ee ————— ee Demorvaic atdpua. Bellefonte, Pa., August 15, 1930. Im | | WEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. | State has come into possession of 34,161 acres of forest land in Cen. ire county. The average price paid per acre was $2.75. — There was quite a heavy frost mear Mackeyville, in Nittany valley, on Wednesday morning. ported that frost also fell in parts of Penns Valley. A gentleman from Snow Shoe told us that they hada regular freeze out there, but mo one cared much because all the crops Dy the drouth. — Glenn Glasgow, thirteen year ©ld son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert “Glasgow, of Buffalo Run, is in the Centre County hospital with a slight puncture of the lung, inflicted when the prongs of a pitchfork slipped “from the handle while his brother was pitching oats and struck the Poy in the chest. His condition is mot regarded as critical. — There is one man in Centre ‘county who is feeling very well sat- jsfied over the increase in popula- tion in the county, and he is F. G. ‘Rogers, county superintendent of “public schools. The increase is suf- ficient to bring him an increase of $500 a year salary under the school code. That will help a lot toward ‘keeping the wolf from his door. — “The Sunbonnet Girl,” a comic wpperetta, will be presented by the Junior choir of the Lutheran church of Pleasant Gap, in the church at “that place on Tuesday evening, Au- gust 19th, at 8:15 o'clock. Admis- sion, 15 and 35 cents. Tickets on sale at the Pleasant Gap service station. If you want an evening of ;good, wholesome entertainment at. ‘tend this play. The damage case of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schaeffer against the borough of Bellefonte and the Cen- ‘tral Pennsylvania Gas company was ‘settled this week by the payment -of the amount of the verdict in “full, and costs, and the withdrawal of an application for a new trial. When the case was tried at the May term of court the jury gave the plaintiffs a verdict of $1960.75. M. C. Bittings, of Jersey “Shore, has been awarded a contract ‘to install an aerating pumping sys- ‘tem at the Bellefonte fish hatchery, sat Pleasant Gap. While the water ssupply at the hatchery is ample for all purposes, according to superin- tendent Sorenson, itis deficient in air ‘and the new pumping system is de- signed to supply air to the water in ‘the various ponds through an intri- cate system of pipes. ——Jack Knight, the veteran air mail flier, so well known here, evi- dently believes in preparedness, He -has his will entered in his flying log, but like many others he only thought +f doing it when the end of everything :seemed imminent. The log of his “flight from Cleveland to Bellefonte, ‘on ‘he night of Feb. 21, 1920, re- “veals this concrete and suggestive sentence: “Nov 21, 1920, Cleveland “to Bellefonte, Fog—Wrote my will,” — When the rural amateur thes- "pians do their acting at Grange Park, Centre Hall, during the en- scampment there August 23 to 29, “judges will be on hand to select “the best group from among them. “The winners in the county horse- “shoe pitching contest will also be se- ‘lected. The two groups will repre- ‘sent Centre county in the State con- ‘tests to be held at the annual farm ‘show in Harrisburg next January. _—James Burd, of Spring creek, “was driving his car on Belle- “fonte streets, late Saturday night, “without the required lights. He was "accosted by chief of police Harry ‘Dukeman who courteously informed him of his liability to arrest. Burd resented the chief’s interference and jumping out of his car evinced a fighting spirit. When the set-to ~gnded Burd was locked up and a ‘doctor had to be called to fix him “up. — While picking huckleberries along the Tyrone pike, one day re- cently, Charles Humphrey, of Philips- burg, heard a noise in the under- brush and looking up discovered a “large black bear gazing intently at him. Humphrey avers that the bear was easily in the 400 pound class and both man and animal were Sc much surprised that they stood * for a minute looking at each other. “Then the bear turned and ambled off in the dense undergrowth and "Humphrey beat it in the opposite direction. —H. M. Sprecher, of Philadelphia, who bought the old Reese place on top of Snow Shoe mountain, has made a very popular resort of it. "The place has been renovated in- side, beautified outside and made so