Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 14, 1930, Image 7

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A Senate controlled by Republic-
ans and a House of Representatives
uled by the Democrats emerges as
the probable lineup of the ‘Seventy-
second Congress.
Tardy returns from outlying pre- | you
cincts in the closely-contested dis-
tricts showed the following distribu-
tion of power:
Republicans, 48; Democrats, 47;
Farmer-Labor, 1; Necessary for
majority, 49.
Republicans, 218; Democrats, 216;
Farmer-Labor, 1; Necessary for
majority, 218.
Because 'of the closeness of sev-
eral races, both in the Senate and
in the House, this distribution could
not be considered as final, however.
There seems every likelihood that
there will be several contests and
recounts which might reverse the re-
sult of the unofficial returns before
the ‘Congress convenes.
The outcome of the tabulations in
the two races which remained doubt-
ful, however, .would not change the
general political complexion of the
new Congress, as judged from the
unofficial returns. :
Technical control of the Senate be-
longed to the Repunlicans, despite
their lack of a majority, because it
was not possible for the Democrats
to emerge with more than forty-
seven votes.
The Democratic sweep in the elec-
tion was greater than shown in the
party’s gains in the Senate and
House of Representatives, Jouett
Shouse, chairman of the Democratic
national executive committee, said in
a statement last week.
«In every section of the country
a phenomenon of the campaign was
the narrow margin by which the ban-
ner bearers of the Republican party
held onto their seats,” Shouse said.
«rake the case of Speaker Long-
worth, who ordinarily has been sure
of a 30,000 majority, he squeezed
in this time by a tenth of that
“Then there is Tilson, of Connecti-
cut, spokesman for the President
and Republican floor leader of the
House, whose majorities have run
from 10,000 to 30,000. His escape
was so narrow that an early report
from Connecticut counted him de-
feated. Will Wood, of Indiana,
chairman of the appropriations com-
mittee and chairman of the Repub-
lican congressional committee, ac-
customed to 30,000 majorities, is
wnother who barely got by this
time. And Hawley of the ways and
means committee, who was elected
two years ago with a majority of
about 60,000 just missed being num-
bered among the casualties last
Tuesday.” = I
The locks of the Panama canal,
which have held the laurels as the
world’s largest—in cubic content—
now yield the honor ‘to that of the
the North Sea canal at Ymuiden.
When Queen Wilhelmina of Holland
‘threw the electrci switch that set the
Yatter into operation, she was act-
ing in line with the traditions of her
country, for the nation that now
boasts the largest lock also claims
the honor of having invented this
important device.
Although canals date back beyond
the beginning of the Christian era
— having been used for navigation
and communication by the As-
Syrians, Egyptians, Hindus and
‘Chinese—thieir usefulness was not
-fealized until the invention of the
“lock about 500 years ago. The
claim of the Dutch to have originated
this device by which ships are en.
abled to sail “up hill” is, however, dis-
puted by the Italians, who assert
‘that the lock was invented by two
of their engineers in 1491.
The lock in Ymuiden is 1,312 feet
long and 164 feet wide. The Gatun
Jock in Panama is 1,000 feet long
and 110 feét wide. Lock 8 of the
‘Welland canal is 1,380 feet long and
80 feet wide. The Sault Ste. Marie
‘Jock ‘is 1,350 feet long and 80 feet
wide. In lock construction greater
engineering problems are Te-
lated to width than to length, for
the width determines the size of the
gates, the manipulation of whose
‘enormous mass is one of the marvels
of engineering.
The ter width of the Ymuiden
qoek will enable the largest ‘pas-
senger ‘vessels to ‘reach the docks
of the Dutch city.
Centre Electric ‘company to West
“Penn Power company, tract in How-
ard Twp; $1.
John G. Glenn, et al, to Edward
L. Glenn, et ux,
Twp.; $5,440.
Ethel I Noll, et al, to Isabelle
Loughner, tract in Centre Hall and
“Potter Twp.; $1.
