Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 01, 1930, Image 5

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Kenneth Wall, manager of the
ichelieu theatre, and Charles Mec-
lellan, proprietor of the Kellfonte,
ave leased the vacant lot in the
sar of the Benner property, on
igh street, and are building there-
2 a miniature golf course, which
, the very latest sport now being
rojected throughout the country.
The course will consist of eighteen
oles, with several bunkers and
azards, so as to make the sport
n a par with a regular golf course.
. force of men is now at work
uilding the greens and perfecting
1e course.
—Our prices all times are lower
than those at sales going on around
us. We are fully aware that people
want values at a price, yet the
quality and style must be there.
x YANTED.—Money ‘to loan on real
estate ay, J. Kelichline.
Atty., Bellefonte, Pa, 76-16-8Sm
r,,—, ML LL i]
— Bathing Suits 50c , 59c., 89c. and
$1.00. Caps 10c each. Water Wings.
All the seasonable warm weather
goods. Croquet Sets, Hammocks, Sand
Toys, Etc '
TE S—————
John M. and Peter Keichline were
Sunday visitors at Kline park.
Mrs. Charles Smith is visiting the
J. S. Dale home, at State College.
Dorothy and Carrie Burwell, of
Tyrone, are visiting Mrs. Sallie Bur-
well. .
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tate, of Pitts-
burgh, are ‘visiting friends in the
Thomas Wogan and family, of
Juniata, are visiting relatives here-
Harry Ross,
has been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
A. Hoy.
J. F. Kimport and wife, of Boals-
burg, were Monday evening visitors
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Trexler, of Allen-
town, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Corl,
J. C. Corl and family, of Juniata,
are spending their vacation with
friends in town.
Pine Grove ball tossers
Baileyville, last Saturday,
score of 7 to 3.
Our old friend, H. A. Hartswick,
of Coburn, was here on a business
trip on Thursday.
John Henszey and Jay Kennedy
have returned from a two months
trip ‘through Europe.
R. E. Musser and family, of Mill
Hall, spent the early part of the
week at Rock Springs.
of Niagara Falls,
J. H. McCracken and George P. day, being guests of Mr.
by the
Mrs. Paris, of Pittsburgh, after a
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin Haffley, returned to her |
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs.
H. D. Krape and
two neices, Katherine and Esther
Krape, motored to Centeral Oak
Heights, Sunday afternoon, when
they attended camp services.
Harvey Haffley, of Altoona, spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Z. Haffley and his two
small sons, who have been with
their grandparents since the death
of their mother in March,
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. King have
had as guests Mrs. King’s cousin,
Mrs. Ella Conley, of Cincinnatti, Ohio,
and her two neices, the Misses
Reeser, of Windber, also Mr. King’s
brother Wallace, of New York.
Last Monday evening, while seated
on his front porch, J. P. Condo had
a slight stroke of paralysis. He is
able to be about the house and yard
as usual, but the greatest annoyance
is his speech, which has not fully
i Mrs. Charles Rhodes and three
children and Mr. and Mrs, Burkhold-
er, of Youngstown, Ohio, have been
, recent guests of Mrs. Rhode’'s par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Stover.
Mrs. Rhodes and children will re-
, main for an indefinite visit.
: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stover, their
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
, Settler and son Charles, of Barber-
ton, Ohio, arrived in town, Satur-
Irvin are on a sight-seeing trip to!gigters, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bright,
the Rockey mountains.
Oscar Witmer has completed a
new silo and Mack Fry is also
breaking ground for one.
Charles M. Dale has started work
on a new house which he expects
to have completed by fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hepley, of
Reading, spent the early part of the
week at the G, C. Corl home.
The Citizens band realized $110
at their festival, on the Academy
| grounds, last Saturday evening.
Some of our farmers are thresh-
AVA VA VA VAS TAA VA TAN | ing their wheat crop and market-
Altoona Booster Merchants Say
Patronize Your Home Stores First—
Come to Booster Stores for
the Things Your Home Stores
Cannot Supply.
The unusual values will be oft
¢ fered in goods of all kinds, in-
} cluding Furnishings for the
Home and Personal Apparel of
all kinds for Women and Chil-
dren, as well as for Men.
Every Wednesday
Suburban Day
Altoona Bastet Stores
! August Suburban Days will be
{ especially attractive to the thrifty
' shopper, because Booster Mer-
} hats will be offering unusual
{ values in order to close out re
*» mainders of Summer merchan-
; dise.
