_ _ __ — Demonic Walco NATURE NOTES If you want adventure as in a strange country, pick a warm spring “Rellefonte, Pa., August 15, 1930. Your Health THE FIRST CONCERN. — Every other group of workers has its organization. Why should we not have an organization for the protection of blood donors ? In New York City every year there are about eleven thousand transfusions, averaging one pint of blood in each case. About two years givers organized the “Co-operative Blood Donor Agency,” in connec- tion with New York hosiptal. Later, the “Blood Transfusion Betterment Association” was formed. The latter organization maintains offices where candidates are examin- ed and selected, and where monthly examinations are held. Women are not accepted. This is because their veins are too small and, as a rule, they do not stand the loss of blood as readily as men. Donors are chosen, not alone with reference to their physical health and the conditions of the veins at the elbow, but also for their ap- pearance and good character. References to this form of treat- ment are found in the writings of ancient Egyptians and Romans. It is known that in 1492 the Pope received blood from three donors. For many years blood transfusions have not been uncommon. Since the World war, however, they have be- ago the blood come an important factor in medical treatment. This story may not mean much to most of you, but there are many cases where this procedure is essen- tial to the life of the patient. There are times when he must have sup- plied immediately a quantity of good, rich blood. Of course you know the term “plood transfusion” means the trans- fer of blood from the circulation of one living person into that of anoth- er. Transfusions are given to replace the blood lost by hemorrhage after an accident or operation, or by hemorrhage in cases of internal ulcer. This treatment is indicated too, in diseases like pernicious anemia, and other conditions accompanying de- terioration of the blood. In many infections it may be helpful. It is given in cases of illuminating gas poisoning. Transfusions are given sometimes to increase the resistance before a serious operation. The fresh healthy blood promotes the prospect of recovery. Science has progressed in its study of this subject so that there attends the transfusion very little or mno danger. The physician makes sure before giving the treatment that he is using blood compatible with that of his patient. He exercises care a quantity of blood is not given. By proper technique, he prevents the passage of a bubble of air or a blood clot into the body of his pa- tient. You can see that while it is un- usual, it is a method of treatment that has great importance in a des- perate case. that too greal What to do in case of Snake-Bite.— Comparatively few persons are bit- ten by snakes in North America, for the reason that most people avoid their haunts. The regions in the United States where there are dan- gerous snakes are known, and the public is generally informed as to how to combat the poison, if bitten. It is in tropical countries that the most dangerous snakes are found. In our country the rattlesnake is a deadly enemy to man. But how seldom is this snake met with these days. It is in the late summer and early fall that we are apt to run across the snake that is dangerous. When the water dries in the hills and mountains they come down into the lowlands for water and food. Recent researches -made at Wash- ington University, in St. Louis, seem to show that snake venom is the only poison in the world known to kill by affecting all the body at once. It seems to attack every liv- ing cell of the body like a poison gas, g In cases of snake bite, the pur- pose of any sort of local treatment which may be applied is to prevent the poison from getting into the general blood supply. If not prevented from doing SO the poison is carried to every part of the body by the blood stream. If the foot or hand has been bit- ten, a ligature of some sort should be tied tightly around the limb, be- ing careful to have it above the wound, or between the wound and the heart. A torn strip of a shirt or hand- kerchief may be used. Or a string, shoe lace, necktie, a piece of rope, a wire, a piece of grapevine Or a flexible switch, is good for the pur- pose. Whatever you use, tie it firm- ly, after which a stick should be in- serted under the ligature and tight- ly twisted. This stops the circula- tion of the blood from the