Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 28, 1930, Image 8

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    Pemorvaic; atc
Bellefonte, Pa, November 28, 1930.
_-— ——————
Written by Will Truckenmiller, of
Opportunity, Washington, in memory of
Mrs. Winifred Meek-Morris.
The Singer closed her weary eyes,
“Folded her hands upon her breast,
And loving watchers softly said:
“She is at rest.”
But the sweet songs that she had sung
Went traveling down the long, long
To comfort many a grieving one
And calm their fears.
To bring to trembling, cowering souls
A new-born courage, strong and high,
And bid them lift their downcast eyes
Toward the sky.
To bring sweet hope where was dispair,
To charm the racking pain away
To teach a love and faith and trust
. As clear as day.
——A special meeting of Pomona
Grange, No, 13, will be held in the
hall of Victor Grange, at Boalsburg,
on Tuesday evening, December 2nd,
for the purpose of conferring the
fifth degree.
. ——Grove Benner, a plumber in
the employ of Caldwell & Son, and
Miss Bertha Flynn, a clerk in the
A. & P. store on Allegheny street,
were married, at Lock Haven, Tues-
day evening of this week.
——The Ralph Haag’s have mov-
ed into the double house, which
they recently purchased on south
Penn street; the Justice family
who vacated it took the other side
of the house. Mr. Haag is mak-
ing quite extensive improvements
by way of enlarging his new prop-
— The bit of snow on the high-
ways yesterday was just enough to
make it. dangerous for the speed
demons driving to foot_ball games.
In order to leave our employees off
for the afternoon this edition ‘went
to press at 9 o'clock yesterday
morning, so we can publish no rec-
ord of what happened after that.
. ——Alexander Morrison, overseer
of the poor and caretaker at the
Union cemetery, is. seriously ill with
‘pneumonia, at his home in the
cemetery house. Several weeks ago
he was thrown from a truck and
‘sustained several fractured ribs and
was recovering nicely from his in-
juries when he contracted pneu-
————The State Game Commission
has about demonstrated that
rabbit scarcity is not due to ring-
neck pheasants... Because some
woodsmen had claimed that the
ringnecks were eating baby rabbits
the Commission placed wild. rabbits
in enclosures with the birds. The
rabbits bred and raised their young
‘——The necessary new members
have been chosen for the Penn State
Glee Club to bring that organization
-up to seventy members. Three Cen-
-tre county young men are among
“those selected. John N, Garber, of
State College, is bass inthe quartet;
Peter N. Fletcher, of State College,
is a second temor and William V.
Godshall, of Centre Hall, is a bari-
i — Yesterday morning dawned as
almost an ideal Thanksgiving day.
At 7:30 the thermometer registered
20 degrees, there was a skim of
‘snow over everything and oc-
‘casional gusts of wind sentit scur.
.rying into eddies and whirls. It was
not the kind of a day, however, that
any but flaming youth would want
to spend sitting on an open stand
at a football game.
.——Last February John Snyder,
of Buffalo Run valley, was sent to
the Allegheny county work house
“for violation of: the liquor laws. Re-
‘cently Mrs. Snyder appealed to the
poor overseers of Patton township
"for financial assistance which was
‘refused. She then had them ar.
rested and at a hearing before
- Squire S, Kline Woodring, on Tues-
‘day, the overseers agreed to give
her the aid needed.
. -—The marriage of R. Fred Herr,
son of prothonotary and Mrs. S.
‘Claude Herr, of Bellefonte, and Miss
Alice Williams, of Pittsburgh, will
be celebrated some aay next week
“in Pittsburgh, though the exact date
is not known. The bridegroom to
be is a graduate of the Wharton school
of business, University of Pennsyl-
vania, and since his graduation has
been in the employ of the
Heinz Co,, Pittsburgh, where he has
a splendid position.
