Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 05, 1930, Image 5

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    J A
+ Marcellus Sankey is nursing a
badly crushed thumb,
Harry Reed, of Huntingdon, spent
Sunday with his friends.
J. Cal. Gates is manipulating the
wheel of a new Nash sedan.
George Burwell butchered a hog,
last week, which dressed 526 pounds.
Reed Dorman had his right arm
broken while in the act of cranking
his car.
H. C. Fluke and wife, of Berks
county, are here for the deer hunt-
ing season.
Miss Lizzie Archey, teacher in the
Bellwood schools, was here for
Will Kennedy and wife spent
Thanksgiving with their son Blair
and family, in Reading.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dale, of
State College, were callers at the
Viola Smith home, on Saturday.
Thomas Wogan, wife and two
sons and Fred Corl, of Altoona, were
guests of Mrs. Etta Corl, last Thurs-
Mrs. J. B. Hollobaugh and chil.
dren are visiting friends in Blair
county while Mr. Hollobaugh is out
after deer.
The mothers of the boys on the
State College High school football
team gave them a banquet on Sat-
urday evening,
Miss Charlotte Hoy, of Williams-
port was a Thanksgiving day visitor
at the home of her parents, Mr.and
Mrs. W. A. Hoy:
Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Henszey
and son, Lieut. J. H. Henszey, depart-
ed last week to spend the winter in
Texas and Florida.
Rev. B.V. Grubb, Reformed minis-
ter of Juniata, will deliver a lec-
ture in the Presbyterian church next
Thursday evening, at 7:30 o'clock.
At thelr roast chicken supper,
last Friday evening, the ladies of
the Graysville Presbyterian church
cleared almost one hundred dollars.
Mrs, W. C. Dunlap, of Reading,
was a victim of an auto wreck re-
cently, in which she sustained a
number of cuts and bruises but no
really serious injuries. Prior to her
marriage she was Miss May Rhone,
of Centre Hall.
A little daughter, their seventh
child, arrived in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. I. G. Harpster, at Fair-
brook, last Friday. She has been
named Anna Maude. A ten pound
daughter also arrived in the James
Pfoust home, on Friday.
On his return from a trip to
Texas Newton KE. Hess, retired
farmer, banker and big game hunt-
er, was given a birthday surprise
party at the farm home on The
Branch, occupied by his son, Sam-
uel H. Hess. The dinner was pre.
pared by his daughter-in-law. Only
a few close friends were invited.
eens pee
When their car collided with
a truck, on the icy streets of Al-
toona, last Saturday morning, H. C.
Robinson, of Milesburg, suffered in-
juries of: the back:and legs and Wil-
liam Robinson, of Cleveland, Ohio,
sustained chest injuries.
____Share in the $500 cash prizes.
Get your coupons at Faubles. 48-1t
rere lA ————.
What you cannot achieve by
you may obtain by flattery.
French Fondant.—Take two cup-
fuls of granulated sugar, two table-
spoonsful of glucose or a pinch of
cream of tartar, add one-half cup-
ful of water and boil to the soft
ball stage, thatis, when a few drops
of the hot sirup is dropped into cold
water it makes a ball which may be
picked up in the fingers. Pour out
on a buttered platter to cool or set
the dish away until just warm,
then stir until creamy. Knead well
and pack into a buttered bowl to
ripen for a few days. This may be
tinted, flavored and mixed with
fruits and nuts, made into balls and
dipped in chocolate or packed in
layers and cut into slices.
Peanut Butter Fudge.—Take two
and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one-
third of a cupful of corn sirup, one-
half cupful of milk and one-half
cupful of peanut butter. Boil to the
soft ball stage and set away to cool.
Stir until creamy, drop by spoon-
fuls on waxed paper.
Butterscotch.—Put two cupfuls of
brown sugar, one-half cupful of but-
ter, four tablespoonsful of molasses,
two tablespoonsful of water and
two tablespoonsful of vinegar into a
granite kettle; stir until the sugar
is dissolved, then boil without stir.
ring until a drop becomes brittle in
cold water. Pour into shallow pans
to become cool. Mark off and cut
into squares.
i ger ae
— Don't forget tomorrow—the
Faubles Stores’ birthday. 48-1t
eit {le ——
9:30 A. M., Sunday school, Her-
man Hazel, superintendent. Fd
10:45 A. M., Morning service; Ser-
mon: “When Jesus Comes.”
2.00 to 5:00 P. M., The
every-member canvass.
6:30 P. M., Luther
catechetical instruction;
Kline, leader.
7:30 P.
League and
M., Evening service;
“God is Holy.
Clarence E. Arnold, pastor.
Services:—11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m,, preaching. Sunday .chool, 10
a. m.; A. C. E. League, 6:30 p. m.
