Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 12, 1930, Image 5

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    THE GREEN “Y” HUT TO GO | Penn State's part in the ya has
FRO ENN AMPUS. { been commemorated in ronze
ME STATE g us | plaques being placed in the lounge
One of the last outward remind- | of Old Main recording the names
ers of the World War will disappear : of the 73 students and alumni who
from the campus of the Pennsylva- were lost during the conflict. Old
nia State College in the razing this Main is one of the twelve buildings
month of the green and white “Y” rebuilt or erected in the program
Hut, similar to hundreds erected in of replacements at the college which
various military training camps. will be commemorated at the 75th
Student religious activities are to college charter anniversary, October
center in the rebuilt main building. ‘23, 24, and 25.
Altoona Booster Merchants Say :
Patronize Your Home Stores First. Come to Booster Stores
for the Things Your Home Stores Cannot Supply.
At 7.15 P. M. Tuesday, September 16
Altoona Booster Stores
will Broadcast a
Rare Musical Program
Over Station W.F.B.G., to be Dedicated to the
Booster Stores’ Fall Style Show
Be Sure to Tune In for this Interesting Program.
Altoona’s Greatest
Fashion Event
Wednes., Sep., 17th
Windows will be Unveiled at 6 O’clock
Tuesday evening, Sept. 16.
This important Fall Style Event will be continued over
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Booster Stores will show at this time |
Magnificent Displays of
New Fall Merchandise
For Personal Needs and For the Home
The elaborate displays will permit selections to be
made to best possible advantage.
As Booster Stores specialize in All Kinds of Mer-
chandise, opportunities will be afforded to make
selections of New Fall Apparel of All Kinds for
Women and Children as well as for Men; also
Everything that may be needed in Furnishings for
the Home.
Every Wednesday
Suburban Day
Altoona Booster Stores
‘In addition to the new goods that will be on display
on Wednesday for the Fall Style Show, you will find
many special values offered by Booster Stores on
account of Suburban Day.
Come prepared to spend the entire day inspecting
the new goods and special priced attractions that
Booster Stores will have ready for you.
Take a Lunch at a Booster Hotel or Restaurant!
Visit a Booster Theatre For Entertainment!
Altoona Booster Association
.for some time.
| spent the week-end
| here.
who is a medical
i Lock Haven hospital, remains about
‘the same.
Dr. Frank Bailey, of Milton, spent
Sunday here with his mother.
Mrs. Carrie Fortney, of Altoona,
is visiting Centre county friends.
A. B. Krebs, of Altoona, spent
Sunday with his brother, Dr. R. M.
Miss Helen Goss is spending her
vacation withthe S. E. Goss family,
at Reading.
J. I. and George Reed are now
engaged in the butchering business
in this place.
John F. Saucerman spent last
week in Altoona, under the care
of a specialist.
George O'Bryan and daughter, of
Axe Mann, spent Sunday with
mother O'Bryan.
W. K, Goss and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bryan spent Sunday with
friends in Altoona.
Miss Virginia Woods has return-
ed home from a pleasant visit with
relatives in Pittsburgh.
Mrs. Mary Meyers had as a
Sunday guest her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Lutz, of Atlantic City.
The plate offering for missions
lifted in the Presbyterian church,
Sunday evening, amounted to
After a month’s visit with friends !
in Pittsburgh Miss Ella Goss is
back with her grandmother, Mrs.
A. F, Goss.
Thomas Wilson and Miss Anna
Bush motored to Lewistown, Sat-!
urday evening,
quietly married.
W. H. Glenn and wife and
George Dreibelbis and wife took a
motor trip, last week, to Niagara
Falls and Watkin’s Glen.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
P. M, Corl, at the Altoona hospital,
where they were
on Monday, ‘the first child in six-
teen years of married life.
Mrs. Lloyd Shuey has received
word that her son, V. S. Shuey, is,
a patient in the Walter Reed hospi- |
tal, in Washington, D. C.
While filling his silo, last Fri-
day, Samuel H, Hess got his right |
machinery of .
hand caught in the
the silo cutter and badly mangled.
Mrs. Florence Fleming has re-
turned from a visit with friends at
McVeytown and is planning to go
to State College where she has se-'
cured a position.
A message from W. H. Fry,
Tacoma, Washington, states that
his son Donald met with an acci-
dent reecntly and had both legs
broken below the knees. He is get-
ting along fairly well, however,
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, of
Shaver’s Creek, celebrated their
56th wedding anniversary, Septem.
ber 3rd. They have ten children,
fifteen grandchildren and twenty-
four great grandchildren,
were present for the celebration.
Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Cox are
mourning the death of their twin
son, Paul Cox, who died on Sun-'
He had been in frail
The parents and
three sisters survive. Burial
made in the. Meyers cemetery on
Tuesday afternoon.