wounded limb. Then suck out the poison and wash the wound with soap and water if available. No harm will come from sucking the wound if the mouth is healthy and without broken tissues. If access can be had to perma- ganate of potash crystals, these should be rubbed into the wound. Keep the patient warm and ad- minister small quantities of coffee to drink until the doctor arrives. evening when the peeper concert is on, and go hunting them. You will need ‘two lively boys, flashlights and rubber boots for all, a dipnet if you have one, and a tin can, with perfor- ated lid, in which you should put some wet moss, Go at night, for while peepers call during the day, they are always invisibly under cov- er. They will be silent as you ap- proach the marsh, but if you are quiet they will soon be peeping about you. With the wisdom and skill of your boys, you may by and by have a few peepers in your box. Bring them home and bring also an extra bunch of soft green moss, You will need a large goldfish bowl or glass jar, or even a plain box will do. Carpet it with moss, and ar- range to have a little water in it, and cover it tightly with mosquito par or fly screening. Then put in your peepers, using your wits, for they will use theirs. You will see tiny frogs, an inch long, with a dark cross on the back. The ground color is changeable from pale to dark brown, or reddish brown or salmon, They will be lively little fellows, climbing up the sides of the jar, sticking by the balls on the ends of the toes; for they are members of the Hylidae, the tree frogs; but since they do not climb high, the balls are not so large as in the tree living members of the family. When they sing, which they will in the jar, a wonderful thing happens; for the peepers are bagpipers, and their throats swell out into balloons half as big as the head and body while they peep. This, no doubt, has something to do with the astonishing carrying power of the tiny whistles. The peepers go to the marshes to lay their eggs, and deposit them single or in small groups among the weeds in the water; or sometimes on the bottom. They are like mi- nute seeds, at first brown above and white below, afterward becoming gray. Their little long-tailed polly- wogs have their eyes on the sides of the head not on top, and their round tummies are irridescent. The head becomes frog-like before the front legs appear. As soon as the latter break through, they leave the water, climb the grasses, and begin to catch gnats and mosquitoes, while the tail is still long. From the margin of lthe swamp they work their way to the woods and thickets; for ex- cept in the egg-laying season the adults are not water-frogs, but spend most of their time among the dead leaves of the woods in climbing about the lower vegetation. Meet- ing them there, they may easily be mistaken for “young frogs.” Oc- casionally during the fall you may hear a solitary “peep” from the shrubbery in the lawn; it is a peep- er trying out his whistle; lonely, perhaps. The frogs are a group of animals cold-blooded, and thus have a slug- gish circulation and a more or less primitive organization. Hence it is most remarkable to find them keen- witted, quick and active, musical, and to some extent social. And a wonderful thing is this spring con- cert of peepers. After their some- what solitary business life in the woods in summer and fall; after the long winter’s sleep, cut off from the world and their kind, they .awaken, their first thought being of their kindred; to call the members of their clan together ror companion- ship. And when, on warm spring evenings, the peeper chorus rings from every hog and marsh they are calling to know that all is well with each other; to meet and mate and provide for their little ones with the measure of love that God has pro- vided for them and their race; and to express their joy of living and their gladness in the coming of the spring, in united song. EIGHT FROM CENTRE CO. GRADUATE FROM STATE In the graduating class of the 7th annual summer commencement at the Pennsylvania State College were the following students from Centre: Frances W. Baker, State College; Ethel W. Blackwood, State College; H. Edwin Harbaugh, State College; Ethel J. Passmore, State College; Marion A. Winters, State College; Joseph R. Haney, Centre Hall; C. Robert Neff, Centre Hall; Harry S. Tice, Howard. With the close of a successful summer session in the history of the Pennsylvania State College last Fri- day, Dr. W. Grant