Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 12, 1930, Image 2

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    Demorralic acm
Bellefonte, Pa., September 12, 1930.
“I'll come back afterwhile,’” he said
AS he tucked his head in his cap of gray.
And muffling his throat with a scarf of red
He lovingly called to his mother to say,
“p11 come back afterwhile.” ?
“p'll come back afterwhile,, he said
To his father who sharpened his skates
that day
At the old grindstone.
Shouting, ‘Thanks, I'll give kisses for
Then onward he
T'll come back afterwhile.”
“7'll come back afterwhile,” he said
To his dog that sounded a lonesome bay.
“your foot is so sore: you must keep
your bed.
If yowre good, you may go home some
I'll come back afterwhile.,’
“7'll come back afterwhile,” he said.
But O! ’tis so long he has been away.
Yet oft-times when skies are with stars
Out of the silence they hear him say:
“1'11 come back afterwhile.”
When his barograph marked twelve
thousand feet, Reese pushed the yoke
of his warping-wheel forward a few
inches, and gave a slight inclination
to the footbar of the rudder. The
monoplane, which had been climbing
up into the wind so sharply as to
remain almost motionless as far as
horizontal progress was concerned,
settled to a level keel and began to
describe a wide circle, gracefully
lifting its outside and lowering its
inside wing like a bird when it
turns, From behind the trailing
edge of the lowered wing, its driver
looked down on the creeping expanse
of earth two miles below.
The hangars and plyons and crowd-
ed stands of the aviation-field were
pressed together, made small, blur-
red, as though seen through
the wrong end of a misted telescope.
The broad field itself seemed not
larger than a lady’s handkerchief;
it was almost lost in the blur of
villages, boulevards, railroad-tracks,
and tree-clumps of the level Long
Island country. To north and south,
as the great bird swept steadily on
its arc, appeared expanses, smooth
and polished like metal—the Atlan.
tic and the Sound. Shapes like
beetles represented ships.
“It might be Lilliput,” said Reese,
aloud bending his helmeted head
over the inch wide rim of aluminum
that separated him from space. The
strangeness of sheer height and
aloofness had written awe on his
face. He lifted his eyes from the
Atlantic to the curved walls of sky,
dark blue with the thinness of the
air, dazzling like steel with the re-
splendence of untempered sunshine, '
which curved downward all around
him. He was as though suspended
in the monstrous metal reflector of
a monstrous electric light; dizzying,
blazing distance was all around him.
“God!” he muttered; “isn't this—”
There was a catch of awe and rap-
ture in his voice— ‘isn’t this tre-
mendous! And lonely! A man on a
mountain-peak wouldn't be half so
much alone.”
Behind the glass of his goggles his
wide, hazel-colored eyes shone with
a dull excitement, like that following |
the first exhiliaration of champagne.
His rapid ascent, the thin, icy air,
the powerful hum of the muffled
motor, the blazing sunshine, the voice
and fingers of the wind, the sweep
of his winged machine obeying the
circular blur that showed the tract-
or's power at its head, the invisible
supporting strength that thrilled
along the steel nerves of the great
bird into his hands—all these new
and strong forces registered them.
selves on the brain of the man,
doubled the time of his heart beats,
made him quiver more with excite-
ment than with the cold that sug-
gested itself despite his furs. There
was no fear on his keen face; rather
exultation, triumph, delight in the
presence of danger. A strong swim-
mer might have struck out toward
sirens on their rocks with such an
expression of eager, abandoned joy.
“They shall mount up with wings
as eagles,” he chanted somewhat
wildly, glad of the sound of his voice
in the strange emptiness and silence
of the place. His eyes wandered
along the dazzling blue-black horizon
to a blazing mass of snow-like mist
that was forming on the seaward
side. “I wish I could go to sleep—
like a frigate-bird on the wing,” he
finished inconsequently.
He had got little sleep the night
before, the nearness of his first real
flight, his first unattened trip to-
ward the sun, had been too poignant.
From his first lesson in ‘grass_cut-
ting,” with an instructor in the seat
behind him, he had dreamed of this;
height and distance allured him as
by some affinity with his nature.
with the very blood in his veins.
His privateer ancestors of 1812, his
balloonist great uncle, his grandfather
who had been a naval officer, had
bequeathed him their love of free
spaces and adventure. The care of
this father, a well-to-do professor
in a technical school, to bring the
boy up to the teaching profession
had not survived young Reese’s first
sight of an aeroplane. The profes-
sor bowed to the inevitable; John
Faraday Reese gave up higher
mathematics to adventure
highways of the sky.
