Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 05, 1930, Image 4
S— Bellefonte, Pa., September 5, 1980. P. GRAY MEEK - . _— Editor To Correspondents.—No communications published a accompanied by the real name of the writer. Terms of Subscription.—Until further notice at the following rates: Paid strictly in advance - = $1.50 Paid before expiration of year - 1.76 after expiration of year - Published weekly, every Friday morn- ing. Entered at postoffice, Bellefonte, Pa. as second class matter. In orderi: e of address always give the pir d as well as the new address. It is important that the publisher be notified when a subscriber © wishes the paper discontinued. In all such cases the Seription must be paid up to date of on. : sul cancella of the “Watchman” will A sample copy be sent without cost to applicants. Democratic State Ticket. For United States Senator SEDGWICK KISTLER of Clinton County For Governor JOHN M. HEMPHILL of Chester County For Lieutenant Governor GUY K. BARD Lancaster County For Secretary of Internal Affairs. LUCY D. WINSTON of Cumberland County For Judge of Supreme Court HENRY C. NILES nf Work ounty For Judges Superior Court AARON E. REIBER of Butler County GEORGE F. DOUGLAS of Philadeiphia District and Ticket. For Representative in Congress MAX J. MOORE Democratic County of M’Kean County For State Senator DON INGERY of Clearfield County For Representative in General Assembly ’ JOHN G. MILLER of Ferguson Township. -FIFTY YEARS AGO IN CENTRE COUNTY. Items from the Watchman issue of September 10, 1880. —The Democrats of Philipsburg and vicinity had a most enthusiastic time at the poll raising in that place last evening. The pole, one hundred and twenty-five feet high, is a fine specimen of hickory and it was planted amid shouts "and cheers in front of the Hancock and English club room. The Philipsburg band furnished the music for the occasion and speeches were made by J. Frank Snyder Esq. of Clearfield; Ex_Gov- ernor Curtin, Gen. A. L. Pearson, of Pittsburgh, and Hon. C. T. Alex- ander, of Bellefonte. —The Bellefonte Fencibles, or Co. B, of this place, under the command of Capt. Amos Mullen and Lieuts, Potter and Hale, left for camp Alex- ander Hayes, near Pittsburgh, on Monday evening. In fact the en- campment site is Braddock’s field, made historical by the defeat of Gen- Braddock there on July 9, 1755, 200 Men — ; Thompson tee TacdyBy Se PonoEar vania Furnace, Centre county. Steady work and pay in cash every month, JAMES PIERPOINT, Supt. —For the year ending June 30, 1880, the Bellefonte school district paid $3250.00 - for wages to school teachers. —Excursion tickets to the state fair in Philadelphia, including ad- mission to the fair, are only $19.75 for the round trip. —Former sheriff Richard Conley died at his home in Benner town. ship on last Thursday. He was elect- ed sheriff of Centre county in Octo- ber, 1863, and served well for three years. —Mrs. Hannah Otto, of was stricken with days ago. —Mr. Richard Harris, better known as “Dick,” has returned to Bellefonte for the purpose of resum- ing his former position at Valentine's iron works, —The town council, on Monday night passed an act authorizing the widening of the bridge over the race on High street. This will be an improvement ‘that the people have sought for a long time. —Mr. Benner Graham left on the 5:35 train, on Tuesday afternoon, for Clearfield, where he was united in marriage on Wednesday to Miss Agnes Mullen, daughter of James Mullen and a niece of Mrs, Brock- erhoff, of this place. The Rev. John Hewitt, of the Episcopal church, accompanied the groom to Clearfield and performed the ceremony at the home of the bride's grand-mother, Mrs. Lenich. —The Patrons of Husbandry of Centre county will hold their seventh annual picnic on top of Nittany mountain, midway between Pleasant Gap and Centre Hall, on Thursday, September 16. The speakers will be David Wilson, of Erie; Charles McCormick, of Lock Haven: Hons. S. H. Yocum and C. T. Alexander, of Bellefonte. —Former Sheriff Edward Perks die quite suddenly in Philipsburg last Monday. He suffered a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Perks was once sheriff of Clearfield county, a banker in Philipsburg and several years ago was proprietor of the Brockerhoff house in this place. —Mrs. Nancy D. Muffly died at Snow Shoe Intersection, on Tues- day, the 2nd inst. at the advanced age of 70 years. She had been a sufferer for a long time with heart disease and some time ago her son, Joseph R. Muffly, took his mother to Philadelphia to be under the care of Dr. R. M. Girvin one of the most skillful physicians in that city. It was of no avail, however, because nothing could be done for her. —Harry Johnston, of Philipsburg, was badly hurt at camp Alexander Hayes, Braddock Station. He is a member of Co. BE. 5th Reg., and Some say he is mortally injured. —The Bellefonte public schools Millheim, paralysis a few | ! BURNET.