Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 25, 1930, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., July 25, 1930,
A —_— .
NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. | ' Bellefonte borough council was
Belletonte Kiwanians took served in a summons in trespass, at ;
ele 3 : : its regular -meeting on Monday |
their Tuesday evening dinner With |, ono’ in an action instituted by
the H-Y boys and Scouts, at caip gor” gugge Arthur C. Dale in |
Wapalans, on the lower Bal Eagle. behalf of Thomas Morrison, who ;
Eagle. z ; asks $8000 damages for injuries |
—Bellefonte’s military organiza-
tion, Troop L, 103rd regiment, will
leave for their two week’s encamp-
ment at Mt. Gretna at midnight, on
Friday night of next week,
——A . new sub-station of the
State motor patrol has been opened
at Philipsburg with patrolman Hen-
ry Pfaeffle, for some months past
Jocated in Bellefonte, in charge.
Sixteen fresh air children
from the tenements of New York
came to Centre county, last Thurs-
day, fora two week’s outing. Elev-
en of the children came to Belle-
fonte, two went to Lemont, two to
Centre Hall and one to State Col-
——Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirk, of
Bellefonte; Mrs. Amos Cole and two
children, of Lewistown, and Mrs.
Rebecca Tuten and son Tirrill, of
Harrisburg, are all at the Walkey
Yongaow =" Hele re Sanitary committeee after council
ind po adjourned.
ugust, Four written applications were
——The afternoon bridge parties,
given last week by Mrs. John Cur-
tin, Mrs. Robert Morris, and Mrs.
James C. Furst, were all in compli-
ment to Mrs. Furst’s sister, Mrs.
Edward Staulb, of Philadelphia, who
was Mrs. Furst’s house guest for
the week. :
——Domer 8S. Ishler, of Centre
Hall. has been granted a license
by Judge M. Ward Fleming and has
opened up a private detective agency
in that village. He has his shingle
out and any one in that vicinity
‘who wants any detecting done won’t
have to go far from home to get a
——John McCoy and Capt. G. H.
Keller are the fascinated owners of
a new out-board motor boat in which
they are skimming around over
McCoy’s big impounding dam. They'll
likey be taking her down to the
Pa’. Beach races next winter, if
theo; can get her to go more than six
kn: : an hour.
- American Austen coupe,
“the smallest thing in the automo-
miic line ever seen in Bellefonte, at-
‘tracied considerable attention while
‘it was parked for a few minutes
“in front of the Watchman office on
Tuesday. It was not over ten feet
“long and being very low and under-
slung the top was a foot or more
“lower than the ordinary car. The
coupes sell at $450.
—-—-Residents of Curtin and Linn
streeis, and Bellefonte in general,
are asked for a liberal patronage,
by the women of the A. M. E.
church, tonight, at the the festival
which they are planning to hold on
the side lawn of the L. A. Schaeffer
home, on east Curtin street, It is
your opportunity to help these wo-
men who are making such a desper-
ate effort to keep their church alive.
——Fourteen cars were piled up
in a wreck at the passing siding at
Port Matilda, on the Bald Eagle
Valley railroad, cn Tuesday morn-
ing, cissing the road to all traffic.
Nobody was injured. The morning
trains transferred at the wreck and
both Lehigh-Pennsylvania trains
were sent over the Middle division
to Lewistown, thence to Sunbury.
The road was opened in time for
the evening trains.
— At a special session of court,
various repairs and total
Thomas Morrison Wants $8000 for |
Fall on Icy Pavement.
sustained in a fall on an alleged icy '
pavement in front of the residence
of burgess Hard P. Harris, last
winter. = In his brief of particulars
Morrison asks $2000 for his pain
and suffering, $5000 as compensation
for his loss of wages and $1000 for |
medical attention. The summons |
was read by secretary W. T. Kelley
following the reading of a communi-
cation from borough solicitor N. B.
Spangler advising that the borough
entertain no offers of settlement of
the Morrison claim.
Every member of council was
present at the meeting and it was
a long and sweltering session. A
young man by the name of Trait,
from Milton, was before council and
asked assistance in obtaining a
dumping ground. He is planning to
‘establish a garbage route in Belle-
fonte if he can secure a dump. He
was advised to consult with the
made for the appointment of bor-
ough auditor to fill the vacancy
created by the recent death of Mer-
rill T. Eisenhauer, the applicants
being D, Wagner Geiss, M. W. Wil-
liams, John E. Dubbs and John W.