BY AA YMRS TERT mm = uv wm
In fact, any day during August
will be a good day to shop in
Altoona Booster Stores.
Those who are planning vacation
{trips will find pleasure and satis-
¢ faction in making their prepara-
¢ tions if they depend on Booster
¢ Stores to supply their needs. ;
: :
. Booster Stores ;
g Are Closed :
: Thursday Afternoons :
: During August to give their :
(employes a Weekly Half-Holi-
¢ day during the hot weather. :
< y
¢ Booster Store Hours:
¢ 8.30 A. M. to 5.30 P. M. ;
‘ Saturday 8.30 A. M. to 9 P, M. 4
: Thursday 8.30 A. M. to 12 Noon. b
Eastern Standard Time ;
. . b
Altoona Booster Association
; b
—Light weight, thin Dress Goods.
40 to 50cts buys the material. Buckles,
‘ slides, bias bindings. All the much
wanted items at little prices.
|ing the same at 75 cents a bushel.
Rodney Wieland captured a three
foot blacksnake which he put on
exhibition for the youngsters of the
Mr. and Mrs, William Sortman,
of Jacksonville, were dinner guests,
on Monday, of Mr. and Mrs. Mary
The stork made its first visit to
the Robert Reed home, on Friday,
leaving a little boy, who has been
named Robert Jr.
George E. Harpster, retired farm-
er, suffered a stroke of paralysis,
on Saturday, and his condition is
considered serious.
H. H, Goss and wife motored to
Beaver Springs, last week, to see
Mrs. James Dreese, who has not
been in good health.
Rev. J. S. English and wife will
spend their vacation at Lake George,
N. Y.,, returning in time for serv-
ices the last week in August.
J. H. Ward, of Philadelphia, and
Frank Ward, of Boston, were here
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Orwig and Mrs.
Auman M. Stover.
. James Miller, while seated in Re-
formed church, Sunday forenoon,
was stricken with a fainting at-
tack. A number of men seated
close by carried him out to a car
which conveyed him to his home.
A physician was summoned who
| found nothing serious.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stover had as
weekend guests their daughter, Miss
Marian, of Harrisburg; their daugh-
ter-in-law, Mrs. Paul Stover and
daughter, Miss Elizabeth and a
friend, of Dauphin; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Kreamer and small son, of
Jersey Shore, and Mr. Kreamer’s
niece, Jane Friel, of Renovo, and
‘Mr, and Mrs. Shem Aurand, of Mil-
‘ roy.
| Mrs Fietta Harter is visiting
friends in Williamsport.
| Miss Virginia Cheesman, of Wil-
liamsport, is visiting relatives in
| town.
i Hon. P.C. Cauffiel, of Johnstown,
‘called at the home of Mrs. Stella
.V. Williams, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer
‘were called to Reading, on Friday,
‘on account of the death of the
!former’s uncle, A. L. Altenderfer.
{ The year old child of Mr. and
Mrs, Lee Dorman, who died last
| Wednesday, was buried Friday after-
| noon, services being held at the
{home of Mr. Dorman‘s mother, Mrs.
! Sancta Dorman. :
Harry Butler, A, M. Butler, Frank
| during the week inspecting the pro- ! Butler, Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and chil-
gress of the work at Kline park.
A temperature of 102 in the shade
was the highest here during the
week. Streams are low, cisterns
dry and the water wagon in demand.
Misses Mary Kepler, of Phila-
delphia, and Kathryn, of Washing-
ton, D. C., are visiting their par-
ents, Hon. and Mrs. J. Will Kepler.
Rev. W. C. Dunlap, of Reading,
was a brief visitor in town, on Tues-
day. He is on his vacation and is
spending the time seeing Pennsyl-
Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Shank had as
Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. John
Frankenberger, of State College,
and Earl Corman and family, of
Dr. Pillsbury and wife, of Wash-
ington, made a brief visit with
friends here before leaving for India
as a representative of the United
States government.
Russell Port and family motored
to Altoona, Sunday, to see Mrs.
Mary Smith, who has not been in
good health for" some time, but is
now slightly improved.
The Johnson family reunion was
held at Axemann, last Saturday.
The affair was at the home of Aus-
tin Johnson, dean of the family, who
saw to it that no one went hungry.
