p—————————————————————————————— k Bellefonte, Pa., September 5, 1930. EE Et! Your Health THE FIRST CONCERN. THE CONTROL OF SOCIAL DISEASES. Edgar S. Everhart, M. D. (Cheif, Genito- Urinary Disease Section) Pennsylvania Department of Health Within the memory of those who are still in middle life tuberculosis was considered to be a hopeless dis- ease. Until the bacillus of tuber- culosis was discovered and for some years following that event, a great majority of patients passed out of the picture within a comparatively short period of time. It required a number of years to develop means to launch a successful attack and to spread that knowledge throughout the world. Ignorance of the disease was appalling. The practice of keep- ing patients . within doors, of exclud- ing the night air, of starving them by use of a dietary that was insuf- ficient in fats and, in one well known instance, of even placing them un. derground for treatment in the be- lief that as the center of the earth was approached the air contained fewer impurities, in this enlightened day would rank with sorcery and witchcraft. And yet all these prac- tices and many more were in vogue not so long ago. Much the same situation existed in the case of other contagious diseases. The one essential step in the fight against disease is the discovery of the means by which it is - dissemi- nated. For many years after the discovery is made the bulk of the population may still be in darkness. Superstition and ignorance are hard to subdue. Habits and customs of life are hard to change. The find- ing of the tubercule bacillus, although of prime importance, therefore, did not solve the tuberculosis problem. First, it required leadership among the medical profession to break down prejudices that had been inherited from past generations. After the profession itself became enlightened many more years were needed to effect remedial legislation and to mold public opinion in favor of sani- tation and proper treatment methods. Tuberculosis. typhoid fever, yellow fever and even Biblical leprosy it- self have been placed, in our life. times, in the category of diseases which might be conquered. The dis- covery of radio today holds one of the highest places in the accomplish- ment of great things. Wonderful though it is, it ranks no higher than does the discovery of the origin of certain devastating diseases. The ra- dio is popular and spectacular; itis pleasing to the masses. The sub- jugation of disease has never been and never will be popular, It will interest the few, not the many. And while it yields a tremendous return in dollars and cents, unfortunately this is known only to the economists. In the subjugation of disease the real task too often lies in the prac- tical application of principles that are well known. Although the struggle against tuberculosis has been long and tedious, yet the principles governing its control have not been nearly so difficult to apply asin the case of some of the other major diseases. For many years after the discov- ery of the germ called the gonococ- cus, sanitarians generally held to the belief that gonorrhea did not properly come within the realm of public health control and, therefore, no concerted effort was made to place it in that category. For centuries syphilis has been recognized as a major disease in the civilized world. It has ranked with tuberculosis in its dire effects upon the human race. For generations medical literature has been overflow- ing with facts surrounding syphilis; the manner in which it attacked the human body. its effect upon the different organs, the way in which it was spread from one to another and even for some cases, successful means of treatment were well known long before the discovery of the organism that caused the disease. To the uninitiated it is the belief that once the cause of disease is known the successful means of stop- ping its spread can be fairly easily applied. The discovery of the cause of syphilis—the spirochetae pallida —several decades ago was hailed as a great event in medical progress. And rightly so. Quickly following this discovery came salvarsant, or 606 as it is popularly known, The world was told that ome or two doses of this drug would be sufficient quickly to kill all the spirochetes in the body. At fist it was felt that with this weapon the death knell of syphilis would soon be sounded. Un- happily, after several years it be- came evident that Professor Erlich’s Announcement was not founded on fact. However, in no degree does this fact prove the worthlessness of his discovery. On the other hand, it may well be said that Doctor Er- lich’s six hundred and