—Katherine Wilson Cur- tin Burnet died at her summer cot- tage at Narragansett, R. I, Tuesday morning, September 10. Since young womanhood she had suffered with rheumatism and its attendant com- plications made her an invalid dur- ing all the later years of life. Mrs. Burnet was the youngest of the family of the late Governor An- drew G., and Mrs. Katherine Irvin Wilson Curtin. She was born in . Bellefonte May 2, 1859, and this was her home until she married Moses DeWitt Burnet, on May 2, 1888, and went to Syracuse, N. Y. She was just a young girl when her distin- guished father was at the height of his political career, consequently she spent much of her early life in Washington and abroad, while he was Minister to Russia. It was in that period that she was in school in Paris and experienced the thrill of having escaped from the city on the last train that left there before the Siege of Paris began. Mrs. Burnet was one of the most brilliant daughters Bellefonte has ever known. Reared in an atmosphere of culture, with all the advantages of world-travel and contact with the best in the social and diplomatic circles of this and foreign countries, and with an inborn flair for it all, she was indeed an unusual woman. Outstanding among the many charms that were her's was a voice of rare quality. Almost we can hear it sing- ing now as it did in the days when “if Kate Curtin will sing” any as- semblage was enthralled. She is survived by two daughters, Katherine, Mrs. I. Prace Hazard, of Narragansett; and Margaret, Mrs. George Spencer, of Brooklyn, N. Y. One brother, William Wilson Curtin, of Philadelphia, and one sister, Mrs. M. C. Breese, of Dowingtown, Pa. also survive, Services will be held at Narragan- sett this afternoon. Her remains will later be taken to Boston for crema- tion. No arrangements have been made for the interment. pi i NUTTALL.— Mrs. Katherine Du- Bree Nuttall, wife of L. W. Nut- tall, for many years well known residents of Philipsburg, died last Saturday night, at her home in San Diego, Cal., as the result of a stroke of paralysis sustained three weeks previous. She was a daughter of Daniel and Margaret DuBree and was born in Bucks county on January 27th, 1860, hence was in her 71st year. When she was but tweve years old her parents moved to Philipsburg and there she grew to womanhood and received her education in the public schools. With the exception of a brief period spent at Nuttallburg. W. Va, she and her husband spent all their married life in Philipsburg un- til three years ago when they went to San Diego. Mrs. Nuttall was a member of the Presybterian church™ a member of the Moshannon chapter’ D. A. R. and the Current Events club, of Philipsburg. She and her husband had completed plans for a visit back to Philipsburg when she was stricken. In addition to her husband she is survived by one son, John Nuttall, of San Diego, and one sister, Mrs. George W. Ganoe, of Houtzdale. Burial was made at San Diego on Wednesday morning. i i ECKERT.—Mrs. Araminta Eckert, wife of Harry T. Eckert, of Irwin, Pa., died at the Clinic hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, on Wednesday of last week, as the result of a col- lapse following an operation for an inward goitre. She was a daughter of Eli E.and Lucretia Mott Erhard and was born at Unionville 61 years ago. Most of her married life had been spent at Irwin, She was a member of the Presbyterian church, the W. C. T. U. and a great social worker in her community. In addition to her hus. band she is survived by three daughters, Mis. Edward Corl and Mrs. Everett McCall, of Trafford, and Mrs. John Osborne, of Irwin. She also leaves the following brothers and sisters: R. A. Erhard, of AKron, Ohio; Mrs, J. T. Brown and Mrs. O. H. Snyder, of Trafford; E. W. Erhard, of Greensburg, and Willis, of Trafford. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church, in Irwin, last Saturday, by Rev. Willis, burial be- ing made in the Irwin cemetery. i I! GEARHART.— Mrs. Myra Eliza. beth Gearhart died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. J. Parsons, in Altoona, on Sunday evening, as the result of complications. She was a daughter of Nathan and Hannah Brooks Moore and was born at Pine Grove Mills almost 77 years ago, For more than fifty years she had been a member of the Trinity Metho- dist Episcopal church, of Clearfield, where most of her married life was spent. She is survived by six chil- dren and one brother, E. S. Moore, of Pine Grove Mills. Burial was made in Clearfield on Wednesday. will open on Monday, the 13th. Th teachers selected for the year are: Principal, D, M. Lieb; assiscant, Hen- ry Wetzel and the Misses Rosa Wood, Nannie McGinley, Lizzie