Smith. Only one ballot was taken,
Dubbs receiving six votes, Williams
one and Smith one. On motion of
Mr. Ardery Dubbs’ election was
made unanimous.
Secretary Kelley presented the
renewed bond of the Central Penn-
sylvania Gas company in the sum
of $10,000. Also the executed re-
lease of property owners for the
opening of Burnside street and a
bond executed in favor of the Me-
Dermott family in their claim for
A communication was received
from John M. Keichline offering the
borough fire insurance at lower
rates than are now. being paid.
Horace Hartranft, H. C. Taylor,
W. R. Cliffe, A. C. Hewitt and W.
Hassell Montgomery were present
in connection with the proposed
sewer extension on east Linn street,
but as no survey has been made
further east than the Hartranft and
Taylor properties the men were “ad-
vised to geta new survey and pro-
file, and present to the Street com-
mitteee their offer of financial as-
sistance in constructing the sewer;
the matter being referred to the
committtee with power,
The Street committtee presented
the request of Fred Walker for a
sewer extension up west Lamb
street onto Halfmoon hill. Mr.
Walker claimed there would be
three taps but the sewer will be
some 1800 feet in length. Referred
to the committee for investigation.
The Water committee reported
of $1575.15. . The committee further
recommended that the water . tax
for the ensuing year be one hun-
dred per cent of the schedule in-
stead of 90 per cent, as it has been
for some years past. Both Mr.
Jodon and Mr. Emerick objected to
the increase unless a revision up-
ward is made on users outside of
the borough. As that schedule is
fixed by ordinance the only way to
change it is by another ordinance.
As no definite agreement could be
reached the committee’s recommen-
Tuesday morning, Harvey Herr, alias
i ting.
Harry Herr, who escaped from mee
iY. : : | Mr. Cobb, of the Water com-
Rockview penitentiary on June S0ih mitteee, also reported that the 18-
and was captured at Osceola Mills '
on July 9th, was sentenced to ‘the:
western penitentiary for not less ;
than five nor more than ten years, |
#o date from the expiration of a
zgimilar sentence imposed on him in
“Clearfield county. For being a “com- |
“mon nuisance” Joe Toner, of Belle- |
~fonte, was fined one dollar and sent :
to jail for three months, dating |
from his original commitment on |
July 5th.
‘pany, of Bellefonte, began work, on
American Legion home, on Howard
confined to tearing down and from
the looks of it now the walls will
‘oe ahout the only portion left stand-
“ing when they complete their work
of demolition. The addition to be
“erected on the west side of the
“building will be constructed of con-
rete blocks. All the partitions in
the present building have been torn,
out, as the plans provide for an
entirely new lay-out.
— On Saturday evening Miss
‘Amelia Carpeneto was at Hecla park
with a party of friends and decid-
ed to enjoy the sensation of the
swinging dome. She failed to ob-
serve that the dome had been push-
.ed slightly out of position and when
ghe stepped onto it it settled
into its concrete base catching two
fingers of her right hand between
the metal and concrete. The middle
finger and the third finger were
badly mangled but everything pos-
sible is being done at the Centre
County hospital to restore the use- |
fulness of the hand. Miss Carpeneto
is employed in the office of the Ti- |
tan Metal company and will, of ne-
cessity, be off duty several weeks. |
"The Miller Construction com- \
DE a TES De laid the matter was finally re-
So far their work hasbeen
.bond issue, now in the hands of the
Bellefonte Trust company, be float-
the completion of the Gamble mill
‘vote of council.
dation was held.over until the next
inch pipe for the water line from
the spring to the Gamble mill has
reached Bellefonte and some def-
inite action should be taken in re-
gard to putting down the pipe line |
and getting the pumping station in
operation. Up to this time council
has not decided just where nor how
the pipe line is to be laid, and Mr.
Cobb wanted an expression of
council in regard to the matter, As
everybody seemed reluctant to state
where, when or how the line should
ferred to the committee with power.
