Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 15, 1930, Image 6
Deora td. Bellefonte, Pa., August 15, 1930. RH RRR RAR RHR RXHRXRR | NAMES OF BRITISH COINS REVEAL THEIR ORIGIN.— RF HRT FRET RRRXREREXXREERE The origins of the names of How Air Currents Are English coins are most interest- ing, constituting, as they do, a historical record. The first coin, and for many years practically the only one, was the Roman denarius, whence the sign “d” now used for a penny. The denarius was a silver coin weighing originally 24 grains troy. The copper penny was in the beginning merely a token, a pledge to be redeemed in goods to the value of a denarius. The word “penny” is derived from “pand,” which is Dutch, and means a pledge. The earlier forms were “pending,” then “penning.” In Ethelred’s time it became the custom to divide these tok- ens into half and quarter wedge- shaped pieces. These were the origin of the terms halfpenny and farthing—the fourthing of a penny. The pound sterling is from the Latin “pondus,” a weight. From a pound of pure silver 240 denarii were made. Hence the word as applied to the coin. The fourpenny piece, or groat, was so called because it was a “great” penny, from the Dutch word “grote,” meaning great. The guinea derived its name from being minted from the Guinea coast of Africa.—Mont real Family Herald. i Tested for Flying Men | In the present days the demands of and direction of the wind at different heights before he starts on his jour- ney. tion of the upper atmoSphere is neces: sary. These explorations are made by Therefore a systematic explora- | 3 ¥ ! i effect—in crimson, pink and yellow aviation make it desirable that a pilot | orated. houl knowl h : should have a knowledge of the force | on the heads of the distinguished, English Poet Laureates Long Lived but Prosy Poet laureates of England have been a long-lived race. Doctor Bridges | —he was a physician, too—was eighty- five when he passed on. The ages of | his three immediate predecessors in the office—Alfred Austin, Tennyson and Wordsworth—averaged eighty. | Among the distinguished laureates of an earlier period, Ben Jonson lived to be sixty-three and Dryden to be sixty- | nine. But the record among laureates is held by the actor-manager Colley Cibber, who died in 1757 at the age | of eighty-seven. { As a poet Colley Cibber was terrible | and King Edward had no great opin- | jon of the poetry of Alfred Austin, poet laureate at the time he ascended the throne. He was not alone in that opinion. | “I always thought that Mr. Austin’s appointment was not a good one,” he wrote to Lord Salisbury, then prime, minister, “but as long as he gets no pay it would, I think, be best to re- | new the appointment in his favor.” | A few months later King Edward sent to Salisbury some verses and pointedly called his attention to the “trash which the poet laureate writes” i —the letter is quoted in Sir Sidney | Lee's “Life of Edward.” i Possibilities of Paper Showers Pointed Out It was the skyscraper that evolved the idea of showers of bits of paper to welcome distinguished guests in triumphant procession in the street below. Who threw the first handful? He was a ploneer in that kind of pageantry; and the fluttering par- | ticles confer an air so festal that nothing else can equal it. In earlier eras flowers may have been thus cast from windows and balconies, but never in the prodigious volume with which the paper cas- cades descend; nor from the impres- sive height. We have often thought that this new feature of enthusiastic salutation to heroes and joy-inspiring guests should be developed and elab- If we may not bestow rose-leaves tissue paper simulation of rose-leaves —perhaps somewhat larger for festive | might be thickly sifted through the -small balloons less than three feet in | diameter, technically known as pilot ; ! The extent to which they | We don’t half realize the possibilities | of this showy and enlivening innova- balloons. are inflated causes them to rise at a uniform speed of 500 feet per minute, and while rising they float in the same direction and at the same speed as the air current they are in. course is followed by a theodolite which gives the angles of direction and elevation. These being known, also the height, which depends on the time the balloon has been up, the speed and direction of the wind at .different altitudes can be arrived at by a few simple tules in mathematics. Their : “Phe use of this knowledge to the mod- . ern