generally attractive looking that it is hard for the average tourist to motor past without a stop to test “the hospitality of what Mr. Sprecher now calls “The Snow Shoe Mountain Manor.” Last night a testimonial dinner was served there to W. G. Kisling, of the Williamsport division of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Seventy five of Mr. Kisling’s friends paid “tribute to the claim that he is the “conductor who ran a train around “the moon on Snow Shoe mountain,” It was a pretentious affair with ‘splendid food, courteous service and sand goed fellowship prevailing. During the past two years the More than 1500 Centre county ! It is re-' FINE BABIES FEATURE FARM DAY AT COLLEGE, Bellefonte, Hublersburg, Port Matilda .and State College Infants Win Prizes... 55 Farmers Outpull a Tractor. farm folks attended their first an- nual field day in the agricultural woodlot of the Pennsylvania State College, last Thursday, according to county agent R. C. Blaney. Beginning at 10 o’clock the farm- ers visited the exhibits and demon. strations arranged by a dozen de- partments in the school of agricul- ture at the college. These included correspondence courses, livestock . judging, feeding wheat to livestock, had already been rendered hopeless |. oo + caw filing, wool grading, | tools for farm butchering, egg grad- ing, chicken culling, knot tying, -rope splicing, white rats used in . nutrition experiments, septic tank , forms, insects and diseases, potato ‘ grading, machines for potato grow- ing, marketing and horticultural ex- hibits. Sports for the boys and girls drew quite a number to the new Beaver athletic field, where, under the supervision of L. R, Lenhart, as- sistant superintendent of county schools, and John Decker, of Spring Mills, the contestants participated in group events, races, and relays. Prizes were awarded the winners. While the boys and girls were com- peting in the sports program, the men took excursions to the vege- table. gardens, grass plots, milk cool- ing house, poultry plant, dairy barn, and creamery. The women viewed exhibits of clothing, farm library, and nutrition hints, entered their youngsters in the baby show, heard a talk on “Flower Arrangement for the Home,” by Professor J. R. Bracken, of the landscape architec- tural division of the department of horticulture, and visited the flower and vegetable gardens and the green- house. During the basket picnic in the college grove, the crowd was enter- tained by the Spring Mills band. Dr. R. D. Hetzel, president of the Col- lege, welcomed the visitors, whom he called neighbors, to the field day and expressed the pleasure of the College in having them on the cam- pus. Other speakers were Dean R. L. Watts, of the school of agricul- ture; Dr, S. W. Fletcher, director of research for the agricultural experi- ment station; Director M. S. Mec. Dowell, of the agricultural extension service, each of whom spoke about the line of work represented, and J. G. Shook, Spring Mills, master of the Pomona Grange, who spoke in behalf of visitors. = Results of the baby show were then announced by Miss Mayme Lovelace, home economics extension representative in the county. In the four age groups the winners were: Sarah May Lyle, Bellefonte, four months old; Robert Lee Allison Porter, Hublersburg, 10 months old; Phyllis Barbara Lutz, Port Matilda, 17 months old, and Billy Fisher, State College, 19 months old. Miss Lovelace stated that the babies were judged on their health conditions, and that practically all of them were found to be of normal weight or slightly over. Winners of other contests were: C. E. Mothersbaugh, State College, number of apples in a bushel, 261; S. G. Walker, Spring Mills, butter- fat guessing contest; E. T. Bechdel, Beech Creek, first prize winner in guessing the weight of dairy cattle; A. L. Albright, Pennsylvania Fur- nace, winner of the lime require- ments guessing contest; J. J. Markle, State College, winner of the feed identification contest; Miss Priscilla Wasson, State College, identified 14 out of 25 leaves of forest trees for first place; Miss Lou Emma Witmer, of Bellefonte, won the hog weight guessing contest, and William Ever- hart, State College, was the winner of the sheep weight guessing con- test. Guessing the weights of three ‘different chickens, H. E. Robertson, Fleming; Miss Maude Musser, State College, and Vance