Chambers, the director, comménted particularly on the calibre of students who have been attending the summer college for the past few years. “The seri- ous, mature group of students has been steadily increasing,” he said, «until the great majority of Ithose attending the summer session are of that type. We feel that our efforts to improve the curriculum have been amply justified by the quality of men and women we have drawn to the college.” Enrollment this year surpassed all previous sessions, 3312 persons having taken work at Penn State this summer, an increase of more than four per cent over 1929. One hundred and sixty-seven de- grees were conferred at the seventh annual summer commencement last week, 51 of them being advanced degrees. The candidates represent- ing 38 counties of Pennsylvania and 12 other States and foreign coun- tries, comprised the largest class to be graduated in August by the col- lege. The speaker was Dr. Arthur Holmes; professor of psychology at at the University of Pennsylvania. «Well, who's been waiting the longest,” asked the physician cheer- fully as he opened the door of his consultation office. «I think I have, Doctor,” said the tailor, arising and presenting a bill. «1 delivered your clothes three years LONGEST HIGHWAY: IN THE WORLD A trip by automobile from South America to the United States today is such an adventurous accomplish- ment that it commands general at- tention. Long strecthes of unde- veloped country must be negotiated on such a journey. An ax with which to carve a pathway through the jungle is an indispensable ad- junct of the adventurer’s equipment. But the day is coming when the nations of this hemisphere will be linked with broad smooth highways. The United States is now setting in motion a force ithat will speed the dawn of that day. Seven years ago, at the fifth in- ternational conference of American States at Santiago, Chile, a reso- lution was adopted suggesting the desirability of a Pan American highway conference “to study meas- ures best adapted to developing an efficient program for construction of automobile highways within the different countries of America and between these different coun- tries.” In 1924 38 leading govern- ment engineers, economists and other officials representing 20 Lat- in-American countries visited Ithe the United States, made an in- spection tour of American highways and subsequently, organized the Pan- American conference for highway educa“ion. They also resolved them- selves into a committee on program for the first Pan-American highway congress, which met at Beunos Aires in 1925. From these beginnings there devel- oped in Latin America a strong sentiment for road improvement and for the construction of an interna- tional highway linking the capitals | of the nations of the Americans. Finally, in 1929, the Pan-American Highway Congress adopted a pro- ram calling on all the South Ameri- can countries to prepare complete studies of their highway system plans in order to meet the needs of intercommunication of their polit- ical subdivisions and to provide convenient connections with the highway systems of neighboring countries. The program suggested was given impetus by a resolution adopted by the United States Con- gress a few months prior to the 1929 meeting, authorizing an appro- priation of $50,000 to enable the Secretary of State to cooperate with the several governments, upon their requests in the reconnoisance surveys to develop the facts as to the feasibility of possible routes, the probable cost, the economic service, and such information as would permit a visualization of the whole undertaking of financing and building an inter-American highway. In accordance with the resolution, engineers of the Bureau of Public Roads are now en route to Panama where they will open a field office to cooperate with South American governments in the work preliminary to construction of a highway link between the capitals of the Amer- ican nations. Guatamala, Costa Rica and Panama have bespoken their assistance, and South American na- tions are expected to follow suit. The projected highway, when com- pleted, will be the longest, most picturesque and potentially ithe most important thoroughfare in the world. History Lecturer: “Can any of you tell me what makes the Tower of Pisa lean?,, Corpulent Lady: “I don’t know, or I'd take some myself.” 