The Bloom Sale of Pianos, Players and Grands Continues Last week we were busy. People from all points took advantage of the beautiful weather and came here. The shrewd buyers from out of town took advantage of this great money saving event by paying cash for the instrument they selected. Many pianos and players were sold at less than cost. Our sale continues. A vast stock is here to “All right, mister, . . don't believe aword I say- select from. Pianos, Players Pianos, Grand Pianos—all will be sold at some price. We have on hand some new Grand pianos that must be sold at once. ut These instruments must be moved at the earliest pos- sible moment. We are oi- fering these Grands at very low figures. Here is an opportunity to own a real Grand at a fraction of its real value. It happened in a garage in a small Virginia cown, but it could have happened anywhere in the eleven states in ; which AMOCO-GAS is sold. A motorist stopped at a pump that happened to be dry. There were three other gases available, but the garage-man suggested AMOCO-GAS. Reduced “No, it costs too much,” said the motorist. > | Tp “Jr will save you moncy in the end and make your car run better : than it knows how,” said the garage-man. ; TH h "Save me money bow?” : : “More miles to the gallon and by keeping your car out of the shop. I know half-a-dozen cars around here that have gone over 25,000 miles on AMOCO and never had the head off. And when you get on a hill - - why. she’ll go over the top so fast you'll think you've stolen the car.” on) wo 2 20 : “Go on.” said the motorist, “I've beard that story before. I've never found w - a gas yet that could live up to half the claims made for it." 's ANT “All right, mister,” said the garage-man, “don’t believe a word 1 say, but try AMOCO-GAS" : He's been using AMOCO-Gas ever since. Right now this iy Don'th i same motorist is the best advertisement for AMOCO-GAS on he i ont believe in th i : = Xa : in the entire county. ~~ a word we A PLAYER SPECIAL | saybuttry Th AMERICAN OI COMPANY $ x AfSlisted with Pan American Petroleum & Transport Compeny i + GAS today This great overstock of .player bargains is being offered for sale EE at a fraction of their actual worth. - A $10.00 deposit will arrange for ” : delivery on this instrument. i es a : 353i ee oe - og | ne - EE eeeererseniyeslipeeatesege pps ini ee avira - a PA. realest SE FEN TANI cp ———— —— — EE —- eee eee me ere ee —e ee 1 —— Sesme——— : fl BIRDS NECESSARY and planting trees in which the | ROADS IN FORESTS novo-Snow Shoe State forest road THe Ra 2 FOR TREE LIFE. | birds will find, year after year, food, | OPEN VAST AREAS. inCentre and Clinton counties, which ---and if you want the gas made ai regular price - © there's Orange AMERICAN GAS. CBE LHL “4 BN is 21 miles in length and is the Each year the State forests of only means of access ,h to an area acces- of 200,000 acres of State forest land located between the Susque- hanna River on the north Beech Creek on the south. also a connecting link for 13 sec- ondary roads comprising a total of 44 miles. This vast area is one of During the present year more than the best hunting sections of the State and during the open game season is doffed ‘with many hunting camps. shelter and nesting places.” | Pennsylvania become more TWO RILLED WHEN sible with the development of for- TRAIN CRASHES TRUCK. est roads and trails. This work is ment of Forests and Waters, has : 2 | being done under the direction of called attention to the fact that! Two persons were instantly killed | ;oa4 superintendent R. H. Vought, 2 i near Lock Haven Tuesday morning | forest and shade trees, deprived of | when the truck which They tae of Sie Departmen of Forests and would | griving was struck by a westbound | | freight train of the P ia | : Birds of many kind comprise the ,..: ; ennsylvania | 100 miles of State forest roads have eo Loire. any | [iroag 8 tng Linerty, Stree) Stone: neen sonsiructed, sl, of which oan the total damage to trees by insect | pi in 8 ead are. William Welch, | be safely used for automobile traf- pests runs annually into hundreds ° goon, Describing birds as health officers of trees and tree planters of a high order, State Forester Joseph S. Illick, of the Pennsylvania Depart- SN ih 1 | I} LH : Te Lill and It is the assistance of bird be next to impossible, life, This is but one of the sev- etal hundred roads that traverse State forest areas, and serve a similar purpose. The State forest roads and trail in addition to being necessary adjuncts in forest manage- ment are also extensively used by sportsmen. Direction signs are placed along all forest roads and trails so that there is no danger of becoming lost. During the year more than $200,000 was spent on the construction and maintenance of State Baunyusaon os Miss Annie Fet- | fic. : erly, C aven. iia i of millions of dollars. Wherever un- | i acres of forest lands that were In- healthy conditions prevail as there. The accident occurred shortly be- accessible, At the present fore 6 o'clock asthe twn were start. | are more than 2200 miles sult of insect attacks, birds are’ 3 sure to discover them and do some- ng for New York. | and 2800 miles situa- They have opened thousands of there of roads within the State The impact of the crash which | forests. could be heard for a distance of | Superintendent Vought emphasizes two city blocks, carried the truck | the fact that forest roads and trails a distance of _ 150 feet, witnesses | are necessary in the protection and said. The bodies of both occupants | management of our State forests, as of the truck were found scattered travel and transportation are im. along the railroad tracks by em- portant factors in making the forest ployees of the road and