ret —— Demorraic a Bellofonte, Pa., October 31, 1930. a ————" That Six-Hour Layoff Not in the Contract “The man who operates a dairy has a steady job, and those who work in Yeeding, milking, distributing and ‘keeping the barn in condition can’t doaf on the job or failure is sure,” said Bob Bell, “as is illustrated by ‘the dairyman who was noted for the “high quality of his cattle and seeing “to it that his hired help were kept “busy. A negro came to him for work, and, after looking him over, was told “he didn’t took like he wanted a steady Job, ‘Yassuh, boss, Ah wants a stiddy Job.! He was put to work. His ‘stiddy Job’ was to milk 20 cows, care for the milk, wash the utensils, curry the eows and feed them, and drive them “to and from the pasture. It took him -gighteen hours to perform his duties, ‘but he was game and stayed for a «couple of months, Then he gave no- “tice that he was going to quit. ‘I knew it! I knew it!’ railed the dairy- aman, ‘I knew you didn’t want a steady Job. ‘Yassuh, boss, Ah does’ pro- “tested the darky, ‘but yuh ain’t been givin’ me no stiddy job; you's been dayln’ me off six hours every night.” -+—Hxchange. ‘More Than One Method of Arriving at Truth Can you tell when another person «ds telling a lie? There are people who claim to be -able to detect a liar at once, and a “machine has been invented which, by “measuring a man’s blood pressure, -gives a fairly clear indication as to “whether he is telling the truth or not. A non-mechanical test for liars hag «been in use in the Kast for many years. If a crime has been committed dn a village, the villagers are drawn up In a line, barefooted, and ques- tioned. The questioner doesn’t pay much at- “gention to faces—he glances at the “toes of each individual. If they are “#eclawing down” into the ground, their owner knows more about the affair “than he cares to admit. This test, of course, only works ‘where the natives don't know the gigns for which the questioner is look- ‘Ing. And changes in blood pressure aren't necessarily a proof of guilt. “They denote fear or anxiety, which ‘may be felt by the innocent as well as “by the guilty.—London Answers. i Fire in History "Benjamin Franklin deserves to be - «galled the father of American comfort. “The rocking chair is attributed to “him, and his was probably the first at- ‘tempt ever made to construct a hot- air furnace. Certainly New England “had no household furnaces before “1835, and even the first successful “baseburner is dated about 1830. Prim- “itive man dug hearths in his cave Wodging, classical dwellings found ‘braziers adequate, the Middle ages “built fireplaces of a necessary enormity for their spacious halls and if was ~only a little while ago, as time flies, “that anyone enjoyed the modern lux- | ary of a stove within one cen- tury has become an ° “American antique.” : It Sounded About Right “A story Conan Doyle used to love {o ~gell, for it was against himself—he was “that kind of a man—had to do with a ‘Jecture he was about to deliver on -one of his tours over here. At the last ‘minute the man who was to have in- “troduced him was unable to be pres- ~ent, and another local worthy was “hurriedly pressed into service, He ~did right nobly until the critical mo- ment arrived. Then he faltered, pulled “himself together, and proceeded: “And now, ladies and gentlemen, iv «is my great pleasure and privilege to “introduce to you Canon Doyle, the -sminent divine.”—Kansas City Star. Food of Wild Pests One of the duties of state trappers 74s to determine, by stomach examina- tion, just what coyotes, wolves, wild- cats and foxes live on. The stomachs of 82 coyotes examined revealed 18