The Finance committee reported a
balance in the borough fund of
$93.70 and in the water fund,
$1630.90. Notes presented for re-
newal aggregated $23,100. Two
notes for $1000 each had been paid
off. A new borough note for $1000
and a water department note for
$2500 were authorized to meet cur-
rent bills.
Mr. Emerick stated that the Ly-
coming Trust company has asked
for the payment of the $20,000 mort-
gage on the Gamble mill next month,
and he advised that the $38,000
ed which will enable the borough to
pay the mortgage and give the Wa-
ter committee a working capital for
pumping station. Mr. Emerick’s
recommendation was approved by
The Sanitary committee presented
the monthly report of health officer
and milk inspector S. M. Nissley.
The Town Improvement commit-
tee presented the plans of a bunga-
low which Simon A. Shillings wants
to erect on Halfmoon hill. The mat-
pala ———————————————— ————— —————
| Police committee and fire marshall,
who are the responsible parties un-
| der the borough building code,
The Finance committee recom-
| mended that the tax millage for the
i year be 10 mills for borough pur-
poses, 10 for street and 2 for in-
terest purposes. The recommenda-
tion was approved by council.
The Fire and Police committee re-
ported that the tests of two fire
alarms did not prove them to be
any more satisfactory than the one
now in use and recommended that
they be returned to the manufactur-
ers. So ordered.
Mr. Jodon stated that he has a
property on Pine street that is bad-
ly in need of sewer connections but
has no way of reaching a sewer
without going over private property
and asked if there is any way in
which council can assist him. He
was advised to consult the borough
engineer on his next trip to Belle-
Borough bills totaling $1041.00
and water bills aggregating $5005.62
were approved for payment after
which council adjourned.
County treasurer Lyman L. Smith
papered one panel of the court
house corridor, yesterday morning,
but he didn't use a very attractive
kind of paper for the job. In fact
it was made up of legal notices, to
be exact delinquent tax sale notices
which must be posted ten days be-
fore the date of sale in accordance
with the law.
When the tax collectors made
their return to the county commis-
sioners in May 980 tracts of seated
lands, town homes, farms and in-
dustrial plants were returned on
which taxes ranging from $6.50 to
$2585.00 remained unpaid. About
eighty of the delinquents settled be-
fore the taxes were advertised. Since
the advertisement was inserted in
the newspapers from one-third to
one-half of the delinquents have
responded to the treasurer’s notice
for settlement, and it is notices of
the unpaid taxes that were posted
in the court house yesterday. The
delinquents have until the date
sale, August 4th, to settle, and
failure to do so will result in the
sale of their properties.
Two more prisoners made their
escape from Rockview penitentiary,
last Friday morning, but one of
them had only a brief spell of liber-
ty, as he was caught, on Saturady
evening, in a cornfield, near Union-
ville. The men had evidently planned
their escape beforehand, as one of
them was at work in the harvest
field and the other in a barn’* yet
they got together and left at the
same time. :
The men were Clinton McArthur,
of McKean county, serving one to
three years for larceny, and Walter
Barton, of Westmoreland county, do-
ing one to two years for stealing
an automobile, McArthur had been
at Rockview only eight days, hav-
ing been brought there on July 10th.
Barton is the man who was cap-
tured and taken before Judge Flem-
ing, on Tuesday, was sentenced
to an additional term of one to two
years. In addition he has still two
years of a former sentence to serve,
so that he is settled for.a time, at
Last Saturda evening Harry
Diehl was among a number of Miles-
burg men engaged in fishing in the
Bald Eagle creek, One of Harry's
nearest neighbors on the bank got
his line entangled in the tall grass
and he went to his assistance. When
he returned to his post his fishing
rod, line and all had disappeared.
As no one had been near the spot
at the time the only conclusion was
that the rod had either washed away
or been dragged away by a fish.
Several fishermen helped Harry and
for the rod but it could not be found.