——The American Legion Post of
Altoona is sponsoring a movement
for the relief of the families of the
unemployed in that city. To this
end it has arranged a post-season
foot ball game between the Hunt-
ingdon and Altoona High school
teams, which ‘will be played in Al
toona on Saturday, Dec 6. The
Huntingdon team has been unbeat-
en for two seasons and Altoona won
.the western conference champion-
ship last year, so an exciting con-
test is to be expected. The gross
receipts of the game will go to the
designated charity. General admis-
sion will be a dollar, reserve seats
fifty cents extra.
vide a bulging chest for
Hef of the distressed.
Interesting Reports Presented by
County Agent R. C. Blaney and |
That the farmers of Centre coun:
ty have reached that point where,
they rely upon the help that canbe
given them by the county agent was
evidenced by the good attendance at
the annual meeting of the Agricul-
tural Extension Association, held in
the court house on Saturday. Over
250 farm people were present, which
included 65 4H club-members.
The president, C, E. Peters, of
Stormstown, called the meeting to
order at 10 a. m. in the main court
room. The morning session included
the financial report and general
business. The main features of the
morning session were reports given
by county agent, R. C. Blaney, and
home economics agent, Miss Jean
Alexon. These reports brought out
the importance of agricultural ex-
tension work and the way it fits in-
to the general scheme of agricul-
ture in Centre county, Approxi.
mately 3000 farm contacts had been
made in the agricultural work and
800 in home economic work. Home
economics work is conducted on a
half time basis, asthe home econom-
ics worker also works in Hunting-
don county.
The main projects in agricultural
work included dairy improvement
work, poultry, general livestock,
home beautification, agricultural. en-
gineering, agricultural economics and
work with various community or-
ganizations, = In addition there were
a large number of miscellaneous in-
quiries reported as having been tak-
en care of by the county agent.
Mr. Blaney also reported that the
work has been developed during its
existence in the past 15 years, and
that an organized program is being
planned and developed in all parts
of Centre county, which includes 11
different communities, or geographic
centers, through which the work is
conducted. 158 meetings with an
attendance of 20,856 were conducted
in agricultural . work. At these
meetings demonstrations were given
showing the improved agricultural
practices. Talks were given at]
which various agricultural subjects |
were discussed and recommendations '
made that those present could take.
home and apply in their own farm
operations. It was pointed out that
the purpose of agricultural exten-.
sion work is to make available for.
anyone in Centre county the latest
developments and improved prac.
tices in agriculture.
The main projects conducted dur-
ing the past year in home economics
work, according to Miss Alexon, have ,
been demonstrations in foods work,
clothing, home furnishing and home
management. ry
During the past year approxi-,
mately 200 boys and girls have been
members of various 4H clubs in
Centre county, some of which are as!
follows: Sewing clubs, lamb feeding
clubs, poultry clubs, potato clubs,
calf clubs and garden clubs. |
Prof. H. G. Nissley, assistant di:
rector of extension work at State
College, gave a very interesting talk
on the changes taking place -in
agriculture, pointing out the way in
which these changes affect our every
day life and emphasized the import-
ance of farm people keeping in
touch and up to date with these’
changes in order that they will be
able .to meet the present day com-
The afternoon session was de.
voted to boys and girls 4H club.
work. A play, “The Nutrition Wed-
ding,” was presented by a group of
girls from Pine Hall. This play’
was very entertaining and instruc-
tive. The following club members
told about their club activities dur-
ing the past year: Fred Luse, Cen-
tre Hall, lamb feeding club; Fred!
stated that the lamb club has been
in operation for five years. The
first four years the club has re-,
turned in sales of lambs and prize!
money to the owners $3077.00. In,
addition to the honors won at the.
State Farm Products Show, at Har- |
risburg, which included one grand'
champion pen and two reserve
champion pens, there was a number
of first places in various classes.
Gladys Rockey, of Boalsburg, gave
a very interesting talk on her two
years as a poultry club member.
