Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 21, 1930, Image 6

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    Brora Wap
‘Bellefonte, Pa., November 21, 1930,
Your Health
— Diabetes is a condition resulting
“rom inability of the system to
“handle properly the sugar which is
consumed and which is essential to
“health. In this disease the body be-
comes overloaded with sugar and
glucose. Other foods cannot be as-
:gimilated properly and digestion
Persons who have a habit of over-
eating and who are overweight are
Subject to it. This tendency to
overweight appears to “run in fam.
jlies” and so, in a sense, diabetes
may be considered to have a heredi-
“tary nature. Obesity is usually a
‘forerunner of diabetes.
It is more frequent, too, among
‘people who are mental workers,
rather than among manual laborers.
Nervous influences have their part
‘to play in the disease as well. It
ds probable that disturbances In
the nervous system interfere with
‘the chemistry of the body.
There are upwards of a million
people in the United States today
“who have diabetes. Some types are
‘very mild in their nature, while
-others are more severe.
It is encouraging to know that
‘through a carefully planned diet
and the use of insulin treatments,
the disease may be kept in control.
If a patient will follow certain
health rules, he may live long and
enjoy a useful life.
The use of insulin in diabetes dates
from 1921, when Dr. Frederick G.
Banting, in the Toronto General
hospital, made his discovery, He
proved it possible to take insulin
“from the bodies of young animals
and use it in injections for the
successful treatment of this disease.
Its use makes possible the burn-
ing of sugar in the body, and it
also assists in the disposition of fat
This insulin treatment is not taken
independently of, but in connection
with a proper and limited diet.
The diabetic patient must first of
all follow a carefully planned diet,
which is outlined by his physician.
“The prescribed diet is taken under
the most precise regulations. Much
can be accomplished by such a re-
gime. The diet necessarily differs
with each individual.
All reasonable foods may be in-
cluded but the total quantity should
he strictly limited. The patient must
be extremely temperate in the use
of sweets. Unless frowned upon by
‘the doctor, they may be had in sim-
ple desserts, but not between meals.
Highly seasoned foods or sauces
cannot be taken. Over-indulgence
of every kind must be avoided.
~The older person should strive to
keep his weight within normal
bounds, and this may be accom-
plished by exercise and a limited
«diet. But in these matters medical
‘advice is important.
The hope of humanity in its fight
against the cancer scourge lies in
‘research and education of the public
more than in unlikely discovery of
“cures,” Congress was told after
partially successful results of an
experimental treatment were dis.
~closed to it.
Dr. W. B. Coffey, chief surgeon
‘of the Southern Pacific Hospital,
‘San Francisco, told of beneficial ef-
fects in 1,500 cancer patients fol-
Jowing injection of a new extract
‘developed by him and his associate,
Dr. John J. Humber.
He and several other world au-
‘thorities on cancer appeared before
a special Senate Commerce sub-
committee to urge the Federal gov-
‘ernment to help in research. They
-approvd the Ransdell bill to create
‘a national institute of health under
the U. 8. surgeon general with
wide powers of promoting and aid-
dng research into disease.
~The medical profession already
has “cures” for most cancer cases,
if they are treated in early stages,
by surgery or radiation, which in a
‘combination of X-Ray and radium
‘treatment, Dr. Joseph Bloodgood,
-Johns Hopkins University specialist,
‘told the committee.
Coffey and Humbert emphasized
‘they had no cancer “cure” but that
‘their experiments so far indicate
“they have found a substance, which
has the ability to stop pain and
heck the growth of some malignant
«cancer tumors.
Doctor Bloodgood said the in-
crease in cancer in recent years, is
‘due in part to the more certain
diagnoses and in part to the fact
‘that longer terms of life are bring-
ing more people into the “cancer
age” when they are more likely to
be attacked.
—The subject of how to live long
is always of interest, which per-
“haps accounts for the eagerness of
‘the average mortal to seize upon
“various methods which are recom-
‘mended for promoting health and
longevity, such as doing daily exer-
«cise to radio music and the like.
“Acute indigestion led to the
abandonment of vegetarianism on
doctor's order. Another doctor rec-
‘ommended discontinuance of cold
sued, but faith in them has been
‘shaken by the untimely death of
“their inventor,”
Still, we may find many who
Swear the health fads and feed that
their lives have been saved thereby.
As the proverb has it, “What is
“food for some is black poison for
~—We will do your job work right.
Dr. R. L. Capers
Osteopathic Physician
Special Non-Surgical Method
of Treating Rectal Diseases
Bloodless and Painless
Hours 9-12 a. m.
Monday and Wednesday 1-5 p. m.
