Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 12, 1930, Image 1

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    I ———————
- —Senator Scott's pictures are on
all the poles, fence rails and barns
along the public highways again.
Not being a judge of masculine
good looks we are mot prepared to
say whether the motorists’ prospect
has been enhanced or not. i
" _Not much has been heard from
] far in the
Evidently he is waiting
for those whom the outrageous tax
bill he voted for hit hardest to post
the Hon, Holmes thus
“No Trespassing” notices
he starts hunting for votes.
— This week the Centre county
courts has been disposing of such
flood of liquor cases as would indi-
cate that intoxicants can be found
at every cross-roads in the county.
ably be standing on the court house
steps telling those who want to
hear such flap-doodle that the coun-
Next week Mr. Pinchot will
try is dry.
Mr. Pinchot expects
support the Grand Old Party,
is, the duty of
can except himself.
stuff doesn‘t cut much figure.
every Re-
publican to vote for him because it
is the duty of every Republican to
every Republi-
His record is
to the effect that he supports any-
body and anything he likes and
when it suits his purpose to do
otherwise the Grand Old Party duty .
VOL. 75.
The Views of a Statesman.
| If any intelligent man or woman
ever entertained a doubt as to the
a fitness of John M. Hemphill for the
office of Governor of Pennsylvania,
or any other office within the gift
of the people, a careful reading of
his recently published statement of
his views on the subject of prohibi-
tion enforcement will dispel it.
The Philadelphia Record, of Sunday
‘last, contained expressions of the
‘views of both Gifford Pinchot and
Mr. Hemphill on this subject, and
presumably both gentlemen reveal-
ed their real reasons for the atti-
tudes they have taken. Mr. Pinchot
talks in the language of a fanatic.
The “end justifies the means,” ac-
cording to his reasoning, even
though the means express a great-
er evil than the cause.
; At the outset Mr. Hemphill de-
'clares that “temperance is a laud-
—_According to partially complet- able aim and prohibition enforce-
ed census statistics there are 1632
farms in Centre county. The same
statistics claim we had 2105 farms
2295 farms in
say that government
but otherwise
who is going to tell us where those
eaten up by
grass-hoppers or gone to smut and
here in 1925 and
1920. Of course it would be
sonable to
statistic are wrong,
663 farms have ' gone to.
they haven't been
blown away.
—There is every
the managers who have
indication that |
ment might be justified if it were
successful; that liquor must be the
subject of either prohibitory or reg-
ulatory laws; that the corner saloon
is undesirable and its elimination a
hoon to society. But plain as these
islation that is impossible to en-
force and the existence of which
destroys the fundamental structure
upon which our system of govern-
{ment is based. The federal consti-
‘tution creates and provides for a
government of three equal parts
and forbids the encroachment of
the job of having Mr, Hoover re-' ye. ypon the prerogatives of the
elected President in 1932 are jockey- | jtparg
The Eighteenth amendment
ing for an ambigous “wet” or “dry” jestroys this equilibrium and nul-
plank in his
those who go so far as to say that Mr.' 1. defines the
Hoover will
moist” program. We don't believe: oq
platform. There are jifeg the provision of the contract
2s : ; relative powers
run on “a slightly, the National and State govern-
that—not when there is a chance | Mr. Hemphill says: “If the local
to fool the people like Pinchot is | power is to be appropriated by the
fooling Pennsylvanians today. This
thing of
tion Amendment makes
sailing too easy for
running on a platform
built by the Anti-Saloon League ac-
cording to specifications designed by
the Association Against the Prohibi-
Mr. Hoover or Mr. Pinchot to take
an honest stand on either side of the
Federal entity there is a tendency
toward empire and the delicate
| balance between State and Nation
that was so thoughtfully and care-
fully built in 1789 begins to be com-
pletely destroyed and in its place
there begins to be set up that which
the free people of America will
never permit and that which in‘the
The ‘finest crop “of potatoes’ we ‘Become the most discredited of all
have seen thus far this season were
forms of government, a bureau-
being raised last Saturday on Earl cratic and autocratic empire. A
Frantz’s farm in Sugar Valley, |people no longer are free if they
Clinton county. They were Mich- |cannot make and change their laws
igan Russets.
raise. In our
them were too mice,
handy domestic use.
ger the better.
to answer that.
big potatoes at all?.