Gladys has lost one chick in two
“described the various activities
, the club, pointing out some of the
As 10,000 people
are expected the game should pro- |
the re- |
years. She stated there were 39
members in the club this year who
had at the roundup an average
pullet flock of 19 birds, each mem-
ber having received 50 chicks at the
beginning of the year.
William Everhart, State College,
discussed the potato club, of which
he was a member this year. He
things they have learned about grow-
ing potatoes. He explained the sys-
tem of organizing the club, the round-
up, and expressed his belief that it
was a worth-while project in spite
of the bad drought conditions this
| Summer.
James Biddle, of Bellefonte, dis-
cussed the calf club project, of
, which he has been a member for
two years. He gave a detailed
: description of how the club was or-
ganized, explained the various round-
ups that they had and told about a
method of securing records on their
heifers, which have been in produc-
tion during the past year.
Kathryn Strouse, of State College,
gave a very interesting talk on the
Igirl’s club work. Kathryn has been
a member of the girl’s 4H club for
several years and told what she had
learned and the inspiration she had
received through her club activities,
explaining that these opportunities
are open to any girl in Centre
county, and anyone having an
portunity to joina 4H club should do
so, if at all possible.
Prof. Allen Baker, State 4H club
leader, gave a very interesting talk
on “What club work means and is
doing to boys and girls, not only in
Centre county and Pennsylavnia but
all over: the Unitéd States.” He
emphasized the fact that 4H club
work has been the means of many
boys and girls determining their
vocations, He also explained that
it gives the boy or girl a financial
interest and an opportunity to learn
the possibilities of agriculture before
he reaches the age where he decides
whether he will continue on the
farm or go into industry.
Prof. W. R. Gordon, who is in
charge of rural sociology extension
work in Pennsylvania, discussed
“Leadership.” He explained that
leadership is a big factor in our agri-
cultural communities and many 4H
club members are developing .into
some of our outstanding leaders.
He pointed out the fact that agri-
culture is going through a decided
change. These changes effect the,
every day life and living conditions |
of all. With transportation devel-
‘oped as it is, and with possibilities |
of conveniences in the rural homes, !
op- in
Jack Wilkinson, twelve year old
son of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Wilkinson, '
of north Spring street, was shot
the left shoulder, Saturday
afternoon, by Reuben Spangler
fourteen year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Reuben Spangler, of the ‘same
street, while the lads were mem-!
bers of a gang of boys playing cow- |
boys and Indians in the street
The bullet, fired from a .32 caliber
‘revolver, : entered the flesh of the .
front part of the shoulder near the !
neck and passing just beneath the
skin came out at the point of the
shoulder without breaking a bone
or touching a vital spot.
Standing in the hollow between
west Curtin and Beaver street isan
old shack where the boys of that
neighborhood have been in the habit
of congregating during their play
hours. Saturday afternoon half a
dozen or more of them were there
playing cowboys and Indians. Most
of them had toy pistols but the:
Spangler boy. He went home an
“surreptitiously took his brother's .32
‘caliber revolver
in which he
serted one cartridge. When he
, turned to the shack the boys were
arguing on who could draw the
quickest and shoot the fastest.
Spangler contended he could and
drew the revolver and fired, the
bullet hitting Wilkinson. |
The latter started to run home
A ———
—Miss Eleanor Sheffer spent her
Thanksgiving with friénds in Bradford.
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruse Jr., have
been spending the week with Mrs. Cruse’s
parents, at her former home in Akron,
—All the Reynolds Shope children, save
two, were home for the family dinner
given yesterday at the Shope home on
south Thomas street.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Sommerville drove
to Milton to be Thanksgiving day guests
of Mrs. Sommerville’s sister, Miss Davis,
at the Davis family home in that place.
—Charles Strouse, of College township,
was in Bellefonte, on Saturday, on busi-
ness pertaining to the settlement of the
estate of his aunt, Mrs. Maria Struble.