Swartz, Mary L. Nesbitt, Bella Ran. kin, Anna Rankin, Annie McAffrey, Mary Schrom and Carrie Humes. Mr. Brooks will again teach the colored school, —Eggs are 10 cts a dozen, corn is 45 cts a bushel and new potatoes are 30 cts a bushel. the tournament which began BROWN. —Mrs. Della Brown, wife of Homer Brown, pass. ed away at her home at Glassport, Allegheny ccunty, on Wednesday night of last week, following ten day’s illness with paralysis of the heart. She was a daughter of John and Elizabeth Gettig Clark and was born in Bellefonte on June 28th, 1885, hence was 45 years and 2 months old. All her girlhood life was spent in Bellefonte. On August 17th, 1912, she married Homer Brown, at Swissvale, and the great- er part of their married life had been spent at Glassport. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and the Order of the Eastern Star, of Wilkinsburg. In addition to her husband she is survived by one son, Robert Brown, She also leaves the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Elizabeth Wyland, of Akron, Ohio; Walter Clark, in California; Richard, of Akron; Mrs. Frank Fry, Mrs. John Gordon ‘and Mrs. Charles Walters, all of Bellefonte. She also leaves one half-brother, Charles Lose, of Bellefonte. The remains were brought to Bellefonte, on Friday morning, and taken to the home of Mr. Brown's sister, Mrs. C. C. Rhoads, in her apartment in the Potter-Hoy block, where funeral services were held at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Robert Thena had charge of the services and burial was made in the Union cemetery, PR ANKLE, Yara % Sprankle, a native of Bellefonte, died at his home in Altoona, on Monday morn- ing, as the result of a stroke of paralysis sustained about six months ago. He was a son of Jacob and Sarah Sprankle and was born in Bellefonte on September 2nd, 1856, hence was 74 years old. His early life was spent here but as a young man he went to Altoona and secured a job in the P. R. R. shops, where he worked until his retirement ten years ago. Shortly after that the family moved to Bellefonte but in 1923 moved back to Altoona and had lived there ever since. Mr. Sprankle married Margaret Kelley who survives with five chil- dren, Joseph, Arthur, Miss Dorothy and Albert Sprankle, all of Altoona, and Edward, of Roaring Spring. He also leaves two brothers and two sisters, William Sprankle, of Belle- fonte; Curtin, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Emma Garbrick, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. James Sharp, of Pittsburgh, He was a member of the Catholic church and requiem mass was held in the Sacred Heart church, Altoona, at nine o'clock Wednesday morning. Burial was made in the Calvary cemetery, that city. COSTE AND BELLONTE . CROSS ATLANTIC WESTWARD. When Captain Diendonne Coste and Maurice Bellonte, France's pre- mier air aces, set their little scarlet “Question Mark” down on the field at Curtiss airport, Valley Stream, N. Y., at 7:12 Tuesday evening, they had accomplished something never before done in the history of avia- tion, They had made the first non- stop flight westward over the At- lantic ocean. Just 37 hours and 18 minutes be- | fore the two daring aviators had left Paris in their Breguet sesqui plane to make the 4100 mile dash to return the thrilling call the Am. erican boy, Charley Lindbergh, had so unexpectedly made on Paris just three years. They had bad weather, rains fog and unfavorable winds almost all the way over but success was theirs and America’s ace, Colonel Lind- bergh, was the first to admit that they had excelled even his spectac. ular flight because the westward hop, from Paris to New York, is far more treacherous than the eastern one. a ——— re ——— HUGH QUIGLEY WINS NITTANY GOLF TITLE. Hugh Quigley has been crowned king of the turf on the Nittany golf course for the season of 1930 by winning the elimination contests from J. Randall Miller, on Labor day. A dozen or more players took part in 1ast week and ended on Monday. Mr. Miller was the 1929 champion and was a close contestant for the honors this year. The grand jury convened, on Tuesday, to consider the district at- torney’s bills of indictment for the September term of court. Thomas A. Pletcher, of Howard, was ap- pointed foreman by Judge M. Ward Fleming, The list of bills prepared by the district attorney numbers seventy-two, the largest number for any session of court in the history of Centre county. With this unusual amount of work ahead of it mem- bers of the jury will have a busy week of it. Last Thursday, while Paul Tressler, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tressler, of Walker town. ship, was handling a 22 caliber tar- get rifle the weapon was accidental- ly discharged, the bullet penetrating the left thigh of his 12 year old brother Warren and coursing