Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 12, 1930, Image 6

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“store of kndéwledge concerning
Domi fit.
Bellefonte, Pa.,
Why Mention of Thrift
Grates on Auto Driver
Charlie when he had his other car
«developed a system that saved him a
Jot of pennies—perhaps as many as
100 in the months he labored with it.
<Charlie lives in a street off Main
street, in Montello, where it is pos-
sible to coast the length of it because
«of the grade, and ride right into’ his
:garage. Faithfully he always turned
«off his ignition at the head of his
street and saved gasoline the rest of
the way.
Recently when fortune smiled on
him, he traded for a new car. On his
first trip home with it from the club
mat night he turned off the ignition and
coasted down the hill. However, he
forgot that the new motor was
«equipped with a gimmick which auto-
amatically locks the steering wheel when
ithe ignition is shut off.
Just as Charlie was about to turn
finto his street the front wheels failed
to answer his tug and he rammed a
“telephone pole with the right fender
Hefore he could bring the machine to
a stop.
“It'll cost at least a sawbuck to
®’traighten that out,” he moaned, “and
all to save a little gasoline.”—Brock-
Zon Enterprise.
Significance in Name
Clemens Made Immortal
Probably the best known nom de
plume ever adopted by an American
“writer is that of Samuel Clemens,
“Mark Twain.” Usually it is regarded
as just a proper name, chosen by the
humorist from a book or some family
aecord, as most such names are chos-
«en. But the fact is that it wasn’t a |
proper name at all until Clemens made i
it such, says the Golden Book Maga-
zine, which tells the story:
“From the carefree days of his life
-on the Mississippi, Clemens passed to
getting type on his brother’s news-
‘paper, to piloting a steamboat, and to
“wandering in the West. Shortly after,
he began writing articles for a Nevada
paper—clever, fun-poking skits. It
‘was In 1863 that he first adopted the
mame of Mark Twain. ‘I want to sign
them Mark Twain,’ he wrote. ‘It is an
September 12, 1930.
@ld river term, a leadman’s call, signi- |
‘tying two fathoms or 12 feet. It has a |
richness about it; it was always pleas- |
ant for a pilot to hear on a dark
aight; it meant safe water.”
; Women Geographers
‘The Soclety of Woman Geographers
is a society, organized in 1925, by a
group who felt that there should be
. fort to break the drought.
some medium of contact between wom-
en distinguished in geographical work
and its = allied
archeology, botany, natural
~goclology, folklore, arts and crafts,
-ete. For active membership in this
history, '
society only those women are eligible |
“who have done distinctive work where- |
by they have added to the world's |
-seountries in which they have traveled.
“Corresponding members are those who
“fulfill the requirements for active
membership, but who reside outside
the United States of America and
Canada. The associate membership
admits widely traveled women who are
dnterested in furthering all forms of
geographical exploration and research.
Ancient Norwegian Town
“Voss is situated about sixty miles
from Bergen by rail and resembles
very much the ‘Ostlandet,” as the
~eastern part of Norway is called, be-
‘ing broader and having many pine
woods. Voss is a very old village;
show old is not quite certain, The in-
‘habitants were christened in 1023, ac-
-cording to Snorre’s Heimskringla, by
Olav the Saint. The name occurs be-
‘fore that in the old sagas, and is once
=mentioned as a kingdom. There is a
famous old stone church in the town
proper and a Finne, a short distance
~from the railroad station, there stands
ithe oldest wooden building in Nor-
“way, a so-called Finne-loft. The town
“itself is usually spoken of as Vangen,
:sind the surrounding uplands as Voss,
-although the latter name is generally
aised for either.
Choosing His Own Name
: At one time it was the custom in
“he Shetland islands for a man to
sgelect his own surname, and the last
man to do this was Gideon Manson.
“The custom followed was for a som
‘to twist his father’s Christian name
and make that his surname, a fact
which explains why Gideon Manson's
grandfather was called Magnus Rob-
«ertson and his father James Manson
Shirt Tail Catches Fire;
{Magnus’ son).
