Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 05, 1930, Image 8

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    _—- reese
Pemorric ald
"Bellefonte, Pa., September 5, 1930. |
——1It is a singular and significant
fact that nearly all the managers
«of Pinchot’s last campaign for Gov-
-ernor are against him now.
Attention of the women voters
“is called to the fact that the Demo-
«cratic candidate for Secretary of
“Internal Affairs is a charming mem-
“ber of their sex.
——Special foundations were built
“for the ten limestone columns sup-
-porting the portico in front of Old
“Main at the Pennsylvania State
«College. Each column weighs sixty
The regular monthly meeting
«f the board of directors of the
<Centre county Motor Club will be
“held at the Centre Hills Country
-club, State College, this (Friday)
sevening, at 6:15 o'clock.
The several hard thunder
storms we have had the past week
“have not only freshened up vege-
“tation in general but started a sec-
ond growth on garden truck that
was almost dead from the prolong-
«®d drought.
“Ye Olde Tavern,” at Hublers-
“burg, has been reopened under the
‘personal management of Mr. and
“Mrs. Humphrey, late proprietors of
“The Humphrey's,” at Cresson, and
“prior to that in charge of the Ebens-
“burg Inn, at Ebensburg.
Labor day was evidently re-
zgarded seriously as a holiday by
_Bellefonte councilmen, as only four
members reported for the regular
meeting on Monday evening, As
‘this number did not constitute a
squorum no meeting was held.
——It cost $1.91 per pupil ito heat
“the public schools of Centre county
“last winter. The lowest cost in any
secounty in the State was in Clear-
field where the average was $1.05
per pupil. That was probably do to
“the low cost of bituminous coal there.
—Mr. and Mrs. Willard Frederick
Rockwell, of Edgewood, Pa. have
-announced the marriage of their
-daughter, Miss Katherine Thayer
“Rockwell, to William Sommerville
Potter, son of Mrs. Aimie Prince
Potter. the wedding having taken
place on August 18th.
The Horace Hartranft family
sare now occupying their new home
«on east Linn street, built on the
property adjoining that of W. R.
‘Cliff, having moved there Monday.
‘The Ziegler house on Curtin street
‘which they vacated, has been leased
by the Richard Hermans.
F. A. Miller, manager for the
“West Penn Power System at State
«4College, got some nice business for
his company when he landed an or-
-- der for 26 electric water heaters, 22
electric ranges and 20 electric re-
frigerators for a new apartment
house that is being built at that
- Mrs. Jerre Nolan and her
daughter, Mrs. Fred Crafts, and the
lattes’s two children, have moved into
the double house of Clayton Royer,
- son Water street. Mrs. Nolan went
there from the James I. McClure
house, on Logan st:eet, ‘which is now
« occupied by the R. G. Rhoads fam-
“ily, who moved to Bellefonte from
-——George F. Rogers who has a
fherd of pure bred Ho'scewn dairy
«cattle, has pre-empted the name
““Long Road” for use in the registry
records of the Holstein Freisian Asso.
~of America. In addition to
~whatever other name that might be
: selected all of Mr, Rogers’ future
+ entries will have “Long Road” woven
:dnto their names somewhere.
Bellefonte has been made a
rest stop for the westward bound
buses of the Edwards Motor Bus
company, operating between Youngs-
.town, Ohio, and New York city. The
service was inaugurated on Friday
«of last week, eastward bound buses
passing through Bellefonte in the
«evening and westward-bound about
9 o'clock in the morning. The aver-
sage running time is about 28 miles
per hour.
The Methodist manse, on
Howard street, was on Labor day
afternoon and evening the rendez-
vous for a house picnic party, a
surprise to their former pastor, Rev.
H. L. Jacobs, and his wife. Wil-
liam F, Kiesel Jr. his wife, their
daughter, Mrs. Guy Rutan, her hus.
band, their daughter and a girl
friend, of Hollidaysburg, and George
Kelchner, his wife and their daugh-
ter, Miss Alice, all of Altoona, motor.
«ed over for the occasion.
——At a family gathering given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J.
“Collins Mattern, in Halfmoon town-
-ship, last week, announcement was
made of the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Sara Emily, to Dr.
Alfred W. Eyer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Eyer, of Fulton, Del.
