Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 14, 1930, Image 4

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    Bowed [+55
Bellefonte, Pa., November 14, 1930.
?. GEAY MEEK - - Editor
To Correspondents.—No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer. J
Terms of Subscription.—Until further
notice at the follo rates:
Feld SUR ete ti year
Paid after exotration of year - 2.00
Published eekly: every Friday morn-
* ing. Entered at the postoffice, efonte,
Pa. as second class matter.
In ordering change of address always
give the old as well as the new address.
It is important that the publisher be
notified when a subscriber wishes the
paper discontinued. In all such cases the
scription must be paid up to date of
- cancellation.
A sample copy of the “Watchman” will
be sent without cost to applicants.
Items taken from the Watchman issue of
November 19, 1880.
—A new axe factory is about ready
to begin business in Lock Haven.
It will be the opening of an entire-
ly new industry in that city.
—Wheat has gone up to $1.00 per
bushel and eggs to 20 cts.
—The “Morning News” said that
in case of Garfield’s election our
car works would start working im-
mediately. Now it says nothing will
be done there short of three months.
—Among the applicants for the
post-office in Bellefonte we have
heard mentioned the names of John
T. Johnston, George A. Bayard, R.
C. Cheeseman, John I. Rankin,
David Butts, H. H. Benner, George
Skinner, George Whippo, Charles
Garner, “Brit” Steele, E. T. Tuten,
William Mills, Wiliam Shortlidge,
E. M. Blanchard, George W. Tate
and several others. Truly, here is
plenty of material for Uncle Sam to
select from.
—Miss Amanda Tomb, of Jersey
Shore, is visiting “her sister, Mrs.
Bush, in this place.
—The trustees of the M. E. church,
in Bellefonte, will expose their old
church building, situate on High
street, to public sale on Friday,
Nov, 26th, at 2 o'clock, p. m.,, on
the premises. For further particu-
lars inquire. of Wilbur F. Reeder,
secretary of the board.
—The query now is: Has Al Gar-
man shaved off his moustache yet,
or is he waiting until after it has
been decided whether the New York
vote is to be thrown out of not.
Al's bet was that he was to shave
it off if Hancock wasn’t elected. In
case he was then Ed. ‘Gray was to
shave his off. - :
—William Erhard, of Gregg town-
ship, died very. suddenly on Sunday
afternoon last, of heart disease. He
lived at Spring Mills and was about
his work as usual on Saturday.
—The Centre County Sabbath School
Association has secured Rev. John H.
Vincent D. D,, of New York, who
will be here on December 16th to
give his famous lecture “That Boy”
for the Y. M. C. A. and the next
day he will address meetings of the
Sabbath School Association.
—The Governor has set January
6th as the day on which George
Smith and Mrs. Catharine Miller
shall be hanged in Williamsport.
They conspired -to put Mr. Miller
out of -the-way- so they could be
married. Mrs. Miller was formerly
a resident of Centre county and has
relatives in the vicinity of Union-
ville. - w ie
—Mr. Thomas Taylor, of - Union-
ville, who keeps the temperance hotel
in that place, delivered a very ex-
cellent address in the Methedist
church there last. Sunday night. It
created quite a sensation because
the gentleman didn’t mince words
when he touched on the inconsis-
tency of some of his hearers who
are temperance- folks in church and
something else elsewhere. Mr. Taylor
spoke the truth, but it was an un-
pleasant situation for some who
were there. GS
The Titan Metal company broke
ground this week for a new build-
ing 200x60 feet in size, the con-
struction of which will, to some ex-
tent, relieve the unemployment
situation. The building will be most-
ly steel and concrete and the es-
timated cost is $35,000.
Claster & Son are also arranging
to erect a new lumber storage
building on the ground used by the
Beatty Motor company asa storage
. space for second hand cars. This
building will be 100x50 feet in size.
One or two other propositions are
also being considered to help relieve
the unemployment situation.
——-Manager W. H. Brown’s
monthly report for the Centre Coun-
ty hospital shows that 90 patients
were admitted during the month of
October and the number of patient
days for the month was 1195. There
were 10 births at the hospital and
12 deaths. The receipts from all
sources totalled $3193.45. The bal-
ance on hand October 1st was $2804.-
25, making a total of $5997.70. Dis-
bursements for the month were
$3849.07, leaving a balance on No-
vember 1st of $2148.63.
——On Sunday evening Rev. Hor-
ace Lincoln Jacobs, pastor of the
Bellefonte Methodist church, will ex.
change pulpits with Rev. C. A,
Metzger, of Pleasant Gap. Rev.
Jacobs will administer the Holy
Communion to the congregation of
the Pleasant Gap church.
