Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 05, 1930, Image 4

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Bellefonte, Pa., December 5, 1980.
Ee —
rrespondents.—No communicatl
To Co ons
published unless accompanied by the real
f the writer.
S on.—Until further
Uhteripti rates:
-pame Oo
Terms of
notice at the
Bald ply ene oir LD
0 - 3.
Paid after expiration of year - 3.00
lished weekly, every Friday morn-
a Dntered at the postoffice, Bellefonte,
Pa. as second class matter.
In orderin of address always
give the 1a as well as the new address.
is important that the publisher
notified when a subscriber wishes the
paper discontinued. In all such cases the
scription must be paid up to date of
of the “Watchman will
A sample co
be sent Ps cost to applicants.
Items taken from the Watchman issue
of December 10, 1880.
— The attention of persons need-
ing money is called toan advertise-
ment of “Money to Loan” in an.
other column of this issue.
Mr. James Hamilton, of Spring
township, who fell off his horse some
weeks ago, owing to what seems to
have been a rush of blood to the
head, producing dizziness, is now
better. His friends believe he will
soon be quite himself again.
—Joseph Lewis, said to be the
oldest resident of the Bald Eagle
valley, died last Sunday at the age
of 88 years, 5 months and 19 days.
He was the father of six children,
the grandfather of eleven and
the great grandfather of sixty-nine.
—The weather was tremendously
cold on Tuesday. On Wednesday
morning the ground was white with
snow and it kept snowing all day.
—Mr. Henry P. Harris, the un-
dertaker, although a comparatively
young man, makes the claim that
he has buried and helped to bury
four times as many people as the
borough of Bellefonte now contains.
As the borough census now is 3,005
Mr, Harris must have been there
when 12,060 bodies were laid
their last resting place.
—A fire broke out in a house on
Logan street about seven o'clock on
Wednesday morning. Both fire com-
panies were on the ground promptly
and saved it from total destruction,
though the roof was burned off and
some of the inside damaged. The
house is located just back of the
Catholic school house and was. oc-
cupied by a Mrs. Wells, who is
bedfast with consumption. She was
carried into the home of a neighbor.
-—The 12th annual convention of
the Centre County Sabbath- - School
Association will be held in the Presby-
terian church in this place on De-
cember 17th and 18th. J. Wesley
Gephart Esq. is chairman of the
entertainment committee and Rev.
John H. Vincent D. D. of New
York, will be the principal speaker.
—By order of the Adjutant Gen-
eral of Pennsylvania, dated last
Saturday, Co. E, N. G. P. Cap-
tain Harry Simler, Philipsburg, Pa.,
is disbanded. The Capt. is ordered
to return all uniforms, arms and
equipment to Harrisburg and give!
his men proper discharges.
—Mr. Harry Brooks died at the
residence of Mr, Haupt, near Valen-
tine’s forge, on Wednesday morning
last. He was a single man and
very much of a gentleman. For a
time he was employed in the Valen-
tine stores here, but failing health
forced his retirement.
—The Rev. W. O. Wright, the
Presbyterian minister at Milesburg, | taken to Colyer where final services |
has received a call from the Philips-
burg and Morrisdale congregation,
which he has accepted conditionally.
—Last Friday evening Governor
Curtin’s residence was discovered to
be on fire. It was a room on the
second floor and before the inmates
discovered it a sofa, a mirror anda
picture had been ruined. How it
originated nobody seems to know.
—R. V. Shaffer, who keeps the
principal hotel in Howard, intends
to move to Mill Hall in the spring
to take charge of the brick hotel
there. Howard is going to lose an
excellent citizen by his removal.
—Last week the Watchman an-
nounced the death of two of the
children of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mec-
Clellan Hunter, of Tyrone. The
paper had scarcely gotten into the
mails when word came of the death
of their other two children, as well.
Four, their entire family of little
ones, gone in a week with that
dread scourge, diphtheria. God help
the afflicted ones to bear their grief,
for there is no earthly consolation
for such unutterable sorrow.
—It is rumored that Rev. King,
of Port Matilda, will take unto him-
self a queen about the 22nd of this
—Mr. J. N, Casanova, ex_chief
burgess of Philipsburg, left yester-
day for Havana, Cuba, to spend the
—Wheat is $1.05, corn .40,
.35, potatoes 50, eggs .25, ham
butter .25 and bacon .10.