aviator is obvious. For instance, if he “takes off” in a ten-mile wind ..on the surface and knows that at 8,000 feet there is a gale plowing at 60 miles an hour, he will, if this wind is . adverse, naturally keep below that < altitude. How Fish Sleep ‘Fish are unable to close their eyes, and they do not sleep like animals, that is, by relaxing and losing all sense of what is going on about them. The United States bureau of fisheries ‘reports in a bulletin on the subject ‘that close study of the habits of fish show that they follow periods of great activity with periods of repose in which they rest and are indifferent te -what goes on about them unless ap- sproached by an enemy. It has been .observed that fish in swift streams -gppear to keep up a continuous battle against the current so they will not be swept : Saas i How to Remove Tight Ring One simple method suggested fo: taking a ring off a finger when the finger has grown and ring has not “been off the finger for some time Is to rub the finger with soap and cold vater to help the removal of the ring. Another way is to begin at the end of the finger and wind a strong thread around it, with close coils, until the ring is reached, then slip the end of thread through ring and unwind 8o as to carry off the ring. If the finger is very much swollen or the ring is very tight, it may be necessary to have the ring cut. How to Cut Glass Easily “The bureau of standards says that glass can be cut more easily under water because the vibration is less than in the air, and the glass is there- fore less liable to crack. Pure water attacks all glasses to a greater or less- .er degree, and in the less perfect kinda extracts the alkali. In certain kinds of glass the action of water is not confined to the surface only, but pen- etrates and causes a partial hydration of some of the silica or silicates. How Much Brain Weighs The average weight of the human prain is about 45 ounces. Generally speaking the brains of men are heav- fer than those of women, although the relative weights of the brain and body are about the same in the two sexes. The average weight of the male brain 1g 48 ounces; that of the female, 48. i —————— How to Overcome Shyness Shyness can best be cured by the development of self-confidence, which calls for the power of thinking, the power of acting on the thought, and the power of self-control. away from a favorite haunt. : got a fellow named B— out there?” air; or still more gorgeous, mingled with stars of silver and gold paper. tion—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. about Galleries and Gardens of the Zwinger, Dresden. (Prepared by the Natlonal Geographic Society, Washington, D. C.) WO capitals of German states, Dresden in Saxony and Munich in Bavaria, are capitals, as well, of art, and annually draw their thousands of art-loving tourists. Dresden is filled with artistic won- ders. Its picturesque setting, astride a beautiful bend in the Elbe river, 110 miles south of Berlin, caused Herder, the poet, to call it the Florence of the Elbe. From an approaching river steamer, the Saxon capital is a city of graceful spires and huge domes and cupolas, but inside the Altstadt (old city) on the left bank of the Elbe, the picture changes to one of artistically embel- lished buildings, handsomely sculp- ‘ tured monuments, galleries of famous paintings, numerous museuins with choice collections of all sorts, spa- cious squares and parkways, and can- yonlike streets where Kunst (German for “art”) is heard among the throngs nearly as often as some of the com- mon verbs. A large portion of the Altstadt lies sear the Augustus bridge, one of the five spans that connect the old town | with Neustadt, on the other bank of { the river. The Hof-Kirche, facing the | bridge with its 272-foot tower, is a Proof of Friendship A telephone call came to the super: ! intendent of a sanitarium pear Chi- cago. “Say,” queried the caller, “have you “Why, yes.” “Is he paying you any board?” “No; he's a charity patient.” “Say, that guy hasn't got any more ! right to be a charity patient than 1 have. Why, he’s got $400 in one bank and $600 in another and he owns a pungalow out in Waukegan. You'd better hide his clothes before you give him a bill, though, or he'll skip out on you. He's that kind of a crook.” “Say,” demanded the superintend- ent, “who are you and how do you come to know so much about B—'s affairs?” | “Oh,” replied the unknown calle:, “I'm a close friend of his,”—Chicage Evening Post. i i | Misled by Sign Pat, the Irishman, had agreed to ac- | company his wife on a shopping ex- pedition. “here's a good pair of boots,” saia the latter, as they stood looking in the window of a boot and shoe shop. “I'll get those for little Jamesy.” Pat looked at the articles indicatea and a murmur of surprise left his lips as he saw the price and the notice, “Last Seven Days” displayed on a card above them. : “But, surely, Martha,” he said, “you don’t want to buy those things.” “Why not, Pat?’ asked his wife wonderingly. “Begorrah,” gasped her husband, | <put you want them to last longer i than a week.”