A letter from Dr. Hugh L. Fry
| dren, Miss Carrye Butler and. Floyd,
Yearick attended the funeral of
‘Mrs. Anna Flanigan, at Mill Hall, |
last Wednesday.
i The many friends of Mrs. Rachel
Weber will be pleased to know that
she has returned to her home, from
‘the Lock Haven hospital, where she
.had been a patient for several
weeks, and is now getting along
, very nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ekdahl and
{son Graden, of Chambersburg; Mr,
‘and Mrs. Samuel Williams, of Re-
'novo; Mr, and Mrs. Dean Bennett
,and daughter Kathleen, of Mill Hall,
!were Sunday guests at the A. M.
Butler home.
| The Methodist cemetery associ-
‘ation will hold a festival on the
playground at the High school build-
ing, on Saturday night, August 2nd.
The association is endeavoring to
establish a fund sufficient to insure
perpetual care of the
Your patronage will be appreciated.
Mrs. Clara Hicks and Mrs. Isaac
Cornwell, of Williamsport, and Mr.
and Mrs, Eugene Cornwell and
sons, of Detroit, Michigan, called on
Monday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. T. McDowell and Mr. and
Mrs. W. K. McDowell. Mrs. Hicks
and Mrs. Isaac Cornwell are sisters
and Eugene Cornwell, a nephew of
Mrs. H. T. McDowell.
states that he and his family arriv-
ed safe at their home in Nashville, '
They left here on Tuesday :
morning of last! week and
home at midnight, Wednesday.
State highway patrolman Cecil
Gross got a nasty cut on the head,
last Friday, while on the chase of
an automobile through town. His
motorcycle skidded and he was
thrown to the roadway. It required
several stitches to close the cut in
his head.
ee n———— ——————
—— Centre county has 9 consoli-
dated schools with a total of 1471
“Jack” M. Quistion the Westing-
house Electric Company’s advertising
chief, got back afew daysago from
the Pacific coast, where he attended
the big annual convention of the
National Electric Light Association,
a body whose meetings attract any-
where from 20,000 to 25,000 public
utilities men from all parts of the
While there he was told about a
New England man who seemed to
have some trouble with the numer-
ous Spanish names in California and
evidently disliked the “h”
given to Spanish.
After repeatedly pronouncing San
Jose, and San Juan, and San Joa-
quin as we would pronounce them
in English and being as repeatedly
corrected he said to one of his
California friends:
Say, Bill, do you think Huly is
going tobe as hot a month out here
as Hune has been?”
Mr. and Mrs. William Shank and
family moved to Bellefonte on Tues-
Miss Katherine Buck, of Florida,
is visiting at the home of her broth-
er, Daniel Buck.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lucas and
family, of Altoona, are visiting his
mother, Mrs. John Resides.
Quite a number of folks here at-
tended the Free Methodist camp
meeting at Bellefonte, on Sunday.
Charles R. Eckenroth, accompani-
ed by Miss Mary Gordon and her |
mother, spent the week-end at the
home of ex-sheriff John Holter,
Mr. and Mrs. Lew James, of
Florida, arrived in their car, on
Monday, at the home of her broth-
er, J. E. Brugger. They will visit
for some time with their relatives
and friends.
The Hall reunion is dated for
September 1st, Labor day, at the A.
T. Hall homestead, on Dix Run,
now owned by Robent B. Hall, about
2% miles from Unionville. All rel-
atives and friends are cordially in-
vited to attend. Come and bring
your basket.
Union Grange served a roast
chicken dinner to about 65 members
of the Kiwanis's club, of Bellefonte, |
on Tuesday evening, Ralph Blaney
represented the agricultural depart-
ment. Interesting talks were given
to the farmers and the songs by
the men were enjoyed very much.
cemetery. |
of !
The Tavern has. been closed to
the public.
Rev, and Mrs. W. W. Moyer, of
Lehighton, are visiting among friends
in town.
Misses Frances Miller and Anna
Dale visited the former's sister, in
Huntingdon, over the week-end.
Mrs. Warren Cupp and son, of
Williamsport, spent several days
with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Kuhn.
Mrs. Simpson and son and Edward
Burchfield, of Altoona, were guests
of Mrs. John Jacobs, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Dale,
.of Pleasant Gap, were guests for the
day of the Misses Dale, on Thurs-
Mrs. E. W. Hess has returned
home after a week’s visit with her
Mrs. Harry Kuhn and daughter
Margaret, of Williamsport were
visitors for a week at the Kuhn
and Rowe homes.