—The wings of turkeys, geese and
chickens should never be thrown
away. Many people, especially in
the country, keep them to brush off
their stoves, but there is nothing
better to wash and clean. windows
with. Chamois or buckskin are
good, but wings are better and cost
nothing. Just try them. They get
into the corners better than any-
thing else and they are far better
than cloths because they leave no
lint on the glass.
——The Fauble Store is celebrat.
ing its 44th birthday with the
greatest sale in its history. The
savings are big, Don’t miss this
birthday party. 48-1t
® ain ohh EE
, HESSER.—Rev. Joseph M. Hesser,
rector of St. Mary's Catholic church
at Snow Shoe during the past three
years, died at the Mercy hospital,
Baltimore, at 7.30 u-ciock last Sat-
urday morning. Three weeks pre-
vious he had gone to the hospital
for treatment for a heart affection.
Last Friday he unexpectedly devel-
oped a severe attack of pneumonia
which resulted in heart collapse and
his death followed.
Father Hesser was a son of Mat-
thew and Caroline O'Malley Hesser
and was born in Altoona on August
10th, 1895, hence was 35 years, 3
"months and 19 days old, He attended
the Mt. Carmel parochial schools
where he obtained his elementary
education, going thence to Loretto
where he took his High school course
'in the St. Francis preparatory school;
studied in the college and after
graduating therefrom, took his theo-
logical course in the same institu-
| The young priest was ordained
into the Christian ministry at Mt.
| Aloysius academy on July 30, 1922.
He was first assigned as an assistant
rector at St. Mary's church, Hol-
lidaysburg; next he was assistant
iat Renovo; then he went to St.
Mark's, Altoona, as assistant and
then was, for a period, chaplain at
the Cresson sanitorium. Three
years ago he was placed in charge
of St. Mary's parish, at Snow Shoe.
This is a comparatively small parish
'and it required the hardest kind of
work on the part of Father Hesser
to make it self-supporting and the
unusual demands on his time and
' energy may have contributed to his
'preakdown in health. Through it
all he was ever cheerful and hopeful
| of better things to come.
{ His survivors include his mother,
who at times lived with him in
, Snow Shoe, three brothers and one
! sister, Charles M., Edward J. and
| Lawrence Hesser, and Mrs, Anna
Carroll, all of Altoona. The re-
| mains were taken to Altoona where
funeral mass was held in St. Mark's
church at 9.30 o'clock on Wednes-
day morning, burial being made in
Calvary cemetery.
|! Il
WEAVER.—Stricken with an at-
tack of acute indigestion Harry D.
Weaver, of Milesburg, died while
out on the Snow Shoe mountain on
a hunting trip, on Monday after-
,noon. He was with a party of
‘Milesburg hunters and had been
' placed on a watch - while a drive
was being made. When the drive
was over and the watchers called
in Mr. Weaver failed to respond.
Several members of the party went
to look for him and found him ly-
“ing face to the ground, dead. His
‘death occurred about 2.30 in the
1 He was a son of Mr. and Mrs.
| Andrew Weaver and was born at
_Siglerville, Mifflin county, 43 years
‘ago. As a.young man he learned
| telegraphy which he followed a num-
ber of years, then moved to Colyer.
Nine years ago he located at Miles-
, of their
Richard, all at home. The remains
were taken to the home of her par-
ents, at State College, where funeral
services were held on Tuesday after-
noon of last week, by Rev. Clarence
A. Adams, burial being made in the
Pine Grove cemetery. :
il i
JONES.—Mrs. Emma Loujse Jones,
widow of Dr. Joseph Jones, passed
away at her home on Howard street,
at 6:45 o'clock on Thanksgiving eve-
ning, following an illness of two
months with stomach trouble.
She was a daughter of Lawrence
and Mary Rastatter and was born
at Watsontown on June 15th, 1866,
hence was in her sixty.fourth year.
| ang a half story brick structure.