—London Answers. New Brunswick Legend New Brunswick, largest of Canada’s | maritime provinces, was first settled _ by the French and its history is filled . with romance. New Brunswick was | part of Evangeline’s land and in the early days of strife sheltered Evan- | geline’s friends in its forests. From the Indians of the province come in- | teresting lengends of the country and of their hero, Gluskap. Once upon a time the beaver was a huge beast and threatened man’s existence. Then came Gluskap in his canoe, which was an island, and hunted the wicked beaver and shattered the dams which he had ' built to flood the country. So they ] made him chief of all the tribes. An Interruption A ludicrous incident occurred dur ing a parley between high officers of the British and Turkish armies, says Compton Mackenzie in “Gallipoli Memories.” The discussion—it con- cerned a truce of eight hours for the Turks to bury their dead—took place in a tent on the beach at Anzac. Sud- denly the flap of the tent was lifted . at the back and a New Zealander or Australian batman put his head through to call out in a voice of In- dignant contempt: “Heh! Have any of you blighters pinched my kettle?” ” ! huge structure, | ample of Italian Renaissance, whose parapets are topped with 59 statues of saints and, inside, Raphael Mengs’ “Ascension” looks down upon the high altar. A covered passage connects the church | with the old Saxon palacey whose | walls are decorated with fine mural ! paintings; and in the various rooms, . large collections of Chinese vases and Dresden china are on display. Even the stable adjoining the palace is em- bellished with a ‘cavalcade of Saxon princes, in porcelain tiles. Treasures in Many Buildings. Within a few blocks of the palace numerous buildings contain the col- lections that have made Dresden fa- mous as the German art center. Be- tween the church and the palace the Grunes Gewolbe (Green Vault) con- tains a dazzling array of jewels—dia- monds, rubies and gsapphires—and works of art in gold, ivory, bronze and Limoges enamels, On a single ivory tusk one artist has carved 142 angels and another ivory piece de- picts an organ grinder fighting a rob- ber. The Saxon crown jewels, a 40- carat green diamond, jeweled trinkets of all kinds, a golden tea service and | the largest known onyx are displayed. Bronze work includes statues, pedes- tals and vases. A striking bronze piece depicts Charles II of England fighting off a dragon. Across the street, surrounded by gardens, the Zwinger, built by Au- gustus the Strong and intended to | house banquet and dance halls, prom- enades and gardens befitting royal life of the Eighteenth century, is a treas- ury of art. The building is a fine ex- adorned with figures of Greek deities, vases and flowers. Once in the court which the Zwinger Incloses, the traveler feels that the rose gardens and promr enades should fulfill the most regal whim, The Zwinger museum contains a half million engravings, many draw- ings, mathematical instruments, and a picture gallery where some of the finest works of the most eminent Italian, Spanish, Dutch and German artists are on exhibition. Raphael's «3istine Madonna” occupies a promi- nent place in the collection. It was purchased in 1754 from Italian monks and smuggled out of Italy by painting a landscape over the canvas. There are also works of Rubens, Van Dyck, Rembrandt and others. The Johanneum museum, formerly stable buildings, contains an interest- ing collection of war material and \ more than 20,000 pieces of Chinese, . Japanese and Dresden porcelain, and Italian majolica, a glazed pottery. The Albertinum, once an arsenal, aow is a sculpture museum with many historical and modern pieces. Deli- cately painted limestone reliefs dating back to 2700 B. C. are displayed there, while a mummy still reposes in a cof- fin it has occupied more than 