According to custom, Gideon should
“have called himself Gideon Jameson
41. e., the son of James), but he chose
40 be known by his father’s surname,
“This ancient custom led to consider-
able confusion and was finally pro-
hibited by parliamentary enactment,
Farthest From Land
“The farthest distance a ship cam
‘may seem strange, for the Atlantie
-and the Pacific even wider than that.
But there are islands in these oceans, '
:and never can a ship be more than |
1200 miles from some point of land. |
“The spot of greatest distance from
Aand, is in the Pacific ocean, halt wad
Petween New Zealand and
. park and of these about 250 are in full
| pulled the garment from his back be-
! fore he suffered from anything more
than fright,
sail from land is 1200 miles. This |
Wanted to Join His
ocean is more than 4000 miles wide, |
| What the lady meant, decided the com-
wag |
: fl
French Girl Who Carries His Clubs
at Le Touquet is Proud of Her
Le Touquet, France.—The priace
of Wales has steadily improved his
golf game this summer and the Le
Touquet club, where he often plays, |
has reduced his handicap from
twelve to five.
Technically, experts at the club
said, the heir to the British throne
plays a good standard game, but his
driving remains his weak point. Pro-
fessionals said that he does not ge’
a fair chance at regular practice.
The prince's swing is not free
enough and when he drives his posi-
tion is rather cramped. His righ!
shoulder is dropped too much.
Once his feet get into position, he
takes one or rarely.two half-swings
to address the ball, sways his body
slightly and then drives. His short-
iron shots would make any golfer
happy and his putting is good. If
he can ever congier his driving
fault he may be able to play under
80. As it stands now he is cham-
pion of all the royalty in the world.
The prince's strongest booster is
his French girl-caddie, Adolphine La-
mour, aged seventeen, who lives near
Etaples and has caddied for him for
the last three years. It Is by Wales’
special request that the thin-legged
little French girl carries his clubs.
As behooves a caddie to royalty,
Adolphine is reticent as to the
prince’s golfing faults, but she will
admit that his tips are not to be
classed as over-generous. She ir
very proud of her job.
“The prince is a real gentleman,
so. he never gets angry,” Adolphinf
said. i
“Every one likes to play with him.
Except when his partner is address-
ing the ball, the prince is always
talking. He has a few faults of
stance and swing.”
Drought Is Not the
Fault of Radio Waves
Washington, — Radio waves have
about as much effect on the weather
—or possibly less—than light waves
have on glass, In the opinion of sci-
entists and engineers here in discuss-
ing the proposal of a West Virginia
coal operator to close down all broad-
casting stations for 60 days in an ef-
“There is no disturbance In the
Jdr as the result of the passage of
radio waves from the transmitting
station to the receiver,” said V. Ford
Greaves, a federal radio commission |
engineer. |
“Of course the radio waves pene |
crate air, clouds, buildings, and ether,”
he said, “but it may be said that if
the energy generated by all of the
radio stations in the world were con-
centrated it would not equal the force |
of a rain storm.” |
Snow Clad Mountain |
Longmire, Wash.—Wild bloom span- |
<les the slopes of Mt. Rainier. One of
the richest subalpine flower gardens is |
the vast floral belt encircling the peak |
between the ragged lower edge of ice |
and snow fields and the rugged upper |
limit of tree growth.
There are more than 500 varietie.
of wild flowers in Rainier National '
Wild Flowers Cover |
bloom now. Next to the snow-mantled
mountain and the awe-inspring gla-
clers an attraction which amazes most
tourists, is the wide massed beds of |
blossoms. . i
Octogenarians Warned
to Avoid Bridge Table
Paris.—Bridge, not old age or auto-
mobiles, is taking the heaviest toll
among octogenarians and even septua-
genarians, according to Dr. Maurice
Lebon, French heart specialist. Writ-
ing in L'Oeuvre, Doctor Lebon pleads
with Frenchmen who have reached or
passed their alloted three-score-and-
ten to abandon the eard table and take
a walk after every meal, or something
approximately like that.
