Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 08, 1930, Image 5

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    EE e———————————
illiam Brooks, aged 8 years,
of Mr, and Mrs. Guy Brooks,
sentre Hall, who was a surgical
ent, was discharged last Monday.
rs. Ethel Passell and infant, wife
daughter of Donald Passell, of
, were discharged last Monday.
iss Emma Bloom, of Bellefonte,
was a medical patient, was dis-
ged on Monday of last week.
iss Marion Meyers of Centre
, a surgical patient, was dis-
ged last Monday.
arry Ely, aged three years, son
fir. and Mrs. Elmer Ely, of Belle-
e, was admitted as a surgical
ent on Monday of last week
discharged the same day.
ertram Freeburg, aged three
-s, son of Mrs, Susie Freeburg,
enovo, died on Monday of last
k. ;
rs. Sarah E. Jodon, of Spring
nship, a medical patient, was ad-
ed Monday of last week.
rs. Cordie Lewis, wife of Wwil-
, Lewis, of Bellefonte, was ad-
ed as a medical patient last
ierce Rumberger, of Fleming,
admitted as a surgical patient
Vionday of last week and dis-
‘ged the following day.
r. and Mrs. Irving C. Boerlin,
state College, are rejoicing over
arrival of an infant son, born on
day of last week.
rilour Gordon, of Bellefonte, a
rical patient, was admitted on
day of last week.
dward Hirst, of Ferguson town-
, who was a surgical patient,
discharged last Tuesday.
lbert Kerstetter, aged seven
rs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kerstet-
of State College, a surgical pa-
t, was admitted on Wednesday
ast week and discharged on
obert Forsburg, aged 8, son of
and Mrs. R. S. Forsburg, of
efonte, a surgical patient, was
ritted last Thursday and dis-
rged the same day.
[axine Parsons, aged 9, daughter
Vir. and Mrs. John Parsons, of
te College, a surgical patient, was
iitted Thursday and discharged
following day.
esse Dean, aged 10, son of Mr.
Mrs. Jesse Dean, of Ferguson
nship, a surgical patient, was ad-
ted Thursday and discharged the
t day.
cvin Miller, of State College, a
jical patient for the past ten
s, died last Thursday morning at
) o'clock.
liss Carrie Belle Emerick, of
tre Hall, a surgical patient for
past four weeks, was discharged
. Thursday.
amuel Atmore, of Philadelphia, a
gical -patient for the past eight
sks, was discharged last Thurs-
fiss Lucille Colyer, of Millheim,
Ben Everhart is driving a new
E. E. Ellenberger has put his
sawmill, on Tadpole, in operation.
Thermometers here, on Sunday,
registered 110 degrees in the shade.
W. R. Port and family motored
toona, were Sunday visitors at the
Ward home. :
cent visitors with friends in Cum-
berland, Md.
Mrs. W. H. Roush, of Altoona,
was here, last week, visiting relatives
and old friends.
Preaching services will be heldin
the Bethel Reformed church, on
Sunday morning.
The big Baileyville picnic will be
held on Saturday, August 16th.
Everyone is invited.
Farmer Fred Stonebraker is laid
up with a broken leg received in a
fall from a load of hay. i
N. N. Hartswick and wife and
J. O. White passed through town,
on Monday, enroute to Altoona.
Mrs. Anna Mary Corl was taken
to the University hospital, Philadel-
phia, last Friday, for treatment.
Donald Shank has returned from
the Lock Haven hospital and is well’
along toward permanent recovery.
Mrs. Harry Gardner, of New York
city, is visiting relatives in the val-
ley, a guest at the J. H. Bailey
Keller and Shoemaker were the
successful bidders for furnishing coal
to the Ferguson township school
houses. |
The Snyder-Wilson family reunion
was held at the Spruce Creek camp
on Sunday. Eighty or more were
present. ;
A little son was born during the
week to R. W. Reed and wife,
their first child in fifteen years of
married life.
Mother O'Bryan is spending the
week with her son George and fam-
ily, at Axe Mann, and with friends
in Bellefonte. |
The Scotia reunion and picnic will !
be held tomorrow (Saturday.) Rev.
John J. Weaver, of Harrisburg, will
be the speaker,
Sam Peachey, stock buyer of
Belleville, was here during the week
on the hunt of fresh cows, but found
very few for sale.
C. M. Fry, of Altoona, tooka day
off from his throttle on a Pennsy
locomotive and visited Centre coun-
ty friends, on Wednesday.
Washington camp, P.O. S. of A,
will hold a festival at Pine Hall
tomorrow evening. Just the place
to get ice cream and cake.