2,500 years. Collections and Churches. These and numerous other exhibit places, including the Municipal muse- um with a fine collection of etchings; the Academy of Art; the School and Museum of Industrial Art; the Zoo- logical and Bthnographical museum, containing a large collection of stuffed birds and ethnological specimens; the Mineralogical and Prehistoric museum with interesting fossils; draw art lov- ers from all parts of the world and earn for Dresden the right to be called one of the world’s important art centers. Among the churches the Frauen Kirche, a Protestant edifice, is the largest. It can accommodate 5,000 worshipers. The church occupies a whole city block. The lantern above its huge dome is 312 feet from the pavement, A magnificent organ and numerous statues are interesting fea- tures of its interior. Between trips to this almost ent less array of exhibits, travelers enjoy the Dresden parks and drives. Grosser Garten is nearly half as large as Cen- tral Park in New York City. Within its confines are zoological and botani- cal gardens and the Museum of the Saxon Antiquarian Society, where there are 3,000 objects in porcelain, pewter and carved wood. In Neustadt, across the river, the Japanese palace, so called from the Japanese porcelain collection it once contained, now houses the Saxon State Library with more than a half | million volumes and thousands of manuscripts and maps. Dresden’s market place is also in Neustadt, and ! houses to accommodate many of the city’s 620,000 inhabitants. In point of population Munich (Munchen) Is exceeded only by Berlin NOTABLE TREE A tree which has a godfather, a bank account and a given name of its own is growing in a public park at St. Petersburg, Florida. Myrica Cerifera Davey, the tree, is under the care or a trust fund of $100, deposited in a local bank, and has a passbook in her name for computation of interest and entry of additional deposits, Her godfather is James A. G. Davey, vice presi- dent of the Davey Tree Expert Co., of Kent, Ohio.,, who established the trust fund. | The tree should live several hun- ‘dred years. At the age of 200 it will be worth $732,852.21 if no with- drawals from the trust fund have been needed. This represents ac- cumulation at 4 per cent interest compounded semi-annually. FEED per 100lb 2.20 2.50 Hecla Scratch Feed Wayne 32 per cent. Dairy...... Wayne 24 per cent. Dairy..... 2.20 Wayne 20 per cent. Dairy...... 2.10 Wayne 169% Dairy Ration..... 1.75 | Wayne Egg Mash.......... 2.70 | Wayne 189% Pig Meal ... A Wayne 28% Hog Meal........ : Wayne All Mash Starter.......... Wayne All Mash Grower........ 3.40 Wayne Calf Meal............ er 425 Rydes Calf Meal..... Bran A. Midd ...........ccoociet frente 1.80 B. Midds ...............; 1.50 Corn and Oats Chop ... 2.10 Cracked Corn ...........- 2.40 Corn Chop minx Meal .............. Linseed oil meal ... Cottonseed Meal ... Gluten Feed ................... 2.40 Alfalfa meal .......... 2.25 Alfalfa loaf meal ...................... 3.25 Beef Scrap or Meat Meal... 4.00 Hog tankage .........oomee 2.70 Oyster Shells ......... -— 1.00 Mica Spar Grit 1.50 Stock Salt .............. ~ 1.00 Common Fine Salf........ccccceeen 1.25 Menhaden 55% Fish Meal...... 4.00 Bone Meal ............c..ocooiininiin 3.25 Chareosl ...ic-iiseeiees: 3.00 Dried Buttermilk .. 9.50 Dried Skim Milk...ccooieeeeeee 9.00 Pratt’s Poultry Worm Powder 10.00 Pratt’s Poultry Regulator... 9.00 | Cod Liver Oil, cans gal.......... 1.80 Cod Liver Oil, bulk gal... 1.30 1, bbl. 1st Prize Flour............ ‘1.50 1, Bbl. Pillsbury Flour............ 1.90 Orders for one ton or more de- livered without extra charge. We make no charge for mixing your own rations. . Your orders will be appreciated ‘and have our careful attention. A. F. HOCKMAN and Hamburg among German cities. | With 680,000 inhabitants it is SOme- | what larger than San Francisco and smaller than Boston. . Munich 1s Magnificent. In physical aspects Munich is one of the most impressive of modern cities. Its royal palaces, its magnifi- | cent national theater, its great royal library containing 1,100,000 volumes and 50,000 rare manuscripts; its broad thoroughfares, particularly the Lud- wigstrasse and Maximilianstrasse, BELLEFONTE Feed Store—28 West Bishop St. Phone 98-J Mill—Hecla Park, Pa. Phone 2324 i | i Fine Job Printing A SPECIALTY at the bordered by the great office buildings of the Bavarian government, and its ' famous university which ranks first | among the German institutions