Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 11, 1930, Image 6

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    ee ——————————————————— Ce ———————————————————————
TRO Fo mde Sedan 7 The “Daily News” of New York, |
. +n 0 Maternity hospitals throughout the :
= Bellefonte, Pa., July 11, 1980. supplemented by the throwing = of State are rapidly helng Uoensed py | 292 Colo Eo isto
» y SHY 1, - | rice over the bride and the groom the state department of relfare | 13 fondue g p We Offer Subject to Market ahi
= = |as they go away; and few are the | nder the provision of an act of st Ampscsaios DW gy: v. Morse ages
| - ' weddings 3 hi estate a rood, N. J.
Y H 1th I RE ou. he lent legislature which required J gests the S robability of another [Qauker, Full O Pep Egg Mash 3.8
ou Tr ea da tf Ra: pop To gach registration for a $ee of i Sg eanic flight while his wife, Quaker Scratch Feed.......... 2.20
THE FIRST CONCERN. | throwing of rice—or of some other do 85s Ln. & Ip aan the former Anne Morrow and other Quaker Chick Starter........ — 450
Lp grain—is a custom dating back into | = y oof welfa '» members of the family look on. The Quaker Chick Feed............. 3.00
S the morning of time and is found state secretary of Weliare. paper says Colonel Lindbergh, attir- | Quaker sugared Schumaker... 2.00
in many widely severed parts of the; There has been thirty-eight oq in a bathing suit paddles an in- Quaker Oat Meal...ocrccnenee 3.25
mond) It is thrown to insure a |lcenses jssued to date during the gateq rubber boat about the big Quaker Growing Mash ........... 4.00
‘fruitful marriage for it is the sym- last two months when the licensing gwimmming pool behind the Morrow | Quaker Intermediate Scratch
bol of fertility In it resides the ‘and inspection requirements wentin- ome, . FEA .ocecneermenmmmnemsnsnensnasmasnanne 2.15
spirit of the grain god and, as it |to practice. It is estimated by de- Attached to the craft is a small | Wayne 32 per cent. Dairy..... 2.70
I showers over the newly "wedded | partment officals that there are guj The boat is of a type that|Wayne 24 per cent. Dairy...... 2.55
pair, it works by sympathetic magic. |about 55 maternity hospitals in the pay pe deflated and stowed away | Wayne 20 per cent. Dairy... 2.40
." In China, in India and in the is- | State now known although many in the cockpit of an airplane, It | Wayne Egg Mash ..icocieeuennee 3.00
lands of the Pacific there is the { more probably will be revealed bY would keep one person afloat on Wayne 189 Pig Meal... 8.00 D d J
_ Speaking asa layman, Dr. Glenn same throwing of rice at a wedding {the inspections, Hospitals of first ,o,gn water for hours. During the | Wayne 28% Hog Meal............ 3.25 | 0 you re
Frat nr Th of Yn "University as in New York. But the throwing ‘and Second Sigss gies h Bie past six weeks Colonel Lindbergh | Wayne All Mash Starter.......... 3.90 | .
of Wisconsin, warned 3,000 members of rice at weddings among Europeans gweld ang. 5 ae Be iow aie has made several changes in ‘the ayas Al Mash rower Ross ig having to mend
of the American College of Sur- and Americans 1S a comparatively | Bo! craft's design. Wayne oa Mes] re 2%
geons that the medicine and surgery modern innovation, nevertheless. : ial eit Bo es e 120 : aft er da r b 2
of the nation will pass to the con- Our. ancestors of the northern races er AIRPLANES WIN IN Bran fina te 130 ‘
trol of the government or of vast knew not rice; they used grain for yoUNG PHEASANTS . . Midas 270 |
) : I | RACES WITH BIRDS. B. Midds 1.50 |
insurance companies and industries the bridal shower. But when e FACE MANY HAZARDS D> re a 131
unless medical men forestall the use of ries besamme word wide it | "Airplanes can beat birds of all Con an ais LE id
Yendency, ; was substituted for gram, a OWer | mormerly unsuspected enemies in kinds of speed. Several ZOVOPIINEIE | Coen: CHOP. 1 eri rrrrrirri "00 | >
Dr... Frank said he helieyes gov ot Tice being ia Tes y Hen o i the iit Mies of ring-necked aviators arriving at the Fort Lew’s | Flax _— yy il 2.80: It’s casy to
emment control of the medical pro. os in ° > Bis or Whea 28 pheasants are being discovered, ac- airfield report races with migratory | Linseed oil meal ...ccccocooeenens 2 80 |
Tession should 1 resorted’ to oly if. > he §; making. a muc i. j cording to report from the refuge species of birds, with wild ducks | Cottonseed Meal ...cccoooeorecns 2.50 | men d with ti n
control within the profession breaks: ter appearance. | keepers forwarded to headquarters keeping up the highest velocity, fly- | Gluten Feed ........coowmreesneceees 2.40 | 1 Y
NoWh:ab es coral : i | With the Orientals, of course, it pere. ing an average Of 50 miles Der |Alfalfa MAL coowooworomorsre 3.95 | .