On . Sunday morning John Scholl
found the missing rod lying along
the bank about one hundred feet
down stream and when he pulled it
in he found securely hooked a three
and a half foot eel and a fifteen
inch sucker. "It was probably the
eel and the sucker that pulled the
rod into the stream on Saturday
evening, and the only wonder is
that they didn't take it further
away. ;
Ward Green, colored, and Jack
Morrison are: under one thousand
dollars bail for stealing the car of
Edward Irvin from infront of the
Penn Belle hotel, at an early hour
on Sunday morning, and wrecking
the same down near the plant of
the American Lime and Stone com-
pany. On Staurday night they at-
tempted to get away with a car from
the Rossman garage, it is alleged,
but were detected before they got
under way. Then they stole the
Irvin car and down near the old
lime kilns ran into something and
wrecked it. .
Green was arrested on Sunday
and Morrison on Monday. Monday
evening they were given a hearing
before Squire Tressel who held them
in one thousand dollars bail for
ter was referred to the Fire and
That Nevin Guiser, seven year old
son of Mrs. Elmira Guiser, house-
keeper for Jacob Cramer on his
farm about three miles west of State
College, is alive today is undoubted-
ly due to the work of the first aid
team of the West Penn Power com-
pany and their treatment with the
' company’s inhalator.
A privately owned spur electric
line crosses the Cramer farm. It
has not been kept in the best condi-
tion and a 2200 volt wire had brok-
en loose from a bad cross-arm and
sagged to within four and a half
feet of the ground. On Saturday
morning the Guiser boy and his sis-
ter went into the orchard to pick
fallen apples. In some way the boy
came in contact with the 2200 volt
wire on which the insulation was
very bad. The shock he received
knocked him to the ground and this
broke his hold on the wire. Pecul- -
iar as it may seem, the boy was
not rendered immediately uncon-
scious and was able to get up and
walk a few steps, then lost con-
sciousness and sank to the ground.
Realizing what had happened the
boy’s sister ran to the house and
told her mother. Mrs. Guiser hur-
ried to the orchard and picking up
her boy carried him to the yard. A
physician was promptly summouned
who rendered what aid he could
and the West Penn office, at State
College, was then notified. Officials
there promptly notified the Belle-
fonte office and Leroy Scull and Le-
roy Bryan, two of the first aid
team, with the company’s inhalator,
made a quick trip to the Cramer
farm. They found the boy still un-
, conscious and blue in the face. Some
three or four treatments with the
inhalator were given before signs
| of returning life were noticeable,
,and it was an hour or longer be-
(fore consciousness returned, The
1boy is now all right and it was un-
.doubtedly the inhalator treatments
that saved his life. :
While picnicking at Whipple's dam,
on Sunday, Robert Bloom decided to
take a plunge in the mountain wa-
ter and got in beyond his depth.
i He might have drowned had it not
{been for the prompt assistance of
! Ed Martz, who brought him safely
to land. The previous day Miss
Sarah Wieland was seized with
{cramps while bathing in the same
'pool and sank in eight feet of wa-
ter. The screams of her girl friends
attracted a Boy Scout, in camp
| nearby, who plunged into the wa-
ter and brought the girl to shore.
| She had lost consciousness but was
| quickly revived andis now all right.
‘The Undine fire company, of
: Bellefonte, won a prize of fifty dol-
lars for the best appearing pumper |
‘at the annual convention of the Cen-
‘tral Pennsylvania Volunteer Fire-
men’s association,
| last week.
The State College company won
ia prize of $50 for a motor driven
"apparatus traveling the longest dis-
tance and also $25 for the best
; darktown brigade.
| The Undines were very much sur-
prised and, consequently, elated at
their success. Their determination
to go . to the convention was an
eleventh hour decision and had their
full complement of men gone along
held at Dubois
i the largest uniformed company in
line of parade.
No selection was made for a
place of meeting next year, as no
invitations were extended. All the
old officers were re-elected except
the president, and he will be chosen
later by the executive committee
when a place for the 1931 meeting
has been determined upon.
Though Bellefonte is a mountain
town it sweltered in the heat of the
past week, -although official regis-
tration at the U. S. weather bureau,
at the aviation field, did not show
it as intensively hot here as was
reported from many other places.
But it was hot enough for all pur-
poses, at that, And the ground
was parched because of lack- of
rain, but both the temperature and
the drought were broken, on Tues-
day, when a succession of rain
storms occurred.
