Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 11, 1930, Image 1

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    — a.
—This is Tuesday evening, the
dio reception is so good that we
now the trout must be jumping.
hey always do when a storm isnot
rewing and there is no storm in the
fing else that old box would be
uzzing like the makin’s of a new
varm of bees. It is now seven-
irty, Spring creek is too muddy
yr fishing and Fishing creek is too
\r away to reach in time for the
vening fishing so there is nothing
ft for us to do but concentrate on
Ink Slings.” And what is there to
oncentrate on?
We might make a column of our
reek’s effort at loafing. You'll
smember that we told you, in the
ist column, that we intended to
af so hard that it would take
reeks of real work to recover from
1e effects. Well, that’s exactly
‘hat happened.
Minus fireworks, Japanese lan-
arns, the products of our private
oot-legger and men companions
re spent the Fourth in our new
amp with a woman,
As a matter of self preservation
7e here admit that it was a placid,
eaceful, pleasant week, but, Lordy!
Vhat memories were awakened and
ow we longed for the old crowd
7ith whom we spent our first night
f camping on Fishing creek many
ears ago. Five of them are dead
nd only two of the surviving six
ould go through that night and
vaken up smilin’ in the morning.
Be facts as they may we hugged
he probable delusion that we are
till possessor of the heart and
ripe necessary to such occasions. We
hink that if the old gang had been
here we would have been one of
he two with the spirit and en-
lurance to have wakened up under
he same pines last Friday morning
ind gone about the camp chores
lappy in the thought that it was
vonderful to be there.
If you don't get just what we
nean let us tell you that no matter
vhat men may do in the woods
Vature, so majestic, so impressive,
jo clean, subtly meets them with
efinement everywhere they look by
lay and lulls them to sleep with the
‘ipple of pure water and pine scent-
»d breezes by night.
Through many years of camping
ve have come to believe that the
ijearer one gets to Nature the
loser to God he is.
It matters little to us now how
nany trout we catch in a day.
lime was when the number in the
sreel in the evening was the meas-
ire of the success of the day. On
Thursday, we got the limit. Of
sourse that was unction to our pis-
:atorial skill, but on Friday we
aad no urge, as we once would have
had to go out and do it again. We
were content to loll about the cabin,
wondering why those majestic moun-
tains had been piled up just in
front of us, why the orchid-like
rhododendron bloomed in the thickets
all about, and what the purling wa-
ters that shimmered in glorious sun-
shine at out feet meant. When you
live with those mysteries a few
weeks in the year you don’t need a
preacher to tell you that there must
have been a Designer of it all. And
you don’t need a preacher to im-
portune you to come to Him, be-
cause you are already as near
as you can get—even tho you might
not realize it.
Yes, no matter what men may
do in the woods when they first sal-
ly forth, if they go back often
enough the woods will redeem them.
——The Philadelphia majority car-
ried Mr. Pinchot over the top eight
years ago but history rarely repeats
——The latest speed record for
air travel is 240 miles an hour,
which is fast enough for ordina
business purposes. .
— Colonel Lindberg is taking in
more territory. He is giving advice
and information on aviation to the
League of Nations.
The eighty year old New
York philanthropist who got mar-
ried the other day is somewhat of
an optimist as well.
——-Yt may have been noticed
that President Hoover never invites
Democratic Senators to breakfast,
but he lets them help him out ofa
, ——If John L. Lewis had stayed
out of the coal conference in New
York we would have stronger hopes
of justice for the miners as a re-
——If Conan Doyle can manage
to meet up with Dr, Watson in the
ther world there may be amuse-
ment other than harp playing in
The Senate met in special
session on Monday with a quorum
present to the surprise of every-
body. But that will probably be the
only surprise of the session.
_Some of the ladies in waiting
on Queen Mary of England must
have leaked. Gossip has it that the
‘Queen has taken to cigarettes and
VOL. 795.