sixth experi- ment in his attempt to form a new drug destructive to the spirochetes markéd a momentous advance in the subjugation of a world-wide disease. Long before the discovery of the spirochete by the German Schaudin, gonococcus—the organism respons- ible for gonorrhea—had been iso- lated by his compatriot, Nesser. However, unlike syphilis, the dis- cevery of a drug which has a spe- cific effect in destroying the germ did not quickly follow. Nor has there yet been discovered such a drug. {To be continued) FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. DAILY THOUGHT. As you grow ready for it, somewhere or other you will find what is needful for you, in a book, or a friend, or, best of all, in your own thoughts, the eter- nal thought speaking in your thought. —George Macdonald. WOMAN WINS LIFE FIGHT TO MUSIC FAME. Los Angeles—From poverty to the acclaim of music lovers and the foremost music critics was the path of Antonia Brico, 28- year-old con- ductor of great orchestras. Miss Brico, hailed as the greatest woman conductor, has returned to this country after successive tri umphs abroad in a field once con- sidered almost impossible for a wo- man to enter. At Hollywood bowl, where “Sym- phonies Under the Stars” have be- come Los Angeles most popular musical recreation, Miss Brico re- cently made her first appearance in her role in this country. The ambition of Antonia Brico to- ward symphonic conducting began when she was 13 years of age, a poverty stricken little girl living with her foster parents, Music was her life. Then, as now, she was an intense person, refusing to acknowl- edge obstacles. And certainly there were many obstacles in the way of a poor girl wanting the wide knowl- edge necessary for the realization of her dreams. “I was a crazy little ragamuffin with ideas far too big for any youngster to have,” says Miss Brico of this period. “Every Sunday, Paul Steindorff used to conduct concerts at Lake. side Park, Oakland, where I lived with my foster parents. I always went to hear him. He fascinated me —he seemed to be magic in his swinging baton.” The “ragamuffin” used the foster name Wilhelmina Wolthus then. She does not remember much of her par- ents. Perhaps this loneliness urged her toward music and it gave her a warm affection she missed. At least, her devotion has never wavered. She had one goal and she attained it. “Imagination is the quality that determines what one will atttain, If one believes in an inner spirit—i himself—he can go anywhere,” is her philosophy. With this attitude she worked and worked, scorning menial tasks to which she was driven for support, yet fulfilling them unmnchingly be- cause in the distance she saw an ideal. She worked her way through high school and entered the University of California. Scrubbing floors and washing clothes were two tasks not unfamiliar to her in these years. Sometimes, though, she could give music lessons. At 17 she was taken under the guidance of Steindorff and she studied piano. She heard the great musicians by ushering at the con- certs of the San Francisco Symphony. Ignace Paderewski was to play in San Francisco. Antonia Brico had a bowl full of nickels and dimes saved from her labors. A friend was per- suaded to purchase a ticket for her with the savings—and it must be a ticket in the front row. It was—but so far on one side that it was of no value at all. But that did not deter the enthusiast. “I bought a folding camp stool and took it with me to the concert wrapped up in paper,” she recalls. “Then I placed it in the aisle alout four feet away from the piano. Be- fore ‘the concert began, an usher came up and said, “You must have a drag on with the manager,’ 1 trembled but answered ‘yes.’ No one bothered me after that.” The audacity won her a great good fortune. Sigismond Stojowski, then giving a master piano class at Berkeley, heard of the incident. He was intrigued and she became his pupil. Three summers at Berkeley and one in New York she studied under the master. He visioned her hopes of conducting. By 1925 the girl had saved suffi. cient funds for a trip to Europe and prevailed upon Stojowski to give her a letter of introduction to Dr. Karl Muck, the great conductor. At Bayreuth she met Dr. Muck and he said only “impossible” when she told him of her ambitions. “You've got to help me—I came all the way from America in the be- lief that you would help me,” she cried. Her fervor overcame the ob- stinacy, He was her friend and counsellor. The funds that took her abroad were not sufficient to keep her indef- initely. Antonia Brico again went to work. Meanwhile, Dr. Muck gave her all the aid possible. Presently she