Deauville Casino Bars
Bare-Legged Women
Deauville, France.—A healthy tan
vill no longer do duty for a pair of
stockings, women visitors to the Ca-
sino here are being told.
The Casino officials have decided
hat unhosed legs are not becoming
to their gambling salons and have
started stopping all women at the door
who do not comply with the new reg-
Man “Enjoys” Hot Time
Memphis, Tenn.—J. W. Herrington,
dlling station employee, had a hot
couple of minutes here when the tail
of his shirt caught fire in some un-
known manner. The station manager
“Class of Destruction”
Albany, N. Y.—Letter to Dr, Thomas
Parran, Jr., state health commission-
er: “Have you decided when you will
start your class in destruction? I
would like to be one of the class.”
missioner, was “instruction.”
Mt. Vesuvius as Seen From Naples.
(Prepared by the National Geographic
: Society, Washington, D. C.)
HILE not the center of the re-
cent destructive Italian earth-
quake, Naples and the towns
around its beautiful bay suf-
fered considerable damage from the
tremors. And that which harms
Naples, with its almost perfect ar-
rangement of sky, sea and moun-
tains, harms one of the principal
“Journey's ends” of the world. Any-
thing likely to alter this setting is of
more than passing concern to thou-
sands of former visitors, as well as
to residents.
When the Neapolitan advertises,
with the sloganeer’s modesty, ‘‘See
Naples and then die,” he has in mind,
of course, the city and surroundings
taken as a whole. The city alone,
although the largest and most pop-
ulous in the Italian peninsula, is a
hodge-podge of narrow streets and
tenement houses, teeming with life
and gaiety; sordid, yet possessed with
a vast vitality. In buildings and
monuments of historic and artistic
interest, however, Naples cannot vie
with the towns of central and north-
ern Italy. :
Naples is comparatively young
among cities of the Mediterranean.
In the eighth century B. C. Greek
colonists from the near-by city of
Kyme recognized the superior advan-
tages of its great half-moon bay and
laid the foundations for later Roman
settlements. In time the district be-
came the favorite residence of Roman
magnates. Augustus frequently re-
sided at Naples and Virgil completed
some of his most beautiful poetry
here. :
Before the days of a united Italy,
Naples was the capital of the King-
dom of Naples. A large royal palace,
with white marble stairways and a
throne room filled with art treasures,
bears witness to its former imperial
wealth, Today Naples is Italy’s most
important seaport, connected by fast
steamship lines with every part of
the globe. Its streets are lined with
factories, large amd small, while the
surrounding farm districts are fertile
and productive. As a tourist center
it is surpassed, probably, only by
Dirty But Picturesque.
For all its commercialism, dirt and
squalor, however, Naples is extremely
picturesque. Rising in amphitheater
fashion on the slopes of the hills in
the northeast corner of the bay of
Naples the city is full of quaint,
steep streets, where broad steps take
the place of the slab paving of the
downtown thoroughfares. Following
the cholera epidemic in 1884 many of
the narrow streets and high balconied
tenement houses were replaced with
broad avenues and standard build-
It is in the remaining canyon
streets, however, that one finds the
most typical Neapolitan scenes. All
Naples lives outdoors—to cook, to
work, to play, to gossip, and almost
to dress! Street singers with their
mandolins, charcoal sellers and vend-
ers of sweets and drinks add their
colorful bits to the dally pageantry.
Macaroni factories line the streets of
the eastern part of the city, the
fringes of marconi on racks collecting
a little of the dust every passing
automobile and push cart stirs up.
For whatever the city lacks In
seatness and beauty, its famous bay
more than makes amends. The bay
of Naples is a yardstick of marine
perfection. Few who have seen the
bay of Naples will grant that it is
eclipsed elsewhere for spacious and
perfect loveliness. Its dreamy head-
lands and the incomparable contour
of Vesuvius in the center at once dis-
tinguish and sublimate it.