~The university president pointed was always rice that was thrown, | . mimer L. Pilling, keeper of the hour. Alfalfa loaf meal ooo 3.50 | stitches ‘when
out that “economic loSS from pre-. for rice was their principal grain. | refuge near Philipsburg lost anum- Herons and ravens overtaken bY |Beef Scrap or Meat Meal... 4.00 |
yentable disease ond postponable And rice or wheat, it is the same ber of eggs while they were being the army planes were traveling less Hog £ANKADe ........ietsieuesire o 2.70 | h 1
death reached a total of $1,800,000,- thing; the spirit of the grain god i oq because an unknown “some- than 30 miles per hour. A flock of |Oyster Shells .... TT lined you avep enty
000, borne annually by those gain- is there, which insures fertility. thing” drilled small holes in them crows with the higher altitude to |Mica Spar Grit... - 1.50 |
fully employed in the United States, Many ancient marriage customs oS. tye contents. It was sev- aid were making 40 miles. A DUM. | Stock Salt +n nag 10. of well-sha de d
and said in the reduction of that still exist in England which bring oo 559g pefore Pilling discovered ber of unidentified birds in morthern |Common Fine Salt... or xzsi
economic waste lay the salvation of in the grain god at weddings in | hice were responsible. California, were flying thousands of | Menhaden 559% Fish Meal. : 4.00 | .
the medical profession. different ways but all have the ‘feet above the planes, Bone Meal meen 3.25 | light to work
«Our only hope of a healthier na- same signification as the more com- | That purple grackles, better 5 A00% BE 2% pon hearing the | Charcoal rr 3.00 |
“tion,” he said, ‘unless we go bag mon throwing of rice. knows a8, Haskbies are Enemies approach of airplanes gene rally take | Dried Bl Toa cetzair ig b
and baggage to state medicine, lies 10 e young phe S as be flight in the same rection and are | Dried Skim Milk dl y sv
with the unselfish doctor who will reported by Hugh Baker, keeper of easily overtaken by the a viators. ec m 00 |
consciously reduce his income by, __Before sour milk is used for |refuge No. 16. According to Bak- y y . Pratt's Poultry Worm Powder 10.00
giving sick patients health advice cooking, beat with a rotary egg |er’s reports the grackles seize the re Pratt’s Poultry Regulator...... 9.00 |
‘that may keep them from falling pester to break the curd. young pheasants and kill them. __We will do your job work right. od Liver on fans gal Sissies: 150
sick again.” m——— h ie 1. WE T
A hospital solely to take care of: © i. ao RE iE a M 2 re Flos. rs 13
persons injured in accidents will be |
constructed in each of the larger, Orders for one ton or more de-"
cities of the United States, it was livered without extra charge.
decided after a conference between | We make no charge for mixing Ek N N
physicians and agents of the great | your own rations. POWER CO
industries and indemnity and insur-
ance companies at the session. i
. —Medical expenses rest heaviest |
Baby Chicks
: : % ! 100
-on the middle-class patients, it was, S. C. Whit per
: : . C. ite Leghorns ........... $ 8.00
Eh A hs 8. C. Brown Leghorns... 8.00 BETTER LIGHT MEANS
Moore stated that the poorer classes Barsed Lymouth och Pere 19.80 EASIER SEWING
obtain reasonable rates from clinics. Rhode Istand Reds CBE ren 1280 |
The rich, he said, could take
care of themselves. But he conclud- :
ed the cost to the man of middle
means has increased steadily for
twenty years. : |
It was little Flossie’s first day a
school, She had been registered
and the teacher asked. ‘Have yo!
any brothers or sisters?”
“Yes, ma'am,”
Your orders will be appreciated
and have our careful attention.
answered Flossie.
— The hustling, bustling American B 0 “Are you the oldest one of th
pays with years of his life for his Feed Store—28 West Bishop St. | family?”
prosperity, built upon stupendous in- Phone 98-3 «Ah, no ma'am,” returned Flossie
Mill—Hecla Park, Pa. Phone 2824 «gather and mother’s both older’:
Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia i
30 minutes, checks a Cold the firs
5 and checks Malaria in thre
dustrial expansion and development. |
His civilized brethren of the world |
may have less money, but they live
longer. i
These things were suggested by
Dr. Eugene Fisk, medical director of
the Life Extension Institute, at a
meeting of the Office Executive Club. |
He revealed that “silent” sickness,
diseases attacking the heart blood
vessels and kidneys, but not often
appearing in terms of disability, are
increasing the death rate, beyond
‘the age of forty, and even after
. thirty-seven, in the United States. |
At the same time the death rate de- |
creases at every age period in other
civilized countries. ;
At a Reduced Rate, 20%
1336 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent
666 also in Tablets.
