Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 12, 1930, Image 1

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. —Brother John Short, of the
Clearfield Republican, is “saying it
with flowers” to Governor-elect Pin-
chot for having. offered Dr. Ellie
Potter her old job as Secretary of
Welfare in Pennsylvania. John is a
galiant gentleman, no question about
that, but isn’t Dr. Ellie the lady
who thought the State ought to
build a bungalow for each of the
inmates at Rockview?
— Talking about race suicide, it
isn’t happening over in Warriors
Mark township, Huntingdon county.
There the Walter Biddles had twelve
children up to Monday when twins
were added to make the family of
little folks fourteen. Think of six-
teen mouths to fill, sixteen bodies to
cover and thirty-two feet to shoe!
Walter Biddle is probably happy,
but if he is he must be a wonder-
fully courageous man.
_If we are to believe the story
of a deserving woman whose truth-
fulness we have never had cause to
question over-seer of the poor Thomas |
Fleming gives of the borough’s boun-
ty with a mean hand to those who
have not voted as he would have
them do or happen to have friends
whom he despises. Poor taxes in’
Bellefonte are not levied for the pur- |
pose of placing either a political or
personal club in the hands of any
man and the sooner Mr. Fleming
realizes that the sooner he will prove
that he is the kind of a man the
voters thought him to be when he
was elected to the office he holds.
__The Democats in Congress ought
to have a program of government of
their own and support it. All this
talk of co-operation is high sound-
ing, but gets nowhere. If legislation
can do anything for business present
conditions are certainly proof that
that planned by the Republicans has
failed. It’s failure was certainly sens-
ed by the country in November, else
there would not have been such a
turn over in the political complexion
of Congress. It's evident that the
voters wanted to try something new
and it’s up to the Democrats to
show whether they can make laws
that will more beneficently effect
agriculture and industry alike.
— Judge Ben Lindsey and Bishop
Manning got into a ruckus in the
Cathedral of St. John the Divine in
New York last Sunday morning.
Things got so that members of the
fashionable congregation gathered in
the Cathedral for worship kicked,
cuffed and swore at the Judge,
finally throwing him out. The fact
that they swore reminds us of a
story Battling Nelson told when he
was in vaudeville years ago. Bat
childhood, finally they fought. Both
regretted it and the cousin's mother
persuaded her son to go over to,
Bat’s home and “make-up.” When :
he reached there Bat had gone to
his room. The cousin went up and
rapped on his door. Getting no
response to that he began to ex-
plain his mission; when he was,
startled by this message from the
inside: ‘You go to hell. I'm say-
ing my prayers.” |
—The railroads of the United
States pay a milllion dollars a day
in taxes, yet in every court of
justice, every public commission and
in every legislative act affecting
common carriers they get a raw
deal because of the ingrained dis-
position of the masses to “soak” cor-'
porations whenever the opportunity
presents. It is a dangerous habit we
have gotten into. The investment of
millions of people are jeopardized by
public baiting of the railroads. Bus
lines that operate over State built
roads are taking passengers and
freight, boat lines over government
built water ways are taking freight,
both in ever increasing amounts and
while railroad revenues are gradually
decreasing their employees are con-
tinually demanding higher wages.
They are helpless in the unfortunate
situation because they can't raise
their rates without the consent of
the Inter_State Commerce Commis-
sion and they can’t reduce wages
because the Unions won't stand for
that. Verily, the railroads are not
facing a very rosy outlook.
—This paragraph is written to
square the column with one of the
distinguished Jurists of the Superior
Court of Pennsylvania. Several
years ago the gentleman “called” us
for our spelling of the word that
commonly is used to describe a’
bovine that never develops horns.
At the time we hadn't a leg to
stand on, because we had spelled
“Mulley” “Mooley.” Poring over the
Watchman issue of Dec, 17, 1880, last
Friday evening, we discovered an
“Estray Notice” which is published
in our “Fifty Years Ago” columnin
this issue. The “Hstray” was a
red bull and the Waichman said he
was a ‘“mooley” bull. We don’t of-
fer this as an alibi. It is present-
ed only to prove that here is a pa-
per that even subconsciously runs
true to form. Right beside the
“Estray Notice” we have referred
to is another one of the same na-
ture, except that the gallivantin
bull in that case wasn’t a mulley.