John M. Hemphill, Democratic
nominee for Governor, was greeted
by an unexpectedly large crowd
when he opened his campaign with
an address at Hecla park on July
There were fully 8000 people on
the ground when the distinguished
visitor arrived and while it can-
not be said that all of them gather-
ed about the speaker’s stand, that
had been erected on the bank of
the lake, those who were not there
were not missed because several
thousand were there to give at-
tentive audience,
Mr. Hemphill was introduced by
county chairman John J. Bower
and spoke for half an hour on the
issues of the campaign. As he
proceeded it became more and more
apparent that his dignified, force-
ful manner of talking was making
an impression. Without recourse to
lambasting the Republican party or
uttering a single disrespectful refer-
ence to any of the other candi-
dates or the organizations backing
them be told his audience candidly
and with a logic that was convinc-
ing that the principles the Demo-
cratic party espouse in this cam-
paign are, fundamentally, the prin-
ciples of sound government. He
evaded none of the planks of the
platform on which he is waging his
campaign and his apparent serious-
ness impressed many with the idea
that his fight is for something more
idealistic in government, with the
possible repeal of the Eighteenth
amendment as merely a collateral
Mr. Hemphill held his crowd to
the finish. Many times he enthused
it to cheers and when he had con-
cluded the number who struggled to
shake his hand was proof that there
were more there who are actually
with him in his fight than some
thought there would be.
On Thursday evening a dinner
was given Mr. Hemphill and his
party at the Brockerhoff hotel. It
was an informal affair, arranged
hurriedly and without the issuance
of invitations. There was no" effort
to “drum up” a crowd, but sixty
three prominent Democrats from all
sections of the county were there,
Robert F, Hunter presided at the
dinner and introduced the guests
who were Mr, Hemphill, Sedgwick
Kistler, nominee for United States
Senator, John R. Collins, state chair-
man: Don Gingerich, our candidate
for State Senator; John G. Miller,
our candidate for the Legislature
and Warren Van Dyke, secretary of
the state committee.
All the gentlemen spoke. The
trend of their remarks being of the
hopefulness of the campaign for a
general house-cleaning in Pennsyl-
It was an enthusiastic party.
Every person there was impressed
with the possibilities for Democratic
success in the fall and inspired with
a spirit to go out and do something
to help in this fight for better
government and release from need-
less tax burdens and the arrogant
meddling of Washington and Har-
risburg in local affairs.
We regret that press for spacein
this issue prevents publishing the
address of Mr. Hemphill and those
of the others.
— ef pe ES RAS
“Jimmy” Bower, son of Mr. and
Mrs, John J. Bower, and a sergeant of
Troop L. 103rd regiment, N. G. P,
had his left hand so badly mangled
by a premature explosion of tor-
pedoes, atthe troop barn, near Cole-
ville, last Thursday afternoon, that
it was necessary to amputate the
hand at the wrist, at the Centre
County hospital, where he was tak-
en as soon as possible after the
With other members of the troop
“Jimmy” wasat the barn cleaning up
and burning refuse preparatory to
going away for the annual encamp-
ment and in anticipation of moving
to the new barn east of town. He
was holding a handful of torpedoes
when in some way they were dis-
charged and the explosion literally
tore his hand to shreds. In fact it
was so badly mangled that there
was no possible way in which any
portion of it could be saved. For-
tunately there has been no infection
and the young man will be able to
leave the hospital in a few days.
smokes two a day. Of course that's
the Queen’s business, but we are
only surprised, not horrified. Sur-
prised, because we thought a lady
who wears the hats she does and
skirts as long 88 hers would have
— Pennsylvania's largest 4-H club
camp drew 70 boys from Cambria
Cameron, Clearfield, Elk, Indiana,
Jefferson, and Westmoreland coun-
ties recently. The William Penn Boy
Scout camp near Indiana was the
reverted to a pipe.
gcene of the club boys’ activities,
Mrs. Lee Quiggle, Lock Haven, Met
Death in Motor Accident.
Mrs. Fola Quiggle, 27 years old,
of Lock Haven, was killed instantly
and seven others injured in a head-
on collision on the State highway,
three miles east of Snow Shoe,
about noon on July 4th. Mrs. Quig-
gle occupied the rumble seat .of a
Ford roadster driven by Howard R.
