Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 11, 1930, Image 5

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    HOWARD. latter's mother, Mrs. Nancy Hender- | Before sour milk is used for
ne son, drove over to Millheim and spent cooking, beat with a rotary egg
Mr. and Mrs. Briggs S. Kingsley |the day with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert | beater to break the curd.
SD TI are visiting friends and relatives in| Neff and family. Nancy Yearick,
Lancaster. who had been visiting Lois Neff, SE
i Mr. and Mrs. Kengle, of Jonah: returned with them. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -
® ® were guests at the home © s,| Mrs, Lewis Williams fell down the | Ez
John Weber. steps at her home on Main street, ANTED.—Money to_ loan on reak
Miss Mary Elizabeth Gordon, of | injuring her hand and wrist. Ww estate security. J. M. Keichline.
Columbia, Ohio, is visiting Miss | Emergency treatment was rendered Atty., Bellefonte, Pa. 75-15-3m
Francis Holter. by Dr. O. W. McEntyre. Later
Mrs. Irvin Pletcher and son Gif. | Mrs. Williams was admitted to the | [I ve ised only one. month
2 ford, of Pittsburgh, are visiting rel- Lo Haven Nospeal hare on Harry W. Flack, Curtin St. 26-26
atives in town. = mina ;
Take d Trip to the Mr. and a E. D. Warg and son, broken bones Due fractured bone F OR RENT.-The geeond and thira:
and torn tendons. building, suitable fi fA
L Ri G d V 11 of Texas OR aed 8 Miss Carrye |“, ngregation of the Reformed |spartments. ~~ Re
J church was ve eeabl -
ower 10 ran ( a cy Malcolm Wagner, who is employ-| niiq0q on nay ae ys IBERALL REWARD offered for the
for $165.00 ed at Clearfield, spent the week | 31" Charles Farle, of Ithaca, each | Ls Rf" Sofa resturant at So
. end at his home. 3 : al .
. . t Hall, P. d y #
Two Weeks of Delightful Travel on Land and Sea oY $ Cecil Pletcher, one of our rural Sang 2 solo 8d Me, Fara usted iy F. D. LEE, Santos fa. . oH
" maj carriers, is driving a new Ford both talented musicians and are = E ol ] bet 18
Combine pleasure, education, sight-seeing, and get acquainted Sean pnd I ic be members of {be Dayton. Westmjins and 0 gears.” os ener house
. . . p . avis. € .
i ities 1 eat Southwest and especially in the with friends and relatives in Pitts. | much appreciated and enjoyed by |Lila Wilson, 715 west urch St., Lock ..
with the opportunities in the a TS hv a a oe uch app joyed by |Lila Wilson, To weet Khe '75.37-2t
eC wi a s section of the United Pi et) a ak, ut i CHURCHES DE TE es
. . y ers of a stration aving en
jest climate, and most consistently prosperou a ley IN BELLEFONTE £3 granted to the undersigned upon
States. ‘Mr, and Mrs. Newton Kling, of | BELLEFONTE METHODIST CHURCH. State College, deceased, all persons
. . . . : : A win t -
Circular Trip—going by sea; returning by rail. Two weeks, Sooliisle, Speck 1st Week with Mr | Bie sited, © GC Shuey. 9:30, | {10"AE [OUtoT to make prompt pay-
5 1 . study of a Great Character | ment, and those having claims against
all expense personally conducted tour. Single $165.00, couple Harry Muffly and sons, of Mor- the Biggest ] Bad men, and then the | the Same must present them, duly . au-
: . : antown, W. Va., spent several days | Bigges man. League, 6:30, ’ :
$300, includes meals and berth in outside room on ap dors EE ye Ee a HAROLD B. SHATTUCK.
: i } in a e Mr. Mrs. Mean?” with a competent leader, |w. Harri Walker, Administrators..
on steamer, railroad fare, Pullman, meals, side trips i iama, Ei gi rs Irvin Mayes and RE i Harrison Walker nistrators.
seashore at Galveston, Houston, Old Mexico, San Antonio and ares visiting Daniel Butler. trated sermon and parts for chil-
Saint Louis. Details of the Horry Williams end son, of Al |3ren, followed by Sxpetin, o|A on
: i , a ted to th dersigned th
ITINERARY toons, ‘spent several days with his |r Chorus, and a special discourse | stats”ol Maria Siruble lato or Fergu
Mrs ' Fietta Harter, children and nasi] Religion be Radics) or Cons BO ve othrad to said foo
. ’ servauve astor respon -
Friday July 25 Leave Altoona Tog PM A re A Sn Re
. sitors an € welcom! e same must presen em, uly au--
Tyrone 11.18 PM Mrs. Estella Butler, who is a|at and in this Church. Hentiteted, It BE is a
surgical patient in the Lock Haven |Rev. Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Pastor. HAR , Admr,.