Mrs. Ellen Calvert, who had quite
a sick spell while visiting at the
S. A. Homan home, has recovered
and was taken to her home in Al-
toona. |
Jimmie Kline caught seven pike
during the week which measured
from 13 to 16 inches in length,’
Joe Goss hooked six which ranged
from 12 to 15 inches. i
The Marengo picnic, Saturday, was
well attended, There were two ball |
urgical patient for the past two
sks, was discharged on Wednes-
+ of last week.
Irs, Sarah J. Jodom, of Pleasant
7, a medical patient for the past
r days, was discharged last Thurs-
shester Comley, aged 3, son of
and Mrs. Thomas Comley, of
den Hall, a surgical patient, was
sharged last Thursday.
fiss Madeline Shuey, of State
lege, a surgical patient for two
sks, was discharged on Thursday
last week.
Ars. Blanche Ryan and infant,
'e and daughter of Francis Ryan,
State College, were discharged
Friday. J
Jiss Catherine Hartle, of Belle-
te, a surgical patient for the
it two weeks, was discharged on
tdward Damiley, of Hartford,
an., a surgical patient, was ad-
ited Friday. ;
3ruce Sheckler of Milesburg, a
gical patient, was admitted Fri-
y afternoon.
Mrs. Adeline Hoy, wife of George
y, of Huplersburg, was admitted
Friday for medical treatment.
iss Dorothy Wilson, of Ferguson
vnship, was admitted Saturday
- surgical treatment.
vrs. Ruth Rote
1 daughter of Arthur Rote, of
llefonte, were discharged on Sat-
— Anna Miller, wife of Murray
ller, of Fleming, a medical pa-
nt, was discharged on Saturday.
Miss Helen Moyer, of Bellefonte,
medical patient for the past four
eks, was discharged last Satur-
Sis. Martha Swanson and infant,
fe and daughter of Roy G. Swan-
1, of Austin, Pa. were discharged
Miss Glenna C. Thomas, of Howard
wnship, was admitted for surgical |
.atment on Sunday.
Ralph Stemm, aged 8, son of Mr.
d Mrs. Clair Stemm, of Coleville,
surgical patient for four weeks,
,s discharged on Sunday.
Mrs. Eunice C. Rush, wife of
srbert Rush, of State College, a
“adical patient, was discharged on
Mrs. Verna Waltz and infant, wife
d daughter, Betty Anne, wife and
rguson township, were discharged
Mrs. Jennie W. Wilson and daugh-
Betty Anne, wife and daugh-
of Paul Wilson, of Harris
wmnship, was admitted .as medical
tients on Monday.
There are 40 patients in the hos-
-al during the week.
and infant, wife
games, Tyrone defeating Stormstown
13 to 7, and Gatesburg being the
| victor over Baileyville 8 to 7.
| Charles H. Meyer motored to
Bellefonte, Monday morning, on the
| watch for bargains at the tax Sale
but legal postponement of the sale
prevented him from becoming a bid-
The annual banquet of the Bailey-
ville Sportsmen’s club will be held
at Camp Baileyville next Thursday
evening. The Citizens band will fur-
nish music. Brief talks will be
made by Hon. J. Laird Holmes, Prof.
John H. Frizzell and others. :
The sixth monthly meeting of the
Past Grands association of Centre
county was held at Snow Shoe, last !
Friday evening, in the hall of the
I. 0. O. F. lodge No. 224. Repre-
sentatives were present from most.
of the lodges in the county. Fol-
lowing the business session refresh-!
ments were served. The next meet-'
ing will be held at Spring Mills.
Among the guests at the Hon.
J. Will Kepler home during the |
week were Mr. and Mrs. Boak, of
Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Mary |
Combs, of Philadelphia. As this was’
Mr. and Mrs. Boak’s first visit to
Centre county they were taken ona
number of sightseeing trips, which
included various camps in the Tus-
sey mountains, State College, down
Pennsvalley and other places. Nat- |
urally they were charmed with the
scenery everywhere.
Mrs. Lydia Irwin is somewhat
indisposed at this writing.
A number of our people attended
the funeral of Charles Shawley, last
Some of the farmers in this .sec-
tion are plowing for their fall crops, |
but it is hard work because of the |
dry ground. 1
E. L. Davidson is on the water |
wagon for, sure, as he has to haul |
{all he needs for every purpose, owing |
to the extremely dry weather. :
A strange dog, wearing license |
tag No. 314, has been running :
large hereabouts during the past !
week. So far the identity of the
owner has not been learned.
