Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 18, 1930, Image 2
! deer, if there a few. Thus the game ition of Lancaster countians for a | five-year closed period in that - i cultural county, so that the deer _|may increase and multiply. This } sentiment has existed in old Lan- THE OPEN DOOR. caster for some years : : rE | Probably nothing will cure it but BY GRACE COOLIDGE {a few herds of 100 deer each hoid- «(Written on the fifth anniversary of ing nightly banquets in young or- the death of Calvin Coolidge Jr.) | chards or cabbage patches. The You; my son, Lancaster petition for absolute pro- Have shown me God, tection of deer for a number of Your kiss upon my cheek years is an indication of the ex- Has made me feel the gentle touch tremes of sentiment likely to be Of Him who leads us on. aroused. The action of the board The memory of your smile, when young, | detailed, however, related to peti- Reveals His face, tions for local open seasons to kill As mellowing years come on apace. doe deer, and not to petitions for And. when you went: before, . closing counties or partsof counties. You left the gates of Heaven ajar Grouse hunters get a break under That I might glimpse, the 1930 rules. There is to be a Approaching from afar, modified open season. Last year The glories of His grace. there was none. In the 1929 hatch- Hold, son, my hand, ing season conditions were favorable Guide me along the path, many birds came through the win- ~ Bellefonte, Pa., July 18, 1980. That, coming, ter except in a few grouse sections I may stumble not and conditions have been good this Nor roam, spring. Soprtsmen owning bird Nor fail to show the way 100 a Which leads us—Home. dogs, many of them paying § year or more for the training and care of a dog, begged for action in the field for their dogs rather than for large grouse bags. The board has given them November 1 to November 7, with bag limits of two a day or eight for the season. This and the, doe rule are the ouly changes made by the board this year. Federal regulations on migra- tory birds call for the reduced bag of water fowl to 15 a day, with four wild geese a day. Many persons in the great Fourth of July crowd at Lititz last Friday noted the almost total ab- sence of trout from the fine stream in the Springs Ground. A few days before, streets and alleys near the lower. end of the grounds had been liberally tarred to make broken stone surfacing stick. There was a heavy thunder shower after the heat of the sun had thinned the tar and the rain washed it into the stream. About 150 fine trout dead or dying, were found floating in the stream. It was ' also demonstrated that some of the hard-packed little dyna- mite fire-crackers have plenty of ex- plosive force to kill fish in a stream. In order to conform with Federal hunting regulations, the daily bag limit of wild geese will be four this year instead of five, as it was last year. The season on Hungarian partridges will be closed during the year. The hunting seasons will be: Blackbirds, August 1 to November 30; railbirds, September 1 to Nov- ember 30; wild waterfowls, coots, or mudhens, and gallinules, October 1 to January 15. However, wood ducks, eider ducks and swans are protected. Woodcock and wilson or jacksnipe, October 15 to November 14; wild turkeys and male ringneck pheas- ants, November 1 to November 15. ruffed grouse, November 1 to No- vember 8; quail, November 1 to No- vember 30. Rabbits, hare and squirrels, No- vember 1 to November 30; red, or pine squirrels, November 1 to August 15, 1931; raccoons, November 1 to January 15; bears, November 1 to December 15; deer, male deer, De- cember 1 to December 15; male elk, December 1 to December 15. The season for fur-bearing animals mink, opossum, skunk and otter, November 1 to February 28, and muskrats, December 1 to February 28. Mrs. Calvin Coolidge continues to cultivate her poetic gift. The first verse written by the wife of the former President, in memory of their younger son, Calvin Jr., appearedin Good Housekeeping Magazine sever- zl months after the Coolidges left the White House in 1929. It is fol- lowed by another in the July issue of the same magazine: THE QUEST. Crossing the uplands of time, Skirting the borders of night, Scaling the face of the peak of dreams, We enter the region of light, And, hastening on, with eager intent, Arrive at the rainbow’s end, And there uncover the pot of gold Buried deep in the heart of a friend. CITIZENS TO DECIDE ON KILLING OF DOE DEER. Citizens of counties where for any good reason it is desired to re- duce the antlerless deer population next fall should send their petitions to the Board of Game Commission- ers not later than October 1, and as long before that date as possible. The board, by the regulations pro- mulgated on the day before the Fourth of July, gave absolute Home rule, or local option, on this doe deer problem. In case an open season is granted, there must be hearings after re- ceipt of the petition, and at least 30 days before the open season as fixed, the regulations must be ad- vertised for three weeks. Besides that, there must be time for the is- suing of licenses. The Izaak Walton League is urging all its members to give the 1930 regulations of the board a thorough study as soon as possible, and, if