—If we don’t know or won't drive
our automobile according to law
our license is revoked, we are fined
treat our children some arm of the
law grabs us. We can drink all the
liquor we can get our hands on and
we get nothing but envy, while the
luckless accessory before the fact
court and takes
“the rap.” This shouldn’t be so. It
The law should
be more concerned with people who
drink too much than with those
who supply them with drink. That's
Sweden on the
drink problem and while we have
imagine the
If a person
or put in jail. If we
our horse, beat our wife or
is dragged into
isn’t even justice,
the attitude of
never been there we
results are beneficial.
doesn’t drink enough to
nuisance or menace of
what harm has been done?
ily ‘and his friends
women right here in Centre
one of the foremost business
Pinchot is a political
fortune and he thinks
Earl didn’t treat his
seed or spray. He just planted an
acre and got back one hundred and
twenty-five bushels of as nice po-
tatoes as anyone could hope to
opinion many of
Too big for [oR
But why
bring that up in an age when the
popular impression is that the big-
We'd get nowhere
if we stimulated argument between
the people who pare potatoes and
those who have seen the little ones
in the pot go all to mush before
the big ones are soft enough at
the heart for a fork to slide easily
into. We know how you are going
You are going to
say: Why not cut the big ones up
before putting them into the pot.
And then we want to answer: Why
If he
does, he needs attention. If his fam.
can't persuade
him to drink like a gentleman then
the law should step in. And if there
was a law like they havein Sweden
to step in we know a lot of men and
who would be so busy carrying delica-
cies upto Dep Dunlap's apartment
house, for their sons and daughters,
that they wouldn't have time to listen
- totheir pet Pinchot telling how dry
he is. In Port Matilda, on Monday,
of that community said to ms: “I
don’t admire Pinchot, but I am dry
and I intend to vote for him.” He
was honest in his determination. We
gave him that, but he was like too
many others, he doesn't believe that
soldier of
that ‘man-
made laws can do what only those
made by God were expected to do.
having to do with their local police
questions from time to time.” This
fact is so palpable that it needs no
——Maybe revolution has taken
epidemic proportions in the
Latin-American regions.
a epier——
Difference in Method of Campaigning
The wide difference in the methods
of campaigning of the two major
party candidates for Governor, John
M. Hemphill and Gifford Pinchot, is
challenging public attention. Mr,
peals modestly to the intelligence of
the voters, not as an individual but
as the representative of a code of
principles expressed in the platform
of his party. He favors, andin the
event of his election will endeavor
to procure, local self-government,
honest elections, decreased taxation,
old age pensions, the abolition of
the coal and iron police and just
government economically administer-
ed. As has been said in these
columns he is winning both enthu-
siastic support and admiration.
On the other hand Mr. Pinchot, in
imperial fashion, is traveling over
the State promising impossible and
absurd things, as though already in
commission and invested with poten-
tial powers to do anything that
fancy or imagination may suggest.
He has already ' appointed a fact-
finding commission to report after
the election and made tours of in-
spection wherever he has heard of a
grievance, thus trying to convey
an impression that he will cure every
a | past, present and future evil. This
palpable insult to public intelligence
is getting for him neither support
nor admiration. As the chairman of
the Liberal party has said, he isde-
feating himself by his foolish prom-
In his previous term as Governor
Mr. Pinchot never tried to procure
reform ballot legislation until after
he quarreled with Vare in the mid-
dle of his tenure, He probably
never thought of abolishing the coal
and iron police and the adoption of
an old age pension until he read of
them in the Democratic platform,
adopted by the party and accepted
by the candidates three months ago,
and now he is handing out a guaran-
tee for the end of the evil and the
creation of the virtue in the event
of his election. He is silent on the
real issue of the campaign, which
is the right of communities to home
government, including local police
regulation. His appealis to ignorance
and prejudice and it will fail.
truths are the remedy is not inleg--
developing history of mankind has.
Hemphill, a distinguished lawyer, ap- .
a wo
od |
Organization Abandons
its Ticket
The Republican organization of
Pennsylvania has either abdicated
its functions as a political party or
abandoned its candidates to their
own resources. Our system of gov-
ernment is one of party rather than
individual, the purpose being to fix
responsibility for the misuse of pow-
er conferred. ' Almost from the be-
ginning of the government two ma-
jor parties have existed and each
has made its appeal for popular sup-
port by a statement of principles
and purposes in the form of a plat-
form. But the Republican party of
Pennsylvania will have no platform
this’ year. The leaders are not wil-
ling to assume responsibility for the
absurd promises Pinchot is making.