As the machine completed its
three mile circle and came once more
up into the wind, Reese straightened
it out again, and pulled back alittle
on the yoke that worked the big
double elevator in the tail. The
great wings turned upward again,
soaring. Playing the controls as in-
stinctively as though the machine
on the
had been a part of him, the driver
kept eyes on the lethargic needle
of thé barograph, © From beneath
drooping eyelids he watched it crawl
upward over the lined paper strip.
Twelve thousand five hundred, twelve
thousand seven hundred fifty, thir-
teen thousand and two feet.
Despite the sharp angle at which
the big bird poised, the ascent was
growing more gradual; the thinned
air offered less grip for the tractor,
less support for the wings. To in-
crease the power of the motor, Reese
cut out the muffler. The rapid
musketry of the exhaust.
strangely sharpened and
in the attenuated air. = With some-
thing like a shudder, he threw over
the lever that muffled the engine.
His nerves were on edge; the strange
sound hurt. The barograph marked
thirteen thousand six hundred feet.
Still they climbed, enveloped in a
blaze of sunshine that was to the
tempered sunlight of the earth’s
surface as diamonds to glass. De-
spite. the zero air, Reese’s temples
inside his padded leather helmet
were bathed in sweat. He was pant-
ing, and fine, red lines appeared on
the smarting surface of his eye-
balls. Below the mask of his gog-
es his face was drawn into deep,
straining lines of exultant determi-
| “Up we go,” he shouted. His voice
seemed smothered in a vacuum but
he disregarded the strangeness. Six-
teen thousand and a world’s record,
or bust!”
He glanced again over the quiver-
ing rim of the car. A fine white
mist, a mist that gave back the
blazing sunshine like cloth of spun-
glass, had shut out the earth. It
was as though a cover had been put
over the mouth of the tremendous
reflector inside of which he was
buzzing upward, smaller than a
midge in the globe of an arc
light.. The very air seemed to turn
to flames and ice. A great wave of
melancholy gathered, rose, and broke
over the mouth of the = tremendous
human world that blazed and sway-
ed, that burned and froze, that had
no stability, that allowed him air
only in searing little gasps.
“Nevertheless,” he muttered, biting
at his hardened nether-lip—‘never-
, theless, up we go!”
| He closed his eyes for a moment
to get rid of a slight vertigo caused
directly by the glare of the alumi-
num hood that covered the engine.
Colored blotches of light danced be-
fore his eyeballs, and the rushing of
the icy wind rang on his brain like
faint voices. He could hear the
- feverish whispering of the blood in
the tympans of his ears, like a mag-
nified replica of the sound that some-
times comes just before sleep. He
felt sleepy.
“Sixteen thousand!”
to himself, crushing down his diz-
ziness and languor. “Sixteen thous-
and! Sixteen thousand feet!”
“No, twenty thousand!” The voice
was singularly musical, thin, and
“Yes, twenty thousand!” In the
thrill of determination that the
voice gave him, he momentarily ov-
erlooked the queerness of its pres.
ence. “Twenty thousand feet high.”
“Higher than even the condor
He opened his eyes in some faint
distress and perplexity of mind, and
blinked through his goggles. In the
forward seat, turned three quarters
toward him, was a woman, a girl.
He could hardly make her out at
first, for the dazzle of the aluminum
hood was just beyond her, and she
was dressed all in white—white,
a knitted cap was pulled down over
her head; a few strands of hair,
| blazing with the sun’s own color lay
along the snow white oval of her
“I didn’t know—I had the two-
seater,” he remarked dazedly. His
voice was thin and whistling; he
raised it to make himself heard
above the hum of the motor and
screw. ‘I thought I took out the
one-place machine; I'm out for alti-
tude, you know.”
Her eyes, blue-black and flashing
like the sky, regarded him with a
little look of questioning; her mouth
a faint scarlet line turned down a
trifie at the ends, suggesting polite
surprise. :
“I don't mean to intimate that I'm
not delighted to have you along,” he
assured her warmly. “I merely for.
got; it’s the first time I've been any-
where near as high as this, and it
makes me feel slightly dippy, not
bad enough to make me be afraid
of losing control. of course, but
still—not just right.”
“You look—magnificent.” Her voice
left a ringing echo in his ears.