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
Winifred Barron Meek-Morris,
youngest daughter of the late P.
Gray and Susan M. Meek, died very
suddenly at the family home in this
place Wenesday evening.
“She had been in failing health
since 1918 when, weakened by
strenuous war work, she suffered an
attack of influenza the effects of
which she. was never able to throw
off. Arthritis developed and her
heart became affected, so that for
twelve years she had been a con-
stant, though wonderfully cheerful,
Mrs. Morris was born in Belle-
fonte and spent her entire girlhood
here. She was educated at the
Bellefonte Academy, Miss Cooper's
private school at State College and
did some work at the College, it-
self, before going to New York to
enter the Metropolitan College of
Music. After a year there she en-
tered Miss Anabel’s school in Phila-
delphia where she studied piano un.
des Maurice Leifson, On November
15, 1899, she married Thomas King
Morris, of Tyrone, and made her
home in that place until they mov-
ed to Aspinwall, later taking a house
in Pittsburgh, which city has been
her home ever since or until failing
health compelled her to come here
last May.
While in Pittsburgh she was ac-
tive in all forms of charitable, wel-
fare and civic work. During the
war she had supervision of two
hundred of the colored women of
the city who were engaged in mak-
ing surgical dressings. Perhaps her
most outstaning effort was her lead-
ership of the women of that city
who put one of the Liberty Loan
issues over the top with such success
as to draw comment from the
Secretary of the Treasury
She was a member of the Penn
Woman's League, the Pittsburgh
Civic club, the Bellefonte Chapter
D. A. R,, the Penn State Alumnae
club of Pittsburgh, the Jefferson
club and the Methodist Episco-
pal church. Her songs in verse have
been published in magazines and
newspapers all over the country and
are frequently put on the air by
broadcasting stations.
Mrs. Morris is survived by one
son, Thomas King Morris Jr, her
sisters, Misses Mary Gray and Eliz.
abeth B. Meek and one brother,
George R. Meek.
Funeral services will be held at
the family home Saturday after-
noon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Horace
Lincoln Jacobs will officiate and
she will be laid to rest in the fam-
ily vault in the Union cemetery.
Il I
BROWN.—Edward A. Brown, a
former well known resident of Belle-
fonte, died quite suddenly, last Wed-
nesday, at his home in Baltimore,
Md., as the result of a stroke of
apoplexy. He was sitting in a chair
in the kitchen of his apartment,
conversing with his daughter Kath-
erine, when stricken, and passed
away almost instantly.
He was born in Bellefonte on
August 27th, 1855, hence was past
75 years old. The greater part of
his life was spent in Bellefonte and
for a number of years he owned
and conducted the Brant house. In
1920 he disposed of all his property
interests here and moved to Balti-
more, where he had lived ever since.
As a young man he married Miss
Mary McCafferty who died in
November, 1918. They were the
parents of ten children only four
of whom survive, as follows. Misses
Katherine and Mame, in Baltimore;
Leo Brown, of Johnstown, and Ed-
ward, in New York city.
Mr. Brown was a member of the
Catholic church all his life and fu-
neral services were held in Balti-
more early Monday morning. The
remains were brought to Bellefonte
on the 440 p. m. train, Monday eve-
ning, and taken direct to the Cath-
olic cemetery for burial. =
i i!
GROE.—A. A. Groe, well known
merchant of Moshannon, died of a
heart attack some time last Wed-
nesday afternoon while on a hunt-
ing trip. He left home in the morn-
ing telling his wife he was going
to bring home a wild turkey and
pheasant. When he failed to return
for supper Mrs. Groe became alarm-
ed and a searching party was or-
ganized. The body was found about
7.30 o'clock in the evening, not far
from Moshannon. It was lying with
the face to the ground and an ex-
amination revealed the fact that he
had been the victim of a heart at-
tack. He had evidently been on his
way home when stricken and drop-
ped in his tracks.
He was 62 years old and in addi-
tion to his wife is survived by one
son, Albert Groe, a senior at State
College. The funeral was held on
Saturday, burial being made in the
Askey cemetery.
il 1
JACKSON. — Miss Sarah Eliza
Jackson died at the Episcopal home,
at Shippensburg, on Monday after-
noon, as the result of a heart at-
tack. She was a daughter of Thomas
and Eliza Jackson and was born
in Bellefonte sixty-one years ago.
For many years she followed the
vocation of a seamstress, She be-
came a guest at the home some five
years ago. Her only living survivor
is a cousin, Mrs. Charles Smith, of
Middletown, Pa. The remains were
brought to Bellefonte on Tuesday
evening and funeral services held
in St. John’s Episcopal church at
two o'clock Wednesday afternoon by
Rev. Stuart F. Gast, burial being
made in the Union cemetery.
