Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 28, 1930, Image 6

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    Demorralic Wacom,
Bellefont2, Pa., November 28, 1930.
Your Health
—I have nothing against any
brand of climate except ours.
An insurance man got me all het
up recently by offering some sick
insurance that is noncancelable.
Whadayamean, I naturally wanted
to know. Well, it turned out that
the sick insurance I carried might
be canceled at the end of the year
if the company should decide to
Dr. R. L. Capers
Osteopathic Physician
Special Non-Surgical Method
of Treating Rectal Diseases
Bloodless and Painless
Hours 9-12 a. m.
Monday and Wednesday 1-5 p. m.
Friday 7-9 p. m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7-9 p. m.
Phone 128-J
leave me in the lurch. So I had
to summon Henry and hear his de-
fense. Sure, Henry told me, we can
decline to renew your policy when-
ever we decide that you are a bad
risk; but well sell you one con-
taining a clause which makes it
non-cancelable, if you wish to pay
an additional premium to cover that
additional risk. Then being a friend
¢s well as an insurance man Henry
explained, Suppose you would like
to spend each winter in some nice
balmy climate, like—here insert
name of your favorite winter re-
The Variety Shop
Over a Third of a Century
at Same Location
Merchandise and Prices
sort—why, then it would pay you
to have a non-cancelable sick in-
surance policy, for all you need is
a doctor who will certify that you're
badly run down and simply must
go fishing down there for several
weeks in the winter time, ete.
Pretty soft, if you are fond of
wintering in the South and have the
right kind of doctor to indorse your
This changing climate is largely
that sort of thing. The patient, not
the doctor, proposes the change, if
indeed a doctor is consulted at all.
C.Y. Wagner & Co., Inc.
Manufacturers of
Flour, Corn Meal ana Feed
And Dealers in
All Kinds of Grain
Bell Phone 22
In cases where the wiseacre yet BELLEFONTE, ®a
misguided invalid sincerely seeks |
benefit to his health and “tries”
such a change without the advice
of a physician, the result is dlmost
always disappointment and some-
times disaster. TRY OUR
Twenty-five years ago a medical
teacher in the wards of a hospital
asked one of the students: “Why do
we advise change of climate in a
case of asthma?” The student an-
swered: ‘Because you can't do any-
thing for him and hate to have him
hanging around.” A very good an-
swer for 25 years ago. Today a
better answer would be that we ship
the patient off somewhere because
we are not up on this skin testing
State College
Cottage Cheese
and Cream Cheese, Butter, Whip-
ping Cream and Certified Milk—
Harry E. Clevenstine
for allergy and we are too narrow
and seliish to refer the patient toa
doctor who is prepared to deter-
mine what foreign substance is ac-
countable for the asthma. If the
doctor finds that out, then the pa-
tient may be able to avoid contact
with the foreign substance and so
escape further ‘attacks; or the pa-
tient may be immunized against the
substance if it is impossible to avoid
contact with it.
-. True, some sufferers from chronic
respiratory disease, chronic arthritis,
chronic nephritis, and one thing or
another, find a reasonable degree of
comfort in wintering in a soft cli-
When Winter Comes you will Need Your
Let Us Repair or Remodel It—
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Harry Greenberg
Spring and High Streets
Bellefonte, Pa.
Phone 558-J
mate, where they venture out of
doors nearly every day, Those of
us who have to do our wintering
right here at home need not feel too
envious of these flitting folk. If one |
can overcome the cold and damp-
ness phobia, all the benefits of open
air life, except perhaps in degree,
are available here in our dreadful
home climate, wherever it may be.
Of course there's a greater quan. |
tity of ultraviolet rays in the south-
ern sun in the winter time. But if |
that’s the invalid’s need, it is sim- |
ple enough to install a window or
two of material which admits the |
ultraviolet rays of sunlight, and
bask in it naked for a while every
You Need No Longer be Told
You Have an Expensive Foot
Shoes for Women
$5.00 and $6.00
Mingle’s Shoe Store
sunny day, in indoor comfort.
Speaking of asthma, ultraviolet
light is always helpful, whether the
Interesting Results Might Be Ob-
tained by Making Certain
Do All the Things for the People of
Their Community That the
Catalogue Concerns WIII
Not Do.
| (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.)
{ It has been said that three-fourths
| or nine-tenths, or some such big pro-
| portion—the exact figures do not mat-
| ter—of the business of the world is
i done on credit. If this was not true
| there wouldn't be much business done
i for no currency system could be de-
vised that would furnish enough money
| to meet the needs of commerce if ev-
| ery article sold had to be paid for in
. actual cash. The amount of money in
circulation in the United States is only
$47 per capita and this would not go
. very far if everyone had to keep
! enough cash on hand to pay for all
that he might buy. :
| The greatest of financiers need crea-
it. They keep their resources employ-
| ed and at times are in need of ready
; cash. The same thing is true at times
i of men of smaller means. The credit
system, as it is used sometimes, espe-
cially in the smaller communities, is
abused and works a serious hardship
upon the business men of the town.