Packard, State College, were the winners. Esti- mating the egg production of two different hens, Mrs. W. F. Way, Port Matilda, and H. C, Smeltzer, Bellefonte, were the winners. A visitor from out of the State, W. C. Hoffman, Ashtabula, Ohio, guessed the closest on the weight of a tur- key. A total of 746 guesses were made in the six poultry contests. A parade of the college horses followed the noon program, and then there was a tug of war between a caterpillar tractor and the farmers. Fifty-five men were counted on the rope just before the tractor was held by them, but eye-witnesses reported that some others became so enthusiastic that they jumped in to help their struggling fellowmen and therefore took advantage of the iron horse. After the contest closed, it was found that one man had guess- ed that 55 men could hold the trac. tor but he was not in the crowd so the prize was awarded to C. W. Sigel, Port Matilda, who had the next nearest estimate, 53. Boalsburg and Rebersburg engaged in a ball game which was won by the former. Trips to the college farms, orchards, experimental plots, and through the college buildings closed the program for the day. With practically all the events lo- cated in the shade of trees in the agricultural woodlot, the visitors were protected from the severe heat, | 1 forecast of the 1930 potato TIRED OF K. P. DUTY TWO ! TROOP L BOYS GO A. W. 0 tu, When Troop L went to camp at’ , Mt. Gretna, two weeks ago, they took along six boys as “fillers” who had visions of a dandy time drilling ‘on the prancing steeds and being General W.G. Price, But when they arrived in camp they were sadly dis- iillusioned. They were assigned to ithe duty of kitchen police, peeling spuds, waiting table in the mess hall, washing the dishes for seventy hungry soldiers, scouring the gar- bage cans, and such work. Serving their country in this way was sadly ilacking inthe pictured glory and the boys grew tired of soldiering in the kitchen. Last Wednesday afternoon Jimmy Taylor, ‘son of ex-sheriff E, R. Tay- lor, and Henry Felmlee decided to go A. W. O. L. Watching their chance they slipped out of camp and started on a hitch-hike home. They were given a number of rides along the way and night time found them near Lewisburg. There they went into an orchard and slept on the ground until morning. Walking and riding they finally reached home about four o'clock Thurs- day afternoon, tired, dirty and hungry. They had walked about forty miles of the one hundred and twenty between Bellefonte and the camp. As the boys had not enlisted for service they were not subject to arrest and return to camp, so that some of the enlisted men were no doubt placed on k. p. duty. MISS PEARL RYDER IS A GOOD GUESSER. Miss Pearl Ryder, Penna. was the winner in the guessing contest conducted by the department of agricultural economics at the Centre county picnic held at State College last Thursday. The contest centered around the August crop in the United States made by the United States Department of Agri- culture. The government forecast, gust 11, estimated potato production this year to be 373,000,000 bushels. Miss Ryder’s guess was 373,420,613 bushels, As the winner in the con- test, Miss Ryder received a box of potato chips. Mahlon Winklebleck, Rebersburg, was second in the con- test and is deserving.of honorable mention. His guess was 375,426,- 000 bushels. In this interesting contest there were eighty-seven participants. Sixty- nine of these under-estimated the government forecast, while only eighteen over-estimated it. There were only 10 guesses which came within 10 million bushels of the forecast made by the government; 16 were within 20 millions; 87 were within 30 millions and 41 were with- in 40 millions. Forty-five of the guessers, or over half of them, were more than 50 million bushels away from the government figures. The lowest guess was 150,000,000; the highest, 506,816,000 and the average 325,220,080 bushels. CLAIM SPRINGS POLLUTED BY SEWAGE FROM ROCKVIEW. James C. Furst Esq, of Belle- fonte, representing Miss Kate M. Shugert, has written a letter of protest to Dr. Theodore B. Appel, State secretary of health, in which he claims that sewage from the Rockview penitentiary is polluting the two springs on his client’s farm, east of the pententiary buildings, rendering the water unfit for use. The springs referred to are the source of the