there are to be petitions for special seasons, that they be started promptly, so that they may be fully considered and | fairly disposed of long before shoot- ing time, The league takes the at- titude that hunting by injunction and mandamus in the courts is un- profitable sport for the licensed hunters and does not do the game much good. The game commission, as to ant- lerless deer, figured on three days of shooting in the counties or parts of counties for which petitions are granted. Owing to messy amend- ments of the sportsmen’s bill on the subject in the 1929 session of the Legislature, the bill was vetoed so that the law as it stands still prohibits special doe seasons with- | in the period of the regular buck season, December 1—December 15 Special seasons must be before or after. So the board selects Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday, Nov- ember 26, 27 and 28, leaving a two- day period of rest for the deer on Saturday and Sunday before the opening of the buck season Monday, December 1. It is understood that the regula- tions for the doe season will include another effort to save young bucks by prohibiting the killing of antler- less deer under a weight, size, or age limit. This probably will be a minimum in the 1928 open doe sea-!| J. Campbell White, secretary- son. {treasurer of the ' commission, an- When game laws were changed to | nounced the organization hopes to Dowie for the Zesiove] of protec- | raise Sad Spend aloul $0000 this on of game, or the removal of Year in furthering these four aims: game sae go for special open sea- | Religions = eation Quiside the sons, ] . | public Scho! stem, - ers Fri - on a pn eration with it. and supplementing legitimate claims of farmers and or- public school education. chardists for damages done by deer. Encouragement of character ed- Since then the serious unbalancing jucation in the public schools in of the sexes and its consequences, every way. and the undoubted ee Education of parents and pros- of jeez, in Some Sections oo fhe | pective De help them in available supply of natu food, | training’ their children. have become major factors of more: Extended supervised play and serious import than the damages. | recreation privileges to all youths One raises a dangerous question of {under trained leaders. liability for payment out of the! White said the commission will game funds. The others create a | be non-political and that it has no doubt as to whether the deer herds intention of sponsoring a move to can survive. Petitions for local open bring Islighhus leans is into Selous: seasons this year will be broad e four ‘aims of the organiza- enough to take in every important tion were inspirited, according to consideration, under the rulings an- the Statement, by the gasertion a nounced. The important detail seems many judges and others in touc to be that where petitions are neces- with delinquents that the vast bulk sary, they be presented early in the | of crime is committed by youths year. | oss home, moral any religious There is no fixed number of peti- : training has been neglected. tioners necessary. Nor need they be land owners or licensed hunters They need only be residents of the county to be opened to doe hunting, giving their addresses and vocations. In any county or part of a county differences of opinion are probable and petitions to open may meet ac- tive opposition, Both sides are en- titled to be heard. Those most familiar with deer, or many of them, suggest that these large game animals be outlawed in thickly populated counties in = which there ‘is little uncultivated land, or few large areas of woodland. They say even a small number of deer are ‘bound ‘to be a nuisance in some counties, -and that hunting them with rifles is ‘not to ' be tolerated. Other: ‘enthusiasts in’ such counties are praying and begging for some deer, if there are none, or for more NATION'S CRIME BILL FIXED AT $6,000,000,000. Here's the country’s yearly state- ment for one of its biggest bills: Crime $6,000,000,000. So asserts the National Commis- sion on Crime Prevention Through | Moral and Religious Education, in ia statement announcing a national campaign to reduce crime. The commission was appointed by authority of the general committtee of the Church League, an interna- tional and inter-denominational body of 450 men and women representing twety-five denominations, WAR ON BALD EAGLES. During the past ten years 35,000 bald eagles have been killed in the Northwest. Spurred on by the i bounty offered by the government, one dollar per pair of talons, In- dians, fishermen, hunters and boys have combined to carry out the war against. the birds. Not only do they prey on salmon, small animals and wild birds, but very young pups are carried off by them, “My girl and I are horticulturally inclined. She is the peach.and ap- ple of my eye, so we make a fine pear.” : “Yes, ‘but when ¥ saw ‘you out together you acted like a couple of nuts to me.” ' commission had before it a peti- | ; UNCLE SAM'S PENSION BILL. i Uncle Sam, who is the head— and also all the officers and em- ployees—of one of the biggest busi- ‘nesses in the world, naturally has ! some big bills to pay. One of the i biggest is the bill which Old Man ‘Mars, who deals in war, brings around every year and