As amatter of fact the leaders
of the Republican party in Pennsyl-
vania are wise in thus shifting re-
sponsibility for the actions of their
candidates. No two of their candi-
dates are in agreement on any sub-
ject. Mr, Pinchot has promised to
depose the Public Service Commis-
sion, and all his associates on the
ticket favor ihe continuance of that
board. Judge Maxey is as emphati-
cally opposed to the Pinchot idea of
enforcement of prohibition as Mr.
Pinchot isin favor of it, and as a Jus-
tice of the Supreme court he would
have much greater power in the
matter. In any event the Mellons
and other leaders of the party are
not willing to underwrite the fool
pledges of Pinchot.
There are two ways of construing
the policy of the Republican organi-
zation as declared by General Mar-
tin, chairman of the State commit-
tee. It may be, as is widely sus-
pected, that the organization wants
to give free hand to the voters of
the party to vote for John M. Hemp-
hill for Governor and thus end for-
ever the opportunity for Pinchot
to pester them. Or it is possible
that the organization proposes to let
the candidates run wild, “every fel-
low for himself and the devil take
the hindmost.” In that way they
might save part of the ticket with-
part of it.’ There is cer A
unrevealed reason for the unusual:
— Senator Norris, of Nebraska,
spent $200 for his nomination, Mrs.
McCormick, of Hlinois, spent about
$300,000. There’s a distinction.
Pinchot Steeped in Party Prejudice.
In the campaign of 1928 the ques-
tion of power control between the
people and the monopolists was clear-
ly defined. The Democratic candidate
for President openly declared in
favor of the preservation in the
hands of the people of the right to
own and operate the water courses
which produced power. and the Re-
publican candidate avowed the oppo-
site policy. Upon this issue Sena-
tor Norris, of Nebraska, a Republi-
can statesman of keen discernment,
bolted his party and earnestly sup-
ported Governor Smith, the Demo-
cratic candidate. “It is the vital is-
sue of the campaign,” he said, and
in devotion to the interests of the
“people as against those of monop-
oly he made many speeches for
Mr. Smith.
|. The same question was put up to
} Gifford Pinchot. His attention was
called to the attitude of the candi-
dates and to the importance of the
subject. He had long professed a
deep interest in, and grave appre-
hension of, the danger to the public
from the increasing force of the
power monopoly. But he chose to
support Mr. Hoover for the reason
that the election of his opponent
might endanger the ascendency of
the Republican party. This action
on the part of Gifford Pinchot clear-
ly reveals the fact that he had
greater concern for the party than
for the people. He has freely and
frequently given lip service in the
crucial contest between monopoly and
justice but under the acid test be-
trayed his trust.
Now that Mr. Pinchot wants the
support of the people in his aspi-
rations for office he promises val-
iant services against the monopoly,
which by his vote two years ago he
helped to entrench in power almost,
if not altogether, beyond recovery. It
was not that he failed to under-
stand the importance of his action.
He had previously called ‘public at-
tention to the danger that was im-
minent. Mut he is so obsessed with
partisan bigotry that he was willing
to sacrifice the people in the inter-
est of his party. Why should any
Democrat vote for, or honor, a Re-
publican steeped in partisan prej-
udice as this episode in the life of
Gifford Pinchot proves him to be?
————— A ——————_—
——The price of Mr. Hoover's
book on fishing is $7 a copy.
Luckily the edition is small.
out assuming obligations for any.
. Mass Attack on Raskob.
The administration henchmen are
stili moving in massed form . for
the scalp of chairman Raskob, of
the Democratic National committee. |
First chairman Fess, of the Repub-
lican organization. accused Mr. Ras-
kob of slandering President Hoover.
Then the $25,000 a year executive
head of the organization, Mr. Lucus,
took a turn and finally Mr. Tilson,
floor leader of the party in the
House of Representatives, has been
drafted into the service. The sum
and substance of their complaints is
that the Publicity Bureau of the
Democratic National committee has
told part of the truth concerning Mr.
Hoover's delinquencies. :
‘The fact of the matter is that in
pursuance of a long established cus-
tom of both parties the Democratic
National committee, some months
go, organized a publicity bureau
and appointed a very capable news.
paper man, Mr. Charles J. Michelson
ta conduct it. Under his direction
several prominent men, mainly Sen-
ators and Representatives in Con- '
tess have pointed out the failings
nd weaknesses of the administra-
tion just as the Republican organi-
zation bureau had assailed the ad-
ministrations of Grover Cleveland and
Woodrow Wilson,
that neither of the Democratic
Presidents was so vulnerable to at-
There is one other difference. The
ublicans lack the spirit of sports-
manship. They run and cry when-
‘ever a successful thrust is made.