stream which supplies the water to the Bellefonte fish hatchery. ATTENTION, COMRADES! The attention of all G. A. R. vet- erans and members of the Centre fact that the club’s 56th ‘annual reunion will be held at Grange park on Wednesday, August 27th, at 10:30 a. m. All comrades wearing the bronze button of any war will be admitted free to the grounds. A free lunch will be served by the P. of H. at the young farmer's club. All soldiers are urged to attend and rub elbows again. W. H. BARTHOLOMEW, President W. H. FRY, Secretary. + ml A ee Next summer isn't as far off as it might seem and next summer most every man and boy will want a straw hat. Tomorrow Faubles will sell any straw hat in the store for one dollar. Why not buy one and lay it away. Tomorrow you can get for a dollar a hat that will cost you three, four ar five next summer. ——Landlord M. A. Landsy was brought home from the Williamsport hospital, Wednesday afternoon, and although he is still a little weak, is very much improved. He is com- fortably fixed up in a room at The Markland where he will remain un- til completely recovered. — The second annual reunion of the Botwright clan will be held at Hecla park on Sunday, August 31st, and as a result they enjoyed the day and many expressions were heard in favor of making the field day an annual event, reviewed by the Governor and Major . Port Matilda, ! made public Monday afternoon, Au-: County Veteran Club is called to the! GETTING READY FOR BIG GRANGE FAIR. This week the Grange leadership conference, and next week the open- ing of the 57th encampment and Centre county fair, at Grange park, Centre Hall. Beautiful Grange park, with its 70 acres of grounds, is again taking on the appearance of a tented city. Several hundred tents are already erected, many of which are serving as quarters for the great number of Grange delegates from all parts of the State here for the week at the leadership conference. By the early part of next week the 450 to 500 tents will have been erected for the army of tenters who will occupy them for a full' week. The fair committee will open the gates to the park on Thursday, when camp- ers may for the first occupy their tents. The fair opens Saturday, the 23rd day of August, and con- tinues until the following Friday. The boarding house on the park will be in charge of Logan Grange, of Pleasant Gap. ° This Grange in. ‘cludes in its membership farmers’ wives who know how to serve a good meal, Boarders at the park boarding house will have no need to find fault on.that score. i The Oliver farm machinery com- pany will have an implement display ‘on the park that will doubtless at- {tract considerable attention. Be- sides exhibiting a full line of ma- chines in general use in the Kast, they will have on exhibition a com- , bine,—a machine used to cut, thresh {and bag grain in one complete ope- i ration. Whether or not such a ma- {chine would be a profitable invest- ‘ment for the eastern farmer is a matter of conjecture; however, the , exhibit will prove interesting. The livestock exhibit gives prom- ise of being up to the usual good standard of past years, with im- provement in some divisions, notably sheep. The poultry exhibit will be strengthened by the addition of the girls’ poultry club of State College, an organization of 39 girls, who will enter many fine specimens of . birds. | The complete program of the fair week activities will be published next week. BIG RABBIT SHOW : AT GRANGE FAIR. One of the new—and probably among the largest—attractions at | the Grange fair, this year, will be (the rabbit show sponsored by the {Central Pennsylvania Rabbit and | Cavy Breeder’s association. It will occupy a special tent large enough to house from 300 to 400 regular entries, as well as special displays | of tanned furs, meat rabbits and | various material exhibits of interest in the rabbit breeding game. | A speaker of national repute will | make an address on the rabbit in- | dustry, at the tent, each evening at | 7:15 o'clock. | Awards for exhibits will include 11st, 2nd and °~4 prize ribbons, which will carry cash prizes of $1.00, 75 .and 50 cents, respectively. Quite a ‘large number of special prizes will “also be awarded, | Amn entry fee of 25 cents per spe- cimen will be required on regular ! classes of senior buck and senior doe, and junior buck and junior doe. i All breeders are requested