witnesses. | accessible and profitable. Both bodies were so badly muti- | ! lated, according to the county coroner, | Dr. J. W. Shoemaker, that it Was)! SE Eee impossible to tell the ages or much RR TT about them. | According to Harold W. Finneity, | owner of the truck, the two were | going to buy produce in a neighbor- ing State. Reports from Luck Haven state that no watchman was employed at the crossing, and numerous acci- dents have occurred at that place within the past several months. thing toward remedying the tion, the State Forester said. “Every part of the tree something to its feathered little ‘scavengers, the birds. Illick con- tinued. “Woodpeckers, for instance, clamber over The limbs and larger branches, detecting their prey be- neath the bark. Creepers and nut- the crevices. and Kkinglets for their hunting grounds. smaller branches, twigs, and buds in their search for small in- sects and their eggs. Cuckoos, orioles, vieros, and warblers closely examine leaves and prey upon the larvae and sucking insects so abun- dant there. The insect foes that take to flight are sought after and snapped up by fly catchers, swifts and swallows. “The greatest bird scavanger of the forest floor is the oven-bird, ‘which turns over fallen leaves and scans the leaf mold on the ground. Here it finds beetles, weevils, cater pillars, ants and other forest insects. The common English sparrow is a persistent foe of the Japanese beetle. “Wherever the food habitsof in- sectivorous birds have been studied , - tra THIS SPECIAL PLAYER ONLY .......cce eeeniasns Erisseieedeii ona bana $145.00 This Player will be delivered to any home in the city at the above price. It is a very reliable make, and can be paid for as the purchaser pleases. Make your own terms, trade it back on a new instrument at full value within two years. Also free delivery. owes roads and trails within the Bench and Rolls included in bargain. forests. He cites as an example the Re- hatches frequent ' Chickadees, titmice choose the AND MORE TOYS | Toy Lamps, Black Boards, Fire Engines, terns, Boats, Trailers, Plows, Gas Tanks. every leading Toy made. GARMANS A Piano Bargain SANTA IS AT GARMAN’S Santa is busy looking up for his rounds. He seems wonderfully pleased with the Garman Line. It is most useful and varied and at such reasonable prices. GARMANS i Sleds, Go Airplanes, Tractors, Trains, Magic Lan- Road Rollers, Cement Mixers, Trench Diggers, Mine Cars, In fact Carts, PRICE" $90.00 $90 Ideal for children or RENOVO BANKER FOUND SHOT TO DEATH IN BANK. Edward Bowers, 60 assistant | cashier at the Renovo State Bank, | was found shot to death in the pay- | ing teller’s booth at the bank, on! Wednesday, and a verdict of death music students to prac- RICHELIEU Now Showing Friday—Con- tinuous Thanksgiving 2 to 11 p m—Walter Huston, Kay Francis and Kenneth MacKenna in tice on. Can be traded back within one year at full value on a new piano. Another Practice Piano We stock of new, used and have a large shop worn instruments on hand. able offer will be ac- cepted. Why wait. Any reason- Now WEST HIGH STREET smarts t OPPOSITE PENN-BELLE HOTEL] Sma mm 2d 4) BLOOM’S MUSIC STORE BELLEFONTE, PA. | woodpecker ing the trees from insect foes has been demonstrated most effectively. Actual studies have shown that one- ‘pecker, consists of the larvae of wood-boring beetles. Ants per cent of the total, and include out and contribute to the destruc- tion of numerous trees. is a great ples, and feeds on the eggs of tent caterpillars. “If you would help the therefore help the birds, and here are some practical suggestions on how to do it: “In summer, by supplying suit- able bathing and drinking places. “In autumn, by seeing to it that protective laws are observed during the hunting season. “In winter, by maintaining feed- ing stations and protective plant- ings. “In spring, by providing nesting trees, many carpenter ants which hollow ,... (mcials said. their beneficial influence in protect- third of the food of the hairy wood- : are its. second staple of diet, forming 17... co for the suicide. The downy | foe of the! codling moth, cause of wormy ap- materials, putting up bird houses, by suicide was made by the coroner. The body, with a bullet in the | head, was found by the janitor | when he entered the building at 7:45 | o'clock Wednesday morning. i Bowers, who was a bachelor, had | been in poor health for some time | and this was attributed as the | “The Virtuous Sin’’ Satur., Continuous Show 2 to 11 pm—~Children 10c to5 pm --Spencer Tracy and Warren Hymer in the Season’s Comedy Hit “Up The River” satisfactory, Take a trip Up the River— ; youw’ll laugh all the way. His accounts were sam lpm. | —Mrs. M. C, Levi, who had been | Mon., Tues. and Wed., Next quite ill for two weeks or longer, Week—Harold Lloyd with at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Barbara Kent in Harrison Kline, on east Bishop | “Feet First” street, has recovered sufficiently to be up and around the house. Everybody laughs with Lloyd! And now he’s roaring in on a Rocket of Fun and Thrills Thurs., Friday, Satur , Next Week—~Clara Bow in THAT FAMOUS CRASH Enough of that Famous Crash to last us at least 3 months direct from the most famous linen people Ask to see the yd. “Her Wedding Night” in the country. length of Cretonnes at less than % price. GARMANS Now Playing Friday, Satur., a Radium of Splendor— “Follies and Fashions” , —styles of yesterday and to- . day, with Miss Kansas and a 4 company of Bellefonte Sing- ! ers, Dancers, Models, and the selection of ‘Miss Fashion, Queen of Bellefonte.” Also on the screen, Zane Grey’s Masterpiece, with George O’Brien— “Last of the Duanes” All Next Week at The State Richard Arlen in “Sante Fe Trail”