Every charge made by the Demo-
cratic bureau is supported by the rec-
There has been no concealment of
the authority under which they have
been promulgated and no anonymity
in the matter. And there was no
slander unless interpreted under the
common law principle, “the greater
the truth the greater the libel.”
Every charge made under the aus-
pices of the Democratic committee
is absolutely true and susceptible of
‘county, this summer, apparently did
not affect the cows, as milk pro-
duction was in excess of last year,
.according to. shipments over the
| Pennsylvania railroad. For the
‘month of August the revenue at
the Bellefonte depot for milk ship- .
| ments during the month of August
.was over $2100 in excess of the
- figures for August 1929.
i ——The more or less esteemed
Philadelphia Inquirer informs the
public that General Martin and
Gifford Pinchot are in complete ac-
cord on the methods of the cam-
paign. It might have added thatif
Pinchot is elected he will be in full
accord with the machine in dis-
tributing the patronage.
— Bids will be opened by the
State Highway Department, Sep-
tember 25th, for the construction
of .42 of a mile of concrete high-
way and a concrete bridge in Snow
Shoe township, Centre county.
i ie
— Mayor Mackey, of Philadel-
phia, is home from Europe long
enough to tell who he favors for
Governor. According to the vote last
fall, however, it doesn’t make much
——The Liberal party women of
the State want to know how can-
didates for the General Assembly
feel on the Snyder law and have
mailed 60,000 letters to find out.
— The radical element of the
British Labor party may set the
cause back by insisting on too
much haste There is danger in
<n —————— a see———
——The Republicans of Virginia
are already tired of Bishop Can-
non. His partner, Bascom Slemp,
is in Europe and decency has as-
serted itself.
————— ——————————
——Mr. Pinchot discusses prohi-
bition in the language of a dema-
gogue. Mr. Hemphill employs the
reasoning of a statesman. There's
a difference.
——The veterans of the World
war show keen appreciation of the
honor bestowed upon “Buddy” John
M. Hemphill whenever they have
the chance,
—————— A ————.
—1If it be true that Pinchot stole
100,000 votes from Brown in the
May primary the Forester is mo
piker in the art of political larceny.
——Mrs. = Ruth - McCormick has
surrendered to the wet sentiment of
Illinois, She says shell vote wet if
‘the people want her to.
The difference is
ords and sustained by the facts,’
g Semarkahle as it may seem |
Items from the atchman issue of
September 17, 1880. Foor
—Mr. Joseph Ceader put himself
side his new clothes, took his
valise in his hand and hied him-
self off to the city last week, It is
his first absence from home in five
years and he has earned his holi-
day. - ;
—Alex Chaney, of the firm of
Chaney and Thompson, of Port
Matilda, met with a painful acci-
dent on the 6th. While trying to
get onto a truck load of logs which
was being taken to the saw mill
one foot slipped and was run over
by one of the wheels, crushing it
badly. He is now on crutches.
, - —William' Clark, who was a citi-
zen of Centre county thirty-five
years ago, is here from Three Rivers,
Mich., for a visit in this section. He
is a brother-in-law of Henry and
' Joseph Twitmire of this place and
at one time was a blacksmith at
Harrisonville, which is now called
Horntown, at Pleasant Gap.
—After chief of police James J.
Welsh, of Doylestown, had been sum-
moned to investigate two robberies there
Saturday night, he returned to his
home to find that his own residence
had been robbed of a wrist watch.
—Judge Samuel H. Gardner, of
Pittsburgh, is going to have jurors im
criminal court regardless of hard times.
He was hearing excuses of twenty-four
| talesmen, on Monday, who did not want
to serve when a young married woman
said she couldn’t serve because her
| husband was out of ‘work and she did’
not have the car fare to go into the city
The = Judge reached under. his official
robe and produced $5 from his. pocket-
book and told her to take her. place in
the jury box. RST
—Arthur A. Bland, 32, single, son of
| william E. Bland, was found dead from
asphyxiation in the Phi Beta Lamda
young men’s club at Sunbury, on Sun-
day. He had attached a rubber tube
to a gas jet and fastened the other end
to his nostril, then turned on the gas.