to place las many entries as possible. Judge i Detrick, of Barnhart, Pa., will place | the awards, and ashe is an author- ity on rabbits breeders will thus be able to learn the exact strain of their stock. Any further information desired .can be obtained from Philip Foster ,Jr., show secretary, State College. FIERCE FOREST FIRE RAGED NEAR STORMSTOWN. The forest fire which had been burning with more or less activity on Bald Eagle mountain, in Worth and Taylor townships, fanned by the high winds of Sunday, broke out on the south side of the mountain, near Stormstown, on Sunday afternoon. Appeals for assistance were made to firemen at Tyrone, State College and Bellefonte. Two companies respond- ed from Tyrone, the State College company and the Undines, of Belle. fonte. The Undines, however, did not go until a third call was made and when they got there found the fire on the mountain several miles from water of any kind. None of the four companies could put their pumpers into service ithough fire. men from all of them went to the mountain and did what they could to stay the course of the flames. By back-firing they kept the fire from getting into the grass fields along fhe mountain. One of the local residents up there claimed he had been fighting the flames for thirteen hours without a bite to eat and he didn’t know when he would be relieved to get some- thing. By night time, however, the fire was fairly well under control. ANNOUNCEMENT. fonte has magnoscopic equipment and screen giving the largest pic- ture shown in Central Pennsylvania. As usual, the Richelieu is first to give you the newest and latest im- provements. See the big picture. 1-t — w—p—————— —Are you reading your own paper or that of some other person? The Richelieu theatre in Belle: —Mrs. Albert Beers, of Plainfield, N. J., was in Bellefonte for the week, having come here for her two daughters, Nan- nette and Louise, who have been visiting their aunts, the Misses Anna and Mary Hoy. —Mrs. Clara Adams, of Milesburg, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Ward Rishel, and her granddaughter of Philadelphia. Mrs. Rishel, a member of the Miles family, is back home for a ten day's visit only. : —Miss Margaret Brockerhoff, after making a short visit in Bellefonte en- route home to Philadelphia from Se- wickly, left here, Wednesday, to go to the Shore for a time before resuming her work for the winter. —Miss Thomazine Potter, of Elkins Park, is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Potter, making one of her oc- casional visits back home with her sis- ter and brother, Miss Lucy and James H. Potter, and the latter’s family. —Mrs. M. R. Beatie, of Little Rock Arkansas, who came east in June to at- tend the funeral of her brother, the late Grant Hoover, is at present visiting friends in Centre county, expecting to be here a month or longer before return- ing home. —Edward L. Gates, telegraph editor on the Johnstown Tribune, came to Bellefonte, on Saturday evening, to join his family for his week's vacation among the home folks. Mrs. Gates and children, having been in Bellefonte the past month, will return home with Mr. Gates on Sunday. —Miss Virginia Hughes, just home from ern Canada, is entertaining the Misses Katherine and Ruth Diefendorf, of Mount Vernon, N. Y., at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughes. The three young women were school mates at Beaver college. ie —Donald Cooke and his wife here from Boston for several days ‘early part of the week, guests at the Penn Belle, while visiting with Mr. i Cooke’s brother Edward and his family. ‘Don, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. , John Cooke, is a native of Bellefonte, .and spent all his boyhood life here with the family. i Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Brewer and their | daughter, Ruth, drove to Kirkville, N. Y., last week, for their annual summer visit { with relatives back home, both Mr. and | Mrs. Brewer being natives of Kirkville. Their son, Orville, who is with the Chemical Lime Co, remained in Belle- fonte and is occupying the Brewer home on north Thomas street. —Mrs. Hibler has recovered from her recent indisposition and is again oc- cupying her home on Allegheny street after spending eight weeks with her neice, Miss Elizabeth Osman, at the Osman home, on east Bishop street. Mrs. Hib- ler, who has been back home for ten days, closed her house that she might be with her niece while ill. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daly who, since their arrival here from California more than a year ago, have been occupying the bungalow just east of Milesburg, are at present entertaining Mr. Daly’s sister, Mrs. Paul C. Croarkin and her three children, of Washington, D. C., whose plans are for spending the greater part of August with the Dalys. —Mr. and Mrs. Roy Uhl left Pleasant Gap about nine o'clock Saturday night, drove to Niagara Falls, spent Sunday seeing everything to be seen there and made the return drive home Sunday night. Although the night driving was were NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. an extended visit with friends in east-' the ! —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomas spent five days of last week in Canada, motor- ing directly to Crystal Beach, in the vicinity of which they were for much oi the time. ——Mrs. James Toner and her daugh- ter, Miss May, spent last week in Phil- adelphia, with Mrs. Toner’s son, Lec and his family returning to Bellefonte Saturday. : —The Ray Clevenstine family are en- tertaining Mr. and Mrs. William Weiler and thir two sons, William Jr., and Ed- win, of Hanover, who are in Bellefonte for the week. h —Recent guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. William R. Houser, on Water street, have been the Kurtz Houser fam: ily of Saint Michael, which included Mr. and Mrs. Houser and their two sons Kurtz Jr., and Jimmie, who were ir Bellefonte for a part of a week. —Mrs, M. C. Hansen and her twc children, Margaret and Ivar, drove ir from Dormont and have been guests foi the week of Mr. and Mrs. Lief Olser and friends here. Mr. Hansen will joir them tomorrow, for the trip back hoine The Hansen family only left Bellefonte in the spring. —Miss Mary Hill, a former resident of Bellefonte and very well known here has been back home for a part of the week, a guest of Mrs. Alexander Morri- son. Upon leaving Bellefonte a number of years ago, Miss Hill went to Atlantic City, but for the past several years has been making her home at Wynnewood, Pa. —Dr. and Mrs. S. M. Nissley, witk Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bottorf and Mrs. Bottorf’s sister, Miss Sue Garner, as driving guest, motored to McKeesport Wednesday, visiting there overnight with relatives of Mrs. Nissley, making the re- turn drive to Bellefonte Thursday. Miss Garner has been here from Philadelphia, visiting with the Bottorf family for sev- eral weeks. TEN YEAR OLD BOY HAD NARROW ESCAPE. Mrs. Ralph Earl and son, Ralph Jr., of Camden, N. J., were guests the fore part of the week, of Mrs. G. W. Rees, on Reynolds avenue. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Earl was Miss Clara Ayers and most of her girl- hood life was spent in Bellefonte. She and her son came to Centre county early last week and spent most of their time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Odenkirk, at Centre Hall. Ralph Jr. is ten years old and, on Saturday, with the curiosity of a normal boy, wandered over to the quarries of the Centre Hall Lime company, now operated by White- rock Quarries, climbed up between two of the dinkey stone cars, slipped and fell down between the bumpers where he hung suspended by his head. Fortunately he had been there only a minute or two when found by his mother and Mrs, Odenkirk, who, missing him, had instituted a search. Outside of strained neck muscles the lad was uninjured but a physician declared that he might have strang- led to death in another five minutes. “YOUNG MAN OF MANHATTAN” AT THE RICHELIEU. done to avoid traffic, principally, the Uhls discovered that avoiding traffic is: a problem yet to be solved. —G. W. Ward, who with his stators; | the Misses Lucetta and Mary, drove to | Bellefonte Monday from Pine Grove, that | the women might spend several hours in the shops, motored in from Pitts- burgh, Friday, for a visit of several weeks at the Ward home. Mr. Ward's business interests at Pine Grove make his frequent visits back home necessary. —Mr. and Mrs. William Graham, of Syracuse, N. Y. arrived in Bellefonte, on Wednesday, and will be here for a week's visit with friends, stopping at the home of Mrs. J. A. Finkbinder and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eyre, on east Bishop street. Mrs. Graham will probably