Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 14, 1930, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa, November 14, 1930.
Your Health
Metropolitan Life Insurance Com-
pany statistics show an increasing
death rate from appendicitis, which
puzzles the medical profession.
Diagnosis and surgery had been
steadily perfected, but the appen-
dicitis death rate during 1929 in-
creased twenty per cent. The in.
Dr. R. L. Capers
Osteopathic Physician
Special Non-Surgical Method
of Treating Rectal Diseases
Bloodless and Painless
Hours 9-12 a. m.
Monday and Wednesday 1-5 p. m.
Friday 7-9 p. m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7-9 p. m.
Phone 128-J
surance company has issued a bul-
letin pointing out possible appendi-
citis dangers from diet fads and
abusive use of laxatives.
Insurance experts, however, are
not certain these two aggravations
are entirely to blame.
Isn't there just a chance that the
public has taken appendicitis jokes
a little too seriously? A general
impression has been created that
surgeons enjoy the sport of fishing
for the illsuive appendix and the
speckled tonsil.
As a result, a good many people
The Variety Shop
Over a Third of a Century
at Same Location
Merchandise and Prices
attacked by a pain in the—er—
embonpoint merely grit their teeth.
They are afraid that a doctor, if
«called, will advise an immediate sur-
gical festival merely to relieve the
wmemployment situation.
As a result a great many people
glelay too long.
Appendicitis no longer excites the
fear it formerly did. This is due
ina large measure to the education
both of the surgeon and of the lay
We have learned to respect the
disease and to make sure there is
proper handling of it in every form.
C.Y. Wagner & Co., Inc.
Manufacturers of
Flour, Corn Meal -na Feed
And Dealers in
All Kinds of Grain
Bell Phone 22
It is interesting to note that ap-
pendicitis is rare in infants and in
those over sixty years of age, It
js common in any period beyond
childhood, being more frequent 1n
young and middle aged people.
It is more common in males than
in females and occurs more frequent-
ly in the Summer than in the other
seasons. It is a disease met offen
dn warm countries.
Appendicitis is usually traced toa
germ, called the ‘colon bacillus.”
It may be the result of other types
of bacteria, but this is the common
The colon bacilli are normal in-
State College
Cottage Cheese
and Cream Cheese, Butter, Whip-
ping Cream and Certified Milk—
Harry E. Clevenstine
‘habitants of the appendix, and under
normal conditions are harmless. It
is when the appendix is bruised or
= = —
injured that these germsare capable
of causing an infection,
Recently it was shown by a great
scientist that certain poisons which
enter the circulation may have an
affinity for a “specific action” on
the appendix.
Such peisons may come from an
unsuspected focus in the body. This
‘may be quite distant from the ap-
pendix, from the teeth for instance.
In some cases the disease begins
:Suddenly, ushered in by sudden
:Severc pain in the abdomen. In most
cases there have been previous
When Winter Comes you will Need Your
-Let Us Repair or Remodel It—
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Harry Greenberg
Spring and Righ Streets
Bellefonte, Pa.
Phone 558-J
Most important of these signs are
constipation or diarrhoea, a general
feeling of uneasiness’ and discomfort
in the lower abdomen.
Nausea is always present, with
vomiting which may occur as late
as four or five hours after the onset
of the pain. .
Appendicitis .as we haye spoken of
it here is commonly calied ‘Acute
Appendicitis.” It may require im-
mediate surgical attention or the
patient may recover under careful
‘medical attention.
No case should be treated with.
out the careful supervision of a
Vou Need No Longer be Told
You Have an Expensive Foot
Shoes for Women
$5.00 and $6.00
Mingle’s Shoe Store
physician. Remember that once a
patient has had an attack of appen-
-dicitis, he is liable to suffer again
| to sell.
The Key to Better Business
Equal Responsibility for Their
Support Rests Upun the
Farmers and Merchants,
Prosperity of Community Depends
Upon Each of These Two Classes
Buying Products and Goods
of Each Other.
(Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union.)
The first essendal in the develop-
ment of any business is the possession
‘of a market. The manufacturer must
have a market for his products or he
cannot succeed, no matter how valu-
able those products may be or how
efficiently his plant may be operated.
The wholesale merchant and the re-
tail merchant may have the choicest
stocks of goods, but they may as well
go out of business if they have not a
market where they can dispose of their
stocks. The farmer may produce
bumper crops, but they will rot upon
the ground if he cannot find a market
for them. The wage earner’s skill and
muscle bring him no returns unless
there is a market for his labor.