The weather bureau's report of
the temperature for the five hottest
days is as follows:
High Low
Friday rn 91 54
Saturday . 94 60
SUNY: inl 94 65
Monday ... 64
Tuesday 68
Robert Bigelman who was mur-
dered in a garage at Carnegie, Pa.
early last Saturday morning, was a
nephew of Mr. and Mrs. John Mig-
not, of this place.
He was night man in the garage
and was found dead on the floor
when men for the day turn arrivea
at 6 o'clock that morning. The
whole affair is shrouded in mystery
as no clue could be found and no
motive was apparent. He was a
son of Mr.and Mrs. Felix Bigelman,
of Carnegie, and was 22 years old.
they would have won the prize for !
: —Miss Mary E. Gross, of Axe Mann,
"was a very pleasant visitor at the
Watchman office, last Saturday.
| —Miss Lulu Dry, of the down town A
& P. store, is off duty this week,
spending hér vacation at her home in
Tyrone. :
i —James Dawson, of DuBois, is with
his sister, Mrs. T. Clayton Brown, on
one of his freqeunt visits to Bellefonte,
i having come over Tuesday.
—Josephine Osborne and Jane Kern,
‘two more representatives of the Presby-
| terian Sunday School, left Sunday, for
‘a two weeks stay at Camp Kannesatake,
at Franklinville.
| —Mrs. W. F. Reynolds was taken to
i Philadelphia, Tuesday, to resume her
treatment under Dr. Carnet. Going to
Tyrone by motor, the trip from there
was made by train.
i —Claire B. Williams returned to West-
field, N. J., early in the week follow-
ing a week’s visit in Bellefonte with his
sister, Miss Helene Williams, and with
his aunt, at Beech creek. i
—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sommerville
were up from Jersey Shore, Monday, for
a day's visit with Mr. Sommerville's
brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John
Sommerville, at their home just east of
—Mrs. Joseph Baker and her children
are expected here from Pittsburgh next
week, to open the Baker summer house
at Wingate. Mrs. Baker's health would
not permit of her coming earlier in the
—Miss Margaret Brisbin is here from
Philadelphia, spending her vacation with
her uncle and aunt, Col. and Mrs. J.
L. Spangler, as has been her custom
since leaving Bellefonte a number of
years ago.
—Mrs. Amy Prince Potter, who is in
from Pittsburgh, spending her summer
vacation with her sister, Mrs, Thomas
Beaver, has been with the Beaver family
at their camp on Fishing creek, for
the past week. :
—Miss Mary Shorkley, of Williamsport,
who has been in Bellefonte for the
greater part of July, has been a house
guest during the time of her cousin, Mrs. |
Charles Gilmore, of east Linn street, and
of Mrs. Frank Warfield, of the Petrikin
Hall apartment. .
—Owing to the serious illness of her
sister, Miss Josephine McDermott, Mrs.
Mary K. Harris accompanied by her
grandson, Andrew Scott, came up from
Philadelphia recently and spent some
time at the McDermott home on South !
Allegheny street.
—Miss Mary Knox, a member of
younger society set of Pittsburgh,
been making her first visit to Belle-
fonte, a guest of Betty Curtin, at the
Dorworth home, on Linn street, which
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Curtin are occupy-
ing for two months.
—Mrs. William Thompson and her
daughter, Mrs. J. R. Woodcock, drove to
Alexandria from Syracuse, to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Thompson's sister, Mrs.
William Wolverton, of New York city,
who was buried from the Wolverton
home in Alexandria at 10:30 Monday
morning. ;
| —Nannette and Louise, daughters of
the late Albert Hoy and Mrs. Albert D.
Beers, of Plainfield, N. J., came to
Bellefonte, Tuesday, for, a vacation visit
with their aunts, the Misses Anna and
Mary Hoy. Mrs. Beers will join her
daughters in two weeks for a short visit
and to accompany them back home.
—Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hoy and their
son, Robert, of Brooklyn, with his wife
and daughter, Lois May; Mr. and Mrs.
‘Jacob F. Hoy, Mrs. Henry Wetzel and
Mrs. Anna Piper, of Wilkinsburg, drove
to Millersburg Saturday, to attend the
‘reunion of the Hoys of America. From
Millersburg Mrs. Piper will go for a
visit with her sister, Mrs. Ely, before '
returning to Wilkinsburg.