Some merchants, to avoid the loss that
results from such abuse of the system
, or possibly to enable them to sell
goods at a lower price than their com-
| petitors, operate strictly on a cash -ba-
isis, but the great majority of mer-
| chants in every communtty give those
' customers who are responsible ‘and
honest the privilege of a charge ac-
count and the chances are that some
sort of a credit system, properly safe-
guarded, will always continue to be a
feature of legitimate trade. 5
Ask Catalogue House for Credit.
You who have a reputation in your
community for being at least fairly re-
sponsible and upright know that when
you desire it or need it you can obtain
credit from at least some of the mer-
chants in your town. But some time
when you are in need of some article
of merchandise and are a little short
of ready money, order what you want
from a mail order house in Chicago or
some other city and ask them to please
charge it till the first of the month.
The Key to Better Business
The experiment will be Interesting, at
least, and the answer that you receive
may cause you to give a little thought
to the difference between trading with
the ‘mail order house in some far-off
city and buying from the merchants in
your own home town.
Some mail order concerns are now
operating a so-called credit system, but
it is not a credit system such as is
maintained by most retail merchants.
These mail order houses will sell cer-
tain merchandise on the installment
plan, but they not only demand an
initial cash payment, but require the
purchaser to sign a contract which
operates as a mortgage not only on the
merchandise purchased, but upon any
other property that the customer may
possess. There is nothing in this
system that bears any similarity to the
open credit system that is used by
the majority of retail merchants.
There are some other requests youn
might make of the mail order man
when the occasion arises and the re-
sponses might be equally interesting.
For instance, you, Mrs. Farmer, who
bought that box of groceries from the
catalogue house last month, might
write the manager and ask him to buy
your butter and eggs. Of course, it
would be considerable more trouble to
pack them for shipment to the city
than it is to take them in to your lo-
cal grocer, who is always ready to
pay you the market price for thom, but
then maybe the mail order man would
pay you enough more than the markef
price to pay you for the extra trouble.
And then again, maybe he wouldn't.
And, then, there is that mowing
machine that you, Mr. Farmer, have
been figuring on trading in for a new
machine. Suppose you write to the
mail order man from whom you bought
that wire fencing and ask him what
he will allow you for your old machine
on a trade for a new one. Of course,
the local hardware dealer in the town
where you find a market for your farm
products will allow you a fair price
for your old machine, but what's the
use of asking him to do it. The mail
‘order man surely will be glad to do
that much for you, will he not? Yes,
he will not.
. List Is Endless,
There are a good many things the
mail order man will not do for you.
The list would be too long to crowd
into one issue of a newspaper. He
will not give you credit, however
much you may need it. He will not
buy the farmer's produce. He will not
pay a dollar of taxes to help support
your schools or build your roads. He
will not contribute a cent to the sup-
port of your churches or your charita-
ble institutions. He will not lend you
a helping hand in time of trouble.
The local merchants in a community
will do everything for the people in
that community that the mail order
man will not do for them. This fact
should make it easy for the people of
the community to decide which it is
to their interest to do business with.
3 2
doctor is bestirring himself to de-
termine the cause or not.
© —Your good looks depend to a
large extent upon the appearance
and condition of your skin. A per-
fect complexion is of more import-
ance than perfect features. Every-
one admires a beautiful skin.
~ Absolute cleanliness of the skin
is the first consideration. Your
complexion cannot be kept clean
by merely dabbing a little water
upon it. Plenty of soap of a fine
We Recommend
and Sell “Larro”
“More Profit Over
Feed Cost”
Mayer Bros.
Phone 334
Bellefonte. Pa.
Land O’ Lakes
Sweet Cream Butter
(It’s Government Certified)
Hoag’s Dairy Store
Corner High and Spring Streets
Phone 629
City Cash Grocery
Allegheny Street
Bellefonte, Pa.
If you want, satisfactory printing at, reasonable prices |
the Watchman Office will be glad to do it. for you.
Goodbye Dirty Coal Dust!
You can say this only when you use
Genuine Dustless Coal scientifically
treated to eliminate coal dust. Our
Cambria Smokeless and Dustless Coal
saves cleaning, sweeping and dust-
ing. See us before buying.