The Bloom family have moved
from the Bowersox property here to
State College. Prof. Tobias moved
into the - Bowersox house, Walter
Gates has taken possession of the
Burton place. George Ream is now
in possession of “Bills Inn” and
day. health
the Baker family have moved into
ithe J. G. Miller home, in town.
Miss Louise Burnett, of Mill Hall,
with relatives
Mrs. T. A. Pletcher and daugh-
ter, Miss Alma, spent Thursday in
Mrs. Florence Williams spent sev-
eral days, last week, with relatives’
in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swartz,
Pittsburgh, visited the
mother, Mrs. Mary Swartz.
A. D. Gledhill entertained
members of the sewing circle,
‘her home, Tuesday evening.
The condition of A. M. Butler,
patient in the
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. McDowell,
S. J. Wolfe and J. H. Wagner at-
| tended the Ebensburg fair, last
| Thursday.
Mrs. Mary Swartz, with her
daughter, Miss Nettie, and son
Harry and wife spent Sunday at the
home of Charles P.
Miss Emma Pletcher, Mrs. Bur-
lew, Miss Farley, of Blanchard, with
A. R. Moon, as chauffeur, drove to
Lansdowne, Monday, where they
will’ visit the former’s sister, Mrs.
H, I. Ivans.
Teachers from town who opened
their school for the term, the past
week are Miss Bertha Wolfe and
Hilda Leathers, at Bellefonte; Miss
Louise Bowes, Milesburg, and Mrs.
Toner Robb, at Central City,
White, in Beech
Mrs. Mary Root, of Bellwood, is
visiting at the home of Mrs. Fran-
cis Hall.
Miss Leta Bissett arrived on Sat-
,urday and was a guest at the home
of her mother over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stonebraker,
of Osceola Mills, visited her sister,
Mrs. Mary Summers, last Sunday.
Miss Anna Blackburn is visiting
her cousins, Mrs. Maggie Keatley
and the Misses Eva and Lucy Row-
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hall and son,
Robert, and daughter, Phyllis, of
: Willard, Ohio, are visiting relatives
and friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed and
i son, of Pennsylvania Furnace, were
{ Sunday visitors at the home of her
{ brother, Everett Parsons.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Henry and
and all,
was |
“i ON THE -
ps Dil,
If your home is not equipped with run-
ning water, a Duro Water System will
solve your problem for you—efficiently,
economically. Ask about easy terms on
combination Duro System and “Red
Crown” Heater installations.
You Can Save Money
by Buying Now! |
You don’t have to scrap that old, wornout
water heater of yours; just trade it in now on
a brand new “Red Crown” and receive $15
credit! Then pay only $15 down and this
superb automatic electric water heater wilk
be installed in your home, and you have 18
months in which to pay the balance! These
monthly payments are as low as $8.02!
Perfect Hot Water
Service at Low Cost!
The “Red Crown’ can be installed any-
where . . . it puts an end to all hot water
troubles. No fumes, smoke or dirt of any
kind. An abundant supply of hot water is
always on tap at every faucet, yet the elec-
tricity used is reduced to a minimum. What
is more important, under West Penn's new
low domestic rate, the current used is ex-
tremely cheap!
Offer Time-Limited!
Make up your mind—before this liberal of-
fer closes—to see for yourself what a “Red
Crown” automatic electric water heater
will mean to you when installed in your
home. Visit our local store today.
ro wt
Lewistown, visited relatives here =
and up Dix Run on Sunday. F OR SALE.—Ford cou; soe [good | OR RENT.—The second and thire
running con on. ee at home oors n e atchman office
Mrs. Dora ii Ty - of Mrs. Lydia Irwin, Wingate. building, suitable for offices om
N. Y, and brother,
| Hall, of Elizabeth, N. J.,, are vis-
“iting their sister, Mrs. Perry Hall,
of Dix Run, who is seriously ill,
| Quite a number of Grangers and
‘other people attended the special
services, Sunday, at the Grange
Hall. Rev. Piper delivered an ap-
propriate sermon. The song by the
male quartette was fine.
bool d {
' The Wingate singers motored out |
. to Yarnell, Sunday evening, and took
a prominent part in the services at
the United Brethren church.
| Guests at the Irwin home, on
' Sunday, included Mr. and Mrs. H.
B. Witherite, their daughter, Mrs.
Anna Shillings and two children,
and Mr. Summerson, all of Lock
‘Haven, and Mr. “and Mrs. Irwin
Reeder and daughter, of Clarence.
' Mrs. Lydia Irwin, Mrs. Mary
McLaughlin, Mrs. Florence Lucas
and Miss Geraldine Murray motored
to Dix Run. last Thursday, and vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Hos-
band, stopping at Unionville on the
return trip for a call on Mrs. J. D. |
Mitchell, |
A Surprise birthday party was
held, Monday evening, for Ralph
McLaughlin, it being his 41st an-
niversary. Unaware of what was
transpiring Mr. McLaughlin was
‘completely surprised, on returning
home, to find the house filled with
neighbors and friends. The evening
proved a most delightful occasion, !