HARPSTER.—Jacob Harpster, one
of the best known residents of west
Ferguson twonship, died at 5.30
o'clock on Saturday afternoon, at
the home of his son Robert, at
Gatesburg, after a brief illness with
an attack of pneumonia.
‘He was a son of Samuel and
Margaret Gates Hanpster and was
born at Gatesburg seventy years
ago. He was educated inthe public
schools of his home community and
Juniata College. He taught school
twelve years then engaged in farm-
ing in which he was unusually suc-
cessful. In the fall of 1893 he
married Miss Emiline Gates who
passed away in 1915, but surviving
him are three sons and one daugh-
ter, Isaac, Ira and Robert Harpster,
all living in the vicinity of Gates-
burg, and Mrs. J. F. Rossman, of
Rock Springs. He also leaves three
brothers, Daniel, Samuel and Ira G.,
all at home on the old farm.
He was a member of the Gates-
burg Lutheran church where fu-
neral services were held at 2 o’clock
on Tuesday afternoon, by Rev, J. S.
English, burial being made in the
church cemetery.
il I
VANTRIES.—George L. Vantries,
a native of Centre county and for
many years a resident of Bellefonte,
died at his home in Pittsburgh, last
Wednesday night, as the result of
general debility.
He was a son of Samuel and
Susan Poe VanTries and was born
in Harris township 81 years ago.
His boyhood life was spent on the
home farm but when he grew to
manhood he came to Bellefonte and
for a number of years was book-
keeper in the offices of P. B. Crider
& Son. Twenty-five or more years
ago he went to Pittsburgh where he
had lived ever since. About forty-
two years ago he married Miss Etta
Mattern, of Tyrone, who survives,
with no children.
The remains were brought to
Bellefonte on the 1:20 p. m. train,
Saturday afternoon, and taken direct
to the Union cemetery for burial.
In addition to Mrs. VanTries, Mrs.
Mrs. D. G. DeGolyer, a niece, of
Evanston, Ill, and Rev, W.P. Van-
Tries, a nephew, of Germantown,
accompanied the remains to Belle-
Rev. and Mrs. Yingling attended
a meeting of the Evangelical Min-
isterium, at Lewistown, Tuesday.
Mrs. Martha Holter and daugh-
ters were week-end guests at the
Mothersbaugh home, in State Col-
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer,
accompanied by Mr, -and Mrs. How-
ard Nagle, motored to Wellsboro,
Sunday. ; 3
Mrs. Virginia Heaton, of Tyrone,
who had been seriously ill" at * the
home: of her sister, Mrs. Earl. Carts
wright, whom she is visiting, is
much improved.
Messrs. James Kane, Thomas
Pletcher, ‘Clarence Yearick and Gir-
ard Altenderfer attended the I.O.O.F
Past Grands meeting at Rebersburg,
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Geraldine Lantz Tice and
brother, Kenneth Lantz, of Altoona,
motored here, Sunday, to spend the
day with their grandmother,
Etta Painter, who is spending the
winter with her son, George C.
Painter. They were accompanied
by Mrs. Chester C, Painter, of De-
troit, Mich, who is Mis. Etta
Painter’s daughter_in-law. }
At the semi-annual meeting of the
board of directors of the Howard
Cemetery association it was decided
to hold an annual festival for cem.
etery purposes. The last festival
netted the association $86.09, and
there is now $557 in a fund draw-
ing interest for the care of the
cemetery. L, H. Neff was- electet
president of the association to suc
ceed the late A. M. Butler and res-
olutions were passed in memorium
of the deceased member. }
The annual meeting of the Feded
ation of Women’s clubs of Centre
county was held in the Methodist
church, here, on Saturday, with fair
delegations from Bellefonte, Philips-
burg, Pleasant Gap and State Col-
lege. The program, as arranged,
was carried out in detail.- -- The re-
ports showed good progress being
made by every club and an active
interest in the economic life of the |
communities in which they are lo-
cated. A delicious luncheon was
served at noon. It was also de-
cided to hold the 1931 meeting at
State College. :
Mr. and Mrs. Shem Aurand anda
party of friends from Milroy, while
on a drive, Sunday afternoon, made
a brief call at the home of Mrs.
Aurand’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Stover. §
Mrs. D. P. Ream and daughter
Marian accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Bartges, and son, of Millheim,
to Renovo, Sunday, where they were
guests for the day of their brother,
Henry Haffley and family. =
Fred Rachau, of New York city,
has been the guest of his father and
mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Guisewite. Mr. Rachau has beenin
quest of small game which does not
appear to be very plentiful.
Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Troupe and
daughters, of Bellefonte, accom-
panied by Mrs. Troupe’s
John R. Bell, of Jamaica, N. Y.,
were callers at the home of their
only aunt, Mrs. Thomas Hull on
Wednesday morning last J. N.
Forster, and sister, Miss Mary G.
Forster, left home for Florida, ex-
pecting to drive as far as Richmond,
Va. that day. They intend to spend
the winter in the South, as they
have for some years past.
Mrs. |
brother, |
-" Joe Shoemaker bagged a big gob-
‘bler and two- foxes the past: week.
“Linn Murphy, ‘of Ithaca, N.Y,
‘was a week-end guest at the Ward
Miss Virginia Woods is housed up
with a sprained ankle, sustained in
a fall.
Bear in . mind the chicken and
waffle supper in the I O. O. F.hall
tomorrow evening.
Mrs. W. R. Port served a chicken
dinner, on Sunday, to a number of
State College guests.
Charles Goss, of Harrisburg, hunt-
ing on Old Tussey, got a dozen
rabbits and a ringneck.
Mrs. Ruth Illingworth was a caller
on friends at Rock Springs, the lat-
ter end of the week.
W. R. Port has recovered from a
recent illness and returned to his
job on the State College Times.
Rev. J. O. McCracken, of Ex-
port, Pa., was here for a few days
hunt but failed to get any game,
R. O. Shank has been discharged
from the Centre County hospital and
is convalescing at his home here.
will Ripka, a Pennsy engineer,
was successful in bagging three wild
ducks while here on a hunting trip.
The Neidigh hunting crowd cap-
tured two raccoons, last Thursday
night, hunting on the third moun.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kimport, of
New York State, were dinner guests,
on Sunday, at the J. F. Kimport
Mrs. Ella Gardner is reported as
slightly improved, thcugh sha is
now the victim of a s! zht attack of |
E. C. Musser and wile, J. F. Mus-|
ser and ‘Mrs. Laura KreLs iactored |
to Indiana, Pa. to visit the A. J.
Musser, family.
E. S. Moore has disposed of his
restaurant to a man from Akron,
Ohio, and with his wife will spend
the winter at the Lloyd Ripka
home, at Boalsburg.
The community rally in the Luth-
eran church, Sunday evening, was
well attended. Rev. J. S. English
was in charge and the speaker was
Rev, N. E. Yusor, D. D.
John Gates, who for two years
was one of Uncle Sam’s Jackies on
the cruiser New York, received his
final discharge on ‘November 1st
and has returned home.
Preaching service in the Methodist
church at Pine Grove Mills will be
held at eleven o'clock the coming
Sabbath, instead of 7.30 as former-
ly. The change of time was made
necessary on account of the Centre
county Sabbath school tour, Mr.
Shuey being president of the Centre
County Sabbath School Association,
Please note change in time.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner, of
Juniata, were in town on Monday.
Alvin Myer, of Altoona, visited
his father, D. W. Meyer, on Tues-
day. .
The ladies of the Reformed church
are quite busy quilting at the home
of Mrs. Nevin Meyer,
Mrs. Harry Musser and daughters,
of State College, were callers in
town on Monday evening.
Mrs. Samuel Reitz, daughter
Esther and son Alvin, visited
friends at Clintondale on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bubeck and
baby son, of Philadelphia, are visit
ing Mrs. Bubeck’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Mothersbaugh.
Harris township vocational school
held community day exercises, on
Friday. ~The exhibits of grain, fruit
and needlework were excellent.
The Women’s Missionary society
of the Lutheran church will hold a
public thank offering service Sun-
day evening, November 16th, at 7:30.
Mr. and Mrs. HA M. Hosterman
drove to Greensburg, Saturday. Mr.
Hosterman returned home, Sunday,
Mrs. Hosterman remaining for a
d week’s visit with her son Charles.
The ladies Bible class of the
Lutheran Sunday school will holda
bake sale, November -26th, in J. D.
Patterson’s store. ‘The sale will be-
gin at 10:30. Bread, buns, pies and
cakes will be offered.
Donald, the five year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brouse, is a
patient in the Centre County hospi-
tal suffering with a broken leg, the
result of an accident, Monday morn-
ing, when he attempted to securea
ride on J. H. Klinger’s milk wagon.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Goheen are
entertaining - their son, Richard and
wife, of Hollidaysburg. Sunday the
‘entire party drove to Harrisburg to
visit the new baby boy born to Mr.
and Mrs. Whitekettle. Mrs. White
kettle was formerly Miss Elizabeth
Have you been operated on?