. a . tod 3 : * W. Harrison Walker, State College, R. D.
26 Arrive New York 7.05 AM hospital, is getting along very nicely. ee Attorney, 75-25-61:
Saturday July 3 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams, of UNION CHURCH SERVICES.
Lv. New York 12 (noon) E.D. LST. Philadelphia, visited the former's The fre of he Sabbath Syoug UDITOR'S NOTICE—In the matter
\ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wil- | union church services was he f th tate of Willi A. Tice,.
Clyde Mallory Liner Mohawk out of New York 'liams. the Evangical church, last Sunday, A of “Union own, deceasen..
Harbor, passing the Statue of Liberty, and down ‘Harry Swartz, of Pittsburgh, is with Rev. William Snyder as the |p... aL
: fd visiting his mother, Mrs. Paul preacher. Next Sunday, July 13th, |the said Court has appointed the under-
the Atlantic Seabcard for two and one-half days. Swartc. and sister, Miss Nettie | Services will be heldin the Episcopal | signed Auditor to pass upon the excep-
: ; L Swartz. / church, Rev. C. E. Arnold, preacher; | §0%8 to, tog, fay agit, Of, ikon:
Tuesday July 29 Ar Miami, Florida 7-00 AM The Ladies Aid of the M. E. July 20th, United Brethren church, |of said decedents ‘estate, and to make
| church met at the home ‘of Mrs. Rev. Stuart F. Gast, and July 27th, Si anh Same
Sight-seeing Miami Beach, Miami, Cocoanut Edith Ekdahl, last Wednesday Presbyterian church, Rev. Robert | those legally entitled thereto in accord-
Grove and Coral Gables. evening. Thena. Be I ie a.
‘ . | Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Iams, of | ST. JOHN'S L AN | hearing will be held at th ra
Lv. Miami 4.30 PM | Lansdowne, spent arvey days with : JOHN'S. LUTHER CHURCH. | i wn Auditor at No. 20, rider's Ex-.
. | A 9:30 A. M. Bible school. change building, 2nd floor, north Al--
Two days crossing the Gulf of Mexico. |the latter's mother, Mrs. Lyde| 15.45 A. M, Morning service; |legheny street, Bellefonte, on Monday,
y | Pletcher. Sermon: “The Beatttude of the Der. | Lo, 10, day of July 150, at 10 orclark:
i Ar. Galveston, Texas 6.30 AM | Mr. and Mrs. Jason Snyder, of |secuted'. Er ey ronal the tis or
Friday August I Tr. alveston, 3 | York, spent the Fourth with Mrs.; 7:30 P. M., We unite with the forever be debarred from coming in om
Sight-seeing along the famous sea-wall and drive | i SI i Mr. and Mrs. | community service in the Episcopal | **% TOWEL. nO RUNKLE, anditos
, ; | Jas. : church. 75-24-6t. ’
on Beach, bathing, etc. Galveston 1s the Atlan- . | Mr. and Mrs. Austin Allison and Clarence E. Arnold, pastor. :
tic City of the South. children, of Philadelphia, are visit- HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a
ling Mrs. Allison’s mother, Mrs.
writ of Levari Facias issued out of
| Fietta Harter.
The test of two new fire the Court of Common Pleas of
Centre County, ti di d,
Saturday August 2 Lv. Galveston 12 noon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faris, and serine 7808 on Just 20th, dd mot Co in
Ar. Houston 1.30 PM | Miss Loretta Weber left, Monday, to > # nan’ ih i e - | House in borough of Bellefonte on
| motor to Philadelphia to visit Migs({actory than the ome Bele onte now FRIDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1980.
Sight-seeing in Houston, dinner on Roof Garden | Helene Weber. has, in the judgment of many| The ging Property: .