“Oh, I feel all right, aside from
the fact that I can’t remember en-
gaging a passenger for this trip.”
“That's not worth worrying about
now,” she assured him, smiling ina
dim, dangerous way into his eyes.
“What does the barograph read?”
He had to bend down close to
read the dial. “Fifteen thousand
three hundred,” he said with a stray
air, and lifted his head to stare at
her. “Tll not cut out the muffler
until we stop rising; the exhaust
makes a ghastly clatter up here. It
jabbers like the ghost of itself.”
“I love it; it sounds—high,” she
said, and again he was thrilled by
the weird music of her voice. It al-
, lured, it inspired like a bugle-note,
and yet there was a chilling some-
thing in it. It reminded him of the
“ice crackle,” that peculiar trilling
reverberation from the expanding of
thin, new ice on the skating lakes
of his boyhood. One glided along
over the thin, glass-clear surface,
one saw the steel-blue water just
beneath, one heard the sudden sil-
very “K-r-r-r. ring!” of the ice-
crackle, and one put his whole soul
into speed.
He stared at her, racking his be-
numbed wits to remember her place
on his. passenger list. Like most
of the new pilots, he was accustom-
ed to earn an honest penny now an
then by taking up persons with the
desire and the necessary fifty dol-
lars. She frankly yielded herself
to his inspection; she turned far-
ther around in her seat and smiled at
“You don’t remember me?”
“No; that’s astounding; but true.”
She was exquisite; perfect inévery
line,. beautiful with the. abstract
beauty of an idealist painter's work.
Ty 5 Sally
he muttered.
mary ol
An artist might have called her a
“pure type;” there was no little
trick of outline or coloring to give
personality, character, to the flaw-
less symmetry of her face, She
seemed less a real woman than some
ideal created to embody an idea;
she might have stood for “Purity,”
or, perhaps better, “Danger.” Her
beauty lost nothing by its imper-
onality; to Reese's sun-dazzled eyes,
at least it was all the more poig-
nant. The faint scarlet of her eyes,
the flashing gold of her hair, and
the sheer radiant white of all the
'rest of her allured, intoxicated, as.
‘tounded. He breathed quickly for
‘reasons other than the thinness of
|the air. She was unhuman, almost
superhuman, for sheer perfection
! of line and color.
“Well, you have been staring at
‘me for some time,” she said with-
'out the slightest show of self-con.
| sciousness. “Do you like me?”
“Yes, wonderfully,” he declared.” as
calmly frank as she herself was.
“And you don’t remember ever
meeting me before?”
He shook his head.
“If you'd recall the circumstances.
The lessened atmospheric pressure
up here makes my head feel as big
and empty as a balloon.”
“Oh, it makes no difference; ac-
quaintances begin only when they
get interested, anyway, How you
stare! What are you thinking about
me now?”
He had been casting -about for
words, a metaphor, to describe her;
in his youth he had made metaphors,
boy’s way, to put into verses.
“I was thinking that you are like
this height,” he cried, bending to-
ward her over the yoke of the warp-
ing-wheel. The great bird lurched
wheel to bring it back into equilib-
rium. He laughed, made eyes, and
let it lurch in the other direction
like a swooping eagle. “Yes, you
are like height. You are beautiful,
you allure, you call to all a man’s
is something in your look that makes
me tremble, as though you were
a blade pointing at my heart. Come
we're three miles above conventions;
you won't mind if I worship you a
little? For you are wonderful and
beautiful —beyond belief.”
“Why. and so are you. Or is it
only this dizzy loneliness that
makes us think so?”
“Why, who are you?” he demanded.
“I knew I'd engaged to take up
several women this week, but no
one like you. Who are you? Give
me a name to call you by, Tell me
who you are.”
“Why, only your
passenger,” she laughed, bending to-
ward him. One.lithe arm and hand,
gauntleted nearly to the elbow in
close, white, glistening fur, lay along
the aluminum edge of the car. “As
“Good! T remember just enough
Latin to appreciate it. Alta—High!
Well—" He threw back his head
recklessly—I'm out for altitude!”
“Perhaps you'll attain it. Onl
keep your elevator flaps well lifted!”
He threw back the yoke with a
laugh. In bending toward her hg
had permitted the machine to
the level once more. The great bird
slanted upward at an abrupt angle,
and poised, quivering.