Coroner Fisher, of Northumberland coun-
ty, said it was a case of suicide.
father said he knew of no reason why
the son should take his own life. He
| was a clerk for the Pennsylvania rail-
road at Willlamsport.
—Vernon Deery, of Spring City, ar-
raigned before Justice of the Peace Ell-
wanger, at Phoenixville, Friday, on a
charge of .violating traffic laws, pulled
a ‘fast one” when he reached into a
brief case and extracted 1350 pennies
with which he paid the $13.50 levied by
the magistrate. The pennies
wrapped in paper.
. were
fendant complied. Then
fearing the account was not correct,
made his own check. The entire trans-
action consumed more than an hour.
—Leaving a trail of forgeries and em-
' bezzlements said to exceed $20,000, Har-
old M. Dague, 34, auto ‘dealer at Coates-
—Co. B, “Bellefonte Fencibles,”
arrived home from camp, on Mon-
day might, and marched directly
from the train to the Bush house, |
wher landlord Peters served the en-
tire organization witha complimen-
tary supper. :
—Daniel Kuhns, of Eagleville, !
died on Sunday last and was buried |
on Tuesday, He was 76 years old.
—Mr. Agnew Sellers, of Buffalo |
Run, shot a chicken hawk one day :
last week that measured four feet;
from tip to tip of wings and twen- |
ty-two inches from bill to point of!
tail. i
—The Veteran Reserves of this]
| county will hold their annual picnic
at Unionville, on the 25th. Special
| trains will be run over the Bal
| Eagle Valley R. R.
— From the Binghamton, N|Y,
| Sunday Tribune we clip the follow-
|ing: Miss Kate Schnell, of Belle-
| fonts. Pa., a sister of Joseph Schnell
| Jr, has been appointed manager
of the Central Telephone exchange
in this city. The appointment isan
excellent one, Miss Schnell being
a highly accomplished woman.” ’ In
that Miss Mary E. Schnell, of this
—W. F. Reynolds Esq. did a
clever and graceful thing, the other
day, when he told the Hancock
Legion boys to order fifty more uni-
forms and send: the bill to him.
Mr. Reynolds is, always was and
always will be a Democrat.
— Philipsburg is to have Francis’
Murphy for a series of talks. He
will begin there next week and we
can hardly wait to hear how many
sign the pledge under his mysterious
—Mr, George L. Potter, younger
!son of Dr. G. L. Potter, deceased,
who learned the trade of machinist
in Renovo, is now firing an engine
lon the P. and E, with a run from
Renovo to Kane. (Editor's note—
From that start Mr. Potter worked |
himself along in railroad circles un- |
til he became a vice president of;
the Baltimore and Ohio R. R.
—Mr. G. W, F. Gray, of Buffalo
Run, requests us to say that he
has a cider mill that can “take
them all down.” With two horses
he can grind 140 bushels of apples
per hour and his press squeezes
four gallons of juice out of a bushel
of ordinary apples.
—The Bellefonte “Hancock Le-
gion” won the admiration of the
Lock Haveners when they paraded
there = last Tuesday evening. Their
marching was superb and simply
astonished the residents of our sis-
ter town.
—The Democrats and Greenback-
ers elected their Governor in Maine,
on Tuesday, captured three Con-
gressmen and put the political com-
plexion of the Legislature in debt.
Hazel—Narregan—At the Luther-
an parsonage in Bellefonte, by
the Rev. S. E. Furst, Mr. Michael
F. Hazel, of Bellefonte, and Miss
Annie R. Narregan, of Pine Grove
Grant—Taylor—On the 14th of
September, in Milesburg, by Rev.J.
A. Woodcock, Mr. John Grant, of
Berwick, Pa. and Miss Agnes Tay.
lor, of Milesburg.
~The dedication of the U. B.
church on the Buffalo Run and Port
Matilda circuit was made on Sun-
day Sept. 12. Revs. M. Spangler,
J. M. Smith, J. F. Tallhelm, B. J.
Hummell and L. W. Stahl were in
charge of the ceremonies. The new
church is 26x40, with a 16 ft.
ceiling and was built by John and
George Cole, of Bellefonte, assisted
by H. Hartsock, of the Valley. John
Carson did the plastering and H.
Getts, of Tyrone, the painting. The
church, ground, furniture and all
cost $1150.00 and all was paid for
on dedication day. :
——The campaign is now on in
earnest and every Democrat in Cen-
tre county is under moral obligation
to do his best for the ticket.