down- ward came out the leg just above the knee. The lad was brought to the Centre County hospital and by Wednesday had recovered sufficiently to be taken home, Mrs. W. A. Broyles will ELS Bertha“ BELLEFONTE "ACADEMY : WILL OPEN NEXT WEEK. The Bellefonte Academy will open the fall session, on Thursday. Sep- tember 11th, with perhaps the strongest faculty in its history. Young ladies as well as young men in Bellefonte or Centre county will be cordially welcomed to enjoy the educational facilities this historic in- stitution offers. Eleven experienced and successful teachers for about 115 select students make the real personal attention, in small classes, the outstanding feature in the Acad- emy’s work. THE FACULTY. James R. Hughes, A. M., Headmaster, (Princeton University.) _ Language and Oratory. Helen E. Canfield Overton, (Formerly of Minneapolis City Schools.) English Grammar, American History, Civics, Commercial Law and Prob- lems of Democracy. Isabella S. Hill, Ph. B., (Wesleyan University, Columbia Univ.,) English, Rhetoric and Literature. Charles S. Hughes, A. B., (Princeton University.) Junior Mathmetics. Howard Thomas, A. B., (Bucknell University.) Biology and Physical Geography B. Ralph Summer, A. B., (Penna. State College.) History, English History and Plane Geometry. Frederick D. Cockins, A. B., A. M., (Ohio State Univ., Univ. of Chicago Columbia University. Physics and Chemistry. John P. Hoyt, B. S., (Middlebury College) Higher Mathematics. Sylvester V. Pauxtis, LL. B., (Dickinson College.) Mathematics. Daniel N. Perkins, A. B., (University of New Hampshire.) Latin and German Albert Phelps Tuller, M. A. Yale Univ., Univ. of Penna., Univ. Chicago., Columbia Univ. French and Spanish. Sylvester V. Pauxtis, Director of Athletics a — BELLEFONTE ACADEMY FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. With the opening of the Bellefonte Academy, next week, more or less interest will naturally center on the football possibilities. As it looks now the attendance at the Academy, this year, will considerably exceed that of last year, and prospects are bright for plenty of football mater- ial, The new coach, Sylvester V. Pauxtis, will arrive in Bellefonie early next week, ready to start the squad in training. George M. Hardy, captain of the 1930 team, has been a strong end on the team during 1928 and 1929, and will naturally fill the same position this year. The schedule so far arranged is as fol- lows: September. 27— Duquesne + University Frosh at Bellefonte. October 4—Western Maryland Frosh at Bellefonte. October 11—Open. October 18—Bucknell Fonte. October 25—U. of P. Frosh, at Phila- delphia. November 1—Carnegie Tech Frosh at Pittsburgh. November 7—New York Frosh at New York. November 15—Open. November 22—Temple University Frosh at Bellefonte. Ancient of Frosh at Belle- University YOUNG MAN WITH NO WORK A VICTIM OF SUICIDE, Out of work and out of money, completely discouraged with life af- ter tramping the streets of Philips- burg for several months looking for work, and worried because he could not properly support his little family. James Charles McCord com- mitted suicide by shooting himself, at his home at Point Lookout, last Friday evening. He was born at Black Moshannon on July 18th, 1900, hence was only a little over thirty years old. For nine years he worked at the planing mill, in Philipsburg, but lost his job because of changes in the plant. In 1925 he married Miss Hilda Leighty, at Saxton, and ever since they have lived at Point Lookout. In addition to his wife he is survived by three children, Claire, Charles L. and Almeda. He also leaves his mother, Mrs. Barbara McCord, living at Windber, one brother and a sister, John McCord, of DesMoines, Iowa, and Mrs. C. D. Fleck, of Rush township, Rev. C. F. Kulp had charge of the funeral services which were held on Monday afternoon, burial being made in the Philipsburg cemetery. W.C. T. U CONVENTION AT PLEASANT GAP. The forty-fifth annual convention of the Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union of Centre county will be held in the M. E. church, at Pleas- ant Gap, on Friday, September 12th. A number of special numbers are being prepared by a chorus under the direction of Mrs. Grace Allis, present a plan for temperance work in the county. A report of a most suc- cessful year will be made by Mrs. F. P. Keller. All minigters of the county are especially invited to attend the rec- ognition service at the close of the forenoon session. Rev. H. W., Oak- wood will speak in the evening. —Four new fraternity houses were built at the Pennsylvania State Col- lege during the summer. PATIENTS TREATED AT THE COUNTY HOSPITAL. Mrs. Vernon Williams and infant son, of State College, were discharg- ed on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Free, of State