Miss Mattern is a graduate nurse
~0f the Hahnemann hospital school of
nursing, Philadelphia, class of 1929,
cand is now a registered nurse at
the hospital. Dr. Eyer is at present
-stationed at the naval hospital, in
Washington. No date has been set
“for the wedding. Included in the
“family gathering, last week were
Mr. and Mrs. Mattern’s daughter-
in-law, Mrs, Samuel W. Mattern, and
«their daughter, Miss Nellie Mattern,
‘both of whom have returned to their
“home in Upper Darby.
Number of Exhibits Largest Ever
Shown at Grange Park.
The largest number of boys and
girls that ever camped at Centre
{Hall and took part in the various
contests offered was in evidence at
the Grange fair, last week, says
William S. Jeffries, county vocational
supervisor. Not only was the num-
ber of boys and girls larger but the
number of exhibits entered by them
exceeded those of any previous year.
The quality of these exhibits made
by the boys and girls in their study
of vocational agriculture and home
economics was of a very high type
and emphasizes the excellent work
being done in the vocational schools
in Centre county. It also demon-
strates that the rising generation
has not lost its love of rural life
or interest in winning a livelihood
from the soil.
The agricultural project contest
this year had some very close com-
petition. 61 boys entered the senior
contest. Each boy’s project, in or-
der to compete, had to be of such
size as to be eligible for the State
contest held in connection with the
Farm Products Show in Harrisburg.
In the Junior project contest, open
for boys and girls in the grade
schools, 21 were entered.
Miss Geer, supervisor of home
economics in the Harris township
vocational school, placed a very novel
exhibit of a model kitchen, She
portrayed the correct arrangement
of the kitchen furniture, with ap-
propriate descriptions of “what to
do” and “whatnot to do” in kitchen
arrangement in order to save labor.
The county vocational work was
represented by an exhibit in land-
scape gardening. An attempt was
made to show the effect of planting
and arrangement of shrubbery about
the home. This was accomplished
by using two small houses of the
same design. The ground surround-
ing the one was left unplanted while
the other one was surrounded by the
proper shrubs. A very notable con-
trast was evident.
Gregg and Harris township voca-
tional schools each had school ex-
hibits composed of articles made in
the home economics and agricultural
classes. The judges awarded the
first prize to the Gregg township
The livestock judging contest for
boys and girls of school age, held
by the county extension agent and
the vocational teachers of the county,
attracted a large number of young
people. Three types of livestock
were judged, namely: Dairy cattle,
swine and poultry. The winners were
selected from those with the highest
total score for the three classes.
The honors for the judging con-
test were divided among the two
vocational schools, the Gregg town-
ship school getting a first, third,
fifth and sixth, while Harris town-
ship won a second and a fourth,
The winners of the various con.
tests in the senior project were as
follows, in their respective order of
1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Dairy Cattle—Albert Lightley,
Bohn, both of Boalsburg.
Corn—Fred Homan, Boalsburg;
Weaver, Pleasant Gap; Russell
Spring Mills.
Potatoes—Robert Rose, Harris town-
ship; Clarence Hoy, Pleasant Gap;
Kenneth Breon, Rebersburg.
Poultry—Fred Kline, Harris township;
Russel! Mark, Gregg township; Mildred
Hines, Hublersburg.
Sheep—Lewis Ilgen,
Gregg township;
Eugene Zerby, Gregg township; Lynn
Mothersbaugh, Harris township.
Swine—Malcolm Pletcher, Howard;
Kenneth Johnson and Lester Immel,
both of Gregg township.
Small Grain—Paul Swartz, Willard
Foreman and Nevin Shook, all of Gregg
Vegetables—Kenneth Johnson and Nevin
Miller, Gregg township; LeRoy Sharer,
Harris township.
Home Improvement—Paul Sheets, How-
ard; William Lytle, Port Matilda; Wert
Bohn, Boalsburg.
The list of winners in the junior
project contest follows:
Swine—Vesta Rachau, Mae Breon,
Stover Musser, all of Gregg township.
Flowers—Helen Zettle, Miriam Zerby,
Helen Beck, all of Gregg township.
Immel, Gregg
Poultry—Rosetta Hettinger, Inez Zet-
tle, both of Greeg township.
Potatoes—Richard Feltenberger, Anna-
belle Shaffer, both of Gregg township.
Dairy Husbandry—Jean Rishel, John
Breon, Estella Duck, all of Gregg town-
Corn—Obert Ilgen, Twila Beightol,
Berenice Walker, all of Gregg township.