—Miss Mabel Allison was over from
‘Spring Mills, yesterday, for the Humes-
Allison family dinner party given by
Miss Myra Humes, at her home on Al-
legheny street.
—Mrs. Charles Cruse
sister, Mrs. Maitland,
expecting to be there for an
time while undergoing treatment
sciatic rheumatism.
—Mrs. R. G. H Hayes is arranging to
g0 to New York in December for her
annual winter visit, expecting to be a
guest, during her stay, of her son and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes.
—The H. Laird Curtin family are
making final arrangements for coming
up from Curtin to spend the winter in
Bellefonte, expecting to occupy the James
H. Potter house, as they did last year.
—Dr. Lee B. Woodcock and his cousin
Byron, of Scranton, and the Rev. J. R.
Woodcock, of Syracuse, were all Thanks-
is. with her
in Williamsport,
At the regular meeting of the
Woman's club, last Monday evening,
Mrs. Heineman presided as tempor-
ary chairman. Mrs. Ebon Bower
reported on the Centre county con-
ference, which met at Howard on
the 8th of this month. Mrs. Beach
spoke of the seriousness of the
world-wide unemployment situation,
The president, Miss Hill, brought
before the meeting the subject of
the entertainment to be given by
the club on the 29th of January, at
the Presbyterian chapel, at which
Miss Bewley will give a talk and
a representation of the life of the
“Poor Whites” in Kentucky.
The business of the evening was
followed by a talk on Mexico, with
lantern slides, by Miss Ellen Starr
Brinton, of Philadelphia, who is the
field secretary of the Women’s In-
ternational League for Peace and
Freedom. Miss Brinton spent a
month in Mexico last summer with
a group of representatives from her
organization together with others
from the committee of cultural rela.
tions with Latin America.
The former organization had ar-
ranged a Pan-American Congress
and the latter a number of seminars
in the interest of peace. At the
end of her talk Miss Brinton spoke
of what many other countries we're
, doing for world peace and world
‘ At the home of Mrs. Beach, on
the barrier between town and coun- ‘but when he reached the E. C.
try has been broken down and in- [Musser residence he collapsed on the
giving day dinner guests of Mrs.
A. Woodcock, at her home on Allegheny Saturday, Miss Brinton organized a
'stay in town the courtesies of the
her. home on Bishop street.
stead of having the rural communities ;
as they were many years ago we |
are all one big community, and
social and economic life demand
outstanding leaders. These features |
all help to make living in the rural |
communities much more desirable,
In addition tothe talks club mem-
bers sang a number of 4H club |
songs during the afternoon session. |
The Extensiop Association elected .
the following officers for the year
1931: C. E. Peters, Stormstown,
president; N. I. Wilson, Warriors
Mark, vice president; A. D Smeltzer,
Pleasant Gap, secretary; W. C.
Smeltzer, Bellefonte, treasurer.
The Temple College Freshmen, of
Philadelphia, proved a little too
strong for the Bellefonte Academy
football team, in their game = on
Hughes field, Saturday, and came
out of the struggle victorious by a
score of 13 to 0. At that it was
a game worth watching, ' Both
teams were in the pink of condition
and put up a fine game. Temple's
first score was made in the sec-
ond period when quarterback John-
son threw a long forward pass to
Zukus who pulled the ball out of
the air and by splendid interference
ran forty-five yards for a touch-
down. Johnson missed the try for
goal. ;
The second score was made in
the fourth period when Temple had
worked its way down to within ten
yards of the Academy goal. It was
fourth down and Johnson again
threw a pass which was captured
by Pilconis who sprinted over the
line for the second touchdown.
Johnson kicked the goal. During
the remainder of the game Temple
was content to play on the defen-
sive only.