Oakes, of Jersey Shore, the party
being on their way to Clearfield. In
the collision she suffered a crushed
chest wall, broken jaw, fractured
skull and deep cut under the chin.
Mrs. Quiggle’s husband, Lee Quig-
gle, 24 years old, was with her in
the rumble seat. He sustained
severe cuts and bruises about the
head and was unconscious for more
than a day, but is now getting
along all right.
Howard R. Oakes, of Jersey
Shore, owner and driver of the car,
had both legs broken below the
knees, and sustained cuts and bruises.
He is also getting along as well as
can be expected.
Miss Irene Quiggle, of Lock
Haven, sister of Lee Quiggle, who
was in the front seat with Oakes,
sustained a number of deep cuts
and bruises and was rendered un-
conscious, but is now improving
All the above are in the Centre
County hospital and are expected to
The other car which figured in
the collision was a big Oldsmobile
driven by William Hultmark, of New
York city. He had with him Doro-
thy Olson, of New York, and two
small children of Mr. and Mrs. El-
mer Lunn, of Grass Flat, Clearfield
county. All the above were cut and
bruised but not seriously injured.
They were taken to the McGirk
sanitorium, Philipsburg, for treat-
Hultmark and Miss Olson had
been visiting friends at Grass Flat
and with the Lunn children were on
the way to Bellefonte. Stories differ
as to the exact cause of the acci-
dent. Mr. Hultmark claims that a
bee in his car caused Miss Olson to
scream and in attempting to Kill the
insect his car swerved to the left
right in the path of the Oakes car.
Others wha happened along right
after the accident aver that Hult-
mark attempted to run around two
machines that were just ahead of
him. He was coming up the hill
and around the sharp curve just on
this side of the Beech Creek trestle
at the time so couldn't see the
Oakes car which was going down
the hill toward Snow Shoe nor
could its occupants see him until it
was too late.
Coroner W. R. Heaton held an in-
quest and the jury, in it’s verdict,
cited Hultmark as guilty of contrib-
utary negligence in the driving oI
his car which resulted in the death
of Mrs. Quiggle. It is understood
that he will be held for court action.
Fred Saylor, of Bellefonte, and
Tracy Lambert, of Milesburg, both
suffered eye injuries from fireworks
on the Fourth. Saylor was the vic-
tim of a torpedo thrown by some
unknown person, which caught him
on the left eye, cutting quite a
gash and bruising the eyeball, but
it is not believed his sight will be
affected. =
Lambert was trying to light a
firecracker when it exploded, burn-
ing his face and right eye. The
sight, however, is not injured.
Out at Snow Shoe a number of
men were celebrating with fireworks,
among them Simon Seprich. The
crackers, however, did not make
enough noise for Simon, so he got
a piece of pipe and loaded it with
dynamite. “Me make big noise,” he
said. Two explosions were put off
and they did make a big noise. But
the third shot blew the pipe to
pieces and Simon got a good part
of it on one leg. In fact the leg
looked as if he had received & load
of shrapnel. He was brought to the
Centre County hospital where his
wounds were given proper attention
and it is quite likely the leg can be
The big barn on the Harry Antis
farm, in Buffalo Run valley, was
entirely destroyed by fire on the
morping of June 27th, entailing a
loss of $8000, on which there was
$5000 insurance. Some 35 or 40
chickens burned but no other live-
stock, However, a car, a two ton
truck and considerable farm ma-
chinery, as well
corn and oats was destroyed. The
origin of the fire is unknown. A
new barn will be built as soon as
as a quantity of!
Centre county has had a number
of hard rain, wind and electric
storms the past month which did
considerable damage. One on Tues-
day evening of last week was so
terrific out in the neightborhood of
Rockview penitentiary that a river
of water and mud swept
over a large portion of the
truck gardens as well as the fores-
try plots causing great damage.
Thousands of late cabbage plants
were either swept away or buried
beneath the mud and a large force
of inmates were put to work the
next day replanting the gardens and
straightening up the plants that
could be saved.