Vegetables—Grace Duck, of Gregg
Winners in Agricultural Note Book
Contest—Vernon Godshall and Nevin Kel-
ler, Gregg township; Wert Bohn, Harris
Winners in Vocational Shop Classes:
Shop Work (practical farm appliances)
—Fred and Ross McClintock, Harris town-
ship; Bieber Rishel, Gregg township.
Shop Work (open to all shop articles)
—Nevin Keller and Stellard Beightol,
Gregg township; Fred Koch, Harris
Vocational School Class Winners—ist,
Gregg township; second, Harris town-
Judging Contest Winners—1st, John
Zubler, Gregg township; 2nd, Thomas
Ross, Harris township; 3rd, Nevin Shook,
Gregg township; 4th Willlam Ross, Har-
ris township; 6th, Obert Ilgen, Gregg
township; 6th, Ellis Rearick, Gregg
township; 7th Ocean Yearick, Hublers-
The Pennsylvania Furnace and
Boalsburg poultry clubs held their
annual roundups at the fair last
Taking advantage of the darkness
three prisoners at Rockview peni-
tentiary quietly slipped out cf ranks
as ‘they were being marched from
the big dining hall to the cell block,
five minutes after eight o'clock on
Sunday evening, managed to climb
over the new stockade and make
their escape before their absence was
noticed by the guards in charge.
The three men, all of whom are
from Allegheny county, were Thomas
Lewis, serving 10 to 20 years for
highway robbery; Joseph Chali, a
Cuban, doing 4to 10 years forlar-
ceny, and Steve Waters, serving a
5 to 13 year’s sentence for breaking
and entering, larceny and making
away with stolen goods,
The prisoners had been in the
dining hall witnessing + the usual
Sunday evening program of moving
pictures. It was just 8 o'clock when
they were marshalled by guards
for the march back to the cell block.
On arriving there it was discovered
that the three mentioned above were
missing. The big siren was blown
for several minutes, to summon
every available guard, and Belle-
fonte people who heard it thought
there must be a general outbreak,
but nothing so serious happened. La-
ter in She night the siren was again
blown. Guards were out all night
but failed to drive the. escaped pris-
oners from cover.
The blowing of the big steam
siren, at Rockview penitentiary on
Sunday night, was so unusual that
many people believed it meant a
general attempt at outbreak among
the prisoners. The whistle was in-
stalled at the penitentiary in the
early years of it’s history and at
that time was used to announce the
escape of prisoners. It’s use, how-
ever, was discontinued by order of
Hon. John Francies, at that time
superintendent of the institution, be-
cause he believed it did more harm
than good by giving warning to the
escaped prisoners that their absence
had been discovered and guards were
on their trail,
Recently, however, the prison
board ordered the whistle restored
and decreed that it be blown to an-
nounce the escape of prisoners. This | as souvenirs and the girl who served | of the Rapid Transit
for the purpose of notifying every-
body within sound of the whistle
that prisoners are at large which,
it is believed, will result in their
apprehension in less time than
——3$50.00 buys a quality 9x12
“Bigelow—Sanford” living room rug
during showing of new fall patterns,
Sept. 6th to Sept. 14th, at W. R.
Brachbill’s furniture store. 35:1.
The Rhoads Bros., of Bellefonte,
have been awarded the contract
for erecting the concrete piers
to carry the 16_inch pipe
the big spring to the south end of
Race street, and began work on
Tuesday morning.
Water superintendent J.D. Seibert
has had a force of men at work
down at the Gamble mill where he
has over three hundred feet of ditch
dug and ready for the pipe. The
water wheel and pump are both in
place but some of the connections
between the big pipe line and the
pump have not yet been received
which is holding up the laying of
the pipe. These connections, how-
ever, should be here within a few
days, when connections will be made
the :
at the pump and the laying of
pipe started. ’
During the past fortnight a por-
tion of the $38,000 bond issue au-
thorized by council was sold and
the mortgage held by the Lycoming
Trust company paid. It might here
be stated that the bonds were con-
siderably over subscribed,
The 16-inch pipe which will con-
vey the water from the big spring
to the pumping station at the Gam-
ble mill will have a fall of six feet,
which will be ample for the size
of the pipe. During the past week
the pipe has all been thoroughly
swabbed out and cleaned ready for
——Rug prices reduced during
showing of the new fall patterns
from “Bigelow-Sanford,” week of
Sept. 6th to Sept. 14th, at W. R,
Brachbill’s furniture store. 35-1t
Tuesday. Thirty-one pens were ex-
hibited out of a total of 39 distrib-
uted last spring. The winners were
selected on a three way basis, 50%
on number of chicks raised, 40%
on placing of exhibit and 10% on
the record book. Following are the
ten highest in each club in regular
Shirley Albright, Warriorsmark; Helen
L. Homan, State College; Gale Barto,
Warriorsmark; Mary Ellen Homan, Penn-
sylvania Furnace; Mary V. Homan,
State College; Mary Rudy, State College;
Marie Simpson, Pennsylvania Furnace;
Ruth Walker, Pennsylvania Furnace;
Alice E. Corl, State College; Marjorie
Saucerman, Pennsylvania Furnace.