Successor to Thomas Coal Yard
Free Wheeling
A transmission which permits the
engine to pull the car, but prevents
the car pulling the engine,
North Water Street
(ity Coal Yard
Wholesale and Retail
Anthracite and Bituminous
++.COAL ose
Hay and Grain
Bellefonte, Pa.
Special Notice
If you are one of our customers you know all
about our High Grade Meats. If you are not
—come in and see the difference.
We handle nothing but Government in-
spected meats, which assues ycu getting
meat from healthy cattle.
Prompt Delivery
Phone 3845
Armstrong’s Market
Always the Best.
Fruits, Vegetables
Candy and Tobaccos
Phone 28
We Deliver
Lumber Steel
...At the Big Spring...
Building Supplies
W. R. Brachbill
Established 1841
Furniture and Rugs
Friday and Satur. Nov. 21-22
10% Reduction
on all of our
Laties Coats and Dresses
Cohen & Co.
Department Store
Bellefonte, Pa.
-Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
Only One Heatrola
Made by Estate Store Co.
Phone 660 . . . Bellefonte
Electric Supply Co.
Radio Sales and Service
Golden-Voice Radio
Lowest Prices on Batteries
45 Volts B. Batteries $1.60
Dry Cells 35¢.
Radio Tubes Tested Free
Glenwood Stoves
Makes Baking Easy
Peninsular Parlor Circulators
Blaben’s Floor Linoleums
Hilo 4-Hour Hard Drying Enamels in
All Shades, Rich in Color and
Durable — Everything in Hard-
ware, at the Right Price.
H. P. Schaeffer
Sid Bernstein
Sells For Less
Come in, look around
and be convinced.
The Family Outfitter
Next Door to Richelieu Theatre
Bellefonte, Pa.
«.And See For Yourself
that Price has nothing to do with Good Taste
—Our merchandise is chosen first for its
Good Taste, its Correctness—If it can be had
for lower prices we’re doubly glad—We be-
lieve our customers like to get the most for
their money.
We Propose to
Give It to Them
Runkle’s Drug Store
TSA 2 vs
Bush Arcade
quality is essential in order to
cleanse the pores of the skin and
to keep it in good condition.
An abundance of water is re-:
quired to wash away the dirt and
germs which accumulate in the’
day’s work, |
A general bath should be taken:
at least twice a week. But in’
these days most people could not
think of letting a day ‘pass with_
out a bath. A brisk rub will stim- |
ulate the circulation of the blood,
and a bad’ complexion will show
amazing improvements with outside
cleanliness. |
That is not all, for cleanliness |
within is also essential. You cannot
have a beautiful complexion if your
system is clogged with waste ma-
terials from undigested fdod, or
poisoned by the evil effects of con-
stipation. You should drink plenty
of water, not too much at mealtime
but before or after eating. This
will help to cleanse the system.
There are germs in the air and
germs in the dirt with which we
are in constant contact. Of course,
it is the skin that suffers first.
The skin is one of the most im-
portant organs of elimination of the
body. The dead cells are constant-
ly cast off, carrying with them the
waste substances of the: body, as well
as the dirt’ and germ accumulation, *
Ed. L. Keichline
Bellefonte, Pa.
If in Need of a Real
Victrola Type
Parlor Heater
It will certainly pay you to investi-
gate the “Torrid Sunshine’’—sold by
The Bellefonte
Hardware Comp’y
We trust you find yourselves among
those who feel that Olewine’s Hard-
ware is a good one to deal with.
If so, we are realizing our aspiration
to glve real service in all our deal-
ings, aud we thank you for your
response to our efforts.
Olewine’s Hardware
It Pays to Buy the Best
It Pays to Buy ai Beezer’s
Foods of Excellence will Help You Win
Fame as a Provider of Splendid Meals—If
It’s Quality You Want, We Have It,
P. L. Beezer Estate
Cash Meat Market
Established Over Forty Years
Phone 666—667 Free Delivery
Fruit and Vegetables
Wholesale and Retail
All Kinds of Produce
We Deliver
Phone 240 W. High Street
Buy Lumber
From a Lumberman
W. R. Shope
Herr & Heverly
Ferndare Groceries
eeeess FANCY
Highest Quality Food Products
Prompt Service
At the Lowest Possible Prices
We Deliver
Phone 62
Hunter's Book Siore
We are taking orders for Personal
Greeting Cards for Christmas now—
See Qur Sample Books
Our 50c. and $1.00 Box Assortments
are also selling—
Provide Them Early
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co.
Coal, Feed and Oils
Moshannon | $5.00
Osceola Mills Per Net Ton
5-Ton Lots...$4.50 per Net Ton
: Drain and Refill
¥ For Cold Weather
with TEXACO—
Clean, Clear, Golden
Center Oil and Gas Co.