Paul Mackey, et ux “to Winfield
C. Thompson, et ux, tract in How-
‘ard; $2,700.
Waiter L. Hahn, et ux, to Daniel
‘Hahn, tract in aide Wp. $210,
et ux, to J. W.
to Lula
tract in
August Yonke,
Stein, tract in Philipsburg;
John H. Detwiler, et al,
.S. Winkleblech, et al,
Haines Twp; $1.
Art 8S. Burt, et ux, to John R.
; X ty, et ux, tract in State College;
C. A. Culp to R. O. Stohl, tract
in Philipsburg; $1.
Mary Jane Harm, et bar, to Von
B. Johnson, et ux, tract in Snow
Shoe; $1.
Poole Hanson, et ux, to Theora
DuBree, tract in Philipsburg; $1.
Theora DuBrea to Poole Rasson,
et ux, tract in Philipsburg; ‘$1.
tract in College
* (Continued from page 2, Col. 6) |
MARTY —by—
and how for nine years and a half
Windy had lain there expecting the |
impossitle, and would not give up.
“Windy, help me—stand by me.
Tell me what to do.” |
She thought of their talks in his
room, and her voice, and how, when |
the darkness came and she could no ]
longer see him, still his voice reach- | |
ed to her. “Fear?” he had said
once—he who had so much to fear.
«gear of what? Nothing can harm |;
but yourself.” !
“But, Windy, you couldn’t expect
me to stay here in a dark room |
with—with—you couldn't expe ct |]
that, could you?” f
And again, Windy's voice, vibrant |
oF Yours ~
with conviction. “We face the im- 1924 Ford Turing 1926 Chevrolet Truck op 192 i
possible—and presently we have ac- | 1925 Ford coupe 3 express Tr. 150.00 pe Bulg Sedan Santer)
complished 1: he Sobrkhob Bor : 1926 FOrd COUPE ..o.coocemsceeees $ 1928 Chevrolet Coach ....-.... $ 325.00 1929 Whippet Coupe
a. ‘The latch slipped back in its 1929 Ford cotipe Run less 1928 Chevrolet Sedan ........... 350.00 1927 Whippet Sport Road-
ped ie Tow L 2 IprX Migs Res i than 6000 mile ........ $ 350.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan .......... $ 450.00 ghey Cont $ 150.00
off her hat. 1929 Ford Roadster 1st 2 1929 Chevrolet Coaches 1924 Oldsmobile Coupe ....... $ 125.00
LE Dale vave to stay with wa, |’ ee TR ED 325.00 SHBY iicihoucriesieraseests $ 390.00 1924 Oldsmobile Touring ..§ 50.00
Windy. * Sit on the chair right here |] 1926 Chevrolet Touring ..... $ 60.00 1927 Chevrolet Sedan .......... $ 150.00 1926 Overland % Ton Panel
py me. Now say it again—" J 1929 Model “A” Ford Ton 1925 Chevrolet Coupe .......... $ 125.00 body Truck only.....$ 40.00
«It helps. Truly it does. It’sso : Truck large steel 1927 - Chevrolet Roadster ...$ 140.00 1929 Stewart Cattle rack
comfortable to sit together like this BOX... iredereee $ 325.00 1924 Chevrolet Roadster ..$ 25.00 TIUCK ooccnsireonermzencserss $ 150.00
and your arm about me. Nothing | 1927 Chevrolet Coupe ......... $ 200.00 1926 Essex Coach . 40.00 1920 Vim 3 Ton Dump
can harm us, Windy. Fear not— 2 1926 Chevrolet Sedans 1928 Essex Coupe .. .00 (automatic) Truck..$ 150.00
for IT am with thee.” She found BREE cil ciiriirnnrimn 50.00 1927 Essex Coach . 1927 Pontiac Sport Road
again the complete security of it. 1930 Chevrolet Coach 5 wire 1925 Buick Sedan Standard Stor ......oiiinneid $ 225.00
Love and God, were they not the wheels .......occcceeeennenens $ 500.00 SIX ...ooeeiieeereennes $ 250.00 1926 Oakland Sport Road-
same? “I believe, Windy, they 1927 Chevrolet Touring ...... $ 140.00 1924 Buick Roadster .......... $ 60.00 : ster ...oeitnninnnen $200.00
are.” 3
ite gb Jus goin, Wy DECKER CHEVROLET CO
do we care? - en
It only brings you
closer. It isn't so far to the
hospital either. The lights are right ||
—there—no, in this direction. They
AronweHo CAR
DON'T vou
Phone 405...... BELLEFONTE, PA.