The whole thing is very intriguing
to us, Bulls evidently had a grand
time on the primrose path fifty years
ago. Today they have a ring in'
their nose and only get out when
they are led to water or, what have
made certain. In
Grodnbugh Slated for Speaker.
So far as the organization of the
House of Representatives of the
General Assembly is concerned the
“hoss’ eyes is sot.” After a friendly
visit with the Governor-elect, C.
J. Goodnough, of Cameron county,
announced his candidacy for the im-
portant office and immediately after.
ward the Governor-elect expresed
the hope “that all friends of thein-
coming administration will support
him.” With the Pittsburgh Mayor's
solid and the Philadel-
phia war board's delegation acquies-
cent his practically unanimous nom-
ination is assured, and his election
fact, it is con-
fidently predicted that there will be
no candidate against him in the
Republican caucus,
Mr. Goodnough was born in New
York State in 1867 and located in
' Emporium in 1883. He was soon
after elected prothonotary of Cam-
eron county and has held office con.
tinuously since. Since 1915 he has
been a Representative in the Gen-
eral Assembly, served as Speaker in
the session of 1923 and held an im-
portant committee chairmanship dur-
ing each session since. He is a
ready debater, a vigilant Legislator
and popular member of the body.
As Speaker during the session of
1923 he was Mr. Pinchot’s “right
hand” in legislation and contributed
much to the fulfillment of the Gov-
ernor’s plans. ‘He is a consistent
party man and though inclined to
reform legislation never lets con-
science interfere with what he con-
siders his obligations to party.
As politicians are clagsified Mr.
Goodnough is an ardent dry and he
has recently declared himself in
favor of continuing the Blue Laws
indefinitely. But it may be assumed
that Governor Pinchot has other and
stronger reasons for favoring his
election to the Speakership, Mr.
Goodnough shares, though with less
enthusiasm, in the Governor's hostil-
ity to the Pennsylvania Public Serv-
ice Commission. Present indications
are that much of the energy of the
administration, during the coming
session of the Legislature, will be
directed against that Commission,
and Speaker Goodnough will be a
willing worker in that warfare.
___If our Republican friends in
Washington would frankly admit
that their concern is more for the
interests of the President than for
those of the country, they would be
much nearer the truth.
Both Unwise and Vicious.
Senator Borah is absolutely right
in his statement that “the idea that
you can restore
perity by spending public money” is
“false in theory and vicious in
practice.” The money thus employed
has to be provided in some way.
There are two available mediums of
accomplishing this result. Increas-
ing taxes is one and increasing the
public debt another. Both methods
are obnoxious to public opinion and
disastrous to the party adopting
them. The Republican leaders are
aware of this fact and are trying to
avoid the consequence. Their plan
is to secure temporary relief and
trust to luck for the future.
There is another grave reason
for doubting the wisdom of profli-
gate expenditure in public building
operations now. It may temporarily
afford employment for idle men, and
that is as essential as
lic service, But in future years
there will be unemployment and no
such opportunity to meet it. If
public buildings are erected now far
in advance of present necessities
there will be no way to absorb labor .
in the future when criseses demand-
ing such absorption arise, as they
are certain to do, unless provision
is made to avert them. If Con-
gress had enacted the remedial legis-
lation proposed by Senator Wagner
a year ago the present distressing
condition might have been avoided
or minimized.
Another objection to the policy
recommended by President Hoover
for relief of present unemployment
is that abnormal activity in public
building operations will divert both
capital and labor from private con-
struction work to public enterprises,
thus disjointing the economic struc-
ture of the country. But the Re-
publican party and the Hoover ad-
ministration have plunged the coun-
try into a mess from which it must
be rescued by whatever methods,
wise or unwise, are available. Sena-
for Borah suggests an increase of
the income tax in the “upper brack-
ets,” but Secretary Mellon and the
Republican leaders will not stand
for that.
Still it may be worth while to
consider that profligacy in expendi-
tures now may involve vast expenses
and small resources in future,
permanent pros-
present pub-
President Hoover's Mind Changed.