Do you want to be?
Do you want to avotd it?
W. B. Seeley, noted rupture expert,
famous for his ability and skill in
handling difficult cases, will person-
ally be at the Penn Belle hotel, Belle-
fonte,” Friday, November 21st, only;
10 A. M. to 6 P. M. . where those
desiring benefit. without dangers, ex-
pense and loss of time, always pres-
ent with _ surgical treatment, = may
consult - him without charge.
The - patented rupture appliances
Mr. Seeley now uses will hold bad
ruptures - with ease, will strengthen
tissues ' and - close opening. Any
kind of work can be undertaken
with safety.
CAUTION—Elastic trusses with leg
straps should never be used; they
squeeze the delicate parts against
bone and slowly produce dangerous
complications, necessitating operation.
Master your rupture now. It will
be too lag after Strangulation sets
in. Operations that have torn out
will be given special attention.
Abdominal Belts of Superior Design
for Incisions That Have Torn Out.
Home Office, 122 S. 11th Street
Cor. 11th and Sansom Streets,
Philadelphia, Pa.
. Howard A. Grant, of Altoona, and’
Iva Mae Weaver, of Pennsylvania’
Furnace. :
Angelo Sanzo, of Wellsboro, and
‘Antonette Compana, of Valley View.
Charles O. Gourley and Winifred
P. Angus, both of Auburn, N. Y.
Norman L. Callahan and Hazel
E. Keller, both of Boalsburg.
— Bellefonte fans are asked to
| keep in mind, the, football - game,
Saturday of next week, between the
Bellefonte Academy and the Temple
Freshmen, of Philadelphia. ~The
game will be called at 2 o'clock.
Last Friday the Academy met the
New York University Freshmen, in
New York, and lost the game 7
to 27. Five old Academy players
were on the N. Y. U. team, :
Altoona Booster Merchants Suggest
That you Shop at Your Home Stores First and Come to Booster
Stores for the Things Your Home Merchants Cannot Supply.
It will be a Half
Music of a
If you Enjoy Good Music over the Radio
Tune In On
Station W. F. B. G.
At 8 p. m. Tuesday, November 18
and Enjoy the Booster Stores’
Dollar Day Musical Program
Hour Filled with
High Class
Important. News
of Interest. to All People
flloona Booger lore
Will Hold Their
Dollar Day
November [9
Coming ata time when people are buying their fall and winter needs.
this Greatest of All Booster Stores’ Dollar Days will afford an un.
usual oppotunity for making purchases of goods that are needed right
now for Personal and Home Use and at Wonderful Savings!
Buy on Dollar Day
and Help Others
The things you buy on Dollar Day will represent good savings and
thus help yourself by the money You save,
You help others through buying now, as well as on Dollar Day, as
your purchases enable merchants to sell their goods more rapidly per-
mitting them to place new orders with manufacturers which will mean
more work for their employees and You thus help solve the unem- .
ployment situation.
Buy Christmas Gifts
on Dollar Day
Many stores will offer goods on
Dollar Day that will make ideal
Christmas Gifts—and there are only 29 Shopping Days until Chirst-
mas after next Wednesday.
Thousands of people will take advantage of the opportunity and fil}
at leasta portion of their Christmas Gift Needs from the Dollar Day
Yellow Window Cards
Show You Where
to Find Booster
Dollar Day Stores on Wednesday
Look for these yellow cards—they point the way to Booster Stores
and their wonderful Dollar Day Values!
No matter what kind of goods you may be in need of, you will find
opportunities in Booster Stres to buy them at attractive Low Prices
on Dollar Day.
Come prepared to spend
all day shopping in Booster Stores.
Lunch in a Booster Hotel or Restaurant.
Attend the Warner Theatre
for entertainment after the day’s shopping.
No Parking Restrictions
Wednes., November 19
For Dollar Day Visitors
Through the cooperation of The Altoona City Officials all Parking
Restrictions will once more be removed on Dollar Day, excepting in
Alleys and where State Laws Require Parking Restrictions At All
Visitors can park their cars for as
complete their shopping plans.
long a period as is necessary to
Parking for 15c¢, under Police Protection, at the Municipal Parking
Space, 10th Avenue, between 11th and 12th Streets.
ENCLOSED PARKING at The William F. Gable Co. Garage, Rear
of 11th Avenue Building,
13th Avenue.
and at
Fleck’s Penn Alto Garage, 1409
FREE PARKING for their Patrons at Rear of Sears, Roebuck & Co.,
and Wolf Furniture Company Stores.
Altoona Booster Association