A diagnosis showed that W. S.|
Fisher suffered three broken ribsin |
|a fall in his barn a week ago.
| While he is able to be around he|
| can’t do any hard work, as yet,
Mrs. Glenn Mitchell gave a birth- |
day party, last Thursday,
son Robert's fifth
Alfred Mitchell and daughter, Miss
Bertha, Miss Ella Levy, of Miles-
burg, and Mr. and Mrs.
and daughter, of Altoona.
to Mill Hall and spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Grove, of Al-
J. F. Johnson and wife were re-
on Mrs. A. S. Stover, a patient
the Geissinger hospital, Danville.
Mr. and Mrs, D. P. Ream had as
guests their daughter, Mrs. Haupt
and small child, of Bellefonte.
Miss Mable Crouse spent Tuesday
in Sunbury and other places. Sun-
day afternoon she made a brief call
Mr. and Mrs, Claude Hines had as
guests Mr. Hines’ uncle and aunts,
Mr. and Mrs. Krell and Miss Hines,
all of Altoona.
Rev. and Mrs. M, D. Geesey and
son Frederick, of Loraine, Ohio, and
Miss Anna M. Stover were Monday
evening dinner guests of Mr. and
Frank Burd.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stover and
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stettler and
son Charles, after a week spent
among relatives here returned to’
their home on Monday.
The Misses Lodie Harter and
Martha Smith came up from Laurel-
in '
Mrs. Martha Holter is spending a
week with her sister in Bellefonte.
Miss Helen Weber is visiting her
brother, Walter Weber and wife, at
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and
family spent Sunday with relatives
in Renovo.
Miss Nellie Holter, of State Col-
lege, is spending the month of Au-
gust at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Harte,
this week, in the interest of the
Bellefonte Central railroad.
Miss Annie Spigelmeyer, a nurse
in New York city, is spending her
| vacation at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter,
“of Minneapolis, Minn. are visiting
friends and relatives in town.
Ellen Cartwright has returned
| home, after a month's visit with
Mrs. John Bryan, at Eagleville.
| The Reformed church choir ren-
| father,
with her niece, Mrs. Frances Hall.
visited his cousin, W. H. Summers,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerchner and
for her | yp eir picnic at the Cherry Grove
Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. | ;;ca]
{ very pleasant time was
Deitrick | gotner.
. | Tocality.
—Are you reading your own paper |
or that of some other person? j
ton State Village, where they are dered special music, Sunday evening,
employed, and spent the week-end with Mrs. Virginia Faris directing.
with their respective parents, | Mrs. W. K. McDowell visited the
Friday of last week Mrs. A. S. Boy Scout camp at McElhatten,
Stover was taken to the Geissinger where Troop No. 2, of Lock Haven
hospital, Danville, for observation. is camping. ?
Her friends wish for her a speedy nfjsq Annie Spigelmeyer and M
and complete recovery to health. ' Mary Dale So vy with yg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson and Harte's brother, Guy Thompson, in
children, and a party of friends Elizabethtown.
from Lewisburg, were callers, Sun-| pr. T. A. Pletcher, Miss Al
1 LT, A, ; ma,
day, at i Johnsons | Pletcher, Paul Spigelmeyer and Mrs.
fail y on, north of & yy Lauth, of Lock Haven, spent
ava, oth ‘of Howard i | Wednesday in Clearfield.
rs. Robb, of Howard, was e ,
recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Bl i Rane I 2 agner
F. Krape, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.Krape 1 ©, O. F. Past Grands meeting, in
and Mr. and Mrs. William Hoster- snow Shoe, Friday evenin, !
man, of Fiedler, going from therey 4 g-
to Sugar valley. Rev. Johnston and family, Rev.
| Yingling and family and Mrs. Fiet-
Mr. and Mrs. Shem Aurand, of
Milroy; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kream- fa 11 Tn Be 210 Den
er and son, of Jersey Shore, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Isenberg and | Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Harte, of
| New York city, are spending a
Mrs. Herman, of State College, were |
recent callers at the A. S. gi Dito (week with Mrs. Harte’s parents,
home. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson.
Miss Sue C. Lenker, of Lemont, Miss Marion Zimmerman, of Belle-
was the week-end guest of Mrs. fonte, spent the week-end at the
R. W. Mensch. Mrs. Earl Ritter, home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Butler.
of Los Angeles, Cal., who has been | Earl Cartwright is in Philadelphia,
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Mensch,’ Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Waite and
the past month, leaves for her home daughter, Carolyn, of Tyrone, spent
this week. {the week-end with Mrs. Waite's
Mr. and Mrs. William Guisewite parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Con-
had as week-end guests Mr. and, er.