Mr. and Mrs. David Stuart and
daughter Martha, of Crafton, are
spending some time at the home of
Mrs. E, E. Stuart.
Mrs. M. A. Woods and Mrs. Alice
Magoffin were entertained at the
home of their brother, Dr. Geo.
Woods, at Pine Grove Mills, on
Miss Dorothy Lonbarger spent
last week in Harrisburg and Car-
lisle, and was a motor guest of Mr.
Doll and several friends on her re-
turn home.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Fisher and
son Charles Jr., of Danville, arrived
in town on Friday evening to spend
some time at the Fisher home on
Main street.
Mrs. Belle McIntyre and daughter,
Miss Sara, of Long Beach, Calif.,
and Ducan McIntyre and wife, of
Altoona, spent several days among
friends in town.
ing her sister, Mrs. Rishel, of Pitts-
burgh. Mrs. Rishel spent a very
pleasant winter in Florida and has
many enjoyable stories to relate to
her friends.
Calvin Riley, who has been con-
fined to his home for many months,
was able to spend Saturday evening
up town with his associates and
friends. Mr. Riley is one of the
oldest citizens of the town.
Mrs. Jared Mayes and daughter,
Miss Louise, and son, J. D. Jr. of
Milton, spent Saturday and Sunday
with Mrs. Ella Gingrich and Mrs.
Harry Bailey. Mrs. Gingrich and
daughter Marie returned to Milton
with their guests.
Messers Fred Dornsife, of Sun-
bury, and David Dornsife, of Michi-
gan, were guests of their sister,
Mrs. Henry Reitz, on Wednesday.
Mrs. Reitz accompanied them on
joying a visit among friends
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sparr,
of Geneva, Ohio, spent Sunday and
Monday in this vicinity. Kenneth
Sparr is assistant treasurer in the
Geneva Savings and Trust Co., and
the party regretted the limited time
they. were privileged to spend about
. town.
Miss Helen, of Mederia, N. Y.
i joyed a week’s visit among their
"numerous friends in this section,
and returning home, Friday, were
accompanied by Mr. Meyer's par-
‘ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer,
‘who will be their guests until next
| Saturday.
| Mr, and Mrs. Edward Bohn and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hup-
i rich, of Akron, Ohio, were recent
. visitors at the home of their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bohn. Re-
turning home they took with them
| their brother, Russell Bohn, who re-
cently suffered a broken ankle while
playing baseball in a game at Lock
Haven. He expects to remain in
: Akron for three weeks..
i A number of wells have gone dry
in this section as the result of the
prolonged drought, and hauling wa-
ter is now in order.
The Blair Irwin family will locate
on the old Irwin homestead farm in
the near future. The farm was
| originally occupied by Lanning Irwin
and later by Toner Irwin.
! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fisher, Mrs
i Katherine Fisher and son Henry,
iand Donald Irwin, were dinner
iguests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
| Lucas, at Milesburg, on Sunday.
i Mr. and Mrs. H. B, Witherite and
| daughter motored over from Osceola
{ Mills and spent Friday at the Mrs.
| Irwin home here, and with Mr. and
| Mrs. Michael Witherite, at Runville.
| Descending from the hay mow,
"several days ago, W. 8S. Fisher
1 missed his hold on the ladder and
| fell to the barn floor, alighting on
a pile of lumber, While no bones
were broken he suffered in-
‘ juries which have confined him to
bed since.
Teacher—Willie, why were you so
. late this morning?
\ Willie—My mother had to wash
| my peninsula.
Teacher—Your what?
Willie—My peninsula! Didn't you
tell me yesterday that a peninsula
was a neck of dirt?
A girl from the telephone ex-
i change fell asleep while in church.
' The preacher, announcing the
| hymn, said, “Nunber 428.”
| At that moment the girl awoke.
Lapn ring 'em again,” she murmur-
| Miss Bright: “I use the dumb-bells
| to get color in my face.”
Her Uncle: “Sensible girl! That's
a lot better than using color on
{ your face to get the dumb-bells.”
—Read the Watchman and get all
the news worth reading.
their return to Sunbury and is en-.
son Kenneth and Miss Lillian Payer,
C. C. Meyer, wife and daughter,
| H. Hines, et al,
E. H. Lederer, et ux, to Victor S.
Way, et ux, tractin State College; $1.
Elmer C. Rossman, et ux, to Helen
‘M. Schaeffer, tract in Spring Twp;
Helen M. Schaeffer to Elmer C.