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Reese and three children, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Summers and little daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Lucas and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fisher,
Mrs. Katherine Fisher, Henry Fish-
er, Mrs. Lydia Irwin, Mrs; John
Shawley, Miss Anna Taylor, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McLaughlin.
At a late hour refreshments were
served after which all returned
i home.
OUSE FOR SALE.—Fine brick res-
idence on west Curtin St., is for
sale. Inquire of Louise M. Valen-
Bellefonte, Pa. 75-33-4t
7 room house on west Curtin St
Inquire of Mrs. H. C. Valentine o!
phone 104-R. 75-31-41
mantel, fire place, hearth and all
arts complete. No broken parts,
$15.00 will take it. Inquire at this Bes.
$4.25 Sunday
4:22 ot 1
Excursion Train Leaves Saturday Night
Preceding Excursion
Standard Time
8.18 P. M.
See Flyers or Consult Agents
Pennsylvania Railroad
Leave Bellefonte
75-34-2t apartments.
Friday and Saturday (This'
Week) —Edmund Lowe, Star
of “The Cockeyed World,” in
a Sensational, Stirring Fox
Movietone Drama of Gangland
“Born Reckless”
a m———————— LE
Monday, Tues. and Wednes.,
Zane Grey’s
“ The Border Legion
with Richard Arlen, Jack Holt,
Fay Wray and Eugene Pallette
—Swift Riding, Hard Fighting.
Men drawn together because they
despise the law. Terrors of the
gold frontier, they face a woman
and meet defeat.
Two (2) Shows Daily 7 and 9
p.m. All This Week
¢ Cohens and Kellys
In Scotland ”’
A Riot of Laughs
from start to finish.
All Next Week—Shows 7 and
9p m. Lon Chancy
Coming Soon in his Greatest Role—
All Quiet o1: the Western Front
© ”
Paul Whiteman in Phatiton of fe Opera
“King of Jazz” : Talking-Sound Effects
3:4 and somz Technicolor.
Admissions -10, 25 and 35c.
This has been demonstrated at the Decker Chevrolet Co. by Chevrolet
owners. Each owner driving his own car. Cash prizes were given by Mr.
C. G. Decker to the three contestants who could drive the farthest on one
quart of gasoline from the time the motor started. It had to be pulling
until the quart of gas was exhausted.
Miles Miles
r per.
at Gal.
George Dyke, Milesburg ___________ 1929 Chev. Coach_____ 6-8 27.2:
Winning 1st. Prize $25.00.
Mrs. S. F. Gorden, Bellefonte. _____ 1930 Chev. Sedan...._. 6-4 25.6
Winning 2nd Prize $15.00.
Oscar Zimmerman, Bellefonte... _ 1930 Chev. Coach-____ 6-3% 25.2
Winning 3rd. Prize $10.00.
Arthur E. Beal, Motor Patrol ________ 1929 Chev. Coupe.___. 5-4 21.6
Paul Bartley, Bellefonte oo ________ 1929 Chev. Coach..... 4-8 19.2:
Mrs. 8S. F. Gorden, Bellefonte .______ 1930 Chev. Sedan...___ 6-4 25.6;
James Gunsallus, Bellefonte _________1929 Chev. Sedan_..__ 5-8 23.2
W. G. Hosterman, Aaronsburg .._.___ 1930 Chev. Coupe...__. 5-1% 20.6
W. T. Reeder, Milesburg_____________ 1929 Chev. Coach... 5-414 21.8
Harry Hazel, Bellefonte ___._______ 1930 Chev. Coach.___. 5-114 20.6:
C. F. Brewer, Bellefonte... _______ 1929 Chev. Coupe... 4-7 18.8
Jennie Poorman, Bellefonte ...__.____ 1928 Chev. Sedan..... 4-9 19.6:
Fred Zettle, Bellefonte —— ___ 1930 Chev. Rdst.—oo-. 5-8 23.2
Gilbert Aikey, Bellefonte... _._..__ 1929 Chev. Coach..... 5-91% 23.8
J. S. Bathurst, Bellefonte... .._.____ 1929 Chev. Sedan ._... 5-9 23.6
J. O. Heverly, Bellefonte. ....___._._..__ 1930 Chev. Sedan.__._ 5-9% 23.8
Jack Taylor, Bellefonte _____________1930 Chev. Coach..... 4-9 19.6
T. C. Morarity, State Patrol__.__.____1930 Chev. Coupe__.._. 5-T% 20.9.
George Dyke, Milesburg —____________ 1929 Chev. Coach._. 6-8 27.2
Robert Shope, Milesburg oo ____ 1929 Chev. Sedan...._. 4-7 18.8:
Oscar Zimmerman, Bellefonte...._..._1930 Chev. Coach... 6-3% 25.2