—A. C. Harper, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
motored to Bellefonte, on Sunday, and
spending the night here took his moth-
er, Mrs. J. C. Harper, to Centre Hall,
on Monday, where she will spend several
weeks with - her sister-in-law, Mrs.
George Emerick. Miss Helen Harper ac-
companied her brother to Brooklyn and
after spending a week there will go on
to Lynn, Mass.,, for a visit with her
| other brother, Clarence Harper and fam-
: ily. .
| —Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hamilton, with
their niece, Anne Broderick as a guest,
drove back to New York, Monday, fol-
{lowing a week's visit with Mr. Hamil-
i ton’s uncle and brother, Thomas B:
Hamilton and Clarence in Bellefonte, and
with his sister, Mrs. E. M. Broderick
and the family, at State College, the
greater part of their time being spent
at the latter place. The Hamiltons and
their guest expected to go directly to
to their summer home at Sayville, Long
—Francis E. Thomas was in Belle-~
fonte, Saturday afternoon, for several
hours, having stopped here on a drive
from Chicago to Newville, where he will
be a week or ten days, while making
final arrangements for returning to Illi-
nois, to locate permanently. Francis,
who is a native of Bellefonte, has been
teaching in some of the most exclusive
boy's preparatory. schools of the east,
and now has been made manager of
the Harris private preparatory schools
of the Chicago district.
—After a visit of a month with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mignot, of
east High street, Mrs. E. G. Cantwell,
with her two children, Sally and Pat,
returned to her home in Akron, Ohio, on
Monday. Mrs. Mignot accompanied them
as far as Pittsburgh. From there she
went to Carnegie, Pa., to attend the fu-
neral of her nephew, Robert Bigelman,
who was buried at Carnegie on Tues-
day. Mrs. Mignot remained for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. Felix Bigelman,
and will probably be home today.
—Mrs. H. H. Schreyer, of Chicago,
stopped in Bellefonte over night, Monday,
having driven here from Ellsworth, Pa.,
accompanied by Mrs. Archibald Saxe
with whom she had been visiting for
several days. Leaving, Tuesday morn-
ing, Mrs. Schreyer expected "to be in
Milton for ‘a short time, then go on to
Philadelphia. Mrs. Saxe, formerly Miss
Jennie Harper, came here to meet her
daughter, Mattie Lou, who had been at
Camp Cedar Pines, and continued her
visit until Wednesday with her brother
and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
Harper, she and her daughter returning
to Ellsworth by train.
has |
{ —Mrs. Fred Crafts and her son, Fred
Jr., motored up to Buffalo with Hamil-
ton Hazel, last Monday, for a visit
with friends at their former home there.
Mr. Hazel had been here spending his
vacation with relatives.
—The Misses Teresa and Christine
Klesius, of Altoona, who had been
visiting the Misses Shields, of Logan
street, were called home, Wednesday
morning, because of the sudden illness
of their father, Mr. Joseph Klesius, of
that city.
| —Theodore L. Cherry and the Melvin
Cherrys, of North Thomas St., have had
as guests this week, Mr. Cherry's son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Dawson, of Philadelphia, who
motored to Bellefonte Sunday expecting
to make the return trip home tomorrow,
; —Mr. and Mrs, Edwin F. Garman
will go out to Axe Mann, next week,
. expecting to occupy Edgefont the Gar-
man summer home, for the month of
"August. According to present plans,
‘Mr. and Mrs. Ira Garman will come up
from Philadelphia to join them there
early in the month.
—Mrs. Luther L. Smith and Mrs. John
N. Bauer are visiting with a third
sister, Mrs. Thomas O. Coogan, at Lodie,
N. Y., having left Bellefonte, Tuesday.
{| Mrs. Coogan’s illness, the result of a
, fall, being. the reason for their visit at
‘this time. The women are all members
| of the well known Derr family and na-
| tives of Bellefonte.
—Mr. Charles F. Cook and his daugh-
| ter, Miss Anna, will leave today for
New York, where they will board a
Steamer for the sea trip to the Rio
Grande valley of Texas. They will be
gone two weeks. Mr. Cook celebrated
his 80th birthday anniversary a few
{days ago and looks like he is border-
ing on sixty.