College, are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter, born at the hospital on Monday of last week. Mathias Packer, of Orviston, was admitted on Tuesday of last week as a surgical patient. Dolores, six-weeks-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cowher, of Port Matilda, was discharged on Tuesday of last week after having undergone medical treatment. Ray C. and Clair Miller, aged 6 and 8 years, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, of Liberty township, were discharged on Tuesday of last week after having been surgical pa- tients for several days. Mrs. Doris M. Carver, of Bellefonte R. F. D,, who had been under surgi- cal treatment, was discharged on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Harry Confer, of Benner township, was discharged on Tuesday of last week after having undergone medical treatment. Miss Larissa Kachik, of Bellefonte, was discharged on Tuesday of last week after undergoing medical treatment, Miss Grace Carson, of Bellefonte, was discharged on Tuesday of last week after undergoing surgical treatment. Miss Maude L. Glenn, of State College, who had been under surgical treatment for some time, was dis- charged on Tuesday of last week. Joseph Quici, of Bellefonte, was admitted on Wednesday of last week for medical treatment. Lieut. and Mrs. Homer Ambrose, of State College, are the parents of a baby born at the hospital on Wed. nesday of last week. Mrs. Herbert M. Kinley, of State College, who had been a surgical patient, was discharged on Wed- nesday of last week. Alfred Meter eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Meter, of Spring township, was admitted on Wednes- day of last week for surgical treat. ment. Helen R. Irconi, of Boggs town- ship, was discharged on Thursday after undergoing treatment. Wayne, eleven year-old-son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tressler, of Walker township. was admitted on Thurs- day for surgical treatment. “GUEEN HIGH” IS COMING TO THE RICHELIEU. such able funny men as Charlie Ruggles and Frank Morgan and put them in a play with the hilarious possibilities which “Queen High” provides, you need nothing more for an evening’s first class entertainment. Paramount has taken just those ingredients and a whole bagful more in filmicating the explosion of laughs that is “Queen High” which will be seen at the Richelieu theatre Monday and Tuesday of next week. Ruggles and Morgan are the part- ners in a garter-producing business who know how to support ladies garments with their wares but who do not know how to support each other’s opinions with any degree of pacificism. After many fights their lawyer suggests that they each draw a hand of poker to determine who will be the other's butler. Ruggles loses and thereafter is the manservant in the home of Morgan. Laugh follows laugh as the humor- ous situations pile up in swift tempo. But the luckless Ruggles learns of a way to end all of Morgan’s lordly ordering about. He makes up to his master’s wife. That fetches the indignant Morgan. In fact it nearly drives him cuckoo. “Queen High” is sparkling diver- tisement, well worth your time. Troupe—Gulbrandsen.—William B. Troupe. son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. Troupe, of Bellefonte, and Miss Erna Gulbrandsen, daughter of Mrs. R. A. Larsen, of Brooklyn and Buf- falo, N. Y. were married at the parsonage of the Union church, Brooklyn, last Saturday. ~The cere- mony was followed by a reception at the Bossert hotel, Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Troupe are now in Belle. fonte spending ten days of their honeymoon period with the bride- groom’s parents. When they return to Brooklyn they will be at home at No. 7101 Colonial Road. The bridegroom is a graduate of the Bellefonte High school. During his last two or three years in school he worked in the Watchman of- fice out of school hours. He then took a course at State College and following his graduation there went with the Carbondale Machine com- pany, at Carbondale. He is now in the employ of the American Loco- motive company at Brooklyn. The Watchman joins with many friends in wishing Mr, and Mrs. Troupe a happy and successful married life. O’Connell. — Buechele, — Thomas O'Connell and Miss Lily Buechele, both of State College, were mar- ried, at 9 o'clock on Monday morn- ing, at Our Lady of Lourdes Catho- lic church, at the College, by the pastor, Rev. B. A. O'Hanlon. Im. mediately following the ceremony the young couple left on a wedding trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N. Y. Returning they will go to house- keeping in their already furnished 2ariment. LON CHANEY THE HIDEOUS HAD THE HEART BEAUTIFUL. Lon Chaney, film star, “the man of a thousand faces,” who died in Hollywood, August 26, was born at Colorado Springs, Colo, April 1, 1883. He