It might here be stated that a
more gentlemanly crowd than the
Temple delegation of 26 men never
visited Bellefonte. During their
Richelieu theatre were extended to
them by manager Kenneth Wall, an
act that was much appreciated by"
the visiting gridiron warriors. As
they entered the theatre each one !
was personally introduced to Mr. !
Wall by headmaster James R.
The Academy’s last game for the
season will be with Wyoming Acad-
emy, at Scranton, on Saturday,
December 6th.
The heart of Sunbury’s business
district was thrown into great ex-
citement Monday afternoon when a
doe deer tried to gain entrance to
the City hotel, dodged in and out
of traffic, crashed into the Sunbury
Water Company's office building,
jumped over the heads of school
children and then got away.
Appearing from the north end
of the city, a mile away, the doe
dashed down 4th street, jumped over
the hood of a motorcar, passed
ahead of another and ran up the
steps to the main entrance of the
five-story City hotel. :
Unable to get in, it dodged - back
into the street, ran in and out
among the traffic and pedestrians
and bumped head-on against the
Water Company's office door, wo
At the Frying stationery store it
saw its image in a window and at- |
tacked it, but did not break the
glass. Taking the sidewalk for |
a runway the deer continued east
for eight blocks. At one place it |
encountered a group of school chil- |
dren and jumped over their heads
and got away. ! :
——A benefit party for one of the |
women’s organizations of St. John’s |
Catholic church will be given Tues- |
day evening by Mrs. Fred Vogt, .at |
In ad-
dition to the cards, there will be a |
sale of candy and cakes. Everyone |
is invited.
: granted at the
lon Snow Shoe mountain in 1928.
porch. A physician was hastily
summoned and examined the boy |
and finding that no vital part had
been hit, dressed the wound and
took him home. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Wilkinson were in Philipsburg
at the time and later were apprised
of the shooting but assured that
there was no cause for alarm, So
far as known no action will be
taken against the Spangler hoy.
About 8 o'clock, on Monday eve-
ning, Bellefonte firemen received a
call from Pleasant Gap for assist- |
ance ata fire. The Logans respond-
ed and found the fire in the attic of
a house on the Horntown road,
owned by John O, Confer and oc-
cupied by Irvin Dann and family.
The Pleasant Gap fire company,
however, had the fire about out and
the Logan boys returned home.
Fire marshall John J. Bower sug-
gested to Pleasant Gap firemen that
they examine the attic thoroughly
to see that no lingering sparks
were left and also place a watch on
the house for the night.
About 10.30 o'clock the firemen
again received a call from the same
place and responding found the house
enveloped in flames and beyond sav-
ing. When the first fire was be-
street. | county committee of the Woman’s
—Anne Dale, daughter of Dr. and International League for Peace and
Mrs. David Dale, and Caroline Curtin, Freedom, with Mrs. Beach as chair-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Curtin,
both students at the Chase school in
Washington. are home for their Thanks-
giving vacation.
—M. A. Landsy, proprietor of the
Brockerhoff and Markland hotels in this
place, will spend today and tomorrow in
Philipsburg. A convention of the hotel
men of the Central Pennsylvania district
is in session there.
—Mrs. J. Will Conley and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. William B. Wallis, will go to
New York this week, to take posses-
sion of the apartment they have leased
in Greenwich Village, expecting to be
there for the winter.
—Mrs. George VanTries, who had been
with her sister, Mrs. Woodring, in Ty-
rone, since coming in from Pitsburgh
with Mr. VanTries’ body two weeks
ago, spent a day in Bellefonte,
week, before returning home.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. Murray Andrews
left, Tuesday, for Montreal, from where
Mr. Andrews sailed for England, ex-
pecting to be there for the winter. Mrs.
Andrews will occupy their home in
Bellefonte during his absence.
