, has baffled medical science. Bellefonte, Pa., December 5, 1930. INFANTILE PARALYSIS. Gov. Roosevelt Opened Way to Restore Thousands of Victims of the Disease. In the United States today there are more than 300,000 persons who are partly or wholly crippled. To these people an active life is us- ually closed, and to their care al- most an squal number must give all or a large part of their time, sO that perhaps the aggregate economic Joss to the nation from this cause may be reckoned at approximately 500,000 lives which are removed from normal pursuits and produc- tiveness. In 1921, soon after he had finish- ed a strenuous campaign as the Democratic nominee for the Vice- Presidency, Franklin D. Roosevelt was suddenly stricken by poliomye- litis—infantile paralysis. Out of that great personal mis- fortune has grown a hope for thous. ands of other cripples—a chance, even a probability, that they may return to the joys of active life, and to economic usefulness, thereby re- lieving their faithful friends and attendants of additional sacrifices. Half of our cripples, or some 150,000 persons, are the victims of infantile paralysis, that strange malady which for such a long time Until Gov. Roosevelt focussed attention upon the treatment at Warm Springs, no systematized attempt ever had been made to develop methods of alleviating its crippling after-effects. Infantile paralysis, we are told, was first recorded in Germany in about 1860. It next appeared in Scandinavia, and in the early States first felt n an epidemic in nineties the United its dread effects i Vermont, Since then, the cases have been widely scattered geographically, but the great majority have been in the northern and eastern States. There 1s an increasing tepuenel for it to range slightly higher through the age classes, but, strangely enough, it is almost equally divided between the sexes. Recently the disease has been the subject of the cloest scrutiny by the medical profession. The Milbank Foundation, the Rockefeller Institute, the International Infantile Paralysis Commission and the Harvard Infan- tile Paralysis Commission all are conducting research in this import- ant field. But even today little is known. The germ, never isolated or identi- fied, is thought to be a sort of “cousin” to the flu germ. Since it attacks children chiefly, it has been the more difficult to search out the cause - of innoculation or even to establish the “period of incubation,” the time between exposure to the disease and . the development of symptoms. Now it seems reasonably that incubation occurs in 6 to days, but science cannot say even yet with any certainty how the dis- ease is carri taken into the system. Jt seems a peculiar thing that in the animal kingdom only the mon- key is a victim of the disease or can be innoculated with it. This has greatly narrowed research, because monkeys are expensive, In captivity they appear subject to many diseases, not only is research costly, but many an experiment ends in failure because these denizens of the jungle succumb to other diseases of man. kind, even before the “polio” periments can be completed. Infantile paralysis is described as essentially an inflammation of the nervous system, which kills or cripples the cells giving marching orders to the muscles. If the muscles of the vital organs are crippled, death ensues. It is reasonably certain now that the disease confers future immunity upon its victims and that a serum from the blood of persons who have had it may be administered to protect suspicious cases. Statistics on Massachusetts cases, prepared by Dr. W. L. Aycock, of the Harvard Medical School, indicate that this serum treatment reduces the death rate and the instances of total or serious paralysis by more than two- thirds. But when Gov. Roosevelt was at- tacked by the disease nine years ago, not all these facts had been established, Infantile paralysis came out of nowhere—a mystery—struck without reason and raged to a fatal conclusion, despite the growing op- position of the medical profession, or else it departed as mysteriously, leaving behind an individual crippled in body and muscular activity. There was no pathological effect on the brain, but scores of thous- ands were left maimed in mental outlook, life would pass them by. Franklin Roosevelt was discourag- ed, but pot beaten. Burned-out nerve cells in his powerful lower livyhs gave no orders, but medical men said that these cells, though damaged, were not dead and might be brought back to some degree of function. Thus began Roosevelt's fight back ' to health. It was a fight which led him to the Governor's chair and culminated recently in the issuance of a $500,000 insurance policy on his life at standard rates. The beneficiary is the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation, that philanthropic enterprise which he has been building up, and which he believes to be the first of a series of institutions destined to do great restorative werk among the cripples of the United States. In the beginning of his illness the Governor tried massage and mild exercise. He began to study what little was known of curing this form of paralysis. Exercise, he discovered, was more beneficial under water because there it is not necessary ed or exactly how it is. { i | | i | | | i | | i certain | the i | { ! i "their own surgeons, pay actual cost! i corded. for the enfeebled muscles to