after he has left Uncle Sam finds that he has { handed over to this dealer in wars nearly one-fourth of all the money which he had laid aside to pay all of the expenses of running this business which operates under the name of the United States of America. For instance, last year Uncle Sam'paid to Old Man Mars the stag- gering sum of $828,000,000. That is almost $100,000,000 more than the total - cost of running the entire federal government back in 1916. It is more than one-half the cost of running the entire nation of France for one year. It is almost equivalent to the annual cost of maintaining the navies of the United States, France and Japan. Back in 1917 when it was announc- ed that it would require $1,000,000,- 000 to run our government, there and wondered “what we are coming to.” Now, 13 years after that first “billion-dollar year,” we are facing the necessity of spending nearly that amount paying for wars which end- ed long before most of us were born. If anyone wants a lesson against war, let him talk to Gen. Hines, head of the veterans’ bureau, or to Col. Earl D. Church, United States commissioner of pensions, and from them learn something of the cost in careers, lives and money of the mere aftermath of war. Be- ing more or less intangible, it is difficult for us to visualize those first two—careers and lives—but for the third, let these figures from the government budget for 1930 tell their own story: UNITED STATES SOLDIERS’ HOMES National homes of disabled Volunteer soldiers Grand total $828,844,100 Nor will the paying of Old Man Mars’ bill last year be the end of the matter. Next year it will be the same, only larger, and the next and the next and the next until the estimated peak is reached in 1965. For, even though by that time Uncle Sam probably will be through paying pensions for the War of 1812, and the Mexican war, he probably will still be paying some for the Civil war and certainly some for the Spanish-American war. And sions yet to be paid. We haven't come to those yet, but it seems certain that we will come to them. As the number of our World war veterans grow less, the needs of the aging survivors and their fam- ilies and dependents be in the future Uncle Sam will paying out World war pensions. 11 in its field of blue. war ended 83 years ago but until September of last year Uncle Sam was paying a monthly pension to Owen Thomas Edgar who served in the navy during that war. And when he died at the age of ninety-eight there still were 730 widows of Mexi- can war veterans on the rolls of the pension bureau. The Civil war has been over 55 years but last year pensions were being paid to 59,045 soldiers , who served in that war, to 39 nurses and to 181,235 widows of veterans. Other pensioners -last year were 178,804 soldiers, 414 nurses and 28,643 widows placed on the rolls by the Spanish-American war; 5,574 soldiers and 4.000 widows by the Indian wars; 45 soldiers and 15 wid- ows by the World war and 14,758 soldiers and 3,699 widows by the regular army. These, with the pensioners previously mentioned, made a total of 477,915 persons who received a total of $229,890,189 from Uncle Sam. There were 13,- 279 fewer persons drawing pensions in 1929 than in 1928 but the total paid the last year was $924,517 greater because the level of expendi- ture was raised by new legislation which increased pensions to Civil war widows more than seventy-five years old. : The history of pensions for veter- ans of American wars goes back to the earliest days of the ' republic. On June 20, 1776, even before the Declaration of Independence had been adopted, the Continental Con- gress appointed. a, committee to “Consider what provision ought to be made for such as are wounded or disabled in the land or sea service.” L in This committee made a prompt report, and. on; August 26, 1776, the first national; epsion, act {in America was. SE , e; Continental Con- gress. That part of the law fixing the amount was as follows: “That every commissioned officer, non- then there are the World war pen- | EG ST SR Clin aims ' commissioned officer, and private were those who shook their heads’ soldier who shall lose a limb in any engagement, or be so disabled in the service of the United States of America as to render him incapable afterwards of getting a livelihood, shall receive, during his life or the continuance of such disability, the one-half of his monthly pay from and after the time that his pay as an officer or soldier ceases.” After the Constitution had been adopted and the new government had been organized, it continued for a time the pensions which had been previously granted and assumed their payment. Soon, however, a strong demand arose for a new pension law, and on March 23, 1792, the first pension law passed by the new gov- ernment went into effect. Later there grew a demand for a pension law not based upon disabil- ity incurred in the service and in his annual message to Congress on December 2, 1817, President Mon- roe recommended such a law. A bill was passed by the house on Decem- ber 24, as a sort of a Christmas present to the veterans of the Revo- lution, passed by the Senate imme- diately afterwards and approved by President Monroe on March 18, 1818. The : loose wording of this law, however, made frauds easy and