Gladys Rockey, Boalsburg; May Kline,
Shingletown; Ruth Smith, Dorothy
Brouse and Linda Whitehead, all of
Boalsburg; Geraldine Ross, Linden Hall;
Thelma Smith, Nellie Smith, Margaret
Callahan, all of Boalsburg; Winifred
Miller, Shingletown,
line from .
Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lind-
bergh, enroute from Detroit, Mich.,
to New York, flew into a spell of
weather when they reached the
Bellefonte airport, shortly aften ten
o'clock on Monday night, and wise-
ly decided to spend the night here.
A call from the landing field fora
taxi took Frank Davis out in
record time and at 10:40 the dis-
tinguished guests were landed at
the Brockerhoff house, Assigned to
a room ‘they then went to Martin's
restaurant for something to eat be.
fore retiring. They were up early
on Tuesday morning, breakfasted
and were out at the field before
seven o'clock, but a dense fog over
the valley and mountains held them
at the field for two hours, and it
was just 8.58 o'clock when they
finally took to the air and con-
tinued their flight to New York.
Both Col. and Mrs. Lindbergh are
exceedingly democratic in their tastes
as well as views, and were just as
much at home in Bellefonte as they
are in New York or Chicago.
If you want to sit in the seats
of the mighty all you need do is call
Frank Davis’ taxi the next time you
want to ride somewhere. Frank is
the lucky bird who had the call to
taxi Col. and Mrs, Lindbergh in from
the aviation field when they landed
here Monday night, so that his car
has carried two persons to whom
even Presidents and Kings kow-tow.
The funny part of it is that Frank
never knew that he had such dis-
tinguished fares until the next
morning ‘when someone told him the
big news that “Col. and Mrs. Lind-
{bergh are in town.” He said: “Ihad
no idea who they were. They seem-
ied just like nice,
‘and when I delivered them to the
Brockerhoff house I presented my
card to the lady and said I would
be glad to take them back to the
‘field in the morning and then went
(home and went to bed. In the
morning they called me, butI knew
| jfe.”
| ir
| At the Brockerhoff
(that the waitresses took the bit of!
‘ham that the Colonel left on his’
plate at breakfast and divided it up |
{the distinguished visitors at
{lunch at Martin's restaurant the
| night before swears that she will
| never spend the fifty cent tip she re-
ceived from them.
The hearing scheduled for Wed-
nesday before acting referee Lee
Francis Lybarger, on the exceptions
filed by creditors to the compensa-
{tion asked by the State receivers of
the Centre County Banking com-
pany, and their attorneys, was post-
poned until Monday, September 22nd,
jowing to the illness of former Judge
Ellis L. Orvis.
common people
iwho they were before I went to the |
‘hotel for them and when I got up |
there Colonel introduced me to his !
bes | some time
it is reported !
—Peter Gray Meek II is in New York
for a two week's stay, having gone over
by bus, Tuesday, from, Lewistown.
—Mrs. Stanley Valentine, who had been
visiting with friends at her former home
at Lancaster, has returned to Bellefonte.
~ —Charles M. Scott and Warren L.
Cobb will return, today, from a week's
motor trip throw the eastern part of
—Alfred Cohen drove to Batlimove,
early last week, with his uncle, Harry
Cohen, following the latter's over Sun-
day visit here with the Cohen fawily.
Alfred expects to be away for ten days
or more. ’
—Mrs. William Garis and her two chil-
dren, who are home from a visit with
Mrs Garis’ sister, Mrs. John Eckenrod,
at New Castle, came on Sunday with
Mr. Garis and Mr. Will Love, who had
driven out for them Saturday afternoon.