en- tered the State Aeademy of Con- ducting at Berlin. Nine musicians tried the examinations; Miss Brico and a man were the two chosen. Her graduation from the academy was a triumph over dogmatic musi- cal conventions. Then she won her greatest honor. On Feb. 14 of this year Antonia Brico conducted that mighty Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra—a position never before attained by a woman. European critics marveled, She was scarcely known in her own country. Now she is here and soon will conduct the San Francisco Symphony —the orchestra she once slaved to hear. And Stojowski, once her teacher, wil! be a soloist at the sec- .ond concert. —Whole wheat breads and mush are valuable foods because they con- tain practically all the proteins nec- essary for body growth and develop- ment. They are also high in min- eral content and in vitamins. Futher- more they are useful in encouraging elimination. It is a pity to use too much white bread when one might just as well have the mueh more healthful whole wheat bread. —Before sewing hooks and eyes on clothing, it is a geod idea to boil them in a solution to which soda has been added. Then they will not rust when the clothing is laundered. FARM NOTES. —Winter barley isa possible sub- stitute for winter wheat as a grain crop in southern Pennsylvania coun- ties east of the Alleghenies. It yields better and makes a more excellent feed for livestock than does wheat. —Retail prices of fresh produce in the principal larger city markets have not been seriously affected by drouth, because the shortage in local produce has been met by shipments from a distance. —Pullets on range will be bene- fited if the brooder house is moved occasionally to clean ground in another small chore which will help to prevent the spread of diseases and parasites. —Cows in milk need plenty of water at all times and especially in hot weather, according to State Col- lege dairy specialists, —Co-operative organizations early found that unless they had a uni- formly graded product .their selling plans fell by the wayside. Highly efficient methods of grading and packing were adopted and these are now integral parts of all successful fruit and vegetable organizations — For best results livestock need feed and attention. They cannot de- velop properly on empty stomachs anymore than an automobile can run without a supply of gas. —The most feeding value will be obtained this year by putting the corn crop in the silo. — When wheat is low in price, good business, on the part of the poultryman, demands that some of the more expensive ingredients of the ration be replaced by this grain. Relative prices should continue to be the determining factor in decid- ing whether to use more ‘wheat in the poultry rations, says County Agent Hamil. When wheat is low- priced, one is justified in using in the grain mixture an amount up to one half of the total grain allow- ance. A mixture of 100 pounds of corn and 100 pounds of wheat will suffice for both old and young stock. If heavy oats are available, 100 pounds can be included for mature 1 | hirds in the above mixture. Ground wheat can be used in the place of a large part of the wheat products in the mash mixtures for poultry. Here is a simple formula in which a large percentage of wheat is used: 50 pounds of ground corn, 150 pounds of ground wheat, 100 pounds of wheat bran, 100 pounds of ground heavy oats, 100 pounds of meat scrap, and 5 pounds of salt. Where heavy oats are not available, 50 pounds of ground corn and 50 pounds of wheat bran can be added as a substitute. Where a more complete ration containing a greater variety of pro- tein is desired, the following com- bination is suggested: 100 pounds of ground corn, 200 pounds of ground wheat, 100 pounds of wheat bran, 100 pounds of ground heavy oats, 50 pounds of beef scrap, 25 pounds of dried milk, 25 pounds of alfalfa leaf meal, ‘25 pounds of bone meal, and 5 pounds of salt: Here, again, 50 pounds of wheat bran more can be used to replace the ground oats if they are of questionable quality. —Little turkeys should not be fed for the first day or two, as they are absorbing the yolk of the egg from which they came and this is what nature intended that they should get. After two days they may be fed chopped hard-boiled egg and corn bread crumbs for the first week, or soaked stale bread in milk and squeezed dry. When they begin to get out on the range, they may be fed morning and night only, as they get much from the range. —A widely recommended ration that has been extensively used by duck raisers is as follows: As a starting ration a mash made up of equal parts of rolled oats and dried bread