Fascinating to Visitors,
Many lovers of Italy feel that a
country like Tuscany, with its softer
colorings and gentler contours, is
more restful and somehow more
wholesome to live with, and that the
Neapolitan scenery is too much like
theater curtaing come to life, Never-
theless, every person who arrives at
Naples under fair skies and beholds
this littoral for the first time cannot
help being affected by its loveliness.
Many of the visitors feel something
deeper than admiration; for them all
of the coast scenery from Miseno to
Salerno has a strange and lasting
fascination. Then there are the siren
worshipers who have heard the mystic
song and are content to let body and
goul rest here forever; and to such
willing victims of the picturesque,
Naples is not a noisy, nerve-racking
modern city, full of beggars and
rogues and fleas; it is the old “new
In the bay of Naples the very
atmosphere, to such Neapolitan spe-
cialists, seems more bland and limpid
than elsewhere on the peninsula, lend-
ing to the distances a more magical
and haunting charm; the curving
shore is picked out and decorated
with countless beauties, and high
mountains descend abruptly to a tide-
less sea streaked with color, in which
are set ethereal lilac-tinted islands.
From the Monastery of San Mar-
tm10, overlooking Naples, a picture
spectacle is spread. The great, blue,
half-moon bay, dotted with red and
white sails, and surrounded by a
mountainous coast line, which fringes
off into the Mediterranean at each
end in rocky islets, looks more like a
stage curtain than a reality. It is
Vesuvius that “makes” the bay of
Lovely Colors on the Bay.
* From Vesuvius, with the ruins of
Pompeii at its base, the eye follows
the curving shore line to the moun-
tainous Sorrento peninsula, purple
and hazy in the distance, ending with
rocky crags of the Island of Capri.
At sunset the colors are so rich, and
at the same time so soft, it seems
hardly possible that they are real.
The bay is a rippling sheet of gray
and green and blue. The rocky head-
lands and islands are the softest and
most delicate lavender. A rolling
stream of purple smoke rises from the
crater of Vesuvius and floats across
the sky, while, in the background,
billowy pink clouds catch the last
rays of the blood-red sun as it drops
into the Mediterranean.
To many observers the fairest ot
the Neapolitan gems is the Island of
Capri that lies in the blue waters
just oft the tip of the Sorrentine
peninsula. From high in air to below
the waterline the island Is scarred
mm .
A movement to remove the stigma
attached to children born out of wed-
lock has been started by the min-
istry of justice in Tokyo.
The Japanese civil marriage cere-
mony is simple, for it requires only
that the young man and woman
register at a ward office and paya
few sen for the registration. Never-
theless investigation by the justice
ministry has revealed that the
practice known in the West as
“free love” is growing alarmingly.
At present the law provides that
a child born out of wedlock must
take the mother’s name. The
ministry, however, plans to alter
the law so that the child will have
the right to assume the father’s name
and be eligible for inheritance.
— Read the Watchman for the news
We Offer Subject to Market Changes:
per 100lb
Hecla Scratch Feed ............... 2.30
Wayne 32 per cent. Dairy ...... 2.60
Wayne 24 per cent. Dairy ... 2.50
Wayne 20 per cent. Dairy........ 2.30
Wayne 16%Dairy Ration ...... 2.00
Wayne Egg Mash ................. 2.90
Wayne 189, Pig Meal ......... 2,75
Wayne 289% Hog Meal ........ 2.95
Wayne Calf Meal............ 4.25
Rydes Calf Meal........................ 4.50
Branis.........oo nn 1.70
A. Midds ........ co. 1.90
B. Midde ..............c....... 1.70
Corn and Oats Chop .............. 2.20
Cracked Corn ............cceecoiviee 2.50
Corn Chop... is, 2.50
Flax Meal 2.40
Linsced ‘oil meal .................... 2.80
Cottonseed Meal ...... 2.60
Gluten Feed ........... 2.40
Alfalfa meal ....... 2.25
Alfalfa loaf meal ..................... 3.25
Beef Scrap or Meat Meal... 4.00
Hog tankage .........c..ocesss. 2.70
Oyster Shells ........ 1.00
Mica Spar Grit... 1.50
Stock Salt ......... . 100
Common Fine Salt................... 1.25
Menhaden 559% Fish Meal...... 4.00
Bone Meal ............. 3.25
Charcoal ................. 3.00
Dried Buttermilk ... 9.50
Dried Skim Milk........cccccomaeeeenc 9.00
Pratt’s Poultry Worm Powder 10.00
Pratt’s Poultry Regulator...... 9.00
Cod Liver Oil, cans gal.......... 1.80
Cod Liver Oil, bulk gal......... 1.30
. 4 Dbbl. 1st Prize Flour ............ 1.60
1, Bbl. Pillsbury Flour............ 1.90
Orders for one ton or more de-
‘Mvered without extra charge.