~The Democrats of Pennsylva-
nia have a splendid ticket and a
worthy "cause, and it will be our
ded on three gas jets on the stove.
place, has just returned from an. ex-daysburg, on Saturday.
drought “in Centre tended trip in the West. a
own fault if we fail to win.
ville, is missing and police throughout
the country have been asked to assist
in a search for him. Police state
Dague - disappeared = Wednesday night.
Since then investingators have been go-
ing over - his books and have found
many discrepancies, officials say. ~Rob-
ert Watterson, received a letter from
Philadelphia from Dague saying his
nerves were bad and he was leaving for a
rest. He was accompanied by his wife.
—Dr. Raymond J. Bower, a promi-.
nent physician of Williamsport, was.
found dead, a suicide, following a ter-
rific axplosion which wrecked his home
and rocked houses over a large area,
Sunday night. An investigation conducted
by authorities, revealed : that he had
died of gas poisoning’ after he had
closed himself in the kitchen and turn-
gas filled the entire house and was
suddenly ignited by a small pilot light
which had been left burning on the gas.
stove. The house was badly wrecked
by the explosion. HD
—Enroute to deliver a bouquet of
flowers at the bedside of a relative who
was ill, Mrs. Ella M. Kyle, 48, of South
Lakemont, and her stepson, William
i | Kyle, ‘13, were instantly killed when
this connection we will just mention
they were struck by an automobile
driven by George Brenner, 53, of Holli-
as they were waiting for a trolley.
Brenner was arrested pending an in-
home of a daughter in Altoona, a
grandchild, Elizabeth Dimond, 10 weeks
old, being ill. The Dimond child died
- late on Sunday.
—R. M. Barnett and sons Clair, Dowl-
ing and Robert, of Punxsutawney, re-
cently visited the Beaver Run hunting
camp at the head waters of Beaver Run
in Potter county. When the party ar-
rived at the camp they found that it
had been visited by peorcupines. The
“porkies’” had eaten their way through
the flooring of the camp and chewed the
dining table until it resembled lattice
work. Not only had the quilled gentry
| ruined the table but they had whetted
their appetites on two
kettles. Both kettles were
bits, the ~porcupines consuming . the
metal in their avid search for salt.
—Matt Brown, Scranton florist, ‘‘talk-
ed himself out” of a holdup while he
was walking to his home in the out-
skirts of that city. When Brown was
molested a short distance from his res-
idence by two men, one of whom flashed
a gun, he met their demands for his
purse by the argument that he had
large aluminum
no money and they were only wasting
their time. = Brown’s oratory became sO
loud and continued so long that the
owner of the house "in front of which
the holdup was staged flashed on the
porch light and came out to see what
the hubbub was about. The holdup men
then hustled into their car and sped
—Dauphin County Court on Tuesday
heard argument in the injunction pro-
ceedings started by the _publishers of
three Democratic weeklies to restrain
the State from paying for the adver-
tisement of mercantile tax lists in 117
other newspapers. The publishers, James
B. Werner, Somerset Democrat; Joe T.
S. Cowan, Roscoe Herald, and F. W.
Moser, Mercer Progress, contend the ad-
vertising was illegal because the lists
were not ~ published in at least one
minority newspaper in the counties.
Deputy Attorney General Phillips Moyer
contends that last year's fiscal code re-
pealed the previous law providing for
advertisement in the minority paper.
—A millionaire is wielding a scrubbing
brush at the Lackawanna county jail,
it was revealed Saturday, and grins
grimly while doing it. Edmund B.
Jermyn, former Mayor of Scranton, and
who began a year’s sentence last Mon-
day after his conviction in the slot ma-
chine graft expose there, has been
made a member of the sanitation squad
at the jail. The squad reports for
work about 7 A. M. each day and con-
tinues at work until 5 or 6 P.M, Its
duities are to keep the. corridors, floors
and walls clean. Jermyn, according to
jail attaches, has accepted his task in
the best of spirits and doing his scrub-
bing cheerfully. Ironically enough, war-
den Harry Davis formerly was a cap-
tain on the city police . force and was
retired . by Jermyn’s orders. Jermyn’s
cousin, Harry J. Friend, and Vincent
A. Brennan, a former, Philadelphian,
convicted with him in’ the slot machine
case, also are members of the scrubbing
brush squad. 2 :
Ellwanger retaliated
by asking that Deery count them. De-,
the Squire, -
. The accident
{ happened near the home of the victims
Mrs. Kyle. was enroute to the
chewed to -