work so strenuously to overcome But in ordinary bathing the water quickly chills affected members, through which circulation is slug- gish. Exercising in heated water, on the other hand, proved to be stimulating, and muscles began to. respond. About this time George Foster Peabody wrote to the Governor, tell ing him of a Georgia boy who had cured his paralysis by swimming at Warm Springs, Ga. This resulted in Mr. Roosevelt's making a trip to try exercising in the pool fed by the warm mineral springs. This from a subterraneun source of 2,000 feet and reaches the surface at an even 90-degree temprature year in and year out, was not enervating. It was, therefore, possible to re- main in the water for long periods and to gain the most complete benefits from systematized exercise. A circumstance which at the time was rather amusing advanced this, cause. An enterprising reporter | gave wide publicity, during the cam- paign of 1924, to the fact that the former vice-presidential candidate was swimming back to health, as had Annette Kellerman, who had been an infantile paralysis victim as a baby. That story, carrying pictures of Mr. Roosevelt and Miss Kellerman side by side, and appearing as a syndicated feature throughout the country, caused 25 infantile victims to come to Warm Springs, from widely separated sections in April | 1925. | So Roosevelt tried, with the aid | of a local physician, to systematize | treatment. i The following year, a | problem of yestorative | committee of physicians from the | - | National Orthopedic Association in. 2 vestigated this pioneer effort, a Al proved it and made suggestions. six-month experimental study under the supervision of Dr. LeRoy W. | Hubbard, New York state ortho-| pedic surgeon, was begun. Such astonishing resulis were i tained that many leading orthopedic surgeons urged that the experiment | be enlarged in scope. Georgia Warm Spri was organized in the spring With privately raised funds, tract of 1,200 acres, the warm springs, an old hotel and many cottages, was acquired. The : warm water, which comes |- cu f MILE-A-MINUTE MARTY Yi AY YOU WANT TO HEY! TELL HiM TO BUY A oo 2 MONTREAL GOOD USED CAR AT WELL, WHICH WAY DO / DECKE YOU WANT 10; 1924 Ford Turing 1926 Chevrolet Truck open 1927 Buick Sedan Standard 1925 Ford coupe EXPIeSS ...cococecesescsmmeess $ 150.00 SIZ... $ 450.00 1926 Ford coupe 102% Theyealet Sosch sao A 1922 Wight Coupe wait 290.00 T evro e 1 ppet Spo: ad- he Fo rnan 6000 i yy 850.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan stor coon 150.00 1929 Ford Roadster 1st 2 1929 Chevrolet Coaches 1924 Oldsmobile Coupe ....... $ 125.00 TIPE ..coovsecrorssmsnaneses $ 825.00 @RCR ©........corensnisnrsrrsses 390.00 1924 Oldsmobile Touring ...§ 50.00 1926 Chevrolet Touring .....$ 60.00 1927 Chevrolet Sedan ......... $ 150.00 1926 Overland % Ton Panel 1929 Model “A” Ford Ton 1925 Chevrolet Coupe .......... $ 125.00 body Truck only....... $ 40.00 Truck large steel 1927 Chevrolet Roadster ...§ 140.00 1929 Stewart Cattle rack : Box vn 325.00 1924 Chevrala Roadster 2 23% 1920. V. rae, inl Te $ 150.00 : a .00 1926 Essex Coach ............... X im 'on Dump re oy Sedans 5a 1928 Essex Coupe .... -..$ 200.00 (automatic) Truck..$ 150.00 Bodin 150.00 1927 Essex Coach ....... wenn 200.00 1927 Pontiac Sport Road 1930 Chevrolet Coach 5 wire 1925 Buick Sedan Standard ster inn 225.00 wheels .......cooeeeneeees 500.00 Six eines $ ; 1926 Oakland Sport Road- 1927 Chevrolet Touring $140.00 1924 Buick Roadster ........$ 60.00 ster... ch $200.00 DECKER CHEVROLET CO, Phone 405 ...... BELLEFONTE, PA. philanthropic purposes the $7,000,-| “Many of the leading orthopedic 000 estate of that pioneer manu- | surgeons have come to recognize facturer of flashlights, they listed | the growing importance of physi- ob- | the Georgia W tion as one of And so the | develop ngs Foundation | branche of 1927. | assure i on which were | pedic specialists we Roosevelt. Chicago, committee named | Conrad Hubert to theory to an established treatment.” The Governor goes on to say: sat down recently as a! in the will of distribute for system of otherapy, especially when these di- ‘rected exercises are given in the medium of warm water. Certainly the results obtained so far at Warm arm Springs Founda- | the 33 beneficiaries. at the Foundation may mony with all In order th in har s of medical science, and to Springs, Ga., prove the value of t the best medical advice warm water treatment. a |and supervision, a board of ortho- Placing the Georgia Warm NOW had fallen gen- tion on a permanent basis means not work among but eventually Springs Founda and much larger only ‘more effective more patients there, re formed by Mr. erously for several days in Western Pennsylvania and the country Its members are: Doctors LeRoy property was modernized, the pools |C. Abbot and Fred Warren Bailey, ; i sides rang with the merr tinkle of sleigh bell enlarged, concrete walks bulit for |of St. Louis; George E. Bennett, oti e sstaLisiment of Sila? gentess that ng h i ia the hb 2 0 i wheel chairs, with ramps at the cot- | Baltimore; Frank C. Dixon, of Kan-|12 many other sections of the at had long hung rusting in the barns. ne tages, and steam heat installed so sas City; Albert H. Freiberg, of ns think most cripples—children or cheery member of the farm community had that the plant might function the | Cincinnati; George Draper, of TZ | aquit—are worth tak