71-16-t¢ LUMBER? Oh, Yes! Call Bellefonte 432 W. R. SHOPE Lumber, Sash, Doors, Millwork and Roofing CHESTNUT TREES MIGHT ; RECOVER FROM BLIGHT. Belief that the chestnut is mot doomed to destruction in the forests of Pennsylvania, but will eventually regain its position of importance as a valuable timber tree, has been ex- pressed by State Forester Joseph S. Illick. The chestnut blight made its ap- pearance in the State about twenty years ago and since then practice ally all chestnut trees of commer- | cial size have been killed. Never be- fore did a forest tree disease pro-. gress so rapidly and do such whole- sale destruction. | At the time the blight appeared chestnut was the commonest and most valuable forest tree in Penn- | sylvania. Thousands of dollars were | spent by the State and National | governments to combat this destruc- | tive disease. Despite all efforts of ! scientists, foresters, lumbermen and | forest land owners, the blight con- | tinued its destructive work. Even | today no practical method of con- | trol is known. “One does not won- | der,” says Dr. Ilick, “that many! eople, foresters included, have held | little hope for the chestnut in the forests of the State. | «From the time the blight made its first appearance, however, ithere | were a few believed that after the | crest of destruction had passed a more hopeful outlook would devel- | op. During the past twenty years I have watched the chestnut with the hope that in time we would see assuring evidence of its recovery. During the past three years an in- creasing number of reports have come to me from different sections of Pennsylvania stating that chest- nut sprouts are becoming larger, and that nuts are again being pro- duced in regions where they were | entirely absent for five or more years. «personal observations through- out the State confirmed these re- ports and suggested the need fora special study of the chestnut situa- tion. A preliminary study has ac- cordingly been made, and studies will continue until we know the true status of the chestnut blight in Pennsylvania. A report on the pre- liminary studies is being published and will soon be available for dis- tribution. «The crest of the chestnut blight was passed too recently to make positive predictions about its fu. ture development, but each year pro- duces additional evidence indicating that this destructive disease has passed its climax in our State, and I continue to look forward with confident hope that the chestnut tree will slowly work its way back into Penn's Woods.” . ——————————— Mistress: “Mary, has the druggist sent that sleeping powder yet?” Maid: “No, ma'am.’ “Then ring him up and ask him if he expects me to keep awake all night waiting for it.” i pared trucks and ' FEDERAL PRISON TO START SOON. Contracts for the construction of S the new $4,000,000 Federal Peni- itentiary probably will be let within two months, Superintendent of Prisons Sanford Bates said in com- menting on the decision to erect i the institution at Lewisburg, Union { county, Pa., which was announced by Attorney General William D./ Mitchell. i The site of 1,1014 acres was offer- ed to the government by the Lewisburg Chamber of Commerce for $95,000, which will be paid as soon as the title is checked. It was one of 105 sites offered to ithe government in Pennsylvania and New York. «The fact that Lewisburg is on two trunk line railroads, the fertility of the surrounding country, aboun- ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. ‘Practices all courts. Office, room 18 Crider’s Exchange. 51-ly i KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney-at- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at- tention given all legal business entrusted to his care. Offices—No. b, East High street. 57-44 M. KEICHLINE, — Attorney-at-Law and Justice of the Peace. All professional business will receive prompt attention. Offices on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y RUNKLE. — Attorney-at-Law, : G. ! Ww Consultation in English and Ger- : man. | ~ PHYSICIANS S. Glenn, dance of good water and its central location were the main factors con- tributing to the decision,’ said Bates, ! who was chairman of a special com- mittee appointed to select the loca- tion eliminate overcrowded conditions in Atlanta and Leavenworth prisons. Before this can be accomplished it will be necessary to construct an- other new prison in the Southwest, Bates explained. The superintendent said Alfred Hopkins, New York architect, who with himself and James V. Bennett, assistant prison bureau director, formed the special Site Committee, is completing plans for the prison. CARS AND WAGONS. 