Benoa Walp Bellefonte, Pa., August 22, 1980. WHY ——————- Recumbent Body Requires Covering Do you know why you must. cover up when you lie down? It is because dt takes less muscle activity to main- tain a recumbent position than a stand- dng position, and therefore less heat ds produced in the body. This is one «of the interesting facts related by | Dr. B. C. H. Harvey in his series of | sgimple lessons in human anatomy which appeared in Hygeia, the health smagazine. In the article he describes ithe wonders of the muscles. Wherever movement is needed in the body, there muscle tissue exists. All muscle tissue is made up of thou- ssands of fibers. The biceps muscle, for Anstance, contains about 260,000. A movement is not always made with all the force we are capable of wsing. A piece of muscle one inch | square can lift about 140 pounds. There | are billions of possible combinations of fibers. No two persons use the And that is why signa | #ures identify people, Doctor Harvey mame ones. -gxplains. Bach person learns in child. , ‘hood what combinations he likes tg ase and thus develops his-own peculiar ~style of handwriting. Why Airmail Service Is of Value to the Nation Some idea of the value to this coun- ry in case of war of the air mail sservice 1s indicated in figures recently quoted by Assistant Postmaster Gen- =gral Irving Glover. He pointed to the training of a corps of expert pilots, who daiiy fly “44,000 miles, 29,000 of which are after agdark. The growth of the air fields coinci- -dent with the expansion of the serv- Ace, the employment at aircraft fac- “tories of skilled labor, drawing a “weekly pay roll of $1,000,000, the de- velopment of a system of airways “syhich in time of invasion of this coun- i#ry would be of inestimable value in speeding defense from one part of ‘the country to another were all cited Dy Mr. Glover. Incidentally, the daily quantity ot air mail carried by plane has increased from the 700,000 letters in the first year of the service, in 1918, to more than 25,000,000 letters which were «carried in the month of April alone. Why Called “Knickerbockers” There are few of us but at one time -or another have worn knickerbockers -—those loose trousers, fastened at the ‘knees, which have become quite the “vogue for sports wear for both nen sand women, boys and girls. This particular type of wearing ap- .parel has been worn for hundreds of years, particularly in Holland. They were called ‘“knickerbockers,” however, in America, after Diedrich Knickerbocker, a nom de plume adopt- ~ed by Washington Irving, when he “wrote his History of New York. Diedrich Knickerbocker was consid- ~ered a typical Dutchman. He wore ithe kind of trouser we know as knick- erbockers. And after him, it was 80- «called. —Kansas City Star. Why Colors for Children According to a traditional color “scheme, which is of unknown origin, “baby boys should be dressed in pink ~glothing ana baby girls in blue, al- ‘though in some parts of the country, ‘purticularly in the southern states, parents reverse the old symbolical ar- rangement and dress their baby boys “in blue and their girls in pink. One “writer says that blue was assigned to DEAMGYn BAND Pils brad JOHN F. GRAY & SON SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE | State College Bellefonte ESSE =e SENSE an ek WE FIT THE FEET COMFORT GUARANTEED L; ¢ Baney’s Shoe Store g oh WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor =; it 30 years in the Business 2 Ic BUSH ARCADE BLOCK I i BELLEFONTE, PA. 0 oF SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY SPECIAL ORDERS SOLICITED = RE P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market _ 4-343 THE CUTS OF MEAT that you get from us are always juicy and tender. We are careful buyers and years of experience is our guide in supplying our custom- ers with roasts, steaks and chops that always give. satisfaction. We want you to coma and make your your own selections. Our chief aim is to please all our customers. Telephone 686 Market on the Diamond. Bellefonte, Penna.