If President Hoover had expressed
the views concerning the economic
depression a year ago that are con-
tained in his recent annual message
to Congress much of the distress
that has since come out of it might
have been averted. But for pure-
ly partisan purposes he adopted a
line of action which aggravated
rather than mitigated the evil. In
the message he ascribes the lament-
able condition to “a speculative pe-
riod which diverted capital and
energy into speculation rather than,
constructive enterprise,” and frank-
ly admits that “economic depression
legislation or
are the only remedies he ventured
cannot be cured by
executive pronouncements,”
to offer. -
That the President has changed
his mind on the subject is not only
gratifying but a source of hope. He
now realizes that providing employ-
ment, not for 2,500,000 idle men
which he accepts as the number of
unemployed but the five or six mil-
lion idle workers in the country, is
the only remedy for the present de-
pression and he appeals to the peo-
ple rather than the politicians of his
own party to come to the rescue.
It will require a vast' amount of
money to set these remediable meas-
ures in motion but as our grand-
fathers used to sing, “Uncle Sam is
rich enough to buy us all a farm,”
and the funds will be forthcoming
when the administration demon-
strates that its concern is for public
rather than party advantage.
As the President states these “dis-
locations have generally read-just-
ed themselves,” but they have been
aided rather than retarded in the
process. In this instance the reverse
has been the rule. The President
and several members of his cabinet
have issued false statements of re-
turning prosperity and his party,
with his approval, has enacted
legislation that has closed the mar-
kets of the world against our pro-
ducts, paralyzed industry and in-
creased unemployment. Prosperity
will be restored when production is
resumed and pay envelopes are dis-
tributed regularly, So long as men
are hungry and women and children
shabby there is no overproduction.
The trouble lies in inability to buy.
—Our heart bleeds for Richard V.
Oulahan, Washington correspondent
of the New York Times. He's
deathly afraid that somebody will
.blame something on the Democrats
unless they do everything the Re-
! publicans want.
Hoover's Partisanship Makes Trouble,
Congress has made rapid progress
during - the first ten days of the
short session and if it continues to
move along lines of comparative
freedom from partisan animosities
there will be neither necessity nor
| desire” for an extra session. = But
the President has not contributed to
the amity in the proceedings as
much as he might have done. In
both his messages there is discern-
ible a trace of partisanship, or may-
"pe it is selfishness, which is almost
certain, sooner or later, to disturb
the smooth current which has thus
far characterized the proceedings.
In fact ominous rumblings are al
ready heard in both chambers.
Among the causes which may
lead to controversy are the Presi-
dent’s appointments to vacancies
in the public service. Already pro-
test has been entered against the
nomination of Frank R. McNinch, otf
North Carolina, for membership of
, the Power Commission, as a Dem-
ocrat, the law requiring minority
representation. Mr. McNinch was
head of the anti-Smith organization
of that State in the Presidential
campaign which carried the State
for Hoover. As was shown in the
defeat of Senator Simmons for Sen-
ator the Democrats of North Caro-
lina are not willing to be represent-
ed in official life by bolters in that
campaign and have entered a protest
against the confirmation of the nom-
ination of Mr. McNinch.
This opposition was expressed, the
other day, when the question of con-
firmation was taken up in the In-
terstate Commerce Committee. One
Senator said he represented a group
which “is unwilling to permit the
administration to pay its election
debts by making an appointment to
this important post.” This senti-
ment prevails largely among the
Democrats and insurgent Republicans
of the Senate and may be the
cause of a long drawn-out fight on
the floor. In appointments to the
Tariff Commission the President has
also shown nasty political bias which
provoke resentment.and may make
an extra session inevitable.
e—— ere —
——The rulers of soviet Russia
persist in predicting war. Probably
the wish is father to the thought.
A Wise and Just Objection.
Congressman Byrns had abundant
reason for objecting to an appro-
priation of $100,000,000 to $150,000,
000 to be disbursed by the President
at his own discretion. Congressman
Byrns lives in Tennessee and is
familiar with Mr. Hoover's methods.
He recalls that the services render-
ed by Mr. Hoover in the flood relief
Moray of 1927 were capitalized |
r campaign purposes in the Presi-
dential campaign a year later, The
‘money employed very properly in
‘that service was provided by the
‘government at Washington. But the
reward of gratitude was promptly
and assiduously claimed for the Re-
publican candidate for President and
singularly enough the debt was rec-
ognized and paid By the people.
i In his budget message to Congress
President Hoover asked for a blanket
| appropriation of that considerable
sum to be disbursed by him at his
discretion. Objecting to this prop-
osition Mr. Byrns declared that he
.and his Democratic colleagues would
“vote for every dollar they thought
{necessary for relief of “present dis-
tressing conditions,” but he would
‘not vote to appropriate the - huge
{sum of $100,000,000 to $150,00,000
[Fithout having some knowledge of
how it is to be spent.” In other
words, Mr. Byrns doesn’t intend to
appropriate money to be used in
{1932 as other money similarly ap-
| propriated was used in 1928, and in
| that determination he is fundament-
ally right and essentially just.