1 { Although the prison will house 1,200 prisoners it will not entirely ' C | ——— m— Railroads and horses, seem to be losing their place as the country’s largest factors for prosperity, The volume of freight traffic handled by class one railroads during March was 12.2 per cent, or a reduction of 4,927,329,000 net ton miles as com- with March, 1929. Motor busses have been raising merry hob with ithe railroads. This condition accounts for the big drive that is being made for consolidation as a means of more economical ad- ministration of the railroads. Going, going—-gone, are the horse and buggy days—another result of motor cars, The production of horse drawn farm wagons in 1929 amount- ed to 40,547 as compared with 57,- 081 in 1928. The merchantable val- ue of the wagons dropped off near- ly one-fourth. The slump in the manufacture of farm trucks was less than five per cent. And now what are the airplanes and the dirigibles going to do to the automobile business? ORDERS RABBITS Charles A. Hiller, who has charge of propagation for the Game Com- mission, has ordered 50,000 wild rab- bits to be distributed next fall. —Read the Watchman. Grange Encampment and Centre County Fair 57 Years Old and Growing Bigger and Better Every Year 20 Acres of Beautiful Grounds, All Devoted to Camping and Exhibition Grange Park, Centre Hall, Pa. August, 23 to 29, 1930 eu l= NS NSN NUS Me ed TUAT Ue Ue! =n EUELUELELEUSUEUSLEUSUSL LU RLRLAER 450 F amilies Spending the Week in Tents Thousands Attending Daily to View Splendid Attrac- tions and Enjoy Varied Amusements S . BIG IMPLEMENT DISPLAY—Something Really New ! ee Horticultural and Agricultural Exhibit...Immense Stock and Poultry Display Hear County Courts, on SPEAKERS of STATE and NATIONAL REPUTATION— Dr. F. P. Weaver, on “Rural Taxation Problems,” Hon. M. Wednesday ; Hon. James J. Davis, Sec’y of Labor; Past Master Pa. State Grange; Hon. E. B. Dorsett, Master Pa. State Grange, Hear the Famous ALPINE QUARTETTE OF PENNSYLVANIA Render Daily Concerts During the Week. BAND CONCERTS, GRANGE PLAYS, ETC., ETC. Ward Fleming, Judge of Centre . Hon. Philip H. Dewey, on Thursday —and many others. Admission (Entire Week) 50 Cen 50 Cents Charged for Parking Automobiles. All Trains Stop at Grange Park. John S. Dale, i=l} Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa. Fo] M. D., Physician and Surgeon, State College, Centre coun- ty, Pa. Office at his Fesidence, R. R. L. CAPERS. OSTEOPATH. Bellefonte Crider’s EX. State College 66-11 Holmes Bldg D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis- tered and licensed by the State. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Frames Tepiacea and lenses matched, Casebeer 1dg., High St., Bellefonte, Pa. 71-22-tf E by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, Belle- fonte, in the Garbrick building opposite the Court House, Wednesday afternoons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 4:00 p. m. Bell Phone. 68-40 VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed We have taken on the line of Purina Feeds We also carry the line of Wayne Feeds per 100lb. Wagner's 169 Dairy - $2.10 Wagner's 20% Dairy - 2.30 Wagner's 329% Dairy - 2.60 Wagner's Egg mash - 2.80 Wagner's Pig meal - 2.70 Wagner's Scratch feed 2 2.40 Wagner's horse feed - 2.25 Wagner's winter bran - 1,70 Wagner's winter Middlings - 1.80 Wayne 249 Dairy - = 2.55 Wayne 32% Dairy - - 2.80 Wayne Egg mash - - 3.10 Wayne calf meal - - 4.25 Wayne all mash grower - 3.00 Purina cow Chow 249% - 2.65 Purina Cow chow 34% - 2.90 Oil meal 34% - - - 2.80 Cotton seed meal 34% - 2.60 Gluten feed = - - 2.40 Hominy feed - - - 2.50 Fine ground Alfalfa meal - 2.25 Meat Scrap 45% - - 4.00 Tankage 60% - = ite 4.00 Fish meal - - < 4.00 Fine stock salt - - -1.20 Oyster shell - - - 1.00 Grit - - - 5 1.00 ‘Feeding Molasses -. Li5perH Cow Spray - ou 1.50 per G Let us grind your corn and oats and make up your Dairy Feeds with Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Gluten Feed and Bran Molas. ses. : We will make delivery of two ton lots. No charge, When You Want Good Bread or Pastry Flour USE \ | | | | i | | 1 i | | | i «OUR BEST” OR “GOLD COIN” FLOUR eee C.Y. Wagner & Co. inc BELLEFONTE, PA, | 75-1-1yr. mand Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fit-- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully ana Promptly Furnished 08-15-t£,