—Mrs. Robert F. Hunter and ber fam-
ily, the Foyes from Montoursville, Mrs.
Kelly and a friend here from Philadel-
phia, and Miss Henrietta Hunter, re-
turned from their camp on Fishing
creek on Sunday after a stay of several
weeks there.
—Mrs. C. C. Rhoads accompanied her
brother, Homer Brown, to his home at
Glassport, Allegheny county, early Mon-
day morning, where she has been this
week helping to arrange his household
affairs following the recent illness and
death of his. wife.
—Miss Helen E. C. Overton, who is
recovering from the effects of a fall in
which she was badly bruised, is expect-
ed to be able to return home from At-
lantic City next week, to resume hor
work at the opening of school at the
Bellefonte Academy.
—Ferguson G. Parker, who was con-
nected with the Bell Telephone service in
Harrisburg for a number of years, has
been transferred to the Diamond State
Telephone Co., and is now located
Dover, Del. Ferguson is the oldest son
of the late G. Ross and Mrs. Parker and
j was born in Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brachbill and Mr.
,and Mrs. Krider drove up from Lititz,
in the Krider car, Saturday night, and
were joined, Sunday, by Mr. and Mrs.
| John Brachbill, of Williamsport, all be-
| ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
i Twitmire during their Labor day vaca-
| tion visit in Bellefonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyer and their
| daughter, Louise, drove to Akron, Ohio,
for the week-end, stopping in Pittsburgh
on their way home for their other daugn-
ter, Katherine, who had been spending
there with friends. Both
Louise and Katherine will leave, shortly,
to resume their school work at Hood
—E. H. Miller,
now on the retired list
Co., returned to
their | Philadelphia, Wednesday, after a week's
vigit in Bellefonte with his brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Miller, of
east High street. Mr. Miller was retired
in July, after thirty-five years of serv-
ice and is now to be classed with the
pleasure seekers, inasmuch as that, at
present, is his sole occupation.
—A pleasant visitor at the Watchman
office, on Saturday evening, was Charles
Krumrine, of = Philadelphia, who spent
most of his boyhood days in Bellefonte
during the time his father was in
charge of the drug store, on Allegheny
street, now the Gross pharmacy. Taking
advantage of Labor day Mr. Krumrine
and wife motored to Centre county, on
Saturday, just for the trip, and during
the two days they were in Bellefonte
were guests at The Markland.
—A family party entertained by Mr.
In the neighborhood of one hun-
dred creditors were present when the
meeting convened in the court hduse. |
Spangler and Walker represented
the creditors and former Judge Ar- |
thur C. Dale and M. C. Rhone, of
Williamsport, the receivers. Mr. |
Rhone promptly asked for a con. |
tinuance on account of the illness of
Judge Orivs, and made a motion to
‘that effect. He also made a motion
that the creditors who had filed ex-
‘ceptions to the receivers bill for
compensation be required to file a
bond for the payment of all costs of
the hearing.
Both Mr. Spangler and Mr. Walk-
‘er interposed objections to a con-
_continuance of the hearing and also
the demand for the filing of a bond.
Referee Lybarger, however, granted
the request for a continuance with
'the understanding that the hearing
itake place at the date set. He re-
fused the demand for the filing of a
‘bond for the present.
i ——We believe our new fall pat.
‘terns of rugs from “Bigelow-San-
ford” display some of the most
beautiful designs of moderately pric-
ed rugs ever shown in Centre coun-
| ty.—W. R. Brachbill's furniture store,
Spring St., Bellefonte. 35-1t
| You are cordially invited to see
our assortment of ‘Bigelow_San-
ford” rugs. Showing the new fall
patterns in beautiful weaves and soft
colorings, from America's largest
{producers of medium and high-
‘grade floor coverings, offered at
| special prices during week of Sep-
tember 6th to September 14th.—W.
'R. Brachbill’s furniture store, Spring
St, Bellefonte. 35-1t
i msn fm ————
. — “Mile a Minute Marty” got
‘mad at the Decker Chevrolet Co.,
last week because the used car he
‘bought from them wouldn’t stall on
lany of the lonely roads over which
‘he drove his Polly-Anne, “Marty”
{doesn’t expect much, does he? He
must have thought he was buyin’ a
‘trained elephant when he got the
{boat for this week he is towing
{someone's concrete mixer in with it.