The Clifton theatre, the 16acing |
movie picture house in Huntingdon,
owned and operated by J. Linn
Blackford, formerly of Bellefonte,
was entirely destroyed by fire on
Sunday afternoon. The loss is esti-
mated at $100,000, mostly covered
py insurance. Two Huntingdon
firemen were injured while fighting
the fire,
The theatre building was a two
Several business firms occupied the
street level and all of these suf-
| fered considerable
As a young woman she married
Joseph Jones and the early years
married life were spent in
Watsontown, They moved from there
to Sunbury where they lived four
‘years and twenty-five years ago
, came to Bellefonte.
burg as an operator for the Pennsyl-
, vania railroad,
;at the Julian tower.
He leaves, how-
Mrs. Ray Decker,
of Colyer. He was a member of
the Evangelical church, the Odd
i Fellows and the encampment. Fu.
| of Boggs township who
| with no children.
‘ ever, one sister,
i home in Milesburg, at one o'clock
His last trick was
He married Miss Minnie Estright,
:neral services were held at his late
| yesterday afternoon, by Rev. M.C.
! Piper, after which the remains were
were held and interment made.
I! I
| MOORE.—Edward Stewart Moore,
i for many years a well known res-
jident of upper Pennsvalley, died,
last Friday, at the home of his
‘ daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Ripka,
| Boalsburg, where he and Mrs. Moore
i went several weeks ago.
'not been in good health for some
| time but the direct cause of his
| death was an attack of pneumonia.
| Matthew Moore and was born at
| Mooresville on April 9th, 1856, hence
{was in his 75th year. As a young
!man he engaged in farming and for
He had
| He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. '
| many ‘years occupied the John B.
, Mitchell
| Mills,
: Presbyterian church for more
farm, near Pine
men's Bible class.
In the the spring of 1893 he mar-
ried Miss Margaret Martz, who sur-
vives with three children, Mrs. Mary
Borest, Mrs. Lloyd Ripka and J. R.
{ Moore. He was the last of his
family generation.
Funeral services were held at
the Ripka home at 2.30 o‘clock on
Monday afternoon by Rev. J. Max
Kirkpatrick, burial being made at
Pine Grove Mills.
il I
WALLACE.—Mrs, Mabel Idella
died at her home at Huntingdon on
a week's illness. She was a daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H.
Taylor, of State College, but was
over 46 years ago. She
Mr. Wallace on Christmas day, 1902.
Ten years ago they moved to State
Mr. Wallace is superintendent of the
furniture shop in the Huntingdon re-
In addition to her husband she is
survived by ten children,
and Harris Wallace, both of State
College; Mabel, Myrtle, Nancy,
Majorie, Jack, Gene, Robert and
College where they lived five years |
then located in Huntingdon where
He was a member of the :
: than
j half a century and a member of the |
wife of H. A. Wallace, |
November 23rd, following less than
born at Grand Rapids, Mich., a little
Thomas |
Following the
death of her husband a number of
years ago Mrs. Jones not only car-
ed for and raised her own children
but was an ideal mother to a num- |
ber of other homeless children con-
signed to her care. She was a
member of St. John’s Episcopal
church and a woman always ready to
lend a helping hand in time of need.
She is survived by the following
children: Mrs. James McSuley, of
Pittsburgh; Lawrence Jones, of
Bellefonte; Mrs. Charles Workman,
of Mingoville; Albert, of Sparrows
Point, Md.; Miss Mildred, at home;
Miss Margaret, a trained nurse in
Pittsburgh; Mrs. Wiilliam Rimmey,
of State College, and Joseph, at
home. She also leaves two sisters
and one brother, Mrs. Margaret
Barnes, of Philadelphia; Mrs. John
Springer, of Watsontown, and Albert
O. Rastatter, of Renovo.
Funeral services were held at her
late home at 10 o'clock on Monday
morning, by Rev. Stephen F. Gast,
after which the remains were taken
to Watsontown for interment in the
family plot.
Ih I
ECKLEY —Miss Sarah A. Eckley,
an aged maiden lady of Benner
township, died at 3:30 o'clock last.
Friday morning, as the result of
general debility. She was a daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Eckley
and was past. 84 years of age.
Practically all her life was spent on
the homestead farm along the moun.
tain above Valley View, and she was
one of the best known and general-
ly liked woman in that locality. Her
only survivor is one brother, George
Eckley, also on the home farm. ing
on Monday morning, burial - being
made in the Meyers cemetery.