Mrs. W. C. Wyle and grandson,, Walter Weber and sons, of Mones-
William Tittle, Mr. and Mrs. Wyle’s sen, spent the week-end with his
son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Rod- mother, Mrs. John Weber. the boys
enbaugh and children, of Akron, ' remaining here for a couple of
now staying at the O. FP. Smith, weeks.
house. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Cheesman and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moser and family, of Williamsport, spent Sun-
children were brief callers at the day with Mrs. Cheesman’s mother,
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arma- Mrs. Rachel Weber; Misses Lois and
gast. They were accompanied by Rachel Cheesman remaining here
Mrs. Moser's father, Henry Steffen, : for the rest of the week.
who had been their guest for the
ast two weeks, at their home near | :
Do RES, 8 i 28] | ——The traveling animal circus
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bartz and lof the State Game Commission will
three children and Miss Marian Pe larger than ever this year and
Bower, of Youngstown, Ohio, ar- will include a specimen of nearly
rived in town, Saturday, for their all the wild animals and birds native
vacations; Mr. and Mrs. Bartz at to the State. It will be on exhibi-
the Rome of Met. Barz parens. 'tion at Grange Park during the
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Musser and Miss Patron’
Bower at the M. A. Hosterman and | Li SHOAIIIENL tre,
Samuel Gilbert home. | i 5
Sunday morning at an early hour President Hoover found his
Mr, and Mrs. John F. Krape and | fishing camp chilly, last week end.
children, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krape |FHe probably struck a wave of pub-
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cummings lic sentiment.
left by motor for Pottstown and | re
other points. At Pottstown they | For a home county paper the
stopped for a time at the home of yyatchman excels any other newspa-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kreamer, per in the county.
former residents of this village. |
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mingle, Mrs. .
Henry Mingle and son Robert, and’ —Read the Watchman.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stover and small
child, of Akron, Ohio, arrived in’
town to spend their vacations, Mrs.
Henry Mingle at the home of her
father-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.~
Mingle; Mrs, W. C. Mingle and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stover with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stover.
Mrs. C. C. Bell, Mrs. F. B. Pat-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bell and
their children, and Earl Bell, of .
Huntingdon, and Miss Mae Calla-
way, of Philadelphia, were brief
callers at the home of Mrs. Bell's
sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Hull,
They all attended the Stover-Meyer
reunion at Woodward cave. Mrs.
Bell is a direct Stover descendant
on her maternal side.
Mrs. Mary Wright and daughters
are visiting with relatives this week,
at Ebensburg.
° Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall and
family, of Juniata, are visiting his
mother, Mrs. Hannah Hall. !
Mrs. Mary Hall, of Renovo, ar-
rived, Tuesday afternoon, for a visit |
William Ammerman, of Bellefonte,
Mrs. Anne Gettig, of Juniata, was
the guest of friends in town last
week. 2
Rev. and Mrs. Wink and baby re-
turned from their vacation on Sat-
party escaped injury, aside from &
few bruises.
D. M. Snyder returned home, Sat-
urday, after spending several months
among friends in western States.
Mr. Snyder arrived in Altoona, Tues-
day, and wes a guest of Mr. an@
urday. Mrs. Oscar Rishel, who brought
Boal Troop left, Friday night, him home Saturday. : :
for a two week's training at Mt. ; >
Mr. and Mrs. Koons and family,| sr. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH.
of State Coll ying : ~
of Sists ege, are occup the 9:30 0 Sun day oh ool :
45 a. m., rning service; Reve
Perry Sweet is enjoying a vaca-- p N. Osborne will bethe guest
tion at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Sara Mowery.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goheen, of
Hollidaysburg, spent the week-end
with their parents.
Mrs. Paul Brouse and small son
have returned to their home after
spending some time in Harrisburg.
Miss Helen Geer, of Lock Haven,
accompanied by her mother and a'
friend, were visitors in town on
Monday eveing.
preacher. Beginning August 10th the
morning service will be held regw
Clarence E. Arnold, Pastorq
Church Bible school, C. C. Shuey,
Supt., 9:30, a supreme study, with
extra events: Miss Anna M. Mul-
hollan dean of the housemothers at
the Methodist Home for Children,
| Mechanichug, speaking. League,
Mr, and Mrs. Kline and famil Paty 15 atalie Mugser,
moved to State College, last iy , Asader. Worship. 10:45, Special ex.
vacating the G. E. Meyer residence, position and at 7:30 pungent preach-
on Church street. , ment on a particular proposition.
| Pastor responds to calls for his
Prof. E. H. Meyer is contemplat- services. Tuesday evening, class.
ing the erection of a new residence Wednesday evening, mid-week, with
oa Re ee i present house, novel periods, a varied hour.
o Peet. | Strangers and commerical travelers
Rev. John H. Wagner and family, always welcome,
of Hudson Heights, are spending | Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Pastor.
their vacation at the home of Rev. . :
and Mrs. W. J. Wagner. pe m——
Fred Reitz and Mrs. Robert Reitz NEW VERTISEMENTS
drove to Sunbury, Saturday, and
were accompanied home by Mrs.