The question of markets is the big
one in every line of business and in
every community the question is a
vital one. In each community, which
must be taken to include not only all
the people who live in the town but
the farmers who live in the surround-
country as well, there are two
| sides to the market question. The busl-
| ness men of the town must have a
market for the things which they have
Otherwise they cannot con-
tinue in business. At the same time
the farmers must have a market for
‘the things which they raise or they
‘may as well go out of business.
When Either Falls Both Suffer.
The merchants of the town can pre-
ride a market for the products of the
farmers and the farmers can provide
a market for the goods which the mer-
chant ve to sell. As. long as each
class of citizens provides a market for
the other class all is well and the goose,
hangs high, but when either class fails.
to provide a market for the other the
goose is cooked, not only for the class
which is deprived of the market but
for the other as well.
The farmer has a right to expect the
town which is his natural trading point
to provide a market for his products,
and the town is not performing its
of its community if it does not sce
that such a market is provided. The
responsibility of looking after the ful-
fillment of this obligation rests largely
upon the merchants of the town. The
farmer is a producer and he must dis-
pose of his products before he can be-
come a consumer. It is, therefore, not
only rigl.t but necessary from a busi-
ness standpoint that the merchants
should aid the farmer in turning his
products into money. Otherwise the
farmer naturally will have no money
to spend in the stores of the town.
Obligation on Farmers.
On the other hand, the merchants of
the town have a right to expect the
farmers to provide a market for the
‘merchandise which they have to sell,
and the farmers are not doing thelr
duty to their community if they do not
provide such a market. In this case,
also, it is not only right but it is nec-
essary to the prosperity of the farmers
that they should aid the merchants in
turning their merchandise into cash.
Otherwise it is obvious that the mer-
chants will have no money with which
to buy the products of the farmers.
This is a double-barreled proposition
and the obligation rests equally upon
both the merchants and the farmers to
maintain the markets which are essen-
tial to both classes of citizens. Any
town which would import from points
hundreds of miles distant the farm
products which it could buy at home
would be pursuing a very short-sighted
policy, for it would be making it im-
possible for the farmers in its terri- '
tory to buy the goods of its mer-
chants. As a matter of fact no town
does this unless it is forced by unusual
conditions to do so. A town may be
located in a community which is not
productive enough to meet the local
demands, and in that case it is forced
to import farm products but the town
which is compelled to do this is at
a disadvantage from a commercial
standpoint unless it is essentially a
manufacturing town, in which case its
products are sold to other communi-
ties and bring in enough cash’ to offset
that which is sent away to purchase
farm products.
Must Have Outside Business.
In the average community, however,
the town is dependent for its pros-i
perity upon the money received from;
the farmers in the ordinary channels |
J. O. Brewer
the purchase of the
Thomas Coal Yard
Soliciting Your Patronage
Phone 162] N. Thomas St.
Free Wheeling
A transmission which permits the
engine to pull the car, but prevents
the car pulling the engine.
North Water Street
sons ue
City Coal Yard
Wholesale and Retail
Anthracite and Bituminous
wee COA 1. seee
Hay and Grain
Bellefonte, Pa.
Special Notice
If you are one of our customers you know all
about our High Grade Meats. If you are not
—come in and see the difference.
We handle nothing but Government in-
spected meats, which assues you getting
meat from healthy cattle.
Prompt Delivery
Phone 3845
Armstrong’s Market
Always the Best,
Fruits, Vegetables
Candy and Tobaccos
Phone 28
We Deliver
Weekly Special
85lb. Slate Surfaced
W. R. Brachbill
Established 1841
Furniture and Rugs
Complete Bed Outfit
including Mahogany Steel Bed,
Link Springs, and 50-Pound
All Cotton Mattress, for only
Cohen & Co.
Department Store
Bellefonte, Pa.
of trade, rather than upon that ob- |
tained from the sale of its own prod-
ucts. In the average town the mer-'
chants cannot make money and con-,
tinue in business if they are depend-.
ent solely upon the people of the town
for their business,
No business can last long with “ev-
erything going out and nothing coming
in,” and it is equally true that no busi-
[ness can be operated on the principle
‘of “everything coming in and noth-
‘ing going out.”. To maintain the bal-
‘ance which is necessary to the mainte-
nance of prosperity in a community
there must be an even trade between
proper function as the trading center | the business men of the town.
If you want. satisfactory printing at, reasonable prices
the Watchman Office will be glad to do it. for you.
* Potter-Hoy Hardware Co.
Only One Heatrola
Made by Estate Store Co.