“You are brave!” she cried. Her
level eyes dared him, her lips pro-
voked and promised. He closed his
eyes for a moment, made giddy by
her radiance and by the blaze of the
untempered sun on the aluminum
hood just beyond her. The reflec-
tion surrounded her with an aura
like white flames, .
Instictively he eased off the dan-
gerous lift of the wings; he had no
need to look at the needle of the
level-indicator to know that the ma-
chine was threatening to slide back.
ward into the abyss.
“Why do you shut your eyes,
height-seeker?” she demanded. “Are
you afraid? What does the baro-
graph read now?” :
“Sixteen thousand three hundred,”
he said shortly. “A record, I Dbe-
lieve; but whatof it? No, I'm not
afraid,” he added, stiffening his neck
and fixing his bloodshot gaze on her
untroubled eyes and dangerous lips;
“I’m not even afraid of you. It's
you who'd better be afraid of me.
Do you know we were ready to drop
backward a minute ago?”
“1 felt it. It was superb. We
must have gained two hundred feet
in that tremendous lift. And yet I
think —you were afraid.”
The blood rushed into his face;
flames leaped up in his eyes.
“Perhaps I can prove I wasn't by
letting go the controls and coming
over there to you. We'd be to-
together for as long as it took us
to drop three miles, anyway. Shall
“Oh, brave words—and true, I be-
lieve you would, Now you are a
demigod by the look on your mouth
and eyes; you are man no longer!
So, Spirit, send us upward once more
till we poise over the abyss! Height
and the spirit of adventure! Throw
back the yoke with a laugh, as you
did before.”
“Yes. And if I do?”
“What! A price?”
“It is wright. @ Well—when the
barograph marks twenty thousand
feet, I will come and sit at your
“It is what I had on the tip of
my tongue to ask,” he shouted, wild
with exaltation. ' “Good; and block
the rudderbar! We will go down on
the warp alone—a proper finish.
Down twenty thousand feet, with
the rudder blocked!”
“Yes, Is it a bargain?”
“A bargain,” he shouted, and
turned his face up into the candent
dome of 'sky and laughed aloud. His
d | arms jerked the yoke of the eleva-
tor back until the wheel touched his
breast; the machine leaped upward
like a diver, soared, poised trem-
bling. He threw back the lever that
cut out the muffler. The exhaust
broke out ‘in’ a weird salvo like
sharpened. rifle shots, - He eased off
the precipitate dangle until théy had
gained: way once: more, and - again
drunkenly, and he threw over the!
manhood and daring; and yet there ' grope for
poor feminine
| “Beautiful.
‘lover, whom I love!”
for my name, how do you like Alta?”
threw the: elevator up to its high-
est limit. They bounded upward,
— ET tear
swaying, clattering, whistling through
the knife-edged wind. And all the
while she smiled into his face.
He no longer noticed the baro-
graph; he saw only her untroubled
gaze of inspiration and allurement.
A thin trickle of scarlet started
from both his nostrils; his blacken-
ed lips gasped for breath; his bulg-
ing bloodshot eyes left her omly to
glare over the powers at his com.
mand. He was all resolve and eager-
ness; he was determination incarnate.
He shot one hand forward, unglov-
ed, to adjust the carbureter, which
was beginhing to fail for lack of
air. He threw back and forth the
lever that put extra pressure on the
gasoline tank. With demoniacal
abandon he worked the hand-pump
' that jetted oil on the flying bearings
of the engine. 5
! “Do-er! Accomplisher!” He start-
'ed at her voice. The reflection of
| his own exaltation was on her; her
‘face quivered, yearned toward him.
| With a steady sinuous movement she
drew herself backward over the low
backrest of her seat, and crept back
under the curved yoke that held the
warping-wheel, She sat up, sidewise,
near him, lifted her face slowly un-
til it curved backward like a flower
on the fair, white stem of her
throat, and offered him the. curved,
scarlet miracle of her lips.
As he bent toward her the sky be-
came black. As from the depths of
a dream he heard her voice chanting:
“The ages dreamed of this that
you have done.”
Her voice was like a softened,
hundred-toned ice-crackle. He trem-
bled in his coma, and then relaxed
as for a long fall in sleep. The
voice went on:
“The Chaldeans sculptured wings
.on their man-gods and on their
i sacred bulls.
“The Greeks made their dream
, articulate in the myth of Daedalus
and Icarus. 5
! ‘“Leonarde da Vinci laid aside the
{ brush that made the Mona Lisa to
the realization of this
dream that we have made real.