No man in Congress or out knows
what heis talking about better than
Mr. Byrns, He is the ranking mi-
nority member of the House Com-
mittee on Appropriations and in that
capacity in some measure a guardian
of the public purse. He is a citizen
of Tennessee, the State in which the
misuse of the public beneficence of
1927 was most successfully worked.
He was a close and interested ob-
server of the operation by which the
electoral vote of a State was bought
by public funds through fraudulent
misrepresentation, clearly implied if
pot openly declared. In the cir-
cumstances he had every right to
ing against the appropriation.
— Another mystery has been solv-
ed. Most of us have been giving
| Senator Scott, Mr, Secretary Dor-
worth and Hon. Holmes a modicum
|of credit for getting an increase in
| the State's appropriation for the
| Centre County Hospital. We've been
all wrong. Mr. William H. Brown,
the institution’s manager got it. He
told us so, himself, a few days ago
and said there are no “ifs or ands
about it.” We are putting mana-
ger Brown's positive assertion on
record because we know that both
the Senator and the Honorable will
be claiming they did it the next
time they are running for office.
To our veteran correspondent,
Capt, W. H. Fry, of Pine Grove Mills,
who at the ageof 87 never misses
a trick, we are indebted for a roast
of venison. True, he didn’t send
the sherry wine with it, but inas-
much as it proved one of the rare
bits of really tender deer meat that
we have ever tackled we forgive that
oversight on his part. Also, the
Captain might have forgotten that
last year we set up the contention
that it takes a whole glass of cur-
rant jelly and a quart of sherry to
make an ounce of the average deer
meat palatable.
— It is perfectly safe to predict
that, any movement for ballot reform
in the next Legislature will have to
get along without help from Mayor
Kline, of Pittsburgh.
— Everything has been said for
and against the Norris Muscle
Shoals bill that can be said and it
ought not take more than three
days to finish it.
— Representative Garnef may be
wise in locating close to the Treas-
ury building, but proximity will af-
ford little help in peretrating the
Mellon mind.
— There is probably a wider.
spread interest “in the gate” than as
to which team will win the Army
and Navy game at New York to-
c—————p eens em————
A lot of people are still won-
dering what big job is beckoning
Mayor Mackey, of Philadelphia, to
embrace it.
——The shadow of an extra ses-
sion of Congress is still worrying
the administration at, Washington.
—It might be a good idea to
phrase it “buy now if you have
the money to pay now.”
Tess it is given be justified in vot-
NO. 49.
Growers, Consumers and Midclemen.
From the Philadelphia Record.”
The Borah-Summers bill requir-
ing Federal license for dealers in
fruits and vegetables serves the
middlemen’s interest. It is the an.
swer to their appeal for Federal aid
in checking dealers and growers re-
fusing to ship or to receive agreed
consignments when prices are un-
The license fee is $10.
The fine for evasion of the law's
requirement starts at $500 and runs
upward from that fairly well elevat-
ed point at the fantastic rate of $5
a day for the term of delay in ap-
plying for the license. :
Shippers of 10 carloads or more a
year from one State to another are
required to take out license. Those
who ship in lesser quantities are
exempt. The law affects hundreds
of growers in New Jersey, Dela-
ware and Maryland who ship their
products to the Philadelphia market.
The Federal Farm Board is out
against the middleman. Congress, in
the Borah-Summers act, is apparent- |
ly out for him. Two widely diver-
gent principles of practice.
The whole case for or against the
middleman hangs, of course, on the
peg of service to the public. If he
supplies the shortest route from pro-
ducer to consumer, he will continue
to flourish.
If all middlemen were to be put
out of business, there would be mil-
lions more without the means of
making a living. Half the people are
either middlemen or employed by
middlemen~ The storekeeper is a
Government ought to determine
definitely which view it is
and not try to execute two directly
conflicting policies.