turned to his telephone and passed along the year around. After a while, another pool was added, so that one was available for under-water exercises on tables, bars and rings, and another was avail- able for swimming. When Edsel Ford visited Warm Springs in the fall of 1927, he noted the need for a pool enclosed against bad weather, and presented a beautiful pool to the Foundation, It is 35 by 86 feet, glass roofed and steam-heated, with dressing rooms and facilities for sun baths. Pa. tients who have benefited have add- ed an infir y recently, and grad- ually remodeling has occurred until re on a plateau, 1,000 feet above sea level, 70 miles out of the Atlantic, there has grown up a constantly changing little community of happy people, as visitors will attest. They come by recommendation of of their care and keep, are examined and have their cases carefully re- After a brief rest, follow-! arrival, there begins a | ing their , daily regime of systematized exer- women, all trained paysiotherapists, ex- ‘ scientifically for each different case to be ' cise. so that! { A staff of 10 to a dozen young go into the pool with patients each | morning, giving each patient special | exercises on the submerged tables. | Specialized treatment worked out is watched carefully and the degree of improvement shown is recorded. Gradually there has been built up a knowledge regarding remedial treat- ment such as had been available nowhere else in the world before. The girls in charge of treatments are also swimming instructors for those who cannot swim, and, follow- the formalized exercise regime, the pools resound to the shouts and laughter of patients playing water games. Visitors have been amazed at the speed with which persons partially paralyzed for years acquire skill in swimming. The youngsters especially take to swimming quickly. Last year there there was a four.year-old boy who seemed more adept under water than on it, while an eight-year-old girl, whose recovery had been de- spaired of by her family, returned to her Kansas home walking with braces and promptly won a free-for- all race for swimmers under 10, Sun baths, luncheons, then patients never would walk again are out on the walking ramps learning how all over again. They learn to climb stairs, and the best exercises strengthen their back muscles. And from these patients, living | under healthful conditions, come serums which help to save from a similar condition. and regaining mastery of them- selves, they are glad to aid the fight | of others against this dread disease. | I should explain that no quick miracles are performed. The pro- | cess is a slow one, covering tedious months and years. But many who have gone to Warm Springs quite : helpless have come to walk with braces, or with a cane, even without material aid. This is not only a restorative in. stitution, but a laboratory, a pioneer experiment, and, as the ultimate ! possibilities of the project have be- come better understood, we have | had help from such prominent men as Vincent Astor, John D. Rockefel- ler, Jr., Walter Chrysler, Herbert Lehman, Fred Vanderbilt, Pierre du | Pont, Paul Warburg, the Harriman brothers, Jeremiah Milbank and many others. When former President Coolidge, former Gov, Alfred E. Smith, of New York, and Julius Rosenwald, of rest—and | others or i § who thought they § York; Ludwig idge H. Moore, of T. B. Porter, of Evanston, Ill. Paul Haertl, of Berlin, Germany. Gov. Roosevelt points out, “from a ~ —E ing an interest in. Restorative work is economical- ly sound; humanely, jt is right. It {s reaching out to a field for which no other agency is now adequately caring. We need pioneers.” Hektoen and Bever- Chicago; Arthur Ober and Robert on; John Lincoln and Dr. word for a general sleighing party by moon- light—an evening’s entertainment which proved the social event of the year. Legg, Frank R. Osgood, of Bost 2 The Foundation has passed, as — Subscribe for the Watchman. | The Modern Farm Home Has « TELEPHONE Checks to the lucky ones who were prudent enough to provide funds for Christmas in little savings during the year, have been mailed. The New Series for 1931 is Now Open Begin to Save for Next Christmas On Saturday, December 6 Promptly at. 9 a.m. The Fauble 44th niversary Sale Begins The little weekly amounts required will prove a joy and a delight when you withdraw them in a lump sum. THE FiRsT NATIONAL BANK BELLEFONTE, PA. | 2 to | | 1 fie Li! Immune f Present economic conditions have made this sale the Greatest Money-Saving Event of the year. Everything in our entire store included in this great sale at prices that will save you many, many dollars. Baney’s Shoe Store WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor 80 years in the Business BUSH ARCADE BLOCK BELLEFONTE, PA. SPECIAL O ELSE jo - | Cn —— fi} Be Here Promptly at. 9 a.m. Saturday, December 6th YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY This is to call your attention to thie fact that we have bought for hundreds of Christmas dinners the finest turkeys we could locate. We have them—plump and tender—in all weights, both gobblers and hens. We ask that you let us have your order as early as possible so that we oan reserve for you the bird that will meet your needs. Market on the Diamond Telephone 666 Bellefonte, Penna. P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market Remember---It’s At, FAUBLE'S Our 44th Birthday