“To fly, to spread wings on the
impalpable air, and soar, to follow
the way of an eagle in the air.
| “To skim the invisible columns
of the sky—are not men become as
gods now in very truth?
i “You have dreamed true, Spirit—
Spirit of Dreams and High Emprise;
you are all men who aspire,
“How beautiful you are in the
torture of accomplishment! The very
chords on your throat are lute-
strings to sing of victory.
“The blood from your nostrils
a libation to the jealous powers that
you have trampled underfoot.
wonderful, holy—my
He was suddenly aware of a great
rush of wind and of the delirious,
i gripping sensation of falling. Drunk
with her voice and beauty, he had
forgotten warping wheel, rudder-bar,
elevator-yoke, everything. The cut-
ting air aroused him; frantically he
threw the elevator down, drawing
Y her head backward before the yoke
to his breast. The great bird shud-
dered, and swung dizzily to one side.
He remembered that she was block-
ing the rudder-bar; painfully, inef-
fectually, as in a dream, he warped
down the lower wing, biting his lips
in an agony of helplessness.
“Why struggle further? You have
attained—you have attained!” he
heard her siren’s voice chanting in
his ears; her lithe arms sprang to
meet each other about his neck.
“Kiss me—kiss me, Spirit!” she cried,
with her icy cheek pressed to his.
“I am height!”
He threw her off.
“No,” he shouted, struggling to
keep his eyes open and his hands on
the wheel, “you are mad—we are
both mad! Don’t you understand?
This is death,”
“Kiss me!” she repeated in her
voice of ice and silver. “How wonder-
ful is this death! Where are your
arms, Spirit? Am I not beautiful?
Look at me!”
Her breath enveloped him, numb-
ing him, filling him with a Lethean
languor; but still, with all the
strength of his instinct and training,
he struggled to bring the machine
back under his command. Despite
her presence, he managed to get his
feet on the rudder-bar, They whirl-
ed downward, listing so far that he
felt the grip of the straps that
bound him to his seat. He worked
the controls, holding her away from
him with his elbows and knees.
They dashed into a blinding mist,
beginning to circle at last, and he
threw all his remaining power into
a desperate attempt to warp the
wings back into equilibrium. At the
same time he forced the rudder-bar
over to turn the machine in ‘the
direction away from the lowered
The great bird righted, and began
to swoop as lightly as a descending
gull. He cut out the engine.
“There!” he bellowed crazy with
triumph and with the sudden in.
crease of oxygen in his starved lungs.
“I saved you despite yourself!
Your idea was all very romantic—"
His head whirled again as she lifted
herself in his arms.
“You were afraid,” she whispered,
catching his face to her breast—
“afraid! Your fear was greater than
your love—of me!”
‘You don’t understand; you don’t
—this isshow— I am afraid!” he
concluded in a sudden deathlike
abandon; and lifted his arms from
the wheel to hold her to him. He
felt the ineffable, keen sweetness of
her lips on his. Then consciousness
went like a blown out candle. The
perfectly balanced monoplane con-
tinued its slow, even swoop toward
the earth.
Some one shook him by the arm,
He was sitting in the cockpit of the
machine, his hands dangling limp
over the sides. A corn-field was
about him; his dazed eyes made out
the low, green month-old stalks all
about. Several men were standing
beside him, and others, a great
crowd it seemed were hurrying to-
ward him.
“Asleep! By the great horn spoon,
‘he was asl~2p!” said # man at his
right hand. “Came down too fast,
How high’d you get,
Slowly he made out the features
of one of the officials of the aviation-
field, one of the men who had veri-
fied his barograph before he started
out for altitude. The man raised
up by the little iron step on the side
of the car, leaned over to look at!
the barograph, and began to bellow
wildly at the crowd. “Twenty thous-
and! It must be wrong. But even
if it's a few hundred out even if
it’s a few thousand—whoop-la! He's
done it! The kid's done it! A
record!” :
“But where—where—"' stammered
Reese, stupidly. He sat and stared
before him like a man just awaken-
ed from a dream.
The aluminum hood came close up
against the steering-yoke; there was
no forward seat, not even room
enough for a cat; it was the one-
place machine.—By Allan Updegraff,
in Century Magazine,
Six State parties will have a right
to the use of a party square on the
November ballots. Only two of
these, the Republican and the Dem- !
ocratic, nominated candidates at the
May primary, the others having pre-
empted names and circulated nomi-
nating petitions. The Communist
party, of those created through pre-
emption papers, alone has filed a
complete ticket.