—A post card, post marked Port
Arthur, Canada, was received this week,
from Miss Emma J. Aiken, of Cleveland,
on which she says, she had taken the
Lake trip and was spending her vaca-
tion in Canada. Miss Aiken was former-
ly one of the business women of Belle-
fonte and frequently spends her vaca-
tion time with friends in this locality.
—Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Stevens and
their two children, of Ridgway, have
been in Bellefonte for the week with
Mrs. Stevens’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Hoy, intending to go to Mr.
Stevens’ former home at McConnellsburg,
from here, where they will be for the
remainder of July and a part of August.
The Stevens family left Bellefonte in
. February.
i —Mrs. C. D. Casebeer entertained her
; sister, Mrs. Brinker Jones, of Somerset,
, during the week, Mrs. Jones drove over
to Bellefonte, Thursday, with her daugh-
ter and granddaughter, Mrs. Joseph
Blackburn and Jean Blackburn, of Mor-
gantown, W. Va. The Blackburns had
made the trip to Somerset, especially to
| bring Mrs. Jones to Bellefonte for the
visit with Mrs. Casebeer.
—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mr.
and Mrs, William J. Emerick, their son
Paul and Mr. Emerick’s niece, left Belle-
fonte, Tuesday, to drive to New York
from where they sailed, Wednesday, on
a ten day’s trip to the Bermudas. Re-
turning by the way of Nova Scotia, they
anticipate spending two weeks there,
thus making their absence to cover a
period of almost a month.
~—Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson and her
daughter, Miss Fannie, of Howard
street, are at State College for a visit
with the former's sister, Mrs. John T.
McCormick, Mrs. Hutchinson celebrated
her 91st birthday anniversary on the
12th inst. and was the recipient of a
veritable torrent of congratulatory mes-
sages. She is in fine health, alive to
affairs of the day and enjoys a motor
ride as much as anyone.
—Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wallace drove in
from Akron, early in the week, with
their son-in-law, the latter joining his
wife, the former Louise Wallace, who
had been visiting here, for a week's
trip to Atlantic City. . At the expiration
of their visit to the shore they will re-
turn to Bellefonte for Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
lace and take them back to Akron. Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace were house guests of
Miss Ella Wagner, at Milesburg, while
—Mrs. Martha McIntire Russell,
Ashville, N. C., and her brother, Guy
McIntire and his wife, of St. Peters-
burg, Fla., were ’n Bellefonte the early
part of the week, Mrs. Russell a guest
of Miss Engles and Mr. and Mrs. Mec-
Intire, at the Brockerhoff house. The
McIntire family are natives of Belle-
fonte, going from here to Pittsburgh
where Mrs. Russell and her brother had
been visiting before coming to Belle-
—Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ishler, with
their three children, Ruth, Norman and
baby Lois, motored here from their
home in Pittsfield, Mass., last Monday for
a vacation visit of two weeks. They
are guests of Mr. Ishler’s sister, Mrs. D.
Paul Fortney, of Bishop street. Today
Mr. and Mrs. Orrie Ishler will arrive
from New Castle, Pa., for an over Sun-
day visit and then all of the children
of the late William A. Ishler will be to-
gether for a few days.
—Mrs. S. Calvin Witmer, of Buffalo
Run, was in town Tuesday morning
looking after some business affairs and
we were glad to learn that Mr. Witmer
is improving in . health. Ever since
early spring he has been incapacitated
to the extent that he has been unable
to do any of his farm work. The crops
were put out, however, and they are
harvested now and Mrs. Witmer told us
that they had nearly a normal hay crop.
That is unusual, because there are
very few farmers in Centre county whc
had more than half a crop of hay. All
of the Witmer farm work has been done
by day men and Mrs. Witmer seemed
to feel as if it had been well done.
Additional personal news on page 5, Col. ¢
——Have your knives and scis.
sors sharpened, your umbrellas re:
paired and recovered, your chairs
repaired and recaned by George C
Glenn. Shop on Water St. Belle:
fonte, Pa. 29-4t
Bellefonte Grain Markets
Corrected Weekly by C. Y. Wagner & Co
Corn R |
Oats A
Rye Bl
| Barley ou