1 | INK SLINGS | | | Memories. We have just completed the “Fifty Years Ago in Centre County.” It is Saturday might, August 9, the family’s God knows where and it’s too hot to go to bed. There's some | near something on ice in the re- frigerator, but it is not nearly so | near as some of the memories that ' pouring over the Watchman of 1880 make some of the incidents there recorded seem to us tonight. That was the year of the cam- paign between Hancock and English and Garfield and Arthur. Them were the days when Democrats in Centre county had guts. Then the pioneer Fishers, Herrings, Ducks, Groves, Jamisons, Dursts, Emericks, Ripkas, Meyers, Smiths, Condos, Hostermans, Mussers, Mingles, and dozens of others we might name, were immune to such “bunk” as Roosevelt later seduced Penns Valley with and Pin- chot lures them with now. They were Democrats. They believed, like we do, that temperance wasa thing most to be desired, but it never oc- curred to them to make it a politi- cal issue. When the party calledit was nothing for them to hitch up the spring wagon and haul eight or ten others from fifieen to twenty miles to Bellefonte, parade half the night and spend the rest of it driv- ing back home. Penns Valley was the Gibraltar of Democracy then. Every township in it had three or four big, outstanding men whose lives were so clean and successful that they were oracles to the com- munity in which they resided. The campaign of 1880 was the first of which we have a really vivid recollection. There were the “Han- cock Legion” and the “Garfield Guards.” The Democrats paraded with blue and white capes and carried torches fashioned like a star. The Republicans wore red capes and had torches with a blow-pipe running down the handle so that any of them who didn’t cheer all his wind away could blow in the pipe and make the torch flare. The cam- paign started in August and every week there was a big meeting some- where. If it wasn’t in Centre coun- ty it was in Tyrone or Lock Haven or even so far away as Williamsport and trains of flat cars, with just boards from side to side for seats, would be crowded with hordes of enthusiasts going to parade and show their devotion to political principles they espoused. Penns Valley always led the way, for there were real Democrats in Penns Valley then. The late Hammon Sechler was the generalissimo of the Hancock Le- gions of our county and he rec- ognized our attempt to organize a Junior Hancock Legion in the West ward of Bellefonte. He went so far as to give us two dozen of those wonderful star torches. We manag- ed to get a snare and a bass drum and with such accoutrement had no difficulty in getting more boys than we had torches for. Because we were all such little fellows toting the base drum was a problem until «pack” Cowdrick came down from his home up on east Linn street one night and joined up. “Pack” was a big boy for his age and he could carry and beat that bass drum like Josh Foulk never knew how it could he dome. “Pack’s” father had a brick yard out at this end of Cole. ville. That was probably the reason he suggested that we parade out there one night, However that may have been the Legion formed on the broad steps in front of the old United Brethren church and with torches flaring, drums beating and hearts racing it proceeded north on Thomas street. Everything went well until we got up along the cat- tle sheds at the west of the old fair grounds and then from the hill just west of where the Bellefonte Central shops now stand came such a show- er of stones as only a Vesuvius in most violent eruption could emit. Of course we Legionaries took to cover. All but “Pack.” When a stone went through both heads of that bass drum he saw red and made for the hill. We are not quite clear about what followed, but we think the rest of us made for home. Two days later we heard that “pack” had licked every kid in Bggtown, but we couldn't react to that triumph of the Junior Legion because we were then cooped up in the “parlor” at home with a virulent case of diphtheria, Old Dr. Hibler was the family physician and we can see him now dipping that camel’s hair brush down into a bottle of caustic, holding our mouth open and swabbing our throat with the stuff that fumed going down and smoked coming out. We survived the diphtheria, but we have never gotten over the loss of the thrill that we missed when Mr. " Sechler took our Junior Legion along with those grand old Penns Valley Democrats to Lock Haven to parade at a political meeting. That was fifty years ago. To- night we are wondering what the galaxy of Penns Valley's great Dem- ocrats of those days would think of their sons and their grandsons, their daughters and grand daughters who have fallen for Pinchot’s “bunk.” he er SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Bounty claims paid by the Game Commission during July included one wild cat and 45 gray foxes. —Irvin Graybill, Middleburg, has re- signed as chairman of the board of trustees of ,the State Colony for Epilep~ tics at Selinsgrove. —Officers of the Game Commission brought 165 prosecutions during July. The majority were made for the pos- session of guns or dogs by aliens. —Forty food merchants in counties STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. scattered throughout the State were prosecuted during June and July for VOL. 75. Fishing for Vare’s Support The expected negotiations between ' Gifford Pinchot and the Vare ma- chine are already in progress. Last | week Auditor General Charles A. | Waters and his special deputy Sam | Lewis visited Mr. Pinchot at his ‘home. Two or three days later they ‘held a conference with William 8. Vare at his Philadelphia office. Neither the Pinchot emissaries nor | Mr. Vare would reveal the subject ‘of their conversations or the purpose 'of their mission. But it requires no ' unusual gifts in the art of deduction to solve the problem. Waters and Lewis were ardent 'and active supporters of Pinchot and Grundy in the primary campaign. | Previously Waters had been a ser- | vile follower of Vare and Lewis and an equally docile supporter of Grundy. In the mix-up | appointment of Grundy to the Sen- 'ate, Grundy and Waters announced themselves in favor of Lewis Governor. When the Mellons and Governor Fisher declared war ‘against Lewis the Auditor General ‘and his special deputy turned in for i Pinchot and Grundy. But there was {no question of principle involved in ‘the switching. It was purely a ‘matter of sparring for personal ad- , vantage. | © When the question of the nomi- ‘nation of Pinchot or Brown arose ‘both these shifty politicians took the | Pinchot side because it was obvious- ‘ly the most promising. Subsequent developments, however, cast a shad- ow of doubt upon the Pinchot prospects and Waters and Lewis which followed the | for | Facts About Unemployment The New York State fraudulent statistics manner that may be understood by any one who takes the trouble to reason. The aim of the adminis- tration before and since the census figures were made public was to minimize the gravity of the in- dustrial situation. As a medium of accomplishing this result the Depart- ment of Commerce a bulletin stating that the census | figures show only four per cent of unemployment. But workers who ‘have been ‘laid off,” those “fur. ‘loughed” with the promise of re. ' employment when conditions improve, are not included in the unemployed list, It appears, moreover, that the | four per cent scheduled in the cen- ! sus returns is not four per cent of the wage earners willing to work but of the population of the country. including men, women and children of all ages. Amn unemployment roster on that basis would be some- thing to be proud of in any indus- trial country. But it does not ex- press, or even approximate, the un- employment that is and has been for 'some time a grave cause of com- plaint and concern to the industrial life of the country. The New York commissioner says: “When we speak of unemployed in percentages we mean as compared with the total number of workers in the com- munity.” That would express the ‘actual facts. | through Charles E. Dorworth, secre- recently issued: ‘conceived the idea of enlisting Vare | pogsibly an inclination to fool the in their force. They knew that pyplic is a characteristic of the en- there is only one way of reaching gineering mind. But that purpose is Vare and that is spoils of office and not likely to be achieved in this in- | promises of future service. this purpose in mind they went 10 informed to swallow such rubbish. with Vare and having secured that |gctyal number of unemployed work- the conference with Vare followed, |ers. The census figures place it at the result of which is still a mys-|apout two and a-half millions, while tery. |labor organizations and others in- At ithe end of the conference MT. | terested in the matter estimate it at Vare refused to give information |petween four and six millions. But were equally secretive. Mr. Pinchot | responsibility for the present con- promptly declared that he had not !gition. Neither the President nor sent the emissaries to Vare. He Congress has taken. any steps 4o didn’t have to. They volunteered | remedy the evil though Democratic | for the sinister service. But he gengtor Wagner pointed out the hasn't said that he didn’t consent to gay ? their going or thathe is not willing | to ratify any bargain they are able | to make with him, however corrupt ' it may be, He served Vare before ——One by one the auto speed racers are paying the death penalty With ! stance. The average man isitoo well |. Pinchot to get his consent to a deal ' Opinions differ widely as to the| concerning it and Waters and Lewis there can be no two opinions as to : BELLEFONTE, PA.. AUGUST 15. 