At the regular prayer, Wednesday
last, held at the parsonage, the pas-
tor and his family were pleasantly
surprised. The members and friends
kindly donated packages of groceries,
etc. The pastor was thankful, the
meeting was lively, all were happy.’
' Stover,
‘IN. Y.” and Edna Young,
Kline R. Wolfe spent Sunday and
Monday in Harrisburg and Gettys-
Dean Johnson, of Pittsburgh,
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Pletcher,
Harry M. Mufly, of Morganton,
W. Va., is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Muffly.
Mrs, E. W. Cartwright ana family
spent Thursday with her mother,
Mrs. Bryan, at Milesburg.
Ellis Pletcher, who is an em-
ployee of the Bethlehem Steel Co.,
is spending thé winter at his home
Miss Loretta Weber, returned to
Clearfield, Sunday, after spending
the Thanksgiving vacation at her
home here.
Prof. and Mrs. Albert Robb and
family, of New Bloomfield, spent
several days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Wagner.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Snyder
family returned to their home at
York, after spending several days
with Mrs. Snyder's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Kane.
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer
spent Monday evening in Altoona.
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Oswald and
family of Glen Olden; Mr. and Mrs.
L. G. Duncan and daughter, of Phil-
adelphia, and Mrs, C. R. Wynn and
family, of Sunbury, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer.
The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Al-
The Fauble Stores’ 44th anni-
versary sale begins Saturday, De-
cember 6. 48-1t
— Share inthe $500 cash prizes.
Get your coupons at Faubles. 48-1t
ene emer Gp meee.
Miss Hazel Kelley visited friends
at State College Friday evening.
Miss Dorothy Lockard, of Lamar,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. John
Miss Gertrude Davis was a week-
end guest of Mrs. John Resides, at
State College.
John Robb, of Morgantown, W. Va,
visited his old friends In this sec-
tion last week.
Edwin Thomas, of Indianapolis,
Ind., is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Thomas.
A little son arrived, recently, in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Ramish, and has been named Wayne
Mrs. John Resides and two chil-
dren, of State College, spent Thanks-
giving with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Kelley.
Chester Thomas, Miss Caroline
Smith and sister, Mrs. Roy Rider
and little son, motored to Johns-
town, Thanksgiving morning,
spent the day with Mrs. Lucas, a
sister of Miss Smith and Mrs, Rider.
After a pleasant visit at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder
Mrs. Ethel Lockard and
daughter "Alice returned to their
home in Ford City, on Saturday.
They were accompanied by Miss
Ethel Stover and Claude Crispin,
who returned home on Sunday.
The Fauble Stores’ 44th anni-
versary sale begins Saturday, De-
cember 6. 48-1t
— Share in the $500 cash prizes.
Get your coupons at Faubles. 48-1t
Miss Julia Summers spent Thanks-
giving with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. William Sumn.ers.
State highway employees sprink-
led ashes on the State highway,
Sunday, to reduce tne hazard on the
Mrs. Lydia Irwin, Mrs. Roy Fish-
er and son Donald spent Sunday
with the H. B. Witherite family, at
Osceola Mills.
“Miss Grace Robinson, of Philadel-
phia, and her cousin, Miss Sarah
McMillan spent tne Thanksgiving
season with relatives here, returning
to the Quaker city on Sunday.
Mrs. Catherine Fisher is again
quite ill. = The condition of Mrs.
John Walker, who is suffering with
dropsy, is showing no improvement.
The double houss of W. S, Fish-
er looks much better in it’s new coat
of white paint and chocolate trim.
i 2
——The Fauble Stores’ 44th anni-
versary sale begins Saturday, De-
cember 6. 48-1t
——Don’t forget tomorrow—the
Faubles Stores’ birthday. 48-1t
ttn se ne
Paul W. Jackson and Blanche
Scantlin, both of State College.
Hassel B. Martin and Mae Savilla
Walters, both of Bellefonte.
Samuel A, Reimart, of Mt. Car-
mel, and M. Alda Lauck, of Pine
Grove Mills.
Harry E. Keller, of Hoboken,
of ' Belle-
fonte. :
em -
——Don’t forget Saturday, Dec. 6,
is the day Fauble’s 44th anniversary
sale starts.
R. J. Gilligan, receiver, to Brooke
R. Stitzer, tract in State College;
I G. Gordon Foster, et al, to
Orlando W. Houts, tract in State
College; $2,500,
F. C. Rittenhouse, et ux, to R. C.
Rittenhouse, tract in Philipsburg; $1.
cm ————— A ————_—
— Don't forget Saturday, Dec.8, !
is the day Fauble’'s 44th anniversary
sale starts. 48-1t
and |
To promote complete understand-
ing of the superiority of electric range
surface units for waterless cookery
West Penn is giving, for a limited
time, this 4-piece $13.90 set of ‘“Wear-
Ever” aluminum to any of its custom=
ers who purchases an electric range
from us or any other range dealer.