of Rice Hotel. | Mrs. George Griffith and son, of people. ments and lots oF ong eer ez
i H t P M | Ebensburg, are spending some Yue - - boing che Prong oz Eileghun ; gen
Vv. ouston with Mrs. Griffith’s mother, rs. , ., oun an es-
i "wh : ihc Li 9 Stella V. Williams. NEW ADVESTIEEMENTS x a BEGINNING
On the ‘Pioneer’ Missouri Pacific Lines. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers, of ng at PH] corner of ei and Market Sinees
. | Reading are visiting their parents, EPORT OF CONDITION OF THE | thence along Jarxet S ree astwardly
Sunday August 3 Ar. Harlingen, Texas 6.30 PM | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bowers and Farmers National Banke, No. 13118 | % fect anc 5,10egs, 10:0 JEl™ dong
: : " i Dr. O. W. Mcintyre. sylvania, at the close of business on said lot Northwardly 34 feet and 6 inches
Sight-seeing «Magic Valley,” where there are | Miss Josephine Muffly, who is an June 30th, 1930. thence Jlone 2 lot Eastwardly 1
cas . . | ’ : eet an C! ot now or late o
greater opportunities than in any other section of | instructress in the schools of New RESOURCES. A M. Butler, thence along Seid lot
: < : | Paltz, N. Y., is spending her vaca- | Loans and discounts ......... 162,408.08 | Northwardly 69 fost and 3 Inohes Bo ro
the United States today. % ! son at her home ang oe Othe : Dn stocks iid sei 17,657.50 Song. said. lot 15 feet So Tot. of
\ €S OWNEed ......cooeenereecvnucrerearanannnann, : ,
i Samuel Hoy, who hasbeen attend- Barong Fonte. cores Broo { Boggs: then Southwardly along said lot
Monday August 4 At Club House ‘ing Beckley College, at Harrisburg, Furnfiure and fctirad, $2,500 27,500.00 5 feet; Ben eyanlly Hong aid 100
is spending his vacation with his | Reserve with Federal Reserve dly along Mill street 48 feet and 9
Tuesday August 5 At Club House Oy Mos. Minnie Hoy. TL er ng Eg inches to the place of beginning.
| Charles Woodward and Miss | Outside checks and other cash i (ae SECOND TH ROR ERO
Wednes. August 6 At Club House Hallie Woodward, of Baltimo re, have Teme es bass her" oFlot above ariel, bed: t hones Korn:
: : Tal ir h n stree OEE iit ticnion sion 956,866.13 | wardly along line or said lo eet to-
These three days touring the Lower Rio Grande Valley, visit-- DERE ns vobx There ote 3 Cross fie” of sai “lot: thence Southerly
5 . . . | along sa >
ing some of the famous citrus groves and winter garden districts, | Rev. and Mrs. Mellott and family, LIABILITIES fine of lot now or late of L. C. Bullock;
: i . of Avis, called on friends in town, thence along said lot Southwardly 34
following by Surf Bathing at Padre Island on the Gulf of Mexico, On yfalot was a former | Gap sock wud in... SRR itl” rel’ Woolf 10 Thr ind
1 i 1Q1 i ; f the M. E. church here. Undivided profits—net ‘13 | 71% inches to the place of beginning.
fishing and yachting, visits to the quaint shops and age-old cathe pastor o he | Duo to banks, including corti- BEING the same premises which A. A.
. : : : : | The Woman's Home Missionary fieq and cashiers’ checks out- Dale, by his deed bearing date the 6th
drals in Matamoras (Old Mexico), and a wild game dinner in Mata- society of the M. E. church met (| standing oe: 75.26 | Be PY 1023, and recorded in
th ight f departure ; the home of Mrs. Willard K. Mc- periand opos] aren Ny entre JSoanty in Deel Bog 12 page
. i ime . 111. S vs a an v ]
moras on eng 0 P Dowell, on Wednesday afternoon. Bills Ponte and rediscounts 5,000.00 | Pearl G. Stuckey, Lane since intermar.
: i ; : mi ama i i now alled
Wednes. August 6 Lv. Har lingen 9.55 P M uy Mes, — norley Doub > TOLAL .ciieiin: ere renemivaaiosnesises $256,866.13 Pa Sontih a A in of the rete
: I ides at the of the first part hereto,
Af, Sia Antonio 643 AN of ru rs Wir Bah sgt, heyy Son of Om | ff 30 fF Gly SEAT, fn
is a ; a WE : Jr, cash-
Sight-seeing in San Antonio, including a visit to Miss Alberta Williams, daughter | ier of the above-named bank, do Fotemn- nee Pearl G. Stuckey and Enoch W.
the Old Alamo, the cradle of Texas Liberty; the OF A ot a Wiians Hruc"to" he best of EI ge Sale to commence at 1:80 o'clock P.M.
. ha : . : i : belief.
ancient Missions built by the Franciscan Monks several months, is able to walk out HAYS W. MATTERN, Jr., Cashier. Terms sith. © oan Sherer
and the beautiful Breckenbridge Park and Zoo. | again. is | Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.,
Subscribed and sworn to before me th
. Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Cartwright | 8th day of July, 1930. July 7th 1930. 75-27-3t
ic : i |W HARRISON WALKER, Notary Public i
Thursday August 7 Lv. San Antonio 5.00.4 M ond amily ana Rev. wid Mrs, Ying | WARES NH THN | (orem dione oy pn hd
3 i n i ! 3 | . rity. J. M. e e.