was the second of four children, all normal, born to deaf mute parents. Through the pan- tomime he developed in commun- icating with his deaf parents he gained the flare for facial expres- sions and gestures. As a youth he once acted as a Pike's Peak guide. He early showed an interest in the stage and in 1899, associated with his brother, he pro- duced “The Little Tycoon.” He was subsequently in various stock companies, and eighteen years ago entered the pictures. Starting in pictures in slapstick comedy, Chaney decided to become a director and in 1912 took a job as an extra in “Westerns” at Uni- versal City, He directed Warren Ker- rigan, at that time a Western star, in seven productions. Chaney attracted notice as a char- acter actor in the old picture, “Hell Morgan’s Girl,” in 1914, but his first important recognition came with his portrayal of the part of a cripple in “The Miracle Man,” in which he ap- peared with Thomas Meighan and Betty Compson. This was the first of his many roles requiring elaborate makeups. Chaney won such recognition in this field that he was called on to write articles for encyclopoedias and mag- azines on the the art of disguise. In addition to Chaney’s notable achievement as Quasimado in “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” his startling makeups were featured in “Phantom of the Opera,” “The Un- holy Three,” “Road to Mandalay,” “Tell It to the Marines,” “ He Who Gets Slapped,” “Laugh, Clown, Laugh,” “While the City Sleeps” and “West of Zanzibar.” Appearing in many cripple roles, Chaney used ieather harness in which he was strapped so tightly he was able to appear before the camera only at brief intervals, In many roles Chaney used pad- ding in his mouth to change ‘the shape of his face. It was this makeup that caused him to believe, for a time, that it would be out of the question for him to make talkies. Chaney was married twenty-two years ago to Hazel Hastings, an ac- tress, with whom he was appearing at the time of his death. CHANEY’S LAST INTERVIEW RE- VEALS HIS SECRET GOAL. Lon Chaney granted few inter- views. Ivy Crane Wilson, Holly- wood writer, interviewed him short- ly before his death. What he said is told in the following article: Back of the distorted features which a vast movie public associated with Lon Chaney lay a kindly phil- osophy of which few were aware. Chaney granted few interviews. Yet one of his last was given en- thusiastically because it concerned his views on what he called his guiding principles. In it the actor revealed a surpris. ing secret back of his repeated: roles as a misshapen and frequently hid- eous character. ~His creed: “I don’t know if I have succeeded in leaving this impression with the public, but I play every character with the definite idea that no matter how bad or distorted the man portrayed may be, he is fun- damentally good.” “No man is entirely devoid of good, At some moment every crim- inal, murderer and thief has had the word of God on his lins, with an un. spoken prayer behind it. “As for my endeavors to portray good in the hearts of sinful men, I believe that to radiate goodness is the greatest art in the world. If that light finally glows in a sin- scarred heart, so much better the proof of an all-pervading goodness.” To that small circle of intimate friends who knew of the actor's kindness to the unfortunate, his views were no surprise. Much of his huge salary went for charities and most of his time be- tween camera shots was devoted to helping beginners. “God has the same thought for the humble that he holds for his most beautiful works. That's why I keep a hand outto the underdogs,” Chaney said. “On the movie lots there always are plenty of hands to find a chair for the leading woman. I like to help the tired little extra.” ‘And I have found that when I send out a prayer to the Great In- visible God, everything seems to work out all right.” DOGS MUST BE IN CONTROL OF OWNERS. Game Commission officials have reminded dog owners who wish to train them for hunting that the law requires the canines be kept under the control of their owner or handler at all times. Dogs may be trained upon any game except elk, deer, or wild tur. key. The daily period for training extends between one hour before sun- rise and 10:00 p. m. eastern standard time. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Helen Sura to Mike Sura, in Rush township; $T. William M. Vaughn to Moshannon National Bank, tract in South Philipsburg; $1. William Bland to C. M. Muffly. tract in Howard township; $1. Fred Kobus, et ux, to Citizens Building and Loan Asso. tract in Rush Twp.; $1287.83. ——s ae. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Michael Gnuat and Anma Murnyack, both of Clarence, Charles E. Lockhart and Isabel L. Johnstonbaugh, both of State Col- tract E. lege.