Three sauce pans—134, 214 and 3%
Then this special offer will interest you!
Save Time and Work
Why spend hours over a stove when
you can now buy a beautiful electric
Hotpoint, Westinghouse or Electro- "
chef range at a drastically reduced
price, and for as little as $9.50 down?
Eliminate that heated kitchen and
“kitchen duty". . . with an electric
timer temperature control, high-speed
platform burners, and a host of other
time and work saving comvemiences.
¢ Cleanliness .. . Always
Why scrub sooted pots and
pans year after year? Electric
heat is clean . . . makes no soot
or fumes , . . deposits no dirt
on walls or curtains An electric
range LESSENS work . . . nev-
er MAKES work!
Uniform Cooking
Results tainable at 1%{c rate.
Automatic controls also as- Easy payments . . . When
bought with electric range the
sure you of uniformly excellent
cooking results. A combination
4 Pieces “Wear-Ever” Aluminum for Electrie Cooking
quart capacity—and large frying pan
for simplified, practical waterless
cooking. Black gyptal bottoms for
quick heat absorption. Triple- thick
non-warping aluminum. Heavy lids
prevent steam escape and allow foods
to cook in their own juices with min-
imum of water. All appetizing flavors
and food values retained!
ai peti
Accept This Amazing Eleetrie
Range Offer for Tastier Foods
Do you spend hours and hours each week
over your kitchen stove? Do you have sooted
pots and pans to clean . . . blackened walls
and curtains? Would you like to have auto-
matic time and temperature controls that
give uniform cooking results?
heat regulator and timer enables
you to put your foods in the oven
. . . then leave them for the
electric range to watch. While
you're gone the current goes on
automatically, the foods cook
to a delectable tastiness, then
off goes the current . . . and the i
foods are ready to serve. Perfect
results every time! :
Red Crown”
Water Heaters
Install one today—anywhere 8
in the house. Have steaming
hot water always on tap in
kitchen, laundry and bath.
Automatic—needs no atten-
tion. Particularly economi-
eal for electric range owners,
since necessary current is ob-
terms are unusually liberal.
™ -
Visit our store and examine these beautiful Porcelain Ranges for yourself!
West Penn Electric Shops }
J. E. Hall spent a few days, last
week, in Ohio, visiting his friend,
Curt Condo.
Mrs. John Resides had charge of
tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Brower while they were visiting last
Rev. M. H. Crawford is having a
few day’s vacation, spending the
time on the mountains with a hunt-
ing party.
Rev Merril Winters, of Reading,
and lady friend, were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hall, on
Thanksgiving day. : :
Mrs. James Shirk, of Bellefonte,
and little granddaughter, were Sun-
day visitors in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Kerchner.
Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Brugger took their departure for
Cannonsburg where they are visit-
ing their son, George and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Grant Brower spent
a few days, last week, at Pittsburgh,
visiting his brother Clarence, whose
health has been failing for some-
Mrs. Clara Adams and daughter,
Miss Mary, of Milesburg, and grand-
daughter, Miss Kathleen Gingher, of
Pleasant Gap, spent Sunday at the
| home of Mrs. Anna Finch. ;
| The Standard Bearer Society serv-
fed a very delicious breakfast, on
{ Thanksgiving day, in the Boro hall.
| Their special program consisted of
| readings, hymns, appropriate songs
and an interesting address by Rev.
| Herr, of the Baptist church of Miles-
| burg, who accompained Rev. and
| Mrs. Crawford.
| Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cleaver, of
| Kennett Square, are spending a few
‘days with friends here, making
| their headquarters at the home of
i Prof. and Mrs. J. C. Fox. Edgar
| was formally of this place but moved
‘from here a number of years ago.
| He has enjoyed roaming over the
{hills in his favorite sport—hunting—
as in his boyhood days.
Last Thursday was the ‘birthday
anniversary of both Mrs. A. F.
{Showers and Mrs, E. T. Hall. Some
{time ago Mrs. Showers remarked to
her neighbor, Mrs. C. A. Houtz, that
{she had never had a birthday party. |
{Plans were soon made and when
{ Mrs. Showers returned home, Thurs-
;day evening, from a call on her
‘friend, Mrs. E. T. Hall, she found a
| number of her Sunday School class
{ waiting to greet her. Refreshments
|were served and all enjoyed a very
‘ pleasant evening.
Harrisburg, on
Mrs. Thomas Glenn, of Bradford,
is visiting at the home of her moth-
er, Mrs. M. A. Woods.
Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Stover, of
Yeagertown, were recent guests of
the Misses Reish and Miller.
Miss Hazel Meyer, of Altoona,
spent several weeks with her grand.
father, D. W. Meyer, on west Main
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher and
daughter, Mary Lou, are spending
some time at the irisher home, on
Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. Hupbridge, of Akron,
Ohio, are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Hupbridge's parents,
Mrs. David Bohn.