—Miss Caroline Valentine, who closed
her home two weeks ago and went to
Philadelphia to stay until deciding as to |
| where she will spend the winter, with : TWO CAMPAIGN ACCOUNTS
“in all probability return to Corsica, Italy, |
' where she and her sister spent several |
—Mrs. William Armstrong Kirby and
her son, William Jr., drove up from
last |
i -
| —— i eee 3
The offiical vote cast for Con-
gress in the 23rd Congressional dis-
trict, composed of the counties of
Centre, Clearfield, Cameron and Mec-
Kean, shows that Congressman J,
Mitchell Chase was elected over
Maxwell J. Moore, his Democratic
opponent, by a majority of 16962
votes. The official returns by coun-
| ties are as follows:
Chase Moore
McKean 7019 2658
Centre ...... 7866 4138
Clearfield 12833 4915
Cameron 1198 243
; Total 28916 11954
| The vote for State Senator in the
34th Senatorial district, composed
, of the counties of Centre and Clear-
field, was as follows:
i Scott Gingery Keiser
entre... 7356 3955 1975
| Clearfield ................ 9671 969 4846
| Total 17026 4924 6822
| Up to the present time only two
campaign accounts have been filed
in the prothonotary’s office. One is
lieved extinguished Mr. Confer hired Baltimore, a week ago, and were guests : that of Hon. John Laird Holmes,
two men to watch the house dur-
ing the night. They had made one
or two trips around without discov. |
ering any sign of fire and had gone |
into the kitchen out of the cold.’
They had not been there long when
a man rushed in and told them |
the roof was on fire. A smoldering
until Monday of Mrs. Kirby's mother
and sister, Mrs. Hammon Sechler and
Miss Anna, at the Sechler home on east
Linn street.
—Herbert H. Stover,
of Centre county,
former auditor
with his son John,
was in Bellefonte on business last Fri- |
day and made a pleasant little call at
the Watchman. Herb. lives down at
who spent $594.49 to get elected to
his fourth term in the Legislature
from Centre county.
The other account is that of Rob-
ert C. Thompson, treasurer of the
i Republican county committee, His ac-
count shows receipts totaling $2322.-
52, and expenditures amounting to
ember which had been overlooked Smullton, where he is engaged in both $1554.52, leaving a balance of $767.98.
caused the second fire which had
such a start, when discovered, that |
the house could not be saved. Con-
fer’s loss is estimated at about
$5,000, with $2,500 insurance. As
practically all the furniture was re-
moved from the house at the time '
of the first conflagration Dann’s loss
is only nominal,
The Philadelphia Record, which
has been making a fight for the re.
peal or modification of the antiquated
Blue Laws, is making a poll of the
members of the State Senate and
House of Representatives as to how
they stand on the question. From
the replies received to date about
two to one favor either repeal or
modification. Representative John
Laird Holmes, of Centre county, un-
equivocally states that he is oppos-
ed to repeal. He says:
“I am opposed to the repeal of
the Blue Laws or any change per-
mitting a local community through
its governing board to permit sports,
Etc. In theory this may be fine, in
practice very bad. Sunday sports
and amusements do not mean en-,
joyment of Sunday, but the break- |
down of morals in the community.”
In the case of the Raskab Bros.
vs. The Northern Insurance com-
pany, of New York, an action in
trespass to collect damages for a
fire, a compulséry non-suit was
request of the de-
fendant’s attorneys. :
Two cases in trespass, namely:
D. H. Yonkers and: Ruth Yonkers
vs. O. J, Harm, and Francis Harold
Yonkers, by his father and next
friend, D. H. Yonkers, vs, O. J.
Harm, were tried together. They
were actions to recover damages
sustained in an automobile accident
After some of the evidence was sub-
mitted an agreement of settlement
was made in which a verdict of
$500. for the plaintiff was given in
the first case and a verdict for the
defendant in the second.
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
the printing and coal business.
—The Fred 'Topelts have been here
from Brooklyn spending Thanksgiving
with Mrs. R. S. Brouse. Mrs. Topelt
had been up in New York State, attend-
ing a meeting of the Eastern Star, com-
ing from there to Bellefonte, while Mr.