We make no charge for mixing
your own rations.
and pitted with myriad vast pock- i
marks, some pillared with stalactites :
and stalagmites, some through which
the never-quiet sea moans and sobs
with the agonized wail of a hurt
monster; one white, with little pools
of pure, sweet water on its floor, only
a few inches above the sea;
greener than emerald; one blue as
heaven with row upon row of delicate
pink corals and tiny scarlet jelly-fish
studding the waterline like jewels,
while the refraction of the sunlight
tints everything with the most marvel-
ously diaphanous color, through which
the silvery ripples of the botiom
sand, about 40 feet below, seem with-
in arm’s length.
Back on the mainland, the traveler
can find beauties along this delight-
ful coast even south of the bay. As
he drives up over the crest of the
Sorrentine peninsula the Siren islands
loom in the distance, too far away
for even the echo of the charmers’
song to be heard. At Positano the
road divides into two white ribbons,
binding the town to the green hill-
Scenes Along the Coast.
On by the caves of troglodytes, whe
have all the comforts of home-—-little
patches of garden, amiable goats, olive
groves, and grape-arbors—the road
winds in and out, np and down the
stern face of the cliffs, rising and
sinking in great billowy sweeps,
plunging hastily through short, black
tunnels, racing around big and little
bends. Now it skirts the shoulder of
a cliff, with only an 18-inch wall be-
tween the wheels and the boulders
hundreds of feet below.
Picturesque watch-towers stud the
shore, ancient defenses against the
Barbary corsairs. And then presently
Amalfi, once the brave little maritime
republic that maintained its independ-
ence so long in defiance of princes
and emperors. In a low cleft of the
hills the houses fairly pile upon one
another, as though there were not
room for them all on the hillside.
Back on the mist-velled crags loom
other towns, and all day long, down
the road that winds dizzily among the
peaks, come old women and young
girls, staggering under heavy loads of
fagots gathered in the woods above
the clouds. And when they are not
carrying fagots they are always knit-
ting—even when there is no war l—
on the streets, in shops, gardens, fish
ing boats on the beach, gossiping by
the fountain before the long stair
that leads to the stately black and
white and mosaic Oathedral of 8t.
Your orders will be appreciated
and have our careful attention.
Feed Store—28 West Bishop St.
) Phone 98.J
Mill—Hecla Park, Pa. Phone 2324
At a Reduced Rate, 20%
7336 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in
80 minutes, checks a Cold the first
day, and checks Malaria in three
666 also in Tablets.
years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
CC. you see
both sides of your
face in the bath-
room mirror?
when there is
good light on
each side of the
Fine Job Printing
at the
Brn A
that we can mot do Im the most
satisfactory manner, and at
consistent with the class of w
Call on or communicate with
1420 Chestnut St.,
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Plantium
74-27-t1 Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
This Interests You
The Workman's Compensation
Law went into effect Jan, 1,
1916. It makes insurance com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance, We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
State College Bellefonte
2 fiani2ni2nani2naniani=2nani=
Baney’s Shoe Store
WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor
80 years in the Business
P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market
Prime in flavor, freshness and
nutritive value are our fine
meats. That's why particular
housewives who take pride in
their culinary efforts patronize
us in ever-increasing numbers.
Its why you, too, will be sure to
satisfy your family’s meat re-
quirements when you shop
save i
Telephone 668
Market on the Diamond.
Bellefonte, Penna.