is fed. It is found desirable to add asmall quantity of sand, one part to twenty parts of the mash, and moistened. As much as the ducks will clean up readily is fed five or six times daily. After the ducks are six days old equal parts of bran, yellow corn meal, rolled oats and dry bread can be fed. —Geese generally mate in pairs, though a young gander will some- times mate with more than one goose. Later he will usually pick a favorite. When mature the easiest way to tell a gander is to listen to the voice. A gander has a voice which is a cross between a whistle and whisper. A young male hatch- ed in June has an excellent chance, but if he is kept in a pen with a lot of other birds of different ages he probably will not be ready by February. —Pullets approaching maturity should be encouraged to consume large quantities of grain. —Raise heifer calves from only the very best cows. This is the time to improve the quality of the herd. “Keep down the numbers but improve the quality” is a good motto. —Lawns should be cut during the fall, If the grass is allowed to re- main uncut through the winter, the lawn will be rather spotted in the spring and considerable reseeding will be necessary. Stinking smut is a costly pest of wheat. Treating the seed with cop- per carbona¥e dust will insure a clean crop. Thoroughly mix the grain with two and one-half ounces of dust for each bushel, say State College plant pathologists. — Training the show colt is es- sential to making a good impression on the judge. Animals that respond to the bidding of the exhibitor stand a better chance to walk off with the blue ribbon than the sulky, bakky creatures. serburg and McConnel‘s Town, “Mes. T1-16-t¢ UMIBER? Oh, Yes! W. Lumber, Sash, Call Bellefonte 432 R. SHOPE Doors, Millwork and Roofing sm PLACES AN DISTANCES IN COACHING DAYS Distances apparently have increas- ed between some points in Pennsyl- vania since John Melish published his guide to roads in the United States in 1814. It is certain that names of a number of Pennsylvania towns have been changed, and sev- eral communities have entirely dis- appeared. Benjamin G. Eynon, registrar of motor vehicles, recently found a copy of Melish’s road guide in a second hand store in Philadelphia. Melish’s description, the flyleaf says, was “compiled from the most authenic materials, and covers highways as far south as New Orleans and as far west as “Illinois Territory.” One of the routes outlined was that from Washington “to Erie and Detroit,” the journey at that time requiring a water trip of 185 miles from Erie to the Michigan trading station and fort. Mentioned on the route are Hager’s Town, Md. Mes- serburg and McConnel’s Town, “Mesi- Connel’s Town is McConnelsburg. On the route from Washington through Harrisburg to Buffalo and Fort Niagara the present town of Milton is known as “Milltown,” and Niagara Falls is ‘Falls of Niagara.” The distance from Harrisburg to Philadelphia, according to Melish, was 97 miles, but in 1930 it aproxi- | mates 100 miles from the center of Harrisburg to Penn Square. Be- | tween Lancaster and Philadelphia the | book gives as land marks Conestoga | Creek, Gap Hill, Downingtown, Buck | Tavern and Schuylkill river. The latter was one mile from Philadel. | phia. On the Harrisburg-Reading- | Philadelphia route Germantown was | five miles from Philadelphia, and 107 from Harrisburg. | Travelers at that time employed what are now’ the Lincoln and Wil- liam Penn Highways in traveling | from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh. Be- | tween Lewistown and Pittsburgh the | principal towns or coaching stations | were Culbertson’s, Drake’s, Hunting- don, Hollidaysburg, Beaula, Armagh, | Drake’s, Dennistone’s, Hannah’s Town and Greensburg. “Drake’s,’ it is be- lieved, was a tavern—or, rather, two taverns. The shortest possible route from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh, as outlined by Melish, was via Car- lisle, Shippensburg, Strasburg, Fan- ettsburg, crossing Juniata and thence through Bedford—200 miles. The book refers to the Pokono mountains of Northeastern Pennsyl- vania, and to the town of Strouds. The town of Lehigh was seventeen miles from Wilkes-Barre, on the Philadelphia-Wind Gap route. On the route from Northumberland to Alexandria, Huntingdon county, men- tion is made of Aaronsburg, Belle. Fount and Centre Furnace. Pennsylvania distances as set forth by Melish were as follows: Harris- burg to Philadelphia, via Lancaster, 97 miles; via Reading, 112 miles; Harrisburg to Wilkes-Barre, 121 miles; Harrisburg to Erie, 290 miles; Harrisburg to Pittsburg, wvia Hol. lidaysburg, 213 miles; via Chambers- burg, 208 miles; via