Friday 7-9 p. m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7-9 p. m.
Phone 128-J
The Variety Shop
Over a Third of a Century
at Same Location
Merchandise and Prices
C.Y. Wagner & Co., Inc.
Manufacturers of
Flour, Corn Meal ana Feed
And Dealers in
All Kinds of Grain
Bell Phone 22
State College
Cottage Cheese
and Cream Cheese, Butter, Whip-
ping Cream and Certified Milk—
Harry E. Clevenstine
When Winter Comes you will Need Your
Let Us Repair or Remodel It—
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Harry Greenberg
Spring and Bigh Streets
Bellefonte, Pa.
Phone 558-J
You Need No Longer be Told
You Have an Expensive Foot
Shoes for Women
$5.00 and $6.00
Mingle’s Shoe Store
Buying Cheap Goods Just Be-
cause They Are Cheap Does
Not Pay.
Instance Seen In Case of Mail Order
Houses Which Make Their Ap-
peal Solely on Basis of
(Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.)
Economy is one of the greatest of
virtues but false economy is no more
a virtue than anything else that is
false. To be able to economize wisely
is one of the greatest blessings that
one can have, for it is the prerequisite
to thrift and well-being. Too many
persons, however, who think they have
found the secret of true economy are
practicing a false economy which i#
worse than wilful waste.
For instance, the man who buys a
stove from a mail order house for $9
because he thinks he would have to
pay $10 for one if he purchased it
from his home merchant, is practicing
a false economy, for the chances are
that he would save more than $1 in
the end if he purchased the $10 stove
from the local hardware leader.
There are several reasons why .this
is false economy. The first one is that
dollar for dollar, the greater part of
the merchandise sold by the mail or-
der houses is of less value than that
sold by the retail merchants of the
smaller communities. The mail order
business, as a whole is built upon
cheapness. In order to attract cus-
tomers the catalogue houses m sell
goods cheaply and'in order to dif that
they must sell cheap goods. heir
business is built up on price and not
on quality. The retail hardware deal-
er, like retail dealers in other lines,
probably can match the prices ef the
mail order houses. He probably has
a $9 stove which he can sell to the
man who wants to get a stove for $9.
The trouble is that the man who buys
from the mail order house does not
distinguish between price and quality
Thinks He Is Economizing.
The man who buys the $9 stove
from the mail order house probably
would not buy a $9 stove from his
local merchant for in the latter case
he would see just what he was buying
and might realize that the $9 stove
would not meet his needs. He orders
a $9 stove from the mall order house,
however, just because the price is $9
The Key to Better Business
and not because he has any assurance
that the stove will meet his needs. He
thinks he is saving a dollar or two by
buying this stove instead of paying
$10 or $11 to the home merchant for
one that he has seen and knows will
give him satisfaction. The chances
are that when the stove arrives and
he has used it for a short time he
will realize that he has practiced false
economy—that it would have been
more economical in the end for him to
pay a dollar or two more to his hom¢
merchant and get an article that war
cuaranteed by the dealer,
The patron of the mail order house,
also, often fails to take the matter of
transportation charges into considera-
tion when making his purchase. He
sees only the price of the article as
listed in the mail order catalogue and
does not think of the express or freight
‘charges, which with the cost of a
money order and postage often make
the total cost of the article greater
than the price at which the same thing
could have been purchased at the local
store. Another case of false economy.
Buying merchandise of poor quality
because the price is low is often false
economy when the purchase is made
at the home stores but it is doubly so
when the merchandise is bought from
a mail order house.
home one can be reasonably sure that
the article purchased at a low price,
while there is no such assurance when
it is bought by mail on the “sight un:
seen” plan. ;
Idea Is Exploded.
The idea that the mail order houses
sell the same quality of goods at lower
prices than the home merchants is
quickly exploded when one learns of
the large profits that are made by the
majority of the mail order houses and
the large selling expense to which they
‘are subjected. The large mail order
houses spend hundreds of thousands
of dollars annually for advertising and
the selling expenses of the smaller
concerns are proportionately as large.
Their other expenses, such as rent,
taxes and labor, are also higher than
those of the local retail merchants, in
proportion to the business which they
- do. Im spite of these heavy expenses,
the mail order houses distribute mil-
lions of dollars in dividends among
their stockholders. In one large mail
order concern the profits of the stock-
holders, in cash and stock dividends,
have aggregated as much as 1,000 per
cent on the capital invested in the
short period of nine years. This does
not indicate that the mail order houses
are in business for their health and
are giving away merchandise to their
The mail order houses have capi-
talized the desire to economize that is
inherent in almost every one. By plac-
ing price above quality and making
cheapness the fundamental element in
their business they have inculcated in
the minds of their patrons the idea
that they are economizing when they
buy cheap goods at cheap prices.