This Interests You
The Workman's Compensation
Law went into effect Jan, 1, JEWELER
—Recovery of greater numbers of 1916. It makes insurance com- 1420 Chestnut St.,
«child victims of burns may result pulsory. We specialize in plac- PHILADELPHIA
from wider application of a new
ing such insurance, We inspect Have Your Diamonds Reset in Plantium
method of treatment, making use Plants and recomm n
of tannic acid, it appears from re- Prevention Safe dy gi Futiit | Basiesie Rb Jewelry
cently reported experiments. The Reduce Insurance rates,
method was devised by Dr. Edward
«C. Davidson, of Detroit. It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
Fine Job Printing
Recent successful results with it : Yo
‘have been reported by Dr. W. 4 THE NEW FORD TUDOR SED AN urance,
burgh hospital for sick children and | State Ooll
‘the Royal Infirmary at Edinburgh. | : ege Bellefonte at the
ORO und that the tannic. Cheek up on comfort, safety. acceleration, ease of control, WATCHMAN OFFICE
acid treatment reduced the mortal- |
ity from burns to about one-quarter ;
of that observed in another com- |
parable series of cases. As burns
in children are especially apt to be
fatal, these figures
There is no style of work, from
the cheapest “Dodger” to the fim-
speed, power, reliability and economy and you will
know that the new Ford is a value far above the price
Fillsn that we can mot do in the most
jis Spr end
with Blu
are particularly . 4
gratifying. : : Take no other. Buy of vor satisfactory manner, and at Prices
The tannic acid solution is spray- Ww : . Brg rr ui ee consistent with the class of work.
ed on the burned areas, which have HEN you see the new Ford you are your own roads and plan to give years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable Call on or communicate with this
first been thoroughly cleaned. No, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE office.
impressed instantly by its trim, sub- the car a severe test. Check up on
every feature that goes to make a
good automobile.
Then you will know, from your
dressings are used and the burned
area is dried, after the spraying, in |
“hot air under a bed-cage. The
“spraying is repeated hourly as long
‘as necessary. $ i
The method controls the acute
‘toxemia which sets in during the
‘second stage of a burn. In the .
‘first stage there is slight shock. |
“The second stage is characterized by |
a secondary shock and toxemia, This
stantial lines and beautiful colors.
As you watch it in traffic, on hills,
and on the open road, you get some
idea of its quick acceleration, itsease own experience, why so many mil-
of control, and its speed and power.
Baney’s Shoe Store
lions of people the world over are
condition is due to the absorption : : .
Edn ny Doers In talking with owners and experi buying Ford cars. WILBUR 1. Y,
free in the severely damaged Us- enced mechanics you hear enthusic 0 a ey PebySietr
Besides reducing the mortality, the, astic praise of its reliability and
tannic acid treatment reduces the NEW FORD LOW PRICES BUSH ARCADE BLOCK
severity of the symptoms at all | economy.
stages and promotes rapid healing. , . Roadster + ov + » tv & os ws $435 Sil BELLEFONTE PA.
Re a. hi Hien : But only by driving the new Ford Phaeton +s. oss 0:0 9:9)" 440 =] :
; i)
Previously it was held burns of | yourself can you fully appreciate TudorSedam + sis ss vs oo so» 4935 =i] SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY SPECIAL ORDERS SOLICITED
‘30 per cent of the body surface in | i Coupe. +s + isis 1 nx sone 495 5 ELE PLUEUELELELELELE
adults and 11 or 12 per cent in, the value that has been built into the LL Rana
children were almost sure to prove di tisf all d Sport Coupe « o » ¢ eo © © © 525
fatal. car and its satisiacto round per- civ ow Pile Guid iges — oe sro rem
Results obtained in Dr. Wilson's . ry . Pp De Luxe Coupe
series of cases led to the conclusion formance. You will particularly like Three-window Fordor «nisin 600 HOW TO PLEASE HIM
that burns of more Jian 80 por cent i ts a ri li c mfo rt on b d ro d Convertible Cabriolet oe eto, 0 0:8 625
of the suriace in oi Ten yous easy 0 a aps De Luxe Phaeton ¢ oo o o¢ o o © 625 They say that the way to a man’s
death from shock in a few urs: | . a ya mang
that when between 35 and £0 per and the safety of its fully enclosed DeLuxeSedsn + » + + + + + + 60 Jeary is 10% Signs Duach, at
cent of the surface is affec e wan
Shion “iyi tn te ope | Fowehel bel Toman. m=
oisoning which has developed; bu
hat Ed less than 35 per it) of | See the nearest dealer, therefore, All prices f. 0. b. Detroit, plus freight and de meats are of the highest quality.
They are juicy and tender because
they are from young beeves and
lambs. Try one of our choice cuts
today for real enjoyment.
livery. Bumpers and spare tire extra, at low cost.
Universal Credit Company plan of time pay-
ments offers another Ford economy.
surface is burned the chances |
for recovery are good, provided |
treatment is begun within a few
hours of the injury.
‘the and have him take you for a demon-
stration ride in the new Ford. Select
ee a Ap en
Visitors were present.
“Daddy, may I have a
asked little Georgie.
Dad obliged with a smile.
“This time you won't make me,
ve it back after the company’s |
Georgle’s loud remark. i
FORD MOTOR COMPANY Bellefonte, Penna.
P. L. Beezer Estate.....Meat Market
gone, will you, Daddy?” was o