Strasburg, 200 miles; Harrisburg to Hagerstown, 72 miles; Philadelphia to Northumber- land, 136 miles; Philadephia to Eas- ton, 69 miles; to Milford, 125 miles; to Wilkes-Barre, 118 miles; Lan- caster to Hagerstown, 80 miles; Strasburg to Huntingdon, 49 miles; Northumberland to Alexandria, 84 miles; Harrisburg to Washington, 120 miles; Harrisburg to Sunbury, 56 miles; Harrisburg to Williams- port, 96 miles. SEEKS TO AVERT HOME ACCIDENTS Armed with statistics showing that 24,000 accidents occur annually in American homes and that 40 per cent of this number is caused by falls, the United States Bureau. of Standards has launched studies de- signed to cut down the casualties. Club women of North Carolina are going to help. : Accidents such as that which be- fell Mrs. Herbert Hoover recently, when she suffered a sprained back after slipping on a waxed floor in the White House, will be investi- gated particularly. The North Car- olina women have been asked to assist in the preliminary survey of the bureau, by making reports of all | accidents occurring in their homes | during the last year. These reports will constitute ‘a basis upon which the bureau can work and, after sorting the findings, | the experts will make recommenda- | tions for presentation. These rec- ommendations will be submitted to the General Federation of Women’s Clubs at its next biennial conven- tion. GRANGES WILL FIGHT BILLBOARD SPREAD, The Granges of the country are taking up the question of billboards in dead earnest and propose to wage energetic warfare on growing disfigurement of the scenic beauties of America, especially in the rural sections, where most of the Granges are located. Grange discus- sion, resolutions and action con- stitute the contemplated program, and definite results are likely to be seen. The Grange agitation is especially directed against the smearing over of the filling stations and roadside stands with all sorts of signs, as well agbig announcement boards for a mile or two each side of the stand. | orders of the nervous system. Dur. this | tion measures the householder can BIG MONEY MADE FROM | RECLAIMING RUBBISH. Instead of hauling rubbish to pub. lic dumps and burning it city officials at Washington, D. C, are said to reclaim annually over 200,000 cubic yards of refuse. Tin cans of all sizes are pressed into bales; 80,000 of these bales are shipped each year to Baltimore, where they are melted and made into sash weights; $6 a ton is paid for the baled tin, from which there is a return of about $20,000. - One carload of paper, equivalent . to thirty tons, is reclaimed daily. Salvage value on this is $8 a ton, The paper is pressed into bales of about 1000 pounds each and sold to paper mills. Rags are graded into ten different classes and sold to junkmen who de- liver them to paper mills. Mechanical appliances speed the work. Broken glass is reclaimed by: the carload and brings $6 a net ton, sold even- tually to glass factories. Bottles of all shapes and sizes are sorted and sold. About thirty people are employed in this novel industry. Besides, garbage is reduced to grease at a special plant owned by the District of Columbia and brings a quarter of a million dollars a year, The salvage is quite complete and efficient, as will be realized when it is noted that of the 780 cubic yards of trash collected daily, only two tons are burned. This might be practiced profitably by other cities, Possibly city engineers could trans. form the garbage disposal problem into a source of profit. : FROM THE AIR DOWN Jules Verne never thought of any- thing so imaginative as the pre- dictions of H, R. Sleeper in the Au- gust issue of The American Archi- tect magazine. According to the distinguished New York architect, the great building of the future will be built not so much from the ground up as from the air down. As the birds taught us to fly, so may they teach us how to build. And nothing so rudimentary as a human nest in a tree, but tall, tow- ering skyscrapers dropped down from the clouds floor by floor from monster material-hauling airships. A steel tower the full height of the projected building will serve as the tree or mooring mast. Metals lighter and stronger steel will be used for the skeleton, fitted together in sections at the plant, carried to the site by airships d lowered into position by way f the construction tower. Time, labor and materials will be saved by erecting factory-made sky- scrapers. Streets will no longer be blocked by heavy trucks crawling through congested traffic. “Lightweight wall of synthetic cast stone will replace the brick and stone which climbs so laboriously up the skyscraper’s sides