If you want, satisfactory printing at. reasonable prices
the Watchman Office will be glad to do it. for you.
Goodbye Dirty Coal Dust!
You can say this only when you use
Genuine Dustless Coal scientifically
treated to eliminate coal dust. Our
Cambria Smokeless and Dustless Coal
saves cleaning, sweeping and dust-
ing. See us before buying.
Successor to Thomas Coal Yard
Free Wheeling
A transmission which permits the
engine to pull the car, but prevents
the car pulling the engine.
North Water Street
City Coal Yard
Wholesale and Retail
Anthracite and Bituminous
+. OAL seee
Hay and Grain
Bellefonte, Pa.
Special Notice
If you are one of our customers you know all
about our High Grade Meats. If you are not
—come in and see the difference.
We handle nothing but Government in-
spected meats, which assues you getting
meat from healthy cattle,
Prompt Delivery
Phone 3845
Armstrong’s Market
When buying at
Always the Best,
Fruits, Vegetables
Candy and Tobaccos
Phone 28
We Deliver
Lumber Steel
....At the Big Spring....
Building Supplies
W. R. Brachbill
Established 1841
Furniture and Rugs
Friday aud Satur. Nov. 21-22
10% Reduction
on all of our
Ladies’ Coats and Dresses
Cohen & Co.
Department Store
Bellefonte, Pa.
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
Only One Heatrola
Made by Estate Store Co.
Phone 660 . . . Bellefonte
Electric Supply Co.
Radio Sales and Service
Golden-Voice Radio
Lowest Prices on Batteries
45 Volts B. Batteries $1.60
Dry Cells 35c.
Radio Tubes Tested Free
Glenwood Stoves
Makes Baking Easy
Peninsular Parlor Circulators
Blaben’s Floor Linoleums
Hilo 4-Hour Hard Drying Enamels in
All Shades, Rich in Color and
Durable — Everything in Hard-
ware, at the Right Price.
H. P. Schaeffer
Sid Bernstein
Sells For Less
Come in, look around
and be convinced.
The Family Qutfitter
Next Door to Richelieu Theatre
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Sell “Larro”
“More Profit Over
Feed Cost”
Mayer Bros.
Phone 334
Bellefonte. Pa.
Land O’ Lakes
Sweet Cream Butter
(It’s Government Certified)
Hoag’s Dairy Store
Corner High and Spring Streets
City Cash Grocery
Allegheny Street
Bellefonte, Pa.
...And See For Yourself
that Price has nothing to do with Good Taste
—OQur merchandise is chosen first for itg
Good Taste, its Correctness—If it can be had
for lower prices we’re doubly glad—We be-
lieve our customers like to get the most for
their money.
We Propose to
Give It to Them
Runkle’s Drug Store
4s IN 3 3 2
Bush Arcade
Ed. L. Keichline
Bellefonte, Pa.
If in Need of a Real
Victrola Type
Parlor Heater
| It will certainly pay you to investi-
gate the ‘‘Torrid Sunshine’’—sold by
The Bellefonte
Hardwvare Comp’y
We trust you find yourselves among
those who feel that Olewine’s Hard-
ware is a good one to deal with.
If so, we are realizing our aspiration
to glve real service in all our deal-
ings, aud we thank you for your
response to our efforts.
Olewine’s Hardware
It Pays to Buy the Best
It Pays to Buy at Beezer’s
Foods of Excellence will Help You Win
Fame as 2 Provider of Splendid Meals—If
It’s Quality You Want, We Have It.
P. L. Beezer Estate
Cash Meat Market
Established Over Forty Years
Phone 666—667 Free Delivery
Fruit and Vegetables
Wholesale and Retail
All Kinds of Produce
We Deliver
Phone 240 W. High Street
The daily dozen are still pur-
Buy Lumber
From a Lumberman
W. R. Shope
Herr & Heverly
Fer eey (roceries
Highest Quality Food Products
Prompt Service
At the Lowest Possible Prices
We Deliver
Phone 62
Hunter's Book Store
We are taking orders for Personal
Greeting Cards for Christmas now—
See Our Sample Books
Our 50c. and $1.00 Box Assortments
are also selling—
Provide Them Early
Bellefonte Fuel & Supply Co.
Coal, Feed and Oils
Moshannon } $5.00
Osceola Mills Per Net Ton
5-Ton Lots...$4.50 per Net Ton
Drain and Refill
Foi Cold Weather
with TEXACO—
Clean, Clear, Golden
Center Oil and Gas Co.