This use of the power to regulate
interstate trading through Federal
force by licensing (taxing) shippers
of farm produce seems inequitable,
discriminatory and productive of
confusion and inconvenience. But it
is the law, and those who come un-
der its requirement will do well to
note that December 10 is the day it
hgins to operate.
Changing the National Diet.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
On the basis of statistics received :
from large cities, the Bureau of
Agricultural Economics at Wash-
-estimates-that the. consump-
tion of fresh fruits and green vege-
tables has doubled in the United
States since the World war. The
distribution was made possible by
improved transport facilities and at-
tractive packing. Arizona, Califor.
nia, Florida and Texas, with favor-
able climates for a long growing
season, have profited from the
change. At the same time a decline
has been noted in the use of ‘“stor-
ed root vegetables,” meaning prin-
cipally potatoes and perhaps sec-
ondarily carrots and trnips.
This shift from starchy foods can-
not be attributed wholly to reducing
fads. The teaching of home econom-
ics has increased the demand for a
balanced ration. Wendell Calhoun,
the Department economist, predicts
improved health will result to the
coming generation. Perhaps every-
body has been aware of this change
in our national diet, though a few
were prepared to believe that the
use of green vegetables had increas-
ed 100 per cent in ten years. The
figures should have a special mean.
ing for the farmer studying the
problem of crop rotation.
cm——————r eee —
Bonus for Veterans
From the Harrisburg Telegraph.
Secretary Mellon does not believe
it wise to enact legislation by which
the World War Veterans bonus
certificates may be turned into cash
to meet the present business and
unemployment emergency. It would
be disturbing to the finances of the
country, and ultimately injurious to
the veterans themselves, he says,
who would be thus robbed of sav-
ings they will be glad to have some
fifteen years or more hence,
The Secretary may be right;
is easier to spend than to save.
regret, as we grow older, some of
the money we have spent in our’
youth. Nevertheless, It will be
mighty difficult to persuade the vet-
eran who is out of work and sees
his family in need that he ever will
need the bonus money more than
right now. And it seems hard that
a man
cate in his possession should not be
able to transmuteit into immediate
cash over and above its borrowing
limit in bank.
Nevertheless, he who is able to
hold on to his certificate until the
present depression blows over will
feel as good about it as the holder
of an ordinary life insurance policy
who comes through with its cash
value unimpaired.
—One of Mr. Hoover's appointees
to the Tariff Commission declares he
knows nothing about the tariff and
another states that he is opposed
to the flexible system. But the Com-
mission may be depended upon to
do what big business wants done.
—————— A —————————
— When President Hoover gives
more attention to fitness and less to
personal favoritism in appointing of-
ficers he will have less trouble in
securing confirmations.
to take, |
We '
with a bonus insurance certifi-
—State health officials have been ask-
ed to visit the Polish National college at
Cambridge Springs in an effort to trace
| the source of illness that has afflicted six
—Paul Biddle, a progressive farmer of
Warriors Mark township, Huntingdon
county, has been presented by his wife
with twin sons, who have been named
Walter and Frank. The Biddle family
now consists of father, mother and 14
children, all living at the Biddle home-
stead, the oldest child being 18.
—Patrolman Herman Selinger, of
Pittsburgh, recently bought a watchdog.
The dog wouldn't allow the garbage col-
lector, the ice man or the meter man on
the Selinger property and sometimes the
policeman even had difficulty getting
past the dog himself. But last Friday
Selinger arrived home to find the ‘“ter-
ror” locked in the kitchen, and two
rings worth $75 and $7.50 in cash miss-
ing from other parts of the house.
—Virginia Ferguson, 8-year-old daugh=
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson,
of Mifflin county, was drowned last
Thursday in thirty feet of water near
her home. Her broener, George Jr.
was rescued by onlookers. The two
against their parents’s orders had dared
the ice on the Kishacoquillas creek.
They had been skating but a few min-
utes when both were plunged into the
icy water. The girl’s body was recover-
ed late that night.
_One of the richest veins of coal
| found in any section of the State is now
‘in the process of stripping at Locust
Summit, Northumberland county, by the
| Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron
The company itself is performing
the work of taking the coal from the
| small sized canyon which is approxi-
mately five miles in length and which
{ contains a vein of coal from 85 to 100
| feet thick. Thousands of tons of coal
| will be taken from this strippings by
| electric motors and hauled to the new
| central breaker at Locust Summit for
; preparation for market.