today. Itcan be cast in slabs designed to fit into place, so that the walls of a whole story can be completed withina few hours.” Preliminary excavation can be simplified by use of a rock solvent and the use of mechanical shovels of five to ten times the capacity of those now used. Much of this may seem pure fan- cy, but much of it is feasible and all of it internsting. None of it is more extravagant than the mechan- ical realities of today would have appeared if described to the people of yesterday. COLLEGE DISPENSARY = TREATED 14,000 CASES. With the occupancy of rebuilt Old Main at the Pennsylvania State Col- lege this month, the health service dispensary will be moved from the hospital into this centrally located building. The building, general ad- than ministrative unit of the college and : student union, will be dedicated Oc- | tober 25, alumni homecoming day | and the concluding day of the 75th anniversary celebration at Penn State. The dispensary treated 14,000 cases during the college year ending on June 30, the report of the resi. dent physician, Dr. J. P. Ritenour, revealed, Cases varied from remaval of splinters to treatment for dis- ing the same period the hospital cared for 356 patients, Dr. Ritenour reported, the average time spent there by the patients being 3 1-3 days. The hospital was one of the build- ings completed during the present building program of the - College, started by a fund raised by Penn- sylvania potato growers. CLEAN YOUR FURNAC BEFORE YOU LIGHT IT. Cleaning the furnace and chimney now is one of the best fire preven- take, Professor F. G. Hechler, head of the engineering experiment sta- tion of the Pennsylvania State Col- lege says. The vast majority of fires which occur in private dwell- ings in the fall are caused by dirty chimneys. In addition to being a safety measure, Professor Hechler pointed out clean furnaces and chimneys are much more economical to fire. Soot in boilers reduces their efficiency, from 9.5 per cent for one thirty-second of an inch of soot to 69 per oent for three sixteenths of an inch, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in all courts. Office, room 18 Criders Exchange. KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at- tention given all legal business entrusted to his care. Of ges—No., a East High street. M. KEICHLINE. — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All professional business will receive prompt attention. Offices on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-ly G. RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law, Consultation in English and Ger- man. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa. -b PHYSICIANS S. Glenn, M. D., Physician and Sum, State College, Centre coun- yy Pa, Office at his residence. R. R. L. ‘CAPERS. OSTEOPATH. State Colle, Holmes Bl Bellefonte 66-11 Crider’s Ex. D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis- tered and licensed by the State. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Frames replaced and lenses matched, Casebeer Ride. High St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22- VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, Belle- fonte, in the Garbrick building opposite the Court House, Wednesday afternoons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 4:00 p. m. Bell Phone. 68-40 FEEDS! Purina Feeds We also carry the line of Wayne Feeds per 100lb. Wagner's 16% Dairy - $2.10 Wagner's 20% Dairy - 2.30 Wagner's 32% Dairy - 2.60 Wagner's Egg mash - 2.80 Wagner's Pig meal - 2.70 Wagner's Scratch feed - 2.40 Wagner’s horse feed - 2.25 Wagner's winter bran - 1,70 Wagner's winter Middlings - 1.80 Wayne 249 Dairy - = 2.55 Wayne 329% Dairy - 2.80 Wayne Egg mash - - 3.10 Wayne calf meal - - 4.25 Wayne all mash grower - 3.00 Purina cow Chow 249% - 2.65 Purina Cow chow 34% - 2.90 Oil meal 34% - - - 2.80 Cotton seed meal 349 - 2.60 Gluten feed % - - 2.40 Hominy feed - - - 2.50 Fine ground Alfalfa meal - 2.25 Meat Scrap 45% - - 4.00 Tankage 60% - - a 4.00 Fish meal - - - 4.00 Fine stock salt - - -1.20 Oyster shell - - - 1.00 Grit - - - 1.00 Feeding Molasses - LiS5perH Cow Spray - 1.50 per G Let us grind your corn and oats and make up your Dairy Feeds with Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Gluten Feed and Bran Molas. ses. We will make delivery of two ton lots. No charge, 4 When You Want Good Bread or Pastry Flour - USE “OUR BEST” OR ; “GOLD COIN” FLOUR C. Y. Wagner & Co. ie BELLEFONTE, PA, 75-1-1yr. vm. Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces IAAP AINA AAS Full Line of Pipe and Fit-- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfullysd Promptly Furnished 08-18-tf.