-——Mr, and Mrs. James Walters motored
to New York city, Saturday, where they
| spent Sunday, returning home Monday
night. In New York they took their
' vacation included all
and Mrs. C. C. Shuey for the Labor day
their daughters.
Mrs. Whiting and her children, of Louis-
ville, Ky., who have been here for a part
of the summer, were joined last week
by the Norths, now located at 3orden-
town, N. J. Later in the week the
Donachys came from Kingston, com-
pleting the party. The Whiting and
North families are continuing their visit.
The Donachys returned home Labor day.
—James Love, of Peotone, Ill.,, ac-
companied by his daughter, Miss May,
and his brother-in-law, Benjamin Klinger
and the latter's son, Raymond Klinger,
of Chicago, motored to Centre county,
last Friday, and have been spending the
week visiting Centre county friends. Mr.
Love is a native of Potter township,
Centre county, and a brother of Miss
Florence Love, for a number of years an
employee in the Watchman office. His
last trip back to Centre county was
made ten years ago so that it is only
natural that he notices many changes.
—Mr. and Mrs. John S. Walker and
the latter's sister, Miss Shortlidge, who
are now enroute to Chicago, left early
Wednesday morning on a month’s mo-
tor trip, expecting to go as far west as
Minneapolis. According to their plans
they will reach Chicago tomorrow eve-
ning an will spend some time with Mr.
and Mrs. Levy Johnson. At the termination
of the visit in Chicago, they will go to
Morrison, Iowa, to be guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel McCalmont, then on to
Minneapolis, where their time will be
spent with the Sterrett family and Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Mitchell, all cousins of
Mrs. Walker and Miss Shortlidge. No
definite time has been set for the length
of their stay at any place or for their
return to Bellefonte
—Two pleasant callers at the Watch-
man office last Friday morning were
David S. Lingle and James Zerby from
over in Decker valley, Potter township.
They had been at the Granegr picnic the
day before and came on over here to
attend to some business on Friday. As
Decker valley is reputed to be alive with
deer we questioned the gentlemen about
that. Both of them were of the opinion
that the most of them have been killed,
as they rarely see one anymore and the
few that are there now are very wild,
whereas before the open doe season deer
were tame and plentiful as sheep in
there. Mr. Lingle told us of at least
one farmer who was blessed with a
great hay crop this year. He said that
Homer Neff, who is on the Sankey
farm near Potter's Mills, had so much
that he left a lot of it lying th the
fleld; hauling in only what was freeest
from weeds. Mr. Neff is a lucky man,
indeed. Most other farmers were forced
to the necessity of hauling in weeds
sprinkled with grass. In talking about
his potatoes Mr. Zerby said that he
might be credited with a fine crop of
"first trip through the big tunnel under
! the Hudson river.
hickory nuts, if size is what we In-
quired about.
in |
| —Eleanor Barnhart will return to Syr-
i acuse, this week, to continue her work
at the university where she is a junior
in the library course. £5 :
—Gust Armor was brought home, Sat-
urday, from the Clearfield hospital. where
he had been under the care of Dr.
Waterworth for a week.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ulrich and their
two children, Luella and Dick, drove
to Gettysburg, Sunday, spending the day
there going over the battlefield.
—The Misses Anne and Betty Love,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Love,
of east High street, returned, Sunday,
from a week's visit with friends in Al-
_ —Miss Virginia McCurdy is entertain-
ing Miss McCaughy, at the McCurdy
home on east Linn street. Miss Mec-
Caughy is from Gettysburg, the former
home of the McCurdy family.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Shaughnessy and
their daughter, Mollie Anne, of Lewis-
town, who were among those back home
for the Labor day week-end vacation,
were guests while in Bellefonte of the
L. H. Wion family, "
—Mr. and Mrs. William Bilger and
their son, Herbert Bilger and wife, mo-
tored down to Ardmore, Saturday after-
noon, and spent Sunday and part of
Labor day at the home of Mrs. Bilger's
brother, Roy Coldren and family.
—Mrs. Charles Gilmour, who has been
with Mr. Gilomur in Baltimore for a
month or more, will remain there until
he has recovered from his present in-
disposition and is able to undergo the
operation for which he entered the Johns
Hopkins hospital.