the grant of pensions became a public scandal. A law passed in 1820 re- quired all pensioners already on the rolls and future applicants to filea statement of property as proof of ‘their alleged dependence upon gov- Frank ' , OWS, ernment bounty for a livelihood. As a result, the names of many pen- sioners were stricken from the rolls. In 1832 a law was passed which granted full pay for life to all who had served at least two years in the Revolution and proportional pay- ments to those who had served less than two years but more than six months. In 1836 there began the enactment of a long series of pen- sion acts in favor of the widows of soldiers of the Revolution. restricted at first to those who had married before the close of the Revolution. These grew more liberal later until pensions were granted to all wid- regardless of the date of marriage. Out of these pensions, ,and similar ones for widows of abuses of the pension system, veterans of later wars, grew many for it became a practice for young wo- men to marry aged veterans in or- der to benefit by a government pen- sion after the death of their thus- | bands. The pension rolls of the Revolution had scarcely grown to their peak ‘when the United States became en- gaged in another war—the War of ,1812—to add to its list of veterans and dependents drawing pensions, And the same thing was repeated later at intervals of two decades with the Mexican war and the Civil WORLD WAR VETERANS’ BUREAU Salaries and expenses............ $ 43,500,000 Printing and binding.............. 125,000 Military and naval compen- SALION o.oo iow frasars seins gorsssisassases 191,450,000 Medical and hospital serv- Sees 31,650,000 Adjuster service certificate fun@ le Lane, 112,000.000 Military and naval insurance. 115,250,000 Hospital facilities and serv- JOOR seosersnsiBinsminarriisisisiiitsresiidisise 6,000,000 U. S. government life in- surance fund ..........cereeme 97,400,000 OLA)... corissineiin tess ns sesasngassen $222,780,000 PENSION OFFICE Army and navy pensions .... $221,000,000 Salaries, pension office................ 1,225,000 Investigation pension census 105,000 Fees of examining surgeons. 105,000 WORT Li iii iin $222,780,000 | war. The first law pensioning sol- diers of the Civil war was a disabili- ty pension act of July 14, 1862, which provided for the disabled sur- . vivors, for the widows, orphan chil- i ' will increase. | date from the time of disability, And no one dares predict how far provided application were made be- i The War of 1812 has been over | the * total 115 years but during the fiscal year jumped from $32,000,000 in 1879 to which ended June 30, 1929, the gov- ' $56,000,000 in 1880, the greatest in- ernment paid $50 a month each 10 creasein any one year in the gray-haired women whose hus- tory of our pension system. bands fought under the American, flag when it had only fifteen stars: sions for persons in dependent cir-- The Mexican : dren and dependent members of those who died because of wounds received or disease contracted while in the service of the United States and in line of duty. Rates for total disability ranged from $8 to $30 a month, according to rank, and these same rates were applied to the widows of the soldiers. Succes- sive laws, beginning July 4, 1864, and culminating in the recent act which increased the pensions of Civil war widows more than seventy-five years old, have increased the rates, : setting fixed rates for various kinds ' of disability. ; The passage of the arrears act in 1879 added greatly to the burden of debt which Uncle Sam bears be- cause of the wars in which he has engaged. This act provided that all pensions which had been granted or might hereafter be granted should fore January 1, 1880. The effect of that law is shown by the fact that sum paid for pensions his- | A Dill to establish service pen- cumstances was vetoed by President Cleveland in 1886. A similar bill was passed June 27, 1890, providing that all persons who had served 90 days in the war and who were suf- | fering from any mental or physical | disability of a permanent character which incapacitated them from per- forming manual labor might receive | pensions ranging from $6 to $12 a month, according to the degree of | disability. Widows of soldiers who | served 90 days who are dependent | upon their daily labor for support could receive $8 a month. In addition to the pensions grant- ed under the general laws, many claims for pensions, some of them rejected by the pension bu- reau, have been passed by act of Congress. In fact. the consideration of pension hills forms a large part of the activity of Congress as will be seen by an inspection of almost any issue of the Congressional Rec- ord. As this article is being writ- ten many such bills are being intro- duced in the present session of Con- gress, all of which will add to the staggering total which Old Man Mars has collected from Uncle Sam for wars long since past. FLOWERS OR PLANTS CANNOT BE MAILED. Many people have been disappoint- ed the past week when trying to mail cut flowers. The post office authorities have been instructed not to accept anything in this line dur- ing the period from June 15 to October 15, on account of the Jap- anese beetle being transported in this manner to many places. Wifie: That woman next door bought a hat exactly like mine. Hubby: And now I suppose you won't ‘speak: ; Wifie: Not ' after she finds given mine to the cook. I've FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN. Daily Thought. “There are ribbons and laces To set off the faces Of all our young sweethearts And wives!” —That famous eld stanza from Pinafore is true again this season as never since it was written sev- eral decades ago. Especially you will find the rib- bon angle of it true. You literally do find ribbons setting off the faces of many a girl today, either from her hat or her collar. Uses of ribbons this summer in- clude all kinds of ribbon, taffeta plaids, monotone satins, crisp taffetas in two tones, grosgrains plain and striped, embroidered ribbons, flower- ribbons, ribbons narrow and wide, even ribbons made from straw and from chiffon. Most hats this summer need a ribbon. You can change your ap- pearance by having several hatbands for each hat. The newest hat uses ribbons in an individual manner. With a bandeau under the front of the brim, to lift the hat from off the face usea rib- bon to cover the bandeau, perhaps in three tonesof pink or blue. Then across the back of your hat, pleat a flounce of ribbon to attach from the crown, and fall back across the brim. It is a chic way of decorat- ing a hat. It is unusual and pret- ty as can be. A natural balibuntl, trimmed this way in three tones of pink, is most effective. If you are a little sports girl, plaid taffeta ribbon, in red, white and blue, tied under the chin to make a cute little scarf and tie and is sewed together in strips to make a nifty little beret. This is unlined, can be made in a jiffy and is the latest neck trim and head gear. For your last year’s coat that you must wear again, if it is a navy blue, black or beige silk coat. try out the scheme of livening it up a t. i i —— | —To prevent damage from wind the taller growing flowers should be staked. The stakes should be made ' as inconspicuous as possible. | ! Eis er | ~ —Beets, carrots, rutabages, en- dive, kale, kohl rabi, Chinese cab- bage, bush beans, fall lettuce, spin- ach, and radishes still can be planted in the honie garden. Use the space where early vegetables have grown and plant leafy crops where roots grew and roots where leafy vegetables stood. | Early threshing helps to con- trol the Angoumois grain moth. To save wheat from tne insect the grain should be threshed before August 1 if possible and not later than September 1. —One pound of lead of calcium ' arsenate and nine pounds of hydrat.- ed lime make a good dust for con- trolling cabbage worms. If a spray ,is desired use three tablespoonfuls ieach of lead arsenate and flour in ‘a gallon of water. —In sprinkling the garden be sure ; that sufficient water is put on- to reach the roots of plants. It takes from two-thirds to 2 or 3 gallons of water to each square foot of ground ,to soak a moderately dry soil enough to compare with the effect of one inch of rainfall. —Now is the time to cull the | “boarder” hens, Look the flock over on the roosts and pick out the sus- | pected loafers. The next morning ‘ these can be examined more closely and those which show they are not laying can be sold, say poultry specialists of the Pennsylvania State College. —Prevent in every way possible i the carrying of infection from ma- ture fowls and from contaminated ground to the young chicks. Keep | young and old stock in separate | enclosures. with some finely checkered or strip-, i ed ribbon. Use narrow ribbon or; —Dahlias frequently send up ribbon that comes in several widths shoots from their roots. These should so you can have graduated bands of be pinched off at the ground line it. Three bands on the sleeve and, to throw all the strength into the two on the collar make a new thing main stalk. and a pretty one of last year’s | tet coat. And it is equally effective on! -—The striped cucumber beetle can either a suit or a coat of this year’s be controlled by spraying with two vintage. pounds of lead arsenate in 50 gal- For your one piece white pique, |lons of bordeaux mixture. Young pale pink, lavender or green sports plants can be protected with cones things, there is a little ribbon made of fly-screening. Protectors touch that makes an inexpensive made of cloth or other materials purchase seem like an individual | are satisfactory if the screen open- model. This is the black grosgrain ings are not larger than one-tenth ribbon touch! Get one-inch ribbon, : inch. baste it along the collar of your | frock, so it stands up as a pretty| ——Apples and early peaches should frame for your face and then make two or three little bows of it to run down the front of the blouse. Colored ribbon is not so effective as black but of course can be used. Last but not least, do not forget the little ensemble of ribbon that | you can make yourself to decorate a summer silk suit. This is the hatband, the lapel bow and the banding for your matching silk purse that your own hand has made. A striped grosgrain ribbon. in beige and navv blue. is ideal to go with a natural shantung suit and balibuntl hat. The purse is easily made when you c¢an use a gros- grain ribbon to fasten it. A blue button. with a button-hole through ribbon and purse. holds it shut, —Keep the