Terrific peals of thunder and vivid
lightning flashes accompanied the
storm. One bolt struck a big tree
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -O. B.
Malin, on east Linn street, split-
ting it from top to bottom. The
Malin children were nearby at the
time but were uninjured. Out at
Coleville three trees were struck by
lightning during the progress of
the storm, but no one was inured.
On Thursday, June 26th, a hard
storm swept over Pennsvalley, the
wind blowing down an old barn on
the D. C, Colyer farm, near Linden
Hall, while the barn on the William
Allison farm, at Spring Mills, was
struck by lightning and burned to
the ground. The livestock on the
Allison farm was saved but 300
bushels of oats, a quantity of hay
and many farm implements were
burned. Both barns were insured.
On Sunday afternoon and evening
a series of severe electric and rain
storms passed over this part of the
State. While the thunder and
lightning was terrific in Bellefonte,
and rain fell in torrents, no special
damage was done. Down Nittany
valley, however, between Hublersburg
and Lamar, corn fields and oats
fields were badly damaged. The rain
also did considerable damage in
Benner and College townships, and
Spring creek was so polluted with
yellow mud washed from the fields:
that it has. not yet cleared up.
‘Over in the Philipsburg region hail
fsiones as big as hulled walnuts ac-
companied the rain, doing a great
amount of damage to farm crops.
The strawberry season in Centre
county is over but there was no
reason for anyone not getting their
fill of short cake while the season
lasted. All ‘growers admit that the
berries did better this year than
even before and while the writeris
not posing as a connoisseur, he
does claim to know a good straw-
berry when he eats it, and without
hesitation claims that Centre county
berries are infinitely better in flavor
and quality, as well as larger in
size, than berries shipped here from
any other place.
While it is impossible to give any
approximate figures on the total
crop grown in the county, because
of the large number of growers, a
few figures have been obtained from
several of the largest growers which
will give some idea of the magnitude
of the crop. The Deitrick sisters,
living between Hecla park and
Hublersburg, had close to 38500
quarts, against a crop of 2500
quarts last year. Kyle Alexander,
near Julian, had a crop in excess of
one hundred bushels, which would
about equal that of the Misses
Deitrick. Up in Ferguson township
Mrs. Aaron Kepler had upwards of
two hundred bushels, while dozens
of growers gathered from 500 to
1000 quarts. The berries sold at
$5.00 per crate, or if purchased by
the box, 20 cents a quart.
—————— —————
Wednesday, June 25th, was the
fifty-fifth wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs, Abram Woodring, of
Port Matilda, but owing to a slight
illness of Mrs. Woodring the event
was not celebrated until Sunday,
June 29th, when a family gathering
was held. Mr. Woodring was 23
years old when he married Miss
Caroline Cogan, aged 18, at her
home near Port Matilda. For about
forty-five years they lived on their
own farm in Worth township, and
in addition to growing good crops
raised a family of seven children,
four daughters and three sons, all
of whom were home for the cele-
bration. The children are Mrs.
George P. Hoover and Merrill Wood-
ring, of Altoona; Mrs. Lon Bugh, of
| Amsbry; Howard Woodring, of
Nanty-Glo; Mrs. Clyde Confer, of
Orviston; Mrs. L. L. Lukens, of
| Janesville, and Joseph R. Woodring,
"state highway patrolman, of DuBois.
11. 1930.
NO. 27.
A strong and varied program has
been arranged for the Farmer-Ki-
wanis picnic of the State College
community to be held at Boal's
camp, near Boalsburg, next Thurs-
day, July 17th.
Two baseball games are scheduled.
In the morning at 10:00 o'clock the
Boalsburg High school team will
cross bats with the Rebersburg
Juniors. At 2:00 o'clock in the af-
ternoon the Senior team of Boals-
burg will meet their ancient rivals
representing Pine Grove Mills.
A horseshoe pitching tournament
is being arranged. Preliminaries
will be held during the morning with
finals scheduled for the afternoon.
The champion team will be selected
from three teams, each representing
farmers and the State College
Kiwanis club.