C. C. Shuey had charge of greatest sale in its history.
the funeral services which were held savings are big.
loss. Mr. and
Mrs. Blackford occupied apartments
over the theatre and when the fire
{was discovered, at 3.30 o'clock Sun-
day afternoon, the flames had made
such headway that moth had consid-
erable difficulty in getting out of
the building. As it was they in.
haled considerable smoke and had
to be treated by a physician. All
their apartment furnishings, wearing |
‘apparel, etc, were arso damaged by
fire and water.
Mr. Blackford
his theatre just as soon as he gets
an adjustment of his insurance, and
in doing so will make it as com-
pletely fireproof as possible,
ne rer——— ss manpm—
——The Fauble Store is celebrat-
ing its 44th birthday with the
greatest sale in its history, The
savings are big. Don’t miss this
birthday party. 48-1t
The weather, Thanksgiving day,
was about everything else but au-
spicious for football, and naturally |
lit had it’s effect on the attendance
crowds. Out at Pittsburgh Penn
State had it’s annual tilt with Pitt
and again met defeat, though the
score was not so one-sided as it has
been in some former years. Pitt
won 19 to 12.
Down at Lock Haven the Lock
Haven High defeated Bellefonte |
High 19 to 0. The Bellefonte boys
put up a good fight but the odds |
against them were too great to
overcome. The Bellefonte team
made a record this year. It went
through the entire season without
winning a game or scoring a single
point, while 320 points were scored
i against them.
——The Fauble Store is celebrat-
its 44th birthday with the
Don’t miss this
birthday party. 48-1t
——27x50 inch novelty Axmin-
——Don’t forget Saturday, Dec. 6, ster scatter rugs, a real value at
is the day Fauble’s 44th anniversary $2.90.—W. R. Brachbill’s- ‘Furniture
sale starts.
48-1t Store.
ny VOTE ay
“NEVER mind
where I've
+. been. Bill - -
Ra 5s : re
; 80 it costs move per gallon
. »
amy 25 alsa apps YT 2d
Arad i owt a mn gh WY
It does more - its worth more.
intends to rebuild
back a
the *
Three young men of Coleville,
{Harry and Foster McCullough and
. David Wagner, are in the Centre
| county jail in default of $1000 bail
| to answer to the charge of a series
{ of robberies. The men were arrest-
ed, on Tuesday, by sheriff Dunlap
and county detective Boden and at
a hearing before 'Squire Woodring,
{ Wednesday evening, they admitted
| to breaking into the home of Har-
iry A. Taylor, in Buffalo Run val-
{ley, on the night of October 15th
| and stealing eight hand-made wool-
! filled haps, some knives, a crosscut
{saw and the family bible, Later
| the McCulloughs broke into the
, Beezer slaughter house and stole
{ about $20 worth of ponhaus, liver-
; wurst and sausage.
| Seventy-five chickens from
{the Mack Shay hen, house, in
| Buffalo Run valley, 400 pounds of
i freshly killed pork from the smoke
house of John E. Reish and a
number of chickens from the pen of
| Henry Hoy, in Benner township,
were stolen recently, but the above
: men had no connection with these
' robberies, so far as the authorities
| can learn. The Hoy chickens were
deheaded right at the coop.
| On Wednesday night some one
| broke into the Schaeffer hardware
store, in Bellefonte, and rifled the
- till of about two dollars in change.
A broken window in the alley
| showed the means of entrance. The
| dob is believed to have been done by
| boys but so far no arrests have been
| made.
i Wednesday night a fattened hog
‘was taken from a pen in Milesburg
(and somewhere in the county two
' sheep and a calf were butchered in
(a field and were carried away. We
{have been unable to confirm these
latter two stories.
Upholstered seat radio benches,
X-mas special at $3.90.—W, R. Brach-
| bill's Furniture Store.
Miss Helen Farrer, of Howard
| street, manager of the Golden Rule
collection agency, was painfully in-
jured in a motor accident, on Mon-
day of last week, and had her car
damaged to the extent of several
| hundred dollars. She and her assist-
{ant, Mr. Stanley, were returning
| from a business trip to Pittsburgh,
| Coming down the mountain beyond
| Cresson their car skidded on the
lice and went over the embankment.