—During November 772 prosecutions of
| the game laws were brought by officers
| of the Game Commission. This is by
far the largest number ever reported in
{ any one month. The next largest num-
| ber was November, 1929, when 605 pros-
| ecutions were reported. The cases for
| November were not for penalties of
‘large amounts, the majority being small
| fines verying from $5.00 to $25.00.
| There were quite a” number of prosecu-
tions for possessing over the daily bag
i limit, killing ring-necked pheasant hens,
hunting without license and killing ille-
! gal game of various kinds.
| _R. E. Ruble, working in the rail-
way mail service between Sunbury and
Lewistown, was taken to Harrisburg
Saturday afternoon by inspectors for a
hearing before Federal Commissioner
Samuel Levin on charge of embezzling
mail matter. His home is at Selinsgrove
and he has been in the service six years.
He is 81 years of age. He was arrested
at Sunbury Friday afternoon. In the
United States District court, at Harris-
burg, on Tuesday, it developed that Ruble
had been taking money from letters
addressed to students at the Penn State
, College, and he was fined $200, given a
| suspended sentence of nine months and
{ placed on probation for a year.
| _g I. Smith, chief engineer of the
| leasing division, United States Geological
Survey, has presented the School of
. Mineral industries at the Pennsylvania
i State College with a collection of Indian
, pottery, some of it more than 140 years
old. A graduate of Penn State, class of
'1908, Mr. Smith has charge of leasing
i all public domain where minerals are lo-
cated. One of the pieces of pottery in
the collection is a water jug more than
a century old. Frogs are moulded all
| over it and the jug is decorated with
, colors which are still vivid despite the
, Passage of years. The jug is made - of
extremely porous clay which permits
evaporation, thus cooling the water.
| — Dashing into a burning barn in a
vain effort to help his master rescue a
prized bull a pet dog of Thomas G. Darr
perished in the flames along with the
‘bull when the barn on the farm of Miss
Mary Brown . McNitt, of Milroy, lo-
cated in Dry Valley, and tenanted by
Mr. Darr, burned to the ground last
Friday with a loss which will reach
$10,000. The fire was discovered by the
. Darr family early in the night but was
beyond control before fire conpanies
| from Burnham and T.ewistown could
| reach the farm. The bull and the dog
were the only animals to burn although
! a flock of 100 chickens, all the farm ims
plements and crops were destroyed. The
loss is partially covered by insurance.
| Miss Pauline M. Smyser, 25-year-old
‘graduate nurse of the York hospital, in-
herited $25,000 from the $75,000 estate
of Dr. B. W. Shirey, 58, prominent
surgeon of that city, when the will was
probated at the York county court house.
Mrs. Minerva Shirey, the widow, who
has been estranged from her husband for
the past two years, was not mentioned
“in the document. Dr. Shirey died late
Saturday, following an unsuccessful op-
eration and blood transfusion at the
same hospital where he had saved many
lives by similar operations. He was
stricken Wednesday afternoon while in-
structing a class of nurses at the hospi-
tal. The Tressler Orphans’ Home, at
Loysville, is bequeathed $500 and a
daughter, Amy, inherits $5000 for the
completion of her education. The two
daughters, Amy and Jeannette, are each
bequeathed $5000.
| —Dr. T.C. Harter, of Berwick, As-
semblyman from Columbia county dur-
ing the previous Pinchot administra-
tion as Governor, on Saturday was sen-
tenced to jail for violation of the State
prohibition enforcement act, - for the
adoption of which he voted as an As-
| semblyman. Dr. Harter pleaded guilty
| in the Columbia county court during the
| September term. Saturday he appeared
| for sentence and was given six months
| in jail and ordered to pay a fine of $500
| on charges of possession and sale of in-
| toxicating liquor. Prior to his sentence,
| he was a Commonwealth witness in the
| conviction of Raymond Mocon, charged
| with manufacture of the liquor Dr. Har-
ter was reported to have sold to state
fs who brought the charges against
| him under the Snyder Act. Mocon was
| found guilty but when called for sen-
tence failed to appear, and a bench war-
rant was issued by Judge Hvans for his