1930.’ selling all sorts of products—from cheese sticks to salad dressing—artificially col- ored. NO. 32. Water. Impressed by press reports from of unemploy- | various sections of the State over ment throughout the country in a |the scarcity of water for domestic use burgess Hardman P. Harris, tary of forests and waters, made an , official tender to Governor Fisher of water from Bellefonte’s big spring for any community or communities in which the water situation has be- come a menace to health. The Sheffield Farms company has also tendered the free use of a number of its glasslined express cars for the purpose of transporting the water. These cars are 6000 gallons capacity and the water will be furnished f. 0. b. Bellefonte. Governor Fisher acknowledged the offer by telegram and stated that he would convey the informa- tion to suffering communities and also officials of the State Board of ! Health, so if ithe necessity for ship- ment of water to any community is deemed advisable they know - where an ample supply be obtained. As stated in the Watchman ‘week, the Bellefonte spring has been affected in the least by the prolonged drought. It’s normal flow ‘is 11,500,000 gallons daily and, as local consumption does not exceed can last not BE it means that 8,500,000, at the very least, are flowing away every twenty-four hours. This would be sufficient to furnish many communities with water for domes- ‘tic purposes. has been no call for any of the water. ili A Spring That Flows Only During the Night. The prolonged drought has fo- cused public attention on water supplies everywhere.. Springs, wells, cisterns and streams, such common place things under ordinary weather conditions, are being watched now with a new interest. Many singular conditions have ‘developed in consequence of the J rought. Strange as it may seem and to secure a re-election to the office of Governor he would serve him again. ———— ee. of valueless hazard. Robert Whalon, ‘of Chicago, president of the Auto- , mobile Racing association, is the latest victim. opposed to second term Presidents | Surprising Story of Grundy. some years ago. But that was be. fore he got invitations to House breakfasts. ) The most interesting and probably White the most surprising development of | the pending Senate investigation of ithe Republican primary election in | Pennsylvania was the evidence of Lad Royal C. Stevens, of Philadelphia, In fulfillment of his promise made who testified that Senater Schall, of several weeks ago to the President i Minnesota, was offered $50,000, “if Claudius H. Huston has resigned the 'he would cease his attacks on Sen- chairmanship of the Republican ‘ator Grundy of Pennsylvania over National committee. It wasn’t a the tariff act.” Senator Schall is a voluntary act or a cheerful service Republican representing one of the “for the good of the party.” It was States which Grundy had described a sacrifice of personal pride and as “backward” and a member of the laudable ambition to save the party ! group whom Senator Moses, of New and shield other party leaders from | Hampshire, had stigmatized as “sons Chairman Huston Out. popular indignation and just censure. His offense was a too literal acqui- escence in the policy of the party. He did exactly what Calvin Coolidge wanted him to do and what Herbert Hoover wanted done, and he was ap- pointed to the office of chairman as a reward for the service. Before he became chairman of the Republican National committee, and while he was an assistant to Mr. Hoover in the Department of Com- merce, Mr. Huston became active in a sinister purpose of the Republi- can party to transfer the immensely valuable government property Muscle Shoals to the power trust, That Mr. Coolidge was in sympathy with that service of Mr. Huston is Norris resolution to prevent its con- summation. That Mr. Hoover was of the same mind on the subject is amply proved by his recent letter to Congressman Reece, of Tennessee. But to save themselves from popular execration these eminent Republican leaders “nailed Huston to the cross.” We have no inclination to exoner- ate Huston from blame. As an of- ficial of the government at the time he wickedly and wilfully betrayed the people of the country. And he deliberately misappropriated part of the lobby fund. But Herbert Hoover knew all about his malfeasances, and in full possession of the information not only urged him to accept the chairmanship but forced the commit. tee to bestow it upon