percolator clean and well aired. Coffee left standing will stain the inside and may spoil the flavor of the best brand. —Place wooolen garments which are to be dried indoors at some dis- tance from the stove or radiator, as excess heat shrinks them. —Careless preparation of veget- ables, especially over-cooking, is of- ten responsible for the unappetizing results that find their way to many tables. —When making a circular skirt, let it hang from the waist band for a day or two before finishing it off at the bottom. This allows the bias seams to stretch, and the skirt will not be as likely to sag after it is finished. Iced tea is good—I know of noth- ing that so intrigues a warm-weath- er palate and that so effectively cools the wilting human frame, un- less perhaps it be iced coffee. Ginger ale and grape juice mixed are good. Orangeade is good, and so is lemonade. And there are any number of other drinks equally good, and interesting by dint of being somewhat unusual. We shall come to them. But first of all let’s consider the ice cubes. Of course, plain ice cubes are excellent. They are plain; they are neat; and they make the bever- age satisfyingly frigid. But they aren’t specially exciting. Whereas colored ice cubes possess all’ the above-mentioned virtues plus an in- gratiating individuality, Any pure food coloring can be used to color ice cubes. The color- ing should be added to the water before it is poured into the trays. Care should be taken in adding the coloring not to get too muchin, asa delicate color is the more attractive. Candied or minted fruits are very appropriate for garnishing ice cubes. They can be frozen in plain cubes or with their respective colors. Two or three can be added to each cube. When fruits are to be frozen in the cubes, the tray should be about one third filled with water, then partly frozen before the fruit is added. Add the fruit, then finish filling the tray with water and al- low to finish freezing. This prevents the fruit from set- tling to the bottom of the cubes. Mint leaves are attractive additions to ice cubes, too. Lemon, orange, or lime juices are excellent flavorings—or. ginger ale may be frozen and added to the beverage, with the most delightful result. | be thinned to six to eight inches apart, say State College fruit spe- cialists. Late peaches can be spac- ed three or four inches apart. Bet. ‘ter color, larger size, and fewer in- | jured pastures and meadows can be removed by digging with a hoe or spud. Severe infestations require plowing and the use of cultivated crops for two seasons. —If old, withered blossoms are removed the flowering period of ornamentals ‘will be prolonged. —Turkey eggs should be kept in uniform temperature, not above 60 degrees, though successful breeders bring them into a warm room for revitalizing if held for hatching in cold weather. The longer a fertile turkey egg is held, the poorer its chance, after the first few days, of hatching. The date when it is due to hatch should be marked on the egg when set, If dale of gath- ering is also marked, the breeder will be interested in noting the ef- fects of difference in age on vitality. It would take more eggs than the average breeder sets, however to prove anything absolutely—too many reasons enter into the hatchability of eggs and the livability of poults to say this is or 1s not true after one or two experiments. { —A good laying mash for ducks would be equal parts by weight of yellow corn meal, standard wheat middlings, wheat bran, ground oats to which you should add by weight 15 per cent of meat and bone meal, 2 per cent powdered charcoal, one- half of 1 per cent fine table salt and 1 per cent of fine sharp sand. they might have a little cracked corn once a day. This is on the as- sumption that the ducks are run on a grass plot and getting all the green food they want. —Crude petroleum is considered the best treatment for scaly leg. A . mixture of equal parts of lard and kerosene is a good treatment, mak- ing use of readily available pro- ducts. The hens are treated by putting the legs in a can containing the treating material and holding them there for upwards of a minute. Care should be used in order to get as little as possible of the material above the feather edge. It will blister the skin. This will irritate the fowl. —The hatching of duck and goose eggs can be successfully carried out with the incubator if the tray is made high enough to accomodate . goose eggs. Also there is another i point which must be carefully watch- ed. : These eggs require much more , moisture than hen eggs do. Ducks | fate 28 days, geese 28 to 29 days and turkeys 27 to 29 days for incu- | bation. The temperatures are practic- | ally the same as those required for hatching ordinary hen eggs, —Ordinarily goslings will not and : should not be hatched before the | grass and clovers willbe of sufficient | size to provide them with good | grazing. In growing goslings it ; must be remembered ‘that grass is i the principal constituent of the ra- ' tion and that grain should be fed only as an accessory feed. The grain should not be fed before the | second day and then in the form { of a crumbly moist - mash. It should ibe fed in very small amounts and , three or four times per day. > This should be fed twice a day and