Rossman, et ux, tract in Spring
Twp; $1. :
Wash Kowalsic, et ux, to Wash
Kowalsic, et ux, tract in Rush
Twp; $1. :
H. E. Dunlap, Sheriff, to Citizen's
Building and Loan Association,
tract in Rush Twp.; $159.36,
Mary L. Holmes, et al, to Rus-
sell Fisher, tract in State College;
Russell Fisher to Forest L.
Struble, tract in State College; $1.
Bertha Gera to John J. Hollis,
daughter, Mrs. Paul Coxey, at In- {,g.¢ jn Rush Twp.; $1.
Knights of Malta to Victor Grange
No. 159, tract ir Harris Twp.;
$3,000. :
William Shaffer, et ux, to Simon
A. Shillings, tract in Bellefonte;
Thomas B. Beaver, et ux, to John
tract in Spring
Twp.; $600.
Lloyd A. Stover, et ux, to N. C.
Grubb, et ux, tract in Spring Twp.;
S. A. Bierly, et ux, to Ethel A.
Best, tract in Miles Twp.; $750.
Bellefonte Cemetery Association
to Carrie Hall, et al, tract in Belle-
fonte; $36.
Jeremiah M. Stover to Giuseppe
Rescinte, tract in Spring Twp.;
Farmers National Bank and Trust
Company to Millheim Hosiery Mills
"Inc, tract in Millheim; $1.
Lewis B. Haupt, et ux, to Ray-
mond E. Young, et ux, tract
Spring Twp.; $1,900.
Mrs. William Rockey is entertain- Wg Ta a
ANTED.—Money - to loan on real
estate security. J. M. Keichlines
Atty., Bellefonte, Pa. 75-15-8m
OR RENT.—The second and third
floors in the Watchman office
building, suitable for offices or
apartments. : -
ters of administration having beew
granted to the undersigned upon
the estate of John W. Stuart, late of
State College, deceased, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said ese
tate are requested to make prompt pays
ment, and those having claims against
the same must present them, duly aue
thenticated, for settlement.
W. Harrison Walker, Administrators.
Attorney. 75-25-6¢
ters of administration having been
granted to the undersigned upon the
estate of Maria Struble, late of Fergu-
son township, deceased, all persona
knowing themselves indebted to said es-
tate are requested to make prompt pay-
ment, and those having claims against
the same must present them, duly au-
thenticated, for settlement.
W. Harrison Walker, State College, R. D.
Attorney, 75-25-6t
$4.00 Philadelphia
$4.25 Atlantic City
August 10, 24
Standard Time
Leave Bellefonte - - - . . 9.45 P.M.
Saturday night preceding excursion
See Flyers or Consult Agents.
All Steel Equipment.
Pennsylvania Railroad
Direct from 3 Months
The Year’s Outstanding Picture
Months in Pittsburgh, at $1.50 Prices
First Showing at Popular Prices of
“All Quiet On the Western Front
Louis Wolheim and All-Star Cast
in Philadelphia, and 2
and Tuesday
Evening Showings start
State College
August 4 and 5
A Complete Program from 8.30 on.
No Summer Matinees. -
No Advance in Prices
at 6—Second Show at 8
Children 10c to 6 p. m.
Ken Maynard in an
All Talking Thriller—
“Lucky Larkin’
Here’s a picture that will hold you
breathless with its action as your
heart pumps madly with iis thrills.
You’ll see one of the most exciting
Cross-Country Horse Races ever
screened, plus 2a Romantic Dramatic
Story that shows you Ken Maynard
in one of his most compelling roles.
Monday and Tues., Next Week
Clara Bow in “Love Among
the Millionaires’ —
with Stanley Smith, Stewart E--
win, Skeets Gallagher and Mitzi
Green. Clara turns her ‘‘It’’ loose :
and goes on a new kind of personal- |
ity-rampage. A great display of
Red-Hot Singin’ and a
Pep-Packed Romance.
Coming Next Wednesday —
Ken Maynard in ‘‘Parade of
the West.” All Talking.
All This Week—Al Jolson in
¢““Mammy’’— His Greatest
Super All Talking
Vitaphone Picture.
Wednesday, August 6
2 Shows—7 15 and 9 p. m.
The World Famous
“Northwestern Mounted
Police Co.”
in person in their Arctic
Vaudeville Show.
A Riot of Mirth, Melody and Music
in conjunction with a Thrilling
Western Picture.
Regular Prices—
15 and 35 cents