him. Huston's offense is the party’s crime and though Huston for an unexplained reason has consented to be the goat, the perfidy attaches to all the party leaders and to the party. at’ shown by his pocket veto of the of wild jackasses.” In resentment of these opprobrious epithets Sen- {ator Schall had indulged in some uscomplimentary references to Grun- dy. | “According to Mr. Stephens the ‘money to procure this service for | Grundy would be obtained by sub- i scriptions from the members of the | Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ associ- {ation, of which Mr. Grundy had been president up until the time he was appointed Senator in Congress ‘by Governor Fisher. Mr. Stevens 'informed the Nye committee, more- ‘over, that “the story had come from ‘Senator Schall himself,” and asked that each of the 2700 members of the , Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ associa- tion be subpoenaed and interrogated. | Chairman Nye promised to call Sen- ‘ator Schall and question him con. ! cerning the matter. It might be a ‘good idea to call Mr. Grundy, also. {It would give him another chance to slur the Senate, { The surprising feature of this de. | velopment rests in the fact that Senator Grundy was, let us say | “annoyed” by the strictures of his Senatorial colleagues. Those most | familar with his habits of thought ‘had come to the impression that he iis impervious to criticism and the | press reports of his conduct at the (time described him as smilingly in- | different to the animadversions cast ‘upon him. But if he or his friends { were willing to give up so large a ‘sum of money to silence one critic it becomes necessary to reverse this | widely diffused popular opinion of {the Senator. He must be quite sen- | sitive as well as free with his own | money or that of other people. lding out that have been dry at other seasons when the rainfall was | apparently much greater than it has {been for the past eight weeks. | The freak case of all is a spring on the property of W. D. Kerstet- ‘ter, in Sugar Valley, near Tylers- | ville. According to the mem. ory of older residents of that local- ity the spring has rarely failed. Now, | however, it is working only half time. During the day not a drop of water flows from it, but at night the flow is quite copious. In consequence of this unexplain- ed performance the Kerstetter house- hold has to draw water at night and save it for use next day. West Penn Electric Co, Buys the Republic Electric. The West Penn Electric company closed a deal, last week, for the pur- chase of the Republic Electric com- pany, of Howard, subject of course to the approval of the Public Serv- ice Commission. The Republic Elec- tric company was originally the Centre Electric company, which was organized and established by How- ard business men, leaders among whom were the Webers. It was sold a year or two ago to the Republic Electric company, composed mostly of Coatesville capitalists. The company has in the neigh- borhood of two hundred patrons, confined principally to Howard and immediate vicinity. As the West Penn already has service lines down Bald Eagle valley connecting up with the Howard circuit will be an easy job once the purchase is ap- proved by the Public Service Com- mission. It is also rumored that the West Penn either has or is about to close a deal for the purchase of the Re- novo Electric company. ——Hoover is aging rapidly ac- cording to press reports. Maybe it is worry rather than time that is deepening the lines on his face. Mak- ing promises impossible of fulfillment is a prolific source of trouble, ——TFleischman, the yeast mag- nate, may have to “raise” $100,000 because of his unfilfullment prom- ise to marry Madge Mitchell, a movie star. ——Senator Fess, the new Re- publican chairman, may depend on the sympathy of his predecessor in office, even if he gets no other reward. ——Centre county's share of the gasoline tax for the first six months of 1930 was $12,550.30. will So far, however, there | know of lots of cisterns still _—Wayn SL ne ; “at opened on Tuesday last and is now {pry Communities Can Get Bellefonte | FIFTY YEARS AGO industrial commissioner of | has exposed the: IN CENTRE COUNTY. | Items from the Watchman issue of |e 20, 1880. { -—The first all county meeting of | the campaign will be held here next : Tuesday night. Among the speak- | ers scheduled are Robert P. Dechert, tour nominee for Auditor General; Lewis C. Cassidy, of Philadelphia; Governor Curtin, Hon. Milton Speer, , of Huntingdon; Hon. W. S. Stenger, of Chambersburg, and Hon. Riley P. Allen, of Williamsport. —All Democrats having torches or lamps in their possession are re- “quested to bring them in for the | big parade, next Tuesday night. | —There will