Marie and William Hess, of
Shingletown, spent Saturday night
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Hess.
Communion service will be held
in the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day at 11 o'clock. Preparatory serv-
ices Friday evening.
Miss Roselle Meyer, of Mansfield | =
Mr. and |
i savings are big.
birthday party.
teachers’ college, spent the Thanks-'
giving vacation with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Nevin Meyer.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard McGirk and’
family, of Altoona, and Mr, and
Mrs. H. T. McGirk, of Bellefonte,
spent Thanksgiviig day in town.
A number of friends were enter-
tained at the Charles Segner home,
on Monday evening, in honor of
Miss Rachel Segner’s birthday an-
The Harris township soccer team '
their trophy, .
is proudly displaying
a silver loving cup, won in the tri-
county league games, in the
Patterson store window.
Miss Dorothy Lonbarger, an in-
structor in the schools at Athens,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Zettle and
daughters, of Pleasant Gap, spent
several days atthe B. P, Lonbarger
Dr. W. W. Woods, Mrs. M, A.
Woods, Mrs. Auman and Miss Helen
Bryson, of State College, drove to
Thanksgiving, and
were guests of Prof. and Mrs.
James Bryson until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burbeck and
baby son and Mr. and Mrs. Yutzy.
J. D.:
of Philadelphia, are spending some
time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |
George Mothersbaugh.
the party are enjoying the hunting
in the nearby mountains.
re a. Ape: nie
—Subscribe for tne Watchman.
The men of |
——See our window for Christmas:
suggestions of furniture at prices:
ranging from $1.00 to $10.00.—W
R. Brachbill’s Furniture Store. 48-1t.
— The Fauble Store is celebrat-
ing its 44th birthday with the
greatest sale in its history. The’
Don’t miss this
— Don’t forget Saturday, Dec.6,
is the day Fauble’s 44th anniversary
sale starts.
book entitled,
Chief,” by
“Belden, the White
Col. James Brisbin. State condi-
tion of book and price. Harry Hess,
Hess, Belmont and Conshohocken Ave.,
Philadelphia. 75-44.
AT in NOTICE.— Let~
OTICE IN DIVORCE.—Howard T. ters of administration having been
Lucas vs. Hattie S. Lucas. n granted to the undersigned upon
the Court of Common Pleas of the estate of C. Edward Robb, late of
Centre county, No. 234 May term, 1930. Bellefonte borough, deceased, all persons
In Divorce A. V. M. knowing themselves indebted to the same
To Hattie S. Lucas, the respondent are requested to make prompt payment,
above named, Letclonorth Village, Thiells, and those having claims against said
N.Y estate must present them, duly anthen-
ticated, for settlement.
that I have been
take testimony in
‘Please take notice
appointed Master to
the above case, and that I shall hold a Administratrix,
meeting for the purposes of my appoint- W. Harrison Walker, Bellefonte, Pa.
ment on Saturday, December th, 1930, Attorney. 75-43-6t
at 10 o'clock a. m., in my office, No. 17 |
Temple Court building, Bellefonte, Pa. -
which time and place you are requested : :
to attend, ay oS ANKLE . — Share in the $500 cash prizes.
2 ,
75-48-8t Master. Get your coupons at Faubles. 48-1t
Ee atia°ke
Now Showing Friday, Satur.
. Clara Bow’s in town in
“Her Wedding Night”
a Deliciously Romantic Farce-Com-
edy with Charles Ruggles, Skeets
Gallagher ard Ralph Forbes.
reir —————————————————
Boys and Girls—The Richelieu
is bringing to you a Great Serial Pic-
ture—a story that gives you the
thrills and adventure you crave.
Everything you have read in the
mast exciting story books is sur-
passed by this all talking picture of
the early West’s most eventful
chapters. This serial will be shown
2ach Saturday afternoon in addition
to our regular program. _See the 1st
episode this Saturday, December 6.
All Children up to 14—10c.
This serial will not be shown
night. ALSO—with each adims-
sion ticket will be given a movie
star badge. If you get 10 different
stars will give you a free pass,
good for one month.
Now Showing All Week—
Richard Arlen in
“The Santa Fe Trail”
with Mitzi Green
and Eugene Pallette.
Excitement, Fast Riding
and Plenty of Laughs.
ii we Nm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednes.—
Hoot Gibson in
© Rimemest
Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday—
DeSylvia, Brown and Henderson,
ho Fite the music for ‘ ‘Sunny “The
¥ , now 8 :
p 2 30H Eve you another Concentratin’
“Just Imagine’’ Kid”
with El Br
Dende). Savlorie White The wildest, most exciting,
fastest talking Western pic-
ture filmed to date. See the
King of Cowboys in action —