On the ‘Sunshine Special,” crack train of the | Tea Springs, near Loganton, on the Correct Attest: State Bellefonte, Pa 75-15-3m
: : : : : " REED. 0. STEELY ¥y y Eo :
Missouri Pacific Lines. | Fourth. | REED. Shouse - = -
St. Lon 11.30 AM | Mrs. Dean Bennison and daugh-! Ww. C. SMi Lion p—- :
i Ar. St. Louis . ‘ters, Jean and Sally, motored in| ircctors. pg
Friday August 8 ¢ from Indianapolis, Indiana, and are. : : R d
Sight-seeing in St. Louis, visiting Forest Park visiting the former's parents, Mr. R "Feat Nationa Bank. No. $24, a $5 3 oun
where Lindberg’s famous collection of trophies and Mrs. ps Plato |I* Bewmd in the State of Pennsyl. ° p
hie i Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer | s 3
are on exhibition, and the beautiful and famous ots Mr, ana !® 1930. pasa Palisades and Highlands
Shaw Orchard Gardens, also the business and Mrs. J. H. Weber, of Canada, were| =. sSauncys $140,572.10 OF THE
: : i i dinner guests, Wednesday, of Mr. | 70 : G ht oe aida IVER
resifentinl dite and Mrs. Howard Nagle, of Miles: | turities wned oo". 3580000 HUDSON RB
3 ) ds, stocks, securities
Lv. St. Louis 6.00 PM burg: | Other 010% Sages mh "196,806.43 NEWBURGH
Hon. and Mrs. P. C. Cauffiel and Banking house, $3,800, Furni-
On the “Gotham Limited.” children, of Johnstown, and Mr. and | Sn $3,827.16... 7,621.16 SUNDAYS
Mrs, Robert Lyman and children, of | Ngeije With Federal WOES 15000.00 July 20, September 14
: A y | BANK oo eeressensiieaseesrninbsesis sare ,000. A
. a . Coudersport, spent the “Fourth” with Cash and due from banks ... 32,676.63 ; :
Saturday Augu st 9 Ar Altoon 1 55 A M the ladies’ a Mrs. Stella V. tedemption “fund with U. 8. Leave Bellefonte . Sun £is BA
Williams. : i Cue and ue from U. 8. 1.250.00 Saturday night preceding excursion.
The only additional expense a person can have on this trip Mrs. Lizzie Gordon and Charles any EE See Flyers or Consult Agents
. $i. Eckenroth, of Fleming, and John OA ooo eneeee 1202 All Steel Equipment
ture. i 3 i
i i gs mE a Hd yi details of the sea day with irs. Gordon's and Mr. LIABILITIES Pennsylvania Railroad
Literature of the Llyde 2 A b h ye g 1 Pacihi h Holter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. capital stock paid in wooo % ESE :
trip, and also a pamphlet furnis y the Missouri Pacific on the Holter and family. Surplus ci a 20 ,
P, . pampn © tthe 1 Rio Grande Vall ib Herbert Vonada motored in from Undiviged Pro er
Beauties and Opportunities of the Lower Kio Grande valley wi e Detroit, Michigan, on Friday, re-' cencies ote. oii % ;
. : : i i ing no A
furnished on request. I have an optional return trip by sea, leav- taping Saturcay, sompanieq TY Jr banks including cert
oe . . 3 ’ fied and cashiers’ checks out-
ing Galveston on the Mohawk August 9th, arriving in New York been visiting her parents, Mr. and, standing... - 5
: : Mrs. Harry E. Butler. $ "
August 15th. Reservations should be made promptly, as space 1s ew I he ‘Time deposits .. wl
limited. Preference of location on ship given according to receipt formad chuten of Altoona, and Drv Swe UE ANRE $ A .25 Sundays
li . G. D. Robb, of Altoona, were in, oo re— July 20
of app ication. town, Tuesday, in the interest Of: state of Pennsylvania county of Centre, ss: ds September 14
For further information apply to the Reformed reunion to be heldat I W. K. McDOWELL, Cashier of the Trip Pp
Lakemont park, Altoona. | vhs “ie ibave Natement is true ad Excursion Train Leaves Saturday Night
I ir | best of my knowledge and belief. Preceding Excursion
Frank B. Wood, Barnesboro, Pa., Mr. and wer Gisgrd Alientetiers OTL Casi. ing Excursi
motore 9 Ba, : ie on t | Subseribed and sworn to before me this Standard Time
gro | [Govan commedSoturtey. orivging RF SHIH CTL] eee ae +o awn
wit! em Mrs. : h WALTER YEARICK,
Peter G. Meek, Bellefonte, Pa. { Mr. and Mrs. J. H. oe of | 3. commision — Mary Dati See Flyers or Consult Agents
Guelph, Canada, for a week's visit. rat Afloat: : ? ALL STEEL EQUIPMENT
Also a rail trip to Texas on July 18 | Mr, an Weber were visitig | TES, A ELETOIER Pennsylvania Railroad
en ed Mr. and Mrs. Yearick and the Directors.