aren’t out because we can’t see
them. Amos will be scudding
about, seeing that all is well, his
laid upon the records
service: Un Sold
feet making a quiet pushing sound.
T've often thought I'd try it. Per-
haps you can go faster that way.
olive branch
and the marks of
Dr. Huffy will be up, worrying; and At.
the Chief will stick her head in a The three men stood with their
hats over their hearts, and heads
door where every one is fast asleep
and say, from force of habit: ‘Order
there. This is a physical-and-vocal-
silence period’ The boys in Ward
10 won't be sleeping because they
hate storms, and Frizzle will get
out his bones, and he and John will
roll them under the covers, and each
accuse the other of cheating. Now
the light is gone, Windy. Let's
talk about the spring. Something
tells me it’s going to be all right
for us in the spring. I couldn’t
feel this way if it were not true,
Talk to me, Windy, talk quickly.
I can hear your voice even through
the dark.”
Windy talked.
bowed in the presence of death.
And something else here in this
room—a courage that was death-
less.—By Norma Patterson in the
Good House Keeper.
Edward Bavarr has built a new
pen for his porkers.
Mrs. John Walker and Jacob Mc-
Clincy are both on the sick list, the
latter suffering an attack of grip.
Mrs. Katherine Fisher suffered a
heart attack, last Thursday night,
but is now able to be up and around.
A freight wreck in front of the
Witmer Smith place, near Milesburg,
Friday evening, broke off a pole of
the West Fenn Power company
which naturslly cut off the circuit
up Bald Eagle valley
town into darkness.
“Steady there,
Jenny. Don’t shake so. Steady,
hand. Steady, heart. See how
well the little shack holds to the
wind? I never saw a bark sail
better. Let's head her for Europe.
Paris—in the spring! Tl take you
to a place Tknow. The gayest spot
in all the world.” It was nine
throwing our |’
o'clock or later before the service
was restored.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis McClellan
and small child spent Sunday with
Mrs. McClellan’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Shawley. Mr. Shawley
suffered a painful injury, on Fri-
day, while helping his brother-in-
law, Fred Fisher, shred corn fodder.
He was feeding the shredder when his
hand became caught in the fodder and
was drawn far enough into the ma-
chine to get his fingers nipped. A
physican dressed the injured mem-
ber and he is getting along all right
but will not be able todo any work
for some time.
J —
— Subcribe for the Watchman. .
is 32 shat de 00
“What shall I wear?”
«you'll wear a long, soft, sort of
clinging thing all wrapped about
you, with a piece that runs slonch-
wise, and a -high-uppart about your
ears that is soft and white.’
“Oh, Windy, ears that is soft and |,
White?” .
“Now you're laughing at me.”
«No—but the wrap was too funny.
What shall we do at this gay
Windy dancing! Easily,
gliding over the floor.
«I never knew you danced so well,
«There's lots you don’t know, Jen-
ny.” That eager leap of light in
Windy's eyes. “I love you, Jenny.
T've loved you all the while.”
political parties
is commendable.
«You mean—all those months in
the hospital?”
“Yes. ; .
“And nevér told me. Why didn’t
you spéak? You let me go away
once because I couldn't bear it any
«I couldn’t speak, Jenny. I had
nothing to offer.”