of | learning in the number of its medical | students and second only to Berlin in the number of students of all classes —all these and many other buildings and institutions make the municipal- ity one of the chief prides of the Teu- tonic people. Most of the modern improvements and practically all of its architectural splendor Munich owes to Louis (or Ludwig) I and his art-loving succes- sors. Louis came to the throne in 1825 and ruled for more than 20 years. One of the impressive monuments of his reign is the beautiful Propylaea, | modeled after the gate to the Athen- jan Acropolis, and the reliefs which | decorate this structure quite fittingly tell the story of Greece's war of inde- pendence and the events traaspiring in that kingdom during the eventful reign of King Otho 1, Louis’ son who was elected to the throne of Greece in 1832 but was finally expelled after 80 years. Another beautiful Munich gateway is the Siegestor (Gate of Vie- tory), modeled after the Arch of Con- stantine in Rome. One Munich gallery exhibits such works as Titian’s “Christ Crowned with Thorns,” Rembrandt's “The Des- cent from the Cross” and a Raphael “Madonna,” and contains works of Rubens, Van Dyck, Holbein the Elder, Perugino, Botticelli and Fra Filippo Lippi, from which it will be seen that Louis did not hesitate to acquire the masterpieces of other nations. Louis II saw Bavaria gradually ab gorbed in the Empire, but, before madness drove him to suicide, he fur- thered the art development begun by his grandfather. His reign was nota- ble for his encouragement of Wag- per’s development of the music drama, and to his royal generosity, which would add more to his fame had it not been for the oppressive taxations it imposed and its later excesses, were due the Bayreuth productions. Its Commerce and Science, The commercial life of Munich fis scarcely less interesting than its artis- tic side. In America the name of the city was once indelibly associated with its most important article of export, beer. In scientific circles Munich's optical and mathematical instruments have a world-wide reputation; while the art of lithography had its birth there, WATCHMAN OFFICE There is mo style of work, from the cheapest “Dodger” to the fin- ost BOOK WORK that we can not do im the most satisfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work. Call on or communicate with this office. CHICHESTER § PILLS IL IAMOND BRAND. t for Ohi-ches-ter 8 DI ran Pills in Red and Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. Poke ne olen, Bil. Siren o ra; for D) OND BRAND PILLS, for yearns known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE : We Offer Subject to Market Changes: BE I there a light | handy if one of the children cries in the night? | i A convenient lamp by the bedside and good bedroom illu- i | i mination is a great comfort in night- time emergencies. PERN BETTER LIGHT MEANS GREATER COMFORT FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate, 20% 1336 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent 666 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three days. 666 also in Tablets. IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 1420 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA Have Your Diamonds Reset in Plantium 74-27-t Exclusive Emblem Jewelry Employers, This Interests You The Workman's Compensation Law went into effect Jan, 1, 1916. It makes insurance coOm- pulsory. We specialize in plac- ing such insurance, We inspect Plants and recommend Accident Prevention Safe Guards which Reduce Insurance rates, It will be to your interest to consult us before placing your Insurance, JOHN F. GRAY & SON State College Bellefonte sma. WE FIT THE FEET 30 years in l=2Mi=MaNSNS US NS Ue Ue te SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY =n =n EUELRUEUEUELLEUELEUSLUEL lanl=2nar any Baney’s Shoe Store WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor BUSH ARCADE BLOCK BELLEFONTE, COMFORT GUARANTEED 55 : lc the Business i PA. SPECIAL ORDERS SOLICITED ; SSE EEE EEE Rh En THE OUTS OF MEAT that you get from us are always juicy and tender. We are careful buyers and years of experience is our guide in supplying our custom- ers with roasts. steaks and chops that always giv. satisfaction. We want you to comn and make your your own selections. Our chief aim is to please all our customers. Telephone 686 Market on the Diamond. Bellefonte, Penna. P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market 4-343