When done these plans will be sub- mitted to council for acceptance or rejection. Mr. Lightner, of the West Penn Power company, was present and asked if council would be interested in selling the standard lighting sys- tem to the company and permit them to introduce a more up-to-date system which he believes will give the town better lighting facilities. The matter was referred to the Street committee for consultation with Mr. Lightner to find out how much of an increase it will mean in the monthly bills for light and re- port back to council with plans, etc. Borough bills amounting to $1555.- 35 and water bills $3028.15 were ap- proved for payment, after which council adjourned. of any unusual | features. There were Ino verbal nor following the murder of Hammon ted George Skidmore and Baldorf came reported |; centre county and went into hid- Howard street is now down to a | beacon | the e cabinet. He hasbeen | terested and amused by “Talks with "of September 20th, and also return They ap-| : s thi ‘ed an indictment against Skidmore’s Seven Of 5 lssue companions, KEugene Baldorf and Henry White, alias Henry , Uncilino, as participants in the hold ‘up which resulted in the murder. So far as known no return was made ‘against Leonard Skidmore, a student at the Bellefonte Academy, on the charge of being an accessory after the fact. It will be recalled that the week ing in the Allegheny mountains. Officers traced them here and when ‘an attempt to arrest Skidmore was made on September 27th he shot fhe State e | Olmes and W. F. Fox, keeper of the at the Rattlesnake, ' . : ‘then made his escape as completely testing out fireplugs and making 8 .o if swallowed up by the earth, completion of the nq not a trace has been him from that day to the present. fects. ‘each day from 4:30 to 11 o'clock. test of the new pump had been made in the minds of some men that in | : A few ad- | yo interchange of shots between | justments will have to be made be. | g highway patrolmen J. G. light found of There has always been a suspicion officers and Skidmore latter may have been wounded but had managed to evade the officers and hide in the dense underbrush, only to perish later, but most of that territory has been pretty well covered by hunters dur- ing the deer season and no skeleton was found. the ee Se Weigh Feed to Make Proper Dairy Profits. Centre County dairymen can save many dollars this winter if they will weigh the feed given to their dairy cows, says county agent, R.C. Blaney. Many Cows are overfed, which | makes the cost of producing 100 pounds «f milk too high and there- by cuts down profits. On the other hand, many COWS are underfed so that they are not permitted to pro- duce to full capacity. “Weighing the feed, without a doubt, will mean more in dollars and cents to the dairymen than ever be- fore.” Blaney declares. He gives the usual suggestion: Feed one pound of grain for each three pounds of milk produced by Guernseys and Jerseys and one pound of grain for each 33 or 4 pounds of milk produced by the other breeds of cattle. This method of feeding is flexible, so that cows having a poor quality of roughage can be fed slightly more grain. a — et —— If it is actually true that President Hoover and Senator Rob- inson have come to an agreement it is a safe bet that Hoover has the better of the bargain. the mountains near Snow . , Association in order to make | toona Bright With Christmas Light.” A CHRISTMAS MEMORY sii ; Tis is the street and the dwelling; Thomas Stark, of Snow Shoe, was Let me count the houses o’er— Yes: one, two, three from the corner, And the house which I loved makes four. This is the very window Where I used to see her head, Bent over a book or needle, With ivy garlanded. And the very loop of the curtain, And the very curve of the vine, Were full of a charm and a meaning Which woke at her touch and sign. I began to be glad at the corner, And all the way to the door My heart outran my footsteps And frolicked and danced before— In haste for the words of welcome, The voice, the repose and grace, And the smile, like a benediction, Of that beautiful, vanished face. Now I pass the door and I pause not, And I look the other way; But ever like wafted fragrance— Too subtle to name or to say. Comes a thought of the gracious presence Which made the past day sweet, And still to those who remember Embalms the house and the street. Like the breath from some empty Of a flow’ry shape unseen, Which follows the path of its lover To tell where a rose has been. —Author Unknown. vase now Altoona is