yr 8s . ~~SCALES MIGHT BE MADE | i Dentorvalic; Wate. _ %.! IN BELLEFONTE AGAIN. | ~~ It is possible that Bellefonte September 26, 1930. Bellefonte, Pa,, PREPAREDNESS hit e for a week. Mrs. relatives in Bellefonte. time Ear oy spend the —Mrs. Charles R. Kurtz, Mrs. Roy : nay oozed, at Ger: Wilkinson, Mrs. Gregg Curtin and Mrs. Samuel Shallcross attended a Christmas seal conference held at the Penn Alto hotel, Altoona, on Tuesday of last week. The purpose was to make preliminary plans for the -annual sale of seals dur- ing December. —Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Mattern have had as guests for a part of the week. Mrs. Mattern’s two aunts, Mrs. A. H. Campbell, Miss Clara Patterson and the former's daughter, Miss Campbell, who drove here from Hagerstown, Wednes- day, to spend the remainder of the week in Bellefonte. | —Mr. and Mrs. Leonard George and two daughters, Grace and Margaret, and the former's mother, Mrs. John F. George, all of Pittsburgh, motored to Bellefonte last Friday and spent the week end at the John F. Smith apart- ment in the Harter building and the | W. C. Cassidy home on Spring street ; —Immediately upon the return home ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris, from Charlottsville, Va., where they had taken their son, Alexander, for his first year at the University of Virginia, Mrs. Mor- ris entered the Centre county hospital for the treatment of injuries sustained from a fall which she had while away. —Mrs. Odilie Mott with Mrs. Louise Taylor Manchester as a motor guest, left yesterday on a drive to Detroit, Mrs. Manchester for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Robert Burns, while Mrs. Mott left with indefinite plans as to her return to Bellefonte, expecting to be ‘with her daughter, Mrs. Mary Mott Mc- Millan, for the winter. —Mrs. Grace Furey McMurtrie, of Al- toona, is spending the afterpart of Sep- tember with cousins in Centre county. For the first part of her visit Mrs. Me- Murtrie was a guest of Mrs. Ethel D. Bottorf and her family, at State College, going from there to spend the remain- der of the time with Mrs. Bottorf’'s sis- ters, Mrs. E. P. Lingle and Mrs. Twigg, both of whom are living on the Dale home farm, just south of Lemont. | —Mrs. James McClain and her daugh- "ter, Emily Eliza, + who have been here for one of "their frequent visits with Mrs. McClain’s mother, Mrs. J. L. Spangler, will close the McClain house at Spangler and go to Washington, early in October, expecting to be there for the winter. Emily Eliza is now at school in Washington and to be there near her daughter is Mrs. McClain's object: in spending the winter at the Capital. : | —Frank Leitzell, who has been in , Bellefonte with his daughter, Mrs. Al- bert Schad, on east Curtin street, for the past year, made one of his very i occasional visits down town last week, | visiting along the way with a few of 1his acquaintances. Being one of the | older surviving residents of Half Moon valley. Mr. Leitzell is conversant with its history many years back and up to {the time he left there to make his home { with his children. He has made tenta- tive plans fo spending the winter in | Altoona. —Mrs. George M. Glenn anc her son, George Jr.,, were recent dinner guests of Mrs. Charles Kurtz and her son Frederick, who is a student at the Har- risburg Academy, where George Glenn is an instructor, Mrs. Glenn and George have been spending the summer at Meadowbrook farm, in Buffalo Run val- of the late Miss Esther Gray. Mrs. Glenn's other children, John, professor of Latin at the Gettysburg college, with his wife and child, and Esther Gray Glenn, research assistant in English at Harvard University, have al- so made short visits to the farm. Ran- dolph, who vacated his mother’s farm at Brierly in April to accept a position at Gettysburg, will bring his family back to Centre county to be with his mother until she closes the house to go to Boston where she will spend the winter with her daughter Hsther. mantown, and the James Harris family, at Reading, with tentative plans for Mrs. Wooden's remaining east for a longer visit. —Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rumberger drove over from DuBois, Tuesday, made an over-night visit with their son Samuel B. Rumberger and his family at Pleasant Gap, then went to their former home in Unionville from where Mr. Rumberger returned to DuBois while Mrs. Rumberger remained for a ‘visit, The Rumbergers were residents of Cen- tre county until going to DuBois seven- teen years ago. ERTS dl —Mrs. Chas. E. Hollander; “of; Newark, _ Ohio, is a guest at the Penn#Belle where she expects to be for a week while re- freshing memories and renewing ac- quaintances of her girlhood:..home here. ‘Before her marriage Mrs. Hollander was - Miss May Hale, a daughter of James Hale who built the present Beaver home at the corner of Allegheny ahd Curtin streets, and a grand-daughter of Judge James Hale, whose home was that now owned by Col. J. L. Spangler. —The Misses Mary and Henrietta Butts, accompanied by Mrs. Kendel, formerly ‘Miss ‘‘Trix”’ Haley, came up . from Philadelphia within the week for a visit at the Robert F. Hunter home and to be their house guests at the Hunfer bungalow on Fishing creek for a week or more. The Misses Butts are natives of Bellefonte and spent all their girl- hood life here while Mrs. Kendel is well known to many in this community by her frequent visits here as a girl. ———— FOUR AUTOISTS HURT ON NEW WADDLE ROAD. Four people were injured Sunday afternoon, when a car driven by George Gilliland, of State College, on the new concrete highway from State College to Waddle, crashed headon into a car driven by Calvin A. Robb, when Gilliland attempted to pass a car going the same direc- tion and driven by T. W. Strohm, of Tyrone. Those injured were Mrs. Calvin Robb, Arthur Robb, Hazel Fultz and Sarah Gilliland. For- tunately none of them were serious- ly hurt. Gilliland was arrested on the charge of wreckless driving. RE A a — Wall—Furey,—Announcement was made, this week, of the marriage of Kenneth Wall, manager of the Richelieu and State theatres, Belle- fonte, and Miss Mauvis Furey, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Furey, which happy event took place at Meadville, Pa., over three months ago, or to be exact, on June 9th. For reasons best known to them- selves the young people kept their wedding a secret until this time. In the meantime Mr. Wall furnished an apartment in the Richelieu build- ing which they took possession of on Sunday, and where they are now receiving the congratulations of their many friends. ——American Lime and Stone Co., operations have been reduced to six hours a day. Depressed businees caused the reduction, —We will do your job work right. Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. WHEBAL ..oocociiscerrivnssmsismsasienmismsmormmiscorns wwsrsine oS Corn 1.00 Oats 40 Rye 70 BAFIGY .comeivssmsssssoess eceasvetiss———— OR)