Henry Reitzand Jerre Dunklebarger, |
who for ten days had been visiting |
ANTED.—Money to loan _on real
estate ty. J. M. Keichline.
Atty., Bellefonte, Pa. 75-15-3ny
friends in Sunbury and vicinity. i ANTED oY 10, 102m Eon
Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Meyer re- | Atty., Bellefonte, Pa. 75-15-30
turned, Saturday, after a week's! E ON T § :
Sait with their sons, Albert, in Pitts. | J J room house. on. west. Cur in’ Sty
burgh, and C. C. Meyer and family, | phone warm of Mrs. H. C. Valentine =
in Medina, N. Y. On the drive to
Medina the car driven by Mrs. C.C. oR RENT. ~The gioond and thira
Meyer was struck by another car OO he 8 Waichman _otc@
and overturned. Fortunately the Soartraling suitable for offices of
- BE ———— —— ——— —————
Children 10c., to 6 p.m.
Hoot Gibson, the King of the
Saddle, in a Talking Western
Special “Trailing Trouble”
Dosa over the paths. Seo Him bat-
tle big-city thugs, outwit his
treacherous rival, rescue the beauti-
ful girl—thrill you in 100 ways.
Saturday (This Week)—Big
Western Feature
with an All Star Cast :
“Breezy Bill”
Talking Comedy and Fables
Continuous Show 7 to 11 p. m.
Admission 10c., 25¢. and 35¢c.
ee ist
All Next Week
One Show Daily 8.15
2 Shows Satur., 7and 9 pm
The Greatest Screen Drama
of all time—
«Journey’s End”
No flag waving—no mock heroics—
no hymn of hate—just a drama of
the hearts and souls of men doomed
to reach their journey’s end too soon
—It’s Great, Really Great! °
All Talking
Monday and Tuesday, with a
Midnite Show Sunday Nite at
12 01—Will Rogers, Ameri-
ca’s Own Lariat Throwing,
Gum Chewing, Witty Wizard
in “So This is London”
We guarantee this as one of the
season’s outstanding pictures—
Be sure to see it.
Wednesday Next Week—
The Richelieu will present -
Hoot Gibson in
“The Long, Long Trail”
A Talking Western Thriller.
Grange Encampment
and Centre County Fair
$7 Years Old and Growing Bigger and Better Every Year
20 Acres of Beautiful Grounds, All Devoted to Camping and Exhibition
August, 23 to 29, 1930
Park, Centre Hall, Pa.
last Sunday, and attended Methodist
church service.
William Lucas and family, of
Buffalo, N. Y. were over Sunday
visitors at the home of his mother,
Mrs. Arista Lucas.
The Stere and Holt reunion was
held here on the lawn of the bor-
T2222 1
450 Families Spending the Week in Tents
Thousands Attending Daily to View Splendid Attrac-
tions and Enjoy Varied Amusements
ough hall, last Thursday. Quite a.
number of the clan met and enjoyed
a delicious dinner under the large
maple trees.
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Barton, of
Saxonburg, were over Sunday vis-
itors at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Parsons. This
was their first visit since their
marriage in June.
daughter, accompanied by Mr, and
Mrs. J. H. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Smith, of Jersey Shore, mo-
tored to Eagles Mere, last Wednes-
day, and spent the day very pleas-
The Dix Run Sunday school held
Sni2n=2Nanieni2N SSIS LA le Ua
school house. A larger number than
S BIG IMPLEMENT DISPLAY —Something Really New!
@@ Horticultural and Agricultural Exhibit...mmense Stock and Poultry Display
Dr. F. P. Weaver,
County Courts, on Wednesday; Hon. James J. Davis, Sec’y of Labor;
Past Master Pa. State Grange; Hon. E. B. Dorsett, Master Pa. State Grange, on Thursday—and many others.
Render Daily Concerts During the Week.
on “Rural Taxation Problems,” Hon. M. Ward Fleming, Judge of Centre
Hon. Philip H. Dewey,
in attendance and a.
spent to-
The ball game was inter-’
rupted by a call for help from Bush:
Hollow on account of a fire in that
All Trains Stop at Grange Park.
—Read the Watchman.
Admission (Entire Week) 50 Cents
50 Cents Charged for Parking Automobiles.
John S. Dale,