Events for boys under 16 years
of age include three legged race, po-
tato race, 50 yard dash, a 50 yard
relay race between rural and Kiwa-
nis children, and a sack race. Boys
are asked to take their own sacks
for the latter event.
Girls under 16 years of age will
compete in a potato race, a 25
yard dash, a 50 yard relay race be-
tween rural and Kiwanis children,
and a sack race with each com-
peting girl supplying her own sack.
Ladies will participate in a base-
ball throwing contest and a 25
yard dash.
Prizes will be awarded to the
winners in each of these contests.
Prizes will also be awarded tothe
tallest man present at the picnic,
the largest family, the girl with
the reddest hair, the boy with the
most freckles, the man with the
baldest head and to the largest
william S. Jeffries will be in
general charge of the sports pro-
A good time is promised to all
Attendance is open to everybody in
the State College community, wheth-
er living in town or country.
Reports from camp Wapalane, the
summer resort of Bellefonte Hi-Y
boys along the lower Bald Eagle,
are to the effect that they are hav-
ing a grand time.
Their tents are pitched on the
bank of the Bald Eagle where there
is a sweep of almost three miles
of smooth water for canoeing, waa-
ing, fishing and swimming. The
stream, on both sides, is bordered
with giant trees whose branches
almost meet so that it is most pic-
The forty-three boys now in camp
are grouped and sleep in large
army tents under the supervision
of a captain. They have a spacious
permanent cook house and mess
hall and an unfailing spring the wa-
ter from which has been “O. Kd”
by the State Health Bureau.
It is a delightful place, under
most capable supervision and the
boys are having the time of their
lives—especially because they have
an excellent cook and bounteous
supplies and varieties of food.
On Tuesday night Supt. Heineman
brought the entire outfit up to
Bellefonte to see the Byrd pictures,
—————— A ——
When Mr. and Mrs, Paul Gentzel,
of east Howard street, got up on
Sunday morning, they went down
stairs leaving their three month’s
old baby daughter, Betty Ann,
asleep in her crib. About ten o’clock
Mrs. Gentzel went upstairs and was
horrified to find her baby dead. In
some way the child had gotten its
head fast in the side of the crib and
strangled to death. In addition to
the parents a brother and sister
survive, Junior and Marie. The
funeral was held on Tuesday after-
noon, burial being made at Pleasant
— The daily vacation Bible
school held for three weeks at the
High school building, closed on June
27th, at which timea demonstration
and exhibition was given of the
work done by the children during
the session. Many mothers were
present. The memory work of the
children, both in Bible verses and
songs, was splendid. The high at-
tendance during the session was 184,
while sixty-seven boys and girls re-
ceived certificates for perfect at-
tendance, Taking everything into
consideration it was regarded as the
most successful session ever held.
—— The R. R. operating tower at
Snow Shoe Intersection was closed
two weeks ago and the three men
who had charge of the eight hour
tricks were laid off temporarily.
L. H. Robbins in the New York Times.
From here to Los Angeles tho I may
The places I visit are sadly like home.
In Buftalo, Birmingham, el or Eau,
The Endless Chain Grocery follows me
In Bichmond, El Paso, Des Moines and
In Boston, Biloxi, Bellefonte and Beloit,
The folks, with accord that a traveler
Appear on the street in the same kind
of clothes.
On local affairs and on world economics
They think the same thoughts, for they
read the same comics;
And o;[ngtord's way
as Milwaukee's
Thanks to the equal diffusion of talkies.
Oh! for a parish jeculiar and quaint!
Oh! for a spot where conformity ain't!
But vainly I scan the whole phantas-
Seeking a town that is not like Em-
are the same
Items from the Watchman issue of
July 16, 1880.
—OQur census enumerator says
that Snydertown numbers 37 resi-
dents, Zion 65 and Hublersburg 171.
—Rev. Furst, late graduate of the
theological seminary at Gettsburg,
preached in the Lutheran church at
Zion last Sunday. It is likely he
will receive a call to serve that
charge because Rev. Divin, of Sa-
lona, vacated it a few weeks ago.