Topelt joined her here yesterday morn- |
—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shallcross en-
tertained with a treasure hunt last week,
their thirty-five guests being mostly
members of the office force of the Amer-
ican Lime and Stone Co. The prizes
were placed in and about the town with-
in a radius of six miles. The hunt was
followed by a buffet supper.
—Mrs. Ethel Wetzel McCoy and her
small daughter are here from Ambridge
with Mrs. McCoy's mother, Mrs. Oscar
Wetzel, having come in last week that
Mrs. McCoy might resume her work at
the First National bank for several
months. Mrs. McCoy was an employee
of the bank until her marriage several
years ago.
—Miss Katherine Hoover is planning
to leave for the Pacific coast early in the
year, after spending the summer with
relatives in Bellefonte and elsewhere in
Pennsylvania. Miss Hoover is a native
of Belleofnte and was one of its women
until leaving some years ago to make
her home in San Diego. Her trip east
was made by bus and according to pres-
ent arrangements the return trip will be
made in the same way, though over a
different route.
—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoag’s Thanks-
giving day dinner guests included Mr.
and Mrs. R. G. Torrens, Mr. Torrens’
mother, Mrs. N. J. Torrens and Miss
Elizabeth Hoag, who drove here from
Rochester for the day. Harold Hoag
was unable to join the family owing
to his having left Bellefonte last Sun-
day for his new work at Emporium,
where he was tranferred to the survey-
ing corps of the State highway, after
completion of the work at Loganton,
where he recently was employed.
——Charles Oscar. Miller, of Belle-
fonte, on Tuesday charged Benja-
min Fry with stealing his gun. Fry
admitted that he took the gun and
gave it to Jeff Tearney, who was to
‘sell it and give him half the money.
Jeff denied any part in the transac-
the arrest of Fry for larceny and
Tearney for receiving stolen goods.
The commissioners’ sales of
seated lands for unpaid taxes were
held in the court house on Tuesday.
Chief of police Dukeman, |
swore out a warrant for |
| Among the big contributors to the
, Republican fund were the State
committee, Congressman Chase and
! Senator Harry B. Scott, each $500;
| Representative Holmes $350, and J.
iL. Knisely $100. The big payments
(were $915 to the male members of
the county committee and $275 to
the female members.
With a record of 24 years
and one day's service W. Scott
Meese will go on the retired list as
a rural mail carrier out of the
Bellefonte postoffice, effective No-
vember 30th, having - reached the
retirement age of 65 year. All
of his service was not in Bellefonte
as he worked at State College nine
years before coming to Bellefonte
fifteen years ago. During his al.
most a quarter of a century of
service Mr. Meese stuck to the
horse and buggy as his means of
transporting the mails, the only
carrier in Bellefonte who has done
so. During his twenty-four years
he has traveled almost 200,000 miles,
or almost eight times around the
world, and has used in his work
six horses . He has always been one
of the most faithful carriers in the
service. His retirement makes the
fifth within two years, the others
being John C. Bair, E. E, Ardery,
John F. Garthoff and William
——Edward J. Cunningham suffer-
eda stroke of paralysis at his home
on south Water street, this place,
on Tuesday morning. His entire
left side is affected. Mr. Cunning-
ham has not been in good health
for a year or more, In fact his
condition has been such that he was
forced to give up his work as a
moulder at the Sutton Engineering
Co.'s plant some time ago.
——The office of the Singer Sew-
| ing Machine Co., Earl L. McCloskey,
(agent, will be moved from No, 120
| Bishop St., to High St., next door
| to the Cooney Hat Shop. 27.8t.
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
| Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
WNROL i rrr is eas .80
| Corn 90
| Oats 40
Rye 60
BATIOY .occmiscrmmrmmmimisemsesmmy 1 5
Buckwheat —— 90