A log fell with a faint thud; the |:
ashes sighed. A shadow from the |-
stove door danced along the wall in |
front of Jenny,
“Windy, are you still here? Let's |
sing. Sing quickly. ;
“My Bonnie lies over the ocean.”
And the walls looked down on
Jenny, singing in the dark.
Who shall say who guarded Jenny
through ‘that night? All those boys |;
whose passing Jenny had made
and patriotic move.
T ‘he patriotic attitude of the two great
together for the common good and to
help establish normal business conditions,
Affairs in this country are too serious
“to admit of legislation for partisan effect.
We hope the radical element in both par-
ties may not succeed in defeating this wise
sowdfd wg”
vs. Politics
in" agreeing to work
easier. A little army of watchers, |}!
watching over one whose quick un-
‘derstanding and gentleness had eased
their pain; had softened the sting
of injustice, and the bitterness | _ l
‘6f useless sacrifice, and the harsh- | fj
ness of farewell. ‘Ermey, of the |g
battleship. Philip. Luke. Benjy lc
‘Fram. The keeping bivouac through | {i}
the night. 3
The storm left off as quickly as it
had gathered. By eleven o'clock of |{
the morning ‘the reliable ‘bulk of | =
Jake's Trvalid Carriage pushed its zc
nose heavily around the bend and | |
into the clearing where stood Dan's ‘Fi
shack. They had lost their way a |;2
‘§ézen tibres; they had had to dig
the snow from the road, but now |
i4t ‘last they ‘were ‘here. Dr. Wil- 28
liams, Dr. Huffy, ‘and Jake fell cut
“stamped ‘their ‘numb feet, beat their
‘hands together, ‘and made gant
strides -towar the ‘house.
Jenny heard them coming. Wo-
manlike, now that the danger was |...
past and the long night by, Jénny
Baney’s Shoe Store
WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor
80 years in the Business
was ‘ready ‘to ‘go ‘to pieces. She
knew thatshe would if ‘She spoke
and ‘so she stobd wordless, her hands
clasped ina way that Jenny had,
fighting back the tears.
The men flung open the door,
pushed anxiously in—stopped.
The '§fil1 ‘form under the ‘sheet.
And ‘placed above Dan’s head a
‘bright, bright wreath.
Jenny had found scissors
needle and thread. She had taken
the red oilcloth of the kitchen table,
the blue of an army hat cord, the
gold of wound chevrons, the green
‘binding of ‘a closely_-written book,
‘Bright stripes of Service ribbons—
with these, ‘in the way a ‘womani
can, Jenny had made a wreath of
flowers. And words upon it, fashion-
ed from bits of twisted khaki.
Words of beauty, of identification,
We have the Thanksgiving turkey
you ‘want. It fs ‘a bird! It has
youth ‘and the weight to meet your
requirements. Drop in our butcher
shop right away and select yours
from among the many we have for
other ‘customers who depend upon
us for their choice turkeys, fowl,
and meat cuts.
Felephome 666
Market on the ‘Diamond
Bellefonte, Penna.
P. L. Beezer Estate... ..Meat Market
of honor, known the world over—an
THRIVING telephone
S business in poultry,
eggs and farm delicacies has been deve oped by
the wife of a farmer. Twice a week, she explains,
she telephones her customers for orders and,
wherever possible, secures from them the names
of others who might be interested in her wares.
On Wednesdays and Saturdays, she delivers the
produce, leaving samples at the new addresses.
which are included, the following week, in her
telephone list.
4 The Modern Farm Home
Not New
$22.50 Suits
are not startlingly
new--we admit it--
but here is what
Suits that are tailored as
these are, with fabrics
such as these Suits are
made of is something
Not for fifteen years have you seen such
Suits for $22.50. A year ago $35.0Q
would not have bought any better.
They are at Fauble’s and we know such
values can not be duplicated in Bellefonte.
Let Us Show You