—At the recent commencement
exercises of State College Centre
county students figured prominently,
Edward R. Chambers, of Half Moon
township, won the Junior Oratorical
contest: James Hamill, of Oak Hall,
delivered an oration on “The import.
ance of an early choice;” Miss Esther
E. Hunter, of Stormstown read an
essay on “Light and Shade”; Geo.
P. Rishel, of Benner township, de-
livered an oration on “Individuality,”
and L. E. Reber, of Mill Hall, was
the class valedictorian. His sub-
ject was “ Vocality of Silence.”
—Dayvid I. Pruner Esq., one of the
oldest and best known citizens of
Bellefonte, died on the 5th inst. at his
residence on Bishop street. Deceased
was identified with the construction
of the Bald Eagle canal from this
place to Lock Haven and was large-
ly instrumental in securing the
tharter for and building the Tyrone
and Clearfield railroad.
—Died on Sunday, the 4th of
July, Kitty Dale the little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sampsel, of
Benner township. She was aged 2
years, 6 months and 7 days, She
had been kicked on the head by a
horse in the pasture field, on the
20th of June, but was supposed to
be recovering from the injury when
she suddenly became worse and
died. Our sympathy goes out to
Mr. and Mrs. Sampsel. They have
lost two children within two years.
The other, a little boy, having been
drowned by falling into a spring.
—The first train has been run over
the L. C. C. & S. C. railroad from
Tyrone to Warrior's Mark. It was
a construction train and killed a
Brew, broke his collar bone on F'ri-
day last. That was a day of acci-
—Mr. Thomas Ryan, an aged
citizen of Howard, was found dead
in bed last Friday morning by his
wife who had gone to call him for
for breakfast.
— Mrs. Gregg, wife of Col. Theo-
dore Gregg, died at their home in
Milesburg on Wednesday morning
—On Friday last William Fellen-
baum, son of John Fellenbaum, of
this place, and aged about 18 years,
met with a terrible accident while
working in the machine shop of W.
P. Duncan & Co. He was engaged
in putting a belt on a pulley in mo-
tion and in some way his hand got
caught between the belt and the
pulley so that he was whirled around
the shaft with fearful violence. When
the machinery could be stopped and
the young man was extricated it was
found that his arm was broken
above the wrist and that his first,
second and third fingers were torn
off the hand and the tendons to them
stripped from the elbow. Dr, Kirk
was at the scene promptly, set the
broken wrist and dressed the wound-
ed hand so that it is thought the
thumb and little finger can be saved.
—On Tuesday of last week while
he was working about the woolen
mill at Oak Hall David Dale slipped
and fell into one of the dye kettles
that was nearly full of a boiling
compound. He succeeded in drag-
ging himself out, and though horri-
bly scalded, ran to the nearby race
where he immersed himself and
found some relief from the scalding
acids that saturated his clothes.
Most of his body, excepting the
abdomen and chest is terribly burn-
ed and there is very little hope en-
tertained for his recovery.
—The star performers in the ex-
hibition given in Reynolds opera
house, on the evening of the 2nd
inst. by Mr. John M. Duncan's
scholars were Miss Lida McGinley,
Harry Keller, Geo. Glenn,’ Francis
Speer, Miss Lizzie Shortlidge, Miss
Kate Powers, Miss Emma Graham,
Edward Richard, Israel Sternberg
and Master Willie Woodward, of
Howard. While we congratulate
them all we were specially charmed
by the lovely singing of Miss Brad-
ley and Miss McCalmont.
——Leo Kline, 20-year-old youth
who figured in the Beech Creek
bank robbery last September, and
who was captured at Schenley early
in May, was given an indeterminate
sentence in the Huntingdon reform-
atory, by Judge Baird, at Lock Hav-
en, two weeks ago. The young
man’s father, H. N. Kline, and Ray-
mond Shope are serving terms of
from 20 to 40 years in the western
penitentiary for the part they took
in the robbery.
—_Joseph, a little son of Mr. Austin