Phone 660 . . . Bellefonte
Electric Supply Co.
Radio Sales and Service
Golden-Yoice Radio
Lowest Prices on Batteries
45 Volts B. Batteries $1.60
Dry Cells 35c.
Radio Tubes Tested Free
Glenwood Stoves
Makes Baking Easy
Peninsular Parlor Circulators
Blaben’s Floor Linoleums
Hilo 4-Hour Hard Drying Enamels in
All Shades, Rich in Color and
Durable — Everything in Hard-
ware, at the Right Price.
H. P. Schaeffer
Hunting Time is Here
Buy your High Top All Leather
Shoes, Hunting Pants, Breeches, and
Everything for the Hunter to Wear—
Sid Bernstein
Next Door to the Richelieu
Sweet Orr and Woolrich
Exclusive Agents
if the appendix has not heen re-
moved. :
With the coming of the first cool
Fall days and the opening of school,
children are exposed to the infec- |
tious colds.
Nearly all diseases of nose, throat
and lungs are infectious and com-
municable. They are most trouble-
some during the first chilly days,
when proper ventilation is difficult,
Your efforts to counteract a cold
cannot be used too early. Just as
Soon as your baby or older child
begins to sniffle and sneeze and
sgough then quick measures should be
‘More Profit Over
Feed Cost”
Mayer Bits.
Phone 334
Bellefonte. Pa. |
This Space
reserved for
Dairy Store
City Cash Grocery
Allegheny Street
Bellefonte, Pa.
...And See For Yourself
that Price has nothing to do with Good Taste
—Our merchandise is chosen first for its
Good Taste, its Correctness—If it can be had
for lower prices we’re doubly glad—We be-
lieve our customers like to get the most for
their money.
We Propose to
Give It to Them
Runkle’s Drug Store
Bush Arcade
#aken for relief.
Because of the fact that colds are
“catching” the patients should be
separated from others of the fam-
ily. It is well to keep the child in |
bed at least a day or two. It is}
only in this way that the body tem-
perature can be kept stable and
proper rest
If a child has no fever he may be
placed ona cot out-of-doors in the
sunshine if the weather is good.
‘Otherwise he should be in bed in-
«doors, with the windows open tolet
in plenty of fresh air.
Of course, the child should not be
allowed to get chilled. It is best
‘to be warmly enough covered but
Tot too warmly wrapped up.
You must guard against condi-
tions which produce free perspira-
tion and further chilling. Keep the
patient just comfortably warm.
Not only is the little patient iso. |
Jated from others, with rest, fresh!
air, quiet and warmth, but he is
given some milk, alkaline water or |
Picarbonate of soda in water. This |
may be administered in combination |
-with juices of the citrus fruits. The |
Juices of oranges, lemons or grape-'
fruit are taken with the alkaline
water, or separately, at intervals of
#&wo or three hours.
maintained. }
me ———
Ed. L. Keichline
Bellefonte, Pa.
If in Need of a Real
Victrola Type
Parlor Heater
It will certainly pay you to investi-
gate the “Torrid Sunshine’’—sold by
The Bellefonte
Hardware Comp’y
We trust you find yourselves among
those who feel that Olewine’s Hard-
ware is a good one to deal with.
If so, we are realizing our aspiration
to glve real service in all our deal-
ings, aud we thank you for your
response to our efforts.
Olewine’s Hardware
It Pays to Buy the Best
It Pays to Bug at Beezer’s
Foods of Excellence will Help You Win
Pame as a Provider of Splendid Meals—If
It’s Quality You Want, We Have It.
P. L. Beezer Estate
Cash Meat Market
Established Over Forty Years ~
Phone 666—667 Free Delivery
Fruit and Vegetables
Wholesale and Retail
All Kinds of Produce
We Deliver
Phone 240 W. High Street
Buy Lumber
From a Lumberman
W. R. Shope
Herr & Heverly
Ferndale (Lr(ceries
Highest Quality Food Products
Prompt Service
At the Lowest Possible Prices
We Deliver
Phone 62
Hunter's Book Store
We are taking orders for Personal
Greeting Cards for Christmas now—
See Our Sample Books
Our 50c. and $1.00 Box Assortments
are also sel ing—
Provide Them Early
Beflefonte Fuel & Supply Co.
Coal, Feed and Oils
Moshannon } $5.00
Osceola Mills Per Net Ton
5-Ton Lots...$4.50 per Net Ton
Drain and Refill
For Cold Weather
with TEXACO—
Clean, Clear, Golden
Center Oil and Gas Co.