Aglow with Christinas Lights. For the past several years the Altoona Booster Association has sponsored outdoor Christmas lighting contests and as a result of their efforts many beautiful lighting ef- fects have been created in the busi- ness district, as well as in the residential sections of that city. This year the Association, in co- operation with the Penn Central Light and Power Company, has created a more beautiful display of Christmas lighting than has yet been featured in Altoona and it is doubt. ful if any city is more beautifully lighted for the Christmas season. Each side of the streets in the business district “is festooned with strings of colored lights running parallel with the trolley wires which, together with festoons on the cross wires, present a colorful effect that is worth going miles to see. In addition to the street lighting there is a large community Christ mas tree locatedin the Logan House Park, - at 11th Avenue and 12th Street, which also presents a beauti- ful Christmas effect, in perfect har- mony with the Christmas season. In addition to the Christmas lighting in the business district, many homes in the Altoona resi- detial districts have arranged beau- tiful outdoor lighting effects in con- nection with the contest that is be- ing sponsored by the Altoona Booster “" Al- Many automobile parties from the surrounding communities are mak. ing night trips to Altoona to see the outdoor Christmas lighting ef- Altoona will be illuminated The new water wheel and ‘pump at the Gamble mill property critically | has been tested out this week under the direction of C. A. Stiles, of the | Scranton Electric company. 'to the fact that the outlet from the ‘pump is confined vo a 6.inch pipe Owing it has been impossible to test it up to its rated capacity. When the water wheel was wide open it used almost the total water capacity of Spring creek, Logan’s branch and the overflow from the Spring. When the race was filled up it was found that the bank had dried out to such an extent that the water seeped through at several places, one of them being a good-sized leak, The water was later drained out and the leaks repaired. The State College football team did not make any great record this season, so far as winning games was concerned, but its receipts for the season exceeded the expenditures by $29,317.85. In fact is is the only athletic sport at the college that generally has a balance to it’s credit. e————— py ———————— —— A Christmas service will be held in the church at Linden Hall on Monday evening, December 22nd, at 7.30 o'clock. A collection will be lifted to apply on the church debt. The public is invited. - ; ————————————————— Maybe Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, imagines that he is the | majority instead of the minority floor leader of the Senate. ___ There is a wide difference be- tween the methods of rel'zf in AL bany and Washington. In Albany quick results are obtained. 'SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE, — Through Greyhound motor coach service hetween Williamsport and Har- risburg, operating via Sunbury, will be inaugurated by the Pennsylvania Gener al Transit Company, Saturday. — Russell Lease, of York, Pa., 8 years old, was treated at the York hospital for wounds on his right hand, inflicted when he was attacked by a rat. The boy was gathering wood for fuel in the backyard at his home when the rodent lunged at him and bit him. The mail must go though it is not the air mail. When carrier Norman A. Harshman, serving Connellsville R. D. 8 in his automobile, was stopped by a snow drift, John Biler. a resident, ar- rived with a team of horses and ‘pulled Harshman and his car over the entire route. Thieves using motor trucks looted the United Brethren church at Green- point and Sarrazahn’s Lutheran church, both in remote regions of northern Lebanon county. Chairs, tables and Christmas toys were taken by the thieves, who did not disturb crosses and the American flag. —The new S. & J. shirt factory which has just been completed at Mt. Carmel in record-breaking time of seven weeks will open the latter part of this week. Nearly 200 girls will be given employ- ment in the factory which has enough orders on hand to keep it busy for several months. —Eight hours after they staged a payroll holdup which netted them $1400 theirs for about three hours—three Archbald youths, each 20 years of age, at Scranton on Monday, were sentenced by President Judge BE. C. Newcomb of York, Pa., to serve from ten to twenty years in the Eastern