be a meeting of all members who have recently signed | the Murphy pledge at the = rooms ‘of the Y. M. C. A, this Friday evening. It is for the purpose of forming a permanent organization i The committee calling the meeting comprises R. A. Laird, R. J. Doak, J. M. Kephart, Theodore Deschner, John Powers, James Schofield, C. F. Richard and Robert McKnight. —Yesterday was a somewhat showery and gloomy day. —There were two political meet- ings in Gregg township on Thurs- day evening of last week, one Re- publican and the other Democratic. Gen. Beaver, of this place, manag- ed the first and W. A. Kerlin, of Millheim, the other. = The Kerlin meeting was far ahead and knocked the spots off the General's demon- stration. The noted miller, Kerlin, himself addressed the Democratic meetings and they say he can beat Beaver all to pieces on a speech. —The outcome of the Francis ‘Murphy temperance meetings here was a list of 555 who signed the pledge never to drink again—(Ed- itor's Note—We are wondering what the sainted old apostle of temper- ance could do if he were to spend two weeks getting pledge signers in Bellefonte now. Market Reports from Pleasant Gap—The wheat crop is but me. dium. Oats near a full crop. Corn is looking well. Butter is some- what better and stronger. Eggs are mostly like the Republican party (rotten)! cabbage is going into head, but because of the dry weather most of it is like Garfield’s—shows in signs of bustin’! —Wayne Station camp meeting in full blast. About 250 tents are ‘occupied. Among the Centre coun- ‘tians having tents are Mrs, Switzer {and daughters, of Philipsburg; Mrs. | Sourbeck, of Bellefonte; and G. W. {Gray and family, Buffalo Run. The {Pine Station camp meeting closed ! yesterday. Joseph Baker and fam- ily, of Lemont, were the only peo- ple from Centre county having a ! tent there. —Miss Louise Rouse, of York, Pa., will leave at the end of this week on a 9000 mile trip over land, sea and air to claim a husband in India. She is to become the bride of the Rev. Alexander Foh- linchten, a missionary of the Lutheran church. —J. E. Brown and George High, of Lock Haven, were fined a total of $600 by an alderman when they entered pleas of guilty to spot-lighting deer on the Jersey Shore-Coudersport pike. The men were caught in the act of shooting the deer by game protectors. —Auto tag production at the Western State penitentiary at Pittsburgh has been speeded up for the 1931 tags. The re- port indicates that the hunters’ tags have been completed and shipped out of the institution and that all the efforts are now being concentrated on the auto tags to avoid a possible rush in the fall. —In an effort to kill a groundhog with the butt end of a 22-calibre rifle, Jesse Stover, 41, of York county, received the shot from the rifle in his stomach. Stov- er had wounded the animal and in try- ing to despatch it, struck the ground with the weapon, causing the shock to trip the hammer. The accident occurred Sunday in Carroll county, Maryland. He was admitted to the Hanover hospital, and his condition is critical. —Charles Gutshall, a sergeant of police for the Pennsylvania railroad at Altoona, was at his home at Mount Union over Sunday and had retired for the night when he heard a noise at the rear door. He went down the steps and found a man halfway in a window. The in- truder started to leave but was over- taken by the officer in the yard. The man was identified as Harry Varner, of Mt. Union. He was lodged in jail for court. —After working for several hours to lift off the heavy outer door of a 500- pound safe at the State House bakery in Reading, loading it on one of the com- pany’s own trucks and taking it to a suburb, where they smashed an inside door, thieves found it contained only $3. The empty safe surrounded by a litter of paper, was found on Hill road, on Mt. Penn. Bakery officials said they banked their money every night and lock the in- ner safe door only to protect valuable papers. —Francis A. Witmer, of Sunbury, for years one of a group of Republican lead- ers in Northumberland county, has been dismissed by Auditor General Charles A. Waters, as inheritance tax appraiser in Northumberland county. Witmer in the primary supported the Davis-Brown tick- et, and it is reported the appointement i§ "to ‘be given to a Shamokin man who 'was active in the Grundy and Pinchot | campaign last spring. Witmer is a | brother of the late Federal Judge Charles R. Witmer. —The outlook is more encouraging at the North American Refractories com- | pany’s plant at Mount Union now than it has been for a number of weeks. ; There were more men called for work the past week than had been called for | some time. This plant was formerly —Mr, James Murray, who was the the United