be better re- membered as Miss Margaret Teats, her maiden name, and who, during her girl- hood days, was an operator in the Belle- fonte telephone exchange. —A party of six women, the majority of whom belong to the summer colony of Bellefonte, have been spending a part of the week at the George R. Meek camp, on Fishing creek. Given by Mrs. Meek, in complement to her house guest Miss Laurie, the party includes Miss Bertha Laurie, of New York; Mrs. J. M. Curtin and Mrs. Joseph Baker, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Ross Hickok, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. John Curtin and the hostess, Mrs. Meek, of Bellefonte. —Mr. and Mrs. John Brachbill and their son Charles came up from Williams- port, last Wednesday, for their usual mid summer visit with the former’s moth- er, Mrs. W. T. Twitmire, of south Wa- ter street. How time does fly. It seems only yesterday that John was a boy in Bellefonte and the yesterday is nearly thirty years old—for he has beer in the postal service in Williamsport for twenty- seven years and is the fourth oldest car- rier in point of service in that city. —Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Melville and daughter, Edith Jane, of Greenwich, Conn., Miss Susan Harlacher, of State College, and Mrs. Robert J.P. Gray, of Stormstown, were in Bellefonte, Tuesday, doing a little shopping and calling on some of their friends. Mrs. Gray avers that never in all its history has Storms- town been as dry as it is now—we don’t mean politically but dry from lack of rain. Most families are compelled to get along on a bucket of water a day, which, it must be admitted, is rather skimp rations. —Dr. and Mrs. R. Wallace Ebe and their sons, Wallace Jr., and Frank, drove in from Pittsburgh, yesterday morning; Dr. Ebe returning home later in the day. Mrs. Ebe and her sons will spend the week-end with the boys’ grand mother, Mrs. T. A. Shoemaker, and, on Monday, go to Hecla to occupy the Walkey camp for the remainder of August. Dr. Ebe's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Keister, will bring their two boys up from Baltimore, Mon- day, leave them with Mrs. Ebe at Hecla, and return home the same night. | the most “The Bellamy Trial” was one of popular serial novels the | Saturday Evening Post has pub. lished in recent years. It became, under the capable direction of Monta Bell, a very entertaining and very popular moving picture. “Young Man of Manhattan,” pub- lished as a serial in the Saturday Evening Post in the winter of 1929- 1930 got the undivided interest of millions of readers. It was one of the most popular serials the weekly magazine ever produced. Happily enough, this serial, too, has been entrusted to the capable direction of Monta Bell, and its entertainment value as an all-talking romanéedrama will be seenat the Richelieu theatre Monday and Tuesday of next week. “Young Man of Manhattan” is a story about newspaper people told against a background of typical newspaper locales, football games, prize fights, six-day bicycle races and the familiar sports writers’ rendezvous in New York, Florida and. St. Louis, rr ——— A ——————— Ishler—Smead—Kenneth H. Ishler, of Johnstown, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ishler, of State College, and Miss Elizabeth Smead, a daugh- ter of Howard Smead, of Bellefonte, were married on Monday evening, at Bryn Mawr, near Philadelphia, by Rev. William MacLachlan. They were attended by Miss Margaret Monsell, of Bellefonte, and Harold Shirk, of State College. They will reside in Johnstown where Mr, Ishler is employed by the Associated Gas and Electric company. Talbott—Gamble. — At a dinner party given by Mrs. George M. Gamble, last Saturday, announce- ment was made of the marriage of her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Ann Gamble, and William Bruce Talbott, a well known attorney, of Philippi, West Virginia. The wedding was celebrated inthe Presbyterian church at Mountain Lake Park, Md. on July 26th, Rev. Boak officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Talbott have been iA Bellefonte this week prior to taking up their residence at Phillippi. —Read the Watchman and get all the news. Bellefonte Grain Markets. Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co. Wheat 80 Corn 1.00 Oats 45 Rye 70 Barley 60 BUCKWHEAL ' wremmessonssmsmisiiomrsricessisrsessonsen +30