! Miss Farrer sustained a cracked rib
jand injured ankle while Mr. Stanley,
{who was driving the car, ‘escaped
| injuries. In addition to her injuries
{and badly damaged car Miss
| Farrer had her purse containing a
i small sum of money, stolen by some
| one in the crowd which gathered at
| the wreck.
Passenger service over the Nation-
al Air Transport line was inaugu-
rated this week. The first ship was
scheduled to go through on Monday
but the flight was cancelled because
of weather conditions. Flights both
east and west were made on Wed-
nesday, however, the west-bound
plane stopping at the Bellefonte
field, It carried ten passengers and
the pilot.
At the present time the service
will not include passengers to or
from Bellefonte. The present land-
ing field is owned by the govern-
ment and under the jurisdiction of
th Department of Commerce and it
is against the rules of the Depart.
ment to permit it to be commer-
cialized by a public corporation. If
the N. A. T. had a landing field
of its own the service could be ex-
tended here, but there is not much
likelihood of there being much de-
mand for it to and from Bellefonte,
—— Don’t forget Saturday, Dec.86,
is the day Fauble’s 44th anniversary
sale starts. 48-1t
ere enim aie
——Don’t forget Saturday, Dec. 6,
is the day Fauble’s 44th anniversary
sale starts. 48-1t
tte Att te ttn ca
Miss Amelia Earhart, well
known and popular aviatrix, was a
Bellefonte visitor for about an hour,
on Monday. Accompanied by George
Putnam, head of the book publish-
ing Louse of Putnam & Co, and
Miss Edna V. O'Brien, of New
York, she came here by airplane
from New York and had lunch at
the Penn Belle, leaving an hour
later for Cleveland. Metropolitan
news gatherers were of the opinion
that Miss Earhart and Mr. Putnam
were on the hunt of a quiet place
in which to get married, but the
nuptials were not performed in
Bellefonte if such were the case.
—————————— i ————————— :
——Last week the State Commis-
sion stocked Bald Eagle creek and
Penn’s creek with bass, catfish and
sunfish. Under anew plan the com-
mission plants the firsh with its own
personnel, instead of shipping them
to individual applicants.
rr —— pp srt se
——Thanksgiving is over and in
three weeks Christmas will be here.
——Charles Kenneth Jordan, of
State College, and Beulah Catherine
Shawley, of Bellefonte, were mar-
ried in Cumberland, Md., the latter
part of the week,
eel enemas:
——Don’'t forget tomorrow—the
Fauble Stores’ birthday. 48-1t
——Don’t forget tomorrow—the
Fauble Stores’ birthday. . = . 48-1t .
cthe AM 0Co
? PUMP fo stay! %.
“Haven't seen you for some time, Mr. Parks. Been out-of-town?"
It was an attendant in a service station in a Pennsylvania city
' : walking to a motorist.
bv Mr Parks smiled sheepishly. “Never mind where I've been, Bill But I'm back
at the Amoco pump to stay.”
As the artendant proceeded to fill his rank with Amoco-Gas, :
Parks volunteered more information. v
“I learned my lesson.” he continued. “I'd been reading a lot of ads and
hearing a lor of talk abour gas just as good as Amoco and how | could save-
money | bit
“It didn't seem like the same car bur 1 decided it might bc worth i af 1. 4
saved enough money Save money ? | didn’t get the mileage in the first place - :
and afres four thousand miles things got so bad | couldn't stand it. | took her- ?
into the shop and well, it cost me $32.50 to ger her back in shape ™
paid for ten gallons with a smile and started his motor.
“J can tell you it feels good to get Amoco back in her again. Boy. if I'd:
heard another knock I'd have gone crazy. No more for me, Bill. I'm back
wt here to stay.”
Bill smiled as he gave him his change. He’d heard the same
story many times before. Experience had taught him that the
most enthusiastic users of Amoco-Gas are those who have tried :
Afiliaced with Per Amebicen Semsboun 8 Tnspan Compr
General Offices: Amecican Building - Bahimese. 28d.
Listen. regular ga: users. try Orange American Gas. you'll Nhe is.