States Refractories Corpora- first cashier of the banking house tion, but was sold a few weeks ago to of Humes, McAllister, Hale & Co, the North American Refractories com- in 1854, has been in Bellefonte for 'pany. It is one of the largest plants the last week for wa visit with friends '' manufacturing silica brick in this section and to assist Francis Murphy in his of the State. temperance work. Mr. Murray is a: —Plans are being completed as rapidly Democrat of Democrats and neces- | as possible for the entertainment of the sarily found much time to spend in 'great army of American Legion veterans this office. which will gather in Harrisburg for their —Mr. George Weaver, of this! annual encampment during the latter place, a brakeman on the Snow part of next week. It is understood that Shoe railroad, received in one of 10,000 cots have been secured through his eyes a hot cinder from the loco- | the National Guard headquarters and motive on Monday last. All efforts ' 5000 of these with other equipment will to remove it were unavailing. In be placed in the spacious Farm Show the morning he came to town and |building. The remainder will be set up consulted Dr. Dobbins who we be- | in different halls so that the former sol- lieve gave him relief. | diers shall be as comfortable as possible —The Lock Haven school board during their stay in that city. has elected a female principal and and Miss Sallie Rhoads. —A valuable cow belonging to Mr. W. S. Tripple, of Spring street, fell into ditch that is being digged to convey walter pipes to the house of Monroe Armor on Bunker Hill, on Tuesday night, and, being un- able to get out, died right there. (Editor's note—While it is reason- ably certain that this wasn’t the cow with the crumpled horn that tossed the cat, etc, it is our be- lief that it was the cow that fur- nished the milk for the firm founda- tions of the local correspondent of the Altoona Mirror and we think Ruth should put a flag at half-mast next Sunday. — Bellefonte fire companies were called out three times during the past week by grass fires on Half- moon hill, one on Tuesday burning ran over the entire south side of the hill before it was extinguished. It is rumored that all the fires were started by small boys just to create a little excitement, If this is cor- rect the parents of the guilty lads should apply a paddle at the proper place, and that might be excitement enough to last until the next rain- fall. sree op sia Sirs —W. Harrison Walker was notified, on Wednesday, that he has been ap- pointed a member of the Kiwanis International committee on the un- der_privileged child. Mr. Walker is now chairman of the State commit- tee and his appointment on the in- ternational committee is in recogni- tion of the interest he has always manifested in children in the un- der-privileged class. assistant, to wit: Miss Agnes Reilly | | —Franklin P. McFarland, Hollidays- burg coal operator who died recently, be- queathed sums to various institutions and employees, according to the will filed for probate on Monday. His stenog- rapher and housekeeper each receive $2500 and a clerk receives $1000. A bequest of $5000 is given to Hollidaysburg Baptist church, $1000 given to the Altoona hospi- tal and $500 each given the Hollidays- burg Y.M. C. A. and Y. W. C A The sum of $1000 is given the Baptist orphan- age, Pittsburgh. Thomas B. McFarland, Hollidaysburg, and Harry F. McFarland, Renovo, brothers, will divide the residue of the estate. —The title of the world’s heaviest sleeper has been bestowed upon a trav- eling man who stopped at the Watson Inn, Watsontown. Harold McNutt, Balti- more, slept for almost an hour unmind- ful of a fire in the mattress under him, When George Gare, night clerk, smelled smoke he investigated and found that it was coming out of McNutt's room. He knocked, but the man slept. Gare fore- ed the door and found clouds of smoke rolling from the mattress. He yanked the man out of bed and tossed the mattress out of the window. The sleeper admitted he had been smoking a cigarette when he retired. —Burglars = broke into the Strouss Hirshberg Department Store, one of the largest in New Castle, forced open the safe, took out the inner safe, weighing about 400 pounds, and carted it away, it was discovered when the store was opened one morning last week. Persons who saw a truck drive out of the rear of the building did not suspect that a robbery was being committed. The bur- glars evidently used the elevator in the store to get the safe to the first floor, loaded it abroad an auto truck of the company in the warehouse in the rear of the store and drove away. The truck was found abandoned four miles from the city the next day. About $500 in cash and checks were in the safe,