—After a two week's visit with her
sister and brother, Miss Lucy and James
H. Potter, Miss Thomazine Potter left
Bellefonte, last night, to return to Phil-
adelphia for a day, expecting then to go
to the coast of Maine to spend a part of
September with friends.
—The Misses Helen and Annita Shol-
lenberger, of Philadelphia, and Miss
Anne Keichline arrived in Bellefonte,
Friday, from their four week's motor trip
through New England. The Misses Shol-
lenberger visited here until Tuesday,
leaving then to return home.
—Dr. Robert. Labaree, of the faculty
of the Lincoln university, and Mrs.
Labaree, were here, Tuesday, guests of
Mrs. Hastings, having driven over from
Birmingham, where they had been
visiting. Mrs. Labaree is a sister of
Mrs. Hastings’ son-in-law, Samuel Flem-
ing. :
—Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston drove
to Woolrich, Saturday, where they were
joined by Mrs. Johnston's mother, Mrs.
Havner, then continued to Elmira, N, Xi
where they met Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Harm and ali took a trip to Watkins
Glen. The Johnstons returned home on
Sunday night.
—The four Daggett children, Wells,
Orvis, Albert and Caroline, who have
been here visiting with their grandmoth-
er, Mrs. Wells L. Daggett, will return
to Wyncote, this week, for the opening
of school. Tentative plans are for Orvis”
remaining in Bellefonte to continue his
school work here during the winter.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Sherer have
been here from Reading for a part of
the week, guests of Mrs. Sherer's cousins,
Mrs. Beach and Miss Blanchard. Mrs
George D. Green, of Lock Haven, Mrs.
Sherer’s sister, joined them here for sev-
eral days of their stay in Bellefonte,
being a guest also at the Blanchard home.
—Immediately after the return of the
Parrish family from their two weeks
motor trip in Canada, Miss Mary left
for a visit with friends in Cleveland, ana
Dr. Joseph returned to Philadelphia, to
‘resume his interne work. Dr. Parrish
drove back to Philadelphia with Miss
Florence Finnegan, whose recent illness
made it impossible for her to make the
trip alone.
—Miss Margaret Monsel was here from
Bryn Mawr for an over night stay with
her sister, Mrs. LeRoy Scull, having
come up to attend the funeral of her
aunt, Mrs. Wyland, at Lewistown. She
drove over from there for the visit.
Charles Monsel, who had been with his
sisters, Miss Margaret and Mrs. Lee, for
a week at Bryn Mawr, returned to Belle-
fonte Sunday.
—Forset S. Ocker was in town yester-
day and we were shocked to see that he
is so badly crippled with neuritis that
he has to use crutches. The affliction has
forced him to give up his place at Rebers-
burg and move to State College, where
he and Mrs. Ocker have opened a room-
ing house. We join his friends here in
the hope that he will speedily recover his
former health.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Lyon, with
their sons Godfrey and William II, were
in town over the week-end. Bellefonte
So dear to Bob that he thinks it is as
near to his home in Buffalo as it is to
Milesburg, so that he thinks no more of
a drive here than most of us would think
of one to the latter place. While down
in this section they motored over to
Lewistown and to Danville for little visits
with relatives in those places.
—On the 30th of this month it will be
fifty-seven years since John H. Martin
left Bellefonte to take his first job as
manager of the Western Union telegraph
i office in Clearfield. And John has been
[in Clearfield ever since, in fact one of
that town’s most respected citizens. He
was in Bellefonte yesterday visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Romig, on Bishop
street, and other friends and relatives
and none could have been more delight-
ed than we with the little call he honor-
ed us with.
—Among those who are leaving this
month to resume teaching or begin work
elsewhere, are Miss Margaret Cooney,
to continue work in the schools of Hew-
lette, L. I.; Miss Louise Barnhart, in
charge of the kindergarten work in the
schools of Youngstown, Ohio; Miss Jean
Witter, to begin work as an.instructor
in the schools of Indiana, Pa.; Miss Eliz-
abeth Hoag, an instructor in the city
schools of Rochester, N. Y.; Miss Eliza-
beth Hunter, back to Springfield, Pa., as
head of the’ music department and Miss
Evelyn Rogers as a dietitian at St.
Joseph's hospital, Philadelphia.
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co.
Wheat 80
Corn 1.00
Oats 45
Rye i]
Barley 70
Buckwheat ” 50