Penitentiary. Definite assurance has been given the board of trustees of the Lewistown hos- pital by its building committee that the new $100,000 annex to the hospital will be completed by Christmas and plans have been made for the formal dedication early in January, when it is expected to have Governor-elect Pinchot as the prin- cipal speaker. A steel casting weighing 55,600 pounds is being machined at the York plant of the S. Morgan Smith Com= pany. The casting when finished will be shipped to Seattle, Wash., where it will be used in a large power plant. The casting is in one piece and was made by a Pittsburgh concern. Because of the piece, it was necessary to allow six weeks to elapse before it was removed from the mould and exposed to the air. —While John Schillo, Frackville ceme- tery sexton, made love to Mrs. Harry Thomas, the woman's husband watched from above, hidden in the rafters of the cemetery shanty. At an opportune mo- ment Thomas pounced on his rival, beat him up, shot him in the right leg, and after handcuffing his wife and Schillo, turned them over to the police. The hus- pand is in Pottsville jail. His wife is under bail as a witness and Schillo is in the Ashland hospital. —Down at Elizabethville, Dauphin coun- ty, is a farmer who is today rejoicing in the realization that his friends in need are friends indeed. Fire destroyed his. hog house and some of his pigs. Tt had been a poor. year for him and ‘“‘available’’ funds were not available, but quickly neighbors who not only gave of their own money but assisted him with lumber and other materials necessary for the re- building of the home of the hogs. —The meat market and grocery store of Sam Perri, at Renovo, was robbed early Sunday morning of supplies in- cluding two 20-pound boxes of spaghetti, a crate of eggs, 15 pounds pork chops, 10 pounds of fresh sausage, six or seven pounds of butter, the same amount of cheese, 10 pounds of lard, five chickens, one whole ham and a part of another ham, a bushel of potatoes, and other articles. Entrance to the store was gained by removing the rear window. A certificate of public convenience was granted at Harrisburg on Wednes- day to the Golden Arrow Coach com- pany to operate a transportation service from the Pennsylvania State line near Fassett, Bradford county, to the Penn- sylvania-Maryland line at Hale, Bedford county. The route goes through Can- ton, Williamsport, Lock Haven, Mill Hall, Bellefonte, Tyrone, Altoona, Hol- lidaysburg and Bedford. The route runs from Elmira, N. Y., to Cumberland, Md. — Walking into police headquarters early on Monday Mrs. “Ollie” Turner, of Wilkes-Barre, told the desk sergeant her husband had bitten off her right ear. To substantiate her story she pro- duced . the severed organ from a coat pocket. She was taken to the General hospital, while detectives rounded up her husband. Mrs. Turner produced the evidence in police court again later in the morning, and her erring husband was held for court ona charge of felon- ious wounding. — Finding what apparently was a Christmas package on his porch on Sunday, Joseph Masteikas, 49, a miner, living in the suburbs of Wilkes-Barre, rushed into the house with it and call- ed his wife. While they were unwrap- ping the tinseled red and green paper, there was an explosion. State police said the package contained a bomb. Mastei- kas was blown into another room, his body torn and twisted and was killed instantly. His wife, her left arm al- most severed, and her body covered with burns, fell near the table, which the detonation blew to bits. Parts of the rear of the house was torn away. Three daughters, asleep on the second floor, were not injured. ‘With the filing of papers in the Northumberland county court last week to place Miss May Langton, school teach- er, under arrest pending disposition of a suit, it was revealed that she is to be sued for $5500 in connection with an in- jury to a pupil’s eye. The papers were filed by Russell M. Long, of Natalie, father of Alvin L. Long, and gave notice of intent to sue Miss Langton for dama- ges. The papers allege that Miss Langton, who is a teacher in the Na- talie schools, near Locust Gap, slapped Alvin Long's hand with a ruler during a writing lesson, causing a pen to fly out of the boy's hand and strike him in the right eye. The charge is made that the pen entered the eyeball and resulted in his loss of sight in that member. At- torneys for Long sald that he will ask for $500 for a doctor's bill and $5000 for injury to his son. there came to his relief some generous