Friday was'the last day for the fil-
ing of nomination papers for candi.
dates. Only about a score of papers
were filed for candidates for Con-
gress and Pennsylvania Legislative
officers. :
Three of the parties were created
for the possible use of former Gov-
ernor Pinchot, the Independent hav-
ing been created by western penn-
sylvania supporters of the forester
and the Square Deal and Fair Play
party names having been pre-empt-
ed by the Republican nominee
The Liberal Party, supported by
the Association Against the Prohibi-
tion Amendment and supporting
John M. Hemphill, Democratic nom-
inee, has only one candidate on the
State ticket.
The State-wide candidates of all
parties are:
United States Senator—Republi-
can, James J. Davis; Democratic,
Sedgwick Kistler; Prohibition, 8.
W. Bierer; Socialist, William J.
Vaneyen: Communist, Emmett P.
sh. :
hill; Prohibition, Gifford Pinchot;
Socialist, James H. Maurer; Liberal,
John M. Hemphill; Communist,
Frank Mozer.
Lieutenant Governor—Republican.
Edward C. Shannon; Democratic,
Guy K. Bard; Prohibition, Mrs.
Mabel D. Penock; Socialist, Mary
Winsor; Communist, Samuel Lee.
Secretary of Internal Affairs—
Republican, Philip H. Dewey; Dem-
ocratic, Lucy D. Winston; Prohibi-
tion, Fred W. Litten; Socialist, Da-
vid Rinne; Communist, Frank Note.
Supreme Court—Republican, George
W. Maxey; Democratic, Henry C.
Niles; Prohibition, Charles Palmer;
Socialist, John W. Slayton; Com-
munist, Charlotte F, Jones.
! Superior Court— Republican Wil-
liam B. Linn and James B. Drew;
Democratic. George F. Douglas and
Aaron E Reiber; Prohibition, Ida G.
Kast; Communist, Max Silver and
Peter Muselin.
Game commission officials have
authorized the manufacture of 119,-
999 special deer licenses to be held
in readiness in case conditions war-
rant an open doe season in some sec-
tions of the State.
Of the total number ordered 99,-
999 will be paid licenses costing $2
each while 20.000 will be free to
landowners who may wish to hunt
for doe deer on their own property.
Although the licenses have been
ordered to be ready in case of need
no formal action toward opening any
counties or parts of counties will be :
taken by the commission prior to
its October meeting.
In accordanec with a former rul-
ing of the commision townships will
be opened to doe shooting only
upon receipt of petitions bearing at
least twenty-five signatures of
bonafide residents there, To open an
entire county at least ten signatures
from a majority of the townships
will be necessary.
Should the Commission decide to
open any section for doe shooting a
legal notice to that effect will be
printed in two local newspapers, once
a week for three consecutive weeks.
Applications for the special li-
censes should not be made prior to
formal action opening counties as
they will be good only in one county.
Before obtaining a special doe li-
cense a hunter must have a regular
resident hunting license.
Thirty-eight public camp grounds
on the state forests are maintained
by the department for the conven-
ience of tourists and other forest
travelers. These camps are equipped
with tables and benches, fireplaces
jand pure drinking water, ample
parking and tent space, and other
conveniences for the comfort of
visitors. All of them are located
on primary roads of travel and are
attractively situated amidst beauti-
ful forest surroundings. Many of
| them have historic associations.
The use of public camp sites, in-
cluding fuelwood already cut, is free.
{Camps may be occupied for two
| consecutive days, and if a longer
| stay is desired, other camping ac-
commodations adjacent to the camp
service centers are readily secured
upon application to local forest of-
—When crops go down prices go
up. Thus the working of supply
and demand. Tt's an-il wind
lows none good. i
Governor—Republican, Gifford Pin. |
chot; Democratic, John M. Hemp- '
that |
—— -
i ‘“Whenever life is simple and sane,
| true pleasure accompanies it as fra-
grance does uncultivated flowers.” —
Charles Wagner.
—For the sick person, none but
the best of foods should be served.
land cleanliness in preparing them
'should be strictly observed. Serve
small portions on the prettiest china
in the house.
It will often work wonders in the
invalid’s appetite, if he can eat at
all. Savory dishes and tinkling china
ought to gain your invalid’s interest,
All the dishes may be made most
delicate and attractive. It is im-
portant to do away with the monot-
| ony so often experienced in the
meals of the invalid.
Desserts both colorful and nourish-
ing can be frozen in the electric re-
frigerator, or in your own freezer,
and are refreshing for the invalid if
the doctor approves.
These are a few suggestions in a
‘field where the opportunity for dis-
| cussion is almost unlimited. It takes
, time and effort to supply the special
| dishes a sick person can eat. But
such feeding hastens recovery.
i —Generally speaking, the noted
women of Anglo-Franco-American
society have not accepted the ex-
tremely long skirt for day time
| wear. Outdoors they favor hemlines
about half way between the knee
and ankle.
—Why boys and girls leave home
to spend their playtime somewhere
1 else is told plainly in a straw vote
taken among 10,000 Massachusetts
girls and boys in their early teens.
Among other questions the chil-
dren were asked, “Where do you
prefer to spend your play time; near
or in your home, or away from
home? Why? Forty-seven per-
cent of the girls voted home, more
fun for leisure time.
The children set very high the im-
portance of home companionship with
parents, brothers, sisters and friends
Lack of friends was a frequent
cause of disliking home, and, on the
other hand, permission to entertain
friends was frequently mentioned as
a cause for liking to stay at home.
Good equipment for play proved im-
i portant to boys, whereas freedom to
{do as one pleases meant more to
| the girls, Parental restraint which
the boys and girls thought too strict
fled 16 per cent of the boys and 14
‘per cent of the girls to find amuse-
| ment elsewhere. Dullness at home
| was another conspicuous criticism.
A small per cent of the children
‘evaded home because of chores and
errands, but a much larger per-
! centage liked home for the interest.
ing things they found to do there
jand indicated that household tasks
are attractive if presented so.
{ Faults in the home itself are re-
‘ sponsible for the "majority of its
: failures to hold the children, a state-
ment to the American Home Eco-
nomics Association concludes. Thein-
vestigation was made under the au-
spices of the Massachusetts Depart-
ment of Correction, to obtain in-
formation linking with the idea that
lack of parental hold on children
plays a part in juvenile delinquency.
—It is always a stimulating sight
when a big liner docks and her
cargo of smart folk descend the
gangplank dressed in their smartest.
Travel coats are usually neutral in
tone, but this only serves to bring
into play splotches of bright or rich
dress tones.
When the Europa made maritime
history, her passengers seemed to
honor the occasion by donning scar-
let deepening to :ich wine tones.
These in all events were the domi-
nant colors although some vivid
greens were observed as well as
blues, somewhat light in character
and lavendar all offset by rich
browns. One was further impressed
by the carefully thought out cos-
tume details which resulted natur-
ally in establishing the ensemble as
the basic fashion idea.
Ensemble influence was evident in
the majority of costumes, expressed
even to bags, slippers and millinery,
with the latter sometimes of self
fabric. Pumps or oxfords, which
were necessarily neutral in tone, often
repeated the dominant color theme
of the costume in leather trimming.
Longer skirts registered, the
average skirt in suit types reaching
just below the calf of the leg, and a
suggestion of down_in-back line was
a recurring theme in the skirts,
with coats following the same line,
Fitted effects in suit coats prevail-
ed, with jacket types cutting a
pinch-back line, and longer coats
preserving a belted and bloused ap-
pearance. This was marked in a
wine red coat which on casual in-
spection seemed two-piece, with an
extremely bloused waist section and
a slim, fitting skirt. A three-inch
belt of fabric was posed at the high
waist line. Princess line longer en-
semble coats were generally favor-
ed, in fabrics with soft, silky fin-
ish, and frequently trimmed with
lavish shaw! collars of fox.
In three ensemble costumes, two
in red shades and one in green, all
trimmed with black flat furs, black
sweaters were affected. The peplum
suggestion was noted on short jack-
ets which were tightly belted at the
normal waistline.
—When emergency guests descend
upon you and you lack glasses
enough to give them a cooling bev-
erage, try using the new paper cups.
They are so attractive and handy
right along. Not only for picnics
but for daily supper use. paper cups
and paper plates save time and
trouble. Moreover, they are dec.
orative, for the new paper cups
come with pleasing designs on them
in a wide range of colors to choose
—One means of preventing colds
is to build up a resistance against
by a diet which includes foods rich
‘in vitamine A, such as’ milk, cream;
butter. cheese, leafy vegetables, eggs
and cod liver oil.
— We wi} do your job work right.